Of Of: Documents The Post
Of Of: Documents The Post
Of Of: Documents The Post
Verification of Original Documents in respect of candidates provisionally selected against the post of
Tr.AE(Elecl.) (now TT.AEE(Elecl.) notified vide Notification No.1/CGM (Adm, lS&ERPy2017, Dated: 04.03.2017 and
not filled, due to non-reporting of certain candidates for original certificate verification - Reg.
It is hereby notified that, appointment orders to the selected candidates against the above Notification have
been issued vide G.O.O.No.181/CGM(Adm,IS&ERP)/2017 Dated:01.12.2017 (Electrical, Mechanical & Electronics)
and vide G.O.O.No.182/CGM(Adm,[S&ERP)/2017 Dated:|l.12.2017 (Civil). ln pursuance to the Hon'ble High
Court orders dated:26.12.2018 in LA.No.1 of 2018 in W.P.No.310 of 2018, the list of candidates whose Hall Ticket
Numbers given below are provisionally selected for Trainee Assistant Executive Engineers (Electrical) in the
ratio of t:i. ttrey are requested to applar before the undersigned on 05.08.2019 at 10.30 A.M.,3'd floor, Vidyut
Soudha, Gunadala, Vijayawada along with the original documents mentioned below for verification.
Zone - !V
ii. Documentary evidence of age viz., SSC/ICSE/CBSE or Date of Birth Certificate issued by the
competent authority.
vi Certificate issued by the District Medica! Board in respect of physically challenged with specific
indication of the percentage of disability.
Further, more, you are informed that, if the above documents are found correct with reference to the details
mentioned in their Online Application, they are required to deposit the above original documents and submit the
following documents to the Department at the same time, so as to, enable to issue appointment orders.
ll, Certificate of Physical Fitness issued by a Govt. Medical Officer of rank not lower than that of
Civil Surgeon (or) District Medical Officer. (Proforma enclosed)
The Attestation Form in quadruplicate (4 sets) . (Proforma enclosed) duly filled in by the
candidate (along with Xerox copies of Educational qualification certificates viz.SSC,
lntermediate/Diploma, BE/B.Tech.).
iv. A bond . (Proforma enclosed) duly executed on non-judicial stamp paper worth Rs.100/-
(Rupees One hundred only) to the effect that he/she will serve the CORPORATION for a
minimum period of 5 years in addition to training period, in case of appointment on regular
And also, they are informed that, failure to report as required above will entail non-consideration of their t
candidature for the post of Trainee Assistant Engineer (Elecl.) (now Assistant Executive Engineer (Elecl.) by
\t lt\ \\:l
\.\\It. I
IiI l)r'r1*,,r0t,,,,, I
l.attr: \iulrc
\trrr't & I(uail
I i
\,1;irtd;r! litluk
l)itr (. rril.' I
,. 1 .,
Atlrst*liitn [: r'rrnr.
ir ) I'rllr"rirrtt I
,l ii
l'!\ t ,r.ir
Il,rt,rc \rr.
*) l'.t'tIlilr)l,tl I {trtrr*,\iltlr*rr I ;lll{ \iir11i
, :rittt.t lt,,trri
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r:rr l iilltr:l
thr \'lrrrlr*r
lc) \\'ili:'l luslrrrnrJ
i ii i l)111t1'
rtl' \\ ilr": I :{uslr:rrrii
, h) l,rtre nr .\llc
,' i \:tr .!i .\\(' \lirt:,1rti.rll{'rl
s .r r lir:l;r'lr il
(h, .\re ){ru l rn(nrh(r ol'Schedulcrl ('.rrtc Scitcduiud lj'ibc l}ircltrrarri ( lir"r'.'
, , ,: ..
( irttlrr:rtiorr
i \t rr litr.':
iltl,tl l: ii .ri i{ rrl
l{i lt' hal r at lintr: ltr:rn detiiiis. r:ncllrt certifittl c ll'the rilr
I ),.t::ti:tlirrrr rrl' lil:l I"rtll lrddresr ol'thr I l;r! i 1 \|t lrirrrit ;rl .iti:
llilil ,ri {'l\rt! l illlir}| (}1' Olf ie c. l irru tr :il:ti ili:tDt:.r'ri fa,itlrr rrl
rr, rL Irrrtitutinrr it,,rt 'at \ iii ,a,,it:tli.,ri 1,,
iJta t1(1:t l: -r, ;:i1;1,..
.rrt. .l.':,:ti:
Irlt:r t,r
:;-l ::
..1.r,i,i, l'_r rh.' \l't'-li,irc t. ititrl il app*irlrri il:rilitt!1.
.':. t.'.' i,'i'..1r :,'-,,r;r-j(r.il).;.:li:rr,:r',r'!1(..,rll:,:r'- r"'ri,,.. . \i..:'.: r,.t.. .;rJ..1...'
!.'r-'. il'r; illl l',:l-1ir'rlilrl'' !il.ll"!'lrr,'iilllltrii. rlllii'Llr'al ;r,i.: \1. l,r:!1.\rl] .ir,,;rl.J i,, :.,t;:l
rf,l(rc!:s l{1 !\'i}r.lr}r }L}u itrc kltrrrrn. {pitXonS 3bAll fl$l hr: blntd rtlstivt.r}.
Relcrr:e-l l{cl'rrr:e-l
I i1tr:!' .1l];ii it't'!it1i
l'rirl \ri.
l..trrr' \;rrrir
\itrr'l .! l{r'"ltl
\.' i1 11...;'
tLit,t t: , rlrri
I .',, I
l'lli ( t,rlr
I I ltcrrhr rl-:ciirrr-'llrirt tlir'>lil{urrlcrrls rtilrltr in t}ri: lilrnr ilr!'lrLli'1rr ilrc hc>t trl nrr
l, 111 1y, lq:11!rr. i161 lr,"r I i r": l':
I anl lulI1 a\t'nru that lilrnishing irl" false intirrnlrlli(]n or sLlltprcssion *l^ l]r\ iiictull
Altclititliott l::ortl rlr,ruld bc a cltsqtutlillcrrtirrn lud is likclv to ruxlcr nru
rnlirrnration i$ tht'
unlil tiir cntpkr-r rrtertt unrlcr thc (iolcnuncttt.
l I lrrr iilso llllr uu'are tlrut ii it rrol:tc-; tn rttltir:e irt Jn\ tirrrc ilurinr-l nl\ sl'r\ ir:e lhat lul-s*
ittlitrnri.itiltt-t ltas hcctt lirrrtishcil ilr lhil1 thcru lias hr.:Cn :upl)l'cr:irrtt ,,t ,.r(ili.rj iiltirj'rn.rti(tn ill
lh..,tttcstati{rr lr()n'lt. lny scr\.iccs uttultl ht liahh.: to lrc tu'rttiuatecl srrlcl) orr this r:rourrr-l.
('I.RI IFI('-.\1'r 'lJ)..tlr: SIG\r:t) B\', .,\ G,tzl"'t"t'It) ()['r t('t..R (]tt \il.t]il31,:t{ (}r
tr.L(;tst.i\t't'ltl:()R o"rHr.R,\lrTIttlt{tT'!' \s 1,til.:s( til}}[t) t]\ 't'il1.
.\PI'Ol N',t'tN( ; ALrrH(}Rt"t'\ .
tltr: lltst Ycars itnd Nlrrrttlts ittttl lu tltr: hcsl (rl"rlr\ llroule,.ise lrrrl hulirl". tlre
l)ilt c: lSigrratur.t )
l'l:rcc: Iirnre.t l)csignrrtion trilh Strrl.
in ext*ss *fi *elo,,v tt'te star:ciard prescrihed. *r except I do/do nol consrder thrs a disqurriificaticn l*r th*
*mpi*ynrent h* $sek*
I cla further certrfy thal in my opr*ion his general physical conditinn rs such as to enable hlm lo
s*rforry1 sfficiently lne arttve dutie* *l executive servlce
{!n kgsi
l-iis Vrs,*lal
ls N,:lnr;l
Hypernrrtropic i i
ir"{$re c,rl*r lne ,leUrse of defent and the $trength *f cnrrecti*n of glassrsi
Myopic i i
iHers enter the dqgree af defect and th* s{rangth cf *crrcclicn of g{as**s}
lrlere enter th* degr*e nf delect and the strength oi correctisn *f glass*si.
Hearing is normal,,defective iMuch or stight)
Llrine-Doe* ehernical examrnation show q1) alburnen. tZl Srgar, if sc state sp*crfrc gravity
Persorral Marks {atle*st twc should be mentioned)
Slaticn Dexignation
Lld -e
{ -t a
Tire candrdate n"rust make ihe $lat$ment required below priorto his medical cxaminaliorr and must sign the
cinclaralicn. app*r:ded thcreto i''its attention is specrally dir*ctect lo lhe warning conlaified in the nctrr belc'rv.
bi Any other dise*$6 *r accrdenl requiring confinement to bend and rnedical or surgrca;
ci $tl{fured from any illness. wound or rnjuries sustained while on active services during the
[:ath*r s xge if livina and Father s age at death & l!o.r:f br*thers livinq. Nc.nf hrr:llrers d*ad.
state xlf ,rBfr1th cau*e *:f daath their xg*s & $tate *{ th€il sge$ anfi cause cf
hoalth death
Ir$other s age if llurng and lr,lother's aEs at death & No.of sislers Iving their N* , o{ $istsrs dssd, th$ir
slat* sf health caLrse *f dealh *g*s & $tate ai heailh a$s$ an{$ car"rse cf
....)------... -...
i declfrf* lha,l all ihr ahave afls'i!*ers are true and corre ct ts the i)*st af nry kn*wlecige
NOTE: The candidatc will he held respontible for the acclrracy of tlr* above staten,enl. By willfully
suppressins any tnfcrmation hershe urill incur lhe risk of losing the app*intInBnt and il app*intrd fcr iorfeiling
all claimg to superarrn::alicn alt*wance or gratrilty
Dehtpr Qrn
Dl0 {Stat"rs o{
Residenr at
in the Distnct of
tn tne Mandal of
Resrding at rn the S
(r Drstrict tf rn the Mardal o{
\ (;
lJ.! I
i) \
btnd alrseives yorntly and severally io the Andhra Pradesh Power Generatron Corporation Lrmited I)
i I) thereinafter referred to as tlre APGENCO) which expression shall. where the context so admits include its
succe$s*rs for payment of (ij Rs.50,0001- plus stipend received or {ii) Rs 1,00,0001- as the case may be by
way of :iquidated damages to the APGENCO I
Signed by us thrs the day of 201 0
Srgnatures. 'l
(1'1 Surety)
lll*o $uretyl
Witness. 1
a service bond for the above-mentioned surn with such conditions as hereunder written with the above
(3) as sureties
-1 Now the conditrons ol the abou* wnften bond are such that (il if for any reason other than death or
dtsability or other causes acceptable to the APGENCO. the bounden leaves the Corporatron dLrrrng the
pertod of trarnttrg helshe shall refund to the APGENCO the amount of strpend received by himjher pius
Rs 50 000/- {Rupees Frfty Thousand only} by way of liquidated
damages wrthin one month of dernand iiit
of five years after successful completion of training and shail during such perrod of service abide tiy all the
\ S
Rules and Regulations as will be app$cabte to him/her lf for any reason otller than death or drsabiiity
I or
(i other causes acceptable to the corporation. the Bounden fails to serve the APGENCo for at ieast frve year-s
\ he/she shall pay the APGENCO by way of iiquidated damages a sum of Rs 1 00.0001-
iRupees cne iakh \
cnlyi wrthin one month of demand Unless the sard bounden {1) rS preyilnted by :
accrdent or rll-health certified by a competent medical authority for serving the APGENCO at least fer a l
I :1
tS rem,rved frcm i
rll ril
ssrvice for any misconducl before the expiry of the sard period of five years or shall for reasnns af,.eptabie
(' l
the I
to appointing authority that he/she is unable to compiy wrth all or any of the terrns and condilions of :
\ jemploymentat]oVenamedTheabovebounden(1}-andcr \
l) r2 i 1ut SuretyJ and 0r l)
r"lr (2"d Surety) shall at all times within thrrty days l I
l) !
cf the receipt of notice rn writing from lhe appointing authority pay all sunrs of money that i'I'lay beuom* I
l payable or refundable to the APGENCO by the above bounden under any by vrrtue of the above ctnditions
I of the bond. I
4 Provtdecj that any forgiveness or forbearance on the part of the APGENCO tor,vards the above bclnrlen in
respect of hls/her lailure or neglect to periorm such services and duties or any lorbearance or inclilgence
sholvn by the satd APGENCO whether as to payrnent. time for performance or otherwise shall not any lvay
reiease or exonerate lhe sureties or sither of them. their or either of their executors or adminislratcrs in
respect o, thetr or hislher lrabrlity under tl're above written bond.
{? by vrrtu*
cf this bnnd. as were arrears of land revenue under the act pertarning ti: the recovary qf len* rcv*nue
Offrcral Desrgrraticn
i (if helshe rs an employee of
5 the Staielcentral Govt. / S
I Corporatr0n stc ,) I
(; (i
Perr-ranent Address
i\ N
I I'
ll Srgned by the 2no Suret"v (3i Ii
'vVrlh pcsial address Ii
I: l:
ul' Of{icral Designatron
(' ('
-\ Offrcral Address
(if he/she is an employee of I \ i
l) Permanent Address I) I
1,. I"
(and their address rn fuil)
NOTE Th*: Sureties rrusl be
lt Persons l":clding encumbered rmmovable property worth about Rs i 00 Lakh and ancve cr'r
productlon of encumbrance certificate and properly valuation cenifrcate from offrce of the M R 0
where the pr*perty rs situated {necessary cerldroate fram the cancerned Tahstldar Snall be
enclcsed J
Engtneer in Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Lrmrted under take that. I abide by the Rules
and Regulations applicable or as frarnerJ by the Andhra Pradesh Power Generatton Corporation Lrmited and
as amended fronr time to time. that the Tripartite Agreernents enlered into between APSIts. Government ol
i' P and the AtrSEB Employees Assocrations are not applicable to me as such agreement.r,Jas enterec rnto
v"'lren I was neither an employee of APSEB/APGENCO nor a nrember of any Employees Association and
hence that t shall at no stage be entitled to claim any right whatsosuer alsrnE out of the sard l'rrpartite
l. l'*tlrcr's \urrre
.1. l]:rl* ol'llirtl: xnrl ,.\l:e
( lasr i Snlrr* un,,l place rr l" !r"'lt*ol l) rtlll {]l , it*iaiiii'i {}t'rri;;; a;i' i,ig \aiirirh nil Year
\\ tt
\'il t
r ll'
I ,irIa
(ltr lx;rroduttrrl h1'sueh carttidates llho hrve nul sturlietl irt unv rrluraliorr;rl
irrstitution during the nholtr or iln\ part* of the relcruut {;'? rears lxriorl but claim tu
lrr: lorll ctndirlatr:s bl yirtut of rcsidenec ftrr rthich thcrc is rrlrr\irtiun lirr loerrl
ua rrtlirlirtcs, )
It is hcrcln' certifir:tl.
th) lhitt he ,'Slrc ltirs n<lt studicrl irt ilrrr cduurtirlnal institrr{ion ilurirrg thr rrhrrlu.irr }1urt r!i"
tltt,l'7 cortsccutirc a,"adrn:ic .rclrs encling rrith the ar.:lrjtruit- -reur i;r rrhich hc slre llr.t
lpptarcd lirr ll:c i* fir rcsitid,;xurl"t i rrut on. i
(c) lh*l in thr:417 -reurs ilnrncdi*te l1 prec*ding the cr:mmcnrr;rlncr)t ol'tlrc uloreuid
e rrrninatitu hc,'shc rcsided irt thc tirllo*,ing placc;plaecs nurl,.:lr:
( )t'llce scal
()ll'ir-:e r trl'i{stenuc I)e ptrtriltnt
I )rtlcil