MicroStrategy Analytics Product Harnessing
MicroStrategy Analytics Product Harnessing
MicroStrategy Analytics Product Harnessing
of data for
competitive advantage.
microstrategy.com/analytics 1
is enterp
ready i
MicroStrategy Analytics
is enterprise-ready
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Comprehensive dashboards
Data discovery
in a Security
Big Data
Cloud deployment
Adobe Systems
”We are putting live data for the first time in
the company’s history in front of key executive
decision makers at a moments notice.”
– Jeremy Hadley, Sr. Manager, Business Intelligence
and Master Data Management
4 microstrategy.com/analytics
Brilliant visualizations.
Discover patterns, trends, and relationships hidden
in your raw data with a suite of intuitive, interactive
data discovery tools. Stop looking at grids and start
visualizing your data.
Effortless dashboards.
Building self-service dashboards has never been
faster or easier. Quickly turn visualizations into an
enterprise-ready, pixel-perfect dashboard without
the need to start from a blank canvas.
microstrategy.com/analytics 5
Mobile apps powerful
”Thanks to the MicroStrategy platform, our store managers have access
to the sales data they need, from anywhere at any time, empowering
them to make vital strategy decisions on the fly. The [time and money]
savings have been considerable.”
6 microstrategy.com/analytics
Finally, a mobile platform secure enough
to put highly sensitive data into the
hands of your mobile workforce.
MicroStrategy delivers the most secure commercially
intelligence server
available mobile platform in the marketplace. For
almost all mobile security requirements, customers
have everything they need within the MicroStrategy
platform: encryption of data in transit and at rest,
remote access revocation, support for certificate
server, single sign-on, credential management, user-
level security controls, and much more.
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Sophisticated analytics on supersized
Big Data. Made simple.
Data summarization Trend analysis Benchmarking Relationship analysis Projections Optimization Predictions
Enterprise applications Relational databases Cloud-based data Personal, departmental Big Data and Hadoop
8 microstrategy.com/analytics
Big performance for Big Data
MicroStrategy makes it easy to transform your Big Data into
business insights. Analyze data located anywhere, regardless of
shape and size. Blend data from multiple sources and present it
clearly and cohesively. Leverage a vast array of advanced analytics
and predictive models to make intelligent decisions faster than
ever before. In-memory analytics ensures blazing speed and
performance, so you can fearlessly analyze the largest data sources
through intuitive, appealing interfaces.
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MicroStrategy Secure Cloud:
Revolutionizing everything you know about business intelligence.
12:30 PM 100%
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Enterprise-grade analytics meets
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Enterprise analytics +
enterprise-grade cybersecurity
Multi-level authentication
Touch ID access
12 microstrategy.com/analytics
MicroStrategy combines the world’s
most sophisticated analytics
platform with Usher, a revolutionary
mobile identity platform. It’s a
simple, seamless, and secure way to
verify user identity when accessing
and sharing critical corporate
information and insights.
Usher builds on the MicroStrategy
Analytics platform, which already
offers best-in-class security features, Users can easily and quickly log into
Usher badges replace MicroStrategy user IDs
and passwords with secure biometrics, device
validation, and dynamic security codes.
Administrators get 360-degree visibility into
all network identity actions to analyze and
control user authorization patterns.
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Thousands of industry leaders rely on MicroStrategy.
Analysts agree.
Business Objects
BI Platforms
Oracle BI
© BI Scorecard 2014
Legend: Excellent Good Limited Minimal/None Does not compete in this segment
BI Scorecard® evaluations are the only independent reviews of analytics solutions based on hands-on product testing, digging into
the details that most affect BI deployments. For more information, please visit www.biscorecard.com.
14 microstrategy.com/analytics
Brilliant, easy-to-use self-service visual analytics.
Download MicroStrategy Desktop and in minutes create stunning,
interactive data visualizations and data-driven stories.
16 Towers
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