Newsletter No 11 - 7 July 2017

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Headmistresss Newsletter

Issue 11 7 th July 2017

Sports Day
The rain was dodged once again for our the main
sporting event of the year. The gazeebos arrived early
in the morning and the burgers w ere cooking nicely as
the races began!

The children shows a great deal of grit and

determination, along with some admirable
sportsmanship. We were all particularly pleased to
welcome our Kindergarten children to the event I
think we have some future sporting champions among

Hood won the House Cup as they received more

points on the day, and Jude Murphy was named
Victor Ludorum (Winner of the Games) for individual
achievement. Well done!
Page 2

Professional photo graphs taken

at Bron te Festival and on Spo rts
Day (a selection of which have
featured in this N ewsl etter) are
available to view via:
www.t /cli ent-
showcase using the passwo rd
If you wish to purch ase an y
photos please contact Amrit
Mobile: 07789811345.
Page 3

The Scottish Play

Year 6 undertook a mammoth task when they decided
to stage their own production of Macbeth. With an
amazing backdrop provided by Mrs Britton, there was
murder and treachery a-plenty! Stand out
performances from Macbeth (Frank Masters) and Lady
Macbeth (Bonnie OBrien) ensured the evening was
full of drama! Well done to the whole cast and crew.

Safeguarding on Social Media

Many classes have this week been warned about a new version of Snapchat which allows users to track or stalk
their friends. Mrs Singh has explained the potential issues surrounding this to the children, and encouraged them to
switch to ghost mode. Please be aware!
Page 4

Silver Stars

Silver Stars are a rare occurrence, but two girls in

Year 5 are worthy recipients. Well done to Leila
Sandhu and Verity Storrie who both received theirs
in Assembly this morning.

Safety in Action
Safety in Action is an interactive event for Year 6
children to learn about some of the dangers they
may face as they b ecome more independent and
prepare for transition to secondary school. Our
pupils participated in scenarios which were set up by
many different organisations including Kent Police,
Kent Fire and Rescue Service, RNLI, KCC, Drive to
Ensure, British Heart Foundation and UK Power

Speeches & Prizegiving

Next week sees the culmination of a whole academic
year of hard work, as we award our cups and
certificates and celebrate achievement across the
School. All Bronte families are welcomed to this
event to be held on Tuesday 11 th July (4.00pm Lower
School) and 7.00pm (Upper School). This year there
will be allocated seating for the Year 6 par ents as
they bid their final farewell to Bronte School.
Page 5

Year 5 Scientists Looking Ahead

Year 5 carried out their sound investigations in
science yesterday. Each group devised their own Mon 10 th July Miss Amelia LAMD A Examinations (all
way of finding out how to either muffle sound or day)
how the decibel level would change when a pebble Lower School Disco (5pm 6pm)
was dropped into a range of substances. Upper School Disco (6.30pm 8pm)

They all ensured fair testing and they were able to Tues 11 th July Speeches & Prizegiving, Lower School,
evaluate whether their predictions had been The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
correct. All were encouraged to think scientifically Saints (4pm)
about what they had learnt and how they might Speeches & Prizegiving, Upper School,
improve an investigation next time. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints (7pm)

Wed 12 th July Finish School (12 noon)

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