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School San Gabriel Central School Grade Level Five

Grades 1-
Teacher Venus V. Macato Quarter Second
Teaching Date and Time Aug 12-16, 2019 Month August
Daily Lesson Log
Week 1

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

August 12, 2019 August 13, 2019 August 14, 2019 August 15, 2019 August 16, 2019

SUBJECT MATTER Providing Accurate Instructions

1.Identify main idea, key sentences

and supporting details of a given
LEARNING 2.Write the main idea, key
COMPETENCY sentences and supporting details of
a given paragraph.
3.Observe politeness at all times.
4.Take care of one’s health.

K-12 Curriculum Guide

in English V
TG-Q2-WK1 pp.3-6
LM-Q2-WK1 pp.2-5
LEARNING RESOURCES: Lesson Guides in Elementary
(printed, non-printed, and English 5 pp.124-125
online sources from the Enjoying Reading 5 p.102
LRMDS portal) Vision 6 Integrated Reading and
Language for Communication Arts
in English p.94
Selections, chocolate, picture,
I. Preliminary
STRATEGIES/ What are signal words?
II. Developmental
(Show some chocolates)
Who among you love to eat
What is your favorite brand of
chocolate candy?
Have you ever wondered how this
yummy food came to be?
Today, we are going to read the
selection entitled “Quick History of
Chocolate” to find out how
chocolate came to be. In later
discussion, we are going to get the
key sentence, supporting details,
and main idea.
a.Who were the first people to
cultivate the cocoa beans?
b.Where was the drinking of hot
chocolate a favorite?
c.When did chocolate become a
chewable food?
d.Why were chocolates given to
soldiers during the World War II?
e.Do you agree with the decision of
the Spanish King to keep the
formula for hot chocolate a secret?
f.Should growing children like you
eat too much chocolate? Why?
Why not?
III. Post Activity
What is a key sentence?
What is a main idea?
What are supporting details?
Each group will roam around the
room and see the posted manila
papers with selections. Each
selection will ask for either giving
the key sentence, supporting
details or main idea.
Direction: Give the key sentence,
ASSESMENT supporting details and main idea of
the selection.
The root is an important
part of the plant. It is responsible for
getting water and minerals from the
soil for the plant to grow. It also
holds the plant in position. If roots
are cut off from the plant, it would
N= X=
% of Mastery=
No. of learners within
mastery level
No. of learners needing
Read the following selections.
Then, identify what is asked in each
item by choosing the letter of the
correct answer from the given
(Refer to LM, Do and Learn)

Prepared By: Noted:


Teacher School Head
School San Gabriel Central School Grade Level Five
Grades 1-
Teacher Venus V. Macato Quarter Second
Teaching Date and Time Aug 20-24, 2018 Month AugUST
Daily Lesson Log
Week 2

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

August 20, 2018 August 21, 2018 August 22, 2018 August 23, 2018 August 24, 2018

Identifying Informational Text- NO CLASSES-HOLIDAY- Identifying main idea, key Subject-Verb Agreement Determining images/ideas that are
Types sentences, and supporting details explicitly used to influence viewers.
EID’L ADHA AND of a given paragraph.
Using Card Catalogue

1.Identify informational text- Identify main idea, key sentences, 1.Compose clear and coherent Determine images/ideas that are
types. and supporting details of a given sentences using appropriate explicitly used to influence viewers.
paragraph. grammatical structures: subject-
2.Use card catalogue to locate verb agreement - Stereotypes, Points of View,
LEARNING resources. Propaganda
COMPETENCY 2.Write paragraphs showing cause
and effect.

EN5LC – IIb – 3.19 EN5RC-IIb-2.21 K-12 Curriculum Guide K-12 Curriculum Guide
EN5SS – IIb – 3.9 K-12 Curriculum Guide in English V in English V
K-12 Curriculum Guide in English V TG-Q2-WK2 pp. 9-11 TG-Q2-WK2 pp. 11-13
LEARNING RESOURCES: in English V TG-Q2-WK2 pp. 6-8 LM-Q1-WK10 pp. 7-9 LM-Q1-WK10 p.9
(printed, non-printed, and TG-Q2-WK2 pp.2-3 LM-Q1-WK10 pp. 5-7 Materials: video on subject-verb Materials: Pictures
online sources from the LM-Q2-WK2 pp.1-3 Materials: Pictures, copy of song, agreement Video clips that are used
LRMDS portal) http://www.eslfast.com/kidsenglis Projector. chart with examples on the rules of to influence viewers.
h/ke/ke017.htm subject-verb agreement
manila paper

I. Preliminary I. Preliminary I. Preliminary I. Preliminary

Activities Activities Activities Activities
Review: Review: Review: Review:
What are ideas/images in media What are informational text? What is a main idea? Answer the ff.:
STRATEGIES/ that are explicitly used to What are card catalogues? Where can we find the main idea in 1.Your friend (talk, talks) too much.
influence the viewers? What are the three kinds of card the paragraph? 2.The man with the roses (look-
II. Developmental catalogue? What is a key sentence? looks) like your brother.
Activities II. Developmental II. Developmental 3.Mary (swim-swims) well.
Presentation/Motivation: Activities Activities
Show the students a newspaper, Presentation/Motivation: Presentation/Motivation: II. Developmental
a magazine, or an encyclopedia. Play a game of four-pics-one-word Let’s play a game. Group the pupils Activities
Ask the students if they have “Today we are going to learn about into four groups and on a manila Presentation/Motivation:
read one. Ask them if they have how to identify main idea, key paper and have them list as many Show video clips of commercials
used them in doing research. sentences, and supporting details verbs they can think of. (example: detergent soap, fast food
of a given paragraph” Give the winner a prize. chain, powdered juice, diapers,
Show them a card catalogue. etc.)
Ask them if they have used one Modelling for Students Say: “Today we are going to Ask: “What do these
in doing research. learn about subject-verb commercials make us do?”
Say: “Today we are going to Have the students read the agreement. Write sentences “Do our parents buy them?”
learn about the informational passage in “Read and Learn” on following the rules on subject-verb
text, its type and their use.” the LM. agreement.” Say: “Today we are going to
“We will also study how learn how to determine
to use a card catalogue.” “We will also study about images/ideas that are explicitly
III. Post Activity used to influence viewers. You are
DISCUSSION: cause and effect. You must be able
Have the students listen to news to identify which part of the going to watch some commercials
What is a main idea?
from the newspaper or an article sentence is the cause and the or TV ads. I want you to pay
Where can we find the main idea in
from a magazine. effect.” attention to the ideas that the
the paragraph?
Then ask them what they have commercial wants to deliver.”
What is a key sentence?
learned from what they’ve just Modelling for Students
listened to. Modelling for Students
Have the students answer “Find
Say: “Remember that verbs,
Out and Learn” on the LM Group the pupils into smaller
Ask: “What have you noticed unlike nouns, have the S-form of
about the article?” the word for the singular form groups. Have them think of a
“How many topics were there?” and base form for its plural form. popular TV ad and have them act it
“Was it informational?” Please take a look at the example. out in front of the class.
Next, discuss what a card
catalogue is and what its parts Example:
S-form (singular) -sings, dances, III. Post Activity
are. Discuss also the use of a
writes, eats Generalization:
card catalogue is.
Base form (plural) -sing, dance, What is stereotype?
write, eat What is propaganda?
III. Post Activity
What point of view?
Show them a chart of Application:
Group the class into 6-8 groups.
What are informational text? examples of subject verb
Give them a product. Ask them to
What are card catalogues? agreement.
create a short commercial about
What are the three kinds of card
the product they got. Assign to
catalogue? Have the pupils read and practice
them also the type of
Application: the activity on “Try and Learn” on
advertisement they will use
To fully understand more about the LM.
(stereotype, point of view,
informational text and its type, III. Post Activity
have the students read “Read Generalization:
and Learn” on the LM. The rule on subject-verb Examples:
agreement states that a singular Group 1 – Shampoo
subject takes a singular verb (s Group 2 – Detergent Soap
Take a trip to the library and ask form) while a plural subject takes a Group 3 – Bath Soap
the students to look through the plural verb (base form). Group 4 – Toothpaste
card catalogues in your library. Application: Group 5 – Powdered Juice
Ask them to identify its parts Have the students identify the Group 6 – Milk drink
subject as well as note whether the Group 7 – Fast food chain
subject is singular or plural. Group 8 – soft drinks
Remind them on the rule on
subject-verb agreement.

Say: “Now that you know about

the rule on subject-verb agreement,
let us study about cause and
Choose one book from the Do activity on “Do and Learn” of the A. Circle the correct form of the Have them watch the commercial
Library and make a card LM. verb to complete each sentence. “Tide: Bossing sa Kaputian Kahit
catalogue. 1.Your friend (talk, talks) too much. Tag-ulan” then answer the
Use ¼ of an index card. 2.The man with the roses (look- following questions below. Choose
looks) like your brother. your answer from the bow below.
3.Mary (swim-swims) well.
4.The boys (walk-walks) to school protective mother’s
every day. cleanliness
5.The center on the basketball it was compared to another product
team (bounce-bounces) the ball too cleanliness in clothing
high. shows love for family
B. Box the cause in the sentence
ASSESMENT and underline the effect. 1. Based on the video clip, a
1.Tim forgot his math book, so he mother is always ____and caring of
was unable to complete his her child.
homework. 2. In the video, they see Bossing
2.Keegan was hungry because he Vic as an image of _____.
skipped lunch. 3. The commercial was biased
3.I stated up until midnight that’s because_____.
why I woke up late. 4. The message of the video is
4.Sheila got wet in the rain that_______
because she forgot to bring an 5. The commercial was intended
umbrella. for_____ to buy.
5.Kevin went to dentist because he
had a toothache.
N= X=
% of Mastery=
No. of learners within
mastery level
No. of learners needing
Identify if the following books if Write the main idea and the Have the pupils answer the Read the article “YouTube's top
there are informational text or supporting details of the following activity on “Do and Learn” of the ads in the Philippines for 2013” on
not. Write / if it is informational paragraph. LM the “Read and Learn” of the LM.
text else write X if it is not. There are eight planets in the Answer the question below it.
_____ 1. newspaper Solar System, and each one is very
_____ 2. magazines different. Some planets, like Jupiter
_____ 3. instructional manuals and Saturn are very large. Others,
_____4. fairy tales like Mercury and Mars are smaller.
_____ 5. autobiography Jupiter has moons that are larger
than Mercury. The planets also
OTHER ACTIVITIES (RRE) have different atmospheres.
Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn have
atmospheres of hydrogen and
helium. The atmosphere on Venus
is made up of carbon dioxide. Earth
has a nitrogen and oxygen
atmosphere. Neptune’s
atmosphere is mostly hydrogen.
The planets also have different
temperatures. Uranus is the coldest
and Venus is the hottest.

Prepared By: Noted:


Teacher School Head
School San Gabriel Central School Grade Level Five
Grades 1-
Teacher Venus V. Macato Quarter Second
Teaching Date and Time September 23-27, 2019 Month September
Daily Lesson Log
Week 7

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday, Sat.,Sun.

September 23, 2019 September 24, 2019 September 25, 2019 September 26, 2019 September 27, 2019

Gathering relevant - Identifying different meanings - Making Generalizations Identify different meaning of DISTRICT MEET
information from various of content specific content specific words
SUBJECT MATTER sources words (denotation and
- Online references connotation) (Health)

Gather relevant information 1. Identify different meanings Make generalizations Compose clear and coherent
from various sources of content specific sentences using appropriate
- Online references words (denotation and grammatical structures:
LEARNING connotation) (Health) - degrees of adjectives
COMPETENCY 2. Show willingness and
enthusiasm in reading and
listening to literary texts

Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide

EN5SS-IIg-1 - EN5V-IIg-1.3, EN5V-IIg-20.2.3 EN5RC-IIg-2.9 EN5G-IIg-5.2
K-12 Curriculum Guide K-12 Curriculum Guide K-12 Curriculum Guide K-12 Curriculum Guide
in English V in English V in English V in English V
LEARNING RESOURCES: TG-Q2-WK7 pp. 1-28 TG-Q2-WK7 pp. 1-28 TG-Q2-WK7 pp. 1-28 TG-Q2-WK7 pp. 1-28
(printed, non-printed, and LM-Q1-WK7 pp. 1-18 LM-Q1-WK7 pp. 1-18 LM-Q1-WK7 p.1-18 LM-Q1-WK7 p.1-18
online sources from the
LRMDS portal) Lesson Guide in English V Lesson Guide in English 5 p.9 Materials: Charts, pictures Lesson Guide in Elementary
pp.178-181 http://grammar.about.com/od/word English 4
Materials: Charts, pictures s/a/Denotation-And-Connotation- English Expressway Language
Exercise_2.htm Materials: chart

Review: Setting the Stage Review Review:

How do you make Show pictures of vegetables. What is denotation? What different informations you
generalizations? What is connotation? may gather from online references?

Setting the Stage Setting the stage Setting the stage.

STRATEGIES/ The teacher opens the Observe the picture. Ask : Have you experienced going
PROCEDURE: computer. Show some parts of Ask: What is in the picture? Show picture of dogs in an outing?
the computer like the microsoft What can you get from eating
vegetables? (Nutrient) Where did you go?
word, microsoft excel and
google. (Use semantic web to list the Did you enjoy?
Show picture of google. words related to the word nutrient)
List everything you know about
List their characteristics, behaviors, Explaining the Student What to
etc. Do
Ask the pupils about the picture Underline everything about dogs Say: Class, the selection we are
and its function. that is true all the time.
going to read has something to do
Explaining the Student What to Circle everything that is true about
Explaining the Student What to to only some dogs. with our lesson for today which is
Do Do Degrees of Adjectives
Say, Class our lesson for today Say, Class the words you have Explaining the pupils what to do
is all about the relevant written on the board are what we Modeling
information from various called connotation. Say : When you read, you may The teacher will read the story to
sources - Online references Our lesson for today is all about see ideas about groups of people, the pupils.
Unlocking of difficulties denotation and connotation. Ask : 1. Where did the family go?
animals, or things. What you read
Through Context Clues 2. How did they feel?
and what you already know helps
1. An electronic apparatus for Modeling 3. How was the place
you to make a general statement
analyzing or Call on some pupils to read the about a group. This is called a described?
storing data following paragraph and instruct Generalization 4. How did their compare the
a. wedge b. computer c. other to listen attentively place?
pulley Set the standards for listening Modeling
2. A computer–based global attentively Closure
Read the situation to the pupils
information The readers read the paragraph aloud. What are the three forms of
system below (See LM) adjectives?
a. reading b. recycling c. Based on the paragraph what is
internet Analysis and Discussion Guided Practice
true about dogs all the time?
1. What does the paragraph say All dogs are kept as our pets Divide the classs into three groups.
Modelling about nutrients? Give each group objects to be
All dog has four legs.
Do Read and Learn LM 2. What are contained in the food What is true about to only some compared.
- Read the selection “Internet” nutrients? dogs? Group 1 – three thin things with
- Answering the motive What is the denotation of nutrients Some dogs are even kept in the different length
questions: based on the paragraph? Group 2 – three kinds of fruits that
- Answer Comprehension check- are sweet
Some dogs can also used to locate
up Closure criminals Group 3 – three kinds of thing that
Class, kindly differentiate Some dogs are tamed to tend are heavy
Closure denotation from connotation. sheep.
Class, aside from reading
materials, where else can we Guided Practice Notice the underlined words. Those
gather data? Direction: Form four groups. Give words signal or give us a clue to
each group a list of words and recognize generalizations.
Guided Practice then get its
For schools with computer and denotation using the dictionary. Closure
internet access. Group the pupils
What have you learned from
into three. Assign one topic and Group 1 rock, shrewd, crown today’s lesson?
gather information through the Group 2 pride, wild, audience
internet. Group 3 chain, landmark, tourist Guided Practice
Group 1 -The New Nine Group 4 demure, fray, ethnic Read the paragraph. Then answer
Wonders of the World the question.
Group 2 - Different Groups of What can you say in general about
Vertebrates flightless birds?
Group 3 - Member Countries of a. All flightless birds are large.
the United Nations b. Flightless birds have different
uses for their wings.
c. Flightless birds are fast runners.
d. The wings of flightless birds are
(Pls. see LM)
Based on the article, answer the Which connotation is more Direction: Group the pupils into Complete the following sentences
following questions: positive? Choose the letter of the four. Give each group activity to do. using the correct degree of the
1. When was the Internet correct answer Have a group representative to adjective given in the brackets.
present your answer.
conceived? 1. Our trip to the amusement park 1. My brother’s handwriting is
2. What was the initial function of was _________. Group 1. Make 5 generalization ____________ (bad) mine.
the internet?________ ( a. fine b. wonderful ) about chocolate 2. Health is ____________ wealth.
3. What does ARPA stand for? 2. _________ people rode on the (important)
________ roller coaster. 3. Blood is ____________ water.
4. In what country did the ( a. Brave b. Foolhardy ) (thick)
networking originate? 4. Everest is ____________ peak
5. Who thought of a fishnet-like Group 2. Write a valid in the world. (high)
ASSESMENT setup? generalization about how food can
be used creatively

Group 3. Write 5 generalizations

about baby alligators

Group 4. Write valid

generalizations about fishes

REMARKS: NB=39 X= %OF M= NB=39 X= %OF M= NB=39 X= %OF M= NB=39 X= %OF M=

N= X= ND=38 X= %OF M= ND=38 X= %OF M= ND=38 X= %OF M= ND=38 X= %OF M=
% of Mastery= NR=39 X= %OF M= NR=39 X= %OF M= NR=39 X= %OF M= NR=39 X= %OF M=
No. of learners within B= D= R= B= D= R= B= D= R= B= D= R=
mastery level
No. of learners needing B= D= R= B= D= R= B= D= R= B= D= R=
Put a check ( ) inside the box if Read the paragraph below. Decide if each generalization is Use the following adjectives
the sentence tells about the uses Replace underlined words from valid or faulty. Clap once if it is showing the degrees of
OTHER ACTIVITIES (RRE) of the Internet and a cross (x) if the box that have the same valid, and comparison.
not. denotation as the underline word clap twice if it is faulty. 1. delicious
2. bad
1. The Internet has made it but a different connotation. Write 1. All animals migrate every year. 3. funny
possible for people all over the your answers on the lines. Faulty 4. expensive
world to communicate with one yelling walk scent 2. Most children like pizza. 5. sexy
another effectively and forced terrible Valid
inexpensively. Kim was having a sad and 3. All boys play sports.
2. We can use the web, Internet unpleasant _____________day. Faulty
to look for the answers to our First she was required 4. It always snows in the winter.
assignments. _____________ to clean her Valid
room. Then Kim’s stroll 5. Girls can’t catch.
_____________with her dad was Faulty
canceled. That meant that she
would not be able to pass by the
park’s flower gardens with their
lovely smell _____________. And
finally, her brother was calling out
loudly _____________. That he
was going to drive her to soccer

Prepared By: Noted:

Teacher School Head
Grades 1-12 Paaralan San Gabriel Central School Baitang/Antas Ikalima
Daily Lesson Log Guro VENUS V. MACATO Markahan Ikalawa
(Pang-araw-araw na Pagtuturo) Petsa/ oras Setyembre 23-27, 2019 Buwan Setyembre
PAKSANG ARALIN Tunog na melody na Nakikilala ang pagitan ng mga Naipakikita ang kasanayan sa Tunog na Pinakamataas at DISTRICT MEET
pinakamataas at pinakamababa nota ng eskalang mayor. pagbasa at pag-awit ng mga Pinakamababa
nota sa tunugang Pentatonic,
eskalang mayor at eskalang G
Nailalarawan ang pinakamataas Pagkilala sa pagitan ng mga Pagbasa at pag-awit ng mga Nasususri ang pinakamataas at
at pinakamabbabng antas ng nota ng eskalang mayor nota sa Tunugang Pentatonic, pinakamababang antas ng mga
mga note sa musika at nasusukat eskalang mayor at eskalang G note sa musika.
ang lawak ng tunog nito. mayor
Nasusukat ang lawak ng antas ng
mga note sa musika.

Curriculum Guide in Music 5 Curriculum Guide in Music 5 Curriculum Guide in Music 5 Curriculum Guide in Music 5
Lunsanang Awit: “Santa Clara” 3 Lunsarang Awit: Ang Dalagang LUNSARANG AWIT: Lunsarang Awit :“Salidommay”,
4 4 Pilipina C, 3 , do / O Dandansoy , C, do/ Ili- F, 2, so, A
Sanggunian:Umawit at Gumuhit 5 4 iliTulogAnay,F,so 4
pp. 18, Magsaya C, 2 , do SANGGUNIAN: Spotlight 5 pp. “Inday Sa Balitaw” C 2 do
Kagamitan: CD player, tugtugin, 4 61-72/MAPE Grade 5, pp.18 4
tsart ng iskor ng “Santa Clara” Sanggunian: MAPE Adventures KAGAMITAN: LunsarangAwit, Sanggunian:K to 12 Curriculum
Pagpapahalaga: Pagpapahalaga 3, pp. 32/ MAPE 5 Sing Express Pentatonic scale chart, C major MU5ME-IIe-8
sa mga ipinangakong salita & Move, pp.41, MSEP 5 Let’s scale chart, Umawit at Gumuhit 4 pp.22-26
Konsepto:Ang bawat awit o create, Sing and Move, pp.48- G major scale chart, MAPE 5 Sing, Express and Move
KAGAMITANG PANTURO tugtugin ay nagtataglay ng 49, MU5ME-IIC-5 PAGPAPAHALAGA: matiyaga, pp.31-33
(nailimbag, hindi nailimbag, pinakamataas na tono at Kagamitan: keyboard, CD, mapagmahal Oxford Musika Online
kagamitang online mula sa pinakamababang tono. Ito ay Show me board, flashcard CD Potsdom Library
LRMDS portal) binibigyang pansin upang player http://potsdom.libguides.com/music
malaman ang lawak ng tono na Pagpapahalaga: Pakikiisa, Kagamitan:CD/CD player, chart ng
ginamit sa awitin Paggalang sa kapwa, mga awit
Pagtanggap sa sarili Pagpapahalaga:Pagmamahal sa
Konsepto: Ang bawat tono ay sariling awit
may kaugnayan sa isa’t- Konsepto:Ang tinataglay na
isa.Bawat himig sa musika ay pinakamataas na tono at
binubuo ng mga nota na may pinakamababang tono ng isang
iba’t-ibang pagitan o interval. awit o tugtugin ay binibigyang
pansin upang malaman ang lawak
ng tono na ginamit.
I. Panimulang I. Panimulang I. Panimulang I. Panimulang Gawain
Gawain Gawain Gawain 2. Pagsasanay
MGA ESTRATEHIYA/ Pagsasanay: 1.Balik-aral 2. Pagsasanay a. Vocalization
PAMAMARAAN a.Rhythmic Awitin ang “Dalagang Pilipina”. Pagbobokalisasyon gamit ang Papangkatin ang mga bata
Unang Pangkat – tatalon patungo 1. Pagsasanay ma me mi mo mu. sa dalawa.Ipapaawit ang mga
sa unahan Laro: Tao ng Nota sumusunod na nota. Kung ang
Pangalawang Pangkat – II. Panlinang na II. Panlinang na kamay ng guro ay
papalakpak Gawain Gawain nakabukas,aawitin ang nota ng
2. Pagganyak: 1. Pagganyak mahaba at kapag ang kamay ng
Bumunot ng isang Song Bee Contest – guro ay nakasara aawitin ang nota
plaskard sa kahon, idikit ito sa (Magpaparinig ang guro ng mga ng maikli.
II. Panlinang na pisara at isulatang interval o awitin at huhulaan ang pamagat b. Tonal
Gawain pagitan ng bawat nota nito. ng bawat awitin.) Pagsanayan ang tono ng mga so-
Pagganyak 1. Paglalahad 2. Paglalahad fa syllable.
Pakinggan natin ang bawat Basahin at awitin ang mga nota Gamitin ang mga Kodaly Hand
tunog ng mga notang inyong sa awitin. Sign upang makita ang agwat o
sinagutan gamit ang keyboard. 3. Pagtalakay pagitan ng mga tunog.
Ano ang tunugan ng awit na II. Panlinang na
3. Pagtatalakay “Dandansoy”? Gawain
Tingnan ang eskalang Ilang bilang mayroon ang bawat 3. Pagganyak:
2. Paglalahad
mayor.Ano ang eskalang sukat? Iparirinig ng guro ang mga so-fa
mayor? Anu-ano ang makikita Nasaan ang “do”sa tunugang C syllable na may iba’t ibang agwat
Tingnan ang so-fa syllable ayon
ninyo dito? mayor? ng tono.
sa senyas-kamay ng Kodaly.
Pansinin ang musical symbol sa Anu- anong nota ang ginamit sa 4. Paglalahad
Ano ang napansin niyo sa mga
staff. Ano ang tawag dito? (F- awit? Awitin ang “Inday sa Balitaw”
agwat ng note sa mga so-fa
Clef) III. Pangwakas na - Sa pamamagitan ng score
Gawain: ng mga awit ipatukoy sa mga bata
III. Pangwakas na Paglalahat: ang mga nota na may
1. Pagtalakay
Gawain: Ano ang pagkakaibang pinakamataas at pinakamababang
a.Sapamamatigan ng score ng
Paglalahat: tunugang C mayor, G mayor at tono.
mga awit, ipatukoy sa mga bata
Ano ang major scale? Pentatonic? 3. Pagtalakay
ang mga nota na may
Repleksyon - Awiting muli ang “Inday sa
pinakamataas at pinakamababa
Ano ang kahalagahan ng Paglalapat Balitaw” at “Salidommay”.
pagkakaiba mo sa ibang tao? Tukuyin kung anong eskala ang - Sabihin na ang awit na ito ang
b.Muling ipaawit sa mga bata ang
Paglalapat nasakahon. Isulat ang titik EP, pagitan o range ay 3,G-B. Ito ay
awit na “Santa Clara” at pag-
Pangkat 1 -Gumawa ng kung ito ay eskalang maikling range.
usapan ang bawat pagitan nito
eskalang prime, octave, fifth Pentatonic, EG kung eskalang - Sa awiting “Salidommay”, ang
kung ito ay may malawak na
interval G, at EC kung eskalang mayor pagitan ay mahigit walo. Ito ay may
range o maiksing range.
Pangkat II - Gumawangeskalang or C. malawak na range.
2nd, octave, seventh interval - Ipatukoy sa mga bata sa mga
III. Pangwakas na
Pangkat III-Gumawangeskalang chart ng awit ang sukat, kung saan
3rd, 4th, 6th interval makikita ang pinakamataas at
pinakamababang range ng awit.
- Ano ang kailangan upang
a.Ang melodiya ay ang
maihatid ang range sa
makahulugang pagkakahanay at
pinakamataas at pinakamababang
pinagsamasamang tono o mga
antas? ( Maawit ito sa wastong
himig na nakaaantig ng
damdamin ng mga nakikinig sa
III. Pangwakas na
pamamagitan ng makabuluhang
pagpapahayag ng kaisipan sa
konposisyong musical.
Ang pinakamataas at
b.Ang pagkakasunos-sunod ng
pinakamababang tono sa awit ay
mga himig sa isang komposisyon
makikilala sa pamamagitan ng
ay naaayon sa skalang musical (
range ng pagitan ng tono.
music scale).
Ang bawat tono o nota ay sunod-
1. Pangkatin sa tatlo ang mga
sunod na umaakyat o tumataas
bata. Ipasuri ang range ng mga
at bumababa na may note sa mga bahagi ng mga
nakatakdang pagitan ng mga melodic phrase. Tukuyin ang range
hakbang. Ang pagitan ng bawat ng mga note sa melodic phrase.
nota ay maaaring isang buong 2. Ikahon ang pinakamababa at
hakbang o kalahating hakbang pinakamataas na note.
3. Isulat ang mga note na ginamit
Paglalapat sa staff sa ibaba.
Muling balikan ang score ng 4. Alamin kung malawak o maikli
awiting “Santa Clara” ang range ng phrase. Isulat sa
Suriin ang mga note at tukuyin Lagyan ng angkop na nota ang Basahin at awitin ang mga nota Suriin ang mga note at tukuyin ang
ang range ng pinakamataas at bawat limguhit at sundan ang sa eskala.(tignan tg at lm) range ng pinakamataas at
pinakamababang note. Isulat din pagitang nakasulat sa bawat isa. pinakamababang note. Isulat din
kung malawak o maikli ang kung malawak o maikli ang range
pagitan ng bawat note. (tignan lm at tg) ng pagitan ng bawat note.

MGA TALA NB=39 X= %OF M= NB=39 X= %OF M= NB=39 X= %OF M= NB=39 X= %OF M=
N= X= % of mastery ND=38 X= %OF M= ND=38 X= %OF M= ND=38 X= %OF M= ND=38 X= %OF M=
Bilang ng mag-aaral na B= D= B= D= B= D= B= D=
Bilang ng mag-aaral na B= D= B= D= B= D= B= D=
nangangailangan ng iba pang
Gawain para sa remediation
Iguhit ang Skalang C Mayor na Ibigay ang bilang ng interval Pagsanayan ang mga awiting, Magsaliksik ng mga awitin na may
Iba pang Karagdagang
may kaakibat na mga note. ng mga sumusunod nat unog: Dandansoy, Ili-ili Tulog Anay at malawak at maikling range.
Gawain (RRE)
(tignan lm at tg) Yaman ng Bayan.
Prepared By: Noted:


Teacher School Head
School San Gabriel Central School Grade Level Five
Grades 1-
Teacher Venus V. Macato Quarter Second
Teaching Date and Time Sept. 30, 2019-October 4, 2019 Month October
Daily Lesson Log
Week 8

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

September 30, 2019 October 1, 2019 October 2, 2019 October 3, 2019 October 4, 2019

- Making a stand - Making an outline from a - Identifying different meaning of SCHOOL TEACHERS DAY DISTRICT TEACHERS DAY
- Revising writing for clarity – selection read. content specific words (denotation CELEBRATION CELEBRATION
TOPIC/ correct spelling - Reading grade level text with and connotation) (Health)
SUBJECT MATTER accuracy, appropriate rate and
proper expression

1. Make a stand2. Revise 1. Make an outline from a 1. Identify different meanings of

writing for clarity – correct selection read. content specific words (denotation
spelling and connotation) (Health)
LEARNING 2. Read grade level text with
COMPETENCY accuracy, 2. Observe politeness at all times.
appropriate rate and proper

K-12 Curriculum Guide K-12 Curriculum Guide K-12 Curriculum Guide

in English V in English V in English V
EN5OL-IIh-4, EN5WC-IIh- EN5RC-IIh-2.15.1, EN5F-II5-1.3 EN5V-IIh-20.2.3, EN5A-IIh-16
1.8.2 TG-Q2-WK8 pp. 1-18 EN5OL-IIh-4, EN5WC-IIh-1.8.2
TG-Q2-WK8 pp. 1-18 LM-Q1-WK8 p.1-12 TG-Q2-WK8 pp. 1-18
LEARNING RESOURCES: LM-Q1-WK8 pp. 1-12 Materials: Charts, pictures LM-Q1-WK8 pp. 1-12
(printed, non-printed, and You tube: Materials: Charts, pictures
online sources from the https://www.youtube.com/watch?
LRMDS portal) v=cipXm45ObDI
Materials: Charts/paragraph
Setting the Stage Spelling Check some of the outlines from
Ask: How do you value opinion of selected pupils.
your classmates? Setting the stage
In coming to your do you want Ask: How do you take care of your Setting the Stage
STRATEGIES/ to wear? body? (Show pictures of Girl Scouts and
PROCEDURE: Do you want to wear uniform or Why is it important to have a Boy Scouts)
not? healthy body? Ask: Are members of Girl Scouts
and Boy Scouts?
What are the activities that you
enjoy most during scouting?
Explaining the Student What to
Do Explaining the pupils what to
do Explaining the Student What to
Say: Class, our lesson for today Do
is about making a stand based Say: Class, our lesson for today is
on the video presented. about making an outline from a Say: Class, our lesson for today is
selection read. about identifying different meanings
What is your stand about of content specific words
wearing uniform in school or not? Modeling (denotation and connotation)

Modeling Read the selection then answer Modelling

the questions that follow.
The teacher will show a video “Taking Care of Our Bodies” Read the selection then answer the
presentation. Watch the video Ask: questions that follow.
clip, and then take note of the - What is the main idea of the first (Pls. see TG/LM)
important points being raised. paragraph? Ask:
- How did you know these details - Who celebrated their
Watch: You tube: were more important than the anniversary?
https://www.youtube.com/watch? other details in the selection? - How did they celebrate their
v=cipXm45ObDI - What other ideas struck you anniversary?
while reading the text?
Say: Who are in favor of wearing Closure
uniform in school? Why?
What is the difference between
Who are not in favor of wearing Closure
denotative and connotative
uniform? Why? meaning of a word?
How to make an outline?
Closure What are the things to remember
Guided Practice
in making an outline?
Encircle the letter of the correct
How to revise sentences in
writing with clarity and correct Guided Practice
spelling? Group the class into 4. Each 1. Select a synonym for
member of the group will look for "Denotation"
What are the things that you the missing information to A. Definition
should remember? complete the outline. The first B. Diction
group to complete the outline will C. Reference
Guided Practice
be the winner. D. Meaning
Issue to be discussed:
(Pls. see TG/LM)
Are you in favor of K-12 or not?
2. What does "Connotation" mean?
A. Definition
B. Diction
• Let the pupils form five groups. C. Cultural definition
Let each group form a small
• Let each member of every
group share with the rest of the
group members.

Read the given sentences, and Evaluation Evaluation

then choose one of the words Directions: Make an outline using The following questions will quiz
from below that will best fit the the jumbled details about main you on connotation and denotation.
sentence. After this, underline headings and subheadings. Some questions ask you analyze a
the word in the sentence that word and some ask you to choose
gave you clue to the word you Kind of fossils whether the example is showing
chose. Location of fossils the connotation or the denotation of
Uses of fossils the underlined words. Shade the
ASSESMENT Vase knocking mailing Telling the story of the earth small circle on the left that gives
Morning light right Molds of plants and animals the correct answer. (Pls. see
1. Every ________ I have Skeletal remains of plants and TG/LM)
breakfast. animals
2. Turn on the _____________.
It is dark in this

REMARKS: NB=39 X= %OF M= NB=39 X= %OF M= NB=39 X= %OF M=

N= X= ND=38 X= %OF M= ND=38 X= %OF M= ND=38 X= %OF M=
% of Mastery= NR=39 X= %OF M= NR=39 X= %OF M= NR=39 X= %OF M=
No. of learners within B= D= R= B= D= R= B= D= R=
mastery level
No. of learners needing B= D= R= B= D= R= B= D= R=
Clarity/Conciseness: Revise the Make an outline from the selection Put a check mark (/) on the left of
following sentences to remove “The Dutch” the correct answer.
clutter, eliminate wordiness, and (Pls. see TG/LM) (Pls. see TG/LM)
clarify meaning (credits to
OTHER ACTIVITIES (RRE) 1. The bricks on our new house
are red in color and in spite of
the fact that they are new, the
look of these bricks is a used,
beat-up appearance.

Prepared By: Noted:

Teacher School Head
Grades 1-12 Paaralan San Gabriel Central School Baitang/Antas Ikalima
Daily Lesson Log Guro Venus V. Macato Markahan Ikalawa
(Pang-araw-araw na Pagtuturo) Petsa/ oras Setyembre 30, 2019-Oktubre 4, 2019 Buwan Oktubre
Ang iba’t ibang Istilo ng mga Sikat Ang Pagpipinta ng Larawan Ang Pagpipinta ng Larawan CELEBRATION CELEBRATION
na Pintor sa ating Bansa Elemento ng Sining: Guhit at Kulay Elemento ng Sining: Guhit at Kulay
Elemento ng Sining: Kulay at (Complementary) (Complementary)
A.Nalalaman ang iba’t ibang istilo A.Makaguhit ng larawan gamit ang A.Makaguhit ng larawan gamit ang
ng mga tanyag na pintor sa complementary colors. complementary colors.
pagpinta ng mga larawan. B.Makaguhit at makapinta ng mga B.Makaguhit at makapinta ng mga
B.Makalikha ng isang larawan larawan gamit ang complementary larawan gamit ang complementary
gamit ang sariling istilo sa colors. colors.
pagpinta. C.Naipagmamalaki ang likhang sining C.Naipagmamalaki ang likhang sining
C.Naipagmamalaki ang ipinintang ng bawat pangkat. ng bawat pangkat.
larawan na ginamitan ng sariling
Curriculum Guide in Arts 5 Curriculum Guide in Arts 5 Curriculum Guide in Arts 5
Kagamitan: lapis, papel, water Kagamitan: lapis, papel, water Kagamitan: lapis, papel, water
KAGAMITANG PANTURO container, water color at brush container, wator color at brush container, wator color at brush
(nailimbag, hindi nailimbag, Sanggunian: Sanggunian: Sanggunian:
kagamitang online mula sa http://ncca.gov.ph/about-culture- http://worqx.com/color/complements.ht http://worqx.com/color/complements.h
LRMDS portal) and-arts/culture-profile/national- m tm

I. Panimulang Gawain I. Panimulang Gawain IV. Panimulang Gawain

Balik aral Balik aral Balik aral
1. Balik-Aral Isa-isahin ang mga kulay na makikita Isa-isahin ang mga kulay na makikita
Piliin ang mga larawan na sa Primary Color Wheel. sa Primary Color Wheel.
nagpapakita ng complementary II. Panlinang na Gawain V. Panlinang na Gawain
colors. Pagganyak: Pagganyak:
II. Panlinang na Kumpletuhin ang kulay sa Color Wheel Kumpletuhin ang kulay sa Color
Gawain ayon sa tunay na kulay nito. Wheel ayon sa tunay na kulay nito.
Magpakita ng mga larawan.
Itanong: Ano ang pagkakaiba ng
unang larawan sa ikalawang
Ang mga tanyag na pintor ay may Paglalahad Paglalahad
kanya-kanyang istilo sa pagpipinta.
Kapansin pansin na katangi-tangi
ang kanilang mga istilo, ito ang Tingnan ang larawan. Pag-aralan kung Tingnan ang larawan. Pag-aralan
nagiging tatak nila o paano ginamit ang Complementary kung paano ginamit ang
pagkakakilanlan ng kanilang mga Colors. Complementary Colors.
obra. III. Pangwakas na Gawain: VI. Pangwakas na
Kilalanin natin ang mga Paglalahat: Gawain:
sumusunod na tanyag na pintor Ang pagpipinta ay sadyang Paglalahat:
dito sa ating bansa. nakakalibang na gawain. Ang pagpipinta ay sadyang
III. Pangwakas na Maipapahayag ating mga damdamin. nakakalibang na gawain.
Gawain: Mas mainam na malaman natin ang Maipapahayag ating mga damdamin.
Paglalahat: gamit ng Complementary Colors upang Mas mainam na malaman natin ang
Ang mga tanyag na mga pintor ay mabigyan ng buhay an gating mga gamit ng Complementary Colors
may iba’t ibang istilo sa pagpipinta obra. upang mabigyan ng buhay an gating
upang magkaroon sila ng sariling (Sumangguni sa TANDAAN) mga obra.
pagkakilanlan. Ito rin ang (Sumangguni sa TANDAAN)
nagdadala sa kanilang mga ipininta Paglalapat
upang mabigyan ng buhay ang Gawaing Pansining Paglalapat
mga larawan sa kanilang mga (Sumangguni sa GAWIN) Gawaing Pansining
obra. (Sumangguni sa GAWIN)
(Sumangguni sa TANDAAN)
Paano mo maipagmamalaki ang
ipininta mong larawan na ginamitan
mo ng sariling mong istilo.
Ipapaskil ang larawan na nilikha ng Ipapaskil ang larawan na nilikha ng Ipapaskil ang larawan na nilikha ng
mga mag-aaral. mga mag-aaral. mga mag-aaral.
(Sumangguni sa SURIIN) (Sumangguni sa SURIIN) (Sumangguni sa SURIIN)

MGA TALA NB= 39 XB= %OFM= NB= 39 XB= %OFM= NB= 39 XB= %OFM=
N= X= % of mastery ND= 38 XD= %OFM= ND= 38 XD= %OFM= ND= 38 XD= %OFM=
Bilang ng mag-aaral na B= D= B= D= B= D=
Bilang ng mag-aaral na B= D= B= D= B= D=
nangangailangan ng iba
pang Gawain para sa
Sa paanong paraan mo Paano mo ninyo maipagmamalaki ang Paano mo ninyo maipagmamalaki
Iba pang Karagdagang
maipagmamalaki ang mga dakilang likhang sining ng bawat pangkat. ang likhang sining ng bawat pangkat.
Gawain (RRE)
pintor ng ating bansa?

Prepared By: Noted:


Teacher School Head
School San Gabriel Central School Grade Level Five
Grades 1-
Teacher Venus V. Macato Quarter Second
Teaching Date and Time October 14-18, 2019 Month October
Daily Lesson Log
Week 10
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
October 14, 2019 October 15, 2019 October 16, 2019 October 17, 2019 October 18, 2019
A. Content Standards The learner…. The learner…. The learner…. SECOND QUARTER TEST

listens critically to news reports listens critically to news reports listens critically to news reports
and other radio broadcasts and and other radio broadcasts and and other radio broadcasts and
expresses ideas accurately in expresses ideas accurately in expresses ideas accurately in oral
oral and in written forms; oral and in written forms; and in written forms;

B. Performance Standards The learner... The learner... The learner...

demonstrates confidence in the demonstrates confidence in the demonstrates confidence in the use
use of the language to meet use of the language to meet of the language to meet everyday’s
everyday’s needs; and reads everyday’s needs; and reads needs; and reads independently
independently and gets relevant independently and gets relevant and gets relevant information from
information from various text information from various text various text types.
types. types.
C. Learning EN5OL-IIj-4 EN5F-IIj-1.3
Competencies/ Make a stand Read grade level text with
D. Objectives accuracy,
Write the LC code for EN5F-IIj-1.6
each appropriate rate
and proper
II. CONTENT Make a stand about the issue of Make an outline from a Make an outline from a selection
the in the security of the West selection read read
Philippine Sea

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material Our World of Reading – Wind Our World of Reading – Wind Our World of Reading – Wind Sea
pages Sea Workbook – “ROCKS” Sea Workbook Workbook

3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Pictures , charts, multimedia stories and charts stories and charts
Resources devices and worksheets
A. Reviewing previous Show a political map of the Show a video clips. Show a video clips.
lesson or Philippines.
presenting the new Give the country near it. https://www.youtube.com/watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=
lesson ?v=r68iEwYdbh4 r68iEwYdbh4

B. Establishing a purpose Make a stand about the issue of Make an outline from a Make an outline from a selection
for the lesson the in the security of the West selection read read
Philippine Sea Read grade level text with Read grade level text with
accuracy, appropriate rate and accuracy, appropriate rate and
proper expression proper expression

C. Presenting Say: Class, Our lesson for today Say: Class, Our lesson for Say: Class, Our lesson for today is
examples/instances of is about standing in the issue of today is about making a two about making a two point outline on
the new lesson the security of the West point outline on a selection a selection read.
Philippine Sea. read.
Outlining is arranging notes so that
Outlining is arranging notes so important ideas stand out and
that important ideas stand out make clear which point supports
and make clear which point each of the important ideas.
supports each of the important
What are thethings to remember in
What are thethings to making an outline?
remember in making an outline? (see ppt)
(see ppt)

D. Discussing new Place a poster in each corner of Have students take a tour of the Have students take a tour of the
concepts and practicing the room. Then read a selection they will be reading. selection they will be reading. Ask
new skills #1 statement, and tell students to Ask them to preview the text them to preview the text and
go to the corner that best and identify key words or clue identify key words or clue words
describes how they feel about words that will help them that will help them determine the
that statement. Here are some determine the relevant ideas. relevant ideas. Have look at the
examples of statements: Have look at the first and last first and last line of each
(see ppt) line of each paragraph. paragraph.

(See to it that the pupils follow (See to it that the pupils follow the
Encourage students to voice the instructions and look at the instructions and look at the part of
their opinions from their part of text they are asked to text they are asked to see.)
respective corners. Then have see.)
each group gathered in Look at the left part or side of the
response to a statement work Look at the left part or side of text.
together to write a clear the text. Ask: Can you tell me about some of
statement explaining their Ask: Can you tell me about the important ideas that struck
position. some of the important ideas that you?
struck you?
Read the selection and have
students reflect on how the tour
What is your opinion about your Read the selection and have text activity supported their
desired statements you have students reflect on how the tour understanding about the selection.
chosen? text activity supported their (see ppt)
Should the USA have a direct understanding about the
involvement in the following selection.
issue? Why or why not? (see ppt) Answer the following questions.
Why do the Philippines should (see ppt)
handle alone the security of its
territory? Answer the following questions.
What can you say about the USA (see ppt)
giving military equipment for the
security our territory? Will it
benefit us or the US?
Should the security of the west
Philippine sea be handle by the
accepting the direct assistance of
our Southeast Asian neighbours?
E. Discussing new The Teacher will provide certain Ask: ● What does the very first Ask: ● What does the very first
concepts and practicing activities to be perform or line at the top represent? line at the top represent?
new skills #2 discuss in the class after they What do the Roman numerals What do the Roman numerals
are finish. represent? What are found after represent? What are found after
each Roman numeral? each Roman numeral?
Group I – Statement No. 3 What do the capital letters What do the capital letters
represent? represent?
Make a “Brainstorming Web” How are the capital letters How are the capital letters written as
written as compared with the compared with the Roman
Group II - Statement No. 4 Roman numerals? numerals?
Say: Let us make our own Say: Let us make our own
Make a “Discussion Web” reminders for writing an outline. reminders for writing an outline.

Group III - Statement No. 1 Lead the children to make the Lead the children to make the
reminder similar to the one on reminder similar to the one below.
Make a Poem the projector
Group IV - Statement 1 and 2 ● What is the title?
Ask: What is the main topic?
Make a “Venn Diagram” ● What is the title? Where will we write it? Make a brief
What is the main topic? description.
Where will we write it? Make a What are the 3 supporting details?
brief description. What will we write in Roman
What are the 3 supporting numeral II
What will we write in Roman (Continue until the skeleton is filled
numeral II up.)

(Continue until the skeleton is

filled up.)
F. Developing mastery Debate Group Activity: Group Activity:
(Leads to Formative Group 1 and 2 Each group will make an Each group will make an outline.
Assessment 3) Talk about the issue of the outline.
second statement.
Group 3 and 4
Talks about the issue of the third

The two groups will draw lots to

take the pros and cons.
G. Finding practical What is your stand regarding the Make an outline using the Make an outline using the jumbled
applications of issue? jumbled details about details about
concepts and skills in Main headings and Main headings and subheadings:
daily living subheadings: Kinds of fossils
Kinds of fossils Location of fossils
Location of fossils Uses of fossils
Uses of fossils Telling the story of the earth
Telling the story of the earth Molds of plants and animals
Molds of plants and animals Skeletal remains of plants and
Skeletal remains of plants and animals
animals Hard rocks
Hard rocks Layers of sedimentary rocks
Layers of sedimentary rocks Preserved bodies or parts of bodies
Preserved bodies or parts of of plants & animals
bodies of plants & animals Tracing the changes of the earth’s
Tracing the changes of the surface
earth’s surface Telling the changes in climate
Telling the changes in climate Holes in the mud
Holes in the mud Prints made by parts of plants and
Prints made by parts of plants animals
and animals Mud or sand
Mud or sand

H. Making generalizations What did you learn on the What is outlining? What is outlining?
and abstractions about following issues?
the lesson
I. Evaluating learning Refer to LM pp _______. Refer to LM pp _______.
Let the pupils give their
opinion on the following
article on the projector

Bongbong on bilateral talks:

China opened the door, we
shut it
READ: China to Philippines:
Let's sit down and talk

REMARKS: NB= 39 XB= %OFM= NB= 39 XB= %OFM= NB= 39 XB= %OFM=
N= X= ND= 38 XD= %OFM= ND= 38 XD= %OFM= ND= 38 XD= %OFM=
% of Mastery=
No. of learners within mastery B= D= B= D= B= D=
No. of learners needing B= D= B= D= B= D=
Remediation/ Reinforcement
Additional activities for Make a reaction regarding the Make an outline on what you Make an outline on what you have
application or issue. have done tonight. done tonight.

Prepared By: Noted:

Teacher School Head
Grades 1-12 Paaralan San Gabriel Central School Baitang/Antas Ikalima
Daily Lesson Log Guro Venus V. Macato Markahan Ikalawa
(Pang-araw-araw na Pagtuturo) Petsa/ oras Oktubre 14-18, 2019 Buwan Oktubre
DATE: OKTUBRE 14, 2019 DATE: OKTUBRE 15, 2019 DATE: OKTUBRE 16, 2019 DATE: OKTUBRE 17, 2019 DATE: OKTUBRE 18, 2019
PAKSANG ARALIN Tunog na melody na Nakikilala ang pagitan ng mga Naipakikita ang kasanayan sa IKALAWANG MARKAHANG PAGSUSULIT
pinakamataas at pinakamababa nota ng eskalang mayor. pagbasa at pag-awit ng mga
nota sa tunugang Pentatonic,
eskalang mayor at eskalang G
Nailalarawan ang pinakamataas Pagkilala sa pagitan ng mga nota Pagbasa at pag-awit ng mga
at pinakamabbabng antas ng ng eskalang mayor nota sa Tunugang Pentatonic,
mga note sa musika at nasusukat eskalang mayor at eskalang G
PAGKATUTO ang lawak ng tunog nito. mayor

Curriculum Guide in Music 5 Curriculum Guide in Music 5 Curriculum Guide in Music 5

Lunsanang Awit: “Santa Clara” 3 Lunsarang Awit: Ang Dalagang LUNSARANG AWIT:
4 4 Pilipina C, 3 , do / O Dandansoy , C, do/ Ili-
Sanggunian:Umawit at Gumuhit 5 4 iliTulogAnay,F,so
pp. 18, Magsaya C, 2 , do SANGGUNIAN: Spotlight 5 pp.
Kagamitan: CD player, tugtugin, 4 61-72/MAPE Grade 5, pp.18
tsart ng iskor ng “Santa Clara” Sanggunian: MAPE Adventures KAGAMITAN: LunsarangAwit,
Pagpapahalaga: Pagpapahalaga 3, pp. 32/ MAPE 5 Sing Express Pentatonic scale chart, C major
sa mga ipinangakong salita & Move, pp.41, MSEP 5 Let’s scale chart,
Konsepto:Ang bawat awit o create, Sing and Move, pp.48-49, G major scale chart,
tugtugin ay nagtataglay ng MU5ME-IIC-5 PAGPAPAHALAGA: matiyaga,
(nailimbag, hindi nailimbag, pinakamataas na tono at Kagamitan: keyboard, CD, mapagmahal
kagamitang online mula sa pinakamababang tono. Ito ay Show me board, flashcard CD
LRMDS portal) binibigyang pansin upang player
malaman ang lawak ng tono na Pagpapahalaga: Pakikiisa,
ginamit sa awitin Paggalang sa kapwa,
Pagtanggap sa sarili
Konsepto: Ang bawat tono ay
may kaugnayan sa isa’t-
isa.Bawat himig sa musika ay
binubuo ng mga nota na may
iba’t-ibang pagitan o interval.
IV. Panimulang IV. Panimulang IV. Panimulang
Gawain Gawain Gawain
Pagsasanay: 1.Balik-aral 5. Pagsasanay
a.Rhythmic Awitin ang “Dalagang Pilipina”. Pagbobokalisasyon gamit ang
Unang Pangkat – tatalon patungo 3. Pagsasanay ma me mi mo mu.
sa unahan Laro: Tao ng Nota V. Panlinang na
Pangalawang Pangkat – V. Panlinang na Gawain
papalakpak Gawain 1. Pagganyak
4. Pagganyak: Song Bee Contest –
Bumunot ng isang (Magpaparinig ang guro ng mga
plaskard sa kahon, idikit ito sa awitin at huhulaan ang pamagat
V. Panlinang na pisara at isulatang interval o ng bawat awitin.)
Gawain pagitan ng bawat nota nito. 2. Paglalahad
Pagganyak 4. Paglalahad Basahin at awitin ang mga nota
Pakinggan natin ang bawat tunog sa awitin.
ng mga notang inyong sinagutan 6. Pagtalakay
gamit ang keyboard. Ano ang tunugan ng awit na
3. Pagtatalakay Ilang bilang mayroon ang bawat
2. Paglalahad Tingnan ang eskalang sukat?
mayor.Ano ang eskalang mayor? Nasaan ang “do”sa tunugang C
Tingnan ang so-fa syllable ayon Anu-ano ang makikita ninyo dito? mayor?
sa senyas-kamay ng Kodaly. Pansinin ang musical symbol sa Anu- anong nota ang ginamit sa
PAMAMARAAN Ano ang napansin niyo sa mga staff. Ano ang tawag dito? (F- awit?
agwat ng note sa mga so-fa Clef) VI. Pangwakas na
syllable? Gawain:
VI. Pangwakas na Paglalahat:
5. Pagtalakay Gawain: Ano ang pagkakaibang tunugang
a.Sapamamatigan ng score ng Paglalahat: C mayor, G mayor at
mga awit, ipatukoy sa mga bata Ano ang major scale? Pentatonic?
ang mga nota na may Repleksyon
pinakamataas at pinakamababa Ano ang kahalagahan ng Paglalapat
tono. pagkakaiba mo sa ibang tao? Tukuyin kung anong eskala ang
b.Muling ipaawit sa mga bata ang Paglalapat nasakahon. Isulat ang titik EP,
awit na “Santa Clara” at pag- Pangkat 1 -Gumawa ng eskalang kung ito ay eskalang Pentatonic,
usapan ang bawat pagitan nito prime, octave, fifth interval EG kung eskalang G, at EC kung
kung ito ay may malawak na Pangkat II - Gumawangeskalang eskalang mayor or C.
range o maiksing range. 2nd, octave, seventh interval
Pangkat III-Gumawangeskalang
VI. Pangwakas na 3rd, 4th, 6th interval

a.Ang melodiya ay ang

makahulugang pagkakahanay at
pinagsamasamang tono o mga
himig na nakaaantig ng
damdamin ng mga nakikinig sa
pamamagitan ng makabuluhang
pagpapahayag ng kaisipan sa
konposisyong musical.
b.Ang pagkakasunos-sunod ng
mga himig sa isang komposisyon
ay naaayon sa skalang musical (
music scale).
Ang bawat tono o nota ay sunod-
sunod na umaakyat o tumataas
at bumababa na may
nakatakdang pagitan ng mga
hakbang. Ang pagitan ng bawat
nota ay maaaring isang buong
hakbang o kalahating hakbang

Muling balikan ang score ng
awiting “Santa Clara”

Suriin ang mga note at tukuyin Lagyan ng angkop na nota ang Basahin at awitin ang mga nota
ang range ng pinakamataas at bawat limguhit at sundan ang sa eskala.(tignan tg at lm)
pinakamababang note. Isulat din pagitang nakasulat sa bawat isa.
kung malawak o maikli ang
pagitan ng bawat note. (tignan lm at tg)

MGA TALA NB= 39 XB= %OFM= NB= 39 XB= %OFM= NB= 39 XB= %OFM=
N= X= % of mastery ND= 38 XD= %OFM= ND= 38 XD= %OFM= ND= 38 XD= %OFM=
Bilang ng mag-aaral na nahasa B= D= B= D= B= D=
Bilang ng mag-aaral na B= D= B= D= B= D=
nangangailangan ng iba pang
Gawain para sa remediation
Iguhit ang Skalang C Mayor na Ibigay ang bilang ng interval Pagsanayan ang mga awiting,
Iba pang Karagdagang Gawain
may kaakibat na mga note. ng mga sumusunod nat unog: Dandansoy, Ili-ili Tulog Anay at
(tignan lm at tg) Yaman ng Bayan.
Prepared By: Noted:


Teacher School Head
Grades 1- School San Gabriel Central School Grade Level Five
12 Teacher Venus V. Macato Quarter Third
Daily Lesson Teaching Date and Time October 28-Nov 1, 2019 Month November
Log Week 1
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
October 28, 2019 October 29, 2019 October 30, 2019 October 31, 2019 November 1, 2019
OBJECTIVES - Distinguish fact from - Infer the meaning of unfamiliar - Infer the meaning of words Distinguish text – types NO CLASSES
opinion words (Compound) based on based on given context clues according to purpose(to HOLIDAY
- Observe politeness at all given context clues (Synonyms and Antonyms) persuade) ALL SAINTS DAY
times - Read grade level text with - Show tactfulness when -Observe politeness at all
accuracy, appropriate rate and communicating with others times
proper expression
- Observe politeness at all
A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies/ EN5LC – III a 2.10 EN5V – 20.3 EN5V – IIIc 20.4 EN5RC – IIIc 3.2.4
(Write the LC code for
Distinguishing Fact from Compound Words (Vocabulary Synonyms and Antonyms Distinguishing text-type
Opinion ( Listening ) Development) (Vocabulary Development) according to purpose (to
Writing an Editorial
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages TG/LM Week 1 TG/LM Week 1 TG/LM Week 1 TG/LM Week 1
Lesson Guide in Elementary Lesson Guide In English 5 pp. Lesson Guides in Elementary Gramley, S. Patzold, KM. A.
English pp. 33 – 35 103-104 English 5 pp. 117-121 Survey of Modern English,
English Expressways Google Images London. Routledge, 1992
2. Learner’s Materials
(Textbook in Reading) Michigan Association of
pp.215-216 Intermediate School
Google Images Administrators, Oakland
3. Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
metacards, strip of paper picture, strip of cartolina, realia topic wheel, puzzle, poem hand – out, meta cards,
B. Other Learning
rolled with ribbon, box, opinion page of newspaper,
manila paper, pentel pen editorial writing worksheet
How are you going to Sing the song “I have a pen” What kind of book where Show a picture of street
A. Reviewing previous differentiate fantasy from What word is formed when synonyms and antonyms of children, ask the pupils to give
lesson or presenting the reality? Give examples of apple and pen are combined? words are compiled? their feelings toward the
new lesson situation that state a reality picture.
and fantasy.
Game: Pick out a with Study the picture. Tell Use a topic wheel. Answer the Ask the following questions to
statement stating a fact or an something about it. question at the center. the pupils.
opinion inside a box. Those What are the different cakes 1. How do we write news
who picked an opinion and pastries does the baker stories?
should go to the left side; bake? 2. What are the do’s and
B. Establishing a purpose
those who picked a fact don’ts in writing the news
for the lesson
should go to the right side. articles?
Pupils who did not get it 3. State the reactions
correctly should recite a whether you are unhappy,
poem or a dance number. delighted, disappointed or sad
about the news today
Read the paragraph to the Read the paragraph properly Distribute each letter to pupils. Unlocking of Difficulties
pupils. Then ask with accuracy, appropriate rate Ask them to rearrange the Directions: In the letter boxes,
comprehension check-up. and proper expression. letters and give the meaning of write the correct word that is
Distinguish fact from opinion. Then answer the the word. They will stand in descriptive of the given
Which paragraph expresses comprehension check-up front with the letter. meaning from the big box
truth or fact? LYVELO _____ 1. beautiful Apology reaction
C. Presenting examples /
Which paragraph expresses GEELTAN____ 2. graceful Anthem leisure
instances of the new lesson
belief? news peg the news
reaction issue

1. (n) belief based not on

certainty but on what seems
true or probable
Read the sentences then Pick out the different compound Read the poem orally. Follow Discuss the different text types
distinguishing fact from words from the paragraph. Look the proper reading with as follows:
opinion. for the underlined words in our accuracy, appropriate rate and Narrative – entertains, tells a
a. A forest is the best place story. proper expression. “My Native story
to relax. Land”. Then answer the Expository – facts/information
b. Forests protect our wildlife Read the two words found in comprehension questions. Technical – information to
and provide homes, food and each word. perform a task
D. Discussing new water to animals and birds. Persuasive – author tries to
concepts c. Trees prevent flood that Sunday = sun + day convince reader to take a
can kill people and crops. Afternoon = after + noon certain opinion or perform a
d. From these forests come Cupcakes = cup + cakes certain action
wood for houses, telephone Strategies for writing effective
posts, electric light poles persuasive essay (editorial
a. State both sides of the issue
and point of view directly, and
make it clear which side you
b. Begin with a quote or
anecdote that draws the reader
in right from the start.
c. Ask a thought-provoking
question to get the reader
thinking about the issue.
d. State an interesting statistic
or a fact
e. Start with a short,
declarative sentence.
f. Use transition words to begin
each sentence that lays out
your argument as follows:
-First… -Second… -Next…
-Finally -First of all
-Most of all…-To begin with… -
In addition…-Lastly
Group Activity The pupils will write the Identify the words that have Group Activity
On the meta cards where the compound word that mean the similar meaning or opposite a. Pupils will be given topics to
sentences of fact and opinion following: meaning of each underlined write on as an example of
are written, distinguish words. persuasive essay.
________ bell by the door
whether the sentences are 1. The grand mountains are Example:
fact or opinion. Post it in the ________ ache or pain at the Issue – Should animals be kept
back of the body beautiful.
proper heading. in zoos?
a. attractive c. elegant
Essay title: Extinction and
b. marvelous d. radiant
E. Practicing new skills Endangered Animals
This essay is for the issue
This essay is against the issue
Animals are becoming extinct-
Dodo birds disappeared in the
Directions: Read each Group the pupils accordingly Group Activity Write persuasive essay
statement and then circle Directions: Let’s make Directions: Make a list of 5 following the given format
whether it is a fact or opinion. compound words. Write the synonym or antonym word above.
pairs. Use each pair in a
Explain your answer. compound word on the blank
F. Developing Mastery sentence.
1. The fastest land dwelling before its meaning.
(Leads to Formative creature is the Cheetah. _____ 1. store where books are
Fact or Opinion Explain: sold
_______________________ ____ 2. marker placed between
the pages of the book

Pick out the compound words Directions: The teacher will

from the sentences. ask the pupils to copy the
1. Daylight begins at early words that is spelled correctly.
morning. 1. gloruious
2. We put all our toys in the glorious
G. Finding practical
playroom. gloriouos
application of concepts and
3. I got sunburn when we went 2. resplendent
skills in daily living
to the beach. resplenden
4. The teacher told the pupils to rescplendent
underline the correct answer.
5. We have P.E. in the
• Fact – is a Compound Word – comes from Synonyms – words that have What is persuasive essay?
statement which experiences two different words that have similar meaning
and experiments have been put together to form a Antonyms – words that have
proven to be true. new word with a new meaning. opposite meaning
- something that is
known to be true or real

H. Making generalizations • Opinion – is a view

and abstractions about the or guess which may or may
lesson not be true. Clue words like
believe, feel, must be, must
and probably, seems often
signal opinion.
- the idea is based
on what we think or how we
Directions: Distinguish fact Directions: Read each Directions: The teacher will
from opinion. Write F if the show an editorial cartoon
sentence and fill in the blank
sentences express fact and conveying about the Dep Ed
O if it is an opinion on the with a compound word. Choose
lapses in declaring suspension
blank before the number.
your answer below. of classes when children are
__ 1. From birth to
adulthood, we grow Drugstore haircut already in school during
physically, intellectually, and typhoon. It portrays the pupils’
firemen backyard
emotionally. experiences when they are
__ 2. According to many, stomachache cornfield stranded on their way back
girls mature earlier than boys
1. The ______did their best to home.
I. Evaluating learning __ 3. I guess growing up has save the burning building.
many challenges.
2. Please go to the ______ for
__ 4. During adolescence,
boys grow to manhood and some medicine.
girls develop into
3. Grandfather went to the
__ 5. Maybe, I would look barber shop for a ______.
like my mother.
4. We will go to the _____to
harvest fruits and vegetables.
5. I have _____maybe because
I ate too much.
REMARKS: NB=39 X= %OF M= NB=39 X= %OF M= NB=39 X= %OF M= NB=39 X= %OF M=
N= X= ND=38 X= %OF M= ND=38 X= %OF M= ND=38 X= %OF M= ND=38 X= %OF M=
% of Mastery= NR=39 X= %OF M= NR=39 X= %OF M= NR=39 X= %OF M= NR=39 X= %OF M=
No. of learners within mastery B= D= R= B= D= R= B= D= R= B= D= R=
No. of learners needing B= D= R= B= D= R= B= D= R= B= D= R=
Remediation/ Reinforcement
Additional activities for
application or remediation

Prepared By: Noted:

Teacher School Head

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