Writing of PH.D Proposal
Writing of PH.D Proposal
Writing of PH.D Proposal
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research proposal is an obvious are confused and do not know how to go Remember, a high-quality research pro-
and essential part of a Ph.D. about this initial academic task. As a posal increases your chances of having a
application in most parts of the result, many students circumvent this successful application. Therefore, you
world. It is an outline of your proposed hurdle by employing the services of pro- must put your best into it.
project, whose aim is to present and fessional thesis writers. Using Internet search engines such as
justify your research idea and explain Many times, applicants who meet the Google and Yahoo, you can find free
the practical ways in which you think minimum entry requirements fail to be Ph.D. research proposal samples on dif-
this research should be implemented. It accepted as Ph.D. candidates as a result ferent research topics. Plenty of research
is often the first opportunity for you to of some weakness in the research pro- proposal databases offer access to Ph.D.
communicate your ideas to attract inter- posal submitted along with their applica- research proposal templates in many
est from faculty members of your cho- tion. While writing your proposal, it is fields of endeavor. Similarly, a number of
sen university. Since a Ph.D. is awarded important to bear in mind that you are custom thesis writing companies are
mainly as a result of making a genuine competing with several other candidates available and could be consulted online
contribution to the state of knowledge jostling for the limited vacancies in the via their Web sites. These companies
in your chosen field, it is crucial to cre- department, just as in job vacancies. offer research proposal writing services to
ate a positive first impression on your Hence, you must come up with a clearly students and charge them for the services.
potential supervisor. written and well-structured document, Lazy students who cannot face the initial
Similar to the preliminary research which easily passes your message across challenge usually contract out the work
proposal in purpose, especially in univer- and, consequently, has a great impact to custom thesis writers and present well-
sities in the United States, though not as upon the reader. One should not have to written research proposals to the school
detailed, is the statement of purpose read it twice to really understand it. of graduate studies. Nevertheless, many
(SoP). An SoP is a personal statement
about who you are, what has influenced
your career path so far, your professional
interests, and where you plan to go after
the completion of your study. Like a
research proposal, an SoP is an important
requirement in the graduate application
process, which influences the decision of
the admissions committee as it deter-
mines your candidacy for admission.
Short-term projects such as those
undertaken at the undergraduate or post-
graduate diploma level are essential train-
ing for graduate research. The transition
into a graduate research degree, such as
a Ph.D., involves a much higher level of
independent thinking and activity than
most students realize. A large number of
students usually find this transition very
challenging and daunting. The challenge
starts from the time of application when
applicants are required to write and pres-
ent a research proposal. Most students
MAy/June 201415
•• You are strongly encouraged to way” should be avoided in describing • (2011, Mar. 11). How to write a
identify a prospective supervisor and your research ideas. research proposal. [Online]. Available:
get in touch with him/her to discuss http://www.eastchance.com/howto/res_
your proposal informally before you Conclusion prop.asp
make a formal application. This would A research proposal is an integral • (2011, Mar. 11). Ph.D. Research
ensure it is of mutual interest and en- part of the Ph.D. application process in proposal guidelines. [Online]. Available:
able it gain input on the design, scope, most parts of the world. Its quality is a http://dmst.aueb.gr/gr2/diafora2/YPD2/
and feasibility of your project. Re- considerable factor used by the univer- PhD%20Proposal%20Guidelines.htm
searching the department to which you sity to arrive at a decision either to • (2011, Mar. 11). Guide to writing
are applying would ensure that there reject or accept you into a Ph.D. pro- a research proposal for an engineering
is a faculty member interested in your gram. The aim is to provide information Ph.D. [Online]. Available: http://www2.
subject area and he/she is available to about the intended research project, in warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/eng/pg/apply/
supervise your project. terms of content and methodology, to proposal/
•• Ensure your proposal is well evaluate its feasibility. The quality of the • L. T. Wright. (2011, Apr. 20). A
structured, as poorly formed or ram- proposal is also important in gaining guide to writing a research proposal for
bling proposals could give MPhil or Ph.D. [Online]. Available: http://
the impression that the pro- w w w.dmu.ac.uk/research/graduate-
posed project may suffer school
the same fate. • G. Marczyk, D. DeMatteo, and D.
•• Make sure that the You can often save yourself a good Festinger, Essentials of Research Design
scope of your project is and Methodology. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley,
reasonable. Remember that
deal of time, money, and above all, the 2005.
there are significant limits embarrassment that might later ensue, • (2011, June 10). Writing Ph.D.
to the size and complex- proposals. [Online]. Available: http://
by quickly changing the direction of
ity of a project that can be www.socialsciences.manchester.ac.uk/
accomplished and written your study if you discover, from your d i sc ipl i nes/p ol it ic s/p o st g r adu ate/
up in three to four years. literature review, that the research research/proposal/
It should be noted that • (2011, June 10). What is a state-
proposals are not only as- questions you are planning to conduct ment of purpose? [Online]. Available:
sessed for their intellectual have already been answered. http://www.statementofpurpose.com/
ambition and significance whatis.html
but also for the likelihood
that the candidate can com- About the authors
plete the project. M.F. Akorede (makorede@ieee.org)
•• Try to display your passion for acceptance by the university’s higher earned his B.Eng. and M.Eng degrees in
the subject matter in the structure and degrees committee six months from the electrical engineering in 2000 and 2006,
arguments presented within your pro- time of your enrollment as a research respectively, in Nigeria. He earned his
posal. This could make your project student. Though you are not expected Ph.D. degree in electrical power engi-
and subject matter engaging to your to be an expert at this stage, you are neering at Universiti Putra Malaysia in
readers. strongly advised to approach it as a per- 2011. He is currently with the Electrical
•• If applying to multiple depart- suasive essay to establish the attention and Electronics Engineering Depart-
ments, be sure to tailor a unique pro- of readers and be able to convince ment, University of Ilorin, Nigeria. He is
posal to each department. Do not them of the significance of your project. a Member of the IEEE, the Nigerian Soci-
produce a research proposal for mass Remember that a first impression counts ety of Engineers, and a registered profes-
consumption! and you can never get the second sional engineer with the Council for
•• Avoid broad research areas that chance to make it. A poorly written pro- Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria.
would be unmanageable as a Ph.D. topic posal is likely to end up with your S.A.Y. Amuda (saamuda@unilorin.edu.
or that have no relevance to the research application being rejected. ng) is currently a researcher and lecturer
areas of your intending university. This in the Electrical and Electronics Engineer-
could lead to the rejection of your appli- Read more about it ing Department, University of Ilorin,
cation. For this reason, ensure that you • (2011, Apr. 20). Writing a Ph.D. re- Nigeria. He earned his M.Eng. and Ph.D.
visit the appropriate Web sites to find out search proposal: A 6‐step general guide degrees in 2004 and 2013, respectively.
about existing research taking place in for prospective Ph.D. researchers. [On- Dr. Amuda was a visiting researcher at the
the department and how your project can line]. Available: http://www.exeter.ac.uk/ Center for Robust Speech System, Univer-
complement it. media/universityofexeter/webteam/ sity of Texas, Dallas, in 2009–2010 for
•• Finally, avoid vague descriptions shared/postgraduate/pdfs nine months as a Fulbright Scholar. He is
of your research interests. This would • A. Mitchell. (2011, Mar. 11). a Member of the IEEE, a registered pro-
give the impression that you are not cer- Writing a good Ph.D. proposal. Univ. fessional engineer in Nigeria (with the
tain about what you intend to do. In like York. [Online]. Available: http:// Council for Regulation of Engineering in
manner, the use of conclusive phrases w w w.findaphd.com /st udent/st udy/ Nigeria), and a member of the Nigerian
such as “the best way” and “the only study-33.asp Society of Engineers.