Fluid Mechanics - Theory: Dimensionless Parameters For Pipe Flow
Fluid Mechanics - Theory: Dimensionless Parameters For Pipe Flow
Fluid Mechanics - Theory: Dimensionless Parameters For Pipe Flow
Pipe Length l L
Step 1: The parameters that are involved in the
Pipe Diameter D L pipe flow problem are the pressure drop (Δp), pipe
Fluid Velocity V LT -1 length (l), pipe diameter (D), fluid velocity (V), fluid
Fluid Density ρ ML-3 density (ρ), fluid viscosity (μ) and pipe surface
Fluid Viscosity μ ML-1T-1 roughness (ε). A total of 7 parameters (n = 7) is
involved in this problem.
Pipe Surface
Roughness ε L
Step 2: The basic dimensions involved are
summarized in the table on the left. All three of the
basic dimensions, M, L, and T (k = 3) are involved
in this problem.
Π1 = ΔpDa1Vb1ρc1 = (ML-1T-2)(L)a1(LT-1)b1(ML-3)c1
= M(1 + c1) L(-1 + a1 + b1 - 3c1) T(-2 - b1)
M: 1 + c1 = 0
c1 = -1
T: -2 - b1 = 0
b1 = -2
Π2 = l/D
Π4 = ε/D
Π3 = μDa3Vb3ρc3= (ML-1T-1)(L)a3(LT-1)b3(ML-3)c3
= M(1 + c3) L(-1 + a3 + b3 - 3c3) T(-1 - b3)
In order for Π3 to be dimensionless:
M: 1 + c3 = 0
c3 = -1
T: -1 - b3 = 0
b3 = -1