Assignment in English Plus Class 8 Teachers Handbook PDF

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Assignments in



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♦ Type - I : Comprehension Passages (Assignments – 1 to 12) ..................................................................................................... 3 – 5
♦ Type - II : Comprehension Passages (Assignments – 1 to 12) .................................................................................................... 5 – 7


Part - I : Writing ......................................................................................................................................................................... 7 – 28
♦ Integrated Exercise for Practice .............................................................................................................................................. 7 – 21
I. Notice Writing ........................................................................................................................................................................... 7
II. Letter Writing ............................................................................................................................................................................ 8
III. Diary Entry .............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
IV. Article ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
V. Speech ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
VI. Debate ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
VII. Report....................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
VIII. Story Writing............................................................................................................................................................................ 18
♦ Assignments – 1 to 12 ............................................................................................................................................................ 21 – 28

Part - II : Grammar .................................................................................................................................................................. 29 – 31

♦ Integrated Exercise for Practice ............................................................................................................................................ 29 – 30
♦ Assignments – 1 to 14 ............................................................................................................................................................ 30 – 31


♦ Unit Assignments – 1 to 8 ...................................................................................................................................................... 32 – 38


♦ Assignments – 1 to 5 .............................................................................................................................................................. 38 – 39

  Note: Please note this Teachers’ Handbook contains the Solutions for the Assignments/ Integrated Exerises for Practice/
Unit Assignments/ Subject Enrichment Activities given in the book Assignments in English Plus - 8 published by
Full Circle Education Pvt Ltd.
  © All rights reserved with the Author.

Type - I : Comprehension Passages
ASSIGNMENT – 1 invaders never ventured for south to loot the treasure
1. Globalisation is viewed in terms of losses and gains. of the temple.
2. No, any historic change cannot be made without any loss. 9. Haider Ali and his son Tipu Sultan never invaded
3. India is not a developed country. It is a developing
country. ASSIGNMENT – 4
4. The benefits of globalisation can be seen in India in the
1. Conversation is the most easily teachable of all arts.
following two fields.
2. We need to find a subject that interests us and our
• IT Parks • Financial Markets
5. Small farmers, tribal people,, Dalits and workers are
3. To become a good conversationalist we should talk
not benefited by globalisation.
about the other people’s hobby.
6. The landless Dalits are living in the shadow of upper
4. If they show interest in the other people’s interest.
caste atrocities in India.
5. For good conversation we should know what subjects
7. In the cold deserts of Ladakh Bihari workers are
to avoid and what subjects to select.
shivering and building roads.
6. He/she must avoid talking about himself/herself.
8. In the last para of the above passage ‘another world’
means the world of people untouched by globalistaion. Sickness or death bores everyone.
9. Globalisation in India 7. We should not hurt others with our wit. We should also
avoid mannerism in our conversation.
ASSIGNMENT – 2 8. Because he wants to remind us that in conversation the
1. On March 4, 1865 the weather in Washington D.C. was strict observance of mannerism is not good.
cold and windy. 9. Conversation is an Art.
2. The U.S. capital building’s great iron dome was ASSIGNMENT – 5
crowned by a bronze liberty.
3. According to the author John Wilkes Booth was a 1. It is the number of children who die by the age of five,
young actor. per thousand live birth.
4. He believed in slavery and white supremacy. 2. In 2007, the world’s average child mortality rate was
5. African Americans were unequal to whites and they 6.8%.
should remain slaves. 3. Sierra Leone has the world’s highest child mortality
6. He considered Lincoln as a tyrant who was responsible rate.
for all the country’s troubles. 4. Latin America and Caribbean show the biggest
7. He hatched a scheme to kidnap Abraham Lincoln. improvement between 1990 and 2006.
8. Lewis Paine was a wounded confederate who had 5. Pneumonia and diarrhoea are two causes of child deaths
recently joined the ban to conspirators formed by Lewis as per the World Health Organisation.
Paine. 6. Malnutrition, the poor condition of health is caused by
9. John H. Surratt and Lewis Paine were willing to help the lack of the right type of food.
Booth in carrying out his plan to kidnap Lincoln. 7. Malnutrition contributes to more than one third of all
child deaths.
ASSIGNMENT – 3 8. According to 2002-2008 estimates, one child dies every
1. Nobody dared to use the wealth of the temple because 5 seconds due to hunger.
the people were afraid of God. 9. The child mortality rate is also known as the under 5
2. M.G.S. Narayanan is a famous historian. mortality rate.
3. The myth like the serpent guarding a vault is universal.
4. All donations are recorded on the temple’s treasure.
5. Diwan Peshkar Ulloor is the special officer to the Sree 1. Because he was tired of ruling his kingdom. He needed
Padmanabhaswamy temple. peace and quietness.
6. Merchants officials, and rajas made donations. 2. How much his daughters loved him.
7. The reason for the donation like act of atonement was 3. Goneril was his eldest daughter. The Duke of Albany
recorded. was her husband.
8. The treasure of the temple still exists because the 4. Cordelia was his eldest daughter.

5. Because they had flattered their old father to get his favour. 3. The words ‘Bharat Ratna’ are inscribed in Devanagari
6. Because she did not flatter her father like her sisters. Script.
7. He kept only the name of king and a hundred knights 4. Bharat Ratna awardees are kept in same category as
to take care of him. former prime ministers, current cabinet ministers,
8. In disappointment and anger he called Cordelia an current chief ministers, and current leaders of opposition
ungrateful and heartless child. in Parliament.
9. Because he had to give one half of his kingdom to his 5. The award is given for “exceptional service towards
daughters. advancement of art, literature and science, and in
recognition of public service of the highest order.”
ASSIGNMENT – 7 6. Politicians have dominated the list of recipients of
1. In 1952, Mother Teresa opened the first Home for the Bharat Ratna.
Dying in Calcutta. 7. There have been years when the Bharat Ratna was not
2. The Home for the Dyning was also known as Nirmal awarded.
Hriday. 8. The last person to get the Bharat Ratna was Atal Bihari
3. They received medical attention. They were given Vajpayee, according to the above passage.
opportunity to die with dignity. 9. The award of Bharat Ratna was suspended between
4. It was called ‘Shanti Nagar’ city of peace. 1977 to 1980.
5. The Missionaries of charity wanted to give home to the
lost children.
6. The number of lost children was increasing everyday. 1. Flooding cleanses and renews river basins, expands
7. The Nirmala Shishu Bhavan was established to give feeding and breeding grounds of plants, fish and
home to the orphans and homeless youth. animals, and spreads fresh layers of fertile silt.
8. Venezuela is the first country outside India where the 2. Scientists feel the dams and embankments cause more
first house for orphans and lepers was opened. floods and do more harm than good.
9. Mother Teresa’s Charity Work. 3. Philip Williams is the President of International Rivers
ASSIGNMENT – 8 4. Construction contractors are largely responsible for
1. The new category of senior citizens named in the 2011 man-made floods.
union budget was called ‘very senior citizens’. 5. Construction of dams and embankments cause more
2. An alarming increase in the number of senior citizens floods. They do more harm than good.
in India forced the Indian government to take notice of 6. Countries like U.S.A., Japan, Germany and Britain have
them. begun to pay more attention to waste reduction measures.
3. Social changes like, migration to urban areas, 7. The Japanese solution to reduce environmental hazards
industrialisation, and working women have ended the is burning, burying, reducing and recycling waste
joint family system. products.
4. Elderly people are the most vulnerable under the 8. In the U.S., more than 2000 garbage burning plants
nuclear family system. work day and night in addition to 125 large incinerators.
5. There are more than thousand old-age homes all over 9. The Japanese have introduced aquaculture in their
India. The government claims that there is sense of industries to keep them clean.
security and friendship among old-age home residents.
6. The major facilities provided in old-age homes are
accommodation, food and facilities for spiritual well- 1. Tea is world’s most popular drink, after water.
being. 2. Last year, researchers in Boston found that heart
7. The study of senior citizens in U.K. shows not more patients who drank two or more cups of tea daily were
than 5 per cent of elders live in old-age homes. 44% less likely to die over the next 4 years.
8. The British government’s emphasis is on providing 3. Tea can lower bad cholesterol levels by an average of
appropriate services so that seniors remain at home. 10%. The flavonoids in tea can also prevent the damage
to artery walls caused by dangerous cholesterol.
ASSIGNMENT – 9 4. The onset of cancer can be delayed by drinking 10 or
1. The Bharat Ratna was instituted as an award in 1954 more cups of green tea everyday.
by the first president Rajendra Prasad. 5. The Canadian study of 1998 suggests that men who
2. Eminent physicist Sir C.V. Raman and C. Rajagopalchari, drank 3 cups of tea a day were 30 per cent less likely
the last Governor-General of India, were the first two to develop prostate cancer.
recipients of Bharat Ratna in 1954. 6. Flavonoids in tea protects bones.

4 Assignments in English Plus – 8 Teacher’s Handbook

7. Tea contains fluoride and substances that stop bacteria 3. Birds from Siberia migrate to this Sanctuary to roost
from sticking to teeth. This helps to fight cavities. and escape the cold in Siberia.
8. Jeffrey Blumberg is a U.S. nutrition researcher. 4. The traditional rice boats are known as Kettuvalloms.
9. Blumberg feels that green and black tea is probably 5. The authors checked into the ayurvedic centre to
equally protective. experience the magic touch of the masseurs.
6. It was a house boat which was grafted onto traditional
ASSIGNMENT – 12 rice boats called Kettuvalloms.
1. The good things provided by nature in large quantities 7. The captain of the house boat helped the authors in
is called bounty of nature. sailing.
2. The never-ending songs of birds reminded the authors 8. The setting sun painted the sky with a flourish of gold
that they have come very close to Kumarakom Bird and red.
Sanctuary. 9. The author drifted off to sleep after dinner.

Type - II : Comprehension Passages

ASSIGNMENT – 1 2. According to Vivekananda, Hinduism taught the
I. 1. Abraham Lincoln wanted his son to get the correct world both tolerance and universal acceptance. This
made him very proud of Hinduism.
ideas about life and human beings. So he wrote this
letter to his son’s teacher. 3. India has shattered the persecuted and the refugees
of all religions and nations. This is why Vivekananda
2. ‘A dollar earned’ means a dollar that is earned
was proud to belong to India.
through hard work.’
4. Israelites came to South India as refugees to escape
3. Lincoln wants his son to laugh when he is sad. He
Roman persecution. This was the support India gave
feels that there is no shame in crying. He should
to Israelites.
scoff at cynics and because of people who are very
5. According to Vivekananda, the present convention
sweet. He asks his son to sell his brown and brains
was a vindication of the wonderful doctrine
but not his heart and soul.
preached in the Gita. Men follow different paths
4. Teaching correct things to children is hard and which in the end lead to God.
difficult. So he calls it as ‘big order’.
II. 1. Roman tyranny
II. 1. and not follow the crowd
2. tolerance and universal acceptance
2. he is right III. 1. ancient 2. persecuted
III. 1. dedicated 2. highest
I. 1. On Buddha Purnima, Buddhists do not eat meat.
I. 1. The builders are optimistic because they believe They eat kheer which they share with the poor. They
that the government will either persuade or let them set up drinking water stalls. They release caged birds
negotiate directly with farmers. and pay butchers to free animals meant for slaughter.
2. Builders want the uncertainty to end. They want 2. On Buddha Purnima, Buddhists make Vaisakh
the government to persuade the farmers to reach a Vakats out of bamboo, festoon them with starts and
settlement. decorate their houses with them. Some people drape
3. Small splinter groups of farmers are willing to their walls with paper or cloth depicting incidents
renegotiate with the government for a better price. from Jataka tales.
4. The majority of farmers want to retain their ancestral 3. In Sri Lanka, all homes are brightly illuminated and
land. They do not want to sell their land. even the poorest light at least one oil lamp during
5. The flat owners should read the offer documents Buddha Purnima.
more carefully in future. 4. During Buddha Purnima, the Japanese make replicas
II. 1. fit for cultivation 2. be cancelled of shrines with spring flowers and place a small idol
III. 1. euphoria 2. proximity of Buddha on them.
5. Since Buddha attained enlightenment sitting under
ASSIGNMENT – 3 a Bodhi tree, special care is given to them.
I. 1. Swami Vivekananda thanked the people of America II. 1. set them free 2. tending Bodhi trees
for the warm and cordial welcome they offered him. III. 1. refrain 2. prior

Section - A: Reading 5
ASSIGNMENT – 5 II. 1. past human societies
I. 1. Ashoka was a bold and cruel young man. His 2. tiny stones, pieces of wood, bone or metal
brothers viewed him as a rival to the throne. So they III. 1. downcast 2. prime
feared him. ASSIGNMENT – 8
2. Ashoka fell in lone with a woman called Kaurwaki.
She was a commoner and a fisher woman. I. 1. Florence Nightingale rejected the comforts and
luxuries of life and dedicated herself to the service
3. Ashoka put down a rebellion in the Punjabi city of
of sick and the wounded. So she was a wonderful
Takshila. Thus, his competence as a general was
2. Florence laid the foundation of modern nursing,
4. During the uprising in Ujjain, Ashoka was injured.
by organising it on a scientific basis. She cared
Buddhist monks took care of the wounded prince.
more about the sick and the wounded than her own
During the time the monks taught the basic tenets comforts.
of Buddhism to him.
3. She improved the conditions of the hospital using
5. Bindusara died in 275 BCE. A 2-year-long war of her own money. She took good care of the wounded
succession erupted between Ashoka and his half- patients.
4. While visiting patients at night, she used to hold a
II. 1. wooden stick lamp in her hand. So she was known as ‘The Lady
2. in the distant frontiers of the Mauryan Empire with the Lamp’.
III. 1. troublesome 2. recalled 5. Florence’s parents wanted her to lead a comfortable
ASSIGNMENT – 6 domestic life. But Florence wanted to serve
I. 1. Amitabh Bachchan got his first job in Kolkata and II. 1. dedicating herself to their service
lived in Ruseel Street. This phase of the initial days 2. medical profession
of his career is highlighted here.
III. 1. commendable 2. indomitable
2. Bachchan was in Kolkata to promote his film
Aarakshan and discuss reservation with students. ASSIGNMENT – 9
3. Mamata Banerjee told Amitabh that they should met I. 1. The statue of the Happy Prince was gilded all over
up for an adda on his next visit. with thin leaves of fine gold.
4. Bachchan feels that Reservation is Constitutional 2. The swallow sat between the legs of the Happy
reality. He is neither for it nor against it. He says it Prince. Since the statue is gilded with gold leaves,
is legacy. it is called a golden bedroom.
II. 1. an interactive session with the students 3. The little swallow decided to spend the night below
2. Constitutional reality and legacy the statue.
III. 1. stray 2. gawky 4. The swallow felt a large drop of water falling on
5. Tears were rolling down the golden cheeks of the
I. 1. Arrowheads are ancient hunting tools. To find Happy Prince. So he was filled with pity.
arrowheads, we need to walk with downcast eyes II. 1. the feet of the Happy Prince
in a field that has been recently tilled for the spring 2. a large red ruby stone
planting season. III. 1. a large 2. alighted
2. Arrowheads are tiny stones or pieces of wood, bone
or metal which have been sharpened. They are used ASSIGNMENT – 10
to create a tipped weapon used in hunting. I. 1. Compassion is being sympathetic to others.
3. Indian arrowheads are important artifacts that 2. Compassion involves two things — intention and
give archaeologists clues about the life of Native action. Intention involves opening your heart to
Americans. others. Action involves doing something to make
4. Arrowheads are commonly found along river banks others happy.
or near creek beds. Dry and active riverbeds are 3. According to Mother Teresa, we cannot do great
prime hunting grounds for arrowhead collectors. things on this earth, we can only do small things
5. Indian arrowheads are tiny pieces of history. They with great love.
tell about the life of a hunter. They can be kept in 4. Compassion takes our mind off the little things
a museum. They symbolise the eternal struggle that most of us take to seriously. Thus we develop
between life and death. a sense of gratitude towards life.

6 Assignments in English Plus – 8 Teacher’s Handbook

5. A man who can understand other’s problems and do ASSIGNMENT – 12
something to help others is a compassionate man. I. 1. Summer Camps develop a child’s confidence and
II. 1. with practice 2. sense of gratitude his ideas. They encourage children to do things on
III. 1. simultaneously 2. genuine their own.
ASSIGNMENT – 11 2. A Summer Camp is full of interesting and full-filled
activities. The students learn skills like painting,
I. 1. Bad foods can be made more expensive and origami, art, music, crafts, spoken English, cooking
good foods less expensive. This may discourage and computer courses. They also learn yoga and
youngsters from eating bad foods. many games. So students benefit by the Summer
2. According to the Bhagawad Gita, by being regulated Camp.
in our habits of eating, sleeping, recreation and 3. Parents want to tap the full potential of their
work, we can reduce our material pains. children. Summer Camps allow the children to
3. We should resolve to be happy and joyous. develop their hobbies and talents. Arts and crafts
Observing ethics, morals and discipline can make projects can excite even a young child’s imagination
us happy and helps us overcome our difficulties. and promote a sense of achievement. So importance
4. We should drink a little water first thing in the of creative play cannot be overlooked.
morning. We can drink herbal teas or tea without 4. The Summer Camps help the hyper-active and
sugar and milk. aggressive children to channel their energies
5. We should lead an active and not a sedentary life. We fruitfully by drawing out the best in them.
can have a brisk walk, use the stairs not the elevator, 5. The arts and crafts projects given in a Summer Camp
dance or do aerobics at home, do vigorous activities help the children to make little things and take them
like sweeping, mopping etc. These activities will home. This gives them a sense of achievement and
help us to born extra calories. pride when they show them to their parents.
II. 1. without sugar and milk II. 1. through productive play
2. burn the excess calories 2. things on their own
III. 1. gloat 2. invincible III. 1. dreaded 2. mutual


Part - I : Writing
I. Notice
1. 20th Aug., 20××
10th Sept., 20××
Attend NSS Camp
This is to inform all student of our school that
Enjoy Watching the our school is going to organise an NSS camp in
Inter-school Badminton Championship its campus on 24th August, 20××. In the camp,
The students of our school are hereby notified the students will be the volunteers and will be
that our school is going to play the final of the supposed to provide help to the needy people of
Inter-school Badminton Championship against Bal society. They will make the people understand
Bharati Public School on 14th September, 20×× at how they can lead a good life despite the scarcity
Noida Stadium, Sector-21. The match will start at of resources.
10:00 a.m. So all of you are requested to be present So, the students are requested to come forward for
on that date in the Noida stadium to cheer up our this noble cause. For further details, please contact
team. For more detail contact the undersigned. the undersigned.
Aman Verma Amita Sachdeva
(Principal) (Secretary — NSS Unit)

Section - B: Writing And Grammar 7

3. II. Letter Writing
1. B-12, Sector-12
8th Feb., 20×× Noida

20th October, 20××
Contribute to Welfare for Slum Dwellers

Dear Tarun
This is to inform all students of our school that
our school is going to organise welfare work for
I extend my heartfelt thanks to you for inviting me to
the slum dwellers living in Delhi on 12th & 13th attend the marriage ceremony of your elder brother on
February, 20××. The volunteers will be supposed to 24th October. Also, I am offering my congratulations
visit slum areas and provide the children of the slum to him on his happiest day of his life. May God always
dwellers training in soft skills, basic management help him in living a happy marital life. But I am
and sales. Volunteers need to undergo training extremely sorry to say that I will not be able to attend
which will be imparted in the school. the marriage ceremony of your brother as on the same
The interested students please give their names to day I will have to attend the marriage ceremony of my
the undersigned by 20th February. cousin sister which cannot be avoided. By the way,
take photos of every important moment of the marriage
Jyoti Shrivastava
ceremony and please send them on my WhatsApp. I
(Head Girl)
will also send photos of my cousin sister’s marriage on
your WhatsApp.
Yours affectionately
10th May., 20××
Prakash Kohli
NOTICE 2. K-110, Pratap Vihar
Help the People of Kashmir Ghaziabad, U.P.
Hereby all students of our school are notified that
20th April, 20××
our school is going to organise a camp in its campus

Dear Saumya
on 14th May to collect items to send them to the
people of Kashmir who have been made homeless
I hope you are fit and fine. I am also fine. How is going
by the enemy soldiers. The students who want to on your study? Actually I have written this letter to
attend the camp, please give their names to the inform you that I with Ankit have decided to watch a
undersigned by 13th May, 20××. one-day International Cricket Match which will start
Swati Sinha at Kotla Stadium in Delhi from 23rd April. We will
(Principal) watch the match between India and Australia on 25th
April. We also want you to accompany us in watching
the cricket match. We will buy the entry tickets on 24th
5. April. So, please give your confirmation at my e-mail
RAM VIHAR at the earliest so that we can also
buy your entry tickets.
20th May., 20××
Participate in Cleanliness Drive
Atul Bhardwaj
All residents of Ram Vihar are hereby informed 3. Q-10, Mohan Garden
that a cleanliness drive will be launched on 22nd Uttam Nagar, New Delhi
May. In this drive we will clean our locality by
10th December, 20××
ourselves. We will pick up rags and sweep the
streets. First of all on 22nd May we will get together
Dear Brother
in Priyadarshini Park at 8:00 a.m. and then we will
I am absolutely fine with my friends in the hostel and
start cleaning work. So, all families are requested hope all members of our family are also sailing in the
to send at least one member from each family to same boat. By the way, yesterday there was the annual
participate in this drive. For more information, function in our school. In the function, group dance,
please contact the undersigned. songs, and skit were performed by the students. I also
Ramesh Sharma sang a patriot song. After the performances, prizes
(Secretary — RWA) were distributed by the collector who was invited
as the Chief Guest. You will be very happy to know

8 Assignments in English Plus – 8 Teacher’s Handbook

that I received first prize in singing. After the prize relatives due to this faulty phone.
distribution, all students and other staff had been served
So, this is my humble request to you to kindly do the
with samosa, gulab jamun, and cold drinks. Indeed, the needful at the earliest so that we can talk to our friends
function was very enjoyable. All students and other and relatives soon.
staff enjoyed the function to the fullest extent.

Thank you

How are parents, grandparents and Nisha? Convey my

Yours sincerely
regard to the parents and grandparents and my love to
Karan Bhandari

Yours loving brother 6. Global Public School
A-121, Sector-70

Rishabh Negi
Noida, U.P.
4. F-110, Sector-12
10th April, 20××
Panchkula, Haryana

The General Manager

10th February, 20××
Sunsine Publishers & Distributors

The Sales Manager
3892/2, Ansari Road

Singhal Brothers & Sons
Daryaganj, New Delhi

F-16, Tagore Garden
Subject: Cancellation of my order for textbooks

New Delhi

Subject: Complaint about wrong supply of goods

I am reluctantly writing this cancellation letter to you

Sir due to the substantial delay. I had placed an order to

This is to bring to your notice that I had placed an you on 2nd March, 20×× for the following textbooks
order for some sports goods for our school, vide order two months ago.
no.10218/13, but when I received the items I found that S.No. Books Classes Author Qty.
the goods that I had ordered for were not sent by you.
I had ordered two bats, six balls, two gloves and six 1. Mathematics VIII R.N. Agarwal 80
wickets but I received three bats, two balls and three 2. Science VIII Chandan Brito 60
wickets that too of other brands than that I had ordered. 3. Social Science VIII R.K. Basu 60
Perhaps this is the mistake of packing staff. 4. English Reader VIII Kapil Sen 80

Now I am returning these goods to you. Please send

But so far I have not received the order. The new session
my right order without any more delay.
has already started. And the parents of the students

Thank you started demanding books everyday. And hence we had
to urgently take the books from other publishers.

Yours sincerely

So my order for the above books should be regarded

Prabhat Saxena
as cancelled.
5. M-5, Vishal Enclave
Thank you
New Delhi

Yours sincerely

10th September, 20××

Aman Deep

The General Manager

Mahanagar Telephone Nigam

New Delhi 7. The Principal
Five Star Public School

Subject: Complaint about the faulty telephone
Meerut, U.P.


15th June, 20××

This is to inform you that my landline phone,

Subject: Requirement of some more furniture
no.22×××××× has not been working properly for the
last one week. The voice of the caller from the other
side is not heard by us. Due to this problem, we are not
I am a student of class VIII-B of your school. There are
able to communicate with our near and dear ones for the 40 students in our classroom. But there are only eight
last one week. As you know that phone has become a desks and eight benches. Five students have to sit on a
part and parcel of our lives, we are deprived of getting bench. Actually the legs of two benches and two desks
even some important messages from our friends and are broken and hence no students can sit on them. We

Section - B: Writing And Grammar 9

have to face a lot of difficulties due to the shortage of park is some different. In this park some people can be
furniture. We are unable to make any movements of our seen playing gamble from 9:00 a.m. till late night. They
body. Indeed we feel very uncomfortable while living in even drink liquor in the park. When someone says to
the classroom. Therefore, I request you to kindly make them not to do so, they react aggressively. It is not safe
arrangement for more two benches and two desks as to go to the park with females as when they see any
soon as possible. female, they start passing lewd comments.

Thank you
In our area there is only one park. So we have to live
within the four walls of our house all through the day

Yours sincerely and night. We also want to spend some time in the park

Prerna Dixit with our family.

(Class Monitor)
So I request you to kindly take some steps to get us rid
8. The Principal of such anti-elements.
Sapphire International School
I hope our woes will be seriously taken into
Agra, U.P. consideration.

10th April, 20××
Thank you

Subject: Request for fee concession
Yours sincerely

I am a student of class VIII-A of your school. I have
Arvind Jain
been studying in this school from nursery standard and
(Chairman — RWA, Janakpuri)
I have always been good at study. So far I have been 10. C-106, Sector-12
paying my full fees as my father was working with an
Noida, U.P.
MNC on a good salary. But three months ago , he was
retrenched by the company and now he is working with
16th July, 20××
a domestic company in which his salary is much less
The Editor
than that he was getting earlier. He is the only earning
The Times of India
person in my family of five members. I will not be able
New Delhi
to continue my study on this amount of fees. Therefore,
Subject: Need to check air pollution
I request you to kindly allow me to continue my study
in your school with 40% fee concession, which I can
Through the column of your esteemed newspaper,

I hope my request will be accepted taking into I would like to draw the attention of the concerned
consideration my compulsion. authorities towards the rising air pollution in NCR.
The air pollution is so high in this region that when we

Thank you
go out of our home, we need to wear masks. People

Yours obediently are always under the threat of falling ill due to the air

Aman Das pollution. Air pollution causes severe lung diseases,

Roll No. 07 asthma, brain disorder, etc.

Class VIII-A
The industries in NCR that brought prosperity and
affluence, made inroads into the biosphere and
9. K-110, Janakpuri
disturbed the ecological balances. The pall of smoke,
New Delhi
the swirling gases and industrial effluents become

8th June, 20×× constant health hazards polluting air. In order to check

The Editor air pollution, the concerned authorities should make

The Times of India sure that new factories set up at a distant place from

New Delhi township. Deforestation should be stopped and forestry

Subject: Misuse of public park should be developed. Besides, general public should
be encouraged to use public transport to the maximum

Sir extent.

Through the medium of your esteemed newspaper,
I hope the essential steps will be taken by the concerned
I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities to check air pollution.
authority towards the misuse of the public park located

Thank you
in Janakpuri. Park is the place where people feel relaxed
and comfortable. In the morning people go there to do
Yours sincerely
exercises and yoga and get fresh air. But the case of this
Ankur Bhardwaj

10 Assignments in English Plus – 8 Teacher’s Handbook

11. Date : 18th April, 20×× I would like to know why you are giving the dinner
To : party. Is any special occasion? If there is any special
occasion, then I am offering my well wishes to you
From : on that occasion.
I will reach your home by 7:00 p.m.
Ill effects of TV programmes on
Subject : Yours affectionately
young minds
Piyush Rawat
Through the medium of your esteemed newspaper III. Diary Entry
I would like to highlight the ill effects of TV 1. Monday, 22nd July, 20××
programmes on the young minds. TV programmes 8:00 p.m.
have a large influence on children’s attitudes, ideas
Dear Diary
and behaviour. Teens witness murders, rapes and
aggravated assaults on TV which may contribute Today ‘Kindness towards animals’ campaign was
to the way children view violence. When children organised by our school. A number of activities such
watch TV, they see other made up families, who as debates, costume shows, display of slogans on play
deal with their problems in a different way from cards, etc. were performed. I also participated in a
how anyone else would. Children assume that this debate. In the debate I expressed my views how animals
is how there life should be. should be treated. I spoke that killing of any animals
We should teach our children about the reality of should be banned. After all animals also want to live.
TV because it can affect the way a child acts, thinks They also feel pain. I also said that the things made of
and feels about different issues such as violence, leather should be avoided.
education/morality and gender/racial stereotypes. Costume shows were also featured. Different groups
They try to imitate the stunts displayed in the of students wore the traditional dresses of the different
programmes as their mind is underdeveloped. states of our country. Indeed the shows were very
As a result, they hurt themselves. They also enjoyable. Some students displayed very effective
imitate the dialogues and dressing style of actors/ slogans about animals on play cards. The principal,
teachers and all other staff enthusiastically participated
actresses. Sometimes, children start insisting on
in the campaign. Indeed the campaign was thought-
having the dress of the new fashion, as shown in
movies. Besides, they spend their most important
time in watching television instead of doing some Shanu Ghosh
formative activities. It promotes laziness also. 2. Monday, 26th September, 20××
Thank you 8:00 p.m.
Dear Diary
Yours affectionately
Surbhi Verma Today an inter-house folk song competition was
organised by our school for middle classes. Four
houses namely Subhash House, Gandhi House, Nehru
12. Date : 23rd February, 20×× House and Azad House participated in the folk song
competition. I was in Gandhi House. Each house was
To :
supposed to sing three folk songs. First of all Subash
From : House sang three folk songs very beautifully. Its
performance was appreciated very much by all. Then
Subject : Invitation accepted with thanks came on to the dais Azad House. The participants of
this house also performed excellently. The participant
Dear Aryan of our house, i.e. Gandhi House was getting nervous to
see their outstanding performance and were sure that
I am offering my heartfelt thanks to you for giving
they would not perform so remarkably. Then came the
me an invitation to dinner at your home. It has been
turn of our house, Gandhi House. We also sang three
long time since we met each other. And I am very
folk songs. Our songs were also appreciated very well.
eager to meet you and have some discussion with
At last came the group of Nehru House. They also
you. So it would be a very happy moment to have
performed superbly.
dinner at your home.
The District Magistrate was invited as the Chief Guest.

Section - B: Writing And Grammar 11

Now the time came to distribute prizes. The DM came different places due to waterlogging. My school bus
on to the dais to distribute the prizes. To our surprise, also caught in jam at three places. Every day I reached
our house, Gandhi House was given the first prize! my home at 2:30 p.m. whereas today I reached my
Indeed each of the participants of our house was on home at 4:00 p.m. due to heavy traffic jam. My parents
cloud nine. I am still very happy for giving my good made many phone calls to the bus conductor to know
performance. where the bus was. As a result, I had to wake up till

Bhargavi Dixit 11:00 p.m. I completed my homework at 10:00 p.m.
yesternight. I took my dinner at 10:00 p.m.
3. Friday, 9th July, 20××

This is the condition of metropolitan city. Why? Why
8:30 p.m.
are the concerned authorities not taking any steps to
Dear Diary tackle this problem? Why have they turned their deaf
Today at around 6:00 p.m. I met two boys named ears towards the grievances of common men? At the
Saurav and Rajeev in the park. Saurav was habitually time of election a number of promises are made about
despondent and was thinking that luck was against the development of every area but after election, the
him, whereas Rajeev believed in hardwork. He said political leaders forget their promises. So it is very
to Saurav that we should not believe in and blame our difficult for the common men to decide upon who is
fate, instead we should believe in our hardwork. Our good candidate and who is bad. But the political leaders
hardwork has so much strength that it can change even should not do so.
our fate. So we should not be dependent on our fate.

Karan Rawat
In my opinion both hardwork and fate have a role in
making our life happy and smooth. But because we IV. Article
don’t know about our fate, we should depend only on
our hardwork. It is our duty to work hard and sincerely 1. Modern Indian Women
with proper planning. When we work hard, we get By Rajeev Khurana
success in our life. In other words, hardwork is much In the Indian society, there was a time when women
more powerful than ‘fate’. were just the kitchen keepers and the house keepers.
Nisha Zuneja That was treated as the only field for their activity.
Rearing children, cooking meals for the large joint
4. Wednesday, 15th August, 20××
family, or at best in their spare time doing some
9:00 p.m.
tailoring or knitting, but all within the four walls of
Dear Diary the house was considered to be their only way of life.
I am feeling excited to have visited the Independence Even the well-to-do families had large houses and right
Day celebration at the Red Fort and hence I am going from the grandfather and the grandmother down to the
to write my experience. The Independence Day is grandchildren — all lived under one roof and were
celebrated as a tribute to the spirit of freedom and to the fed at the common kitchen. Sometimes cousins also
courage and sacrifices that countless men and women shared the same home. Those were the times till the
made. It is entirely due to their actions that we live as first quarter of the twentieth century. Gradually women
free people and enjoy natural legal rights. began to get educated, even highly educated, and a
Thousands of people were sitting in front of the stage came when some of them came out on the social
ramparts of the historic Red Fort and waiting for the and political field to rub shoulder with the men folk in
Prime Minister of India. After some time, the Prime these fields. In the freedom struggle of India, there are
Minister of India came onto the rampart and saluted notable names of women who took an active part in the
the National Flag. Then he delivered his speech on his different movements and even reached the top. This was
mission. Really his speech was worth appreciations. the opening up of the new horizon for womanhood in
Then he unfurled the National Flag. The Indian India. Today women are found to be working in all fields
soldiers fired 21 gun shot to salute the National Flag. and they are distinguishing themselves in those fields.
Every Indian’s eyes glistened with tears of pride and
patriotism. I was also very happy to see all this as live. 2. Distance Education
Ankit Sharma By Chandra Bhandari
It is considered that regular classes provide real
5. Thursday, 16th July, 20×× knowledge to the students and therefore there should
8:00 p.m. not exist any alternative of it. But with the progress of
Dear Diary science, electronic media, new electronic equipment,
Yesterday it rained heavily in our city, Delhi. While the situation has changed. Through TV educational
returning from my school I saw heavy traffic jam at programmes, the correspondence education can be

12 Assignments in English Plus – 8 Teacher’s Handbook

made to be understood in better way. The electronic they are dead, they cannot be dismantled like any other
media, new electronic equipment, teleconferencing plant. They have to be buried deep and guarded forever.
facility, etc. have provided ample scope for distance For these reasons the world has to think twice before
education to emerge as a strong alternative, especially committing itself completely to nuclear power.
in India. The key to effective distance education is
The scientists are now making all possible efforts to
focusing on the needs of the learners, the requirements harness solar, biogas, water and air reserves. Water
of the content and the constraints faced by the teacher, is being used in a big way to produce hydroelectric
before selecting a delivery system. However, its success power at comparatively cheaper rates. Similarly, air
depends on the integrated efforts of students, faculty, mills are being developed in advanced countries of the
facilitators, support staff and administrators. world. Solar energy, too, has a bright future. Thermal

According to the research comparing distance education generating units depending upon solar energy are being
to traditional face to face instruction, “Teaching and developed at a fast rate. Giant dishes are made to
studying at a distance can be as effective as traditional concentrate the sunlight on the thermal generators which
instruction, when the method and technologies used are use this sunlight to produce energy. Animal and human
appropriate to the instructional tasks, there is student to wastes are also being rapidly exploited as a source of
student interaction, and there is timely teacher to student energy. All this only means that our planners must rise
feedback.” As regards experiments in the laboratory, to the occasion and evolve a national energy policy to
students can have better understanding than of school make use of all the available sources so that the country
labs. Now distance education is covering the whole field is saved from a difficult situation.
of education from academic to technical fields.
4. Punctuality

Apart from this, distance education is full of possibilities.
Its growing popularity itself explains the truth. By Himmat Singh
Nowadays many prestigious universities and institutions Punctuality means doing a thing at the designated or
are serving the society through this system. It is a appointed time. Punctuality enables us to do a great deal
boon for those students who really want to pursue of work within a short span of time. Punctuality is the
their education but they have no time to attend regular most important characteristic of all successful people. A
classes. Distance education provides them opportunity punctual person is able to complete all his tasks on time
for this. It is an effective option to continue education. in order to win glory and success in life. The student, the
teacher, the politician, the official, the trader and even
3. Energy Crisis the layman all have to observe punctuality. Punctuality
By Umesh Chauhan brings in its trail efficiency. It helps us to build our
The demand for energy is increasing day by day in career. A punctual person commands the confidence
an industrially advanced world of today. We need and respect of others. If we look at the lives of all
energy to run our factories and machines, to run our great men, we would realize that they had got a time
planes, trains, cars and buses, to drive our ships and schedule for every day. Mahatma Gandhi used to rise
submarines, to make the wheel move. The major early in the morning. He used to keep up appointments
sources of energy so far have been coal and oil. But and was punctual to a minute. A punctual student never
with the passage of time, coal and oil are bound to be misses any class and learns everything that his teacher
used up. According to all indications, it is clear that teaches. He reached the school in time and completes
the world is heading fast towards a major energy crisis. his assignments within the stipulated time. Hence, he
It is estimated that at the present rate of consumption, manages to do well in examinations. Hence, punctuality
entire estimated range of recoverable oil in the world should be practised from childhood.
will be completely exhausted by the year 2025. In the same way, punctuality is very important at
The situation in respect of coal in the world is also workplaces. A punctual person reaches his office
equally bad. In another 25 to 30 years, the coal mines in time. Punctuality of an employee gives positive
would stop giving out coal. It will be a difficult signal to the employer. A punctual employee gives the
situation. The developing countries of the world have impression that he is very serious for his job and that
already started looking for other sources of energy. he is competent of discharging his duties in an efficient
Atomic energy, which promises a big hope, is full of manner. He commands respect in the eyes of both his
risks and hazards. Moreover, atomic energy can be colleagues and the boss.
produced only at a very high cost. It has been calculated
that nuclear construction costs are rising every day. 5. A Good Citizen
They have now risen to 1000 dollars a kilowatt from By Deepak Dubey
one hundred dollars in 1960. Again, nuclear plants do Good citizenship not only means to follow rules to
not last forever. Their average life is 50 years. When perform duties and regulations. Most of them are

Section - B: Writing And Grammar 13

based on a simple system of what is right and wrong. insulin resistance. This greatly increases an individual's
It is a policy of our conscience. To what extent we can risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The NIH also
sacrifice our time and ourselves in the name of social explains that fast food consumption may lead to obesity.
benefit. It is also mentioned in the Bible that a person One study found that a person who eats fast food at
has to love the one who is near as much as he/she loves least two times a week will gain at least 10 pounds of
himself/herself. extra weight.
How to become a Good Citizen:
A poor diet like one obtained from fast food often leads
1. Be a good student. To be useful for society you to high blood pressure. In turn, high blood pressure
have to gain an excellent education. It will give you is the leading risk factor for stroke. According to
a proper base for choosing another step which is a Corporate Accountability International, one-third of
college or university. Learning is vital. You have to cancers are related to poor diet. This is often paired
make proper decisions in future. Education will help with the fact that obesity is closely linked with cancers
you to be informed and to be armed with necessary of the colon, kidney and esophagus.
knowledge. It will give you the understanding of
Children who eat fast food regularly have a higher
everything which is going on around. risk for developing asthma, hypertension and high
2. Always be a hard worker. Education is only the cholesterol. Besides, it may lead to improper growth
beginning of the further process which is called and development in children and teens. In fact, diet is
working. While working hard, you contribute to the one of the main factors that contribute to proper growth
well-being of society. It does not matter whether you and development. So fast food must be avoided as much
are a lawyer or a teacher, a baker or a bus driver. All as possible.
this is a part of everyday life of your country. Your

Thank you
duty is to perform your function well.
3. Stay informed. Watch news, read newspapers and 2. Delhi – A Worldclass City
magazines which reflect the life of people that Good morning respected principal, teachers and dear
surround you. Usually such issues inform people friends!
about significant changes, movements, and events. I am going to deliver a speech on the topic ‘Delhi – A
4. Help community, if you have spare time. It is Worldclass City’.
extremely good idea to spend some time on helping Delhi is the largest commercial centre in northern
others. Help homeless people. India. It is also the largest centre of small industries.
5. Take care of yourself. You must be healthy, if These units manufacture a wide variety of items like
you want stay a good citizen. It is impossible to television, tape recorders, light engineering machines,
perform all the duties without staying healthy. automobile parts, sports goods, bicycles, PVC goods,
Check the doctor, consume good food and necessary software etc. Delhi is one of the main hubs of North
supplements. Have a good sleep and enough rest. India’s trading and service industry. The IT sector,
6. Be polite and disciplined. Always be polite to handloom, fashion, textile and electronic industry
others. Besides obey your elders. contributes a lot to Delhi’s economy.
V. Speech Each year Delhi draws a large number of tourists. The
sites of interest are categorized in three areas. First,
1. Ill-Effects of Fast Food on Health the British built New Delhi with all its government
Good morning respected principal, teachers and dear buildings. Second, all the historical monuments which
friends! have been left by the dynasties, who ruled Delhi. Third
I am going to deliver a speech on the topic ‘Ill-Effects place, there are some great religious places. Some of
of Fast Food on Health’. the worth visiting places are – India Gate, Rashtrapati
Fast food is so convenient and cheap that it’s hard to resist Bhavan, Red Fort, Qutub Minar, Birla Mandir, Lotus
at times. But, fast food can be one of the unhealthiest Temple, Humayun’s Tomb, Jama Masjid, Jantar
options out there when it comes to your diet. Mantar, Laxmi Narayan Mandir, etc.
Fast food includes fried food with little nutritional Being a cosmopolitan city, all major festivals of India
value. It doesn't take long for the calories and fat to are celebrated here. Moreover some tourism festivals
add up. Most fast food items are very high in sodium have become regular annual events of Delhi. Delhi’s
and cholesterol. These meals contain very little fibre, culture is diverse because of huge influx of migrants
vitamins and other nutrients the body needs to properly from different parts of the country. The amalgamation
function. of various companies, traditions and religion has
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), painted Delhi in colours which are brought all over
fast food consumption is strongly associated with India. People belonging to various castes and cultures

14 Assignments in English Plus – 8 Teacher’s Handbook

live in Delhi. Therefore, all major festivals are loves must. Therefore, he likes to live in the company
celebrated with equal fervor and gaiety. of men or in the company of animals. There are some

Thank you who love the company of Nature. There are also those
who love the company of books.
3. Parents should let their
The company of books gives the pleasure of company
Children Decide their Pocket Money of man and Nature too. Every page of a great book is
Good morning respected principal, teachers and dear a storehouse of man’s best and noblest thoughts. In a
friends! library you meet all these mighty minds of the whole
I am going to deliver a speech on the topic ‘Parents world.
should let their Children Decide their Pocket Money’.
But all books are not useful. There is a flood of books
Pocket money has always been a matter of concern for today. You must be careful of this. Don’t be carried
both the parents and children. Children want money so away by this flood. It is bad to fall in the company of
that they could spend on their own for the things that bad books. Through the influence of bad books you can
they like and parents on the other hand do not want pick up bad habits without knowing it. Therefore, you
to give money as they are surrounded by their own must select your companions with great care.
inhibitions of what will children do with that money?
A library cannot make you a great poet or thinker.
They may misuse the money and lead onto a wrong Even the books of your choice may make you only
path and so on. As every coin has two sides, so does a bookworm. You get only second-hand information.
this also have, but let me share the advantages of giving You cannot be truly great unless you see with your
pocket money to your children. own eyes and hear with your own ears. Therefore, you
The first and foremost benefit of giving pocket money must come out of the world of books from time to time
to children is teaching them to be independent. It is and live in the company of man and nature. The life of
always with children, in fact with adults as well you like man and the life of Nature must be mixed up with the
to be the opposite of what you are, i.e. children want to company of books. A divorce between book and life
behave like grown ups whereas adults always feel like is full of dangers. So, read not only books but also the
going back to their childhood days. So when parents great Book of Life and Nature.
give their children pocket money, they appreciate the
fact that their parents have trust in them to handle the
Thank you
amount wisely. When parents give them money, they 5. Bias against the Girl Child
can teach them to manage their expenses. Make it very Good morning respected principal, teachers and dear
clear to them, the amount that they have received, they friends!
have to manage all their expenses within that amount I am going to deliver a speech on the topic ‘Bias against
and they will not get an extra amount if they misuse
the Girl Child’.
it. Also if parents are sceptical if their children would
The status of the girl child is the key to achieving
misuse the amount, the children may be asked to give
women’s equality and dignity which is, in many ways,
the list of expenditure at the end of the week/month.
a litmus test of the maturity of a society. Girls are to
The second benefit is that they will learn to value
be the future mothers besides future policymakers
money. As I mentioned in the first benefit, let them
and leaders. The importance of women hardly needs
manage their all expenses within the amount. For
emphasis. Woman is the mother of race and is the
example, partying, food they want to eat from the
liaison between the generations. Our culture attaches
canteen, buying pen or pencil. This will inculcate the
much importance to women, therefore, India has been
value for money. They will know how much things cost
symbolized as ‘Mother India’. Jawaharlal Nehru once
like food, stationery and other things that they require.
said, “To awaken the people it is the women who must
Hence with this learning in mind, it will not be a reality
be awakened. Once she is on the move the family
shock for them once they enter the real world where
they have to manage the entire finances. moves, the village moves, the nation moves.” But we
see girls facing discrimination everywhere, in each

Thank you corner of the world.
4. Books—Our Best Companions Though there are many acts against the harmful
Good morning respected principal, teachers and dear attitudes and practices towards women. Yet girl child is
friends! discriminated against. The government should strictly
I am going to deliver a speech on the topic ‘Books— punish the persons who violate such acts. Only then the
Our Best Companions’. girl child/woman will get the equal status in society.
Man cannot live alone. He needs friends. Something he
Thank you

Section - B: Writing And Grammar 15

VI. Debate
To sum up, everybody should be fined for not recycling
I. In Favour of the Motion: for the following: it is beneficial to nature, part of cycle
or reusing not wasting, and saves your money.
1. Every Student should be Required to take
Thank you
a Performing Arts Course
Good morning respected judges, principal, teachers and 3. All People should be Vegetarian
my dear friends! Good morning respected judges, principal, teachers and
I, Rekha Patel, stand before you to speak for the motion my dear friends!
‘Every Student should be Required to take a Performing I, Yash, stand before you to speak for the motion ‘All
Arts Course’. When taking a performing arts course, People should be Vegetarian’. There are several reasons
children are expected to perform in front of others. why vegetarian benefits for human body. Firstly,
When they’re doing this with the support of their tutors scientists have proven that vegetarians have a lower
and fellow students, this can help them blossom as their risk of illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity
own person, and gain self-confidence. They also learn and some forms of cancers. This is due to the fact that a
how to work with others, and these are skills that will healthy vegetarian diet is basically low in fat and high
be with them for the rest of their life. Performing arts in fibre. Secondly, vegetables bring a wider range of
actually helps in academic achievement. In countries nutritional needs for vegetarians. For example, raw
where academic achievement is higher, such as Japan, spinach probably provides a source of vitamins such
Hungary, and the Netherlands, performance and art is a
as vitamin A, E as well as calcium.
mandatory part of the curriculum. It has been suggested
that those who study performing arts perform higher in Individuals have to pay attention to choose the correct
reading and writing skills. Performing arts have been balance of vegetarian food not meet energy needs.
found to help students feel happier in themselves, and If they are in a wrong way of choosing types of
so help them to perform better in school. This is because vegetables, this may lead to a malnutrition.
they are able to find a way to express themselves. That’s all. Thank you.
Some find it easier to do so through dance, or music
Thank you
for example. Whatever method they use, they have an
outlet for their feeling. 4. Democracy is the Best Form of Government
As we know, a skill does not come to us right away. Good morning respected judges, principal, teachers and
That is why performing arts is so important for students, my dear friends!
as it teaches them that they need to work towards I, Mukesh Kumar, stand before you to speak for the
building that skill up. It may be learning to play the motion ‘Democracy is the Best Form of Government’.
piano, or developing their acting skills. Whatever it Abraham Lincoln said, “Democracy is the government
is, if they enjoy it, they will be more willing to work of the people, by the people for the people”.
towards getting better. They can carry these skills over Democracy is a form of government under which the
into the rest of their daily life. power to alter the laws and structures of government
Thank you lies, ultimately, with the citizen. Under such a system,
legislative decisions are made by the people themselves
2. People should be fined for not Recycling
or by representatives who act through the consent of the
Good morning respected judges, principal, teachers and
people, as enforced by elections and the rule of law.
my dear friends!
Democracy is a form of government in which the
I, Manish Singh, stand before you to speak for the
sovereign power lies with the people as a whole, and
motion ‘People should be fined for not Recycling’.
is exercised either directly by them (as in the small
There are many advantages of recycling. First of
republics of antiquity) or by officers elected by them.
all, recycling is beneficial to nature. Mother nature
In modern use it vaguely denotes a social state in which
would be clean for beautiful views. People would start
appreciating nature more. Animals will live in a clean all have equal rights, without hereditary or arbitrary
and safe environment. If we don’t recycle, animals will differences of rank or privilege. Walter Bagehot gave
be getting their heads stuck in cans or be suffocating it a more uncelestial definition: “Each man is to have
from all that trash. one twelve-millionth share in electing a Parliament;
Then, recycling is part of the cycle of reusing and not the rich and the wise are not to have, by explicit law,
wasting resources. It is beneficial because you are more votes than the poor and stupid; nor are any latent
reusing your things that at one point you thought was contrivances to give them an influence equivalent to
just junk. After this you will not be wasting items that more votes.”
you could use.
That’s all. Thank you.

16 Assignments in English Plus – 8 Teacher’s Handbook

5. Hostel Life has Only Advantages
I, Sneha Agarwal, stand before you to speak against
and No Disadvantages the motion ‘Grades should be Abolished’. If grading
Good morning respected judges, principal, teachers and system is abolished students would not work as hard
my dear friends! as they are working now because they would know
I, Vinay Panday, stand before you to speak for the that they would only pass the exam irrespective of
motion ‘Hostel Life has Only Advantages and No how good they would do in the examinations. Those
Disadvantages’. In a hostel, a student comes in contact students who work hard today to get Grade A or
with a number of other students. He acquires many Grade B would be discouraged. If grading system is
good qualities from them. When a student see his next abolished and only pass-fail system is applied, hard
door neighbour taking everyday morning exercise, working students lose their enthusiasm for studying
he also gets inspiration. He too tries to be healthy. hard. All students try to score grade A and hence all
One good student may become an example for other students work hard. Besides, it would be difficult
hostlers. Mutual cooperation, sympathy, an love are even for the teacher to assess which students are
characteristic of hostel life. When one is ill, all his intelligent and which ones need much improvement.
hostel fellows try their best to serve him. It will not be So in my opinion, grading system must not be
an exaggeration to say that only a hostel is the place abolished.
where an all-round development of personality is

Thank you.
Hostel provides the best atmosphere for study. If 3. Students should not be Graded
students enjoy the hostel life in different ways, they on their Handwriting
also work very hard when the time comes for it. Weaker
Good morning respected judges, principal, teachers and
students can always get help from their friends. When my dear friends!
a careless and negligent student sees his partner of
I, Sukanya, stand before you to speak against the
his neighbour competing for position, he also tries to motion ‘Students should not be Graded on their
follow his example. Hostel life not only develops the Handwriting’. Good handwriting plays an important
spirit of healthy competition, but also teaches the lesson role in one’s career. Everyone prefers to read the
of mutual cooperation. notes written in good handwriting. It even creates

Thank you difficulty for the examiners to check the copy of
those students whose handwriting is bad. When
II. Against the Motion:
students are graded on their handwriting, they are
1. Students should be able to leave School for Lunch encouraged to make their handwriting even better.
Good morning respected judges, principal, teachers and Though students also know it that they are given
my dear friends! grades mainly on the basis of their correct answers.
I, Shreya Grewal, stand before you to speak against Children with poor handwriting find it hard to
the motion ‘Students should be able to leave School proofread their own work and hence fail to spot
for Lunch’. Student, if allowed to leave school for their mistakes and their confidence may dip even
lunch, may misuse their freedom. They can skip class lower. Good handwriting is crucial for note taking.
or can be late coming back to school. Moreover, all Taking notes by hand is vital for all students of all
students are not able to spend money on sweets or ages because it improves attention, comprehension
snacks. So some students will prefer to stay in the and results. Student’s notes must be self-legible,
classroom and will feel alone. They will feel like otherwise they are worthless.
their friends are abandoning them just because they
That’s all. Thank you.
are not able to spend money at lunch break.
Besides, it is the responsibility of the school to ensure 4. All Students should take an Online Course
that all students are safe and secure during the school Good morning respected judges, principal, teachers and
hours. If students during the lunch break meet with my dear friends!
any difficulties, the school will be held responsible. I, Mukesh Kumar, stand before you to speak
So students should not be allowed to leave school against the motion ‘All Students should take an
during the lunch break. Online Course’. There are many drawbacks of

That’s all. Thank you. online courses. Online courses make it easier to
procrastinate. While taking online courses, there
2. Grades should be Abolished is no one to tell us to get to class on time. There
Good morning respected judges, principal, teachers and is no one to remind us that assignments are due or
my dear friends! that exams are approaching. At school, students

Section - B: Writing And Grammar 17

learn how to make friends, be patient, get rid of 2. R.V.M. Public School holds a Seminar
disappointment. They also learn to compete with Reported by Ankit Mishra
other students. Competition between colleagues can 9th September, 20××
be very stimulating and encouraging. Jaipur

Moreover, online courses may create a sense of
Yesterday at 11: a.m. onwards a seminar was held in
isolation. Studying alone with only the computer as R.V.M. Public School on the problem of illiteracy.
your companion can be terrifying. While studying There were 10 students from senior classes and
one may stuck with some complicated task or one teachers participated in the seminar. They expressed
may not be able to understand some points, in this their views on how can the problem of illiteracy be
case, he/she has no teacher to guide him/her. resolved in India. Some suggested to establish a school

Thank you. in every villages while some suggested to provide good
Year Round Education is not a Good Idea for motivation to those people who are underprivileged
Student Learning and are not able to pay fees. Some teachers said that
poverty is the root cause of illiteracy specially in rural

Good morning respected judges, principal, teachers and
areas so the government should provide help not only to
my dear friends!
the children of the poor but to parents also. Some poor

I, Ashok Mishra, stand before you to speak against people don’t send their wards to school because they
the motion ‘Year Round Education is not a Good
need their helping hand with their work. The Assistant
Idea for Student Learning’. It is an oft saying proverb
Secretary of the CBSE, Ajmer was invited as a Chief
that ‘Only work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’.
Guest. He distributed prizes to the Principal of the
All students have to work hard in pursuit of getting
school for organising the seminar.
good results. They get physically as well as mentally
tired. They must need a long break after a certain 3. K.L.M. Public School Organises Drama Competition
period of time. It rejuvenates their mind and body Reported by Sanjana Srivastava
and prepare them to work hard again. In vacations, 9th September, 20××
students enjoy their life also. They with their family Chandigarh
go to far-off places, go on picnics, parks, etc., which

On 8th September an Inter-school Drama Competition
is part and parcel of student’s life. Some students
was organised by K.L.M. Public School in its big
who lag behind in any subject get time to improve.
auditorium hall. The four schools including K.L.M.
Some students spend these vacations in personality
Public School participated in the drama competition.
development, learning communication skills, doing
The other three participant schools were: Bluebell
a short term computer course, which help them in
Public School, Kamal Public School and New Gem
the long run in finding out a good job.
Public School. The Collector was invited as the Chief

That’s all. Thank you. Guest. Although all schools performed remarkably, the
VII. Report K.L.M. Public School was declared as the final winner.
The Collector distributed some prizes to the drama
1. Fire Damages Worth ` 20 lakh performers of K.L.M. Public School. Three prizes —
Reported by Amit Mishra First, Second and Third — were given to the best three
25th March, 20×× performers.
New Delhi
Finally all students of the four schools and the Collector

A fire caught in a four-storey building located in were served with some snacks and cold-drinks.
K-110, Mohan Garden. It is reported that the fire
VIII. Story Writing
burnt household goods worth ` 20 lakh. Nearly six
persons have been reported to be seriously burnt. I. 1. A Monkey and a Crocodile
However, no one has been killed by the fire. The fire Once upon a time there lived a monkey and a
accident occurred due to the bursting of a gas cylander crocodile by the river Ganga. They were good
at around 9:00 p.m. yesterday when a housewife was friends of each other. The monkey would give fruits
cooking food for dinner in a room at ground floor. No to the crocodile daily. One day, the crocodile’s wife
sooner had the fire cylander burst, all people of the fell ill. She asked her husband to bring some fruits
building vacated the building. It is reported that they for her. She ate them and asked her husband from
all are living in that building as tenants. Most of them where he had brought them. When she came to
are working as either labourers or run their own petty know that they were given by a monkey. She longed
shops. The seriously burnt persons were immediately to eat his heart. She insisted on him to bring his
admitted to a city hospital. All are out of danger. heart. The crocodile was compelled to do so. He

18 Assignments in English Plus – 8 Teacher’s Handbook

reluctantly went to the monkey. He said, “Friend the lion came near, he saw that he was limping. The
Monkey, why do you waste your time eating the lion approached the slave and held out his paw. The
fruits of this tree? There are juicy fruits on the slave saw that his paw was swollen and a thorn was
other side of the river.” When the monkey said the stuck in it. The slave drew out the thorn gently. The
the river was too big for him to cross, the crocodile lion was relieved of pain and went away. Afterwards
offered to take him on his back. After a while, he they became friends.
told the monkey that his wife was sick and wanted
By chance the slave was arrested by his master’s
his heart. The monkey realised that he had been men. He was brought to his master who ordered
foolish to trust the crocodile. He quickly thought his men to put him before a hungry lion. The day
of a clever plan to escape. He said, “Alas friend! for punishment was fixed. The people of the town
My heart is not inside me. I have kept it on the tree. were invited to see the wonderful fight. The lion
I wish you had told me earlier. Let’s go back and was freed from the cage to pounce upon the slave.
bring my heart.” The crocodile believed the monkey
The lion advanced slowly towards him and
and brought him back to the tree. The monkey at recognised him. He began to lick his hands out of
once climbed up the tree and escaped. He said to love. It was the same lion, his friend. The slave too,
the crocodile, “You have a big body but no brains!” patted him. It was a wonderful sight for the people.
The crocodile had nothing to do but repent for his The master realised that even an animal doesn’t
foolishness on being tricked by the monkey. forget someone’s help, then he is a man for whom

Moral: Don’t trust your all friends blindly. the slave had always worked hard. He set the slave
2. The Capseller and the Monkeys free.
Once upon a time a capseller was travelling by
Moral: Kindness is always rewarded.
way of a forest to a village. It was a very warm II. 1. Raman and his Friend Save Two Lives
day and so he chose to lay down under a tree and Raman and his friend go out to a lake side to enjoy
take sleep for sometime till the sun sets down. As a picnic. On reaching there they hire a boat and start
he was extremely tired he slept quickly. When he rowing. Suddenly they hear the loud cry of a boy
was sleeping, several monkeys came down the tree and a girl. They immediately rushed towards them.
and pulled the capseller’s bag. They opened the bag They find that they are drowning into the lake. They
and found the colourful caps inside. The monkeys immediately jump into the lake water and take them
picked up the caps and climbed back up the trees. on the boat. When they ask the boy and the girl how
The capseller woke up after some time and was it has happened, they explain that they were standing
surprised to find his opened bag and the monkeys in knee deep water and moved on to go in deeper
all using his caps. The capseller became very upset, water but all of sudden they reached the water over
he shouted at the monkeys in the tree. The monkeys their head. They tried to swim on the water, but in
yelled back at him. This made the capseller much vain as they didn’t know how to swim. Meanwhile
more irritated. He picked up few stones from the Raman and his friend see them and save their lives.
ground and threw them at the monkeys. This time Moral: Help others when they are in difficulty.
the monkeys threw the fruits they had in their 2. The Servant Protects our Home Too
hands at the capseller. The capseller realised that
the monkeys imitate man’s actions. He thought
Mr. Amrit Lal had gone to attend a marriage
for a while. This time, he took off his cap, he was ceremony leaving his servant Babloo behind him.
wearing and threw it on the ground. The monkeys Babloo was sleeping alone in the house. Suddenly
that were seeing him also did exactly the same. he woke up hearing some noises in the courtyard
They threw all the caps on the ground. The clever and found that two thieves had broken the locks
capseller collected all the caps, filled them back into of the main gate and entered the courtyard. It was
his travelling bag and went further to sell his caps. around 3:00 a.m. They were laced with weapons.
He was in a great dilemma. He thought if he made
Moral: Where power fails, tricks win.
noises, first of all the thieves could kill him to save
3. The Slave and the Lion their lives. But he had the mobile numbers of some
Once a rich man had a slave. The man was very his neighbours. He made a phone call to one of his
cruel to him. The slave was fed up with his cruel neighbours and informed it. Now his neighbour
treatment. One day he decided to run away from his immediately informed it to many of his friends as
master. He got a chance and ran away to a forest. well as to the police. Soon a crowd of people came
There he hid himself in a cave. As he lay there he to his house and caught the thieves. They started
heard the groaning of a lion. He was frightened. As beating them badly. Soon the police also reached

Section - B: Writing And Grammar 19

the spot. They arrested them and took them to the extremely worried about him. But after two days
area police station. Later on they were imprisoned we received father’s call. He told us that he was
for two years. always fine. When we asked him why his mobile

Moral: Our servants are also like our family phone was switched off, he told us that his mobile
members. phone was with a mobile engineer as while going
to Uttarakhand, his mobile phone fell down in the
3. Help to Curb Begging
train and was not working. We told him how we
Today morning I was going to the market. I met a
were getting more and more tense. Then my father
beggar who was young. I was surprised. I asked
realised it that he should have anyhow informed him
him why he had made begging a means of earning
about his well being. He could have done it from a
money in spite of being young and healthy. He
public call booth also.
replied that he had done his graduation in Science
two years ago and since then he had been trying to
Moral: Be in touch with your near and dear ones
get a job but he could not find any. The financial at the time of disaster.
condition of his family with five members was I II. 1. Golden Egg Laying Hen
deplorable. His father was working as security guard Once upon a time there lived a man named Shyamlal
in a factory on a meagre salary. He had two sisters with his wife and children. He was so poor that he
to be married. So in order to supplement the income was hardly able to make two ends meet. One day he
of the family, he had to adopt this means. bought a chicken to rear. He planned when it grows
Soon I called on some of my friends and requested up, it would lay eggs and he would sell them to meet
them to get him hired in their offices. Fortunately in with his family expenditure. After a certain period
one of my friends office a post of an office boy was of time, the chick grew into a hen. One day, to this
vacant. I sent him to his office and he was selected. surprise, the hen laid a golden egg. Shyamlal’s joy
He was very delighted and extended his heart felt knew no bound. His whole family was on cloud
thanks to me. I think all of us should do it. nine. The hen laid an egg every day and he sold it
Moral: Help the beggars to make them employed. at a good price. Within 15 days, he became a rich
4. Safety First man. One day he thought to get all the golden eggs
It was drizzling. But sky was dark. I had to go to from his hen at one single go. So he caught hold of
school. I came out by my bicycle. My school is 30 it, took a sharp knife, chopped off its neck and cut
minutes way from my home by bicycle. It is 5 km its body open. He found nothing in her stomach.
away from my school. Hardly I travelled 2 kms, Now he regretted his foolish action. The outcome of
when it started raining heavily. I soon went under a his greed was that he started becoming poorer and
bus shelter to protect myself from being drenched. poorer day by day and ultimately became a pauper.
After 15 minutes, the rain stopped. I rode my bicycle Moral: Greed is a curse.
at the highest possible speed. Unfortunately the 2. The Lion and the Mouse
rear tyre of my bicycle skidded and I fell off the Once there lived a lion and mouse in a forest. When
bicycle. I had a serious hurt on my head. Someone the lion slept, the mouse used to move and play
immediately took me to a nearby hospital. My on his body. One day the lion woke up while the
parents were informed about it. They soon reached mouse was playing on his body and quickly caught
the hospital. After two days I was discharged from the mouse with his paws. The mouse was sure to be
the hospital. I was suggested by the doctor to have a killed by the lion. Nevertheless, he pleaded the lion
rest for four days. My parents and teacher suggested to forgive him and assured him that he would never
me to never ride vehicle so fast that there may be a do so. Moreover, he told him that he would always
possibility of meeting with an accident. It is better be ready to help him. The lion laughed thunderously
to reach somewhere late than endangering one’s life and said, “You are so small, how could ever you
by ridding or driving a vehicle very fast.
help me. But since you made me laugh. I am leaving
Moral: Slow drive, safe drive. you.”
5. Bad News Created Tension One night when the lion went to a field to look for
Television flashed the news of cloud burst in his prey, he was trapped into a net. He tried his level
Uttarakhand. My father had gone there. The whole best to free himself from the net but to no avail. He
family was in shock. My elder brother made started roaring and weeping. The mouse heard it
a number of phone calls to him but he always and immediately reached the spot. When he saw
found his mobile phone switched off. We were the lion trapped in the net, he called his companions

20 Assignments in English Plus – 8 Teacher’s Handbook

and soon gnawed the net. The lion was saved only ASSIGNMENT – 1
because of the mouse whom he had forgiven.

Moral: Do good, have good. 1.
3. The Fox and the Crow
11th Oct., 20××
Once a fox was walking through the forest. He saw
a crow sitting on the branch of a tree with a piece NOTICE
of bread in his beak. The fox was very hungry and
Inauguration of Literary Association
wanted to get that piece of bread from the crow. He
went to the crow and said to him, “What a noble Our school plans to set up a Literary Association
and gracious bird you are! You are very beautiful. to promote literary activities. The inauguration
And I have heard that your voice is also sweet and ceremony will be held in the library on 14th
pleasant. Can you sing a song for me?” The crow October, 20×× at 4:00 p.m. onwards. All interested
was flattered by all this talk. No sooner had he students are invited to attend the ceremony.
opened her beak to sing a song, then the piece of Saurabh
bread dropped to the ground. On the other side, the (Literary Secretary)
fox was impatiently waiting for his moment. So
hardly the piece of bread had fallen on the ground, 2. Bright Public School
he grabbed it and ran away. The crow then realised Shalimar Bagh
why the fox was flattering him so much. Delhi-110092
Moral: Beware of flatterers.
10th May, 20××
4. Refer to Answer No. VIII.I.2. Story Writing in

The Store Manager
Integrated Exercise for Practice (The Capseller and
Khanna Sports Company
the Monkeys).
Daryaganj, New Delhi
5. The Shepherd and the Wolf
Subject: Order for sports items
Once there lived a shepherd boy in a small village
beside a forest. Every day he sat under a large tree,
Dear Sir
while his flock of sheep grazed on the grass of the
We require some sports goods very urgently. Please
meadow. His time hardly passed. The shepherd boy send the following items by road transport at the
felt bored and wanted some amusement. earliest. Hope your consignment reaches us before the
So, to get some fun, one day he gave a loud shout, end of this month. We are in an urgency to receive the
‘Help! Help! A wolf is here!’. The villagers listened goods so that we can start our cricket tournament.
to his voice and came running with weapons. But
1. Cricket Bats 10 nos.
they didn’t see any wolf in the field. The large flock
2. Cricket Balls 6 Box
of sheep were grazing quietly. The shepherd boy
began to laugh in amusement and told the villagers 3. Cricket Gloves 5 Pairs
that it was only a joke. The villagers were angry and 4. Cricket Pad 5 Pairs
scolded him for raising a false alarm. The shepherd 5. Stump 2 Sets
boy was warned not to repeat this mistake. 6. Helmet 4 nos.
But boy did not realise his mistake. After a few days
Thank you
he again repeated the trick and started shouting,

Yours sincerely
“Help! Help! a wolf is here!” At first no one came,
but when he pretended to cry in fear for some time,
Raj Kumar
the villagers thought he was really in danger. They
(Sports Secretary)
came rushing to help him. The boy, amused with his 3. Mother Teresa’s Charity
own acting, began to laugh at the villagers. By Abc
Then one day, a wolf really came out of the forest, The given picture shows the love and affection of
killed some sheep. He kept crying out for help Mother Teresa for little children, especially belonging
many times. But the villagers were sure that he was to poor sections of society. The Mother worked in the
making a joke again. The wolf killed the shepherd slums of Kolkata to serve the poor people living in them.
also. Thus, the shepherd’s habit of lying caused his Her organisation, the Missionaries of charity, opened a
death. large number of orphanages for children. She also took
Moral: Once a liar, always a liar. pity on the people dying on the streets and cared for

Section - B: Writing And Grammar 21

them. Mother Teresa symbolises the need of society without taking into consideration its consequences.
to take care of its citizens who are poor and weak. They throw garbage into rivers. Besides they take their
Mother’s work has brought joy to millions f poor people animals into a river to give them a bath. They wash
around the world. The world will always remember the their clothes in rivers. They throw dead bodies too into
charity work done by Mother Teresa. The Mother fully a river. Moreover industrial discharge, city drains are
deserved to get the Nobel Prize for Peace. released into the river.

As a result, rivers are increasingly getting polluted. The
ASSIGNMENT – 2 water of rivers is turning poisonous. Rivers are the main
sources of drinking water for human beings, animals
Lost a Leather Bag and irrigating our plants. Drinking of contaminated
water causes several diseases.
On 15-06-20××, I travelled by Shatabdi Express
from New Delhi to Lucknow. During the journey, I
So wastes from industries, drains should not be allowed
lost my bag containing ` 2,000 and some important to mix with a river. Widespread project for cleaning
documents. In case someone comes across it, I rivers should launched. Only then the water of rivers
can be fit for drinking and irrigation.
request you to contact me at the address given below.
The founder will be suitably rewarded. ASSIGNMENT – 3
Rohan 1.
M-84, Vikaspuri, New Delhi Found a Wallet
Mobile Nos. 98××××××××, 99×××××××× This is to announce that I have found a wallet
containing ` 600 and a driving license. I found this
2. 20 B, Laxmi Nagar while walking near Delhi Gate on 19-07-20××. The
New Delhi details on the driving license are as follows:

5th August, 20×× Name:  Ramesh Kumar
Address: 5, Shalimar Park, Delhi.

The Editor

Hindustan Times The owner of these items are requested to contact

New Delhi me on my mobile number.

Subject: Environment Degradation Prakash

Mobile Nos. 98××××××××, 99××××××××


I would like to draw the attention of the general public, 2. B-6, Mayur Vihar
the serious problem of degradation of the environment. New Delhi
We find that air, water and land pollution are increasing
20th September, 20××
at an alarming rate. The emissions from automobiles
are seriously polluting the air. Use of plastics on a
The Editor
large scale is causing serious pollution of land. Use of
The Times of India
chemicals and pesticides is polluting the water.
New Delhi

Government and private agencies should take urgent Subject: Evils of corporal punishment on students.
measures to control the pollution. Otherwise it will
cause serious health problems to all life form on earth.
Each one of us should contribute to ensure that we bring
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper,
down the pollution level. I would like to bring to the notice of the public, the

Thank you evils of corporal punishment on children. Both the
teachers and parents should understand that corporal

Yours sincerely punishment does more harm than good. It causes fear

Raj Kishan and a negative feeling in the mind of the students. It
causes a sense of fear and hurt in the student. It also
3. The Problem of Water Pollution adversely affects their studies. Some strictness must
By Xyz be shown while dealing with the students, but by using
Rivers are nature’s precious gift to us. They enjoy the alternative methods like persuasion, incentives, etc.
status of our mother. They provide life to human beings, Students can be made to follow the correct approach
animals and plants. In return, we should also treat them to studies. So, it is a good thing not to use corporal
carefully. Today rivers are being polluted by people punishment on students. Parents and teachers should

22 Assignments in English Plus – 8 Teacher’s Handbook

treat students with respect and affection to make them
follow the right path. adversely affected. We are earning our bread and
butter from these small scale industries. If the

Thank you electricity board continues this practice, we will

Yours sincerely have to lock the factories permanently. There is

Roshan Mishra no other alternate for us. No productive work
is being done in the evening. It is not only the
3. Importance of Saving Electricity problem of industrialists. The ordinary residents
By Rajiv Dixit of the locality are also disturbed. The students
Today it is very difficult to spend even a single day cannot complete their homework and revise the
without electricity. We need electricity to run fan, TV, topic taught in the class. The problem of power
AC, washing machine, water pump, to charge our has become very grave. You are requested to solve
mobile phones, laptop, etc. Can we live without using the problem as soon as possible.
all these things? No. At night, when electricity supply With regards.
is disrupted for some time, darkness prevails and our
Thank you
lives are paralysed.
So it is necessary for all of us to use only as less Yours sincerely
electricity as possible. We should always switch off our Rita
lights, fans and other electronic machines when not in
use. Non-conventional sources of power and energy such 3. B-112, Janakpuri
as the sun, wind, tidal waves, etc. should be harnessed New Delhi
more and more because they are renewable. We should
10th April, 20××
minimise the use of luxury items like AC, coolers,
washing machine, etc. Energy saved is energy produced.
The Editor

The Hindustan Times
New Delhi
1. Subject: Problems of growing population
Lost a Wrist Watch

I, Saurabh Shukla, lost my wrist watch while

Through the column of your esteemed newspaper,
travelling by bus, Route No.323, from Noida to
I would like to highlight the problems of growing
Defence Colony on 13th March, 20××. The watch
population. Our country is facing a great number
is of Rolex Company. The dial of the watch is
of problems. Increase in population is one of them.
white and it has black leather strap. One who
Population explosion has taken a rapid stride in the
finds it, kindly inform me on the below-mentioned
country. It has complicated the problems of poverty,
mobile number. The finder will be given a reward
illness, unemployment and many others. Factors
of `3,000.
responsible for population explosion are many. Lack
Saurabh Shukla of education among rural people, early marriage,
B-10, Sector-12, Noida ignorance, superstitions are some of them. The bigger
Mobile Nos. 98××××××××, 99×××××××× the size of the family, the lower the attention of the
parents on their children. Lack of proper attention
on children easily make them astray. Such children
2. Date : 15th November, 20×× become a burden on family, society and nation in the
long run. Hence, it is essential to educate them. For
To :
this, population explosion must be checked by all
From : means. There is a need for public conscience. People
should be educated to be wise enough to understand the
Subject : Power failure for long hours
value of small family. Small but skilled or resourceful
Sir population would make our country strong and
It is to bring to your notice that the residents of prosperous. Once our population is controlled, most
Vikaspuri are suffering many problems because of of the problems would be automatically resolved.
the power failure in the evening. The production
Thank you
of the factory gets affected by the regular and

Yours sincerely
continuous power cuts. The work of packing is


Section - B: Writing And Grammar 23

ASSIGNMENT – 5 literate people think that discipline imposes restriction on
personal freedom. It is a misapprehension and perilous to
1. PEARL PUBLIC SCHOOL, CHANDIGARH the very existence of human life. One must not forget that
the soldiers who sacrifice their lives for the security of the
10th Aug., 20×× citizens are disciplined. If they become indisciplined, the
NOTICE nation’s security will be at stake. Discipline is of utmost
Invitation for Articles, Stories, Cartoon, Etc. importance in every field of life.
All students of our school are hereby notified that
our new magazine ‘Knowledge Warehouse’ will be ASSIGNMENT – 6
published on 1st September, 20××. So all of you are 1. AMAR PUBLIC SCHOOL, JAIPUR
invited to give your articles, stories, cartoons, etc. for
the school magazine. Your work must be meaningful, 10th Sept., 20××
coherent and effective and your own creation. NOTICE
Give your write-up latest by 20th August, 20××. Inter-school Kabaddi Competition
For more details, please contact the undersigned. All students of our school are hereby informed that an
Kiran Gupta Inter-school Kabaddi Competition will be organised
(Student Editor) by our school in the school playground on 14th
September, 20xx. The students of our school, KLM
2. Delhi Book Fair Public School, DNG Public School and RM Public
Reported by Amrit Roy School will be the participants in the competition.
20th October, 20×× So all of you are requested to be present at the
Delhi venue on that day to encourage our players.
Delhi Book Fair always fascinates me. Today I visited Ankita
this book fair. As usual there was a great rush on the (Sports Captain)
ticket counter. There was hustle and bustle everywhere.
Suddenly I saw a few youngsters began shouting at 2. 67-R, Arya Nagar
the youngsters of another group. The volunteers of the Kurukshetra
book fair organising committee tried their best to pacify 10th October, 20××
the aggressive youngsters of both the groups. But all The Editor
their efforts proved in vain. The youngsters continued The Hindustan Times
fighting. Seeing the situation becoming worse I called New Delhi
the police. It was finally controlled after they (police)
arrived. Some were taken into custody but later released Subject: Exploitation of children
after warning not to do such things again. Sir
3. Value of Discipline in Life I want to draw the attention of the millions of Indian
By Harpal Singh through your esteemed daily towards one of the grave
Discipline is essential in all walks of life. An indisciplined problems of India, i.e. child labour. Child labour is a
man creates problems not only for himself but also for the stigma on the Indian society. Children are employed
society. A teacher cannot deliver his lecture in the class if at various places such as hotels, restaurants, shops,
the students are indisciplined. Discipline is a virtue that household, etc. They can be seen in industries also
enables a human being to attain his/her cherished goals. doing harmful jobs. It is really pathetic. These children
The attainment of individual and organizational objectives are deprived of education and childhood pleasures. Not
solely depends on the disciplined employees. If the only this, their unhygienic working conditions make
players of football don’t follow the rules and regulation them victims of chest ailments and lung cancer. They
of the game, they will not be able to play. Discipline is are paid so poorly that they fail to spend money on their
indispensable for achieving considerable success in the treatment and ultimately they get untimely death.
world of competition. It is discipline that accelerates the Child labour must be stopped at all cost. Every child
rate of progress of a nation. It must be kept in mind that has a right to get education. Hence, he/she should not
discipline cannot be enforced by law. It is training of the be deprived of his/ her right.
mind. It has to come from within. The members of the Our Constitution gives Right of Education to All, in
society should always remember that discipline breeds which all the children between 6-14 years of age get
love and eradicates the feelings of hatred. A disciplined free education. So there should be strictness for the
person faces the music of life with astonishing ease. The implementation of this act. Severe punishment should
term discipline must not be misinterpreted. Some semi- be given to the people who exploits the children.

24 Assignments in English Plus – 8 Teacher’s Handbook

For children, minimum age for the working should be fixed. 2. 10, Indira Nagar
Their working hours, working conditions should be Bhopal
inspected time to time by the higher authority. Children 20th February, 20××
not allowed to work in industries having harmful and
odd job for them. The Sanitary Inspector
Thanking you
Subject: Unsatisfactory sanitary condition
Yours faithfully
Rajeev Sharma Sir
3. Festivals of India This is to inform you that our town has become a hell
By Abc due to lack of adequate sanitary conditions. Some green
India is a land of diversity. The Indian men and women grocers throw the rubbish material on the road. As a
celebrate a number of festivals throughout the year. These result of this, the road becomes dirty. Foul smell can
festivals are being celebrated from time immemorial. be smelt even from far off areas. The heaps of dirt and
People are celebrating them right from the dawn of waste have clogged the sewer system. The dirty water
human civilization. Fasts and festivals purify the minds of the sewer flow out of the manholes. The road has
of people and inspire them to lead a better and purer life. become the breeding ground of mosquitoes.
Dussehra, Kali Puja, Ganesh Chaturthi, Basant I, therefore, request you to please do the needful in the
Panchami, Makar Sankranti, Janamastami, Ram interest of the public. It is feared that the city will come
Navami, Holi, to name only a few, are the major in the grip of some epidemics like dengue and malaria
festivals. The Muslims celebrate Eid-ul-fitr, Eid-ul- if immediate action is not taken.
Adha and Muharram. The Christmas Day and New
Thanking you
Year’s Day are celebrated by the Christians and the Guru
Yours sincerely
Nanak Jayanti is celebrated by the Sikhs or Punjabis.
These festivals are celebrated throughout the year with
great pomp and show. Some festivals like Dussehra, 3. Bad Effects of Junk Food
Diwali and Holi are celebrated throughout the country Good morning respected principal, teachers and dear
and some others are celebrated regionally. All the friends!
people, irrespective of their social position, celebrated I am going to deliver a speech on the topic ‘Bad Effects
these festivals with their families and also socially with of Junk Food’.
their friends with great enthusiasm. Fast food is so convenient and cheap that it's hard to resist
Indian festivals have a great religious and social at times. But, fast food can be one of the unhealthiest
significance. They teach a moral lesson to the people options out there when it comes to your diet.
and unite them. People forget all their differences and
Fast food includes fried food with little nutritional value.
celebrate these festivals with a sense of togetherness.
It doesn't take long for the calories and fat to add up. Most
The festivals teach them how to forget their enmity,
fast food items are very high in sodium and cholesterol.
narrowness and bitterness and join hand with each other
These meals contain very little fiber, vitamins and other
for the sake of their religion and their society and for
nutrients that our body needs to function properly.
the sake of friendship and universal brotherhood.
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH),
ASSIGNMENT – 7 fast food consumption is strongly associated with
insulin resistance. This greatly increases an individual’s
1. RWA, SIDDHARTH VIHAR risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The NIH also
explains that fast food consumption may lead to obesity.
8th Apr., 20×× One study found that a person who eats fast food at least
NOTICE two times a week will gain at least 10 pounds of extra
Suspension of Water Supply weight. A poor diet like one obtained from fast food
All residents of Siddharth Vihar are hereby often leads to high blood pressure. In turn, high blood
informed that on 10th April, the water tank will be pressure is the leading risk factor for stroke. According
cleaned from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. During this to Corporate Accountability International, one-third
period, the water supply will be suspended. So all of cancers are related to poor diet. This is often paired
of you are advised to store sufficient water by 9:00 with the fact that obesity is closely linked with cancer
a.m. to avoid any inconvenience. of the colon, kidney and esophagus.
Neha Children who eat fast food regularly have a higher
(Secretary — RWA, Siddharth Vihar) risk for developing asthma, hypertension and high

Section - B: Writing And Grammar 25

Besides, it may lead to improper growth and development the most cases, the fault lies with the reckless and high
in children and teens. In fact, diet is one of the main speed driving. We should be confident but we should not
factors that contribute to proper growth and development. be overconfident. Don’t think you are an expert driver
So fast food must be avoided as much as possible. and can control one’s vehicle in any situation. When

Thank you a person drives one’s vehicle at over-speed and when
other vehicle all of sudden comes in front of him/her,
ASSIGNMENT – 8 he/she may lose control over the brake and his vehicle
may collide with other vehicles which may result in
1. J.P. NARAIN PUBLIC SCHOOL, NOIDA serious injuries or even loss of life. So rash driving
must be avoided as speed thrills but kills. Besides, rash
20th Sept., 20××
driving some time causes loss of control over brake and
NOTICE the vehicle may slip away downwards or capsize or it
Excursion to Akshardham Temple may hit a tree, pole or stationary vehicle or wall.
This is to inform all the students of our school that
So all of us must avoid rash driving. We must follow
our school has planned an excursion to Akshardham traffic rules and be safe on the road and let other also.
Temple on 24th September, 20××, The temple ASSIGNMENT – 9
consists of 234 or nately carved pillars, nine
Acharya. We will go there by AC buses. 1. BLUEBELL PUBLIC SCHOOL
Those students who desire to participate in TAGORE GARDEN
excursion, please contact the undersigned with
` 1,000 as transport and food expenses and 10th Mar., 20××
permission letter from their respective parents. NOTICE
Aman Arora Meeting About Zonal Tournament
(Head Boy) All members of our school cricket team are hereby
informed that the School Cricket Association has
2. M-10, Tagore Garden decided to hold a meeting of all the members of the
New Delhi school cricket team to discuss plans and strategies
9th April, 20×× for the coming zonal tournament on 12th March,
20×× in school assembly hall at 12:00 p.m.
The Manager
State Bank of India All of you are requested to attend it so that we can
Sector-22 perform well in the coming zonal tournament and
Noida-201301, U.P. win the cup.
Subject: Change of address Deepa Verma
(Secretary — School Cricket Association)
I want to bring to your kind notice that we have shifted 2. Promoting Literacy
from K-20, Sector-22, Noida to M-10, Tagore Garden, By Mukesh Kumar
New Delhi this month. Actually, we were living in Illiteracy is a curse. It is prevalent in the slum areas. To
Noida on rent and my parents have purchased a flat in eradicate the curse, our school organised a campaign
Tagore Garden. during summer holidays in which several students took
So, I request you to kindly update my residence address part enthusiastically. I was the leader of the campaign.
to avoid any inconvenience. We, the students, went door to door and mobilised the
I have enclosed photocopy of my Aadhaar Card as slum dwellers. Then we started taking their literacy
address proof of my residence. classes. We adopted some new method of teaching
Thank you and motivated a large section of masses towards
such classes. We felt proud to help our unfortunate
Yours sincerely countrymen who have been deprived of the privilege
Aryan Banerjee of being educated. We remained devoted to this task
A/C No.095009252××××××× throughout the summer break. Our voluntary service
3. Reckless Driving proved beneficial for the slum dwellers.
By Xyz 3. It is not Luck But
A large number of people die due to road accidents Hardwork Bring Success to Us
every year. Some of the accidents on the roads take Good morning respected principal, teachers and dear
place because of mechanical failure of vehicles. But in friends!

26 Assignments in English Plus – 8 Teacher’s Handbook

Different people have different beliefs. Some believe chlorofluorocarbons which come from aerosol sprays,
that it is only our luck that brings success. Some nuclear weapons, refrigerators, etc., have caused a hole
believe that luck favours only those who do hard work. in the ozone layer of atmosphere. This holes allows the
Nevertheless, I strongly believe that it is not luck but ultraviolet radiations of the sun to reach our earth.
hard work that makes person successful.
The above mentioned factors have really degraded the

It is undeniable fact that success comes only to hard environment and if it does not stop here we will have
working people. Strong determination, confidence and to face serious consequences. We must put an end to
desire to achieve your target make you do the hardwork. our insatiable needs and desires. There must not be
In our history, we had many prominent leaders who got indiscriminate cutting of trees because it will lead
success due to their hard work. For example, Abdul to ecological imbalances. Instead, we should know
Kalam, Steve Jobs who reached to top of the success the value of tree plantation and should plant trees as
by experiencing many hardships, obstacles and ups and many as we can in our surrounding area. Next, our ever
downs. Thus, it is not the luck that makes your successful. growing population must be checked because it puts an

There is a old saying, “No pain No gain”, that supports extra burden on our natural resources.
my point of view. Success comes to you when you do
Factories should not be allowed to emit large quantities
hardwork. Your deeds decide your fate. Therefore, of harmful effluents into air through their chimneys.
everyone should believe in hardwork, it contributes an
They should not be discharge them into the rivers.
important part to reach to the success.

Thank you
Thank you

Your sincerely
Amit Kaushik
GOLDEN TEMPLE PUBLIC SCHOOL 3. Ignorance is a Curse to Humanity
16th Nov., 20×× Indeed ignorance is a curse to mankind. An ignorant
NOTICE man is never happy even through he has opulent wealth.
They don’t know how to enjoy their wealth. They
Annual Sports Day either have pride of their wealth or misuse their wealth.
The students of our school are hereby notified that Due to having abundance of wealth, they look down
our school is going to organise various sports events upon others. As a result, they remain cut off from the
on 20th November, Annual Sports Day. The event mainstream. They do not get respect in society because
includes football, cricket, volleyball, kabaddi, high of their pride and ego.
jump, etc. to be played in the school playground. The ignorant persons are easily befooled by the others.
Those students who desire to participate in the They easily or blindly believe others whatever is told
events, please give their names to the undersigned due to the lack of knowledge. They can be exploited
by 19th November. in various ways.
Priyank So one should value education and get it in all
(Sports Secretary) circumstances. Education alone can empower one.

2. F-10, Vishal Enclave ASSIGNMENT – 11

New Delhi
The Editor 16th Apr., 20××
The Times of India NOTICE
New Delhi Participate in Cricket Matches
Subject: Environmental degradation This is to inform all the students of our school that
Sir our school is going to hold Inter-school Cricket
Through the column of your newspaper, I would like to matches form 20th April to 22nd April, 20×× in the
express my views regarding environmental degradation. school playground. The interested students can give
Man’s insatiable needs and desires have disturbed their name for selection in the team by 18th April,
the whole environmental equilibrium. Our industries 20×× to undersigned.
emit smoke and discharge liquids including polluted Karuna Singh
water. The smoke contains many undesirable gases (Sports Secretary)
such as carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide. The

Section - B: Writing And Grammar 27

8th August, 20××

The Editor
12th Mar., 20××
The Times of India
Ghaziabad, U.P.
Participate in Science Exhibition Subject: Growing indiscipline among students
The students of our school are hereby informed
that our school has decided to organise a Science
Exhibition on 15th March, 20×× in the school
Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I
auditorium. All of you are requested to participate would like to express my views regarding growing
in the exhibition whole-heartedly and your parents indiscipline among students. The new generation
are also welcomed in this exhibition. For more appears to be dishonest, violent and indisciplined.
details, please contact the undersigned. They lack tolerance. They lose temper anywhere,
anytime — be it, on the school ground, class-room,
Praveen Raina
school bus or neighbourhood. It is a matter of grave
(Secretary — Science Club)
concern for the society. They argue that they do so for
the lack of care and concern of the parents. Most of
3. Ananya was Deceived the parents are working. They don’t have time to spare
Ananya was nice girl, living with her parents in a for their children. Hence, children have to manage by
slum area. One day she got a call from a stranger that themselves. In fact, this is one of the major reasons.
he has a decent job in an MNC for her. He told her We need to discipline the generation in order to save
that she would be offered a handsome salary. She got their future. For this, we need to spare quality time for
excited and noted down his address to meet him. She our children. Moral education can also improve the
even did not inform it to her parents and went to meet situation. Teachers should tackle their students wisely.
him. When she met him, he told her that first of all she
had to pay ` 5,000 to him and then he would send her
Thank you
to a multinational company. Now she demanded this
Yours sincerely
amount from her parents for this purpose. Her parents
Neha Sribastav
somehow gave this amount to her. She gave this amount
to the stranger. The stranger sent her to a company 3. Date : 2nd March, 20××
where she got a training for a job only for three days and
then she was assigned very difficult task. As a result, To :
she could not fulfil her task and after five days, she was
fired from her job. Now she regretted her decision to From :
give so much amount to a stranger.
Subject : Unsatisfactory service of telephone
Moral: Don’t trust anyone blindly.

1. I want to draw your attention to unsatisfactory

SUNRISE PUBLIC SCHOOL, NOIDA working of our telephone. It is 33447790. It has
28th Jul., 20×× not been working properly since the last ten days.
At first, the incoming calls could be heard but we
NOTICE could not do outgoing calls. Sometimes there is
Found a Gold Ring a bell ringing but on lifting the receiver we find
All the students are informed that I, Heena, it dead. Now it is lying totally dead.
yesterday found a gold ring in the school campus. I complained about it a number of times but no
The rightful owner of the ring may collect his/her one took notice. Therefore, I request you to please
ring from me by giving some clues about the ring. instruct your staff to do the necessary service. I
Heena hope this time my request will not be ignored.
Class VIII With regards.
Thanking you
2. D-181, Gali No.2 Yours faithfully
Siddharth Vihar Neeraj Sharma
Ghaziabad, U.P.

28 Assignments in English Plus – 8 Teacher’s Handbook

Part - II : Grammar
INTEGRATED EXERCISE FOR PRACTICE 3. (a) The Prime Minister is the head of the ruling party.
1. I. (a) do not (b) about (c) of (d) about (b) He is also the leader of the Lok Sabha.
(e) be (f) to (g) to (h) is (c) The president acts on the advice of the Prime
II. (a) to (b) of (c) of (d) by Minster.
(e) the (f) for (g) a (h) of (d) The President is a link between the Prime
III. (a) in (b) of (c) the (d) from Minister and the people.
(e) when (f) to (g) for (h) on 4. (a) Bankim Chandra Chatterji wrote our national
IV. (a) in (b) All (c) which (d) are song, Vande Matram.
(e) used (f) are (g) used by (h) to (b) The song is a salutation to our motherland.
V. (a) on (b) should (c) amongst (d) on (c) This song appears in the Bengali novel,
(e) which (f) knew (g) written (h) of Anandmath.
2. I. (a) is (b) and (c) with (d) of (d) Shree Aurbindo translated the song into English.
(e) of (f) the (g) with (h) is 5. (a) Our national flag has a long history.
II. (a) will (b) to (c) An (d) The (b) It is hoisted on all national festivals.
(e) the (f) of (g) comes (h) it (c) It is flown on all important government
III. (a) is (b) of (c) than (d) in buildings.
(e) are (f) can (g) of (h) in (d) National flag may be flown only to outdoors
IV. (a) a (b) in (c) your (d) of from sunrise to sunset.
(e) is (f) to (g) of (h) with 5. I. (a) (i) of (b) (iv) living
V. (a) that (b) of (c) who (d) for (c) (ii) off (d) (iii) most
(e) she (f) the (g) a (h) cannot II. (a) (iii) to (b) (iv) of
3. I. (a) what ... which (b) name ... namely (c) (iv) which (d) (i) reaches
(c) come ... comes (d) a ... the III. (a) (ii) are (b) (i) is
(e) with ... from (f) and ... or (c) (iii) the (d) (i) in
(g) a ... the (h) to ... in IV. (a) (iii) is (b) (ii) who
II. (a) but ... and (b) into ... in (c) (iv) use (d) (iii) that
(c) think ... thought (d) the ... a V. (a) (iv) he will come (b) (i) you come
(e) know ... known (f) has ... is (c) (i) were here (d) (iv) his mother died
(g) locating ... located (h) under ... below 6. (a) (iii) What is your plan for this summer
III. (a) its ... their (b) calling ... called (b) (ii) Have you visited Kashmir earlier
(c) turned ... turn (d) break ... breaks (c) (ii) What different places will you visit there
(e) into ... in (f) leaf ... leaves 7. (a) (ii) advised me to avoid bad company
IV. (a) who ... that (b) an ... the (b) (ii) requested to her class teacher to forgive her
(c) with ... to (d) received ... receive that time
(e) thorough ... throughout (c) (i) told that the earth revolves round the sun
(f) are ... is 8. (a) (ii) how far the Jubilee Hotel is
(g) does ... do (h) why ... that (b) (ii) Can I take an autorickshaw to reach there
V. (a) are ... is (b) a ... the (c) (i) Is there any other hotel nearer
(c) but ... and 9. (a) My father has just arrived.
(d) transporting ... transport (b) My brother frequently makes a mistake.
(e) with ... to (f) a ... an (c) We are still waiting for the money.
(g) above ... in (h) have ... has (d) He never tells a lie.
4. 1. (a) Basin area has the varied topography. (e) Mr. Jain often lates for his lecture.
(b) The environment plays an imported role in (f) Julia seldom goes out at late night.
distribution of the populations. 10. (a) Did he know that his master was outside?
(c) The mountain areas have steep slopes with (b) The children were followed by the tiger to school.
inhospitable terrain. (c) He asked me if I would visit Chandigarh the next day.
(d) These areas are not suitable for human (d) My family has gone to Chennai to attend a
habitation. marriage ceremony.
2. (a) Dreams are neither real nor reliable (e) The Supreme Court consisting of the Chief Justice
(b) He who is guided by dreams is misguided. of India and other judges is the guardian of the
(c) He loses both his present and his future. Constitution.
(d) One should believe in hard work and nothing else. (f) Unless you work hard, you will not succeed.

Section - B: Writing And Grammar 29

(g) Loose – He prefers to wear loose shirt. 3. (a) India is a country with many ethnic groups.
Dont’t leave your dog loose. (b) There are many languages, religious sects and
Lose – Yash will lose this new water bottle also. beliefs here.
(h) He asked me when I would do that work. (c) Inspite of great variations, a common stream runs
(i) Let the door be shut. through the diversities.
(j) My brother works hard to stand first in the (d) That is why it is said that India is a land of unity
examination. in diversity.
(k) I am fond of reading.
(l) The sun having been risen, we returned home. ASSIGNMENT – 2
(m) Did Mihir go to Chennai last week? 1. (a) (i) on (b) (ii) The
(n) Be careful lest you should fall. (c) (ii) was completed
(o) The window was broken by some naughty (d) (i) of
children. 2. (a) that (b) of (c) can (d) who
(p) That it would rain. (noun clause)
(e) that
(q) I met Sumit who paid my money back.
(r) I cannot walk any more because I am badly tired. 3. (a) is taken (b) is selected
(s) You said that Naveen had gone to the market. (c) taken (d) is given
11. (a) An article is being written by boys for the ASSIGNMENT – 3
newspaper. 1. (a) (i) of (b) (iii) was developed
(b) The door was opened by the servant.
(c) (iv) to (d) (iii) combined
(c) Any news have not been received by me from my
ailing uncle. 2. (a) to ... of (b) the ... an
(d) A new washing machine has been purchased by us. (c) among ... between (d) has ... have
(e) The door was being knocked at by some strangers. (e) A ... The
(f) The matter was enquired into by the police. 3. (a) Ivan Dmitritch was a middle class man.
(g) The house was broken into and all the valuables (b) He lived with his family on an income of twelve
were taken away. hundred a year.
(h) Let the computer be switched off. (c) But he was very well satisfied with his lot.
(i) You are requested to give some food to the hungry (d) He sat down on the sofa after supper and began
boy. reading the newspaper.
(j) How is soup prepared by you?
12. (a) She entered the room accompanied by her sister. ASSIGNMENT – 4
(b) Having been altered by the sound, he leapt to his feet. 1. (a) (ii) do not (b) (iv) of
(c) Having collected money, they went to see a movie. (c) (iii) about (d) (i) to
(d) Having taught the students, I left the class 2. (a) to (b) lies (c) which (d) are
(e) Having crossed the road, we went to a furniture (e) and
shop. 3. (a) had promised him to buy a motor bike if he passed
13. (a) The doctor advised the patient to take medicines (b) then he must have been studying very hard
in time.
(c) he had to achieve good marks
(b) Father asked me if Rohit was coming there that day.
(c) The teacher said that the principal had distributed (d) only then
prizes among the students. ASSIGNMENT – 5
(d) Father asked Lalit if he wanted his father to visit 1. (a) (i) became (b) (iv) had appealed
Agra with you. (c) (iii) responded to the
(e) He asked the girl if she was afraid of stray dogs.
(d) (ii) was posted
(f) He asked me whether I knew the answer.
(g) My parents said that God is everywhere. 2. (a) who ... which (b) contain ... contains
(h) The old prayed that God might bless me. (c) by ... from (d) use ... used
(i) He said that he did’t like pizzas. (e) to ... of
(j) The teacher allowed me to go. 3. (a) Napoleon Bonaparte was born on 15th August,
ASSIGNMENT – 1 (b) He belonged to a poor family of Corsica island in
1. (a) (iv) on (b) (iii) that France.
(c) (iv) amongst (d) (ii) on (c) Because of his war-like nature, he joined the army.
2. (a) the (b) of (c) is (d) the (d) He proved his military ability by suppressing a
(e) for revolt in Toulon.

30 Assignments in English Plus – 8 Teacher’s Handbook

ASSIGNMENT – 6 2. (a) pour ... pouring (b) plastics ... plastic
1. (a) (iii) had (b) (ii) but (c) This ... These (d) from ... for
(c) (iii) would (d) (ii) came (e) find ... found
2. (a) is ... has been (b) for ... with 3. (a) Education contributes significantly to economic
(c) circulated ... circulate (d) a ... the
(b) India has launched ambitious project Sarva
3. (a) where he was going
Shiksha Abhiyan.
(b) he was going to see
(c) It provides primary education to all children.
(c) how much time he would a take
(d) Literacy is also necessary in common people.
(d) he would be back within an hour
1. (a) (iii) could (b) (ii) spending
1. (a) (ii) in (b) (i) the
(c) (i) found (d) (iii) who conducted
(c) (iii) have been (d) (ii) while
2. (a) with ... to (b) arranging ... arrange
2. (a) grows ... grow (b) a ... the
(c) what ... which (d) has ... had
(c) within ... into (d) his ... its (e) Swami ... Swami’s
(e) but ... and 3. (a) are forced (b) is spoiled
3. (a) Floods are not new to India this subcontinent. (c) play (d) could be saved
(b) Human actions have heightened the danger of
flood. ASSIGNMENT – 12
(c) They cut tree in the plains as well as in the mountains. 1. (a) (ii) appears (b) (i) of
(d) Climate change is the result of human action. (c) (i) also (d) (ii) produced
ASSIGNMENT – 8 2. (a) busy (b) in (c) when (d) has
(e) that
1. (a) (ii) predicted (b) (ii) But 3. (a) Salty and sweet tastes are felt by the tip of our
(c) (i) come (d) (iv) and tongue.
2. (a) the (b) is (c) famous (d) with (b) Sour taste is detected by the buds on the sides of
(e) and the tongue.
3. (a) Activities that we engage in our free time are hobbies. (c) Bitter taste is felt by the back portion of the tongue.
(b) Hobbies refresh our minds after a hard day’s work. (d) I love to eat sweet dishes but hate sour things.
(c) They relieve us from the monotony of daily life.
(d) Engagement in hobbies has increased since the late ASSIGNMENT – 13
19the century. 1. (a) (i) fascinating (b) (iii) capturing
(c) (iv) always mermerised
ASSIGNMENT – 9 (d) (i) continues
1. (a) (iii) found (b) (iv) deserted 2. (a) on ... in (b) saying ... said
(c) (iii) where (d) (i) believing (c) to ... of (d) a ... the
2. (a) celebrate ... celebrated (e) into ... in
(b) to .. for 3. (a) Survival of the fittest is the law of nature.
(c) was ... is (b) Be strong or other shall make you slave.
(d) commemoration ... commemorate (c) A weak person has no say anywhere.
(e) using ... use (d) No one pays attention to such a person.
3. (a) Punctuality is a necessary habit in a civilised
society of all public affairs. ASSIGNMENT – 14
(b) Without it nothing could ever be brought to a 1. (a) (i) but (b) (i) quiet
conclusion. (c) (i) in (d) (iii) at
(c) Everything would be in a state of chaos. 2. (a) the (b) in (c) be (d) by
(d) People who are not punctual can never be (e) of
appreciated. 3. (a) Louis Braille lost his eyesight as a result of an accident.
(b) His father had a leather workshop.
(c) One day he took a sharp needle and hit it playfully
1. (a) (iii) with (b) (ii) for with a hammer.
(c) (iii) made (d) (iii) lifted (d) The needle bounced up and pierced one of his eyes.

Section - B: Writing And Grammar 31

UNIT ASSIGNMENT – 1 perilous for the school-going children who use them
Section – A : Reading on various occasions. There are numerous examples of
accidents that took place because of using the crackers.
1. 1. Anna Hazare wondered about the very existence of
Hence, it is the need of the hour to ban crackers.
human life.
2. At one particular moment, he thought of doing 4. The Fox and the Stork
suicide in extreme frustration. Once a fox invited a stork to dinner. Being a cunning
3. He overcame his mental anxiety the moment he got animal the fox thought of a mischief. He prepared soup
a book of Swami Vivekananda. He was inspired by and served it in a large flat dish. The stork could not
Vivekananda’s photograph on the cover. sip even a drop of the soup with his long beak. On the
4. The book of Swami Vivekananda taught him to other hand, the fox lapped it up easily. The stork was
serve humanity. not foolish. He understood that the fox had played a
5. After reading the book, Anna Hazare realised that trick on him. So he thought to teach him (fox) a lesson.
striving for the betterment of common people is A few days later, the stork invited the fox to dinner.
equivalent to offering a prayer to the God. He prepared rice and served it in a jug with a narrow
6. In the year 1965, he was posted at the Khemkaran mouth. The fox could not eat anything while the stork
border. enjoyed the meal to his heart’s content. The fox now
7. On Nov 12, 1965, Pakistan launched air attacks on realised his mistake. He promised not to play tricks in
Indian base and all of Hazare’s comrades were killed. future.
8. Anna Hazare was a lucky soldier as one bullet Moral: Tit for Tat.
passed by his head. 5. (a) (i) known (b) (iii) which
9. Anna Hazare had a close shave which gave him an (c) (ii) like (d) (i) through
inspiration to live for the service of mankind. 6. (a) their (b) of (c) them (d) are
2. I. 1. Karan pushed the food around his plate to show (e) or
his annoyance. He didn’t like his new school 7. (a) is added (b) is rinsed
because the game of football was not there. (c) is then put into
2. She made a lot of friends in the new school but (d) should be allowed to stand
Karan didn’t.
3. She suggested that moping wouldn’t do any good. UNIT ASSIGNMENT – 2
It was better to make the best of the things he had. Section – A : Reading
4. Because he was a short-tempered man. 1. 1. It is known for awesome mountains.
5. His company closed down suddenly. 2. It is as big as a groundhog with a coat like a squirrel’s.
II. 1. the back steps of his house 3. They live under the rocks and eat berries and small
2. short-temper 3. losing his job vegetation.
III. 1. burst out 2. miserable 3. suddenly 4. At the height of 17,000 feet, plants almost disappear.
Section – B : Writing & Grammar 5. This makes impossible for any mammalion life to
3. Ban Crackers survive.
By Abc 6. They (marmots) can’t waddle away fast enough into
Many malpractices have been associated with some of our their burrows once the leopard spots them.
religious festivals and social events. Bursting crackers on 7. They kill marmots for their flesh and fur.
Diwali, wedding parties etc. is the pinnacle of absurdity. 8. Pom-poms are large round bunches of strips of
It is not only the wastage of money but also harmful for plastic, tied to a handle, used by cheerleader.
the people and environment. Perhaps the desire to display 9. They do so to attract the attention of mormots to
wealth and a misguided notion of fun urges people to make them their easy prey.
enjoy the sight of their hard earned money going up 2. I. 1. • The letter is most likely addressed to a local
in smoke. The smoke emitted by the firework releases storeowner.
harmful and poisonous gases. People suffer from asthma • The tone of the author can be best described
and other respiratory disorders have to bear additional as frustrated.
suffering. The indulgence in this malpractice encourages 2. The author’s main purpose in writing this letter
the social evil of child labour. Most of the factories is to obtain a full refund for the money.
producing firecrackers employ children as labourers. 3. After tasting the muffins the author discovered
These unfortunate children are deprived of education that they were not perfect. They were absolutely
and childhood days. They also have contact diseases terrible. Even his dog was not interested in
by handling poisonous chemicals. These crackers are eating them.

32 Assignments in English Plus – 8 Teacher’s Handbook

4. The author enclosed with the letter the following 6. (a) was ... is (b) reversed ... reverse
things: (c) doing ... done (d) to ... for
• the receipt • the empty box (e) which ... who
• one of the un-perfect muffins 7. (a) Nanital Ropeway is established by Kumaon
5. George was a cashier at Midfeild All. He assured Mandal Vikas Nigam.
the author that the perfect muffin kit would live (b) It is one of the advanced ropeways of India.
up to the guarantee on the box.
(c) It is controlled by electronically and mechanically
II. 1. friendly nature 2. a full refund 3. perfect
III. 1. guarantee 2. disappointment 3. prompt
(d) It is used to carry 12 persons in a single time.
Section – B : Writing & Grammar
3. Monday, 12th Ma, 20××
9:00 p.m. Section – A : Reading
Dear Diary 1. 1. Cheraw is a form of dance, popular in Mizoram.
2. The dancer cannot dance without bamboos. He taps
I got up at about 8:00 am, after hearing the chirping of
birds. Bright sunshine filled my cabin in the houseboat. the bamboos open and close in rhythmic beats.
Our houseboat was moving through tranquil waters. 3. When the bamboos are clapped, a sharp sound is
On the deck our host was preparing breakfast from produced. This sound forms the rhythm of the dance.
freshly caught fish. I tried my hands at fishing, by 4. The patterns and steppings of Cheraw have many
using a handheld net. It was a sight to behold when I variations. Sometimes the steppings are made in
caught a live fish in my net. After taking breakfast; I invitation of the movements of birds, sometimes
lazily enjoyed the sunshine. There was dense groove of the swaying of trees and so on.
coconut trees on both sides of the waterways. Beams 5. They speculate that their forefathers brought cheraw
of sunlight were peeping through them. It was really with them when they left home in far East Asia.
looking like ‘God’s Own Country’. Around noon I took 6. Cheraw is performed for sanctification and
a shower. The lunch was ready. It contained traditional redemption.
Malayali fair, with coconut thrown in as ingredient in 7. While performing Cheraw, the dancers need great
almost all dishes. Sunset scene was beautiful because of care, precision and elegance.
reflections seen in water. As the boat was moving, the 8. They tap the bamboos open and close in rhythmic
sun seemed to be racing with us. After having dinner beats.
at about 10 PM, I was in my bed to have a sound sleep. 9. Cheraw: A Dance of Mizos.
Sanjana 2. I. 1. The Himalayan valley acts like the guard of
the Indian territory against foreign invasions. It
4. A Man Makes Thieves Catch
keeps the enemy at a distance from the western
It was the month of December. It was biting cold. It
to the eastern subcontinent of the Asian sphere.
is but natural that people sleep inside the room. At
2. Pindari glacier is a range of four glaciers, namely
about 2:00 a.m. when people are in deep slumber, I
Sunderdunga, Namik, Pindari and Kafui. Its
woke for toilet. All of sudden I heard some sound in
length is 54 km .
neighbourhood. I saw through the window pane, a man
3. It takes about four days to cross the total length.
was breaking the door. I didn’t stop even for a minute.
4. (i) A trip to Pindari glacier is very useful.
I went outside the room and informed the chowkidar.
He was doing his job properly. He took heed of mine It enhances our knowledge and helps in
and immediately called his other colleagues too. I along understanding the natural geography.
with chowkidar went into the house of the neighbour (ii) While passing through the Himalayas, they
where thieves were busy in committing theft. They have to face bad weather and difficult tricks.
were collecting money and jewellery from almirah This gives them adventurous experience.
and someone was busy in collecting other valuable 5. Pindari glacier is surrounded on all sides by snow-
materials too. We caught them red-handed. They just covered peaks like Nanda Devi, Nanda Kot, etc.
tried to escape but of no use. We immediately informed This glacier is a frozen river of ice and settled in
the police. The police came and took them away into such a way that it looks like a huge staircase.
the custody. Hearing the hue and cry all members of II. 1. four glacier 2. two days 3. huge staircase
the neighbour also came. III. 1. features 2. sickness 3. huge
Moral: Our courage and wisdom helps other also. Section – B : Writing & Grammar
5. (a) (iv) knew (b) (i) had died 3. B-10, Sector-12
(c) (iv) has been raining Noida, U.P.
(d) (i) were 10th August, 20××

Unit Assignments 33
The Editor took so much time to build this Great Pyramid.
Dainik Jagran 7. The weight of each block of limestone was about 2
Noida, U.P. tonnes.
Subject: Damaged bund on Kosi river. 8. The blocks were pulled up the road on sledges by
Dear Sir gangs of men.
9. It has been estimated that about 2,300,000 blocks of
This is with reference to the havoc created by massive
limestone were used in building the Great Pyramid.
flood in our area. The bund which was damaged during
the last year’s flood has not been so far repaired by the 2. I. 1. People pray to get comfort and encouragement
authorities. The rainy season is near but no sense of in their hour of need. This shows that they have
urgency can be seen at the site. All villagers are in fear deep faith in God.
of witnessing another massive flood. Many delegations 2. Mahatma Gandhi gave importance to collective
went from our village and from surrounding villages to prayer because it gave them a sense of purpose
the concerned minister, but it was of no avail. On behalf and also a sense of solidarity as people sharing
of my fellow villagers, I would request you to give this one destiny.
issue as much coverage as possible. This would surely 3. People generally organise collective prayer in
wake the concerned authorities from their deep slumber. the aftermath of national tragedies. Some of
the occassions when people of all faiths had
Thank you organised prayers in their places of worship are
Yours sincerely — the Gujarat earthquake, the Orissa cyclone.
Gaurav 4. According to Mahatma Gandhi, our atmosphere
4. Two Goats and the Bridge is full of strife and quarrels because we lack the
One day two goats happened to step on the bridge from spirit of true prayer.
opposite directions. The bridge was so narrow that 5. The very act of praying teaches us to empathise
only one goat could cross it at a time. The goats were with those who suffer. It broadens our vision and
sensible and peace-loving. They resolved the problem outlook. It empowers us with a sense of duty.
in no time by mutual understanding. One of them sat II. 1. God 2. destiny
down and allowed the other to step over his body and 3. vision and outlook
go ahead. Then he stood up and went on his own way. III. 1. recalled 2. empathise 3. broadens
In this way, they crossed the bridge safely.
Section – B : Writing & Grammar
Moral: Cooperation leads to peace.
3. K-112, Vishal Enclave
5. (a) (i) was invented (b) (ii) of New Delhi
(c) (iv) knew (d) (ii) can slide
6. (a) but ... and (b) than ... to 10th April, 20××
(c) being ... be (d) moulds .. mould The Editor
(e) positive ... positively The Times of India
7. (a) Once there lived a potter in a village. New Delhi
(b) He was a very simple and innocent fellow. Subject: Police brutality
(c) His old donkey had become a problem for him. Sir
(d) Being fed up with the donkey, the potter sold it. Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper,
UNIT ASSIGNMENT – 4 I would like to express my views on police brutality.
Police brutality is still in vogue in India. Instead of
Section – A : Reading doing their work honestly, they try to crush the people.
1. 1. Pyramids are old structures in which the dead bodies Sometimes, they beat mercilessly innocent people also.
of the ancient Egyptian kings were kept. The Great I would like to say candidly that they seldom beat rich
Pyramid of Giza has been attributed to king Cheops people. Most often the poor become the victims of their
of the fourth dynasty. sticks. This is not fair.
2. The ancient Egyptian kings built pyramids to Stong action must be taken against the criminals
preserve their bodies perfectly. irrespective of their financial status and gentlemen or
3. Food and other necessities were put in the tombs innocent people should not be beaten whether they are
for the kings to eat in their future lives. rich or poor. Police are assigned with very important
4. It took twenty years to build the Great Pyramid at Giza. tasks. They play a significant role in maintaining law
5. This Great Pyramid is built of blocks of limestone and order. But they should be unblased and honest.
and granite. Thank you
6. The building material could be brought by boat
from quarries across the Nile only during the spring Yours sincerely
season which lasted for three months. Therefore, it Saumya Ranjan

34 Assignments in English Plus – 8 Teacher’s Handbook

4. The Greedy Dog Section – B : Writing & Grammar
A dog was crossing a bridge holding a bit of flesh in 3. Children and TV Advertising
his mouth. While crossing the river, he saw his own By Xyz
reflection in water and thought that there was another
dog with the bit of flesh in the river. He was a greedy dog. Advertisement are displayed on TV after every 10
He wished to have that bone too. So, he started barking. minutes. It helps the younger age group to know
As a result, his own bit of flesh fell into the river. about the different products and their qualities. But
all advertisement are not true. Some claim a lot of
Moral: Greed leads to grief . advantages of using some products but in reality it is
5. (a) (ii) came (b) (iv) was robbed not so. They also make the young age group mature
(c) (i) was sitting (d) (ii) could before their age. This is not healthy for their future nor
6. (a) was ... is (b) wear ... worn for society.
(c) but ... and (d) by ... with Sometimes children insist on getting something
(e) A ... The
displayed on TV though they are harmful to their
7. (a) Dear are herbivorous animals that feed an grass
health. For example, children see the advertisements
and plants.
of noodles of different brands and demand them. They
(b) They are usually very timid animals.
even prefer to eat them for lunch and dinner. They
(c) They depend on their speed for safety.
reluctantly eat chapatti, rice, pulse and vegetables as
(d) They live in a group to feel a sense of security.
they are unable to understand their nutritional value. So
UNIT ASSIGNMENT – 5 the concerned authorities should take some measures
to control advertisements of such food items.
Section – A : Reading
1. 1. The voice of small people is not heard by big/ 4. The Wolf and the Lamb
powerful people. Once a hungry and thirsty wolf was drinking water at a
2. He had been beaten by the landlord. pool. He caught sight of a lamb drinking water below for
3. He belonged to a poor family. down. The wolf’s mouth watered to see it. He wanted
4. These sentences reveal Gafur’s helplessness. Being to eat it all cost. He ran up to it and said very angrily,
a poor boy, he has to bear insults. “How you dare to drink water from the pool and make
5. Mahesh was the chief cause of Gafur’s suffering. it muddy? Don’t you see that I am drinking it?” The
6. When Gafur left home that morning, Mahesh broke poor little lamb began to tremble and said, “Please,
loose from his lether, and entering the ground of the sir, the water is flowing from you to me. So I am not
landlord, had eaten up flowers and upset the corn at all making it dirty for you”. “But why did you call
drying in the sun. me names last year?” thundered the wolf. “You are
When they tried to catch him, he had hurt the mistaken, sir”, replied the lamb. “I was not even born
landlord’s youngest daughter and had escaped. last.” “Then it must have been your elder brother. And
7. Earlier Gafur was forgiven by the landlord because you must now suffer for his fully.” So saying, he jumped
he was poor. upon the unfortunate lamb and tore it into pieces.
8. This time, he did not beg for the landlord’s Moral: Any excuse is good enough for an evildoer.
forgiveness. Instead, he claimed that he had paid 5. (a) (iv) is (b) (i) has
rent, and that he was nobody’s slave. (c) (iii) do (d) (ii) of
9. Shibu Babu was the landlord of Gafur. He beat and 6. (a) the ... a (b) him ... me
tortured Gafur. (c) but ... and (d) return ... returning
2. I. 1. Because it is no more a profitable occupation (e) realised ... realise
now. 7. (a) Chris and his sister curly went to Mumbai for a
2. It is known for four to six inch broad reddish holiday with their mother.
maroon borders with traditional designs. (b) Their father had died when they were very young.
3. Because they want a more profitable business. (c) The children had always wanted to see the beach.
4. Younger citizens of Ilkal town are engaged in (d) The mother had saved some money over the years
selling granite because this stone is available so that they could enjoy a sea-side.
there in abundance.
5. The loom may become a mere memory because UNIT ASSIGNMENT – 6
the town’s younger citizens step into newer Section – A : Reading
ventures. 1. 1. • Yoga gives people feelings of ease and tranquility.
II. 1. granite stone 2. in the loom • It is non competitive in nature.
3. the new generation steps into more profitable 2. For centuries, yoga has been used to clear and
avenues free the mind, giving people feelings of ease and
III. 1. distinct 2. plenty 3. extinction tranquility.

Unit Assignments 35
3. People of any age and fitness level can participate prefer to play outdoor games. They are getting everything
in yoga. on the screen of the computer like games, movies, songs,
4. It means you are not bound to do or progress at any chatting to a friend, their study material etc. Spending
specific time and limit. You can work and progress long hours by children creates anxiety among parents.
at your own speed and comfort level. They are worried about their children health and studies.
5. Yoga strengthens the muscles and the spine. It Sitting infront of computers for long hours is very harmful
creates flexibility and ease of motion. for children. Their eyesight get weakened, they are getting
6. Yoga reduces our stress. It balances the body mind- fat and blocking their physical and emotional growth.
spirit connection, giving us a feeling of ease and Children do not think about their studies, their future, their
peace. academic results while using computers and internet for
7. These stretches focus on very specific, usually tight long hours. Once time has gone, is gone forever. Children
and narrow places like the neck, back, hips, legs and cannot mend their poor results once it has been out.
spine. 4. The Lion and the Mouse
8. After only a few minutes of yoga, we feel more alive A lion was lying near his den basking in the sun. A
and open, peaceful and relaxed. mouse also lived there in a hole. One day he came out
9. ‘Advantages of Yoga’ to play and jumped upon the body of the lion. The lion
2. I. 1. Kama, the god of love, was greatly daring who woke up. He got furious and caught the mouse in his
shot his flowery arrow at Shiva himself. strong paw. He was about to crush the mouse when the
2. Myths and stories teach us to follow truth in all latter (mouse) cried for mercy. “Please forgive me. I
circumstances. may help you in time of need”, said the mouse. The lion
3. Because they are interwoven together. was still furious however, he let the mouse go safely.
4. Because they tell us about the heroic deeds of
A few days later, a hunter came to that forest and laid
our ancestors.
his net to trap animals. By chance the same lion was
5. The Ashoka tree is said burst into flowers when
caught in it. He tried his best to free himself but in
touched by the foot of a beautiful woman.
vain. He began to roar loudly which the mouse heard.
II. 1. god of love 2. adhere to truth He saw the lion’s plight and decided to help him. It cut
3. endeavour and right living the ropes with his sharp teeth. The lion became free and
III. 1. daring 2. drudgery 3. endeavour thanked the mouse.
Section – B : Writing & Grammar Moral: Do good, find good.
3. Monday, 12t January, 20×× 5. (a) (i) would
8:00 p.m. (b) (ii) see
Dear Diary (c) (i) where
(d) (iv) getting
Today, I with my parents, visited the World Book Fair 6. (a) in (b) have
at Pragati Maidan. It was indeed a memorable occasion (c) and (d) will
for me as I visited the book fair for the first time. (e) of
What was remarkable in the fair was that rare books 7. (a) Stonefish is the most venomous fish in the world.
of different varieties were available at a good discount (b) They are found in the coastal regions of Indo-
price. In fact, a large number of publishers from all Pacific oceans.
over India and abroad participated in it. I yearned to (c) They have dorsal spikes which carry venomous
buy many books but my parents did not allow me as glands anywhere from 12 to 14.
they don’t have so much money. Finally, I bought two (d) These spikes carry venomous glands below them.
storybooks in English.
There was a large gathering in the fair. Many cultural UNIT ASSIGNMENT – 7
programmes were held. Indeed we enjoyed the book Section – A : Reading
fair a lot. 1. 1. The three primary categories of languages are:
Sneha Chauhan native language, second languages and foreign
Or language.
2. Nearly three hundred million people in the world
Harmful effects of Computer speak English as a native language.
By Xyz 3. The countries that use Englsih as a native language
It is true that the use of computer and internet has are the United States, Britain, Ireland, Australia, New
completely occupied the life of the young generation. Zealand, Canada, the Caribbean and South Africa.
They spend long hours sitting in front of computer. They 4. Second language refers to a language which is
use it continuously without bothering about their studies. necessary for certain official, social, commercial
They do not manage their time wisely. They even do not or educational activities within one’s own country.

36 Assignments in English Plus – 8 Teacher’s Handbook

5. The people living in the Quebee province of Canada 4. Crow and the Snake
speak French. There was a crow who lived on a tree peacefully. A
6. India, Pakistan, Nigeria and Kenya. few days later a snake came there and began living
7. In countries like the Philippines, Ethiopia, Burma, in a hole at the foot of the tree. The snake was very
Thailand etc. English is used as a second language. cunning. It used to eat the young ones of the crow. The
8. English language is more often used in the general crow was fed up with the snake’s behaviour. One day
working of the United Nations. he thought out a plan to teach the snake a lesson. He
9. ‘Importance of English Language’. stole the necklace of the princess and dropped it into
2. I. 1. He felt awkward because he was made to stand the snake’s hole. The snake was completely unaware of
on the desk while the other students were busy the necklace. In the meantime, the king’s men set out
doing their class-work. to search the necklace. They came to the snake’s hole
2. He was new in the school and was not familiar and decided to dig it. “The princess’s necklace may be
with his new classmates and their English in this hole,” they said. Hence, they dug the hole and
language. found the necklace. But the digging took the life of the
3. The policemen gave him salaams because his snake also.
grandfather was a reputed military doctor. He Moral: Tit for Tat.
would lay down his head on the desk and sleep 5. (a) (i) some (b) (i) use
when he got bored in the class. (c) (iii) of (d) (i) helps
4. He says so because in the new school no one 6. (a) the ...a (b) to ... of
spoke Tamil or Telugu, the only languages he (c) lives ... live (d) to ... of
knew. English language dominated there which (e) were ... are
the author didn’t know. 7. (a) Breathing is both voluntary and involuntary.
5. Miss Jean was the author’s new class teacher. His (b) It goes on regularly even when we are asleep.
notebooks were almost empty and he used to look (c) But we can stop breathing for a short time if we
through the window all the time. This indicated wish.
Miss Jean that he needed extra attention. (d) By taking deep breath we feel relaxed.
II. 1. his father had moved
2. was sitting in a back corner UNIT ASSIGNMENT – 8
3. he needed extra attention Section – A : Reading
III. 1. pampered 2. plump 3. backoned 1. 1. A bady of two years has 20 teeth in all.
Section – B : Writing & Grammar 2. These teeth are called milk teeth.
3. These teeth are replaced by about the age of twelve.
3. Burden of Heavy Bags An adult has a full set of 32 permanent teeth.
By Xyz 4. It is important to keep our teeth healthy because we
Indeed carrying our school bags is a tiresome task. have only a single replacement of our teeth. We get
There are many books in the curriculum. We need to no other chance for new teeth.
pack 7-8 books and their notebooks in our bag and carry 5. Tooth-decay usually begins in the enamel. In the
them everyday. It creates pressure not only on our body beginning the opening is almost invisible but the
but also on our psyche. We already feel tired when we bacteria enter through it and settle under the enamel.
reach our school. 6. The bacteria feed on the juicy dentine and the lymph
Despite government’s policy, schools prescribe which is in the dentine canals. Soon, they erode the
many extra books. We have to study all of them in walls of the canals and a cavity is created beneath
our classroom. We return from our school to our the enamel.
home at about 3:00 pm and again we have to do our 7. When a tooth feels sensitive to heat or cold, it
homework. We don’t get time to play and game which indicates that decay is taking place.
is also necessary for the children of our age group. 8. When the bacteria penetrate through the dentine
We even don’t have some time to take a rest. Indeed canals into the pulp cavity, they find there a feeding
student life is a very hectic life. After the completion and breeding ground. As a result, toothache starts.
of our education, we become grown up and we have 9. We should take proper care of our teeth to avoid
lots of responsibilities to carry on. It means we lead a tooth ailments.
hectic life right from our childhood. So I request the 2. I. 1. All of us possess three qualities namely Tamas,
concerned authorities to kindly do the needful to reduce Rajas and Sattva.
our burden. So that we can do some extracurricular 2. Tamas represents resistence to transformation,
activities too. Only 3-4 books should be taught in the Rajas represents aggressiveness and relentless-
school in a day. No separate notebooks for each subject ness and Sattva represents purity inside us.
should be required in the school. 3. Tamas results in total confusion, problems

Unit Assignments 37
and worries. Rajas results in lack of peace accidents also take place. It is really a grave problem.
or a disturbed mind. Sattva results in peace, Therefore I would request to the Minister to take
happiness and contentment. immediate action.
4. A Sattvic life empowers us to cope with problems Thanking you
in a very systematic way without affecting our
mental peace or destroying our human qualities. Yours Sincerely
It turns us to divinity and activates our soul. We Jagat Sharma
feel zealous and inspired. 4. A Memorable Day
5. The author further highlights the advantages of I alongwith some of my friends went to a canal for a
a Sattvic life. He says that if we have a grain of bath in the morning. The canal water was flowing at full
Sattva in us, we will be able to remain calm in speed. Suddenly we heard a loud cry “Help! Help!” We
all circumstances. got panicked. We looked around but till that time the
II. 1. patience and tolerance 2. his mistake voice had faded down. We tried to be normal but the
3. somebody accuses us cry for help kept haunting in our mind. “Help! Help!”
III. 1. inertia 2. contentment 3. preserve We again heard the cry. This time we rushed towards
Section – B : Writing & Grammar the direction from which the voice was coming. We
3. B-110, Ram Nagar understood that someone is drowning. A few of us were
Uttar Pradesh good swimmers. They plunged into the canal to save
the boy who was fighting with its swift currents. At one
10th March, 20×× time it seemed that the hair of the drowning boy would
The Editor come in the grip of one of the swimmers but the swift
The Hindustan Times currents pushed them in another direction. But they
Uttar Pradesh didn’t lose hope. They tried again and again and finally
Subject: A busy expressway having no foot overbridge. got success. They caught the boy tightly and brought
him to the shore. He was unconscious. It took atleast
Sir one hour to regain consciousness. We were happy that
I would like to draw the attention of the Surface the boy was saved.
Transport Minister through your esteemed journal Moral: Help others always.
towards the problems that emerged after the expressway 5. (a) has (b) of
was finally built. When the expressway was being (c) is (d) no error
constructed through our village, we all were very happy 6. (a) man has always (b) way to explain
to think that the village would be connected with many (c) in the world (d) was done by
different places. At that time some senior villagers (e) nature was controlled
requested the Minister to also build foot overbridge for 7. (a) might help him
the safety of the people. But he didn’t pay attention. (b) if he had a leather belt
Today due to absence of this bridge, people are facing (c) if that one suit him
the problem of crossing the road. Sometimes fatal (d) he wanted a brown one.


ASSIGNMENT – 1 2. (i) Cease — The captain ordered his soldier’s to cease
1. fire.
Presents a suitable method Seize — He seized my book and threw it away.
available with minimal additional (ii) Fair — There were countless people in the fair.
labour input. Fare — These days bus fare has increased
Presents an ideal everywhere.
flooding and high peak
flours, thus cheeks soil
solution to water (iii) Weak — A weak person cannot achieve anything.
shortage. Week — A week has seven days.
(iv) Plain — The Gangetic plain is very fertile.
HARVESTING Plane — The plane took off of sharp 9:00 p.m.
(v) Story — My mother told me a fantastic story
Increases the Provides a simple yesterday.
availability of water for way of better water Storey — This building is built in two storeys.
dry spells. infiltrative system. (vi) Sore — I had a sore in my throat.
Provides the provision of Soar — Suddenly the birds scared in the sky.
drinking water for domestic and live (vii) Stationary — The earth is not stationary.
stock purposes. Stationery — This shop sells stationery things.

38 Assignments in English Plus – 8 Teacher’s Handbook

(viii) Root — The roots holds plants firmly in the soil. (iii) scrawny (g) thin and bony
Route — The air route from Delhi to Mumbai is (iv) statue (j) figure carved in stone
short. (v) breeze (b) gentle wind
(ix) Piece — He gave his son a good piece of advice. (vi) intruder (c) one who enters a place without
Peace — There is no peace in the world. permission
(x) Right — To get good education is our right. (vii) provided (i) given
Rite — When a new member joins a group, an (viii) bloom (e) strange features/peculiarities
initiation rite is performed. (ix) oddities (f) change into flowers
(x) accomplice (h) a partner in crime
ASSIGNMENT – 2 3. (i) Hide — He hid my pencil under the desk.
1. Do it yourself. (ii) Mane — Lions usually have a mane.
2. (iii) Statue — The statue of liberty is in New York.
Baby Talcum Powder (iv) Bloom — Buds generally bloom into flowers.
‘A LUXURY TO BABIES’ (v) Accomplice — This accomplice was also arrested
by the police.
Speciality: ASSIGNMENT – 4
Talcum 4 H aving powder of 1. Life Disrupted by Heavy Rain
Powder healing antiseptic and Yesterday Delhi received the heaviest rain of the season.
freshness. The rain water created a havoc in the entire city. The
4 Gives a complete dress roads were submerged under water and traffic became
after bath. standstill. Countless cars, buses, trucks, scooters, etc. had
to struggle to cross water logging. Unfortunately I had
gone to Laxmi Nagar with my mother. We had to come
Baby Talcum Ltd. to Akshardhyam Metro Station. But the situation at the
(A Quality Product) Akshardham under-crossing was critical. Water logging
Patpergunj, Delhi, Phone: 22×××××× had thrown an open challenge to the passersby. Besides
they were bound to bear splash of water released by the
ASSIGNMENT – 3 passing vehicles. With great difficulty we crossed the
underpasses and arrived at the metro station. The scene
1. India: Land of Festivals
of traffic jam and water logging all around Laxmi Nagar
India is a land of festivals. Countless festivals are
and Akshardham is still fresh in my mind.
celebrated here. These festivals are deeply related to
2. Do it yourself.
our mythology and seasons. ‘Lohri’ is a harvest festival.
This festivals is celebrated all over Northern India to ASSIGNMENT – 5
welcome new grains. In Punjab, Lohri is celebrated
1. Do it yourself.
with great pump and show. In North India, Holi is
very popular. This festival teaches people to forget 2. A railway platform is always overcrowded and full of
differences and treat all as brothers and sisters. People noise. We can see all sorts of people on the railway
get the message of brotherhood from Holi. Diwali is a platform. We can also see countless passengers come
festival of lights. This festival fills people with fresh in every moment. Some passengers are fashionably
hopes to face new challenges of life. Our country dressed in their best clothes while some others can be
presents a rainbow view of people following different seen in dhoti and pyjamas. Passengers can be watched
religions. ‘Id’ is celebrated by the people of Muslim waiting impatiently for their arrive at the platform.
community. They observe one month fast during Coolies rush to the coaches with luggage and vendors
the month of Ramzan. At the end, Id is celebrated shout their items. We can notice confusion everywhere
with great enthusiasm. People meet one another and at the platform. There is a lot of elbowing. The doors
distribute sweets. The unity of one country is clearly of the coaches are blocked with men and women. The
visible. ‘Christmas’ is also a well known festival of weak and old persons are helped by their relatives to
India. This festival teaches us forgiveness that is the enter the coaches. However, there is temporary peace
noble quality of life. In India, Durga Pooja is very big on the platform after the train moves out.
festival. This festival is celebrated all over the country. 3. (i) im — impossible (ii) un — unhappy
We celebrate Durga Pooja as the victory of good over (iii) mis — misfortune (iv) en — entangle
evils. Thus, our country is divided into different sects (v) re — re-enter/re-entry (vi) in — incoming
but we remain united by these festivals. (vii) dis — disatisfaction
2. (i) hide (d) keep out of sight (viii) em — emplacement/empowerment
(ii) mane (a) the hair around (ix) ir — irresponsible (x) il — illegible/illegal

Subject Enrichment Activities 39

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