Assignment in English Plus Class 8 Teachers Handbook PDF
Assignment in English Plus Class 8 Teachers Handbook PDF
Assignment in English Plus Class 8 Teachers Handbook PDF
Assignments in
Note: Please note this Teachers’ Handbook contains the Solutions for the Assignments/ Integrated Exerises for Practice/
Unit Assignments/ Subject Enrichment Activities given in the book Assignments in English Plus - 8 published by
Full Circle Education Pvt Ltd.
© All rights reserved with the Author.
Type - I : Comprehension Passages
ASSIGNMENT – 1 invaders never ventured for south to loot the treasure
1. Globalisation is viewed in terms of losses and gains. of the temple.
2. No, any historic change cannot be made without any loss. 9. Haider Ali and his son Tipu Sultan never invaded
3. India is not a developed country. It is a developing
country. ASSIGNMENT – 4
4. The benefits of globalisation can be seen in India in the
1. Conversation is the most easily teachable of all arts.
following two fields.
2. We need to find a subject that interests us and our
• IT Parks • Financial Markets
5. Small farmers, tribal people,, Dalits and workers are
3. To become a good conversationalist we should talk
not benefited by globalisation.
about the other people’s hobby.
6. The landless Dalits are living in the shadow of upper
4. If they show interest in the other people’s interest.
caste atrocities in India.
5. For good conversation we should know what subjects
7. In the cold deserts of Ladakh Bihari workers are
to avoid and what subjects to select.
shivering and building roads.
6. He/she must avoid talking about himself/herself.
8. In the last para of the above passage ‘another world’
means the world of people untouched by globalistaion. Sickness or death bores everyone.
9. Globalisation in India 7. We should not hurt others with our wit. We should also
avoid mannerism in our conversation.
ASSIGNMENT – 2 8. Because he wants to remind us that in conversation the
1. On March 4, 1865 the weather in Washington D.C. was strict observance of mannerism is not good.
cold and windy. 9. Conversation is an Art.
2. The U.S. capital building’s great iron dome was ASSIGNMENT – 5
crowned by a bronze liberty.
3. According to the author John Wilkes Booth was a 1. It is the number of children who die by the age of five,
young actor. per thousand live birth.
4. He believed in slavery and white supremacy. 2. In 2007, the world’s average child mortality rate was
5. African Americans were unequal to whites and they 6.8%.
should remain slaves. 3. Sierra Leone has the world’s highest child mortality
6. He considered Lincoln as a tyrant who was responsible rate.
for all the country’s troubles. 4. Latin America and Caribbean show the biggest
7. He hatched a scheme to kidnap Abraham Lincoln. improvement between 1990 and 2006.
8. Lewis Paine was a wounded confederate who had 5. Pneumonia and diarrhoea are two causes of child deaths
recently joined the ban to conspirators formed by Lewis as per the World Health Organisation.
Paine. 6. Malnutrition, the poor condition of health is caused by
9. John H. Surratt and Lewis Paine were willing to help the lack of the right type of food.
Booth in carrying out his plan to kidnap Lincoln. 7. Malnutrition contributes to more than one third of all
child deaths.
ASSIGNMENT – 3 8. According to 2002-2008 estimates, one child dies every
1. Nobody dared to use the wealth of the temple because 5 seconds due to hunger.
the people were afraid of God. 9. The child mortality rate is also known as the under 5
2. M.G.S. Narayanan is a famous historian. mortality rate.
3. The myth like the serpent guarding a vault is universal.
4. All donations are recorded on the temple’s treasure.
5. Diwan Peshkar Ulloor is the special officer to the Sree 1. Because he was tired of ruling his kingdom. He needed
Padmanabhaswamy temple. peace and quietness.
6. Merchants officials, and rajas made donations. 2. How much his daughters loved him.
7. The reason for the donation like act of atonement was 3. Goneril was his eldest daughter. The Duke of Albany
recorded. was her husband.
8. The treasure of the temple still exists because the 4. Cordelia was his eldest daughter.
5. Because they had flattered their old father to get his favour. 3. The words ‘Bharat Ratna’ are inscribed in Devanagari
6. Because she did not flatter her father like her sisters. Script.
7. He kept only the name of king and a hundred knights 4. Bharat Ratna awardees are kept in same category as
to take care of him. former prime ministers, current cabinet ministers,
8. In disappointment and anger he called Cordelia an current chief ministers, and current leaders of opposition
ungrateful and heartless child. in Parliament.
9. Because he had to give one half of his kingdom to his 5. The award is given for “exceptional service towards
daughters. advancement of art, literature and science, and in
recognition of public service of the highest order.”
ASSIGNMENT – 7 6. Politicians have dominated the list of recipients of
1. In 1952, Mother Teresa opened the first Home for the Bharat Ratna.
Dying in Calcutta. 7. There have been years when the Bharat Ratna was not
2. The Home for the Dyning was also known as Nirmal awarded.
Hriday. 8. The last person to get the Bharat Ratna was Atal Bihari
3. They received medical attention. They were given Vajpayee, according to the above passage.
opportunity to die with dignity. 9. The award of Bharat Ratna was suspended between
4. It was called ‘Shanti Nagar’ city of peace. 1977 to 1980.
5. The Missionaries of charity wanted to give home to the
lost children.
6. The number of lost children was increasing everyday. 1. Flooding cleanses and renews river basins, expands
7. The Nirmala Shishu Bhavan was established to give feeding and breeding grounds of plants, fish and
home to the orphans and homeless youth. animals, and spreads fresh layers of fertile silt.
8. Venezuela is the first country outside India where the 2. Scientists feel the dams and embankments cause more
first house for orphans and lepers was opened. floods and do more harm than good.
9. Mother Teresa’s Charity Work. 3. Philip Williams is the President of International Rivers
ASSIGNMENT – 8 4. Construction contractors are largely responsible for
1. The new category of senior citizens named in the 2011 man-made floods.
union budget was called ‘very senior citizens’. 5. Construction of dams and embankments cause more
2. An alarming increase in the number of senior citizens floods. They do more harm than good.
in India forced the Indian government to take notice of 6. Countries like U.S.A., Japan, Germany and Britain have
them. begun to pay more attention to waste reduction measures.
3. Social changes like, migration to urban areas, 7. The Japanese solution to reduce environmental hazards
industrialisation, and working women have ended the is burning, burying, reducing and recycling waste
joint family system. products.
4. Elderly people are the most vulnerable under the 8. In the U.S., more than 2000 garbage burning plants
nuclear family system. work day and night in addition to 125 large incinerators.
5. There are more than thousand old-age homes all over 9. The Japanese have introduced aquaculture in their
India. The government claims that there is sense of industries to keep them clean.
security and friendship among old-age home residents.
6. The major facilities provided in old-age homes are
accommodation, food and facilities for spiritual well- 1. Tea is world’s most popular drink, after water.
being. 2. Last year, researchers in Boston found that heart
7. The study of senior citizens in U.K. shows not more patients who drank two or more cups of tea daily were
than 5 per cent of elders live in old-age homes. 44% less likely to die over the next 4 years.
8. The British government’s emphasis is on providing 3. Tea can lower bad cholesterol levels by an average of
appropriate services so that seniors remain at home. 10%. The flavonoids in tea can also prevent the damage
to artery walls caused by dangerous cholesterol.
ASSIGNMENT – 9 4. The onset of cancer can be delayed by drinking 10 or
1. The Bharat Ratna was instituted as an award in 1954 more cups of green tea everyday.
by the first president Rajendra Prasad. 5. The Canadian study of 1998 suggests that men who
2. Eminent physicist Sir C.V. Raman and C. Rajagopalchari, drank 3 cups of tea a day were 30 per cent less likely
the last Governor-General of India, were the first two to develop prostate cancer.
recipients of Bharat Ratna in 1954. 6. Flavonoids in tea protects bones.
Section - A: Reading 5
ASSIGNMENT – 5 II. 1. past human societies
I. 1. Ashoka was a bold and cruel young man. His 2. tiny stones, pieces of wood, bone or metal
brothers viewed him as a rival to the throne. So they III. 1. downcast 2. prime
feared him. ASSIGNMENT – 8
2. Ashoka fell in lone with a woman called Kaurwaki.
She was a commoner and a fisher woman. I. 1. Florence Nightingale rejected the comforts and
luxuries of life and dedicated herself to the service
3. Ashoka put down a rebellion in the Punjabi city of
of sick and the wounded. So she was a wonderful
Takshila. Thus, his competence as a general was
2. Florence laid the foundation of modern nursing,
4. During the uprising in Ujjain, Ashoka was injured.
by organising it on a scientific basis. She cared
Buddhist monks took care of the wounded prince.
more about the sick and the wounded than her own
During the time the monks taught the basic tenets comforts.
of Buddhism to him.
3. She improved the conditions of the hospital using
5. Bindusara died in 275 BCE. A 2-year-long war of her own money. She took good care of the wounded
succession erupted between Ashoka and his half- patients.
4. While visiting patients at night, she used to hold a
II. 1. wooden stick lamp in her hand. So she was known as ‘The Lady
2. in the distant frontiers of the Mauryan Empire with the Lamp’.
III. 1. troublesome 2. recalled 5. Florence’s parents wanted her to lead a comfortable
ASSIGNMENT – 6 domestic life. But Florence wanted to serve
I. 1. Amitabh Bachchan got his first job in Kolkata and II. 1. dedicating herself to their service
lived in Ruseel Street. This phase of the initial days 2. medical profession
of his career is highlighted here.
III. 1. commendable 2. indomitable
2. Bachchan was in Kolkata to promote his film
Aarakshan and discuss reservation with students. ASSIGNMENT – 9
3. Mamata Banerjee told Amitabh that they should met I. 1. The statue of the Happy Prince was gilded all over
up for an adda on his next visit. with thin leaves of fine gold.
4. Bachchan feels that Reservation is Constitutional 2. The swallow sat between the legs of the Happy
reality. He is neither for it nor against it. He says it Prince. Since the statue is gilded with gold leaves,
is legacy. it is called a golden bedroom.
II. 1. an interactive session with the students 3. The little swallow decided to spend the night below
2. Constitutional reality and legacy the statue.
III. 1. stray 2. gawky 4. The swallow felt a large drop of water falling on
5. Tears were rolling down the golden cheeks of the
I. 1. Arrowheads are ancient hunting tools. To find Happy Prince. So he was filled with pity.
arrowheads, we need to walk with downcast eyes II. 1. the feet of the Happy Prince
in a field that has been recently tilled for the spring 2. a large red ruby stone
planting season. III. 1. a large 2. alighted
2. Arrowheads are tiny stones or pieces of wood, bone
or metal which have been sharpened. They are used ASSIGNMENT – 10
to create a tipped weapon used in hunting. I. 1. Compassion is being sympathetic to others.
3. Indian arrowheads are important artifacts that 2. Compassion involves two things — intention and
give archaeologists clues about the life of Native action. Intention involves opening your heart to
Americans. others. Action involves doing something to make
4. Arrowheads are commonly found along river banks others happy.
or near creek beds. Dry and active riverbeds are 3. According to Mother Teresa, we cannot do great
prime hunting grounds for arrowhead collectors. things on this earth, we can only do small things
5. Indian arrowheads are tiny pieces of history. They with great love.
tell about the life of a hunter. They can be kept in 4. Compassion takes our mind off the little things
a museum. They symbolise the eternal struggle that most of us take to seriously. Thus we develop
between life and death. a sense of gratitude towards life.
Yours loving brother 6. Global Public School
A-121, Sector-70
Rishabh Negi
Noida, U.P.
4. F-110, Sector-12
10th April, 20××
Panchkula, Haryana
The General Manager
10th February, 20××
Sunsine Publishers & Distributors
The Sales Manager
3892/2, Ansari Road
Singhal Brothers & Sons
Daryaganj, New Delhi
F-16, Tagore Garden
Subject: Cancellation of my order for textbooks
New Delhi
Subject: Complaint about wrong supply of goods
I am reluctantly writing this cancellation letter to you
Sir due to the substantial delay. I had placed an order to
This is to bring to your notice that I had placed an you on 2nd March, 20×× for the following textbooks
order for some sports goods for our school, vide order two months ago.
no.10218/13, but when I received the items I found that S.No. Books Classes Author Qty.
the goods that I had ordered for were not sent by you.
I had ordered two bats, six balls, two gloves and six 1. Mathematics VIII R.N. Agarwal 80
wickets but I received three bats, two balls and three 2. Science VIII Chandan Brito 60
wickets that too of other brands than that I had ordered. 3. Social Science VIII R.K. Basu 60
Perhaps this is the mistake of packing staff. 4. English Reader VIII Kapil Sen 80
Now I am returning these goods to you. Please send
But so far I have not received the order. The new session
my right order without any more delay.
has already started. And the parents of the students
Thank you started demanding books everyday. And hence we had
to urgently take the books from other publishers.
Yours sincerely
So my order for the above books should be regarded
Prabhat Saxena
as cancelled.
5. M-5, Vishal Enclave
Thank you
New Delhi
Yours sincerely
10th September, 20××
Aman Deep
The General Manager
Mahanagar Telephone Nigam
New Delhi 7. The Principal
Five Star Public School
Subject: Complaint about the faulty telephone
Meerut, U.P.
15th June, 20××
This is to inform you that my landline phone,
Subject: Requirement of some more furniture
no.22×××××× has not been working properly for the
last one week. The voice of the caller from the other
side is not heard by us. Due to this problem, we are not
I am a student of class VIII-B of your school. There are
able to communicate with our near and dear ones for the 40 students in our classroom. But there are only eight
last one week. As you know that phone has become a desks and eight benches. Five students have to sit on a
part and parcel of our lives, we are deprived of getting bench. Actually the legs of two benches and two desks
even some important messages from our friends and are broken and hence no students can sit on them. We
Unit Assignments 33
The Editor took so much time to build this Great Pyramid.
Dainik Jagran 7. The weight of each block of limestone was about 2
Noida, U.P. tonnes.
Subject: Damaged bund on Kosi river. 8. The blocks were pulled up the road on sledges by
Dear Sir gangs of men.
9. It has been estimated that about 2,300,000 blocks of
This is with reference to the havoc created by massive
limestone were used in building the Great Pyramid.
flood in our area. The bund which was damaged during
the last year’s flood has not been so far repaired by the 2. I. 1. People pray to get comfort and encouragement
authorities. The rainy season is near but no sense of in their hour of need. This shows that they have
urgency can be seen at the site. All villagers are in fear deep faith in God.
of witnessing another massive flood. Many delegations 2. Mahatma Gandhi gave importance to collective
went from our village and from surrounding villages to prayer because it gave them a sense of purpose
the concerned minister, but it was of no avail. On behalf and also a sense of solidarity as people sharing
of my fellow villagers, I would request you to give this one destiny.
issue as much coverage as possible. This would surely 3. People generally organise collective prayer in
wake the concerned authorities from their deep slumber. the aftermath of national tragedies. Some of
the occassions when people of all faiths had
Thank you organised prayers in their places of worship are
Yours sincerely — the Gujarat earthquake, the Orissa cyclone.
Gaurav 4. According to Mahatma Gandhi, our atmosphere
4. Two Goats and the Bridge is full of strife and quarrels because we lack the
One day two goats happened to step on the bridge from spirit of true prayer.
opposite directions. The bridge was so narrow that 5. The very act of praying teaches us to empathise
only one goat could cross it at a time. The goats were with those who suffer. It broadens our vision and
sensible and peace-loving. They resolved the problem outlook. It empowers us with a sense of duty.
in no time by mutual understanding. One of them sat II. 1. God 2. destiny
down and allowed the other to step over his body and 3. vision and outlook
go ahead. Then he stood up and went on his own way. III. 1. recalled 2. empathise 3. broadens
In this way, they crossed the bridge safely.
Section – B : Writing & Grammar
Moral: Cooperation leads to peace.
3. K-112, Vishal Enclave
5. (a) (i) was invented (b) (ii) of New Delhi
(c) (iv) knew (d) (ii) can slide
6. (a) but ... and (b) than ... to 10th April, 20××
(c) being ... be (d) moulds .. mould The Editor
(e) positive ... positively The Times of India
7. (a) Once there lived a potter in a village. New Delhi
(b) He was a very simple and innocent fellow. Subject: Police brutality
(c) His old donkey had become a problem for him. Sir
(d) Being fed up with the donkey, the potter sold it. Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper,
UNIT ASSIGNMENT – 4 I would like to express my views on police brutality.
Police brutality is still in vogue in India. Instead of
Section – A : Reading doing their work honestly, they try to crush the people.
1. 1. Pyramids are old structures in which the dead bodies Sometimes, they beat mercilessly innocent people also.
of the ancient Egyptian kings were kept. The Great I would like to say candidly that they seldom beat rich
Pyramid of Giza has been attributed to king Cheops people. Most often the poor become the victims of their
of the fourth dynasty. sticks. This is not fair.
2. The ancient Egyptian kings built pyramids to Stong action must be taken against the criminals
preserve their bodies perfectly. irrespective of their financial status and gentlemen or
3. Food and other necessities were put in the tombs innocent people should not be beaten whether they are
for the kings to eat in their future lives. rich or poor. Police are assigned with very important
4. It took twenty years to build the Great Pyramid at Giza. tasks. They play a significant role in maintaining law
5. This Great Pyramid is built of blocks of limestone and order. But they should be unblased and honest.
and granite. Thank you
6. The building material could be brought by boat
from quarries across the Nile only during the spring Yours sincerely
season which lasted for three months. Therefore, it Saumya Ranjan
Unit Assignments 35
3. People of any age and fitness level can participate prefer to play outdoor games. They are getting everything
in yoga. on the screen of the computer like games, movies, songs,
4. It means you are not bound to do or progress at any chatting to a friend, their study material etc. Spending
specific time and limit. You can work and progress long hours by children creates anxiety among parents.
at your own speed and comfort level. They are worried about their children health and studies.
5. Yoga strengthens the muscles and the spine. It Sitting infront of computers for long hours is very harmful
creates flexibility and ease of motion. for children. Their eyesight get weakened, they are getting
6. Yoga reduces our stress. It balances the body mind- fat and blocking their physical and emotional growth.
spirit connection, giving us a feeling of ease and Children do not think about their studies, their future, their
peace. academic results while using computers and internet for
7. These stretches focus on very specific, usually tight long hours. Once time has gone, is gone forever. Children
and narrow places like the neck, back, hips, legs and cannot mend their poor results once it has been out.
spine. 4. The Lion and the Mouse
8. After only a few minutes of yoga, we feel more alive A lion was lying near his den basking in the sun. A
and open, peaceful and relaxed. mouse also lived there in a hole. One day he came out
9. ‘Advantages of Yoga’ to play and jumped upon the body of the lion. The lion
2. I. 1. Kama, the god of love, was greatly daring who woke up. He got furious and caught the mouse in his
shot his flowery arrow at Shiva himself. strong paw. He was about to crush the mouse when the
2. Myths and stories teach us to follow truth in all latter (mouse) cried for mercy. “Please forgive me. I
circumstances. may help you in time of need”, said the mouse. The lion
3. Because they are interwoven together. was still furious however, he let the mouse go safely.
4. Because they tell us about the heroic deeds of
A few days later, a hunter came to that forest and laid
our ancestors.
his net to trap animals. By chance the same lion was
5. The Ashoka tree is said burst into flowers when
caught in it. He tried his best to free himself but in
touched by the foot of a beautiful woman.
vain. He began to roar loudly which the mouse heard.
II. 1. god of love 2. adhere to truth He saw the lion’s plight and decided to help him. It cut
3. endeavour and right living the ropes with his sharp teeth. The lion became free and
III. 1. daring 2. drudgery 3. endeavour thanked the mouse.
Section – B : Writing & Grammar Moral: Do good, find good.
3. Monday, 12t January, 20×× 5. (a) (i) would
8:00 p.m. (b) (ii) see
Dear Diary (c) (i) where
(d) (iv) getting
Today, I with my parents, visited the World Book Fair 6. (a) in (b) have
at Pragati Maidan. It was indeed a memorable occasion (c) and (d) will
for me as I visited the book fair for the first time. (e) of
What was remarkable in the fair was that rare books 7. (a) Stonefish is the most venomous fish in the world.
of different varieties were available at a good discount (b) They are found in the coastal regions of Indo-
price. In fact, a large number of publishers from all Pacific oceans.
over India and abroad participated in it. I yearned to (c) They have dorsal spikes which carry venomous
buy many books but my parents did not allow me as glands anywhere from 12 to 14.
they don’t have so much money. Finally, I bought two (d) These spikes carry venomous glands below them.
storybooks in English.
There was a large gathering in the fair. Many cultural UNIT ASSIGNMENT – 7
programmes were held. Indeed we enjoyed the book Section – A : Reading
fair a lot. 1. 1. The three primary categories of languages are:
Sneha Chauhan native language, second languages and foreign
Or language.
2. Nearly three hundred million people in the world
Harmful effects of Computer speak English as a native language.
By Xyz 3. The countries that use Englsih as a native language
It is true that the use of computer and internet has are the United States, Britain, Ireland, Australia, New
completely occupied the life of the young generation. Zealand, Canada, the Caribbean and South Africa.
They spend long hours sitting in front of computer. They 4. Second language refers to a language which is
use it continuously without bothering about their studies. necessary for certain official, social, commercial
They do not manage their time wisely. They even do not or educational activities within one’s own country.
Unit Assignments 37
and worries. Rajas results in lack of peace accidents also take place. It is really a grave problem.
or a disturbed mind. Sattva results in peace, Therefore I would request to the Minister to take
happiness and contentment. immediate action.
4. A Sattvic life empowers us to cope with problems Thanking you
in a very systematic way without affecting our
mental peace or destroying our human qualities. Yours Sincerely
It turns us to divinity and activates our soul. We Jagat Sharma
feel zealous and inspired. 4. A Memorable Day
5. The author further highlights the advantages of I alongwith some of my friends went to a canal for a
a Sattvic life. He says that if we have a grain of bath in the morning. The canal water was flowing at full
Sattva in us, we will be able to remain calm in speed. Suddenly we heard a loud cry “Help! Help!” We
all circumstances. got panicked. We looked around but till that time the
II. 1. patience and tolerance 2. his mistake voice had faded down. We tried to be normal but the
3. somebody accuses us cry for help kept haunting in our mind. “Help! Help!”
III. 1. inertia 2. contentment 3. preserve We again heard the cry. This time we rushed towards
Section – B : Writing & Grammar the direction from which the voice was coming. We
3. B-110, Ram Nagar understood that someone is drowning. A few of us were
Uttar Pradesh good swimmers. They plunged into the canal to save
the boy who was fighting with its swift currents. At one
10th March, 20×× time it seemed that the hair of the drowning boy would
The Editor come in the grip of one of the swimmers but the swift
The Hindustan Times currents pushed them in another direction. But they
Uttar Pradesh didn’t lose hope. They tried again and again and finally
Subject: A busy expressway having no foot overbridge. got success. They caught the boy tightly and brought
him to the shore. He was unconscious. It took atleast
Sir one hour to regain consciousness. We were happy that
I would like to draw the attention of the Surface the boy was saved.
Transport Minister through your esteemed journal Moral: Help others always.
towards the problems that emerged after the expressway 5. (a) has (b) of
was finally built. When the expressway was being (c) is (d) no error
constructed through our village, we all were very happy 6. (a) man has always (b) way to explain
to think that the village would be connected with many (c) in the world (d) was done by
different places. At that time some senior villagers (e) nature was controlled
requested the Minister to also build foot overbridge for 7. (a) might help him
the safety of the people. But he didn’t pay attention. (b) if he had a leather belt
Today due to absence of this bridge, people are facing (c) if that one suit him
the problem of crossing the road. Sometimes fatal (d) he wanted a brown one.