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Many countries are in Coronavirus Lockdown and we must at stay home.

So, if you’re
wondering what to do to fight boredom at home during this quarantine? Here are some
positive and productive things you can do at your home.

1. Gardening
For those who love to grow plants, this is an ideal time to take care of them.
Gardening is probably one of the most relaxing activity. Do you know there
are some benefits of gardening that helps your mind and body? Gardening
can relieve stress, burns a lot of callories, it can lower your blood pressure,
and gardening also can make you happier.

2. Exercise at home
For most of the people who blame their busy schedule to be the reason why
they are not being able to exercise, this is the best time to pay attention to
their health. Going to the gym may not be a great option right now, but Don’t
worry, you can Browse on YouTube for workout videos, or join an online fitness

3. Cooking various menu at home

If you’re working from home, take this opportunity to make something delicious.
There are a lot of easy recipes on youtube and internet. Take your time to improve
your cooking skills! It’s must be a productive activity to do.

4. Reading books
Everyone always seems to be complaining that they don’t have enough time to
read. Have you left a novel half-read because of the lack of time available?
Then this is the best time to catch up on some reading.
5. Practice self discipline
Because of bunch of works you’re struggling with managing your time, so without
even realize you’re become less disciplined. during this quarantine, take advantage
of your time to practice self-dicipline. Go to bed on time,and wake up early. Then
you’ll be more disciple.
6. Organize your home

 In some ways, there's never been a better time to organize.  Self-quarantine is
the best time to give special attention to your house. There have been corners
and things you have not been able to clean for so long because of your busy
schedule but now, you have to pay more attention to your own home. You
can start from organizing your pantry, make a room for work or study, Organize
your closet, and organize your rooms and bedrooms.

7. Start a new hobby

Getting extra time at home is probably a big bonus for all of us. Take benefit
of this time to start a hobby such as playing a guitar, a piano, learning dance
or developing your drawing skills. Having an extra hobby is always a plus
point to have and it is never late to start one.

I hope this video will help you to be more productive at home, and don’t forget to watch
your hands and stay healthy.

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