Article Image 2019517 104946
Article Image 2019517 104946
Article Image 2019517 104946
Arzu Javadova
Publication list
In this article given Stratigraphy of the Quaternary deposits of the South Caspian
Apsheron archipelago based on materials received from drilled offshore Nakhchivan,
Oguz and Guneshli field’s shallow engineering well core data. The result of research
allowed to create detailed stratigraphic scheme (Bakuvian, Khazarian, Khvalinian, and
Novocaspian) based on ostracod and foraminifers.
2. A.T. Jafarova (Javadova), “About Study of Ostracoda fauna in the area of Apsheron
archipelago’s Quaternary deposit”. “Oil & Gas” journal of Azerbaijan Oil Academy,
1989, N 7, P.24-27, In Russian
Core materials received from drilled shallow engineering wells in a period of 1985-88
from the South Caspian North Apsheron,, Oguz, Guneshli, Oil Rocks (Neft Dashlari)
offshore fields allowed to continue research of ostracods in Quaternary deposits. The
result of the analysis showed ostracod”s vertical and horizontal distribution and a
stratigraphic split of Bakuvian, Khazarian, Khvalinian, and Novocaspian deposits
The recognition of Quaternary supra horizons and sub horizons are founded on
successive change of zonal complexes, geniuses and species of Ostracoda groups of
Apsheron and Baku archipelagos of South Caspian basin. In this article, we compared
Ostracoda and foraminifera faunas found in core materials received from shallow
geoengineering and deep exploration wells. There was use large geological materials,
which showed the regional character of Ostracod assemblages in the Quaternary
deposits of South Caspian basin with their biostratigraphy role.
5. A.; T.Javadova, A.I.Suleymanov,V.I.Shved, “Apsheron archipelago’s Quaternary
deposit map”. Scientific Notes journal of Azerbaijan Oil Academy, 1995, N 2, P.37-42,
In Russian
AAPG Azerbaijan branch created a new stratigraphic scheme of upper Cretaceous and
Cenozoic deposits of Apsheron oil and gas bearing region where I had the authorization
of Completion on Quaternary Ostracod fauna research and Stratigraphy part of Apsheron
oil gas bearing zone using complex method of all existing geological and geophysical
well data materials. There was a comparison of Biostratigraphy and Regional stratigraphy
data. The material prepared for industry use and at the present, it is still actual
In the article, we analyzed wide speared Quaternary deposits of South Caspian Apsheron
archipelago. We included Eopleistocene – Apsheronian supra horizon to our previously
created stratigraphic scheme of Quaternary deposits with characteristic ostracod
complexes. Quaternary deposits of Apsheron archipelago consist of 5 supra horizons, 10
horizons and 1 present deposits” layer with characteristic ostracod complexes and index
The article was devoted to the problems existing in the stratigraphic boundary of the
Quaternary period of South Caspian basin. The main subject was about the condition of
researches conducted during the period before and after our research on Ostracod of the
South Caspian basin and the results of conducting works reflected to the current situation
on this actual problem
8. A.T. Javadova, New species of genus Leptocythere from Quaternary deposits. Scientific
note journal of Azerbaijan Oil Academy, 1997, N4, P.3-7, In Russian
and Leptocythere sabirae Javadova sp.nov. These forms commonly meet in Quarternary
deposits of Turkmenistan and Azerbaijanian sectors of South Caspian basin.
10. A.T. Javadova and U.T.Suleymanov, Fauna of Ostracoda and Stratigraphy of the
Apsheron deposits of the South Caspian. Proceedings of Academy of the science of
Azerbaijan Institute of Geology, Publishing house “Nafta-press”, Baku, 1997, N 29, P.
38-43, In Russian
In the article there studied widespread Ostracoda complexes of the Apsheron period of
South Caspian’s Apsheron and Baku archipelagoes, their paleoecological, lithological and
stratigraphical conditions.
11. A.T. Javadova, Condition of study for Pleistocene and Holocene deposits of South
Caspian basin, Azerbaijan Oil Economy, Journal of State Oil Company of Azerbaijan
Republic, 1997, N 11-12, P.9-12. In Russian
In the article given the review of the current study and problems related to widespread
Pleistocene and Holocene deposits of the South Caspian basin, their stratigraphic,
lithofacies, paleontological and change of thicknesses in the vertical and horizontal
In the presentation given the result of research on Ostracod fauna spread in the Quaternary period
of the Apsheron archipelagos based on deep exploration well data, their role in biostratigraphy
and paleogeography.
2. A.G. Akhmedov, A.T.Javadova, and V.I.Shved, presentation “About litho dynamics of the
deposits of the Upper Part of the section within the South and Middle Caspian Sea”.
“Newest tectonics and its influence on the formation and distribution of oil and gas
deposits” International Conference in Baku, Azerbaijan 29 September- 6 October 1997,
Program of theses, P.24-25
We presented our result of research on the base of all complex geological data (seismic,
lithological, paleontological, etc) which covered the upper part of the geological sections of the
South and Middle Caspian basin. Research result had a special practical significance for oil and
gas field development. We used geoengineering-geological materials; created a number of
geological profiles from shelf to continental zone, controlled physical-mechanical properties of
sea bottom soil, which showed active litho dynamic processes. Paleontological data allowed to
give detailed stratigraphy of the upper part of the geological section where maximum litho
dynamic change and geomorphology of sea bottom occurs.
We presented the result of our research taken from offshore wells of Apsheron and Baku
archipelagos incorporated with complex geological and geophysical information like seismic,
lithological, geochemical, paleontological, etc. The practical significance of research result
achieved from the upper part of sediments allows understanding and solving many
geological- geoengineering problem of Caspian offshore field development, which is,
associated with several mud volcanoes and active litho dynamic processes.
In the presentation were highlighted applied paleontology and its significant role in offshore
oil and gas exploration and development processes.
Based on new geophysical data and information from surrounding perspective fields were
given a prognosis on the perspective potential of Salatin exploration block of Baku
archipelago of South Caspian basin. Pliocene Productive series has regional oil and gas
potential. Our result of the seismic interpretation was focused on the Pliocene (Productive
series), near top “Pereriva” suite (Near base Productive series) and base Pliocene.
Perspective Salatin exploration block has exploration potential due to the fact that it located
on Paleo Kura and Paleo Volga delta zone, which deposited fluvial-deltaic and turbidities
sediments. We also used some biostratigraphy information from surrounding fields, which
drilled to Pliocene and gave additional information to control seismic to well-tie data.
According to complex information (seismic, tectonic, well log data, litho facial and
biostratigraphy) we calculated: 8 Bnoe geological and 1.2 Bnbbl recoverable oil, 5.1 TcF of
recoverable gas reserves for onshore Lower Kura depression. We ranked 20 fields with total
reserves of 560 MMbbl of oil and 2.7 Tcf of gas, and emphasized that there still exists a
sizeable volume of Hydrocarbon to be developed. With a current production rate of only 10-
12,000 b/d, considerable upside potential exists in this region. We also presented the
correlation of different regional lithostratigraphy taken from different facial zones.
Research of well core data from exploration drillings of 1985 to 2002 years allowed
distinguishing of Productive series based on ostracod fauna. Stratigraphy role of ostracods
and redeposited foraminifers allowed sequencing change of complexes, synchronization of
events in the South Caspian and adjacent on and offshore regions. In the presentation given a
reconstruction of paleogeography and paleoecological environment on separate possible
chronological periods of Productive series time
10. A.T. Javadova, a presentation on “Geological and prospective peculiarities of Kapaz field
in Sothern Caspian basin” AAPG”s Inaugural Regional International Conference Izmir,
Turkey, 4-7 October 2005. Abstract book, P.55-56
Kalin suite- the lower horizon of Productive service, which has regional hydrocarbon
11. A.T Javadova, a presentation about “Successful cooperation: a review of current and
future projects between Nobel Oil and SOCAR”, 18th Caspian Oil & Gas Exhibition and
Conference, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Baku, Azerbaijan, 8-9 June 2011, Program of the
conference, 2d day
Presentation devoted to strategy, success and future way forward of Nobel Oil Company in
upstream and downstream sectors. We showed the result of Umid offshore successful
exploration drilling, challenges and future plan of the company together with SOCAR within
the frame of JV cooperation.
12. A.T. Javadova and Reza P. Oskui, Poster presentation about “The necessity of application
modern EOR & IOR technology and reducing the environmental impact in Azerbaijan oil
fields. Petroleum industry and environment conference, KCC, Kuwait, 9-11 March 2014,
Certificate of attendance
13. A.T Javadova and M. Zenina Oral presentation about “The Quaternary deposits of the
South Caspian and the adjacent areas on ostracod fauna”. 5th International Paleontological
Congress, 9-12 July 2018, France. Certificate of attendance
thicknesses and fauna distribution shows that in the Quaternary time the South Caspian
region was characterized by rather dynamic paleogeographic settings: along with the
active change of the sea bottom topography, salinity and temperature varied considerably
and often, as well as the sea level.
14. A.T.Javadova and E.V Rzaeva. Poster presentation about Stratigraphic peculiarities of
ostracod distribution in Baku archipelago, the Caspian Sea and the adjacent coastal
deposits during the Quaternary time. Modern micropaleontology- problems and
perspective. XVII All-Russian micropaleontology conference, Kazan, Russia? 24-
28.09.2018. In Russian
Many species of Leptocythere and Loxococnha occur within the ostracod fauna. A
detailed review of genus and species is required to classify the fauna. Our photos in
poster presentation show the basic Postpliocene fauna of the South Caspian, which
correlates well with the coastal sections
15. A.T. Javadova, M. Zenina, E.V. Rzayeva. Poster presentation about The Quaternary
ostracod assemblages of Apsheron archipelago. Joint Meeting and Field Trip of IGCP
610 and INQUA POCAS Focus Group, Antalya, Turkey, 14-21 October 2018
The given study resulted in the discovery of about 130 ostracod species, the
stratigraphical sectional plane is prepared on the basis of ostracod fauna, index species are
identified for each Quaternary horizon and the map of deposits in Apsheron archipelago is
drafted. The highest diversity of ostracod species is specific for the Apsheronian and
Khazarian deposits. The comparative analysis of ostracod complexes shows the highest
difference between the assemblages from the Apsheronian and Bakuvian supra-horizons
and between the Khazarian and Khvalynian assemblages. The facies and thickness
analysis of the deposits in Apsheron archipelago shows that all its basic structural
components existed by the beginning of the Quaternary time. The intensive growth of
anticlinal highs occurred at that time, in places attended by erupting mud volcanoes. The
facies thickness and faunal distribution analysis shows that in the Quaternary time the
area of Apsheron archipelago was characterized by rather dynamic paleoenvironmental
Publication list from Professional activities period as a co-author
1. 1989. Central Research Laboratory of State Oil Company Author of Research reports on
“Paleontological and Paleogeographical researches of Nakhichevani, Oil Rocks and
Oguz (offshore) fields on the base of well data,” Confidential database of SOCAR. This
was part of the production company research report where the micro faunistic description
and biostratigraphic correlation of offshore some wells data were given. Based on authors
result first time used micro faunistic division of Quaternary fauna complexes in offshore
production fields’.
2. 1995. Co-Author of Research Report of SOCAR and AIOC consortium’s about
“Engineering geology work of sea bottom, in Guneshly-Chirag and Azeri fields”. By
authors, Paleontological and Stratigraphical peculiarity part of the study area were
analyzed using and matching of complex geological, geochemical and geophysical
3. 1996. Co-Author of “Quaternary deposit’s Geological Map of Apsheron
archipelago”, SOCAR archive
4. 1997, Geology Institute of AS, Co-Author of Report on “Correlation of wells Sections
of Productive and “Red” series in the Apsheron and Turkmenistan” Sectors of
The Caspian Sea. The report covers complex geological and Geophysical data, correlation
“Red” series deposits widespread in the Turkmenistan sector of Caspian with the
There used analogs deposits of productive Series in the Azerbaijan sector of South
Caspian basin.