TR Beauty Care NC II
TR Beauty Care NC II
TR Beauty Care NC II
Page No.
Junior Beautician
This section gives the details of the contents of the basic, common and core units of
competency required in BEAUTY CARE NC II.
Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Obtain and convey 1.1 Specific and relevant information is accessed from
workplace appropriate sources.
information 1.2 Effective questioning, active listening and speaking skills are
used to gather and convey information.
1.3 Appropriate medium is used to transfer information and
1.4 Appropriate non-verbal communication is used.
1.5 Appropriate lines of communication with supervisors and
colleagues are identified and followed.
1.6 Defined workplace procedures for the location and storage of
information are used.
1.7 Personal interaction is carried out clearly and concisely.
2. Participate in 2.1 Team meetings are attended on time.
workplace meetings 2.2 Own opinions are clearly expressed and those of others are
and discussions listened to without interruption.
2.3 Meeting inputs are consistent with the meeting purpose and
established protocols.
2.4 Workplace interactions are conducted in a courteous
2.5 Questions about simple routine workplace procedures and
matters concerning working conditions of employment are
tasked and responded to.
2.6 Meetings outcomes are interpreted and implemented.
3. Complete relevant 3.1 Range of forms relating to conditions of employment are
work related completed accurately and legibly.
documents 3.2 Workplace data are recorded on standard workplace forms
and documents.
3.3 Basic mathematical processes are used for routine
3.4 Errors in recording information on forms/ documents are
identified and properly acted upon.
3.5 Reporting requirements to supervisor are completed
according to organizational guidelines.
1. Appropriate sources 1.1 Team members
1.2 Suppliers
1.3 Trade personnel
1.4 Local government
1.5 Industry bodies
2. Medium 2.1 Memorandum
2.2 Circular
2.3 Notice
2.4 Information discussion
2.5 Follow-up or verbal instructions
2.6 Face-to-face communication
3. Storage 3.1 Manual filing system
3.2 Computer-based filing system
4. Forms 4.1 Personnel forms, telephone message forms, safety reports
5. Workplace 5.1 Face-to-face interactions
5.2 Telephone conversations
5.3 Electronic and two-way radio communication
5.4 Written communication including electronic mail, memos,
instruction and forms
5.5 Non-verbal communication including gestures, signals, signs
and diagrams
6. Protocols 6.1 Observing meeting
6.2 Compliance with meeting decisions
6.3 Obeying meeting instructions
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to identify role
and responsibility as a member of a team.
Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Describe team role 1.1. The role and objective of the team is identified from
and scope available sources of information.
1.2. Team parameters, reporting relationships and
responsibilities are identified from team discussions and
appropriate external sources.
2. Identify own role and 2.1. Individual role and responsibilities within the team
responsibility within environment are identified.
2.2. Roles and responsibility of other team members are
identified and recognized.
2.3. Reporting relationships within team and external to team are
3. Work as a team 3.1. Effective and appropriate forms of communications used and
member interactions undertaken with team members who contribute to
known team activities and objectives.
3.2. Effective and appropriate contributions made to complement
team activities and objectives, based on individual skills and
competencies and workplace context.
3.3. Observed protocols in reporting using standard operating
3.4. Contribute to the development of team work plans based on
an understanding of team’s role and objectives and individual
competencies of the members.
1. Role and objective of 1.1 Work activities in a team environment with enterprise or
team specific sector
1.2 Limited discretion, initiative and judgment may be
demonstrated on the job, either individually or in a team
2. Sources of 2.1 Standard operating and/or other workplace procedures
2.2 Job procedures
2.3 Machine/equipment manufacturer’s specifications and
2.4 Organizational or external personnel
2.5 Client/supplier instructions
2.6 Quality standards
2.7 OHS and environmental standards
3. Workplace context 3.1 Work procedures and practices
3.2 Conditions of work environments
3.3 Legislation and industrial agreements
3.4 Standard work practice including the storage, safe handling
and disposal of chemicals
3.5 Safety, environmental, housekeeping and quality guidelines
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in
promoting career growth and advancement.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Integrate personal 1.1 Personal growth and work plans are pursued towards
objectives with improving the qualifications set for the profession.
organizational goals 1.2 Intra and interpersonal relationships are maintained in the
course of managing oneself based on performance
1.3 Commitment to the organization and its goal is demonstrated
in the performance of duties.
2. Set and meet work 2.1 Competing demands are prioritized to achieve personal, team
priorities and organizational goals and objectives.
2.2 Resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to manage
work priorities and commitments.
2.3 Practices along economic use and maintenance of equipment
and facilities are followed as per established procedures.
3. Maintain professional 3.1 Trainings and career opportunities are identified and
growth and availed of based on job requirements.
development 3.2 Recognitions are sought/received and demonstrated as proof
of career advancement.
3.3 Licenses and/or certifications relevant to job and career are
obtained and renewed.
1. Evaluation 1.1 Performance Appraisal
1.2 Psychological Profile
1.3 Aptitude Tests
2. Resources 2.1 Human
2.2 Financial
2.3 Technology
2.3.1 Hardware
2.3.2 Software
3. Trainings and career 3.1 Participation in training programs
opportunities 3.1.1 Technical
3.1.2 Supervisory
3.1.3 Managerial
3.1.4 Continuing Education
3.2 Serving as Resource Persons in conferences and workshops
4. Recognitions 4.1 Recommendations
4.2 Citations
4.3 Certificate of Appreciations
4.4 Commendations
4.5 Awards
4.6 Tangible and Intangible Rewards
5. Licenses and/or 5.1 National Certificates
certifications 5.2 Certificate of Competency
5.3 Support Level Licenses
5.4 Professional Licenses
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the outcomes required to comply with regulatory
and organizational requirements for occupational health and safety.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Identify hazards and 1.1 Safety regulations and workplace safety and hazard control
risks practices and procedures are clarified and explained based on
organization procedures.
1.2 Hazards/risks in the workplace and their corresponding
indicators are identified to minimize or eliminate risk to co-
workers, workplace and environment in accordance with
organization procedures.
1.3 Contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and
other emergencies are recognized and established in
accordance with organization procedure.
2. Evaluate hazards 2.1 Terms of maximum tolerable limits which when exceeded will
and risks result in harm or damage are identified based on threshold
limit values (TLV).
2.2 Effects of the hazards are determined.
2.3 OHS issues and/or concerns and identified safety hazards are
reported to designated personnel in accordance with
workplace requirements and relevant workplace OHS
3. Control hazards and 3.1 Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures for
risks controlling hazards/risks in workplace are consistently
3.2 Procedures for dealing with workplace accidents, fire and
emergencies are followed in accordance with organization
OHS policies.
3.3 Personal protective equipment (PPE) is correctly used in
accordance with organization OHS procedures and practices.
3.4 Appropriate assistance is provided in the event of a workplace
emergency in accordance with established organization
4. Maintain OHS 4.1 Emergency-related drills and trainings are participated in
awareness as per established organization guidelines and procedures.
4.2 OHS personal records are completed and updated in
accordance with workplace requirements.
1. Safety regulations May include but are not limited to:
1.1 Clean Air Act
1.2 Building code
1.3 National Electrical and Fire Safety Codes
1.4 Waste management statutes and rules
1.5 Philippine Occupational Safety and Health Standards
1.6 DOLE regulations on safety legal requirements
1.7 ECC regulations
2. Hazards/Risks May include but are not limited to:
2.1 Physical hazards – impact, illumination, pressure, noise,
vibration, temperature, radiation
2.2 Biological hazards- bacteria, viruses, plants, parasites,
mites, molds, fungi, insects
2.3 Chemical hazards – dusts, fibers, mists, fumes, smoke,
gases, vapors
2.4 Ergonomics
Psychological factors – over exertion/ excessive force,
awkward/static positions, fatigue, direct pressure, varying
metabolic cycles
Physiological factors – monotony, personal relationship,
work out cycle
3. Contingency May include but are not limited to:
measures 3.1 Evacuation
3.2 Isolation
3.3 Decontamination
3.4 (Calling designed) emergency personnel
4. PPE May include but are not limited to:
4.1 Mask
4.2 Gloves
4.3 Goggles
4.4 Hair Net/cap/bonnet
4.5 Face mask/shield
4.6 Ear muffs
4.7 Apron/Gown/coverall/jump suit
4.8 Anti-static suits
5. Emergency-related 5.1 Fire drill
drills and training 5.2 Earthquake drill
5.3 Basic life support/cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
5.4 First aid
5.5 Spillage control
5.6 Decontamination of chemical and toxic
5.7 Disaster preparedness/management
6. OHS personal 6.1 Medical/Health records
records 6.2 Incident reports
6.3 Accident reports
6.4 OHS-related training completed
ELEMENT Italicized Bold terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Maintain a 1.1 Uniform and personal grooming maintained to assignment
professional image requirements.
1.2 Personal presence maintained according to employer
1.3 Visible work area kept tidy and uncluttered.
1.4 Equipment stored according to assignment requirements.
2. Meet client/customer 2.1 Client requirements identified and understood by referral to
requirements the assignment instructions.
2.2 Client requirements met according to the assignment
2.3 Changes to client’s needs and requirements monitored and
appropriate action taken.
2.4 All communication with the client or customer is clear and
complies with assignment requirements.
3. Build credibility with 3.1 Client expectations for reliability, punctuality and appearance
customers/clients adhered to.
3.2 Possible causes of client/customer dissatisfaction identified,
dealt with and recorded according to employer policy.
3.3 Client fully informed of all relevant security matters in a timely
manner and according to agreed reporting procedures.
1. Personal Presence May include:
1.1 Stance
1.2 Posture
1.3 Body Language
1.4 Demeanor
1.5 Grooming
2. Employer Standards May include:
2.1 Standing Orders
3. Client Requirements May include:
3.1 Assignment Instructions
3.2 Post Orders
3.3 Scope to modify instructions/orders in light of changed
4. Assignment May be conveyed in:
4.1 Writing
4.2 Verbally
4.3 Electronically
5. Client’s Needs and May be detected by:
5.1 Review of the client brief and/or assignment instructions
5.2 Discussion with the client/customer
6. Appropriate Action May include:
6.1 Implementing required changes
6.2 Referral to appropriate employer personnel
6.3 Clarification of client needs and instructions
7. Customers May include:
7.1 All members of the public
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in
effectively managing own workload and quality of work.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Plan for completion of 1.1 Tasks accurately identified.
own workload
1.2 Priority allocated to each task.
1.3 Time lines allocated to each task or series of tasks.
1.4 Tasks deadlines known and complied with whenever possible.
1.5 Work schedules are known and completed within agreed
time frames.
1.6 Work plans developed according to assignment requirements
and employer policy.
1.7 Uncompleted work or tasks detailed and responsibility for
completion passed to incoming shift or other appropriate
2. Maintain quality of 2.1 Personal performance continually monitored against agreed
own performance performance standards.
2.2 Advice and guidance sought when necessary to achieve or
maintain agreed standards.
2.3 Guidance from management applied to achieve or
maintain agreed standards.
2.4 Standard of work clarified and agreed according to employer
policy and procedures.
3. Build credibility with 3.4 Client expectations for reliability, punctuality and
customers/clients appearance adhered to.
3.5 Possible causes of client/customer dissatisfaction identified,
dealt with and recorded according to employer policy.
3.6 Client fully informed of all relevant security matters in a timely
manner and according to agreed reporting procedures.
1. Tasks 1.1 May identified through:
1.1.1 Assignment instructions
1.1.2 Verbal Instructions by senior officer
1.1.3 Policy Documents
1.1.4 Duty Statements
1.1.5 Self Assessment
1.2 May be:
1.2.1 Daily tasks
1.2.2 Weekly tasks
1.2.3 Regularly or irregularly occurring tasks
2. Performance May include:
2.1 Assignment Instructions
2.2 Procedures established in policy documents
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to apply
quality standards in the workplace. The unit also includes the
application of relevant safety procedures and regulations,
salon/organizational procedures and other client requirements.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Assess clients 1.1 Work instruction is obtained and work is carried out in
service needs accordance with standard operating procedures.
1.2 Clients needs are checked against workplace standards and
1.3 Faults on clients and any identified causes are recorded
and/or reported to the supervisor concerned in accordance
with workplace procedures.
1.4 Clients profile and service extended to them are documented
in accordance with workplace procedures.
2. Assess own work 2.1 Documentation relative to quality within the company is
identified and used.
2.2 Completed work is checked against workplace standards
relevant to the task undertaken.
2.3 Errors are identified and improved on.
2.4 Information on the quality and other indicators of individual
performance is recorded in accordance with workplace
2.5 In cases of deviations from specific quality standards,
causes are documented and reported in accordance with the
workplace’ standard operating procedures.
1. External Clients May include but not limited to:
1.1 Teenagers
1.2 Adult men
1.3 Working adult
1.4 Child
2. Faults May include but not limited to:
2.1 Client not satisfied
2.2 Desired result is not within the desired result of client
2.3 Procedures done but do not conform with any Salon policies
and procedures
2.4 Damaged caused to client
3. Documentation 3.1 Organization work procedures
3.2 Manufacturer’s instruction manual
3.3 Client requirements
3.4 Forms
4. Errors May be related to the following:
4.1 Deviation from the requirements of the client
4.2 Deviation from the requirements of the
5. Quality Standards salon/organization May be related but not limited to the
5.1 Supplies and materials
5.2 Facilities
5.3 Salon Product
5.4 Service Processes and Procedures
5.5 Client Service
5.6 Environmental Regulations
6. Client 6.1 Co-worker
6.2 Supplier/vendor
6.3 Client
6.4 Organization receiving the product or service
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Comply with health 1.1 Salon policies and procedures for personal hygiene applied.
regulations 1.2 Procedures and practices implemented in a variety of salon
situations in accordance with state and local government
health regulations.
2. Assess own work 2.1 Reception, work areas and walkways maintained in a safe,
uncluttered and organized manner according to salon policy.
2.2 All routines carried out safely, effectively with minimum
inconvenience to clients and staff.
2.3 Waste is stored and disposed of according to OHSC
2.4 Spills, food, waste, hair or potential hazards promptly
removed from floors according to salon policy.
2.5 Spills, food, waste, hair or other potential hazards promptly
removed from floors according to salon policy.
2.6 Linen is stored, cleaned and disinfected in line with OHS
requirements and salon procedures.
2.7 Refreshments are provided to all clients.
3. Check and maintain 3.1 Tools and equipment are stored safely and in position to
tools and equipment comply with salon requirements and local health regulations.
3.2 Tools and equipment are prepared for specific services as
3.3 Tools and equipment are checked for maintenance
3.4 Tools and equipment are referred for repair as required.
4. Check and maintain 4.1 Stock rotation procedures are carried out routinely and
stocks accurately according to salon procedures.
4.2 Stock levels are accurately recorded according to salon
4.3 Under or over supplied stock items are notified immediately to
the salon supervisor.
4.4 Incorrectly ordered or delivered stock is referred to the salon
supervisor for return to supplier.
4.5 Safe lifting and carrying techniques maintained in line with
salon occupational health and safety policy and government
5. Provide a relaxed 5.1 Clients are made to feel comfortable according to salon policy.
and caring 5.2 Clients’ needs are reported to.
environment 5.3 Clients are consulted on specific desired service.
1. Relevant salon May include but not limited
policies and
procedures 1.1 Hazard Policies and Procedures
1.2 Emergency, Fire and Accident Procedures
1.3 Personal Safety Procedures
1.4 Procedures for the use of Personal protective Clothing and
1.5 Hazard Identification
1.6 Job Procedures
2. Occupational health May include but not limited to:
and safety
2.1 Client
2.2 Staff
2.3 Equipment/Tools
2.4 Premises
2.5 Stock
3. Unsafe situations May include but not limited to:
3.1 Damaged Packaging Material or Containers
3.2 Broken or Damaged Equipment
3.3 Inflammable Materials and Fire Hazards
3.4 Lifting Practices
3.5 Spillages
3.6 Waste including hair especially on floors
3.7 Trolleys
4. Linkage May be related to the following:
4.1 Institutional
4.2 Organizational Linkage
4.3 Social Services
4.4 International Market
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Prepare tools and 1.1 Necessary tools and equipment are selected, checked and
equipment prepared for the specific treatment activity.
1.2 Appropriate supplies and materials are prepared according
to salon policies and procedures.
1.3 Treatment products are prepared following salon safety
policies and procedures.
1.4 Work station / cubicle is thoroughly checked and sanitized.
2. Prepare the client 2.1 Clients’ special personal needs are attended according to
salon policies and procedures.
2.2 Appropriate protective clothing materials are provided to
the client according to OHSC requirements.
2.3 Clients’ safety and comfort is ensured during the entire
2.4 Client is provided with salon amenities following salon
2.5 If required by client, other beauty care options are offered
and advised to the client.
3. Perform storing of 3.1 Tools and equipment used are stored according to
tools and equipment salon safety policies and procedures.
and disposing of
wastage 3.2 Used treatment products and other chemicals are stored
following safety and environmental codes and
3.3 Workstation is checked, cleaned and sanitized and prepared
for succeeding treatment.
3.4 Supplies and materials used are cleaned and stored
according to salon policies and procedures.
3.5 Waste materials are segregated, and disposed following
D.O.H. and local rules and regulations.
1. Clients 1.1 Child
1.2 Men
1.3 Women
1.4 Working Group
1.5 Teener
1.6 Elderly
2. Tools 2.1 Nail Care Tools
2.2 Towel
2.3 Facial Cleansing Tools
2.4 Facial Treatment Tools
2.5 Mirror
2.6 Foot and Hand Treatment Tools
3. Equipment 3.1 Foot Bath Machine
3.2 Facial Machine
3.3 Nail Care Machine
4. Beauty Care Options 4.1 Facial Treatment
4.2 Foot Spa
4.3 Hand Spa
4.4 Pedicure
4.5 Manicure
4.6 Facial Cleansing
4.7 Body Bleach
4.8 Body Scrub
4.9 Body Massage
4.10 Make – Up
4.11 Chair Spot Massage / Half Massage
4.12 Waxing
4.13 Ear Cleaning
5. Protective Clothing 5.1 Draper
5.2 Towel / Towelette
5.3 Smock Gown
5.4 Headband for Facial
6. Waste Segregation 6.1 Biodegradable
6.2 Non - Biodegradable
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Prepare clients 1.1 Client is consulted on desired nail service activity and specific
1.2 Clients’ hand nail structure and condition are checked and
1.3 Client is provided with protective materials for hygiene
1.4 Nail disorder is recognized and if necessary, referred to
appropriate personnel.
1.5 Appropriate sanitized tools and equipment, supplies and
materials are selected and prepared according to salon
1.6 Clients’ safety and comfort is ensured during the entire
2. Clean the finger nails 2.1 Nail polish is completely removed with nail polish remover.
and toe nails 2.2 Fingernails are soaked in warm water with soap following
salon standards.
2.3 Cuticles and dry skins are slightly pushed and completely
removed using appropriate tools observing safety precautions.
2.4 Nails are trimmed and filed following customer’s desired
shape and style.
2.5 Antiseptic is applied immediately upon accidental cut is
3. Apply nail polish 3.1 Hands and foot fingernails are massaged following different
massage movements according to salon procedure.
3.2 Base coat is applied with long strokes starting with the little
3.3 Color of the nail polish is selected and agreed according to
customer desire or requirements.
3.4 Polish is applied from the base to the edge of the nail using
light sweeping stroked around the cuticle.
3.5 Top or seal coat is applied with long strokes in the same
manner as the base coat.
4. Perform final retouch 4.1 Outcome is checked and analyzed against agreed nail service
4.2 Excess polish is removed around the cuticle and nail using
appropriate tools.
4.3 Quick drying agent is applied on each polished nail according
to salon standard.
4.4 Client is advised on nail maintenance practices.
1. Nail Condition 1.1 Normal Nail
1.2 Abnormal Nail
1.3 Hang Nail
2. Nail Disorder 2.1 Wavy Ridges - Corrugation
2.2 Depression - Furrous
2.3 White Spots - Leuconychia
2.4 Hypertrophy - Onychauxis
2.5 Wasting Away - Atrophy
2.6 Pterygium
2.7 Bitten Nails - Onycophay
2.8 Brittle Nails - Onychorrhexis
3. Shape of Nails 3.1 Flat of Arched - Acora
3.2 Roofed
3.3 Trapezoid
3.4 Olive
3.5 Date
3.6 Concave
3.7 Convex
3.8 Square
3.9 Angular
3.10 Narrow
3.11 Fan
3.12 Circumflex
3.13 Arched
3.14 Tubular
4. Different Diseased 4.1 Nail
4.2 Hand
4.3 Foot
5. Massage 5.1 Pulling
5.2 Sliding
5.3 Circular
5.4 Stretching
6. Foot/Hand Condition 6.1 With Corns
6.2 With Calluses
6.3 With Ingrown
6.4 With Normal Condition
6.5 With Fungal Infection
6.6 With Cuts
6.7 With Wound
7. Kinds of Nails 7.1 Natural
7.2 Sculptured
7.3 Artificial
7.4 Eggshell
7.5 Blue
7.6 Bruised
8. Nail Service Activity 8.1 Oil Manicure/Pedicure
8.2 Ladies Manicure/Pedicure
8.3 Men’s Manicure/Pedicure
8.4 Hand / Toe Nail Design (Manual)
8.5 Machine – Based Nail Design
9. Nail Style 9.1 Square or Rectangular
9.2 Round
9.3 Oval
9.4 Pointed
10.Equipment 10.1 Manicuring Table
10.2 Adjustable Lamp
10.3 Clients Chair
10.4 Manicurist Hair or Stool
10.5 Supply Tray
10.6 Finger Bowl
10.7 Container for Cotton
10.8 Wet Sanitizer
10.9 Glass Container
10.10 Hand Towel
10.11 Ottoman
10.12 Low Stool
10.13 Apron
10.14 Special Toe Nail Clippers
11.Implements 11.1 Orange Wood Sticks
11.2 Nail File
11.3 Cuticle Pusher
11.4 Cuticle Nipper
11.5 Nail Brush
11.6 Emery Boards
11.7 Nail Buffer
11.8 Fine Camels Hair Brush
11.9 Tweezers
11.10 Cuticle Scissors
12.Supplies/Materials 12.1 Antiseptic Solution
12.2 Cotton
12.3 Foot Powder
12.4 Foot Lotion
12.5 Nail Cleansers
12.6 Nail Polish Remover
12.7 Cuticle Oil
12.8 Cuticle Cream
12.9 Cuticle Remover
12.10 Nail Bleaches
12.11 Nail Whiteners
12.12 Dry Nail Polish
12.13 Abrasine
12.14 Liquid Nail Polish
12.15 Nail Polish Thinner
12.16 Base Coat
12.17 Top Coat
12.18 Nail String Thinner
12.19 Nail Dryer
12.20 Alum Solution
12.21 Hand Cream or Hand Lotion
12.22 Absorbent Cotton
12.23 Cleanser
12.24 Sanitized Towel
12.25 Antiseptic Solution
12.26 Disinfectant
12.27 Spatula
12.28 Mending Tissue
12.29 Silk
12.30 Linen
12.31 Plastic or Liquid Fibers
12.32 Alcohol
12.33 Nail Polish
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Prepare client 1.1 Condition of hand and nails are checked and analyzed.
1.2 Clients’ safety and comfort is ensured prior start of activity.
1.3 Hand is washed with warm water and soap before and after
1.4 Hand is towel dried and scrubbed with appropriate lotion.
1.5 Hand spa machine is set to regulate heat to achieve required
melting of wax.
2. Apply hand treatment 2.1 Hand spa machine is set to regulate heat to achieve required
melting of wax.
2.2 Necessary tools and supplies/materials are prepared and
used according to OHSC requirements.
2.3 Appropriate temperature is determined and tested by client
respective heat tolerance.
2.4 Hand is submerged for 4 seconds for 3 consecutive times.
2.5 Hand is wrapped with plastic gloves and mittens for client
2.6 Wax is removed from hand according to manufacturer’s
2.7 Hand is applied with hand softening product and massaged
according to prescribed procedures.
3. Perform post hand 3.1 Waste products including used wax are disposed according to
activity OHSC & DOH requirements.
1. Hand and Nail 1.1 Super Callous
1.2 Normal
1.3 Dry
2. Tools 2.1 Mittens
2.2 Transparent Plastic
2.3 Hand Towel
2.4 Small Basin
2.5 Stool
2.6 Hand Spa Machine
3. Hand Spa Machine 3.1 Melt or Boil
3.2 Warm
4. After Service 4.1 Frequent Salon Visit (Twice a Month)
4.2 3-5 Times a day application of lotion.
5. Supplies and 5.1 Softening Lotion
5.2 Paraffin Wax
5.3 Soap
5.4 Scrub Lotion
5.5 Liniment Oil
5.6 Aromatherapy Oil
5.7 Olive Oil
5.8 Cling Wrap
5.9 Rubbing Alcohol
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Prepare clients 1.1 Clients’ body condition is checked and analyzed.
1.2 Client is consulted on what type of massage is desired.
1.3 Client is provided with protective clothing materials.
1.4 All product, tools are prepared and used according to OHSC
1.5 Client is consulted on the type of massage products are to be
1.6 Client is advised to remove all personal accessories and kept
in a safe place.
2. Massage body 2.1 Client is laid in a position ensuring the safety and comfort
during the entire process.
2.2 Correct direction and required movements / strokes are
followed in the massage technique.
2.3 Appropriate timeline is observed according to salon policies
2.4 Body massage product is spread out on the area and
followed with massage according to salon standard
3.2 Cubicle is sanitized and prepared for the next salon activity.
3.3 Tools, massage products are cleaned and sterilized and kept
in designated cabinets.
3.4 Massage activity is recorded according to salon policies and
1. Body Condition 1.1 Normal
1.2 With Low Blood Pressure
1.3 With High Blood Pressure
1.4 With Deformities
1.5 With Skin Rashes
2. Types of Massage 2.1 Swedish
2.2 Siatzu
2.3 Reflexology
2.4 Basic
2.5 Chair Spot
2.6 Thai
3. Timeline 3.1 45 mins.
3.2 1 hour
3.3 20 minutes (for partial area of the body)
4. Cleaning 4.1 Use face towel with lukewarm water
4.2 Steam Bath
4.3 Quick Shower
5. Tools and 5.1 Massage Gadgets
Equipment 5.2 Massage Bed
5.3 Bed Sheets
5.4 Pillow
5.5 Stool
6. Personal Accessories 6.1 Jewelries
6.2 Head Band
6.3 Wrist Watch
6.4 Hair Accessories
7. Massage Technique 7.1 Soft Pressure
7.2 Hard Pressure
8. Protective Clothing 8.1 Face Towel
Materials 8.2 Bath Towel
8.3 Shorts
8.4 Gauze Mask
8.5 Smock Gown
8.6 Bath Robe
8.7 Head Band
8.8 Apron
9. Massage Products 9.1 Lotion
9.2 Aromatic Oil
9.3 Olive Oil
9.4 Powder
9.5 Mentholated Oil
9.6 Herbal Oil
10. Critical Body Points 10.1 Nape
10.2 Breast
10.3 Spinal
10.4 Head
10.5 Stomach
10.6 Back of Knee
11. Movements/Stroke 11.1 Spreading
11.2 Pressing
11.3 Sliding
11.4 Circular
11.5 Tapping
11.6 Kneading
11.7 Stretching
12. Body Position 12.1 Sitting Position
12.2 Lying Position
12.3 Prone Position
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Prepare client 1.1 Clients’ skin condition and types are checked and analyzed.
1.2 Client is provided with appropriate clothing material.
1.3 Client is advised to remove personal accessories to achieve
optimum service results.
1.4 Client is positioned lying upside down.
1.5 Work station is thoroughly checked according to salon policies
and procedures.
1.6 Necessary tools and equipment are prepared according to
the service requirements.
1.7 Skin test is administered to prevent possible contraindications.
2. Scrub body surface 2.1 Client is bathe in lukewarm water before and after scrubbing
the body surface using face towel.
2.2 Skin scrub product is applied thoroughly on the body surface
using hand in a to and fro motion.
2.3 Clients’ safety and comfort is ensured during the entire
2.4 Supplies and materials are prepared and used according to
OHSC requirement.
2.5 Scrubbing is performed with the timeline and procedure
prescribed by salon or industry.
3. Perform final 3.1 Result is checked according to the clients desired outcome.
checking and polish
output 3.2 Client is advised with appropriate maintenance progress.
3.3 Client is consulted and prepared for other possible skin
enhancement/improvement activity.
3.4 Used supplies and material scrub products are stored and
disposed according to OHSC requirements.
1. Types and skin 1.1 Dry
1.2 Oily
1.3 Normal
1.4 Fine
1.5 Rough
2. Protective clothing 2.1 Bath Towel
2.2 Bath Robe
2.3 Headband
2.4 Gauge Mask
2.5 Slippers
3. Personal accessories 3.1 Wrist Watch
3.2 Ring
3.3 Bangles and Bracelet
3.4 Necklace
3.5 Anklet
4. Supplies/materials 4.1 Scrubbing Product
4.2 Scrubbing Cream
4.3 Body Lotion
4.4 Bed Sheet
4.5 Lukewarm Water
4.6 Whitening Soap
5. Tools and equipment 5.1 Stool
5.2 Face Towel
5.3 Basin
5.4 Scrubbing Gloves
5.5 Timer
5.6 Pillow
6. Timeline procedure 6.1 45 minutes
6.2 1 hour
7. Scrubbing area 7.1 Arms
7.2 Legs
7.3 Armpit
7.4 Entire body
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Assess clients needs 1.1 Clients’ facial skin condition is checked and analyzed.
1.2 Client is advised on appropriate facial treatment option.
1.3 Protective clothing and gadget are worn by the client and
1.4 Hands are thoroughly washed and sanitized before performing
the activity.
1.5 Client is consulted to confirm health condition per instruction if
2. Perform cleaning and 2.1 Treatment products are prepared and used according to salon
actual treatment of procedures and manufacturer’s instruction.
the face (separate
cleaning from actual 2.2 Appropriate cleaning technique and application of cleansing
treatment, these can product is performed following salon policies.
be two activities or 2.3 Client safety and comfort is ensured during the process.
2.4 Face is massaged thoroughly using different strokes always
in upward movement.
2.5 Appropriate timeline prescribed for each step is followed.
2.6 Water level of facial steamer is checked according to D.O.H.
rules and regulations.
2.7 Skin is toned with manual or facial machine and applied with
appropriate finishing facial products.
3. Perform post 3.1 Result is checked through visual or with the use of equipment.
treatment activity
3.2 Client is advised on post treatment precautions and
appropriate maintenance product procedure.
3.3 Tools, equipment and materials are cleaned and sanitized
and stored according to OHSC.
3.4 Workstation is cleaned for next activities.
3.5 Cleansing and treatment products are stored in designated
3.6 Wastes are disposed following DENR regulations.
3.7 Cold compress is applied on treated area following salon
policies and procedures.
1. Skin Condition 1.1 With Pimples
1.2 With Acne
1.3 With Warts
2. Protective Clothing 2.1 Eyepads
And Gadget 2.2 Towel
2.3 Headband
2.4 Facial Gown
2.5 Gauze Mask
2.6 Bib (White Cloth)
2.7 Bath Towel
2.8 Linen (Leg Cover)
2.9 Facial Mask
3. Treatment Product 3.1 Skin Toner
3.2 Facial Cream
3.3 Moisturizer
3.4 Astringent
3.5 Bleaching Cream
3.6 Acne Cream
3.7 Sun Block Cream
3.8 Peeling Lotion
3.9 Peel-Off Mask
3.10 Mud Pack
3.11 Honey Pack
3.12 Cleansing Cream
3.13 Facial Scrub
4. Supplies And 4.1 Bed Sheet
Materials 4.2 Towelette
4.3 Tissue
4.4 Facial Mask
4.5 Cotton
4.6 Skin Tone
5. Tools And Equipment 5.1 Facial machine with the following accessories:
5.1.1 Scrubbing Brush
5.1.2 Ultraviolet
5.1.3 Vacuum
5.1.4 Spray
5.1.5 Galvanic
5.2 Magnifying Lamp
5.3 Hot Cabinet
5.4 Facial Steamer
5.5 Facial Bed
5.6 Facial Brush
5.7 Facial Bowl
5.8 Facial Glass
5.9 Facial Basin
5.10 Sterilizer
5.11 Stool
5.12 Pricking Tools
6. Different Strokes 6.1 Spreading
6.2 Chin Movements
6.3 Lower Cheeks
6.4 Mouth Nose Cheek Movement
6.5 Linear Movement Forehead
6.6 Circular Movements Forehead
6.7 Criss - Cross
6.8 Stroking Movements
6.9 Brow and Eye Movements
6.10 Nose and Upper Cheek Movements
6.11 Lip and Chin Movement
6.12 Optional Movement
6.13 Lifting Movement of Cheeks
6.14 Rotary Move of Cheeks
6.15 Light Tapping Movement
6.16 Stroking Movement of Neck
6.17 Circular Movement Over Neck and Chest
6.18 Shoulder and Back Movement
6.19 Chest and Back Movement
6.20 Back Massage (optional)
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Prepare client 1.1 Foot condition is checked and analyzed.
1.2 Client safety and comfort is ensured during the entire process.
1.3 Tools, equipment, supplies and materials are prepared
and used according to salon procedures.
1.4 Personal protective clothing and gadget are worn before the
start of the procedure.
1.5 Water temperature is checked against client heat tolerance.
2. Apply foot spa 2.1 Foot is thoroughly scrubbed using appropriate tools following
safety procedures.
2.2 Foot is applied with treatment product before and
after soaking in foot spa machine.
2.3 Treatment is performed within the required salon time frame.
2.4 Foot is massage following basic foot massage
motion movement.
2.5 Foot is cleaned thoroughly by soaking in liquid soap
and lukewarm water for 10-15 minutes.
3. Perform post foot 3.1 Tools, equipment, supplies and materials are disinfected
spa activity and stored according to OHSC requirements.
3.2 Outcome of treatment is assessed against clients’
requirements and recorded following salon
3.3 After care advice and homecare products are recommended
according to clients needs.
3.4 Workstation is sanitized and prepared for the
succeeding salon activities.
3.5 Wastes are disposed according to OHSC requirements.
1. Condition of the Foot 1.1 Normal
1.2 Dry
1.3 With abrasions or cuts
1.4 With fungal infection or wounds
1.5 With open wound
2. Tools and Equipment 2.1 Foot Spa Machine
2.2 Foot File
2.3 Foot Stool
2.4 Pumice Stone
2.5 Gloves
2.6 Metal File
2.7 Brush
2.8 Small Basin
2.9 Foot Towel
2.10 Mixing Bowl
2.11 Callous Scraper
3. Supplies and 3.1 Foot Toner
materials 3.2 Whitening Powder
3.3 Moisturizing Lotion
3.4 Medicated Liquid Soap
3.5 Antiseptics
3.6 Liquid Soap
3.7 Foot Lotion
3.8 Foot Scrub Lotion
3.9 Oil
3.10 Warm Water
4. Basic Foot Massage 4.1 Sliding
Movement 4.2 Circular Motion
4.3 Pressing
4.4 Stretching of Finger Toes
5. Home Care Products 5.1 Foot Powder
5.2 Foot Spray
5.3 Foot Lotion
5.4 Petroleum Jelly
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Prepare clients 1.1 Client is consulted on specific make-up requirements.
1.2 Clients’ shapes of face and skin type / tones are analyzed.
1.3 Client is seated in a comfortable position during the entire
1.4 Protective clothing is provided to the client.
1.5 Client is advised to remove all personal accessories.
2. Perform application 2.1 Hand is sanitized before actual application of make-up.
of make-up
2.2 Make-up tools, supplies and materials are selected
according to client make – up requirement.
1. Make-up 1.1 Day Make-Up
Requirements 1.2 Evening Make-Up
1.3 Photographic
1.4 Bridal
1.5 Stage
1.6 Fantasy
1.7 Debutant Make–Up
1.8 Cinematic and Television Make–Up
2. Shape of Face 2.1 Rectangle or Elongated
2.2 Inverted
2.3 Heart
2.4 Oval
2.5 Triangular
2.6 Square
2.7 Diamond
2.8 Round
3. Skin Type 3.1 Dry
3.2 Normal
3.3 Oily
4. Skintone 4.1 Dark
4.2 Fair
4.3 Light
5. Protective clothing 5.1 Bath Towel
may include 5.2 Headband
5.3 Smock Gown
5.4 Face Towel or Towellette
6. Foundation Eye Liner 6.1 Liquid 6.3 Cake Eye Liner
6.2 Pencil 6.4 Gel Eye Liner
7. Eyebrow may be 7.1 Plucking
defined through 7.2 Threading
7.3 Shaving
8. Make-up Tools 8.1 Sponge
8.1.1 Natural
8.1.2 Sea Sponge
8.1.3 Soft for Cake
8.1.4 Finger Tips
8.2 Sharpener
8.3 Cotton Buds
8.4 Eyelash Curler
8.5 Powder Applicator
8.6 Flat brush
8.6.1 Lip Brush
8.6.2 Eye Liner Brush
8.6.3 Eye Shadow Brush
8.6.4 Large Eyebrow Brush
8.6.5 Small Eyebrow Brush
8.6.6 Large Blusher Brush
8.6.7 Powder Brush
8.6.8 Brow with Comb Brush
8.6.9 Body Brush
8.7 Eye Brow Scissor
8.8 Curl Lash
8.9 Fun Brush
8.10 Eye Brow Blade
8.11 Tweezer
9. Cleansing Products 9.1 Cream Form
9.2 Liquid Form
10. Make-up Product 10.0 Concealer
10.1 Cake of Liquid Foundation
10.2 Blusher
10.3 Eyeshadow
10.4 Eye Liner
10.5 Eye Brow Pencil
10.6 Lip Pencil
10.7 Lip Stick
10.8 Mascara
10.9 Face Powder
11. Face Powder 11.1 Pressed Powder
11.2 Loose Powder
12. Accessories 12.1 Glitter Gel
12.2 Eye Gel
12.3 Stoned Glitter
12.4 Powder Glitter
12.5 Lasher Glue (Artificial)
13. Personal 13.1 Earrings
Accessories 13.2 Necklace
13.3 Any pierced items in the face
This set of standards provides Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
providers with information and other important requirements to consider when designing training
programs for BEAUTY CARE NC II.
This includes information on curriculum design; training delivery; trainee entry requirements;
tools and equipment; training facilities; trainers qualification and institutional assessment.
Course Description:
This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes of beauticians in
accordance with industry standards. It Covers basic, common and core competencies in NC II.
(20 Hours)
Unit of Assessment
Learning Outcomes Methodology
Competency Approach
1. Participate in 1.1 Obtain and convey workplace Group Written
workplace information. discussion examination
communication 1.2 Complete relevant work related Interaction Practical/
documents. performance
1.3 Participate in workplace test
meeting and discussion. Interview
2. Work in a team 2.1 Describe and identify team role Group Observation
environment and responsibility in a team. discussion Simulation
2.2 Describe work as a team Interaction Role Playing
3. Practice career 3.1 Integrate personal objectives Group Demonstration
professionalism with organizational goals. discussion Observation
3.2 Set and meet work priorities. Interaction Interview/
3.3 Maintain professional growth questioning
and development
4. Practice 4.1 Evaluate hazards and risks. Group Observation
occupational 4.2 Control hazards and risks. discussion Interviews
health and 4.3 Maintain occupational health Plant Tour
safety and safety awareness. Symposium
Unit of Assessment
Learning Outcomes Methodology
Competency Approach
1. Maintain an 1.1 Maintain a professional image Group Demonstration
effective 1.2 Build credibility with Discussion Observation
relationship customers/clients Interaction Interviews/
with clients/ Questioning
2. Manage own 2.1 Plan completion of own Group Demonstration
performance workload Discussion Observation
2.2 Maintain quality of own Interaction Interviews/
performance Questioning
3. Apply quality 3.1 Assess clients service needs Group Demonstration
standards 3.2 Assess own work Discussion Observation
3.3 Engage in quality improvement Interaction Interviews/
4. Maintain a safe, 4.1 Comply with health regulations Group Demonstration
clean and 4.2 Prepare and maintain Discussion Observation
efficient work work area Interaction Interviews/
environment 4.3 Check and maintain tools and Questioning
4.4 Check and maintain stocks
4.5 Provide a relaxed and caring
(1,060 Hours (6 months))
Unit of Assessment
Learning Outcomes Methodology
Competency Approach
1. Perform pre 1.1 Prepare tools and equipment Lecture/ Written
and post 1.2 Prepare clients demonstration examination
beauty care 1.3 Store tools, supplies, OJT Demonstration
services materials and equipment Observation
2. Perform 2.1 Prepare client Lecture/ Written
manicure and 2.2 Clean finger nails and toe demonstration examination
pedicure nails OJT Demonstration
2.3 Apply nail polish Observation
2.4 Perform final retouch
3. Perform hand 3.1 Prepare clients Lecture/ Written
spa 3.2 Apply hand treatment demonstration examination
3.3 Perform post hand activity OJT Demonstration
4. Perform hand 4.1 Prepare client Lecture/ Written
spa 4.2 Massage body demonstration examination
4.3 Post body massage OJT Demonstration
treatment Observation
5. Perform body 5.1 Prepare client Lecture/ Written
scrub 5.2 Scrub body surface demonstration Examination
5.3 Perform final checking and OJT Demonstration
polish output Observation
6. Perform facial 6.1 Prepare clients Lecture/ Written
treatment 6.2 Perform cleaning and actual demonstration examination
treatment of face (separate OJT Demonstration
cleaning from actual Observation
treatment, these can be two
activities or elements)
6.3 Perform post treatment
7. Perform foot 7.1 Prepare clients Lecture/ Written
spa 7.2 Apply foot spa demonstration examination
7.3 Perform post foot spa activity OJT Demonstration
8. Apply facial 8.1 Prepare client Lecture/ Written
make-up 8.2 Perform application of make- demonstration examination
up OJT Demonstration
8.3 Perform post facial make-up Observation
The delivery of training should adhere to the design of the curriculum. Delivery should be
guided by the 10 basic principles of competency-based TVET.
The competency-based TVET system recognizes various types of delivery modes, both
on and off-the-job as long as the learning is driven by the competency standards specified by
the industry. The following training modalities may be adopted when designing training
The dualized mode of training delivery is preferred and recommended. Thus programs
would contain both in-school and in-industry training or fieldwork components. Details can
be referred to the Dual Training System (DTS) Implementing Rules and Regulations.
Peer teaching/mentoring is a training modality wherein fast learners are given the
opportunity to assist the slow learners.
Distance learning is a formal education process in which majority of the instruction occurs
when the students and instructor are not in the same place. Distance learning may
employ correspondence study, audio, video or computer technologies.
Trainees or students wishing to gain entry into these qualifications should possess the
following requirements:
Recommended list of tools, equipment and materials for the training of a minimum of 25
trainees for Beauty Care NC II are as follows:
5 doz Cylinder shaped rollers
(long and short) doz.
5 doz Medium size rollers,
5 doz Large size rollers, doz.
5 doz Jumbo rollers, doz.
5 doz Small size hair rollers
wire, doz.
1 pc. Thinning scissor
1 pc. Cutting scissor
. . .
4.1 To attain the National Qualification of BEAUTY CARE NC II, the candidate MUST
demonstrate competence in all the units of competency listed in Section 1. Successful
candidates shall be awarded a National Certificate signed by the TESDA Director General.
4.2 Individuals aspiring to be awarded the qualification of BEAUTY CARE NC II, MUST acquire
Certificates of Competency in all of the following individual core units of the Qualification.
Candidates may apply for assessment in any accredited assessment center.
4.3 Accumulation and submission of all COCs acquired for the relevant units of competency
comprising a qualification, an individual shall be issued the corresponding National
4.4 Assessment shall focus on the core units of competency. The basic and common units shall
be integrated or assessed concurrently with the core units.
4.5 The following are qualified to apply for assessment and certification:
4.6 The guidelines on assessment and certification are discussed in detail in the
“Procedures Manual on Assessment and Certification” and “Guidelines on the
Implementation of the Philippine TVET Qualification and Certification System (PTQCS)”.
o Maintain an Maintain a safe,
m effective Manage own Apply quality
ul clean and efficient
relationship with performance standards
ga environment
d s
Animal Production NC II
Aquaculture NC II
Automotive Body Painting/Finishing NC II
Automotive Body Repair NC II
Automotive Engine Rebuilding NC II
Automotive Servicing NC II
Bartending NC II
Beauty Care NC II
Beauty Care NC III
Building Wiring Installation NC II
Carpentry NC II
Commercial Cooking NC II
Computer Hardware Servicing NC II
Deck Seafaring NC II
Dressmaking NC II
Driving NC II
Engine Seafaring NC II
Food and Beverage Services NC II
Footwear Making NC II
Heavy Equipment Operation NC II
Horticulture NC II
Household Services NC II
Housekeeping NC II
Machining NC II
Masonry NC II
Motorcycle and Small Engine Servicing NC II
Personal Care Service (Caregiving) NC II
Plumbing NC II
Pyrotechnics NC II
RAC Servicing NC I
RAC Servicing NC II
Security Services NC II
Tailoring NC II
Tour Guiding Services NC II
Transport RAC Servicing NC II
Travel Services NC II
Welding NC II