M C M C M C: Duration: 1 Hour Cce: Date: 15 July

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Subject : English Class : 1 Fikir Time : 4.20 – 5.

Duration : 1 Hour
Theme : World Of
Focus skill: Listening CCE: Language Date : 15th July
Teaching aids: 21st Century Skills/Strategy/Activity:
Flashcards, worksheet, audio, scissors, glue. Communication, collaboration.
Language/Grammar focus:
Prepositions of place: in, on, under
Pet Show

M 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar

contexts C 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly


M 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information

and details of very simple phrases and sentences C 2.1.5 Name or describe objects using suitable words
from word sets

M At the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to listen to sentences and identify the pictures correctly.

C At the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to describe the objects using the prepositions in, on and under.

1. Make four teams. Pupils in each team stand one behind the other facing the board.
2. Whisper a different animal to the first pupil in each team. They whisper it back to the
end of the line.
I. PRE-LESSON 3. The pupil at the end of the line runs to the board and writes the animal.
4. This pupil then stands at the front of the line.
5. Repeat for different animals three or four times.
6. The team(s) who wrote the most animal names correctly is/are the winners.
1. Activity 1:
Present and teach the prepositions using a classroom object, e.g. a pencil. Put the
pencil on, in and under a bag and say the relevant sentence each time, e.g. It’s on the
bag. Pupils repeat. Then place the pencil on, in and under the bag again and elicit the
2. Activity 2:
Distribute worksheets. Pupils prepare cut the pictures. Pupils listen to the recording
DEVELOPMENT and paste the pictures. Check with the class. (track 49)
3. Activity 3:
Play the first sentence. Pupils mime where the lizard is, e.g. they put their hands in
their bags, and say the sentence. Repeat for the other two sentences. (track 50)
4. Activity 4:
Description game: Demonstrate the activity by making a statement about a picture for
pupils to say the number. E.g. The cat is on the book. Pupils practise in small
groups/pairs. (SB page 35 Activity 3)
1. Distribute worksheets.
a. Task 1 : Pupils look at the pictures, read the sentences and tick (/) the correct
b. Task 2: Pupils read the sentences and draw the animals.
2. Check with the class.
Listen, read and stick. Name:

1 2 3

The green frog is The yellow frog is The red frog is

on the desk. in the desk. under the desk.

Listen, read and stick.

1 2 3

The green frog is The yellow frog is The red frog is

on the desk. in the desk. under the desk.
a. Look and tick ( √ ) the box.

1. The elephant is under the car. True False

2. The cat is on the car. True False
3. The frog is in the car. True False
4. The spider is on the car. True False
5. The duck is in the car. True False

b. Read and draw.

1 . Draw a rat in the plane. 3. Draw a lizard on the plane.
2. Draw a dog under the 4. Draw a spider under the
plane. plane.

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