Lingg110 Syllabus 1

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Prof. <Aldrin P. Lee>


1st Semester <2008-2009>

<Linguistics 110 is a regular course offering of

the Department of Linguistics, UP Diliman. It
is an introductory course and basically deals
with the basic concepts in the scientific study
of language. This syllabus provides the
course objectives, the course outline, as well
as the forms of assessment and course
references. For more information, please visit
the course’s official blog site:

<FC 2110 Rizal Hall UP

Diliman 1101 Quezon City>
<+632-9818500 loc. 2128>
Prof. Aldrin P. Lee Rm: FC 2114
Department of Linguistics Surgery:
FC 2110 Rizal Hall, UP Diliman M-Tues: 1300-1700 Hrs. W,Th,F: 16:00-1700 Hrs.

Linguistics 110 Introduction to Linguistics

About the course: Introduction to principles and methods used in the scientific
study of language.

Course Objectives: At the end of the semester, the student is expected to learn
the basic concepts used in the study of language.
While learning said concepts, students are also exposed to various linguistic
phenomena, and are taught on how to analyze these occurrences in scientific
terms. Finally, the students are also presented ways on how linguistics, as a
social science, is related to various fields and disciplines of human knowledge.

Course Outline:

I. Introduction to the Study of Language

a. Defining Language
b. The Role of Linguistics
c. Linguistic Competence, Performance and Grammar
d. Linguistic Generalizations
e. The Subfields of Linguistics

II. Phonetics
a. Sound Production
b. Sound Classes
c. Consonantal Articulation
d. Vowel Articulation
e. Suprasegmentals
f. Phonetic Transcription
Activity1: IPA Reading: Philippine Language
Film: Archives of Babel

III. Phonology
a. Segmental Contrast
b. Phoneme and Allophone
c. Phonetic vs. Phonemic Transcription
d. Syllable
e. Distinctive Features
f. Phonological Processes
Activity 2: Examine the phonology of a Foreign/Philippine language other than
Tagalog. Identify phonemes, phonological conventions and patterns not
present in Tagalog. Share findings in class.

IV. Morphology
a. Word Classes
b. Word Structure (Morpheme, Allomorph etc.)
c. Morphological Processes
d. Morphology Across Languages (Typology)
Activity 3: Examine instances of reduplication in Philippine languages. Identify
the functions of the forms of reduplication examined. Cite 10 instances, write
down and submit.
Film: The Lorax

-------FIRST LONG EXAMINATION----------------

V. Syntax
a. The Need for a Grammatical Framework
b. The Language Faculty (The Minimalist Model)
c. The Universal Grammar and Parametric Variation
Activity 4: Research on any peculiar syntactic construction in any language. Post
your observation in our online board.
Film: The Human Baby: To Talk

VI. Semantics
a. The Nature of Meaning
b. The Human Conceptual System
c. Other factors that affect meaning
Acitivity 5: Look at any conceptual system indigenous to Philippine languages
and discuss the complexity of the concept from the perspective of the native
speaker. Share your findings in class.

VII. Historical Linguistics

a. The Motivations for Language Change
b. Sound Change
c. Lexical Change
d. Syntactic and Semantic Changes
e. Comparative Method vs. Internal Reconstruction
f. Lexicostatistics and Glottochronology
Activity 6: Pick out four Philippine languages belonging to the same subgroup
and determine the approximate date of divergence of these languages using
lexicostatistics and glottochronology. Write down your findings and submit.
Film: (In Search of the First Language)

-------SECOND LONG EXAMINATION-----------------

Criteria for the Final Grade:

Long Examinations…….…………………………….……….……40%
Other Written Evaluations and activity points………30%
Oral Participation…………………………………………………..20%

1. Deadline for dropping----September 8, 2008
2. Maximum no. of absences----6
3. 3 instances of tardiness--------1 absence
4. Late= arrival beyond the first 15 mins of the scheduled start of class
5. All announcements and materials for download will be posted @

Major References*:
O’Grady, William et. al. 2001. Contemporary Linguistics: An Introduction,
4th ed. New York: St. Martin’s.

Radford, Andrew 1999. Linguistics: An Introduction. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press.

Paz, Consuelo 2003. Ang Pag-aaral ng Wika. Quezon City:

University of the Philippines Press.

Additional References:
Crowley, Terry. 1997. Introduction to Historical Linguistics, 3rd ed.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Duranti, Alessandro. 1997. Linguistic Anthropology. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press.

Salzmann, Zdenek. 2004. Language, Culture, and Society, 3rd ed. Oxford:
Westview Press.

*supplementary readings and online resources will also be utilized

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