Lesson Plan: Stages of The Lesson SC Operational Objectives Teacher's Activity Pupils' Activity

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Teacher: Cebotari Alina

Subject: English
Grade: the 3 rd form
Date: _______________________________
Time: 45 min
Module: One
Lesson :7
Topic: Round Up
Sub Competences (SC)
Communicative Area
1.2. Distinguishing in speech words ad simple, short sentences containing sounds, patterns of
intonation and other specific phenomena.
2.1. Reproducing certain sounds in isolation and in words.
3.1. Recognizing letters, groups of letters, syllables in isolation and in words in handwritten text.

Operational Objectives
The pupil will be able:
O1: to repeat the Days of the Week..
O2: to repeat the vocabularies from the Unit.
O3: to repeat Possessive Pronouns and Prepositions .
Didactic strategies
1. Methods: discussion, question-answer, explanation, exercise, description
2. Interaction: whole class, individually
3. Aids: book - I.Ignatiuc, L.Aladin, L.Foca, D.Puiu, A.Munteanu “Magic English, pupil’s
book, second form”, Ed.Arc, 2018, flashcards.

Stages of the lesson SC Operational Teacher’s Activity Pupi

Evocation The teacher greets the pupils. Greet the t
Asks the pupils how they feel. Answer th
Capturing pupils’ questions a
attention mood.
Warm up
Achievement of the The teacher asks the pupils to Review a f
Meaning review the things from the the previou
previous lesson.

Introducing the new topic

Lexical activity The teacher propose pupils to say Say the Da

the Days of the Week.

The teacher directs pupils to Make up s

Reflection vocabulary and asks pupils to
make sentences using all the new
words from the vocabularies.
The teacher asks pupils to answer Answer th
questions saying what are their
parents’ job.


The teacher proposes to do the Complete


Gives the homework: To repeat Write in co

the material from the Unit I and
Homework the vocabularies.

Evaluation Note the h

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