Trends Network and Critical Thinking PDF

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First Quarter


Republic of the Philippines
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(Grade 12)
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Competencies Page Number

Week 1
Differentiate a trend from a fad 1
Explain the process on how to spot a trend 9
Point out the elements that make up a trend 20
Week 2
Describe the different characteristics of a trend 30
Identify parts of a whole 35
Identify and explain an emerging pattern 42
Identify causes and consequences 48

Copyright Page 56

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. ii


Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________



Background Information for Learners

Fads and trends are perceptible changes in behaviors that can be seen or felt
among a large section of the population with the behavior being followed with
enthusiasm for some time. How do they differ?

Trend is a “recurrent phenomenon that takes place over time and gives rise to
speculation on the future” (Sanders, Soper, and Rothell 2002). A trend is a pattern of
gradual change in a condition, output, process, or behavior that develops into
something and has broad implications in all aspects of society which lasts for a very
long time or which becomes permanent.

Fad, on the other hand, is an intense and widely shared enthusiasm for
something, especially short-lived one; a craze. It is transitory or quick, affects a
particular group of people without impact, and driven by emotions.

The use of Tiktok became a trend that boomed more during lockdown because
of the pandemic whereas the fad of the dance “Savage Love” was short lived.

Learning Competency with code

Differentiate a trend from a fad (Quarter 1, Weeks 1-2)


Activity 1: Trend vs. Fad

Identify the following whether it is a trend or a fad. Write your answer on the
space provided after each item.
1. denim jeans ____________ 6. facebook ____________
2. hip-hop ____________ 7. robot assistance ____________
3. yo-yo ____________ 8. Lazada online shop ____________
4. Dalgona coffee ____________ 9. MP3 Players ____________
5. monopod ____________ 10. hula hoops ____________

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 1

Activity 2: Trend or Fad? What’s my Future?

Direction: Identify if each statement in the first column is a trend or a fad. Write your
prediction about whether it will remain a trend or a fad in the next five (5) years. Give
a short explanation.

Trend/Fad Prediction

People around the globe

are playing the Pokémon

Youth today are fond of

using high-tech gadgets
like tablet and
COVID-19 has
transformed online
shopping from a nice-to-
have to a must-have
around the world.

People are shifting to

healthier diets due to the

Different Tiktok videos/

challenges provide a
platform for entertainment
in the Philippines.

More kids are playing with

loom bands.

Students are in distance

learning (online/ e-
learning) and blended
learning (mix of face-to-
face, electronic, and
online media learning).

Facebook, Twitter, and

Instagram are the new
era’s human diary.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 2

Activity 3: Trend in my Community

Direction: Fill out the concept map below. Follow the guide below.

A. Write a trend in your community.

B. Describe that trend and write a concrete thing that you can do from that trend.
C. How did this trend affect your life?
D. Write a fad from your community.
E. Describe that fad and write a concrete thing that you can do from that fad.
F. How did this fad affect your life?



NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 3

Activity 4: Trends in Fitness, Check Them Out!

Read the article and answer the guide questions that follow.

2020 Fitness Trends

The most popular workouts for the new decade are the ones with staying power.

Fitness fads come and go, sometimes as quickly as the latest fashion or pop music.
You may recall when fitness-based video games or vibrating dumbbells motivated
people to get off their couches and into a workout. Now in 2020, a new crop of
fitness fads is thriving – like goat yoga, with baby goats frolicking about while you
shift into poses.

But fitness fads don’t last long, which can threaten your commitment to exercising.
“The biggest problem with exercise is staying with it. If you get bored with a fad or it
disappears, you might become noncompliant,” says Walter Thompson, past
president of the American College of Sports Medicine and an associate dean and
professor of kinesiology and health at Georgia State University.

How can you avoid the fads and keep up with popular workouts? The answer,
Thompson says, is following fitness trends – forms of exercise that have been
proven over the years to be effective.

The most important thing, agree the experts, is staying physically active. Thompson
goes for a run three times a week, a steadfast routine since his college days in the
'70s. “The only way to benefit from exercise,” he says, “is to become a complier and
stick with it.”

Excerpt from the article by Heidi Godman. Jan. 24, 2020. Retrieved from

Guide Questions

1. What are the fads mentioned in the article?

__________________________________________________________________ .
2. Why is it not advisable to follow fitness fads?
__________________________________________________________________ .

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 4

3. According to Thompson, how can you avoid fitness fads?
__________________________________________________________________ .

4. Based on the article, what is the trend to be followed by everyone to stay engaged
in achieving a fit body?
__________________________________________________________________ .

5. Have you ever tried to engage in workouts?

__________________________________________________________________ .

6. Have you achieved your goal to be fit? Encircle the emoticon that will describe
your reaction based on the result.

7. Complete the table below. The country was under quarantine because of the
COVID-19 pandemic, what were the fitness fad and trend that you have followed?

Actions Done Result/Remarks


8. Differentiate the effect of a fitness fad and a fitness trend in your life?
__________________________________________________________________ .

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 5

Activity 5: Make your Slogan!

Make a slogan about achieving a fit and healthy body. Choose a topic between
(1) Promoting a trending fitness fad or (2) a campaign against following fitness fad.
Take a photo of your finished slogan and, post it on any of your social media accounts
to spread awareness. Also, post your finished slogan at a visible place in your home
where everybody can look at it to spread awareness among your family members. If
an internet connection is unavailable send it in a drop or pick up points or attach it to
your module. The slogan should consist of 7-12 words.

Put your slogan on the space below.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 6

Rubric for scoring
(4) (3) (2) (1)
Criteria Very Good Good Fair Needs
Aesthetic The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is
Quality exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly
attractive in terms of attractive though messy.
terms of neatness. Good it may be a bit
neatness. Well- construction and messy.
constructed and not very messy.
Creativity The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is The slogan
exceptionally creative and a creative and does not reflect
creative. A lot of good amount of some thought any degree of
thought and thought was put was put into creativity.
effort is reflected. into decorating it. decorating it.
Originality Exceptional use Good use of new Average use of No use of new
of new ideas and ideas and new ideas and ideas and
originality to originality to originality to originality to
create a slogan. create a slogan. create a slogan. create a slogan.
Grammar There are no There is 1 There are 2 There are more
grammatical grammatical grammatical than 2
mistakes on the mistake on the mistakes on the grammatical
poster. poster. poster. mistakes on the
Effectiveness of The output The output The output is The output is
content includes all of the includes most of missing more lacking several
required content the required than two key key elements
areas (or more) content needed elements. It and has
needed to gain a to gain a would make an inaccuracies
comfortable comfortable incomplete that make it a
understanding of understanding of source of poor source of
the topic. It is the topic but is information. information.
effective source lacking one or
of information on two key elements
the subject. It is an adequate
source of
information on
the subject.

Source: 2899254_orig.png


Complete the statement:

1. I learned that…

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 7

2. I enjoyed most on…
3. I want to learn more on…



Gladys P. Mangiduyos: Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century.
First Edition: Rex Book Store, Inc.

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century. Diwa Publishing House.


A Fad vs. A Trend. Retrieved from

Difference between Fad and Trend. Retrieved from

10 unforgettable fad of our Youth by Kate Alvarez. Retrieved from

2020 Fitness Trends by Heidi Godman. Retrieved from

Answer Key

Activity 1

1. Trend 6. Trend
2. Trend 7. Trend
3. Fad 8. Trend
4. Fad 9. Trend
5. Fad 10. Fad

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 8

Activity 2

Trend / Prediction
People around the globe are playing Fad Answer may vary
the Pokémon Go.
Youth today are fond of using high- Trend Answer may vary
tech gadgets like tablet and
COVID-19 has transformed online Trend
shopping from a nice-to-have to a Answer may vary
must-have around the world.
People are shifting to healthier diets Trend Answer may vary
due to the pandemic
Different Tiktok videos/ challenges Fad Answer may vary
provide a platform for entertainment
in the Philippines.
More kids are playing with Fad Answer may vary
Students are in distance learning Trend Answer may vary
(online/ e-learning) and blended
learning (mix of face-to-face,
electronic, and online media
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is Trend Answer may vary
the new era’s human diary.

Activity 3. Answers may vary

Activity 4

1. Fitness-based video games, vibrating dumbbells, and goat yoga

2. If you get bored with a fad or it disappears, you might quit in your fitness program
as well.
3. According to Thompson, we must follow the fitness trends to stay committed to the
fitness program and avoid those fitness fads.
4. A person must follow exercises that have been proven over the years. And stay
active and commit yourself in doing the exercise to fully achieve and enjoy its
5-8. Answers may vary

Exercise 5. Answers may vary

Prepared by:


NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 9

Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________



Background Information for Learners

Terms to Remember:

Trend spotting is the study of trends and the way it is developed and affects
society. It is attempting to see the future in the present (Rehn and Lindkvist, 2013).
Being able to predict a trend is a valued skill for the global citizen.

Cool Hunting is a hunt for those things that will become popular before they
become popular.

Trend analysis is the widespread practice of collecting information and

attempting to spot a pattern, or trend, in the information.

Line of History Continuity shows trends continuing existence although with

varying prominence or intensity over an expanded time frame.

Sociologists view trends as collective behavior or mass involvement which is

acceptable to society and shows a “line of history continuity” as it can be downplayed
today but can resurface sometime in the future.

The tight pants, for instance, were the trend towards the 1960s, after which the
bell-bottom relegated the former to the side. Nowadays, tight pants have made a
comeback in the form of skinny jeans.

Learning Competency with code

Explain the process on how to spot a trend (Quarter 1, Weeks 1-2)

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 10


Activity 1. Spot the Trend!

Direction: Read and comprehend the article on the succeeding page and then
answer the guide questions that follow.

PH is World Leader in Social Media Usage

By: Miguel R. Camus – Reporter, Philippine Daily Inquirer/February 15, 2018

The Philippines again topped the world in terms of social media usage as the number
of internet users in the country hit 67 million people, according to a new report by London,
United Kingdom-based consultancy We Are Social.

In its Digital 2018 report, which compiled data from various third-party sources, We
Are Social said Filipinos spent an average of 3 hours and 57 minutes a day on social media
sites, mainly on Facebook.

It said there were 67 million accounts on Facebook in the Philippines, matching the
total number of internet users in the country. Another 10 million Filipinos were on Instagram,
which is owned by Facebook.

The Philippines was ahead in terms of social media usage in a list of 40 countries.
Least interested in social media were the Japanese, who spent an average of 48 minutes a
day updating their Facebook status and posting pictures on Instagram.

Other heavy social media users were Brazil (3 hours and 39 minutes), Indonesia (3
hours and 23 minutes), Thailand (3 hours and 10 minutes), and Argentina (3 hours and 9
minutes). The Philippines was also No. 1 in the world in terms of social media usage in

Overall, Filipinos spent 9 hours and 29 minutes a day on the internet, based on the
2018 report. This was the second-highest in the world after Thailand at 9 hours and 38

Apart from social media, Filipinos used the internet to watch videos on YouTube and
access news sites.

The high usage comes as Filipinos still lagged behind most regional neighbors and
the global average in terms of internet speed.

Using data from Ookla as of November 2017, the report said the country’s average
fixed-internet speed stood at 15.2 megabits per second, below the global average of 40.7
Mbps while mobile internet speed clocked in at 13.5 Mbps, below the global average of 21.3

Fixed-internet in the country had improved from over 4 Mbps the previous year while
mobile internet went down slightly from 13.8 Mpbs last year, according to the Digital in its
2017 report.

Overall, internet usage in the Philippines remains on a growth trajectory with seven
million users added over last year. Internet penetration now stands at around 63 percent out
of 105.7 million Filipinos. Moreover, more than half of the population, or 61 million, access
the internet using a mobile device, the report showed.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 11
Guide Questions

1. What is the trend featured in the article?


2. What are the evidences provided to claim that Philippines lead the usage of social
media all over the world?

3. What was the process done by We are Social to present a trend? Why is it
important in spotting a trend?

4. Do you use social media? If yes, what are the sites you are using or visiting?

5. Based on the article, what is the real situation in terms of internet speed in the

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 12

6. Encircle an emoticon to show your reaction about the Internet speed in your
community. Give a short explanation.


7. Using the data from the article, what do you think is the trend about the situation of
social media in the Philippines five years from now?

Activity 2. Let’s Do a Survey!

Direction: Choose three members of your family or relatives according to the
indicated age group below and then make the following survey. Answer the guide
questions that follow.
12-25 years old 26-45 years 46 above
Survey Questions old
Relationship to the chosen family
member or relative
How do you communicate with friends
and relatives who are far away from
you? (You may select more than one
a. letter
b. call through telephone
c. text/call using cellular phone
d. social media
Do you have cellular/ smartphone?
How much do you spend on your weekly

Why do you use your cellular/

Do you have a social media account?
What are these?
How much time do you spend daily on
browsing social media?

At what age did you start using social


Why do you use social media?

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 13

Guide Questions:

1. What is the main platform used to communicate with others?


2. Is having a cellular or smartphone evident to all of the age group? If not, what age
group doesn’t own a phone at present? What do you think is the reason?

3. Do all the age groups have a social media account? If not, what age group doesn’t
have an account? What do you think is the reason?

4. What is the most used or visited social media site by your chosen family
members/ relatives?

6. Who spend most in buying prepaid load? What might be the reason?

7. Who used the longest time browsing social media? What might be the reason?

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 14

8. Using the data you gathered, what do you think is the state or situation of trend in
the usage of social media among your family members and relatives?

9. Briefly explain the process you have done to spot that trend and make the survey

Activity 3. Analyzing a Trend

Direction: Study the collage of styles of jean trends from the late 1960s to the
present and then answer the questions that follow.

Answer the following guide questions.


70s Early
Guide Questions 00s

1. Describe the line of history continuity of jeans with the help of the collage.


2. What can you say about the style of jeans in 2020? Is there a similarity or
difference from the past styles of jeans? Support your answer with examples.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 15

3. In your opinion, will jeans remain a trend 10 years from now? Why?

Activity 4. Create Your Fashion Trend!

Direction: Based on Exercise 3, draw your design of jeans that you wish to be a
trending style in 2030.

Explain what you have considered in designing your jeans.


NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 16

Activity 5. A Trend in my Country
Direction: Complete the table. Identify an emerging trend in our country today.

A TREND in the Philippines

1. The emerging TREND… 3. How did it start?

2. Who started the trend? 5. Explain the process on how did you spot this trend. Cite
examples and circumstances.

4. Are you going to accept and

follow or reject this trend? Why?

6. How will this trend

affect your life?

Complete the statement:

1. I learned that…

2. I enjoyed most on…


NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 17

3. I want to learn more on…

(2) (3) (4)
Criteria Needs Score
Fair Good Very Good
The concept is
Concept lacks The concept is The concept is
trite or
originality; is generally fresh strikingly
Concept commonplace; ____
copied from and original, if original and
worn out from
another source not striking interesting
Displays a basic Displays
Displays a total Displays little
understanding of mastery of
lack of awareness of
organizing organizing
Design awareness of understanding of ____
principles; needs principles used
organizing organizing
more elaboration to striking
principles principles
or development effect
Lacks even Displays
Displays poor
basic control of generally good Displays
control of medium
Execution medium or control of mastery of
or technique; ____
(Craftsmanship) technique; medium and medium and
generally sloppy technique; room technique
execution for improvement
Objectives/requi Fewer than half of More than half of
rements ignored the the
Expressed Project objectives/req
or objectives/require objectives/requir
Objectives/ uirements met ____
misunderstood; ments met; others ements met;
Requirements and clearly
did not follow missing or others missing or
directions misunderstood misunderstood
The artwork is
The artwork is
The artwork planned
The artwork planned
shows little carefully;
shows no carefully;
evidence of understanding
Composition understanding understanding of ____
understanding the of all concepts
of the concepts most concepts
concepts and and
and instructions. and instructions
instructions. instructions is
is demonstrated.
Total----> ____
Teacher’s Remarks


NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 18



Gladys P. Mangiduyos: Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21 st Century.

First Edition: Rex Book Store, Inc.

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century.

Diwa Publishing house


A Definitive Timeline of Denim Jeans by the Decades by Buzzfeed. Retrieved from

How to Spot a Trend. Retrieved from


PH is World Leader in Social Media Usage. Retrieved from

Answer Key

Activity 1

1. The use of social media

2. The number of internet users in the country hit 67 million people. Filipinos spent
an average of 3 hours and 57 minutes a day on social media sites, mainly on
Facebook with a total of 67 million accounts in the country. There were 10 million
Filipinos on Instagram. Internet penetration now stands at around 63 percent out of
105.7 million Filipinos with an overall, 61 million access on the internet using a
mobile device.

3. We are Social according to conducted survey. The data presented can also be
from a database with the help of a software. Collecting data is important it can
provide valuable feedback. In the business world, where successfully spotting a
trend is important can provide better-informed decisions and competitive advantage.
Remember that it is impossible to spot a trend without data.

4. Answers may vary

5. The country is still lagged compared to other countries. We have average fixed-
internet speed stood at 15.2 megabits per second, below the global average of 40.7
Mbps while mobile internet speed clocked in at 13.5 Mbps, below the global average
of 21.3 Mbps.

6-7. Answers may vary

Activity 2-5. Answers may vary

Prepared by:
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 19


Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________



Background Information

The following are the elements or components of a trend:

a. Number of Participants – A trend started by an individual, but the number of

people who followed become bigger as time goes by. The prevailing fashion
of a period, for example, follows what the celebrities are wearing or what
fashion designers offer. People often copy trendsetters and so new fashion
trend develops.

b. Pattern of Behavior – a trend is a form of repetitive actions of people. For

example, the simple act of taking selfie has now become a cultural trend.

c. Long Length of Time – A trend has a long time frame, sometimes running
for decades. A trend may experience some ups and downs in popularity,
may fade away, and may reoccur. For example, the popularity of mobile
phones in the late 1990s, which is portable and has a text messaging
feature. The newer technologies allowed smartphones to include many
applications and internet connectivity which made it essential for an
individual nowadays.

d. Cause - A trend has a starting point which can be an idea, technology, event,
or person. Portable audio players were popularized when Walkman was
introduced in the 1980s, allowing people to listen to recorded music
(cassette tapes) through headphones or earphones.

e. Consequence – a trend makes considerable influence or impact. Social

networking has become an encompassing trend that tends to influence the
behaviors of online users. People could now air their opinions on diverse
matters and say almost anything instantly.

Learning Competency

Point out the elements that make up a trend (Quarter 1, Weeks 1-2)

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 20

Activity 1: The Trends I followed and Rejected

Directions: Answer the following questions based on your experience. Draw a

heart before the item if you followed the mentioned trend and encircle if you
rejected it. Identify what element of a trend made you follow or reject it. Write your
answer after the item.

1. Have you straightened or dyed your hair?

2. Have you ever used whitening products?
3. Do you have electronic gadgets?
4. Have you posted a video on Facebook, stories, or Tiktok?
5. Have you done hip-hop or rap?
6. Have you posted a thread on twitter?
7. Do you use a face mask during the community quarantine?
8. Have you eaten in fast food chains (Jollibee, McDonald’s, Inasal, KFC, etc)?
9. Is using earphones while listening to music or watching from your phone a part of
your everyday life?
10. Do you take selfies and post it on any social media sites?

Activity 2. Trend’s Element

Direction: Complete the graphic organizer. Choose a trend in the box to be your topic.
Write the different elements of trends to the surrounding circles and add
details/examples of each element outside the circle. A diagram explaining the process
is shown on the succeeding page.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 21

1. shop streaming 6. Telemedicine
2. blended learning 7. competition across boarders
3. paper bag for shopping 8. work from home
4. selfie phenomenon 9. K-Pop
5. Mobile Age 10. Vlogging

of Trend

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 22

Activity 3. Looking into the Elements of Trend

Direction : Read the article and identify the elements of a trend to complete the
organizer below. Answer the guide questions below.

By Ralph Jennings

Face masks are considered by many a useful way to stop the contraction and spread
of the new coronavirus. The tiny surgical aids are less common in Western countries despite
growing outbreaks in Europe and the United States. But its use has exploded in Asia. That’s
because Asians, especially in Japan, China and Taiwan, have worn masks for a host of
cultural and environmental reasons, including non-medical ones, since at least the 1950s.

Japanese wear masks when feeling sick as a courtesy to stop any sneezes from
landing on other people. Japanese women mask their faces on days when they don’t have
time to put on makeup. Philippine motorcycle riders wear masks to deflect vehicular
exhausts in heavy traffic. In Taiwan, citizens say masks keep their faces warm in the winter
and offer a sense of protection from air pollution, including any airborne germs.

Masks became Not Just Coronavirus: Asians Have Worn Face Masks for
Decades a regular part of the street scene in parts of Asia after the deadly severe outbreak
of Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) that started in China in 2002 before spreading to
Singapore and Taiwan over the following year. Today manufacturers in East Asia are
pumping out 10 to 20 million units per month.


Guide Questions

Describe the elements of trends based on the article. Put your answer on the
organizer below.

1. Do you think the number of participants will still increase to make the wearing
of a mask a trend for the succeeding years? Why?

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 23

2. What is the pattern of behavior of people wearing a protective face mask?

3. According to the article, is wearing a mask a trend among Asians for a length of

4. What are the causes why Asians wear masks in public places? Cite examples

5. Give three (3) consequences of wearing and not wearing a protective face mask.

Looking into the Elements of a Trend…

1. 2.





NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 24

Activity 4. Meme Time

Direction: A trend will not exist without a big number of participants. Nowadays,
social media is a wide range platform to influence others and to turn something into a
trend. Be one of the trendsetters (someone who starts a trend)!

Write a meme or quotation on how to make practicing hygiene protocols a

trend in our country. Use the Facebook box below.

Activity 5. Write your Thoughts

Direction: Write a 100-word minimum essay about a trend. Choose your topic from
the following. Discuss in your essay the elements that make it a trend.

A. health D. community
B. education E. economy
C. technology F. arts



NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 25

Rubric for Scoring

Activity 4

Criteria (4) (3) (2) (1)

Very Good Good Fair Needs
Content The output The output The output The output is lacking
includes all includes all includes some in elements
information relevant relevant required. There are
relevant to the information. information. many gaps in the
topic and is The content is Content is information
presented in a well organized. somewhat presented.
well-organized The message is organized. There
fashion. The clear and is not enough
message is related presented. information
and presented. presented to
relate ideas.
Originality / The output is Good use of The output is nice The output has too
Creativity unique, does not new ideas and and works, but is many parts that are
look like the originality to not unique. strange and do not
others. create a slogan. It has similar serve any purpose.
Shows creativity components to The learner tried to
that works, it is not other be creative but does
just weird but presentations. not work.
exciting and fresh.
Persuasive- Demonstrates an Considerably The message in The output does not
ness overt and implied demonstrates the ad is have a clear
message to an overt and confusing and message and is not
persuade the implied therefore is not persuasive. It is trite
audience with a message. very persuasive and/or cliché
high degree of Strategies and for the audience.
effectiveness. techniques are No evident
Strategies and superior. strategies or
techniques are techniques were
superb. used. The idea of
your business.
Purposive- The output is The output The output The output does not
ness geared towards an demonstrates demonstrates a have a target
obvious audience considerable limited use of a audience and does
and has a very use of a target target audience not demonstrate a
effective purpose audience and and shows limited purpose.
has a purpose.


NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 26

Activity 5

(4) Very Good (3) Good (2) Fair (1) Needs

CRITERIA Improvement
Introduction There is a well- The introduction The introduction The introduction
(Organization) focused statement clearly states is somewhat does not address
that introduces the the main topic, clear, but only the elements of
essay And adequately partially the outline.
addresses all addressing the addresses the
elements of the elements of the elements of the
outline. outline. outline.
Body (details) Each body Each body Supporting details The topic
paragraph paragraph are relevant but sentence is weak.
contains a topic contains a topic some key issues Supporting details
sentence and sentence that is are unsupported. and information
relevant, telling, adequately Support for the are typically
quality concrete supported by statement is unclear or not
details that give relevant weak. related to the
the reader concrete topic. There is a
important details. Most seemingly random
information that supporting collection of
goes beyond the details serve to information. The
obvious or prove the statement lacks
predictable. All statement. proof.
supporting details
serve to prove the
Commentary The essay The essay The essay The essay
contains an contains an contains an contains an
explanation, explanation, explanation, explanation,
analysis, analysis, analysis, analysis,
discussion, discussion, discussion, discussion,
comparison, comparison, comparison, comparison,
and/or contrast and/or contrast and/or contrast and/or contrast
that demonstrates that logically that is weak, that is off-topic or
mastery and depth supports the incomplete, or completely doesn't
of understanding. concrete partially doesn't make sense.
details. make sense.
Conclusion The conclusion is The conclusion The conclusion is The conclusion is
(Organization) strong and logical; is logical and logical but does illogical.
provides a clear adequately not answer the
answer to the answers the question, "So
question, "So question, "So what?"
what?" what?"
Total Score


NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 27


Complete the statement:

1. I learned that…

2. I enjoyed most on…


3. I want to learn more on…




Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century, pp. 10-12. Diwa
Publishing house


Excerpt from Not Just Coronavirus: Asians Have Worn Face Masks for Decades by
Ralph Jennings. Retrieved from

Understanding Elements of Trend. Retrieved from

Answer Key

Answers may vary

Prepared by:



NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 28


Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________



Background Information for Learners

Trend surely makes a great impact in our lives. Our fashion industry,
technology, social values and even our traditions will change as time goes by, which
will surely bring a wide collision even in the near future. In this learning activity sheet
you will explore the different characteristics of a trend and how does they affect our
way of living.

Characteristics of a Trend

Rehn and Lindkvist (2013) mention of a hierarchy of trends, which explains why
trends seems to have varying reach, effects, and influences on people. This hierarchy
is a representation of a scale of the development of a trend.

To be aware of the different trends that occur, it is not enough that you know its
elements but you must also familiarize yourself with its characteristics. Some of its
characteristics includes: people’s culture, duration of time, and acceptability.

Cultural basis- trends are based on the traditions, beliefs, and values of people
that has a potential of being part of the societies culture.

Duration of time-it has a long period of popularity that does not disappear
quickly. Example: Climate Change- ever since this has been one of the most trending
environmental issues.

Acceptability-trends are being accepted by people and society as part of their

lives. Example: Smartphones- one of the most accepted trends that changes our way
of living.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 29

Learning Competency

Describe the different characteristics of a Trend (Quarter 1, Week1-2)

Activity 1. “YES-TER-TRENDS”
Mark each box with a if the picture given is a Trend and if it is a Fad.

Activity 2. “TRUE-TRENDS”
Write TRUE if the statement is correct, then if it is false, encircle the word/
words that makes it wrong and write the appropriate word/s suitable in each
sentence (if applicable).
1. Trendspotting is attempting to see the future in the present (Rehn
and Lindvist, 2013)

2. Trend is a pattern of gradual change in a condition, output, or

process, or an average or general tendency of a series of data
points to move in a certain direction over time, represented by a line
on a graph.

3. Duration of time deals with how we accept the new trend in the

4. Fad is a general direction in which something is developing and


5. A certain thing can be a trend in a society without considering the

beliefs and traditions of that area.

Activity 3. “TREND MARK”

Put a √ on the space provided before each item if each statement is a possible
characteristics of a trend and X if it is not.

1. Changes immediately.
2. Popularity in a short period of time.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 30

3. It becomes a part of human lives.
4. It is based on a human need.
5. They fade away.

Activity 4. “COMPLETE THE T-R-E-N-D”

Direction: In the form of an acrostic representation, complete each letter by writing
words or sentences relevant to the characteristics of a trend.






Direction: Complete each sentences by writing your understanding on the
characteristics of Trends, then answer the questions that follow:
1. Trends should be .
2. It must
3. It will
4. People can
5. A sudden change in trend

1. How do you identify a certain trend?

2. What is the benefit of using/having a certain trend in your life?


NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 31

3. In what way does knowing the characteristics of a trend be very beneficial to
you as a student?
Complete the statement:

1. I learned that…

2. I enjoyed most on…


3. I want to learn more on…




NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 32

Answer Key

Activity 1
1. 3. 5.
2. 4.
Activity 2
3. Duration of time =Acceptability
4. Fad = Trend
5. without (because one of the characteristics of a trend is Cultural
Basis, where you should consider societies’ culture, values, and

Activity 3
1. X
2. X
3. √
4. √
5. X
Activity 4 (Answers may vary)

Activity 5 (Answers may vary)

Prepared by:


NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 33


Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________



Background Information

“A human being is part of a whole called by us the universe” – Albert


Every person, things, place, happening, and community were created to serve
their own purpose and obligation, that is to become a part of something, and this
something upon serving or doing its thing will become a part of everything. See? that
part of something became everything. Everything came from something.

Same is true with a trend, before becoming a Trend it must be composed of

parts that makes it a whole or complete.

Dow Theory talks about the three (3) parts of a trend mainly; the primary, the
secondary, and minor.

➢ Primary or Major Trend- may last for years, and Dow classified it as something
lasting more than a year.

➢ Secondary or Intermediate Trend- a short term retracement within that

primary trend which Dow figured would take three weeks to three months.

➢ Minor or Near-Term trend- covers anything else with shorter duration,

basically less than two or three weeks.

Learning Competency

Identify parts of a whole (Quarter 1, Week 1-2)

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 34

Activity 1. “MATCH IN THE B L A N K S”
Direction: Look for the missing piece of the set of words in Column A into the different
parts in Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the box given after each
Column A Column B
1. Food water
Air A. Page/s

2. 50 150
175 B. Infant

3. ¼ ½
¾ C. Shelter

4. Adult Child
Teenager D. 1

5. Cover Content
Index E. 100

F. 125

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 35

Direction: Group the words in the box based on their classification or genres. Write
your answer on the space provided.

Nike Chowking porkchop pillow

ballpen I.D guard BENCH
Flat iron blackboard onion viand
fried chicken pets towel periodic exam
Adidas Jolibee lettuce bedroom


Activity 3. “WHERE’S YOUR SET”

Direction: Look for the missing part of the sentence in Set A to the group of words in
the set B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
1. I feel so great I’m so right now a. depressed
2. I am having a baby! I hope for a . b. prayer
3. Going to buy a since I won the lottery. c. limousine
4. I need a I lost my purse. d. cash
5. I got the lowest score in the exam. I am so e. dog
f. boy
g. blessed

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 36

Activity 4. “WHOSE MISSING”
Direction: Complete the analogy below. Write your answer on the blanks provided
1. Mother: Father: brother:

2. Teachers: students: Parents:

3. Jose Cruz: Name: Cagayan:

4. Municipality: Barangay: Mayor:

5. 1-100:A,B,C/:Numbers:

Activity 5. “The Trend Wheel”

Directions: Create your own graph using the words in the box. Put a % in each word
as to which or what you prioritize as a learner. Below is the list of priorities where you
can choose from (you can also write your choice). You can also customize your graph
and your percentage depending on your choice.Then answer the guide questions that


Studies 55% 60%
Job Married Help Studies

➢ Earn money
➢ Boyfriend/Girlfriend
➢ Help parents
➢ Have a baby
➢ Others: (specify)

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 37

Note: You can write your choices with their specific % inside each pie (for pie graph)
and on the side for bar graph).
Guide Questions
➢ In your own words, how are you going to define a whole?


➢ What is the relationship of a part and a whole?


➢ Give an example of a certain part of something in your life that can help you
a lot in some instances.


Rubric for Scoring

5 4 3
Type of graph Choice of graph type Choice of graph type Choice of graph type
best suits the said is good
Title Creative and Good choice of title The title needs
suitable title to the improvement
Cleanliness The final output is The final output has The final output has
clean and organized minor erasures lot of erasures that
can be observed
Data plotting All points are visible All points are plotted Some of the points
and plotted correctly are missing

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 38

Complete the statement:

1. I learned that…

2. I enjoyed most on…


3. I want to learn more on…



NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 39

Answer Key
Activity 1
1. C
2. E
3. D
4. B
5. A

Activity 2
Nike fried chicken ball pen pets
Adidas onion guard Towel
BENCH lettuce periodic exam flat iron
Jollibee porkchop blackboard bedroom
Chowking viand I.D pillow

Activity 3
1. G- blessed
2. F- boy
3. C- limousine
4. D- cash
5. A- depressed

Activity 4
1. Sister
2. Children
3. Location/ place
4. Brgy.Captain
5. Alphabets
Activity 5. Answers may vary

Prepared by:


NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 40


Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________



Background Information

We are already living in the world where time seems to move very fast,
transitions, discoveries, and innovations suddenly occur, wait. What?How can we
adapt with all these changes? How do we know if a certain trend is about to emerge?
If we are going to follow it or not. Before we move on to this learning activity let us
have first a review on some types of Trend.

Micro trends- little things that happen all around us some says that it is a
glimpse about the future and synonymous with fads

Macro trends- are aggregated micro trends or more sweeping changes that are
affecting society and these are more stable than microtrends

Megatrends- are macro trends that have grown up and moved out, they are big
and bold and can last for decades.

Gigatrends- are trends that are so general that they affect most area of human
life and usually identified to define an era.

With these types of trend, you can now identify if there is a trending activity
going in the society or will occur in the future.

Learning Competency

Identify and explain an emerging pattern (Quarter 1, Week 1-2)

Activity 1. “KNOW MORE . . . WRITE MORE”
Write at least 5 synonyms for the word emergence.


NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 41

Activity 2. “FILL IN THE TREND”
Direction: Guess the word in each item base on the picture below.

1. O O

2. A A

3. N T

4. A I

5. R I

Activity 3 : “TREND TYPE”

Direction: Write the type of trend specified in each items.
1. Disney World-
2. Dual career couples-
3. Climate Change-

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 42

4. Scarcity of Resources-
5. Social Media-
Direction: Make a poster showing the emergence of trends in the world.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 43

Activity 5
Direction: List at least five (5) emerging trends that is present in the Philippine setting
and then answer the guide questions below.

Emerging Trends
Guide Questions
➢ How did you identify the emergence of a certain trend?

➢ Which trend will be very beneficial to you? Why?


Rubric for scoring

Criteria 5 4 3
Relevance & content The poster is The poster is The poster is
relevant to the somewhat related related at all
emergence of to the emergence
trends of trends
Originality Catchy and Adequate Lacks originality
Creativity Very creative Somewhat creative No creativity at all

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 44

Complete the statement:

1. I learned that…

2. I enjoyed most on…


3. I want to learn more on…



NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 45

Answer Key

Activity 1 (Answers may vary)

Possible answers are: bring to light, exposure, arrival, coming, unfolding, generation,

Activity 2

Activity 3
1. Gigatrend
2. Microtrends
3. Megatrends
4. Megatrends
5. Macrotrends

Activity 4 (Answers may vary)

Activity 5 (Answers may vary)

Possible answers are: Covid19, Pandemic, Smartphones etc.

Prepared by:


NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 46


Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________



Background Information for Learners

Every cause produces more than one effect - Herbert Spencer

In short there can be a single cause that can result to one or more
consequences. There can also be a positive cause yet produces a negative
consequence or vice versa.

In this learning activity you will enter the world of causes and consequences.
Questions like, how did this happen? Is it possible that…? What could be the result
of following that trend? What if we do not adapt or accept a certain trend?

Let us now use your critical thinking to look on the possibilities of certain
instances by answering the different activities below.

Learning Competency

Identify causes and consequences (Quarter 1, Week 1-2)

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 47

Connect the pictures in Column A to the pictures in Column B by simply drawing
a line that will link the two images.
Column A Column B

1. A

2. B



5. F

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 48

Direction:Complete the statement by putting a certain cause or consequence in each
1. I would not buy a pad of paper

2. Commitment into relationship at an early age

3. Exposing children to technology nowadays

4. Shane bought the latest model of smartphone at a very expensive price

5. I did not read the instruction during the examination


Activity 3. “WHAT? CAUSES!”

Fill in the boxes with the causes and consequences based on the different
topics given.
Topics Causes Consequences

Natural Phenomena


Low Quality in Education

Poor Economy

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 49

Activity 4. Explain this quote


Rubric for scoring

5 points 4 points 3 points
Restate the quote The writer re state The writer attempts The writer does not
the quote and uses to re state the quote restate the quote at
a creative and uses a creative all
introduction introduction
Connecting The student The student The student does
connects his/her connects his/her not connect his/her
experience to the experience to the experience to the
quote successfully quote effectively quote
Conclusion The writer clearly The writer The writer makes no
summarizes the adequately attempt to
main idea of the summarizes the summarizes the
quote main idea of the main idea of the
quote quote


Complete the statement:

1. I learned that…

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 50

2. I enjoyed most on…

3. I want to learn more on…


Websites › what-factors-create-trends

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 51

Answer Key

Activity 1

1. A

2. B



5. F

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 52

Activity 2 (Answers may vary)

Possible answers:

1. I will not buy a pad of paper,

Possible answers:
*since you will just asked me whenever we are going to have an exam.
*because I do not have enough allowance for the day.

2. Commitment into relationship at an early age

Possible answers:
*will motivate you to reach your goals in life.
*will become your greatest hindrance in your success.

3. Exposing children to technology nowadays

Possible answers:
*can cause them severe addiction.
*will help them to understand things in digital way.

4. Shane bought the latest model of smartphone at a very expensive price

Possible answers:
*she does not have enough money for her enrollment.
*her parents need to work overtime to pay additional dept from their relatives
5. I did not read the instruction during the examination
Possible answers:
* I did not answer the questions correctly.
* I will get a failing grade.

Activity 3 (Answers may vary)

Possible answers:

Topics Causes Consequences

Covid19 Disobedience in proper Widespread of virus in the
health protocol. community.
Natural Phenomena Human actions that Immediate landslide and
abuses the environment flashflood over a certain
Technology The need to adapt in the Addiction to gadgets at an
modern way of living. early age.
Low Quality in Recently adapted 2 years Additional disadvantages
in education. in financial aspects.
Poor Economy Increasing number of Number of people having
unemployment rate. an income below the
minimum wage increases.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 53

Activity 4 (Answers may vary)

Prepared by:


NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocol at all times. 54

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