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Name: Room: Spanish – Term 3

This term your task is to create an A4 information fact sheet together with a piece of art
work which reflects your learning of a specific topic you have chosen to research.

Before you begin you must firstly choose one of the following topics as a focus area for
your artwork this term. Secondly you need to decide who or what will be the specific
focus of your topic (Indigenous art, country name, famous person, famous artist). Thirdly
which art material you will use to create your art work.
At the completion of your artwork piece, you must also write a short Spanish description of
what your artwork represents and why you chose the topic, as well as why you chose your
particular focus person, country or indigenous art. At the end of the term, your artwork will
be shared with your class, it is expected that you give a short summary of your work in
Spanish to the class together with an English translation.

Please fill out the following and keep it is a future reference.

Choose one topic from the following list:

 Indigenous Aztec/Indigenous Australia art

 A Spanish speaking country
 A famous person born in a Spanish speaking country
 A famous artist born in a Spanish speaking country

Name of specific focus of your topic _______________________________

Choose one art material from the following list:

 Clay + Painting
 Painting
 Oil Pastels
 Drawing (Pencils, textas and crayons)
 Other ___________________________

Researched topics – date:

Chosen area topic focus, specific topic focus and art material that w ill be used – date:

Commenced draft for A4 information fact sheet – date:

Commenced good copy of A4 information fact sheet – date:

Completed information fact sheet – date:

Commenced artw ork – date: Completed artw ork – date:

Commenced Spanish description – date: Completed Spanish description – date:

Term 3 Study: Spanish Art Name: ___________________________________ Room:___________________________
Due: End of Week 9 (18.09.2020)
Criteria 4 3 2 1 0 Score
USE OF TIME AND Used time exceptionally Used time well in every Used time well most Needed a few Wasted
EFFORT well every lesson. lesson. Completed A4 lessons. Completed reminders to stay on each lesson
Completed A4 information fact sheet work in a timely task and to use time off task.
information fact sheet and artwork in a timely manner. Did what was well. Shows little pride Shows no
and artwork in a timely manner. Put great effort asked to create a an in their work. Does pride in their
manner. Went above into getting the work A4 information fact the bare minimum. work. Does
and beyond to get the completed. sheet and artwork. the bare
work completed. minimum.
SPECIFIC AREA Specific area focus Specific area focus Specific area focus Specific area focus No specific
FOCUS CHOICE person, place or item is person, place or item is person, place or item is person, place or item area focus
an excellent choice for a satisfactory choice for an okay choice for the is not an appropriate person,
the topic. the topic. topic. choice for the topic. place or
item was
A4 INFORMATION The information is Most of the information Some of the Most of the A4
FACT SHEET relevant and factual. All is relevant and factual. information is relevant information is information
of the writing is done in Most of the writing is and factual. Some of irrelevant and not fact sheet
complete sentences. done in complete the writing is done in factual. Most of the was not
Capitalisation and sentences. Most of the complete sentences. writing is not done in attempted.
punctuation are correct capitalisation and Some of the complete sentences
throughout. punctuation are correct capitalisation and and punctuation are
throughout. punctuation are not correct
correct throughout. throughout.
CREATIVITY Artwork is creative and Artwork shows some Artwork lacks creativity Artwork has minimal Artwork has
shows elements that are creativity that are and is not completely creativity and is not no creativity
completely students completely students students work. students work. and in
own work. work. completely
not students
ARTWORK Artwork is completed to Artwork is completed to Artwork is almost Artwork is partially Artwork was
a high standard. a satisfactory standard. completed completed, missing not
quite a few elements. attempted.
SUMMARY Exceptionally well Well written summary in Summary was written in Summary was written No
PRESENTATION written summary in Spanish. Presented well Spanish with mistakes. in English and Summary
Spanish. Presented well in Spanish together with Presented in Spanish presented in English and no
in Spanish together with an English translation with not English without Spanish presentation
an English translation. with minimal mistakes. translation. translation. were given.

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