Unit 6 VE IT2 Test
Unit 6 VE IT2 Test
Unit 6 VE IT2 Test
1 As well as our online stores, we also still have a few bricks and ________ shops.
2 For security, I think we need ________ of all our messages so that no one else can read them.
3 I think we need a(n) ________ management system to handle all our scanned paperwork and
word processed files.
4 In our video conference, the ________ participants will be speaking with us from two
overseas countries.
5 Our system needs speech-to-________ capability so that we can write emails and messages by
speaking into a microphone.
6 We can save bandwidth by using ________. That way, the data we send is smaller and we don’t
lose any information.
7 When we design an e-commerce system, we have to ________ several different components so
that they work together well.
8 You can pay using our near ________ communication (NFC) system.
2 Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Underline one incorrect word and write the
correct word on the line.
9 Could someone say me how to use the videophone? ________
10 If we were a big company, we will buy some expensive equipment. ________
11 It would be great to knowing how to use smartphone syncing. ________
12 Our software is being cheaper and cheaper. ________
13 Our website is getting more and more popular: the number of visitors is decreasing. ________
14 The instinct messaging system in my office isn’t working at the moment. ________
15 We need a shared room for the video conferencing equipment. ________
16 We use a system call DRM, Digital Rights Management, to protect our software. ________
3 Use the words in brackets to complete these sentences. You may need to change or add
some words.
17 If we had a video conferencing system, our travel costs ______________________. (reduce)
18 We______________________ problems. (have / more / more)
19 Could we ______________________ e-commerce? (find out)
20 The number of sales ______________________. (decrease)
21 Our website uses a system to code messages, ______________________ encryption. (call)
22 ______________________ how to archive old messages? (could / tell / me)
23 The number of site visitors ______________________. (go up)