Bridge Notes
Bridge Notes
Bridge Notes
Limit raise in a Minor suit NOT ADVISABLE if Responder holds a 4 card Major
If agreed and Limit Raise is applied to Minor suits responder has to have (5) FIVE CARD Minor holding and NO 4 card Major.
Opener after realizing Responder has a 4 card support for his suit and that a trump suit has beeen establihed…can further des
Opener rebids 4 Spades opener shows minimum strenght 12-14 points… no interest in continuing auction… sets the final cont
1 S-2NT Responder- 3NT opener May not be slam attempt upon reevaluation
1S Opener - 2NT Responder - 3S Opener = shows maximum strength or 18 plus DEFINATE SLAM interest
If Opener rebids 3C/3D/3H reid of NEW SUIT on the 3 level promises SHORTNESS, either SINGLETON or VOID i
Purpose is to re-evaluate holdings possility of of SLAM.
Range Point when bidding singleton….entirelly partnership understanding good point count even exceeding 18 P
Pt count should be at lease 14 Pts. Before showing a SINGLETON… 2 OR 3 TOUCHING HONORS of the
If Opener JUMPS to 4 level such as 4 C/4S/4H = TWO SUITED HAND Second suit should have 2 honors and
values to attempt Slam
P bids - Opp DOUBLES - TREAT DOUBLE AS IF IT DOES NOT EXIST Use J2NT in its interpretation.
OPENING Partner whether he is minimum or medium holding 15-17
PASS = shortness… singleton or void in opps. Suit
Bid of new suit = shows either singleton or void in that suit
Bid of game in agreed Major = minimum, no singleton or Void and semi-balanced hand
Bid of 3 NT = medium to maximum with no shortness in any other suit
ing and NO 4 card Major. (which has to be bid first.)
should have 2 honors and 5 card suit have values such as Kj10XX
its interpretation.