Emtl Assignment-2

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Explain reflection of uniform plane wave by a perfect conductor in the case of oblique
incidence for parallel polarization.
2.In a nonmagnetic material H=30 Cos(30X108 t -6x)^a y mA/m. Calculate
(a) The intrinsic impedance.
(b) The Poynting vector.
(c) The time average power crossing the surface.
x=1,0<y 0<z<3m.
3.Explain Poynting Vector and Power Flow in Electromagnetic Fields.
4 a) Derive the transmission line equations.
b) The constants per km of a certain cable are:
R = 6.75ohms ; L = 5.5mH ; C = 0.00872 μ fd and G = 0.4 μ mhos. Calculate
the Characteristic impedance, attenuation constant and phase velocity when
w = 5000 radians per second
5a) Prove that E&H reflected waves are standing waves when uniform plane wave
is incident normal to the free space and conductor boundary surface?
6. a) A short – circuited Coaxial transmission line has Z0=60Ω and γ=j8.5/m.
Calculate the input impedance if the length of the line is a) 3λ/4 b) λ /8
b) A lossy transmission line has R=3.5 Ω /m , L=2μH/m , C=120pF/m and
G=0 at 400MHz, determine α, β, Zo
7. A transmission line of 710∟140 Ω characteristic impedance, length 100 km
is terminated in 300 Ω . Its propagation constant is 0.007+j0.028 per km.
Find the Input impedance of the line.
b) What is a Smith Chart ? and also explain the various applications of
smith chart in Transmission line

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