What Is Micropigmentation
What Is Micropigmentation
What Is Micropigmentation
trichopigmentation, is a hair simule technique, consisting to insert in the surface layer of the skin tiny
organic pigments who perfectly replicate the hair follicles. This dot-painting is implemented with a tattoo
pistol or dermograph, equipped with tiny sterilized and disposable needles, containing organic color
pigments and penetrate inside the skin around 1 millimeter deep, and injecting resorbing and intractable
micropigments. These tiny color dots copy the hair of the patient by matching with his natural
pigmentation. they can remain between 3 and 4 years, according to the patient’s nature of skin.
Micropigmentation can be applied to the skin skull, as well as to beards,
The range of available pigments can be adapted to a large variety of hair color, from black to auburn
Hiding hair loss : for a hair loss dawning, for a partial or sparse baldness, micropigmentation is a lighter
alternative to hair graft. It ables to create the illusion of a shaved skull.
To create hair density and volume : when a patient doesn’t suffer from baldness or alopecia, but his hair is
sparse or doesn’t show enough density, micropigmentation allows a simulation of a greater capillary
To hide a scare : consequence of an accident or an operation, a scar can create a discomfort or an
inconvenience, especially when the hair doesn’t grow back on the given skin aera. In this case,
dermopigmentation can turn out to be a great solution.
To fill in a hair graft : micropigmentation can be used to complete a skull or beard graft, in order to densify
the implanted zone or recreate the giving aera, without waiting for the removed hair grafts to grow again.
In fact, if the implanted grafts can recreate hair, the planted follicles according to FUE (follicular unit
extraction) or FUT (follicular unit transplant) technique can still leave tiny spaces between the grafts, or
tiny scars left by the grafts extraction, that can be filled in by dermopigmentation.