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Customer Relationship Manager

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Mukt Shabd Journal Issn No : 2347-3150


Heemika Sharma
Department of Management, JECRC University, Jaipur, Rajasthan

The main purpose of the present study is to study the service quality of Urban clap using
SERVQUAL model in Rajasthan. The SERVQUAL model which is developed by Parasuraman,
Zeithaml, & Berry is used to analyze the gap between perception and expectation of Urbanclap
users. Parasuraman, Zeithaml, &Berry (1985) gave five dimensions of service quality:
Reliability, Assurance, Tangibles, Empathy, and Responsiveness. Urbanclap is home service
based start-up established in 2014. The research methodology is carried out in a survey from 103
users of urban clap. The data obtained is analyzed through statistical tool using correlation and
ANOVA on SPSS 20 software.
Keywords: Urbanclap, home based services, SERVQUAL model, service quality, customer

Urbanclap is a fast growing and well recognized online start-up in India which is established in
2014 by Varun Khaitan, AbhirajBhal, Raghav Chandra. It is a mobile based application which
provides day to day services by the skilled professional. Urbanclap is providing different services
like housekeeping & personal services which include plumber, electricians, carpenters, cleaning,
and pest control, beauty, spa, yoga trainer, mobile & other appliances repair, decorating house
and also wedding clicked. They also provide Chartered Accountant and Company Secretary
services for registering company, for income tax fillings, tax registration.

Home based services app fixed the problem of day today life carpentry, house cleanliness, home
appliances, and all other household problems. They facilitate services that satisfy customer
needs. Now a day people want easy life and asses to the service they want so for that the
Urbanclap fulfill the demand and provide day to day basis service at home with the help of app.
Customers become very vital in the competition era.Customer always want maximum
satisfaction from the product or services they receive and they choose that product too. Every
organization gives their best to please customer but service quality is depend on the feedback of
customers. Now a day in busy life people want everything at home and concerned about their

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Mukt Shabd Journal Issn No : 2347-3150

personnel hygiene and other household activities while protection their best interest at a lowest
possible cost.


In 1985 Parasuraman, Zeithaml, &Berry develop model of 10 dimensions: Reliability,
Responsiveness, competence, Access,
Access, Courtesy, Communication, Credibility, Security,
Tangibles, Understanding/ knowing the customer. But later tin 1988 these dimensions are
reduced to five dimensions.

Five Factors of SERVQUAL model


Empathy Relibility



These dimensions are also called RATER.

RATER A. Parasuraman, Valarie A. Zeithaml, & Leonard L.
Berrygave this concept. According to them perception
perception minus expectation give result to of the
satisfaction. According to Zeithaml
Physical Facilities, Equipment, Appearance, Personnel’s.
Tangibles: -Physical
Reliability: - Perform service dependably & accurately.
Responsiveness: - Provide prompt services and willingness to help customer.
Assurance: - Knowledge & courtesy, ability to inspire trust & confidence between customers.

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Mukt Shabd Journal Issn No : 2347-3150

Empathy: - Caring, easy access, good communication skills, understanding and individual
attention given to customer.
Service Quality is P-E.

Khan, P., &Tabassum, A. (2010) studied the service quality and customer satisfaction on high-
end women beauty parlors in Dhaka. The researcher conducted in-depth interviews of
beauticians and executives and questionnaire survey of high- end parlor customer with a sample
size of 260. It can be found that customer gave importance to environment, behavior &
knowledge of service provider, counselling, affordable and information dissemination while
choosing parlors. It can also conclude that majorly four factor : support & facility, employee
performance, customer relation and communication factors are service – quality variables which
are helpful in customer satisfaction.

Sokachaee, E. H., &Moghaddam, F. M. (2014) investigates the impact of service quality of

customer in Melli bank in Tehran city. The sample size is 792 which are analyzed with the help
of structural equation modeling, chi-square, KMO& Bartlett’s test. The study found that the
component of SERVQUAL (Tangible, Empathy, Assurance, Reliability, & Responsiveness)
have positive impact on customer satisfaction of Tehran district.

Studies the customer expectation & satisfaction level of Urbanclap in beauty services in the Pune
district of Maharastra, India. The data collection tool is structured questionnaire with 145
respondents. From the statistical tool ANOVA, One-Sample t-test, it can be found that moran
than half of respondents are satisfied with the Urbanclap services & there is also a positive
relation between customer expectations & satisfaction with the beauty services.

Sultana, S., & Das, T. I. S (2016) measures the customer satisfaction through SERVQUAL
model in Chittagong beauty parlors. The study aims to identify the perception on Reliability,
Assurance, Tangibles, Empathy and Responsiveness. It also studies the service quality on
customer satisfaction. The sample size of the study is 100 which is analyzed through mean and
linear regression. The study concluded that among the all five factors the tangible has maximum
impact on customer satisfaction.

Wang, I. M., & Shieh, C. J. (2006) explores the relationship between service quality & customer
satisfaction in changjungchristian university library. The sample size is 55 and the data is
collected through questionnaire which is analyzed through t-test, regression and multivariate
ANOVA. The result shows that all the dimensions of service quality have positive effect on
overall satisfaction in the study but except responsiveness.

Abari, A. A. F., Yarmohammadian, M. H., &Esteki, M. (2011) studied the service quality of
postgraduate student in private university “Islamic Azad University-Khorasgan Branch”. The
gap between expected and actual is analyzed by servqual model. The hypotheses of the research

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Mukt Shabd Journal Issn No : 2347-3150

are tested through t-test, ANOVA, MANOVA which reveals that there is a significant difference
in the expectation and perception of students.
Paniker, V. B., & Mohammad, K.(2017) A studied the concept of Indian beauty care services
industry. Present paper also analyze the preference of women consumers for specific parlor
employee.. The data is collected through questionnaire from 102 respondents working women of
age group 21-35 in Mumbai. The result shows that customer satisfaction is associated strongly
with the service quality provided by the employees of the parlour and most of the women
consumers prefer the services of a particular parlour employee.

Seth, N., Deshmukh, S. G., & Vrat, P. (2005) aims to study various service quality models and
identify issues for future research based on the analysis of literature. The paper examines 19
different service quality models and intends to derive link between them. The result and findings
revealed that service quality outcome and measurement is dependent on type of service setting,
situation, time, need, competition etc.

Jayasathya, R., & Priya, P (2019) studied customer’s opinion and factors influencing it while
visiting the Naturals’ Salon. The data was collected from 200 respondents with the help of
purposive sampling using questionnaire. Simple Percentage analysis, Multiple responses,
Descriptive statistics, ANOVA and t-test. It can be found that the respondents are strongly
agreed for factors influenced to High Status.

Rajni Pathak and Punam Salunkhe(2018) studied the satisfaction level of customer from urban
clap in Pune with special context to beauty service. The sample size of the study is 145. It can be
concluded that more than half of the customer are satisfied with the services provided by
urbanclap. In the study result shows that there is significant relationship between expectation and
satisfaction of customer from beauty service of urbanclap.

After analyzing the various researches using SERVQUAL model it can be concluded that many
research work has been done on the different sectors: education, hospitality, banking, restaurants,
healthcare, telecommunication etc. but limited study is done on the home based service provider
companies. So for that Urbanclap is considered for the research.

RQ1 Which dimension of service quality contribute most to the satisfaction of the customer?

RQ2 Determine the relationship between service quality dimensions and satisfaction from
RQ3 Is there a significant relation between service quality and customer satisfaction.
RQ4 Which dimension hinder to the satisfaction of the customer

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Mukt Shabd Journal Issn No : 2347-3150

Satisfaction of customer is dependent on service or product and it varies from different sector.
The result of the study will offer a way to assess Urbanclap or home based service provider to
improve their service or add on something new. The company will able to understand the
expectation of their customer.


The focus of the study is Urbanclap. Sample is drawn from the customer using Urbanclap
services or those who experience their services in past so the present study is limited to the
Urbanclap.SERVQUAL model scale is used for measuring Urbanclap service quality.


1) To identify the service quality factor which contribute most to the customer satisfaction.
2) To study the expectation of customer from Urbanclap.
3) To assess the service quality of Urbanclap.
4) To find relationship between the factors of servqual model of perceived service of urban clap.

Ho – There is no significant difference between variance of actual and expected services
provided by urbanclap.

Ho- There is no significant independent effect of occupation on the factors of SERVQUAL

H0- There is no significant independent effect of age on the factors of SERVQUAL model.

Ho--There is no significant interaction effect of occupation and age on the factors of

Ho – there is no significant relationship between the factors of servqual model of perceived
service of urban clap.

The present study is descriptive in nature .The population of present study is users or who had
experience of services from Urban clap in Rajasthan. The sample size of the study is 103
urbanclap users. For present study the non-probability sampling is used in which 103 samples are
chosen conveniently. The data is collected through primary & secondary data in present research.

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Mukt Shabd Journal Issn No : 2347-3150

Primary data is collected through a questionnaire constructed and distributed to the customer of
Urbanclap. Questionnaire is made on 5 point likert scale where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is
strongly agree. The questionnaire have three sections: first section related to demographic profile
of the customer, second for expectation of customer and third section is for received/ provided
services by Urbanclap. The data is collected over a period of 2 month from January 2020 to
March 2020. The present study is based on SERVQUAL model which is given by Zeithaml,
Parasuraman and Berry. Secondary data is also collected through journal, articles etc. The
questionnaire has construct validity because it includes all the factor of servqual model

Reliability of questionnaire: - The reliability of questionnaire is checked through Cronbach

Alpha by SPSS software version 20. The reliability is >.70 which is good for research.

Table: 1
Cronbach Aplha Reliability
Overall Reliability Expectation Reliability Perceived Reliability
.970 .957 .965

9.8 Conceptual Framework: -

Figure: 2
Research Model

Service Quality Dimensions

SQ Expectation
Assurance Customer
Gap Satisfaction/
SQ Perception Dissatisfaction



Volume IX Issue VI, JUNE/2020 Page No : 2425

Mukt Shabd Journal Issn No : 2347-3150

The statistical tools used for the study are correlation to find the relationship between the factors
of servqual model of perceived service of urban clap and ANOVA to find the independent and
interaction effect of occupation and age on the factors of SERVQUAL model

10.1 Data Analysis and Interpretation

Table: 2
Demographic Profile of Urbanclap users
Factor Frequency Percent
Age ( in years)
15-20 28 27.2
21-25 51 49.5
26-30 15 14.6
31-35 2 1.9
Above 35 7 6.8
Male 18 17.5
Female 85 82.5
Marital Status
Married 22 21.4
Unmarried 81 78.6
High School 10 9.7
Undergraduate 31 30.1
Postgraduate 46 44.7
Other 16 15.5
Student 56 54.4
Home Maker 7 6.8
Employed 40 38.8
Which Service do you availed from Urbanclap
Beauty Service 42 40.8
Home Service 32 31.1
Both 29 28.2
Frequency of service in a Month
One Time 33 32
2-4 Time 20 19.4
Whenever Needed 50 48.5
Mode of Payment
Online 34 33.0
Offline 26 25.2
Both 43 41.7

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Mukt Shabd Journal Issn No : 2347-3150

How long are you taking Urbanclap services

1-6 Month 50 48.5
6-12 Month 28 27.2
1-2 Year 17 16.5
More than 2 Year 8 7.8
Source (Author Survey)

Table shows that age group between 21-25 takes more service from urban clap. Male & female
are 17.5 & 82.5 % customer of urbanclap. From the total sample 78.6 % are unmarried and 21.4
% are married customer. The postgraduates use more urbanclap service. On the other hand
student & employed are 56 % & 40 % users but home maker use very less services from
urbanclap. 42% of the total sample uses beauty service and 32% took home service & 29%
customer took beauty & home service both. Half of the respondents use service whenever they
needed. 34% and 26% customer do payment via online & offline methods. 50% of the customer
takes service from past 1-6 month and only 8 % took sevices from past more than 2 years.

Table: 3
Service Quality Factors Gap Score
Factor Perception Score Expectation Score ( Mean) Service Quality ( P-E)
( Mean) (Mean)
Tangibility 4.17 4.27 -0.1
Reliability 4.11 4.28 -0.17
Responsiveness 4.14 4.37 -0.23
Assurance 4.11 4.34 -0.23
Empathy 4.04 4.11 -0.07
Source (Computed Data)
A negative score indicates that customer expectation is higher than they actually receive and they
are not satisfied with actual services.. The table shows that mean gap of Tangibility is -0.1which
is less as compare to other variable which shows that customers expectation are met in the
tangibility factor. As oppose to this Responsiveness & Assurance have -0.23 mean gap which
stated that customer expectation is higher than they actually receive. Result shows that
perception score is slightly less than expectation score which reveals that users expect more than
actually receive
Table: 4
Correlation between factors of Perceived service
Factor Tangibility Reliability Responsiveness Assurance Empathy
Tangibility 1 .724** .813** .757** .738**
Reliability .724** 1 .730** .779** .639**
Responsiveness .813** .730** 1 .846** .734**
Assurance .757** .779** .846** 1 .766**

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Mukt Shabd Journal Issn No : 2347-3150

Empathy .738** .639** .734** .766** 1

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
The Pearson correlation value is lies between +1 to -1. A value nearer to +1 indicates the higher
correlation between two variables. The table shows the correlation between five factors of
servqual model of perceived service of urban clap. Result shows that two factor Responsiveness
& Assurance is highly correlated with each other as there correlation is .846. Empathy and
Reliability are less correlated as compare to other variable.

10.2 Result and Discussion

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

1 student 56

Occupation 2 home maker 7

3 employed 40
1 15-20 28

2 21-25 51

Age ( in Years) 3 26-30 15

4 31-35 2

5 above 35 7

INTERPRETATION-The above table shows that out of the total respondents 56 were students ,
7 were home makers and 40 were employed. The table also shows that out of the total
respondents 28 belonged to the age group of 15-20, 51 belonged to the age group of 21-25, 2
belonged from 31-35, and 7 respondents were above 35 years of age

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: Tangibility

Source Type III Sum of Df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 4.828 12 .402 1.010 .447
Intercept 373.395 1 373.395 937.406 .000

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Occupation .317 2 .159 .398 .673

AgeinYears 1.876 4 .469 1.177 .326
Occupation * AgeinYears .519 6 .086 .217 .970
Error 35.850 90 .398
Total 1840.000 103
Corrected Total 40.677 102

a. R Squared = .119 (Adjusted R Squared = .001)

INTERPRETATION: The above table shows that there is no significant independent effect of
occupation and age on perceived tangibility as the p values .673 and .326 are greater than 0.05.
The table also shows that there is no significant interaction effect of age and occupation on
perceived tangibility as the p value .970 is greater than 0.05.

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: Reliability

Source Type III Sum of Df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 3.663 12 .305 .713 .736
Intercept 333.846 1 333.846 779.347 .000
Occupation .141 2 .070 .164 .849
AgeinYears 1.634 4 .409 .954 .437
Occupation * AgeinYears .481 6 .080 .187 .980
Error 38.553 90 .428
Total 1783.500 103
Corrected Total 42.216 102

a. R Squared = .087 (Adjusted R Squared = -.035)

INTERPRETATION: The above table shows that there is no significant independent effect of
occupation and age on perceived reliability as the p values .849 and .437 are greater than 0.05.
The table also shows that there is no significant interaction effect of age and occupation on
perceived reliability as the p value .980 is greater than 0.05.

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: Responsiveness

Source Type III Sum of Df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 9.078 12 .757 1.342 .209
Intercept 380.340 1 380.340 674.661 .000
Occupation .068 2 .034 .061 .941

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AgeinYears 2.210 4 .552 .980 .423

Occupation * AgeinYears 2.420 6 .403 .715 .638
Error 50.737 90 .564
Total 1830.000 103
Corrected Total 59.816 102

a. R Squared = .152 (Adjusted R Squared = .039)

INTERPRETATION: The above table shows that there is no significant independent effect of
occupation and age on perceived responsiveness as the p values .941 and .423 are greater than
0.05. The table also shows that there is no significant interaction effect of age and occupation on
perceived responsiveness as the p value .638 is greater than 0.05.

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: Assuarance

Source Type III Sum of Df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 3.737 12 .311 .529 .891
Intercept 373.418 1 373.418 634.228 .000
Occupation .052 2 .026 .044 .957
AgeinYears 1.380 4 .345 .586 .674
Occupation * AgeinYears .722 6 .120 .204 .975
Error 52.990 90 .589
Total 1802.125 103
Corrected Total 56.727 102

a. R Squared = .066 (Adjusted R Squared = -.059)

INTERPRETATION: The above table shows that there is no significant independent effect of
occupation and age on perceived assurance as the p values .957 and .674 are greater than 0.05.
The table also shows that there is no significant interaction effect of age and occupation on
perceived assurance as the p value .975 is greater than 0.05.

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: Empathy

Volume IX Issue VI, JUNE/2020 Page No : 2430

Mukt Shabd Journal Issn No : 2347-3150

Source Type III Sum of Df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 3.145 12 .262 .594 .842
Intercept 357.944 1 357.944 811.323 .000
Occupation .383 2 .192 .434 .649
AgeinYears 1.374 4 .344 .779 .542
Occupation * AgeinYears 1.296 6 .216 .490 .815
Error 39.707 90 .441
Total 1726.240 103
Corrected Total 42.852 102

a. R Squared = .073 (Adjusted R Squared = -.050)

INTERPRETATION: The above table shows that there is no significant independent effect of
occupation and age on perceived empathy as the p values .649 and .542 are greater than 0.05.
The table also shows that there is no significant interaction effect of age and occupation on
perceived empathy as the p value .815 is greater than 0.05.

10.3 Conclusion: -The present paper studied the service quality of urbanclap with reference to
customer perception & expectation. The result shows that service quality of urban clap have
negative score between the perception & expectation of users from the service provided by
company so we can conclude that customer expect more than actually receive. The largest gap is
found in the responsiveness & assurance and lowest gap is found in the tangibility factor. The
factors of servqual model from customer perception are highly correlated with each other. The
hypothesis is tested from the viewpoint of customer perception regarding service provided by
urbanclap. The null hypothesis of the study is accepted as they stated that there is no significant
independent effect of occupation on the factors of SERVQUAL model. The result reveals that
there is no statistically difference effect of age on the factors of SERVQUAL model. It can be
concluded from the hypothesis testing that there is no significant interaction effect of occupation
and age on the factors of SERVQUAL model. The result also shows that the two factors
Responsiveness & Assurance are highly correlated with each other and Empathy and Reliability
are less correlated as compare to other variable.

10.4 Limitations of the Study

 The area of the study is very broad so it could not cover all literature concerning to
service quality and customer satisfaction.
 Other than service quality dimensions there are also other factor which affects the
customer satisfaction.
 The area of research is concentrated in Rajasthan state so result is no applicable to other
state of India.

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Mukt Shabd Journal Issn No : 2347-3150

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Volume IX Issue VI, JUNE/2020 Page No : 2432

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