F1 - Walz
F1 - Walz
F1 - Walz
Executive Summary
* Our company was founded by Fred Walz in 1965 with the goal of
providing new weighing technologies to our customers to improve
business processes and increase our customers overall productivity
*Global leader in the arena of measurement and production monitoring
*Walz Scale is uniquely positioned to bring together weighing
technology along with volumetric measurement solutions
* Walz provides over 100 service locations throughout North America
and numerous partners globally
What is
Volumetric Load
The Walz Payload
Scanner is a non-contact
measurement instrument
used to measure the
volumetric loads in open
top vehicles.
The WLS System
incorporates eye safe
laser scanners and
Patent Pending
Algorithms to determine
the actual amount of
material carried in
System Components
• Eye safe laser scanner(s)
• Power supply and ethernet
• Mounting hardware for the
laser scanners
• RFID Reader and RFID truck
• Traffic light for communication
with drivers
• Windows based tablet / kiosk /
laptop / PC
1. Vehicles are typically fitted
with an RFID tag, which is
used to automatically
identify the vehicle from
within the database.
2. Trucks are initially scanned
empty and this empty scan
profile is stored within the
3. Loaded trucks are then
scanned and their loaded
scan profiles are compared
against their stored empty
4. The system will then
automatically generate the
carried volume within the
loaded vehicle.
Accurate Carried Volume
• Production Reports
• Live Stockpile Levels
• Materials Reports
• Individual Job Reports
• Truck Reports
• Truck Cycle Time Reports
Managing the data?
• Walz Scale
• 656 High Point Lane
• East Peoria, IL 61611
• T: (309) 694-3200
• F: (309) 694-3285
• Web Address: www.walzscale.com