02 / 98 For The Operation of Inductive Transducers OA and DE Series

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Electronic Miniature Modules OA 10219 BE

for the operation of Inductive Transducers

OA and DE series 02 / 98

n OA series : Oscillator and Demodulator

n DE series : Two-way Demodulator
n For use with differential chokes ( half bridges)
and differential transformer (LVDTs)
n Particularly suitable for OEM applications
and for the construction of multi-channel
measuring systems

Construction and operation Electrical data for the OA and DE Modules

The OA Modules contain an oscillator for the supply of one or
Oscillator circuit (OA-10 Module)
more inductive transducers, a phase-locked demodulator for
rectifying the measurement signal and a voltage reference. The Operating frequency: 10 kHz *
oscillator can be designed for various operating frequencies. n Wave shape : sine-wave
The power supply can be provided by a symmetrical or n Conformity deviation : 1% max.
unsymmetrical DC voltage, so that a selection is possible within n Amplitude : 12.5 Vp-p
a wide voltage range. Variations in the supply voltage and the n Frequency temperature
external load do not have any effect on the accuracy of the coefficent : 0.02%/°C max.
measurement signal. n Amplitude temperature
The DE Module contains two demodulators of the type men- coefficient : 0.005%/°C max.
n Continuous load
tioned above. A number of DE Modules can be combined with
one OA Module to form a multi-channel system. capability: 10 mArms (short-circuit proof)
* Other operating frequencies on request.
The circuit is accommodated in a black plastic housing. It is
encapsulated to withstand the effects of shock and vibration.
Square pins are provided for electrical connection. They are
suitable for soldering or for the insertion of the module in a 24
pin DIL socket. Demodulator circuit (OA and DE Modules)

n Loadability : 5 mA max. (short-circuit proof)

n Linearity deviation : 0.015% max.
The OA and DE Modules are intended for the operation of n Temperature coefficent : 0.002%/°C max.
inductive transducers from various manufacturers. On account n Harmonic ripple : 20mVp-p max.
of the different electrical characteristics of the transducers, the n Measuring frequency : 500 Hz with max. 1% deviation
modules must be wired externally in different ways in order to
obtain the best function. Some typical circuit examples are
shown on pages 2 and 3.
Tried and tested circuit designs are available for all TWK
transducers. Other circuits can be dimensioned by us for
transducers from other manufacturers. If required, laboratory Power supply (for OA and DE Modules)
prototypes can be supplied on a Eurocard.
n Supply voltage : symmetrical ± 11.5 to ±16 VDC,
Note: The OA and DE Modules are designed for use in multi- unsymmetrical 23 to 32 VDC
channel applications where serveral transducer signals n Current consumption OA : 15mA on open circuit at 30 VDC
should be processed on one printed circuit board. n Current consumption DE : 5 mA on open circuit at 30 VDC
It is suggested that the OD 15, OV 15 and OE 30 Modu- n Operating temperature
les from the TWK rangeare used for the operation of single range : -10 to +70°C
inductive transducers( pl. refer to data sheet OD 10220 AE). n Mass : 6g

TWK- ELEKTRONIK GMBH · D - 40041 DÜSSELDORF · POB 105063 · HEINRICHSTR. 85 · TEL +49/211/632067 · FAX +49/211/637705
Electronic Miniature Modules OA and DE series

Block diagramms, connections and dimensions

12 11 5 3 2 1 10 1 12 11 9 2


generator Demodulator Oscillator Demodulator Demodulator
1 2 27.94

Reference- 12 11 6 5 3 2 1

1 N 825

13 14 23 24
13 14 OA-10 23 24
13 14
DE-52 23 24
The modules are suited for
Pin No. Function Pin No. Function
insertion into a 24 pin DIL
1 Output voltage 1 Output Signal 1 socket.
2 Oscillator output 2 Output Signal 2

3 Oscillator feedback 9 Demodulator input 2
10 Demodulator input 1

5 Demodulator input
6 Do not connect 11 Reference voltage input 0.5 2.54
11 Reference voltage, -6.2 V / 1 mA with 12 Pulse generator input
respect to C 13 V-, negative voltage supply 27.94
12 Pulse generator output 14 and 23 C, zero voltage,
13 V-, negative voltage supply internally ground reference potentialis located 12 11 10 9 2 1
connnected centrally between V+ and V- when using

14 and 23 C, zero voltage,

unsymmetrical supply voltage DE-52
internally ground reference potentialis located
connnected centrally between V+ and V- when using 24 V+, positive supply voltage
13 14 23 24
unsymmetrical supply voltage
24 V+, positive supply voltage 33

Basic application circuits for the operation of different inductive transducers

Circuit example 1 Circuit example 2

OA with differential choke for transducers up to 10 mA current OA with differential choke for transducers up to 200 mA current
consumption. consumption.
Widerstän de 1%, TK50 V+ PTC
12 11
13 14

12 11
13 14

10k V+

10k Wechsel-

- E spannungs-
6 5


6 5

RC 4558 W+
3 2 1

3 2 1
23 24

Vout V- C
23 24

1µF/35V C
V- 1µF/35V

Circuit example 3 Circuit example 4

OA with differential transformer for transducers up to 10 mA AC-amplifier for transducers up to 200 mA current comsumption.
current consumption.
V+ W-
V+ TCA2465A
13 14


1 : Rv = 0R 3 9 1
- 7
0,5 : Rv = 10k
+ 10R / 2W

E Rv 15
+ 10 10R / 2W
6 5


- 16
10k 8 4
3 2 1
23 24

Vout 1% TK50 47p

(C) 10k
C 1% TK50 33n 33n
1µF/35V 10µF/35V
V- C
Connection (C) is not required for an unsymmetrical supply voltage. Connection (C) is not required for an unsymmetrical supply voltage.

Electronic Miniature Modules OA and DE series

Output circuits for processing the measuring signal

Circuit 5 Circuit 6
Amplifier, output signal referred to C. The gain and zero point Amplifier, output signal referred to V-. The output signal is 0 to
are adjustable. The output signal is symmetrical with reference 10 V, the mid-point being fixed at 5 V. The gain is adjustable. The
to C. output signal is measured with respect to V-. Particularly suitable
for unsymmetrical supply voltages,
Vref Vref
OA zero ± 1,1 V
Pin 11 Gain Pin 11
100k Gain 10n
0,82 to 4,7 38k3 38k3 0,82 to 4,7 13k3
Pin 1 10k 2k15 10k Pin 1 10k 2k15 10k
Vin 10n
DE-52 DE-52
Pin 1 or 2 - 10k 10k Pin 1 or 2 - 16k2 16k2
+ +
- Vout Resistor 1%, TK50 CA3240 - Vout
+ OA +
Pin 14 or 23 16k2
Resistor 1%, TK50 C
OA OA 16k2
Pin 14 or 23 Pin 13
C V-
C V-

Basic circuits for the operation of a number of transducers

Circuit 7 Circuit 8
OA and DE-52 with three differential chokes (current OA and DE-52 with three differetial transformers (total current
consumption up to 10 mA each). Additional DE-52 modules can consumption up to 200 mA). Additional DE-52 modules can be
be implemented. implemented.

V+ Widerstände
Resistor 1 %, TK50 V+
13 14

12 11

13 14

12 11

- E spannungs-
10k verstärker
- RC 4558

6 5

V- C
6 5

Vout1 Vout1
3 2 1
3 2 1

23 24
23 24

12 11 10 9
13 14
12 11 10 9
13 14

- RC 4558

SIOV Vout2 Vout2
23 24

23 24

2 1
2 1

RC 4558

Vout3 Vout3

(C) (C)
1µF/35V 6µF8/35V
V- V-

Electronic Miniature Modules OA and DE series

Multi-channel measurement processing with the OA-10 and DE-52 Modules

Construction and function Order code of complete Eurocards

A simple and economical multi-channel measurement proces- Example: OUK 10 - 1 - 7 - 24 A 01

sor can be realised on one Eurocard using the OA-10 and the 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
DE-52 Modules. At one card with a 32-way connector strip a
maximum of seven inductive transducers can be connected. 1. Current or voltage output:
OUK = card for voltage output
The oscillator in the OA-10 Module supplies the necessary
OIK = card for current output
alternating voltage of 10kHz which, amplified by an AC ampli-
fier, excites the connected displacement transducers. 2. Frequency of excitation voltage:
10 = 10 kHz
Three DE-52 Modules each with two demodulators and one
(other frequencies on request)
demodulator in the OA-10 Module supply the demodulated
direct voltage signals from the seven connected displacement 3. TWK-Transducers to be connected:
transducers. These direct voltage signals are converted as 1 = IW 10/4, IT 108/4 5 = --
required to various voltage or current values; e.g. 0 to 5 V or IW 101/5 6 = IW 120/60
0 to 20 mA. 2 = IW 10/8, IT 108/8 7 = IW 120/150
IW 101/10, IW 120/12 8 = --
Also, the sensitivity (gain) can be separately adjusted for each
3 = -- 9 = ID 36
channel by trimmers on the card. If required, a zero-point offset
4 = IW 101/15, IW 120/24 10 = other transducers
is also possible using trimmers (± 10% of the measuring range).
4. Number of transducers (1 to 7)
When fully equipped, the card is then fitted with 14 trimmers.
7 = seven transducers
The supply voltage can be specified as required for 24 VDC or
±15 VDC. 5. Supply voltages: 24 = 24 VDC
30 = ± 15 VDC
If the card is assembled for fewer than seven transducers, the
number of DE-52 Demodulator Modules is reduced. 6. Output signals:
A = 0 to 5 VDC D = 0 to 20 mA
B = 0 to 10 VDC E = 4 to 20 mA
C = ± 10 VDC

7. Electrical and mechanical variations:

00 = The two last figures define the exact version accord-
ing to an internal company register.

Electronic Miniature Modules OA and DE series

Block diagrams and connections for two Eurocards (examples only)

Card OUK for 7 LVDT transducers, measuring signals 0 to 10 VDC

E : Transducer signal AC - amplifier

A : Measuring signal output ( 200 mA ) internal ground
4c 6c
W- W- W+
with reference to V- 6c C
W+ W+ 0 4c
W + and W - : W0 8c W0 W-
Transducer excitation 8c
3 2 r- r+ referece voltages
Rü Os
12 Pu 11
OA R- 1 20c
E1 20c 5 E Au 1 e E1
gain amplifiers
A1 20a a zero*

A2 22a a
22c 10 E1 2 22c
E2 A1 1 e E2
12 Pu R- 11
DE 3
E3 24c 9 E2 A2 2 e
A3 24a a
E3 24c
A4 26a a
26c 10 E1 4
E4 A1 1 e
12 Pu R- 11
DE 5
E5 28c 9 E2 A2 2 e
E4 26c
A5 28a a

A6 30a a
30c 10 E1 6
E6 A1 1 e 28c
12 Pu R- 11 E5
DE 7
E7 32c 9 E2 A2 2 e
A7 32a a
*zero (optional)
Test pin E6 30c
14c 24 24
23 14/23
C1 C1 D1 E7 32c
18c 13 13

Card OIK for 7 half-bridge transducers, measuring signals 0 to 20 mA

E : Transducer signal AC-amplifier

( 200 mA ) internal ground 6c
A : Measuring signal output 4c W+
W- W-
with reference to V- W+ 6c W+ C 4c
W + and W - : 8c 0 W-
W0 W0
Transducer excitation
3 2 r- r+ reference voltages
Rü Os
12 Pu 11 20c
OA R- 1 E1
E1 20c 5 E Au 1 e gain amplifiers
A1 20a a zero* + voltage current
A2 22a a
22c 10 E1 2 22c
E2 A1 1 e E2
12 Pu R- 11
DE 3
E3 24c 9 E2 A2 2 e
A3 24a a
E3 24c
A4 26a a
26c 10 E1 4
E4 A1 1 e
12 Pu R- 11
DE 5
E5 28c 9 E2 A2 2 e
28a E4 26c
A5 a

A6 30a a
30c 10 E1 6
E6 A1 1 e
12 Pu R- 11 28c
DE 7 E5
E7 32c 9 E2 A2 2 e
A7 32a a
*zero (optional)
Test pin
E6 30c
14c 24 24
23 14/23
C1 C1 D1
13 13 E7 32c
V- 18c

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