Arranged by:
the Principal of ile boleng State Vocational School
Praise be to the presence of God Almighty who has bestowed His grace,
mercy and guidance so that we can carry out and complete the internship
at Three Eggs Digital Printing. Because without His grace, maybe we may not
be able to complete this activity from start to finish. . With this, we would also
Like to thank all those who have supported and succeeded in the
implementation of this prakerin, because without their support we might not
have been able to complete this prakerin activity.
We know that there are still many shortcomings in the implementation and
preparation of this Internship Report.
However, we have tried our best to implement it. Therefore, we ask for
constructive criticism and suggestions so that it is better for the future. We
hope that this prakerin activity can improve our abilities and insights in the
world of business and work.
1.1 Background
Vocational high schools (SMK) will prepare and provide adequate
training to students to support success in the business world. By holding
internships, students will gain experience about the world of work and
students are expected to be able to write down the results of the
internship in the form of a report.
Three Eggs Digital Printing was just established last year on Monday
the 5th of May 2020, at Jln.trans Lembata Lorong Wangatoa Church.
Three Eggs is a CV printing company.
2.3.Business Field
• Study Marketing.
• Designing
1. Billboards
2. Banners
3. Invitation
1. Billboards
2. Banners
3. Invitation
Hopefully this activity will add to our experience, insight, and abilities
when we graduate. From the knowledge we get can be used in the
There are several ways to open files that are stored on the computer,
1.Press Alt+f,Open.
4. Save Documents.
There are several ways to store files in the computer folder, including:
Then a dialog box will appear on Save As. Type the name of your document
file, and click Save.
a. Tekal Alt+F,Close
b. 3Click the icon on the ribbon.
2. Designing Banners.
To create a banner design here, we use CorelDraw 2017. We can also
use other versions of Corel. Benner has various sizes, including roll-up
banners (60x60 cm, 85x200 cm, 120x200 cm) and X banners (60x160
cm, 80x1180 cm, 25x45 cm).
How to make a banner design
1. Determine the size of the banner first. How many pixels (for
online banners) and how many cm (for offline banners). For
example, here I am trying to make a 60 x 160 cm roll-up
2. After that, we have to determine what the theme is, for
example tourism, education, culinary etc. Of course, each
theme has a color that matches. The green color is perfect
for tourism, the red and brown colors are suitable for culinary
and so on.
3. Here we will make a banner design for the travel business. A
ticket booking service etc.
4. Open your Corel Draw software, then we make a long box
measuring 60 x 160 cm using the rectangle tool. We set the
worksheet size to 80 cm x 180 cm, how to click drawing units
-> centimeters then page dimensions -> width: 80 cm, height
180 cm. After that, click the box image that we created,
then click page dimension -> width: 60 cm, height 160 cm.
10. The picture above is still very simple. Then we add the
image of the hut to fill in the blanks in the image using
artistic media and the help of the mouse. After that we
create a mountain image using the ellipse tool then give
it a color using object properties -> fill.
11. At the final touch we add a 30% discount text, the slogan
"make your beautiful holiday come true" etc. To set which
image should be in front or behind, we can do this by
clicking on the image that you want to set then press
CTRL + PGUP or CTRL + PGDN on your keyboard.
12. After making improvements so that the final image
becomes like the one below.Don't forget we also save
the design we have made.
13. Design invitations
The first thing we have to do in designing an invitation is to
collect the things needed such as photos, logos, etc.
When we start printing the initial print, what we have to do is prepare all
the printing equipment. The things that need to be prepared before
printing are as follows:
•Printing machine/printer
•Having a pc/computer/laptop device
•Scissors and cutter
•Paper/board cutter
•Ruler/ruler and duct tape
Additional equipment:
•Internet network (wifi)
Sop Turn on the computer
1. 1.Turn on the computer
2. Open the Lyprint application
3. Open the flexyprint application
4. Open keeping
5. Turn on the stabilizer
6. Open mcb 01
7. Open mcb 02
8. Check the surface of the media.
9. Turn the two emergency stop buttons (left and right).
10. Press the power button.
11. Pull the ink tank out parallel to the bottom of the print head
a. black ink:
• Open the lever facing the hose leading to the ink hose
• Open the ink drain valve turning right (horizontally) while
pressing the yellow button. Repeat for 3/4 until the ink thickens.
• When the ink has thickened, close the black (vertical) drain
valve again.
• Close the lever back to its original position.
b. Blue ink (idem)
c. Magenta ink (idem)
d. Yellow ink (idem): done alternately.`
12. Open all ink levers facing the hose that leads to the print head (into).
13. Press the yellow button while seeing that all the ink has come out
evenly and thickened. Repeat up to 2/3 times.
14. Push the drain tub inward.
15. Gently wipe the bottom surface of the print head in one direction.
16. Pull the ink tank forward parallel to the bottom of the print head.
17. Press the print head fire voltage button (red button)
18. Nozzle test.
Position the material you want to print by pressing the up and down
buttons on the software/keyboard.
Position the print head in the print area to determine the start of the
print by pressing the right/left button.
Click the nozzle button on the software.
Ensure flashjet software do status.
Printing billboards.
Before starting to print billboards, there are a number of technical
things that need to be considered so that the quality of the billboards
produced can be good and as desired. In general, people are still
confused about what files to bring or how to make files to print billboards,
so we are taught to share some Tips for Printing Billboards that are useful
and useful for us.
• File Type
For file types that vary and can be adjusted to the software that
you are good at, it can be Photoshop, CorelDraw, or Adobe
Illustrator. If you want something lighter, you can send a JPEG or
TIFF file so it's easier to send by email because usually the file size
isn't too big.
• Image Resolution
The image resolution used for billboards doesn't need to be too
good because we can see them from a distance and the
machine ink sprays used to print billboards are not too close
together. So even files with a resolution of 75 pixels can be
printed and produce pretty good quality. Meanwhile, files with
a resolution of 300 dpi will not be suitable for printing billboards,
besides the file size is too large, your computer will work very
hard to export it.
The color format used must also be considered, make sure the
format used is CMYK because RGB colors will only confuse you
with colors that are similar to highlighters and billboard printers
in general cannot produce them.
• Use Size Comparison
The importance of using a size comparison makes it very easy
for you besides reducing the file size, it also makes it easier for
you to send the data. For example, if you want to print a
billboard with a size of 3 x 1 M, you can resize the file to a size of
1.5 x 0.5 M. You don't need to worry that the results will break if
the source is good, so the results will still be good when printed.
• Finishing Type
Don't forget to include any finishing you want to use on the
billboards you will print. For example, if you want to give a
sleeve or bag, give it whiter, or regular seaming in general, and
also the position of giving the chicken eyes and the amount
must also be clear so that it doesn't confuse us when processing
it later.
Then click Print to start printing. After printing, wait a few minutes
for the billboards to dry. After drying, cut the billboards
according to the size printed and attach a ring to each corner
and fold them neatly and the billboards are ready to be taken.
Printing Banners
Banner printing process:
4 Banner size.
Size is vital, because if there is even the slightest error in the size of the
banner that has been made, it will fail when it is printed. The problems
that often arise are that it doesn't fit or is off the mark, it's not neat, the
picture is broken, and so on.
5 Pay attention to printed materials.
The next way to print banners is that we have to pay attention to printed
materials, because the different materials we choose will determine the
print results later. There are several materials that are often used to print
banners, namely China Flexy, Korean Flexy, German Flexy. Each of the
above materials has its advantages and disadvantages. , for example
Flexy china has the advantage of being cheap but the quality is just so-
so. Unlike the flexy material from Germany, the price is not cheap but it
can last for years outdoors.
6 Check the details of the printed design
There is something that is usually overlooked when it comes to how to
print banners by many banner designers is accuracy. The most common
error is misspelling of the banner, causing reprints, this will cost the printer
and the buyer's time.
7 The printing process is the same as the process for printing billboards.
After that, cut the size according to the size of the banner.
Size is vital, because if there is even the slightest error in the size of the
banner that has been made, it will fail when it is printed. The
problems that often arise are that it doesn't fit or is off the mark, it's
not neat, the picture is broken, and so on.
8 Pay attention to printed materials.
The next way to print banners is that we have to pay attention
to printed materials, because the different materials we choose will
determine the print results later. There are several materials that are
often used to print banners, namely China Flexy, Korean Flexy,
German Flexy. Each of the above materials has its advantages and
disadvantages. , for example Flexy china has the advantage of
being cheap but the quality is just so-so. Unlike the flexy material
from Germany, the price is not cheap but it can last for years
9 Check the details of the printed design
There is something that is usually overlooked when it comes to how
to print banners by many banner designers is accuracy. The most
common error is misspelling of the banner, causing reprints, this will
cost the printer and the buyer's time.
10 The printing process is the same as the process for printing billboards.
After that, cut the size according to the size of the banner.
1. Scan the sample invitation that the customer wants. This is done so
that the resulting design can be similar to the Order.
2. The size of the invitation blank with a ruler. In the blank that the writer
is an example of the size that the writer gets. After measuring the
width is 8.1 cm with a length of 27.8 cm.
3. Crop the scan results with the crop menu in Photoshop. Fill in the
crop data with a width of 8.1 cm, a resolution of 100 pixels/cm.
4. Open a new work Eid with the same size, namely by clicking file on
Photoshop, then clicking ne. Fill in the data:
5. Using the Move tool + right click drag the scan result down. Paste it
onto the new page that was created in process number 4 earlier.
Adjust it to fit.
6. Write according to the results of the scanned invitation, the writing is
pasted above the scanned invitation writing, so it will appear
overlapping the writing.
7. If all the posts have been made, then we point Crusor to the screen.
Right-click screen 1 (scanned invitation), then click Delete Screen. So
friends, you can understand that the original invitation scan only
requires you to write the type and design of the invitation so that it
fits your wishes, both in size, layout and design. You can say this is
how to design invitations with tracing techniques.
8. Next, print the invitation blank to fit, then Print. A practical way to
enter the print menu is by clicking Ctrl + P. Click on page set up. Set it
to fit the size, for example: Size: User – Defined paper size Width: 8.1
cm Height :27.8 cm Resolution : 100 pixels/cm Ok
9. Set the position by:
Orientation : portrait (Tang Straight)
Sided Printing :off
Multi page off: Copies: 20 (if you want to print 20 sheets), to keep the
print durable even if the customer orders 1000 sheets, even though
printing should not take a break. Click print.
10. Steps 1-9 to fill in the other invitation blank. After all the invitations
have been printed, you can pack them back into the original plastic
blanks, don't forget to insert plastic according to the size of the
blanks so you can put them in.
1) Schools must pay more attention to students who are carrying out
internships, in implementing them and in matters related to the
company they occupy.
2) Maybe it would be better if the internship was prepared in
advance, not suddenly, for the smooth running of the internship.
3) We recommend that prior to the implementation of the street
vendors, participants are provided with information on how to work
in the company/where the street vendors will be.
4) Students should make optimal use of these street vendors as a
vehicle for cultivating self-potential, broad-minded, skilled, so that
they can actualize themselves in their main educational
5) School supervisors should be motivated by implementing the visit
function once a month.
1) The result is a very big contribution to the implementation of the
street vendors program.
2) Through street vendors can grow the pillars of educational
3) Street vendors are a vehicle for equipping students to learn to work
independently, forming a personality that is disciplined, responsible
and has a work ethic as well as providing opportunities for those
with potential.