FS-100-Module-4 Noya Antonette Done Final
FS-100-Module-4 Noya Antonette Done Final
FS-100-Module-4 Noya Antonette Done Final
✔The learner critically analyzes the general classifications of assessments used by the
teacher in terms of how, when, and why they are used in the teaching-learning episodes
✔The learner reflects on his or her personal learning experiences in terms of the dialogue
between theory and practice.
Welcome to Lesson 1 of Module 4! In this lesson, you are to do an inventory of
assessments that are used by the teacher in the three (3) learning instances based on your
experiences as a student. Refer to the Curriculum Guide of your specialization for the learning
competencies. After the inventory, you will be asked to classify these assessments according to
the two (2) broad or general classifications of assessment. To help you organize your
observation notes, there are accompanying templates every step of the way! Please accomplish
each one of them as you progress from one teaching-learning task to another. I wish you all the
You are to remember at least three (3) continuous teaching-learning experiences as a
student to check out on the assessments the teacher uses to assess the learning competencies for a
set of related topics with a view to putting them under the two general classifications of
assessment: traditional assessments and alternative assessments. Please accomplish the
following templates to guide your observation notes and reflections.
What are the intended learning The intended learning competencies for this
competencies for this teaching- experience was to know career professionalism.
learning experience?
What are the assessments used by The assessments used by the teacher were:
the teacher to assess these intended 1. Multiple choice type test
learning outcomes? 2. Essay type
3. Performance task
4. Demonstration
2. Essay type
2. Demonstration
B. Template for Teaching-Learning Task 2:
What are the intended learning The intended learning competencies for this
competencies for this teaching- experience was to evaluate career professionalism.
learning instance?
What are the assessments used by The assessments used by the teacher were:
the teacher to assess these intended
learning outcomes? 1. Multiple choice type test
2. True or false
3. Matching Type
4. Demonstration
What are the intended learning The intended learning competencies for this
competencies for this teaching- experience was to apply the learning goals and
learning episode? target of PECs.
What are the assessments used by The assessments used by the teacher were:
the teacher to assess these intended
learning outcomes? 1. Multiple choice type test
2. True or false
3. Matching Type
4. Demonstration
From your observation notes of the three (3) teaching-learning tasks, analyze the data by
accomplishing the following templates.
Review all the types of traditional assessments Multiple-choice, true or false, essay-style,
that you were able to note down in your and perfectly matched questions were all
templates. When were they conducted? In included in the written test that was given.
which part of the entire teaching-learning They were conducted to determine the
process were they given by the teacher? learning goals.
Were they helpful in achieving the intended Yes. It’s helpful that the intended learning
learning outcomes? In what manner were they outcomes achieved by reaching the goals that
helpful? the teacher expected.
Recalling the theories, principles, and concepts For me, the principles, concepts that I have
you learned on traditional assessments, were learned in through the traditional was use
the assessments appropriately used? Did they appropriately and it gives me a knowledge on
serve their purpose? Elaborate your answer. how to use it appropriately and accordingly.
Review all the types of alternative Performance tasks and demonstrations serve as
assessments that you were able to note down the alternative evaluations. These tests
in your observation templates. When were were taken to put principles and talents to the
they conducted? In which part of the entire test.
teaching-learning process were they given by
the teacher?
Were they helpful in achieving the Since the evaluations gave the teacher a tool to
intended learning outcomes? In what employ, they were highly useful in reaching
manner were they helpful? the educational objectives.
Recalling the theories, principles, and The alternative assessments were used
concepts you learned on alternative properly and applied appropriately.
assessments, were the assessments
appropriately used? Did they serve their
purpose? Elaborate your answer.
In your Assessment 1 and Assessment 2 courses, you learned the theories, principles, and
concepts on assessing learning. Primarily, you learned that there are two general types of
assessment: traditional and alternative. Traditional assessments are known as pen-and-paper
tests which may be in forms of multiple choice, true-false, matching type, and supply items,
among others. These may measure both the lower-order and the higher-order thinking skills. On
the other hand, there are alternative assessments which assess products and performances, and
therefore would require rubrics as assessment tools. These products and performances
demonstrate what students can do with what they know. You also learned that assessments
should be holistic in that they should be able to assess both the lower-order and the higher-order
thinking in the cognitive domain, and the skills and attitudes in the psychomotor and affective
Your experiences of the three (3) teaching-learning instances and the templates that you
accomplished guided your thoughts in linking these learned theories, principles, and concepts to
their actual classroom applications. It is hoped that you were able to validate good practices
from these observations and reflect on a solid stance for your actual practice in the future.
Congratulations for successfully finishing Lesson 1! Lesson 2 on Observations on the
Use of Formative Assessments is coming your way!
✔The learner determines the formative assessments used by the classroom teacher in
assessing students’ learning in his/her observations of the actual teaching-learning
✔The learner critically analyzes the formative assessments used by the teacher in terms
of how these are used to make assessment holistic.
✔The learner evaluates the formative assessments used against the learning
competencies through the constructive alignment lens.
✔The learner reflects on his or her learning experiences in terms of how the assessment
of learning theories he or she previously learned are applied in the actual teaching and
learning episodes observed.
✔The learner applies his thoughts and reflections by showing how he or she can improve
on the observed practice.
Welcome to Lesson 2 of Module 4! In this lesson, you are to do a lot of noticing of the
processes and procedures carried out by the teacher in assessing students’ learning through the
use of the appropriate formative assessments based on the intended learning outcomes. In each
step of the process, you are asked to completely accomplish the accompanying templates. These
templates will guide you in putting your thoughts and observations in the right perspective.
Good luck!
From the last three years as education students, you were taught and tasked to make
formative assessments based on your specialization. Pick three (3) formative assessments and
post it here.
Formative Assessment 1:
Grade Level: 1st Year
Topic: Childhood and adolescent learning principal
Formative Assessment: Our instructor did an oral recitation as he discussed the lesson
determine and assess if we understand the topic.
Formative Assessment 2:
Grade Level: 2nd Year
Topic: Extended/Nuclear Family
Formative Assessment: Our instructor did a quiz after the lesson to assess what we
learned in the discussion
Formative Assessment 3:
Grade Level: 3rd Year
Topic: Entrepreneurship
Formative Assessment: Our instructor did an online quiz thru Google form to assess
our learning on the topic
From your experiences, please share your thoughts on how you created your formative
assessments. Reflect your insights in the following template:
Analysis Template
What type of formative assessment was presented? Quizzes, tests, and oral recitations all
What levels of thinking in the cognitive domain were served as formative evaluations. Its
assessed by these assessments? Please complete this taxonomical level is associated with
data set in the second column: LEARNING knowledge and analysis.
In what way/s are these formative assessments When moving on to the next session,
appropriate in assessing the intended learning the formative evaluation evaluates
competencies? the student's learning during a
particular time period
In what ways do the formative assessments contribute The teacher can determine if the
to the attainment of the content and performance students have met the performance
standards? and content criteria through
formative assessments.
What theories in assessing learning support this Revised Bloom's Taxonomy and
assessment practice? Cognitive Development are the ideas
that can enable formative
You previously learned that for assessments to be effective, they must be holistic. They
must serve the three (3) functions: assessing for learning, assessing as learning, and assessing of
learning. Formative assessments are assessments for learning and as learning. They are used to
prepare students for the summative assessment (assessment of learning).
The crucial element of formative assessments is feedback. It will inform instruction, and
it will also allow learners to reflect on what they still need to do to improve their skills.
The diagrams below are the concrete representations of the functions of assessment as
assessment for and as learning. It also shows the importance of feedback.
Your experiences and the templates that you accomplished guided your thoughts in
linking these learned theories, principles, and concepts to their actual classroom applications. It
is hoped that you were able to validate good practices from these observations and reflect on a
solid stance for your actual practice in the future relative to designing formative assessments.
You have accomplished Lesson 2! Congratulations for a job well done! Brace yourself
for the Lesson 3 on Observations on Summative Assessment. This is the last lesson for this
✔The learner determines the summative assessments used by the classroom teacher in
assessing students’ learning in his/her observations of the actual teaching-learning
✔The learner critically analyzes the summative assessments used by the teacher in terms
of how these are used to make assessment holistic.
✔The learner evaluates the summative assessments used against the learning
competencies and standards through the constructive alignment lens.
✔The learner reflects on his or her learning experiences in terms of how the assessment
of learning theories he or she previously learned are applied in the actual teaching and
learning episodes observed.
✔The learner applies his thoughts and reflections by showing how he or she can improve
on the observed practice.
You are now in Lesson 3, the last for Module 4! You are almost there!
You will practically do the same procedures and processes you went through in Lesson 2,
but this time around, you will have to pay attention to the details of summative assessments.
Again, in each step of the process, you are asked to completely accomplish the accompanying
templates. These templates will guide you in putting your thoughts and observations in the right
perspective. Good luck!
From the last three years as education students, you were taught and tasked to make
summative assessments and its TOS based on your specialization. Choose one (1) summative
assessment and TOS and post it here or you could attach it in another document.
Career No. No. Of Perce Rem Und Appl Anal Eval Cre Item
Professionalis Of Items ntage embe ersta icati ysis uati atin Placem
m Days ring ndin on ng g ent
Hardworking 3
-Working 20 20 1 2 3 3 3 2 16-35
confidence 1
- Confidence in 15 10 1 3 2 3 2 2 1-15
one‘s ability
- Always stick 3 15 10 1 2 2 2 2 2 56-70
to the plan
-Solid 2 20 10 1 2 3 3 3 2 36-55
Ability to
accept 1
changes 2 15 10 3 2 3 2 2 71-85
- Adoptable to
- Innovative to
have edge over 2 15 10 1 2 2 3 3 2 106-
other 120
work- 1 2
Attitudes and 20 10 1 2 2 2 2 86-105
Student Skill
- effective and 2
communication 1 20 10 1 3 3 3 2 151
and relation to
- make a wise
decision 3 15 10 2 2 2 2 3 2 136-
towards the set 150
Total 18 155 100% 10 20 21 24 23 18
Analysis Template
In what ways do the summative assessments contribute to the The teacher can decide
delivery of the final performance tasks and the attainment of the whether re-teaching or
content and performance standards? remedial activities are
necessary based on the
assessments' findings.
Summative assessments are assessments of learning. These are used to evaluate learning
and are graded. They may be given after a unit of topics or a cluster of competencies are
developed by the learners to check what they can do with what they know. They are customarily
given at the end of the grading period to constitute the periodical or quarterly examination. They
may come in forms of traditional or objective type of test. Otherwise, they come as products or
performances to be assessed using rubrics.
Finally, you are done with Lesson 3, and the whole module in general. Congratulations
for making it this far!
This is Module 4, the last module for the Field Study 1 course. On the whole, this
provides an avenue for the pre-service teachers to do actual observations of teaching-learning
episodes with focus on assessment in learning. Specifically, the templates cover the four (4)
very important constructs on assessment: traditional assessment, alternative assessment,
formative assessment, and summative assessment. It is crucially important to include the notion
of constructive alignment in the analysis of the observation notes. Equally important is the
analysis of the dialogue between theories, principles, and concepts previously learned and the
application of such in the actual teaching-learning episodes that hinges the students’ reflection of
what is a good practice and what is not.
Dodge, J. (n.d.). What are formative assessments and why we should use them? Accessed from
assessments-and-why-should-we-use-them/ on July 29, 2020.