Masico ES Accomplishment Report MHPSS
Masico ES Accomplishment Report MHPSS
Masico ES Accomplishment Report MHPSS
Today, December 8, 2021 has been a very significant day in the phase of
adapting in the new normal. The current situation that our learners are facing
today has been causing people various problems in daily living. The activity to be
held in this day shall give enlightenment and also new knowledge on how to cope-
up with the new normal. The school has prepared a meeting for both learners
parents and teachers about “Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in
order for them to understand what effects does the quarantine and current
situation they have now has effects to them mentally. The meeting is composed of
59 learners and 17 teachers
The SDRRM Coordinator, Jan Marcuz M. Oarga has prepared a google meet
and also a presentation where they could understand the topic thoroughly. It
consisted of video presentation, slideshows and various materials which could help
in understand the PSFA. The meeting started at 9 AM and conducted the opening
program and a welcoming remark and message was asked form the School Head,
Bembol P. Samia, and let-off learners with inspiring messages and reminders in
our upcoming school year. After all the introductory part of the meeting, the
resource speaker had started with the various topics to be discussed as well as
asking parents to take part in the said activity. The moderator shared the google
link for the registration and evaluation of the meeting before and after the meeting.