Lesson Plan 10 - Electrical Hazard

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DATE : April 14, 2023 QUARTER: 3RD QUARTER
DAY : Friday

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
Cognitive: Identify the common electrical signs.
Affective: Explain the importance of electrical signs
Psychomotor: Interpret common electrical signs
Topic: Electrical Signs & Symbols
Instructional Materials: Visual aids, activity sheets, electrical illustrations
References: TLE 7 Technical Drafting Module 10 - Interpreting
drawings and plans
Strategies: 4A’s Approach (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application)

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Good morning, Class! Good morning, Ma’am!

1. A. Greetings How are you today? We are good, Ma’am!

I’m happy that you are all good, Class!

Before we start, let's have a prayer. De Vera, Make a sign of the cross. In the
please lead the prayer. name of the Father, the Sun, the
Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear Lord and Father of all,

thank you for today. Thank you
for your ways in which you
provide for us all. Guide us by
2. B. Prayer
your eternal light, as we
discover more about the world
around us. We ask all this in the
name of Jesus, Amen.

In the name of the Father, the

Sun, the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Once again, Good Morning.

Before you take your seats, please pick up

the pieces of papers on the

floor, and arrange your chairs properly.

3. C. Checking of Attendance

Okay done? You may now take your seats

(All participated)
Class monitor. Is there an absent today?

Alright, no one is absent. Very good. None Ma’am.

Before we go any further, what are the rules
we have during discussion?
1. Raise your hand if you wish
to answer
2. Avoid using smartphones
unless needed in the discussion
4. D. Reading of House Rules or an activity
3. Be participative
4. Be respectful to your
classmate and to your teacher

Okay, that’s great.

5. E. Checking of Assignment Did we have an assignment last meeting? None Ma'am.
I have a picture here, now look
closely at the picture, and observe.

6. F. Motivation

Warning sign about Electrical

Hazard ma’am
What can you say about the picture? Yes
On the electrical laboratories,
workplace, construction areas.
Very good! Where do we see these signs?

Alright, in other words we can observe those

Yes ma'am
signs anywhere we go. Right class?
1. A. Activity Instruction: I will group you into two groups
and each group is going to complete the
crossword puzzle provided. I will only give
you 3 minutes to do your activity. Paste it on
the blackboard when done. Understood?
2. Specifies potentially hazardous situation
which can result to injury or death
5. Any activity that is not allowed We are all done Ma’am.
1. Indicates that a person should observe extra
3. Specifies hazardous situation which can result
to injury or death
4. Indicates some precautionary measures against
potential hazardous situation that may result

Alright, done?

Let us check your work as we dig in to our new

topic for this morning
2. B. Analysis Electrical sign is a type of sign which
indicates a potential hazard, obstacle, or
condition requiring special attention.

We can observe electrical signs anywhere we

go. May it be on the roads, workplace or
even on the products. But what is really the To tell people of a possible
purpose of these warning icons? danger, problem, or other
unpleasant thing that might
Very good. It is an essential tool for happen.
communicating potential hazards or dangers
in a clear and concise manner. They provide
a visual cue that can be easily recognized
and understood by people from

different cultures, languages, and literacy


Okay, what else?

To highlight safeguards and

procedures that must be
Correct. In all of these contexts, electrical followed, or equipment that
signs help prevent accidents and injuries by must be worn.
alerting people to potential dangers and
encouraging them to take necessary
precautions. Therefore, it is important to
follow and understand the warnings given by
these signs and symbols.
3. C. Abstraction Your power tool with its manual may
contain "WARNING ICONS" (a picture
symbol intended to alert you to, and/or to
instruct you how to avoid a potentially
hazardous condition). Knowing and
understanding these symbols will help you
operate your tool better and more safely.

Electrical signs and stickers alert students,

workers, and visitors to electrical hazards in
the area. Alerting workers to high voltage
areas, electrical hazards, power lines and
other electrical equipment in the area, can
help prevent fires and injuries. Proper
electrical signs can inform workers of the
dangers in the area.

 CAUTION indicates some

precautionary measures against
potential hazardous situations which,
if not avoided, may result in minor or
moderate injury.

 SAFETY ALERT indicates that a

person should observe extra

 PROHIBITION means that any

activity is not allowed as stated by
the symbol.

 DANGER specifies hazardous

situation which, if not avoided, will
result to a serious injury or even

 WARNING specifies a potentially

hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in serious injury
or even death.


that a person should make some
reading before doing any activity.


indicates that a person should wear
safety goggles or any related
protection for the eyes.

Again, what are the electrical signs and


Caution, Safety Alert,

Prohibition, Danger, Warning,
Read and Understand
Instruction Manual, and Wear
Eye Protection
Any questions regarding electrical signs and
None so far, Ma’am
D. Application Since we are done with our discussion, we're
going to learn about a fun and engaging
activity called a debate. A debate is a formal
discussion between two or more teams or
individuals who present arguments and
counterarguments on a specific topic.

With the same group, you will be given a

topic related to our lesson, and each group is
assigned to different roles or teams of
“agree” or “disagree”. Each team will have
an opportunity to present their opening
statements, rebuttals, and closing statements
in just 30 secs. Understood?

Alright. Our topic would be “Do you agree

that the benefits of electrical signs outweigh Yes ma'am
the negative impacts on the environment and
local communities?” Agree or Disagree?

Let's have a toss coin. I want a representative

from group 1 and 2

Okay group 1 is “agree”, and group 2 is

(All participated)
You will be given 5 minutes to discuss with
your group and after that we will start

Alright. Any questions and clarifications?

Okay, you may now start.

None so far, Ma’am
Why do we need to learn about Electrical
Signs and Symbols? Ma’am to provide workers and
others with information on
A. Generalization electrical hazards on preventing
Very good. It is important for us to be
knowledgeable enough to prevent harm.
A. Evaluation Since we are done from our discussion, get a
¼ sheet of paper and study your notes. I will
only give you five minutes to study.

Identify the following

______1. It indicates that a person should
wear safety goggles or any related protection
for the eyes.

_____2. It indicates some precautionary

measures against potential hazardous

which, if not avoided, may result in minor or

moderate injury.

_____3. It means that a person should do

some reading before doing any activity.

_____4. It indicates that a person should

observe extra awareness

_____5. It specifies a potentially hazardous

situation which, if not avoided, could result
in serious injury or even death.

_____6. It means that any activity is not

allowed as stated by the symbol.

____7. It specifies hazardous situation

which, if not avoided, will result to a serious
injury or even death


8-10. How do electrical signs impact the


Key answers:
1. Wear eye protection
2. Caution
3. Read and understand instruction manual
4. Safety alert
5. Warning
6. Prohibition

Alright done?
Pass your papers in front. Yes ma'am
(All participated)
Now, for your assignment, in a long bond
paper design/create your own electrical sign.
You can research

different types of electrical signs and then

use graphic design software or other tools to
create your own sign. You can choose a
theme or message for your sign, as well as
the type of lighting and materials to use.

B. Assignment

Yes ma'am
Understood class?
None ma'am.
Alright, any questions? Clarifications?
Violent reactions? Goodbye ma'am JC! Thank you
for teaching us, God bless you!
Good. I think that ends our discussion for
today. Goodbye everyone!
1. Instructional decision
2. Time management
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
F. Which of my teaching
strategies worked

well? Why did this work?

K. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
L. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared By: Checked by:

Joceme K. Cristoria Lovenres J. Enanoria
Student Teacher Critic Teacher

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