TUV India PIPING Inspection

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To ensure safe and reliable operation

 To evaluate the present condition of piping for

its soundness.

 To determine the pattern of deterioration and

suggesting remedial measures.

 To establish corrosion rate and forecasting

future procurement actions.

 To ensure that all the pipelines are inspected

as per planned schedule.

Inspection tools required
The most practical tools generally used for pipeline inspection are as under.
 Inspector Hammer.
 Ultrasonic Thickness gauge.
 Pit depth gauge .
 Measuring tap
 Radiography equipment
 Bore scope/ Fibre scope
 Small mirror
 Magnifying Glass
 Safety Torch.
 Paint thickness gauge
 Holiday detector
 Inside /outside Callipers
 Hardness testing machine.
6  Thermography equipment

Following shall be examined by the Inspector and explained to the Technicians :

 Isometric drawings,
 design data
 last inspection observation
 Arrangements for scaffolding and ladder
 Insulation removal
 Valid work permit

Area of deterioration:
 Injection points
 mixing points
 Dead ends,
 Soil air interfaces
 Specific service

Forms of deterioration:
 Localized corrosion
 Erosion
 Environmental cracking
 Corrosion beneath lining and deposits
 Fatigue cracking
 Creep
 Brittle fracture
 Freeze damage
 Contact point corrosion
Method of inspection
 In case of carbon steel and alloy steel piping where lines mostly deteriorate due to corrosion / erosion :
ultrasonic thickness survey shall be carried out In bends
-3 readings on outer periphery and
-3 readings on bottom side
On straight piping
-minimum 4 readings
at locations of direction change like
- bends
- tee
- valves
- expansion loops
 The thickness measurement of the present shutdown of the line shall be compared with the original
thickness and the rate of corrosion shall be calculated.
 If the thickness is found less than retiring thickness the piping loop shall be recommended for
Method of inspection
 Visual inspection shall be carried out for signs of leaks and cracks, painting / coating condition, insulation
condition and external corrosion.
 In the piping where internal corrosion is suspected, certain spool pieces shall be dropped and internal visual
inspection should be carried out. If this is not possible, radiography shall be done.
 The repair / replacement jobs shall be inspected as per furnished recommendation.
 The pipe supports shall be visually inspected for-
condition of protective coating like fire proofing,
evidence of corrosion,
condition of foundation bolts,
attachment of beams,
pipe hangers in cold and hot condition,

 During replacement, stage-wise inspection like DP & Radiography shall be carried out. Finally, the complete
line shall pressure tested 1.5 times of its working pressure.
Corrosion rate and remaining life calculation

LT – long term
ST- short term
CR- corrosion rate

Remaining life

CUI Examination

CUI Examination required in case :

 History of CUI for the specific piping system
 Visual condition of external covering and insulation
 Evidence of fluid leakage
 Condition and age of external coating if known
 Evidence of areas of wet insulation

If the external covering are in good condition and there is no reason of suspect corrosion full insulation
removal not required.

Dead leg
CUI in piping
15 Thickness measurement
Piping modification/replacement

Material inspection
 Detail inspection of material, with third party inspection reports along with various tests carried out from
the approved Laboratory.
 Requirement of IBR if any should have proper approval and stamp of CIB.
 Physical condition to be checked for
 Pipe and fittings supplied by required specifications
 Pipe and fittings Dia & schedule of pipe.
 No ovality at the pipe edges
 No Dent mark should be present
 External corrosion/pitting marks
 Test certificates

Stage wise inspection

 All inspection shall be performed as per approved Drawing/Procedure/QAP/ITP/WPS/PQR

 Witnessing all stage wise inspection such as
 fit-up
 Before welding
 During welding
 After welding
 Stage wise NDT
 Pre heat/ post heat
 Supervision and interpretation of NDT data and results.
 Hydro test
 Painting
 Wrapping/coating

 insulation
PWHT Process

DPT at branch RT setup

Fit up inspection

 Check material as per drawing

 Check root gap
 Check ID matching
 Check Bevel angle

Welding inspection
 Check parameters required before welding as per WPS
 Check interpass temperature during welding.
 Root weld inspection
 Final weld visual inspection. Weld visual acceptance criteria as per ASME B31.3.
 Use Torch, Magnifying glass, bridge cam gauge.

Hydro test of piping :

 For carbon steel/alloy steel piping use test medium as water ( chloride content 10-250 ppm)

 For stainless steel use DM water (chloride content 10-50 ppm)

 Hydro test to be done with only approved procedure

 Only calibrated pressure gauge should be used for test purpose

 PG range 1.5 to 4 times of test pressure

 Minimum two pressure gauges should be used during the test. One pressure gauge should be at the highest place of

the system and one at lowest position.

 Equipment not included in the test, shall be isolated by providing blinds.

 During testing air shall be vented through top vent only.

 The increase in pressure should be gradual.

 Hold time - 30 min.

 API RP-1110 may be referred for guidance for hydro testing.

 Reason of inspection
 Last inspection done
 Size of the line
 Service of the line
 Present condition of the line
 Future course of action/recommendations
 Thickness survey reports
 Dead end RT record.
 An isometric sketch in case any repair/replacement
 welding electrodes detail
 preheating post weld heat treatment report
 NDT reports with results
 Hydro test/pneumatic testing report of the piping
 Supports condition report
 External insulation report
 Painting/coating report.
Referencing code and standards

 API- 1104, Welding pipelines

 ASME B31.3 process piping

 API 570

 ASME SEC IX for welding

 DPT as per ASME SEC V article 6, ASME sec VIII div-1, App-8

 Wet fluorescent magnetic particle inspection (WFMPI)/MPI as per ASME SEC V article 7, ASME sec

VIII div-1, App-6

 Radiography as per ASME SEC V, article 2. ASME SEC VIII DIV-1 app-4

 UT as per ASME SEC V article 6, ASME sec VIII div-1, App-12


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