CBMT2103 Intro To Multimedia Tech Caug14 (RS) (M)
CBMT2103 Intro To Multimedia Tech Caug14 (RS) (M)
CBMT2103 Intro To Multimedia Tech Caug14 (RS) (M)
Introduction to
Multimedia Technology
Yuzery Yusoff
Open University Malaysia
2.4.4 Telemedicine 36
2.4.5 Research and Development Clusters 37
2.4.6 Worldwide Manufacturing Webs 38
2.4.7 Borderless Marketing Centres 38
Summary 40
Key Terms 40
Topic 5 Text 73
5.1 Definition and the Importance of Text 74
5.2 Text in Multimedia Presentations 75
5.3 Typeface and Font 80
5.4 Text Size and Typeface Categories 81
5.4.1 Serif 82
5.4.2 Sans Serif 83
5.4.3 Decorative 84
5.5 Guidelines on the Use of Text in Multimedia Presentations 84
5.5.1 Minimal Use of Text 85
5.5.2 Suitability of Typefaces and Fonts 86
5.5.3 Choice of Text 87
5.5.4 Styles and Colour of Text 88
5.5.5 Consistency 88
5.6 Text Intensive Multimedia Applications 90
5.6.1 Hypertext 90
5.6.2 Other Methods 91
5.7 Text Authoring Softwares 91
Summary 92
Key Terms 92
Topic 6 Graphics 93
6.1 Definition and the Importance of Graphics 93
6.2 History of Graphics 95
6.3 Computer Graphics Applications 96
6.4 Uses of Graphics in Multimedia 99
6.5 Categories of Graphics 100
6.5.1 Vector Graphics 100
6.5.2 Bitmap Graphics 101
6.5.3 Vector Graphics versus Bitmap Graphics 102
6.6 Graphics Card 103
6.7 Graphics File Format 106
References 214
CBMT2103 Introduction to Multimedia Technology is one of the courses offered
by Faculty of Information Technology and Multimedia Communication at Open
University Malaysia (OUM). This course is worth three credit hours and should
be covered over 15 weeks.
This course is offered to all learners taking the Bachelor in Information
Technology programme. This module aims to impart the fundamentals of
multimedia technology.
It is a standard OUM practice that learners accumulate 40 study hours for every
credit hour. As such, for a three-credit hour course, you are expected to spend
120 study hours. Table 1 gives an estimation of how the 120 study hours could be
Study Activities
Briefly go through the course content and participate in initial discussion 3
Study the module 60
Attend 3 to 5 tutorial sessions 10
Online participation 12
Revision 15
Assignment(s), Test(s) and Examination(s) 20
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
This course is divided into 10 topics. The synopsis for each topic is presented as
Topic 6 discusses the graphics component in multimedia. There are two basic
categories of graphics – vector graphics and bitmap graphics. Understanding the
differences between the two will help you in your work.
Topic 7 introduces animation and identifies some of the principles and basic
techniques of animation. The integration of animation into multimedia programs
or software will increase the visual impact of the product because of its dynamic
visual qualities.
Topic 9 explains the basic concepts of analogue and digital sounds and the
various uses of audio in multimedia. It also discusses how sound cards can
improve the sound quality played on computer.
Topic 10 looks into audio files and the formats which are common in multimedia
Topic 12 focuses on several types of video formats and standards that are
regularly used.
Learning Outcomes: This section refers to what you should achieve after you
have completely covered a topic. As you go through each topic, you should
frequently refer to these learning outcomes. By doing this, you can continuously
gauge your understanding of the topic.
Summary: You will find this component at the end of each topic. This component
helps you to recap the whole topic. By going through the summary, you should
be able to gauge your knowledge retention level. Should you find points in the
summary that you do not fully understand, it would be a good idea for you to
revisit the details in the module.
Key Terms: This component can be found at the end of each topic. You should go
through this component to remind yourself of important terms or jargon used
throughout the module. Should you find terms here that you are not able to
explain, you should look for the terms in the module.
There are no specific prerequisites for this course. However, a basic knowledge
on Information Technology is an added advantage.
Please refer to myINSPIRE.
Multimedia is a dynamic and interesting field to study. The rapid development
of multimedia technology has played an important role in the fields of education,
film, advertising, fashion and many others. In this topic, you will be introduced
briefly to the history and concepts of multimedia technology. You will also learn
about the various features and functions of multimedia that have caused it to
gain popularity. At the end of this topic, we will discuss the main components
and types of multimedia. Happy learning!
When you look at Figure 1.1, what do you see? Can you tell the meaning of
multimedia by looking at the figure? Generally, multimedia refers to the use of
various types of media to create a presentation or an application which can be
used for the purposes of broadcasting, entertainment, education and many
The word „multimedia‰ can be split into „multi‰ and „media‰. „Multi‰ means
many, whereas „media‰ means the tools used as the medium of communication,
such as newspapers, radio and television. In brief, multimedia can be defined as
many media. In other words, multimedia is the simultaneous use of data from
multiple sources of elements of media.
As multimedia began to gain popularity, many parties came forward with their
own definitions of multimedia, according to their respective interests, expertise,
research and viewpoints. The following are a few definitions of multimedia:
„Multimedia is any combination of text, graphics, sound, animation and video delivered
to you by computer or other electronic or digitally manipulated means.‰
(Vaughn, 2001)
„Multimedia is the use of computers to present and integrate text, audio and video with
hyperlinks and devices which enable the users to navigate, interact, create and
(Hofstetter, 2001)
These different definitions of multimedia could confuse you, but the most
important thing that you need to remember is that a good definition of
multimedia should contain the following:
(b) Multimedia becomes interactive when the end-user is able to control the
elements of media that are required, and subsequently obtains the required
information in a non-linear way.
In the context of „computer age‰, the history of multimedia dates back to 1972,
when the first video game, ATARI, was launched. The response it received was
beyond the expectations of its users.
Computers with multimedia features were introduced in the 1990s. Before that,
there was no technology capable of providing informative multimedia at an
affordable cost. In its early days, multimedia technology was not very well
received by the masses, especially among sceptical members of the academia.
Year Development
1975 The first personal computer was marketed. It had a low processing power
and was used mainly for accounting and inventory.
1980 The storage capacity of the hard disk was increased. Computers could
display simple graphics and were used for statistics and forecasting.
1995 ă the Computers at this stage are capable of integrating digital video, audio,
present animation and text in a digital environment. As a result, it increases the
emphasis on communication and sharing of information through
networks such as the Internet.
The Concept
More than half a century ago, Vannevar Bush, Director of the Office of
Scientific Research and Development and an advisor to US President Franklin
D. Roosevelt, described a hypothetical machine that would allow users to
browse through a media-rich environment making associative links between
various types of information. He envisaged a device called „memex‰ in which
an „individual stores his books, records and communications and which is
mechanised so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility. It
is an enlarged intimate supplement to his memory.‰
This simple yet interesting and innovative proposition forms the fundamental
theoretical background upon which present-day interactive multimedia
systems are based. The question that immediately comes to mind is why has it
taken more than half a century for BushÊs idea to be realised? In order to find a
satisfactory answer to our question, the reader must note that fifty years ago,
the computer technology was in its infancy. Therefore, it follows that the
history of the development of Interactive Multimedia Systems is directly and
closely linked to the history of the development of the personal computers.
1.3.1 Interactivity
Each multimedia application involves interactivity with end-users. Interactivity
can be simple, such as a student choosing a right or wrong answer in a computer-
based test; or complex, like a user flying a jet fighter in a simulated computer
warfare. In fact, when you visit a website and press a button or an icon on it, you
have done a brief interactivity. In Figure 1.3, you will find some samples of
This feature has made multimedia more popular than other components of
media such as television. Users can take part actively in the multimedia
applications and not passively as in the conventional components of media. This
is because the users have total control over the applications.
For example, a foreign student who is learning Bahasa Malaysia can determine
the phase that he wishes to review, and he can revise it as many times as he
wishes. Besides that, the student can also choose the types of instructions such as
listening to intonations of words, reading words displayed on screen, watching
an animation and doing exercises on oral skills.
1.3.2 Navigation
Navigation is one of the important features in the development of multimedia
applications. Navigation is closely linked to interactivity. With navigation, a user
is able to use the interactive multimedia applications more effectively. If you
have heard someone say, „This interface is excellent!‰, it probably means that the
application is easy to navigate.
1.3.3 Hyperlink
Films and books are linear forms of multimedia applications. It has a beginning
stage, an intermediate stage and an ending. For example, as you go through this
module starting from Topic 1 as shown in Figure 1.5, you are reading the module
in a linear way.
Even though the linear method is normally used, it is not necessarily the best
way of learning. When we process information, our brains usually „jump‰ from
one idea to another. This is because we need to store information in the context
that we are able to understand. We can also „jump‰ to another topic if we
already have prior knowledge about the information contained in that topic, as
illustrated by Figure 1.6. Thus, it is totally reasonable that computer applications
allow users to „jump‰ from one section to another. For example, after you have
read the introductory topic in this module, you can „jump‰ to the topic on audio
by clicking on its word with the hyperlink feature.
You need to have a better understanding of these media if you wish to develop a
multimedia system or a multimedia presentation. The following are brief
explanations regarding the five main media in multimedia (please refer to Figure
1.4.1 Text
Text is an important medium in multimedia. It directly informs the user about
the information that it wishes to convey. It cannot be neglected no matter how
advanced multimedia technology is. When you surf any website on the Internet,
you will notice that almost all of them contain text media.
You can compare the contents of text in the both through Figure 1.9(a) and Figure
Currently, there are many software applications in the market for writing and
editing text such as Microsoft Word, LibreOffice, Google Docs and
others. Besides that, we can also create text using special effects such as Shadow
or Emboss using Adobe Freehand, Adobe Fireworks and Cascading Style Sheet.
Text can be used for conveying information but it also has some
limitations. In your opinion, what are the limitations of using text in
1.4.2 Graphics
Pictures as visuals are more effective compared to the sole use of text. Graphics
play an important role in multimedia presentations and are one of the popular
elements used in the development of a multimedia application.
In actual fact, we are used to being exposed to images and graphics through
television programmes, websites, newspapers and also advertising billboards
located alongside roads. In other words, we use images and graphics to obtain
information, explanations and entertainment.
In general, graphics can be categorised into two main groups, namely, bitmap
and vector. It is important for you to understand both types of graphics because
it influences the quality, the size of the file and the time needed to display the
graphics on the computer screen.
Lots of graphic software are available in the market. Among the most popular
and most widely used are Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Photoshop
Pro, Paint.NET, GIMP and Inkscape. Each graphic software has its own function
and use.
You can surf any websites on the Internet and are bound to come across various
types of graphics and images in the websites. Take note of the Open University
Malaysia (OUM) website (http://www.oum.edu.my) such as the one shown in
Figure 1.12. Reflect on how the graphic elements are used in this web page.
Adobe Systems Inc is one of the leaders in the development of powerful graphic
programs. To learn more, visit its website at http://www.adobe.com.
1.4.3 Animation
Animation plays an important role in various fields such as films, advertisements,
commerce, medicine and education. A presentation will be livelier with the
presence of animation. Besides that, a complex concept can be presented more
briefly and easily.
From a multimedia aspect, animation is one of the elements that increase the
attraction of a multimedia software or program. In fact, animation in multimedia
began to receive more widespread attention from the masses especially after
animated movies like Mulan and Small Soldiers.
There are many animation software in the market that one can choose from to
produce various types of animation, be it two- or three-dimensional, or even to
produce animation with special effects. Among them are Lightwave, Adobe
Flash, Blender, Pencil and Toon Boom Studio.
1.4.4 Audio
Audio or sound is one of the most effective ways of attracting the attention of
users. Audio plays an important role in the development of multimedia which
has been quite static all these while. The entry of audio into multimedia is one of
the most important features that have escalated the use of multimedia to
maximum level.
When you want to include audio or sound in a multimedia system, there are
some important areas that require attention. Among them include sound
production, storage, sound manipulation and display or presentation of
sound. All these aspects require careful handling in order to ensure that the
quality of audio in the multimedia system is of a high level.
Do you know that sound used in multimedia is in digital form? Digital sound
may be recorded directly or may be pre-recorded in an analogue form and then
converted to digital form.
If there are specific software for text, graphics and animation, then there are also
a variety of software available in the market for audio recording or audio
production such as the Audacity, Ardour and Adobe Audition software.
1.4.5 Video
We often come across certain applications or multimedia programs that include
video elements in its development. Video is an essential element because it can
carry meaning or information which needs to be conveyed within a short period.
Video has been in existence for more than 50 years. During its initial stage of use,
it was only played on projectors in cinemas or televisions. Today, this scenario
has changed. Digital video can be viewed and displayed through the use of
multimedia computers.
Digital video became popular after multimedia technology was introduced and
developed. The element of video in multimedia has brought about tremendous
change in the method of information dissemination. Most videos are able to
present real-life situations and capable of attracting the attention and appealing
to the emotions of users.
Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro, Pinnacle Studio and Sony Vegas Pro are among
the most sophisticated and highest quality video software that are available in
the market. These software are rather costly and require a long period to be
mastered fully. However, what is certain is that these software are capable of
producing high quality digital videos. Figure 1.13 shows an example of a video
streaming from YouTube.
List five media components that are important in multimedia and their
The five main media in multimedia are text, graphics, animation, audio and
Animation Internet
Audio Multimedia
Computer age Navigation
Graphics Non-linear reading
Hyperlink Text
Interactivity Video
In this topic, you will be introduced to the various types of multimedia
technology applications. As mentioned in Topic 1, multimedia has long been in
existence in our daily lives. Whether you realise it or not, multimedia has
influenced various aspects of our daily lives. Multimedia technology has many
applications in various fields such as education, medicine, industries and
society. Let us now look at several important multimedia applications which
have become a part of our daily lives.
Apart from the advantages stated above, video teleconferencing technology has
also successfully found solutions for tackling several of its disadvantages such as
those listed in Table 2.1:
Disadvantage Solution
Video requires more bandwidth than audio. With the use of compression and
Therefore, video teleconferencing costs more than decompression, videos are more
normal telephone charges. sophisticated.
Video teleconferencing requires a network for the By using fibre optic networks or
preparation of the short delay because it is a real- the Integrated Services Digital
time application. If there is a long delay, the Network (ISDN).
quality of video teleconferencing will decrease.
Currently, there are many free electronic mail service providers on the Internet
such as Gmail, Yahoo Mail and Outlook.com. All these service providers enable
the sending of multimedia mail containing pictures, songs and animation.
However, most of these service providers have specific conditions. For example,
Gmail has determined that the size of mail to be sent through it must not be more
than 25MB. This is to prevent network congestion and to reduce delay.
Figure 2.3 depicts an example of a Gmail which is commonly used. Look at the
various file types which can be utilised for email communication.
In the early years, encyclopaedias were merely text elements. Gradually, other
important elements such as animation, audio and video were integrated. Thus, a
method of disseminating information based on the hypermedia concept was
born. An example of this is Microsoft Encarta. Microsoft Encarta from Microsoft
Corporation was first marketed in 1993 and was an interactive encyclopaedia
which could be played on Windows-based computers. However, the production
of these references has been replaced with online references such as Wikipedia
and Encyclopaedia Britannica.
(a) Edutainment
The inclusion of multimedia in the field of education gave birth to
edutainment. It is a new learning approach which combines education and
entertainment. Hence, it has led to the emergence of many multimedia
applications based on edutainment such as Math Blaster and Math is Fun.
These multimedia applications teach children mathematics using fun
elements. They are now more accessible on web pages to deliver the
educational content effectively.
(b) Infotainment
Infotainment, on the other hand, is a combination of information and
entertainment. Currently, there are many service providers under this
category such as America Online (AOL), MicrosoftÊs MSN and Cable News
Network (CNN).
Figure 2.4(a) and Figure 2.4(b) show edutainment and infotainment applications
that use multimedia technology:
(a) Users will use this application to obtain information about products or
services that they are interested in. They can also ask for public opinion
through online forums while the advertisers can use this application to
inform users about the products and services being offered; and
(b) Users have the opportunity to ask the advertisers questions while the
advertisers also have the opportunity to answer the questions more
specifically and clearly. Both parties can use the application for transactions
involving ordering and payment. An example of this application is shown
in Figure 2.5.
Browsing through the web, one could find thousands of newspapers in tens of
different languages bringing up-to-date news to millions of web surfers. The
interactive nature of the web also allows for news providers to enrich their
traditional mainly text-based content by adding live reports and video clips, as
well as offering their customers sophisticated search facilities and „push‰
technology to send users specific news on demand.
Even traditional news broadcasting corporations like the BBC and CNN are
allocating enormous budgets in developing web-based news delivery and
Internet channel that offers 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week news to users
when and where they require it.
(Mohammad Dastbaz, 2002)
With the existence of the digital or virtual library, students no longer need to go
to libraries but can search and obtain information that they require through the
Internet. Computers can access distant libraries for the contents of their
services and other available resources. Information services are available to users
from various libraries all around the world.
Presently, there are more than 10,000 libraries reachable through the Internet. For
(a) National libraries that are available worldwide such as the Library of
Congress of the United States of America, the National Library of Canada
and the National Library of Australia; and
(b) The Library of Britain, which is popularly known as the British Library, is
one of the oldest and most famous libraries in the world. This library can be
reached at http://www.bl.uk.
There are some features which allow users easy access to the digital library.
Among them are:
(a) National and international telephone networks with speed and bandwidth
which can transfer big and complex text files and graphic digital images;
(c) Automated digital instruments such as scanners and fax machines which
can transfer data and information in real time.
Figure 2.6 shows the digital library which is available on the OUM website.
Browse through the OUM website at the address stated above. Try to get
information on books that you are interested in. List the information that you
have successfully obtained.
Figure 2.7: Multimedia application flow in the fields of education and health
In this modern world, traditional education such as classroom lectures might not
be able to fulfil the current needs of students and not to mention its expensive
cost. Distance learning or online learning is becoming more popular due to its
flexibility and ease of operation. Although most online education today only uses
text media, it may change to complete multimedia in the near future. Therefore,
the quality of learning can be enhanced with learning materials equipped with
media such as text, video, audio and animation.
You can browse through the website to view the video-on-demand (VOD)
application. What information did you get?
If you are interested to know more about the location of the MSC, you may
browse through the Multimedia Super Corridor website at www.msc.com.my
Putrajaya is the head office of the Malaysian government and is known as the
Intelligent City. This Intelligent City is equipped with all the
sophisticated technological facilities. The government strives to modernise
the countryÊs administration in order to achieve the status of an electronic
Cyberjaya is the investment site and creative centre for some of the giant
companies which are directly involved in innovative multimedia and have
successfully formed their own creative centres. Therefore, these companies use
sophisticated multimedia technology to produce and supply their products and
services to the world market. On top of that, Cyberjaya is also the site for
universities, intelligent homes and smart schools.
If you are curious to learn more about MDC, you may browse through the
Multimedia Development Corporation website at www.mdc.com.my.
(a) To offer efficient and high quality online services and administration to the
The objectives of smart schools are to improve the quality of education, training,
the organisation of schools and students' presentations. It is also aimed at
accelerating the development of critical thinking, learning and creativity.
The list of benchmarked smart schools can be found at MSCÊs website as shown
in Figure 2.12:
2.4.4 Telemedicine
The use of technology and multimedia equipment on a broader aspect is a new
approach in healthcare. The public can enjoy more healthcare services through
the use of this telemedicine system. The public or patients can access the
healthcare system directly or via teleconsulting with medical doctors at
community centres or at home.
(a) Provide medical services for the benefit of the rural population;
(b) Reduce delivery time;
(c) Save costs; and
(d) Be the regional centre for the development of telemedicine.
Any international company can work together with local companies to undertake
research and invent competitive multimedia products to be marketed to the
world. In a nutshell, the objective of this network is to focus on research and
development, product design, engineering support, distribution logistics and
control centre manufacturing.
With this main flagship application, Malaysians from all walks of life would be
able to benefit greatly, be they students, teachers, community leaders,
businessmen or politicians. They would find that multimedia technology and
equipment very useful in their daily lives.
2. Let us say that you are planning to go for a vacation but do not
know of any travel agency in Malaysia. You can find it on the
Internet. List three travel agencies in Malaysia that have advertised
on the Internet.
Do you know why it is important for us to know the hardware required for a
multimedia computer system? This is because without the hardware, we will not
be able to enjoy interesting videos, animated graphics, texts or colourful pictures,
etc. Besides that, knowledge about computer hardware is essential to enable us to
work more confidently with multimedia elements. Therefore, this topic will
explain the basic hardware including input, output and storage devices required
by a multimedia computer.
standardisation for the multimedia computer system, then for sure your task will
be much easier to be accomplished.
In 1993, MPC Level 2 was introduced and, two years later, in 1995, MPC Level 3
was announced. These MPC standards emphasised on speed and the system's
capacity, quality of the colour and resolution of the monitor, the speed of the CD-
ROM and also the audio and video cards used.
3.2.1 Microprocessor
The microprocessor is the most important hardware in a multimedia computer
system. It is the „heart‰ of a multimedia computer. Without it, all data processing
cannot be done and there would not be an output display. As you know, the
current file size of a multimedia computer can be very large, to the extent of
reaching hundreds of megabytes. This situation requires a fast and effective
processor for multimedia data so that users do not have to wait long for the
output display.
The need for a high capacity processor is more apparent nowadays as most
multimedia software today are more orientated towards graphics and videos that
require a powerful high speed processor. The increasingly powerful
microprocessor will enable you to view video displays, listen to MP3 songs and
play three-dimensional video games on the computer. Figure 3.3 shows the Intel
and AMD microprocessors.
CD-ROMÊs main advantage, besides its speed, is its ability to store more data.
Usually a CD-ROM can store 650 megabytes of data on its single side. This makes
it the main choice for software developing companies because of its ability to
transfer a big amount of video, audio, graphics and animation data into their
Copyright © Open University Malaysia (OUM)
software. For example, the majority of multimedia files such as animation, audio
and video exceed 3MB and, thus, the 1.44MB floppy disk is not capable of storing
such data.
The CD-ROM drive is also measured in terms of speed. The rotational speed is
important to determine the speed of the data being transferred from the disk to
the computer system.
The speed of the CD-ROM drive is measured in „X‰ unit. An „X‰ (1X) means the
speed of data transfer is 150KB per second, which is the basic speed of a
CD-ROM drive. CD-ROM drives with this basic speed were also known as Single
Speed. The subsequent technology was known as Double Speed. CD-ROM drives
at this stage were able to transfer data at 300KB per second, which was twice the
speed of the basic CD-ROM drive. Today, the latest CD-ROM drive is 56X and it
is able to transfer data at 8.4MB per second. This is one of the main reasons why
the installation of programs, especially multimedia software, can be done quickly
CD technology has advanced beyond read-only and now there are CD read,
write and re-write devices. There are different CD standards available which
relate to the type of data that can be recorded on the CD. These are: Red Book
used for audio CDs as well as data CDs; Orange Book format, which is a
format for recordable CDs; and White Book, a format for video CDs. CD
devices are often referred to as either single or multi session. A session on a
CD includes a lead-in area, a program area (data or audio tracks) and a lead-
out area. Therefore, a multi-session disk is one, which has multiple sessions on
one disk. Each session has its own lead-in, content and lead-out area, and is
linked with other sessions.
(Mohammad Dastbaz, 2002)
DVD drive was introduced in 1996 and started to become popular at the end of
1997. DVD technology was said to be the successor of the CD-ROM technology.
A DVD drive can store 4.7 gigabyte of data on a single surface of a DVD disk,
which is seven times the capacity of a CD. Moreover, many DVD drives can store
data on both sides of a DVD disk which doubles its storage capacity. In addition,
the transfer speed of a DVD drive is much faster than a CD-ROM drive.
There are two important issues which you need to consider pertaining to video
capture card, which are resolution or colour, and memory. Today, most video
capture cards can display 800 600 pixels of resolution. There are also video
capture card that can display 1,024 768 pixel and 1,152 1,024 pixels of
The colour display of a video capture card is influenced by bits. The higher the
bit, the more colour can be displayed. For example, a 24-bit video capture card
can display 16.7 million types of colour whereas an 8-bit video capture card can
display 256 types of colour only.
The memory in the video capture card is used to keep video data which has been
processed by the microprocessor. It aims to ensure the smooth display of the
video or graphics on the screen. After the video data has been processed by the
microprocessor, the data would be sent via the bus before reaching the video
capture card. Here, the data will be converted into video signals and is kept in
the memory before it is displayed on the monitor screen. The larger the memory
of the video capture card, the better the quality of the video or graphics
High quality sound cards enable your computer to produce various interesting
sounds for your computer games software. One of the most important aspects of
a sound card is the bit rate. In the market currently, there are 8-bit, 16-bit and
24-bit sound cards. A 24-bit sound card can produce higher quality sound
compared to an 8-bit sound card because more audio information can be sent
through it.
Speakers used in a multimedia computer are more or less the same as other
speakers. Figure 3.7 shows an example of speakers normally found in the
market. Companies producing well-known speakers are Klipsch and Altec-
The main function of speakers is to produce sounds such as music and voice.
Users will normally choose speakers based on their individual needs and
preferences. If you only wish to listen to sound effects or music, then normal
speakers are sufficient. However, to enjoy better quality sound, speakers that are
equipped with two front and two back satellite speakers and a subwoofer are
Modem is a hardware you need to have in order to access the Internet. Without
this hardware, multimedia technology would not have been able to progress so
rapidly. This is because the information or multimedia data available on the
Internet would not be able to be shared or referred to like today.
Modems can be divided into three categories, which are internal modem (Figure
3.8a), external modem (Figure 3.8b) and wireless.
2. Name two main brands of sound cards that are available in the
market currently.
If you are developing a kiosk system, you are encouraged to use touch screen
(please refer to Figure 3.9) and keyboard as the input devices so that users can
interact with the system. On the other hand, if you are into computer graphics,
then you can use a digitising tablet as the input device. A digitising tablet allows
you to draw on the tablet using a special pen and the drawings will be displayed
immediately on the computer screen.
Input devices that will be discussed in the subsequent sections are digitising
tablet, digital camera, digital video camera and voice input devices.
For more information on other input devices, you are advised to refer to the Basic
Concepts of Information Technology Module, Open University Malaysia.
It is far simpler than the conventional method whereby you have to capture
the picture or image on the camera first. The film then needs to be
processed to obtain the pictures before it can be scanned by a scanner.
When choosing a digital camera, make sure you get a digital camera that is
capable of producing clear quality displays and with a high
resolution. However, such high resolution digital cameras are far more
expensive than low resolution digital cameras.
Digital cameras can also store data on digital video tapes which can then be
directly read by the computer system with the help of the digital video
drive. This tape is frequently known as Digital Video (DV).
When the microphone is combined with the sound card and suitable software, a
system of voice recognition is formed. This system enables users to operate the
microcomputer and construct document through instructions that are voice
2. Briefly state the differences between the digital camera and the
conventional camera.
Output devices that are frequently used with your multimedia computers are the
monitor, printer, plotter, projector and voice output device. However, only two
output devices ă the monitor and the projector ă will be discussed here. To know
more about other output devices, please refer to the Basic Concepts of
Information Technology Module, Open University Malaysia.
(a) Monitor
The monitor is used for display. It is one of the most important hardware in
a multimedia computer system. Imagine that you had successfully
completed your final animation project and were looking forward to
showing the results of your work to your friends. Unfortunately,
your monitor broke down. Without the monitor, you would not be able to
present the result of your work to your friends.
monitor. You may find better display technology such as the organic light-
emitting diode (OLED) monitors which provides higher contrast and better
viewing angles than LCDs. Figure 3.12 shows the three types of monitors:
The two important features of a monitor are its size and clarity. Monitor
size is determined by the diagonal length of the display area. Usually,
monitors come in many sizes such as 14, 15, 17 and 21 inches. The bigger
the size of the monitor, the more expensive it is. However, a larger size is
capable of displaying more information at any one time.
the more number of pixels, the better the quality and clarity of the image
Dot pitch is the empty space or the distance between each pixel. The
smaller the value of the dot pitch, the sharper or clearer the quality of the
picture. Meanwhile, refresh rate represents the speed of the monitor to
display back or to refresh the image being displayed. The higher the value
of the refresh rate of the monitor, the lower the disruption of the display on
the screen.
(b) Projector
The projector is a tool that enables a multimedia presentation to be
displayed to a large group of audience. Among the projectors available in
the market are the Liquid Crystal Display Panel and the Three-Gun Video
(i) The Liquid Crystal Display Panel projector has many interesting
features such as an LCD panel, light source, computer and video
input, and internal speakers that can operate computer signals and
videos. This type of portable projector is suitable for use because it is
cheap and has high quality.
1. What is the special type of printer used for drawings and designs?
An important feature of every computer is its ability to store information.
Computers can store information permanently even after the electrical supply is
stopped. Therefore, your work can be saved to be used later, to share information
with others or to modify existing information.
Each data or instruction that you want the computer to perform would be kept
temporarily in the computer's main memory, which is known as the primary
storage. However, it is not permanent and will disappear when the computer is
switched off. Therefore, a secondary storage or second storage medium is
required. Secondary storage enables data, instructions or computer programs to
be kept permanently.
To estimate the memory required for a multimedia project, meaning the storage
space that is required for the hard disk, floppy disk or CD-ROM, and not the
random access memory (RAM), you would require prior knowledge of the content
and scope of the project that you are going to develop. Integration of coloured
images, text, sound elements, graphics, animation, video clips and programming
codes would require storage space. The more the integration of multimedia
elements, the more storage space is required. Therefore, efficient multimedia
developers need to know the different kinds of secondary storage media that are
available. They need to know the limits, the capacity and the use of each secondary
storage medium.
The two common forms of modern Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) are 3.5-inch in
desktop computers and 2.5-inch in laptops. HDDs are connected to systems by
standard interface cables such as SATA (Serial ATA), USB or SAS (Serial attached
SCSI) cables.
As of 2012, the competition for secondary storage is flash memory in the form of
solid-state drives (SSDs). HDDs are expected to remain the dominant medium
for secondary storage due to predicted continuing advantages in recording
capacity and price per unit of storage, but SSDs are replacing HDDs where
speed, power consumption and durability are more important considerations
than price and capacity.
1. What is the difference between the internal hard disk and the
portable hard disk? State the advantages and disadvantages.
A normal situation that occurs is when you go to a computer store and the
salesperson proposes that you buy the most sophisticated and expensive
computer available. The important issue here is, do you need to own such
a sophisticated and expensive multimedia computer as proposed by the
Hard Drive: 2TB 7,200 RPM SATA Hard Drive 6.0 Gb/s + 32GB SSD
Apart from the computer's specifications as stated above, what are the other
criteria which need to be considered when you want to purchase a multimedia
computer? When you have decided to purchase a multimedia computer for your
daily use, you need not follow the latest trend but, on the other hand, you
should consider the following criteria:
(a) Price;
(b) SystemÊs performance; and
(c) Needs.
3.5.1 Price
Price is the foremost criteria when choosing a multimedia computer. If you want
to buy a computer, you must decide on the estimated amount of money to be
used in the first place. If you require a sophisticated and modern computer with
the above specifications (stated in Activity 3.4) which belong to DellÊs XPS 8700,
then you should set aside more money because these products are really
The price of computer hardware will decline when more sophisticated and faster
hardware are marketed. The most obvious example is the Pentium Core i3
microprocessor. When this chip was marketed, its price exceeded three thousand
ringgit; currently, you can purchase it for approximately less than two thousand
inggit only. Therefore, if you are planning to purchase a multimedia computer,
you can get one at a reasonable price. You need not waste money unnecessarily
by purchasing a sophisticated multimedia computer.
(a) Processor: 4th Generation Intel® Core™ i3-4130 Processor (3M Cache, 3.4
(c) Hard Drive: 500GB 7,200 rpm SATA 6Gb/s Hard Drive.
3.5.3 Needs
Most consumers do not consider their actual needs when buying a multimedia
computer. They always choose the most sophisticated and expensive computers.
For example, there are consumers who buy sophisticated multimedia computers
just to type word documents, and there are also consumers who buy multimedia
computers that are equipped with the fastest modem even though he or she has
no intention of browsing the Internet.
Remember! You should know your real needs when planning to purchase a
multimedia computer so that you can get a computer that not only meets your
requirements and preference, but also one with a reasonable price.
1. Name the three hardware that you think can influence a systemÊs
Although there are many kinds of computer hardware in the market, you as
the multimedia developer should choose the hardware that corresponds
with the concept and scope of the multimedia project that you are
Choosing the right input and output devices, and storage which meet the
requirement of your project will help to contribute towards the success of
your multimedia project.
Finally, several guidelines are given at the end to help you choose the most
suitable multimedia computer. Do not forget to use these guidelines when
purchasing a multimedia computer.
In the previous topics we learnt about the various multimedia applications that
are available in our daily lives. In this topic, we will discuss current multimedia
technological developments. Besides that, we will look into the challenges faced
by multimedia technology today.
Other than that, the increase in the number of multimedia products and
applications reflect the fact that multimedia technology is not only experiencing a
very rapid growth but has become a very important part of our everyday lives. In
fact, many local companies have developed and distributed multimedia software
that is suitable for local consumers especially in the fields of education and
The following sections will briefly discuss some of the factors that contribute
towards the current development of multimedia technology.
4.1.1 Price
Economists have stated that if the price of a product drops, then demand for the
product will increase. This statement is astoundingly accurate; as the price of
multimedia computers drop, more Malaysians can afford to own one.
If five years ago you need to fork out RM5,000 to own a multimedia computer
complete with compact-disk players and sophisticated audio and video, now you
only need to pay about RM2,000 or cheaper to own a similar set.
Do you know that in 1992, a courseware was sold at RM250? Today, software
prices have dropped tremendously to the extent that one can purchase a software
for only RM15 to RM20. The drop in the prices of multimedia components
assures us that multimedia technological development will be more rapid in the
Now, DVD technology has replaced VHS technology and laser disk in the
production of digital videos or films because DVD pictures are clearer, faster and
of a higher quality. The lower the price of the DVD, the higher the number of
household occupants that can afford to own one. The film industry and
multimedia games developers who require large disk capacity also benefit from
the price drop.
4.1.4 Internet
With the availability of Internet technology, multimedia software such as Adobe
Director, Adobe Authorware and Adobe Flash are capable of producing
sophisticated and interesting Internet-based multimedia software or applications.
Websites have also experienced positive changes. In the early stages, websites
only displayed information in text forms. Now, through Internet technology and
sophisticated software, websites have changed and have full dynamic and
multimedia features and are also able to display graphics, audio, video,
animation and others.
What do you know about Google Glass? How about smart watches like Pebble
Smartwatch, Sony Smartwatches 2, QualcommÊs Toq Smartwatch, or even smart
wristband in many forms such as for life-monitoring, cardiac-monitoring,
emotion-monitoring, audio-recording purpose or for athletic purposes? These are
examples of wearable computing that will be another trend in the future
especially in exploiting multimedia technology.
Apart from the factors given, state two other factors that have helped in
the development of multimedia technology.
Do you still remember the type of coloured monitor that was first used? That was
the Visibility Graphic Analysis (VGA) monitor. This display device underwent a
very rapid evolution. Today, several standards have been developed to
determine the capacity of a computerÊs resolution. There are lots of standards
commonly used at this moment from SVGA, XGA, SXGA and UXGA to Full HD
and 4K technology. Research and development is still carried out in order to
produce monitors with high resolution, durable and economical in terms
electrical consumption.
4.2.3 Storage
Currently, the main focus of computer developers is to obtain a faster way of
processing and a high-capacity but smaller sized storage medium. Besides all the
storage media already discussed in the previous topics, other storage media such
as the electronic molecule and the hologram might be able to replace the floppy
disk, the compact disks or other forms of storage media of the future. Holograms
and molecular magnets are two forms of storage media which may be researched
and developed in the next few years.
(a) Hologram
When we mention holograms, most people would think of holograms as
the three-dimensional pictures created by laser rays. Sometimes, it is also
used as logos on credit cards. Holograms can also store a large batch of
data. In the near future, holograms would not only take over the place of a
hard drive but may even replace memory chips. However, the use of
holograms as a storage medium still requires extensive and detailed
technological research.
You may find interesting information from an article entitled The Future of
Storage that can be retrieved from the following website:
To get some ideas on the future of virtual reality and multimedia computing,
please read the article at this website:
Multimedia would not be complete without text. This is because text is one of
the most important elements not only in multimedia development but also in
other fields. The combination of animation, audio, video and graphics can be
used to develop multimedia. However, consumers' knowledge will be greatly
enhanced when text is combined with other elements. Text is still needed
to provide information and explanation for images, graphics and animation.
Today, text and the ability to read is the gateway to knowledge and
success. Reading and writing are expected and become the necessary skills
within most modern cultures.
Text is the basic element for all multimedia applications. Without text,
information that you wish to convey might be lost during your interpretation
of other media elements such as graphics, sound and video. Considering that
there are various cultural norms to adhere to, text is considered the best and
safest form of communication medium to deliver messages effectively so that
misunderstanding will not arise.
There are many formats for text and it depends on the word processing
document used. For example, when one uses the Word program in Microsoft
Windows, it will produce the file format -*.doc, whereas, the WordPerfect
program will produce the file format -*.wpd.
These file formats are not readable by many authoring packages and
presentations. Table 5.1 shows the file formats that can be imported into popular
authoring packages such as Adobe Authorware and Director.
Figure 5.1 depicts the many ways text is used in multimedia applications.
(i) Left-justify
Text is aligned evenly on the left margin, as follows:
(ii) Right-justify
Text is aligned evenly on the right margin, as follows:
(iii) Centre
Text that is centred on a specified line length, as follows:
(iv) Full-justify
Both margins on the left and on the right are the same, as follows:
From the four styles above, the left-justified and the full-justified styles are
easier to read and recommended for use. The centred style is suitable for
headings and quotations; right-justified with uneven left margins can be
used to create special effects. You can also use this style for text placed next
to a picture.
also trigger sound effects and animation. The Internet is an example of text
used as interactive navigational control.
Typefaces refer to the types of writing whereas font refers to the style
of writing.
Times New Roman, Courier and Arial are among the common typefaces used.
Times New Roman 12 point italic is an example of a font. Figure 5.7 shows the
three main types of typefaces:
You may be confused with the meaning of fonts and typefaces given above. This
is because in everyday use, we often use the word „font‰ when we are actually
referring to the typeface, which should be the correct word to use.
Figure 5.8: Different typefaces and fonts produce different moods in multimedia
There are many websites where you can download fonts whether as freeware or
shareware. Among them are: http://www.fontfoundry.com, http://www.
myfonts.com and https://www.google.com/fonts.
The text size does not reflect the actual height or width of a character. This is
because the height of the lowercase letter "k" of two different typefaces may vary
while the height of the capital letter "K" of those typefaces may be the
same. However, word processing software will make the modification
automatically to overcome this spacing problem.
Text size is usually measured in point form (please refer to Figure 5.9). A point
is 0.0138 inches or 1/72 inches. In other words, there are 72 points in an inch. Size
10 to size 12 typefaces is often used to display the table of contents on the screen.
Nevertheless, the selection of size is also closely linked to the target group
There are also other categories such as Blackletter, Ornamental, Script, Slab Serif
and Transitional.
5.4.1 Serif
Serif refers to the line or curve (tail) that exists at the end of a character. Examples
of serif are Times New Roman, New century, Schoolbook and Palatino. For
Figure 5.11 clearly shows the difference between serif and sans serif typefaces:
5.4.3 Decorative
Decorative refers to typefaces with old literature and flowery elements and look
like ancient writings. For example:
with this effectively. Nevertheless, the importance of text and its content
accuracy cannot be denied.
The following are several guidelines on the use of text that you can follow during
the development of your multimedia presentations.
From a design standpoint, text should fill less than half the screen. Therefore, a
combination of other elements is needed to reduce the dependency of
multimedia applications on text (please refer to Figure 5.12).
Therefore, typefaces and fonts are often used to draw attention to the
information that is conveyed on the screen, increase readability, brighten the
mood and should be in line with the concept of the application being developed.
Ensure that the chosen typeface can be used in all platforms.
Text colour and background colour also play an important role to determine
whether the words are clear and readable. If possible, avoid using text and
background that have similar colours.
5.5.5 Consistency
Consistency or uniformity of textual use is important when developing a
multimedia application. The use of size, font, typeface and style must be
consistent with the design and concept of the project. For example, if the
application being developed has several screens that require the use of headings
and sub-headings, the use of typeface, font, style and colour should then be
consistent with each heading and sub-heading.
Arial Charcoal
Book Antiqua Chicago
Bookman Old Style Courier
Bookshelf Symbol Geneva
Century Gothic Helvetica
Comic Sans MS Monaco
Courier New New York
Garamond Palatino
Haettenschweiler Symbol
Impact Lucida Console Times
Monotype Corsiva
Monotype Sorts
MS Outlook
MS Sans Serif
MS Serif
Small Fonts
Times New Roman
There are two methods that can be used to make a large amount of text less
overwhelming or minimal:
5.6.1 Hypertext
This method only provides text as a path for users to obtain more related
information. Users would be supplied with minimum text or content and
additional information will only be displayed when you click or activate the
word of your choice. This technique is widely used in Web pages.
A user will be able to read the text that has been prepared and the same text can
take users to other related pages that contain related information. Here, the
users determine the direction of reading or information acquisition and not the
writer. This hypertext concept is mostly found in Web pages. It is often
represented by text in blue and is underlined like this: Multimedia.
Adobe Authorware Used for an application that does not require a lot
of text.
Can be used directly to type the required text.
Text has been around since ancient times. The ability to read and write text
means success for the modern man.
Other elements to consider when manipulating text include text size and
typeface categories.
In multimedia applications, the text element alone is not enough to convey the
intended meaning. Visual images provide a higher impact compared to text.
Graphics play an important role in multimedia presentations and are one of the
most popular elements used in the development of multimedia applications.
As the Chinese proverb says, „a picture paints a thousand words‰; thus, a visual
graphical display is capable of presenting information more attractively and
effectively. Graphics also accelerate the presentation of information and provide
clearer, accurate and consistent information as compared to information that
consists of only text.
Graphics also refer to the use of visuals to explain concepts that cannot or are
difficult to be described with the use of text.
Computer graphics can be divided into two categories, which are vector graphics
and bitmap graphics. When developing graphics for multimedia applications,
you will use either one or both types of graphics. Before we study computer
graphics in greater detail, let us look at the early history of graphics first.
„A few years ago, a large corporation asked us and one other multimedia
developer to bid on a long-term contract for computer-based training. Though
busy with other active projects, we didnÊt want this possibly lucrative
opportunity to slip by, so we spent a few days hastily putting together a
demonstration of our technical skills for building nifty databases, designing
tricky telecommunications systems, and integrating live video from videodisc
into the computer. We even „wire-framed‰ a bit of a working multimedia
database with the real data we got from the corporation.
Vaughn (2001)
In 1880, the first press, New York Daily Graphic, used new graphic technology
elements such as photography. In the same year, graphic designers produced
illustrated posters by using full colours. The posters were displayed in several
areas and towns in the United States and around Europe.
From 1890 until 1930, the Avant Garde group introduced the term „Art Nouveu‰.
This group pioneered the art of free style lettering which was not confined to the
old method. One of the prominent graphic designers from this group was
Toulouse-Lautrec. Then, other graphic designers emerged, such as Charles
Rennie Mackintosh, Peter Benrens and Frank Lloyd Wright with their own
individual graphic creations.
The emergence of ideologies in the field of art brought a lot of changes in the
creation of graphic designs. For example, a magazine's layout was no longer
confined to the traditional way that emphasised symmetry. The new layout put
more emphasis on free style motivational designs.
During the 1920s, the development of graphic designs progressed more rapidly
with the emergence of the group called „de still group‰. This period was parallel
to the Russian Revolutionary period. Graphic designs became freer and
communications with the customers were considered important. Then, a group
called „Bauhaus‰ introduced language art through fundamental designs. This
group introduced formal graphics education such as lines, forms and alphabets
in graphic designs.
If you are interested to know more about graphic designs, please refer to the
book, Multimedia: The complete guide, produced by Dorling Kindersley
Limited, London, in 1996. You will learn the techniques used by graphic
designers to produce images on computer screens and many others.
In the world of science, computer graphics can create a world which is invisible
to the naked eye or beyond reachable. For example, NASA (National Aeronautics
and Space Administration) has created the topography of Planet Mars, from the
data sent by the Telescope Hubble. From the available data, scientists are able to
see the molecular structure on the computer screen.
In the industrial world, computer graphics can help in the design of vehicles such
as cars, vans, aeroplanes, motorcycles, marine vessels and lorries. Before
production, the vehicles' level of safety, aerodynamic percentages, the suitable
colours and the subsequent finished designs can be viewed via computer (please
refer to Figure 6.1).
In the medical field, computer graphics can help in the design of imitation limbs
that are suitable for a particular individual. In the near future, virtual reality can
aid in long-distance operations. Virtual reality is also used in simulations such as
aircraft simulations used to train pilots. Besides that, virtual reality is also used
by the police force to train its members on how to face a tense situation such as in
a shooting scenario. Figure 6.2 shows us a computer graphic of a womanÊs head.
Computer graphics are also used in other fields such as in computer games,
films, advertising and education. Now, computer graphics are not only accepted
as an aspect of entertainment and knowledge, but it also gives a picture of the
technological advancement of a country. In the world of computers, computer
graphics is the most difficult field to explore because of the infinite imagination
of the artists. The computers used are highly powered and there is no limit to the
creativity of the computer graphics enthusiast. In Figure 6.3, you can see a
sample of computer graphic for stimulation.
(c) Object
Clickable graphics are considered as objects that can be used to link to
other objects, pages, functions or any necessary task in a multimedia
Besides the uses of graphics stated earlier, think of any other situation
where graphics are used in a multimedia application.
Vector graphics do not depend on resolution. The size of the vector image can be
changed and it can also be printed on any printer no matter what is the
resolution, without the loss of quality. Vector graphics are most suitable for text
(especially small text) and thick graphics (bold) which, when altering its size, the
quality still remains the same such as logos.
Among the applications that provide the environment based on vector graphics
are Adobe lllustrator, CorelDRAW and Inkscape. Table 6.1 contrasts the
advantages and disadvantages of vector graphics:
Advantages Disadvantages
Requires only a small size data for Not realistic because of the computer
image representation. technology.
Quality of the Vector graphics remains The more complex the image created
the same even though the size and the the bigger the file size and the slower
position change. the display.
Within the confines of metric, these pixels are arranged according to size, colour
and location. The image created on the computer screen is the combination of all
these pixels.
Each pixel or dot that forms the bitmap image consists of 3 colours: red, green
and blue or is more popularly known as RGB (Red, Green, Blue). Nevertheless,
these pixels may also consist of black and white (monochrome) or grey colour or
have 256 colours up to 16 million colours. The more colours that are used for an
image, the closer the resemblance of the image to the real image.
(a) Producing the image from scratch by using computer drawing programs
such as the Paint Program;
(b) Capturing the image direct from the screen (screen capture) and then
pasting the image onto your computer drawing program or application;
Among the applications that are used to edit or modify a bitmap image are
Adobe Photoshop, Corel Paint-Shop Pro and GIMP. The bitmap image produced
may be copied, modified, delivered via e-mail and used in various creative ways.
Table 6.2 contrasts the advantages and disadvantages of bitmap graphics:
Advantages Disadvantages
The appearance of both of these images also depends on the resolution display
and capability of your graphics tools and the monitor of your computer. Both
these images can be kept in various types of file formats and can be translated
from one application to another or from one platform to another. Autotracing is a
technique where a bitmap image is converted into a vector image. An example of
the software used for this process is Streamline from Adobe. Other than that, the
file image can also be compressed to save memory and disk space; in fact many
image formats use this compression method in their files such as GIF, JPEG and
PNG file format. Figure 6.4 shows the differences between vector and bitmap
The monitor and the central processing unit are connected to each other through
a graphics card located in the motherboard. Do you know that the image
produced by graphics software is in digital format? But a computer monitor can
only display images in analogue format. Therefore, there is a need for a
conversion process and this is the job of the graphics card (please see Figure 6.5).
The function of a graphics card is to convert digital images to analogue form and
then display it on the monitor screen. The graphics card is also known as the
video controller/adapter card because it also plays a role in displaying video
graphics. Most importantly, regardless of what it is called, its function is still the
same: that is to display your image.
The graphics card on the computer determines how many colours are available
for display on a computer screen. The number of colours on the computer screen
is known as colour palette and it is determined by the depth of bits of your
graphics card. Each pixel is produced by a combination of the three primary
colours that is red, green and blue (RGB). The bit depth or colour depth refers to
the range of existing colours in a pixel or the number of different colours that
exists on an image.
Bit is an abbreviation for Binary digit (BInary digiT) and it comprises of 0 and 1.
If your pixel can only hold 1 bit of information, this means your monitor would
only be able to display 2 colours, black and white (monochrome). If each pixel
can hold two bits of information, each bit would have two colours and both the
bits will produce four colours (2ï2). A 4-bit display will gives you 16 colours
(2ï2ï2ï2) and an 8-bit display will give you 256 colours. The greater the number of
bits in a pixel, the more colours in the palette (please refer to Table 6.4).
Therefore, the displayed image will be more colourful and realistic.
Colour Depth/
Colour Available
Bit of a Graphic Card
48-bit 281.5 trillion colours
36-bit 68.71 billion colours
30-bit 1.073 billion colours
24-bit 16,777 216 colours (photo realistic)
16-bit 65,536 colours (excellent for colour images)
8-bit 256 colours (good enough for colour images)
14-bit 16 colours
2-bit 4 colours
1-bit 2 colour (black and white/combination of any two colours)
Figure 6.6 shows the colour palette for GIMP software that can be used to
manipulate the picture with realistic colours.
Table 6.5 shows a few graphics file format available. Each file format contains its
own distinctive features, advantages and disadvantages.
.jpg JPEGÊs image; named after the standard committee that developed it
which is the Joint PhotographicÊs Experts Group. It aimed to be a
graphics format that is not platform specific (Platform Independent).
This is the most popular graphics file format used on websites.
.pcd Photo CD; based on Photo CD technology from Kodak. Consists of five
types of sizes for each picture, from „wallet‰ to „poster‰ size.
.tiff Tagged Image File Format (TIFF); is developed by Aldus Corporation and
consists of many file versions. Usually used in desktop publishing
software packages and is a file format favoured by printing companies.
The explanation about graphics file formats above may be limited. To know more
about this topic, refer to Chapter 3: Images in the book Multimedia: Making It
work by Tay Vaughn (2014).
The following are some of the sources to obtain the required images or graphics
for a multimedia application development (please refer to Figure 6.7).
6.8.1 Scanner
Scanning an image or photograph for use in a multimedia presentation is one
way of getting images for ready-made applications. A scanner is an equipment
that is able to change images, text, drawings and photographs from analogue to
digital forms. A good quality scans depend on the number of resolutions of the
A scanner can digitise and convert graphics to bitmap images on the computer. It
can also convert text document to files that can be manipulated by the computer.
Examples of available digital cameras in the market are Samsung Galaxy Camera
and Canon PowerShot.
Clip Art can be obtained from CD-ROMs and through online services. Clip Art
and useful graphics are bundled together with many graphics applications; in
fact many companies will send the collection once you register your purchased
product. The collection of Clip Art may contain a mixture of many images or a
series of graphics, photographs, sounds and videos related to a single theme or a
certain topic.
Software Use
Adobe Photoshop Complex graphics software and is used for editing and
manipulation of images.
GIMP It is free and an open source software which you can download
and use for free. Its functionalities are similar with Photoshop,
except for commercial palettes.
Inkscape This is also free and an open source software with similar
functionalities with Illustrator which is used to manipulate
vector graphics.
In fact, all the three categories of the graphics software are interdependent.
Software such as Adobe Photoshop (please refer to Figure 6.9) are included in
various categories.
The following are some of the websites that you can visit to obtain free graphics
and photos:
(a) http://www.freegraphics.org;
(b) http://www.allfree-clipart.com;
(c) http://www.freefoto.com;
(d) http://www.freestockphotos.com; and
(e) http://www.goodwp.com.
Have you ever obtained or downloaded any image from a website? What
is your view on the use of such images?
Graphics have been around since the introduction of the printing press. The
history of graphics predates computers. The advent of computers has
revolutionised and advanced the visual power of graphics.
There are two basic categories of graphics ă vector graphics and bitmap
graphics. Understanding the differences between the two will help you in
your work.
Multimedia technology has contributed a lot in our daily lives specifically in the
entertainment world. Current Hollywood movies, especially action films and
cartoons, use a lot of animation technology such as movies like Star Wars: Attack
of the Clones, Matrix, and Toy Story. Such films interest the audience. In
Malaysia, local animated cartoon film such as Geng: The Adventure Begins and
animated television series such as Upin & Ipin and BoBoiBoy have captivated the
hearts of the audience. Unlike normal films, almost or all of the characters and
scenes in these films are produced through drawings but appeared to be real.
This situation is called animation; where all static images either as drawings,
statues or inanimate objects can move, talk and act like live characters.
Animation provides the visual impact for your multimedia project. Most
multimedia applications, for any platforms like Macintosh, Linux and Windows,
provide the tools required for animation. But before that, we need to understand
the principles and techniques found in animation.
Animation originates from the Latin word which means „bring to life‰.
According to the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka dictionary, animation is an act or
process of making something seem realistic or alive.
When the images are progressively and rapidly changed, the arrow is perceived
to be spinning.
Television video builds 30 entire frames or pictures every second; the speed with
which each frame is replaced by the next one makes the images appear to blend
smoothly into movement.
In conclusion, it can be said that animation is produced with the benefit of the
biological phenomenon known as „persistence of vision‰.
Read the following passage regarding the device known as Zoetrope which is
produced based on the „persistence of vision‰ concept.
The Zoetrope
Source: http://minyos.its.rmit.edu.au/~rpyjp/a_notes/anim_history_02.html
There is a difference between the use of digital video clips and animation. Video
clips capture real live movement whereas animation is just a simulation of the
real world. Digital video files are larger than animation files. Therefore, digital
video clips are only used if it is proven to benefit the overall presentation.
In the West, computer animated technology became a huge success with the
production of animated films such as Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Antz, and Toy
Story. In Malaysia, computer animation technology received attention with the
emergence of the first computer animated cartoons such as, Usop Santorian and
Keluang Man, Anak-anak Sidek and Silat Lagenda. Although these local
animated cartoons have their weaknesses, these efforts have been relatively
successful in introducing new changes in the local film industry.
Beginning from 2007, Upin & Ipin, the first computer animated television series
was aired globally and received extremely positive feedback, not just from
Malaysian, but for several countries after that such as getting huge fans from
Indonesia. In 2011, another history in animation production in Malaysia when
the second computer animated television series, BoBoiBoy was aired globally
and getting popularity within a short time. Now, there are lots of developments
in computer animated series with the help of Malaysia Development Corporation
(MDeC) under their grants for creative industry.
The areas that benefited from computer animation applications are advertising,
archaeology, architecture, arts, chemistry, education, engineering, film and video
production, flight simulation, forensics, medicine, space probe, military and
many others. Figure 7.4 shows the various fields of computer animation.
7.4.1 Education
Education and learning processes will be more effective and attractive if they are
implemented in informal and pleasant situations. With the increasing
development of multimedia, animation continues to contribute greatly to the
field of education. Coloured and dynamic animation features not only make the
educational content more lively and interesting, but it also stimulates and
interests the students.
Many courseware that are available in the market use animation, for example a
courseware built for the Smart School project. What interesting about this
courseware is the interactive feature that is relayed through multimedia.
Students who use this software donÊt use it passively but have active interactions
with the software. Figure 7.5 shows an example of mathematicsÊ software,
„Animated Math‰.
7.4.2 Medicine
Animation also plays an important role in the medical field, especially in
surgery. Sophisticated computer technology enabled every organ in the human
body to be modelled and animated. With the existence of such technology, the
percentage of successful operations will surely increase because surgeons are
able to learn and explore on model organs first before, they operate. This
increases the surgeonsÊ confidence levels and contributes to the success of
7.4.3 Advertising
Advertising especially electronic media advertising has benefited from computer
animation. The advertising field requires dynamic and attractive media such as
the animation available in the film industry. High quality animation features are
capable of obscuring the audienceÊs eyes to the extent that it is difficult to
differentiate between computer animation and real life. If you observe the
advertisements shown on television, you will find that more and more
commercials are using amazing animation techniques.
7.4.4 Chemistry
Animation also contributes to the field of chemistry. This is because there are
many chemicals such as molecules and atoms that cannot be seen by the naked
eye, let alone be experimented or researched on.
7.4.5 Architecture
Computer animation technology helps architecture experts create animation
based on the concepts of internal exploration, where a person is able to
experience a real life situation while exploring and moving in a building (please
refer to Figure 7.6). With this, we can experience the actual situation of a building
before it is built.
This concept also enables an architect to detect any defect in the model or design
at the initial stage. This will surely save cost and energy.
Terminator, Matrix, Star Wars, Attack of the Clones, Stuart Little, Shrek and The
Lord of the Rings have brought computer animation and special effects to a new
level in the film industry.
Computer animation can fully contribute towards games, just like in the field of
education. The highly interactive features make the games software highly
entertaining. Players can respond actively during play. In addition, there are also
games that really challenge the players, not only in terms of physical activity but
also intellectually. Take a look at Figure 7.8 that shows one of the popular games
in the world of computer simulation called The Sims. This game teaches us to
build a simulation of our own world based on the intelligent rules, emotion and
many other rules and regulations.
Think of four other fields that also benefited from computer animated
The following are some of the animation techniques used in the traditional
process of producing animation.
7.6.1 Keyframes
Before the existence of animation technology, all traditional animation was done
by hand. To save time and reduce the workload of the artists, the task of
producing animation was distributed to more than one person. In order for this
process to function smoothly, keyframes were referred to.
After the keyframes have been completely drawn, the other graphics artists will
take over the task of drawing the frames between the first frame and the last
frame. The process of drawing the frames that lie between the keyframes is also
known as tweening.
7.6.2 Tweening
Tweening is the process of producing an image or object in between the
keyframes so as to give the illusion of movement. The tweening process requires
prior counting of the actual number of frames that are required between the
keyframes and the future path to be taken for the sequence of actions. After that,
the sequence of actions will be drawn in pencil. If the end result is satisfactory
and acceptable, then it will be permanently drawn in ink.
The term „cell‰ originates from clear celluloid sheets that are used to draw each
frame. Nowadays, it has been replaced with acetate or plastic. Cell animation
begins with the keyframes. For example, when a person walks across the screen,
he balances his body on one leg and then on the other leg. Thus, the picture of the
first keyframe will show him bending a little then straightening a little then
bending a little again and so on and so forth, continuously.
This technique saves time and energy for the graphics artists because they do not
need to draw each character or object repeatedly. Instead, these artists only need
to draw certain parts of the characters that require movements. The first cartoon,
Steamboat Willie, was produced by Walt Disney using this method (please refer
to Figure 7.11).
Source: http://www.myholler.com/155online/lectures/history.pdf
In Topic 7, you were introduced to some of the traditional techniques of
animation. In this topic, we will discuss computer animation. Computer
animation refers to animation developed by using sophisticated electronic and
computer technology. It may be divided into two categories ă two-dimensional
animation (2D) and three-dimensional animation (3D). Later, we will learn about
the various methods used to develop both these categories. In addition, you will
be introduced to two interesting special effects of animation ă morphing and
The software screen in Figure 8.1 shows two frames that made up the keyframes
(frames no. 1 and 30) for a short animation. The area between both the arrows
shows the process of tweening that occurs between both the keyframes.
The tweening process as explained in the previous topic is one of the famous
animation techniques. Most of the software in the market has its own special
ways of doing the tweening process.
Tweening reduces the workload of the animators or graphics artists. They only
need to design the first and last cell of an animation, as shown in Figures 8.2 and
8.3, where only the first cell and the last cell are required to do an animation that
shows a bird flying. Then, the animation software will make the calculations to
determine what would happen between the first frame and the last frame.
Path animation is not confined to bullet and text only but also to photographs,
logos and character animation. Even though an animation may seem relatively
complex, actually it may be an easy animation that uses path animation. This is
because although path animation is easy to create, it gives the audience a
dynamic experience to the presentation.
Sub-objects or the image in a cell would be drawn repeatedly with each image
showing a specific minimal variation. These images are then organised according
to sequence to generate an illusion of rapid motion.
The changes that happen on the icon are known as icon or „sprite‰ animation.
The function of icon animation is to attract attention by displaying icons that are
flickering, changing its colours, moving and many others. These icons can be
found in many multimedia presentation software, Internet, kiosk and others.
If 2D animation uses only axis x and axis y, 3D animation adds another axis, that
is axis z to represent depth. Depth is what enables cells to seem more realistic. In
3D packages, three-dimensional objects are drawn within the 3D coordination
2D images usually use bitmap images to create cells for animation; while 3D
graphics use vector graphics. In other words, three-dimensional objects are
usually formed by mathematical calculations. Thus, any changes or
modifications that happened to the form, size or colour of the object would result
in the recalculation of the overall mathematical equation.
3D animation has become the primary catalyst for the creation of various
multimedia software and films for the computer animation market. Multimedia
software that are games oriented like Final Fantasy and Doom and western films
like Stuart Little, Casper, Matrix and Toy Story uses 3D animated images to
deliver their messages and this provides new and enjoyable experiences to the
consumers and audience.
Click Grafix Sdn. Bhd. is a local company that provides various multimedia
products and services, animation and digital videos. Visit its website at
www.clickgrafix.com to get various interesting information and the latest on
digital animation.
However, there are many computer animation software such as 3D Studio Max,
Lightwave 3D and Autodesk Maya that can help you to create a complex
animation with relative ease. But the most important factor in computer
animation production besides sophisticated animation technology is your own
imagination and creativity!
In this topic, we will see a few steps or main process involved in producing 3D
animation. These steps are shown in Figure 8.7.
8.6.1 Storyboard
The first step that should be done in 3D animation production is to prepare a
storyboard. Storyboard has an important function because it shows the sequence
of the animation story being created. It is a sketch that shows the story line and
the scenes that will be included in the film or multimedia presentation. Figure 8.8
shows an example of a cartoon storyboard.
8.6.2 Modelling
3D modelling involves the physical formation of 3D objects which would be built
in three-dimensional spaces. Among the modelling often used are wireframe and
solid object modelling (please refer to Figures 8.9 and 8.10).
Computer animated films such as Toy Story and A BugÊs Life used sophisticated
software which is specially designed by the Pixar animation studio to build
characters, sets and the filmsÊ props. Among the advantages of this software is
that, it produces movement and expressions on the faces of the characters
8.6.3 Lighting
Lighting also plays a major role in the production of computer animation. It is
important in creating the real situation or mood of an object. In addition it also
helps by providing dimension to the objects involved. Among the main types of
lighting often used are points light, spotlight, directional light and ambient light
(please refer to Figures 8.12 to 8.15).
By using digital light, each display would be adjusted with the mood and the
surrounding situation of the image. The digital lighting can be done by 3D
modelling software itself or by using specific software for lighting such as
Lightscape (please refer to Figure 8.16).
(d) Spotlight
A spotlight is a positional light source, which has a cone of effect, for
instance, a desk lamp or a torch.
Source: digital-lighting.150m.com
Copyright © Open University Malaysia (OUM)
8.6.4 Mapping
Mapping is the process of adding texture, colour or action to the 3D surface
model and its environment.
Mapping is an important process to make sure that the model or image being
created will be more realistic and suitable with the animation concept developed.
Unrealistic selection of colour and texture for the model being built will spoilt the
whole animation project.
Several methods of mapping that are used regularly are texture mapping,
reflection mapping and environment mapping (please refer to Figures 8.17).
To know the differences between texture and environment mapping and other
methods of mapping, download additional information from this website:
At the same time, the camera or the angle-of-view would be fixed to provide the
motion or animation required for each object involved. Figure 8.18 shows an
example of the rendering screen control.
In the rendering process, the computer will do the mathematical calculations for
all the effects used, so that it can be applied to the objects concerned. Rendering
requires a lot of computer power; therefore, before you produce a 3D animation
project, you should ensure that the computer is capable of accommodating the
high demand required for the processing process.
The rendering process also requires a relatively long period of time, up to several
days at times, depending on the degree of difficulty of the animation being
created and the chosen quality level of the rendering. However, the result of the
animation created will be more realistic.
Get to know the most popular 3D animation productions from local developers
like LesÊ Copaque Production and Animonsta Studio, at their respective website
at http://www.lescopaque.com and http://www.animonsta.com.
8.7.1 Morphing
Morphing is a popular animation technique that is widely used. Morphing is the
process of transforming one image into another. The morphing application and
other modelling that offer this effect can transition not only between still images
but often moving images as well. The products that offer this feature are
FantaMorph, Morpheus Photo Morpher, and FaceMorpher.
Figure 8.19 shows that to create morphing you need to put the current image side
by side with the image that you desire. By using the tools provided by the
morphing software, you need to select the key points on the current image that
you want to morph out and these points will appear at the corresponding points
of the image that you want to morph into.
The selection of the key points is important for smooth transition between two
images. The more key points selected, the longer will be the rendering process.
But the resulting transition will be very smooth. This entire process may be saved
as a digital video format and incorporated into your multimedia presentation.
The effect of morphing is indeed enjoyable and easy to do. It is often used for the
purpose of advertising, education, medical, films, and others. Films that used the
effect of morphing are Terminator franchise, Species and The Lord of the Rings.
8.7.2 Warping
Warping is a special effect that is almost similar to morphing. Warping let you
manipulate the images according to your taste. For example, you can stretch the
facial features of a person so that a sour face becomes a smiling face. One of the
famous warping software is Kai Super Goo. Figure 8.20 shows an example of an
image after the warping process.
Figure 8.21: Morph Age software screen for morphing and warping
Source: screenshots.en.sftcdn.net
Among the computer hardwares frequently used in this industry are Silicon
Graphic which is based on UNIX, Macintosh (Mac) which is based on MacOS
and PC which is based on Windows.
It is not difficult for you to get an animation software to develop your animation
project. This is because there are hundreds of computer animation software
packages available in the market for you to choose from. Among the most
popular and frequently used softwares are 3D Studio Max, LightWave 3D,
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Strata Studio Pro and Alias Wavefront.
At the beginning stage, you are encouraged to use free and open source
softwares such as Blender, Art of Illusion, Anim8or, and Google Sketchup. You
may find these useful 3D animation softwares from http://www.hongkiat.com/
For advanced and commercial products, you can learn 3D Studio Max,
AutodeskÊs Maya (please refer to Figure 8.23), and NewTekÊs Lightwave 3D
(please refer to Figure 8.24). The software at this stage is capable of producing
complex and sophisticated animation and special effects that can be seen in
Hollywood blockbuster movies.
(a) http://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/maya;
(b) https://www.lightwave3d.com/learn;
(c) http://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/3ds-max; and
(d) http://www.blendernation.com/category/education/tutorials/.
This topic focuses on audio, its importance and role in multimedia technology.
The audio element is moulded into a multimedia presentation to present
information and to increase comprehension pertaining to the contents that you
want to present. Audio is also an element that is able to enhance pleasure,
increase interest and set the ambience of a multimedia presentation.
Audio or sound plays an important role in the development of multimedia. It has
enhanced the multimedia system that has remained static all this time. The entry
of audio into multimedia is an important feature whereby it has escalated the use
of multimedia to its maximum level.
processes the sound waves or acoustic signals. This wave has a particular pattern
called waveform that has repetitive movements.
Have you ever played computer games such as car racing? How would
you feel if the game produced special sound effects such as during a
Not long after, the computerÊs capacity improved and it was able to produce
sound with the help of a sound card. Sound cards, just like video capture cards,
can improve the sound quality played on a computer. One of the earliest sound
cards is the card from Creative Labs. Sound Blaster, the sound card from
Creative Labs, received a tremendous response in the personal computer
industry. The Sound Blaster became so popular that, the name „Sound Blaster‰
became synonymous with a sound card (please refer to Figure 9.1).
Sound cards have helped to boost the computer game industry. This is because,
with the availability of sound cards, computer games are enhanced and able to
produce interesting sound effects. Both the computer games and the sound cards
have become very popular and receive tremendous response.
Two important features of sound waves are frequency and amplitude (refer to
Figure 9.3). Frequency refers to the number of cycles a sound wave creates in one
second. One cycle is measured based on the distance from one wave peak to
another. Frequency is usually measured in the unit, Hertz (Hz). Therefore, 1
Hertz (Hz) means 1 cycle per second, 1 Kilohertz (1 kHz) means a thousand
(1,000 Hz) cycles per second.
Do you know that a healthy human ear can hear noise in the range of 20 Hz to 20
kHz? What is the meaning of amplitude? Amplitude is the volume or loudness of
the sound being produced. The louder the sound that is being produced, the
higher the amplitude. The unit that is used to measure the loudness or volume of
this sound is called decibel or dB. Both the frequency and amplitude form the
sound wave and affect the way people perceive and hear sounds.
When the analogue sound has been converted into digital sound, only then can it
be modified or edited by a computer system. Figure 9.4 shows an ADC converter
converting analogue sound into digital sound when the sound is captured.
When the computer replays the digital sound, it needs to convert again the
numeric combination into analogue wave form. This process is performed by the
digital analogue converter (Digital-to-Analogue Converter-DAC) which is also
built-in inside the sound card. Figure 9.5 shows a DAC converter converting
digital sound into analogue sound when the sound is replayed on the computer.
9.3.4 Sampling
The process by which an analogue wave is captured by the sound card and then
converted into digital format is known as digital sampling. The sound wave is
divided into many sections or is sampled many times per second. When this
happens, the height of the wave will be recorded. As it is impossible to measure
the height of the analogue wave continuously or all the time, therefore, this
process only measures a limited number of samples. Thus, the term „sample‰
was born.
There are two factors that influence the quality of a digital sound recording ă the
sampling rate and sample size. Besides that, the channel selected also tends to
influence the quality and the file size of the audio being recorded. There are two
choices of recording which is Mono and Stereo.
Sample rate refers to how many times or the frequency a sample is taken for the
audio. The higher the sample rate, the more samples will be taken; and the better
the quality of the digital sound.
Just like frequency, sample rate is measured in Hertz unit (Hz). Sampling rates
that are often found are 11.025 kHz, 22.05 kHz and 44.1 kHz (please refer to Table
Table 9.1: File Size for 10 Seconds of Digital Audio Recorded in Stereo Format
Sample size represents the total or the amount of information that can be stored
by the sample taken. Among the main sample sizes are 8 bits, 16 bits and 24 bits.
Audio can increase the effectiveness of other media and can attract usersÊ
awareness regarding vital information. However, audio is not suitable for
providing long information. It should not be used to repeat information that has
been conveyed effectively by other media. The following are several roles played
by audio in multimedia.
Other uses of audio are as „warning and reminder‰ tools. For example, it serves
as a warning sound when something has already reached its limit, or as a panic
sound to signify dangerous levels in computer games.
9.4.4 Narration
Another method of using sound is by adding narrations. Usually the narration
and background music will be used simultaneously where the music is used in
the background and at a particular time the narrator will provide the explanation
regarding the information that he wishes to convey.
In multimedia, some of the applications that use data related to sounds are
medical training for medical students to distinguish the several types of
breathing and heart rhythms, or providing assistance to a mechanic to diagnose
an engineÊs problem, and teaching students to read music or to learn the history
of music. Figure 9.7 shows a website that uses sound to present information.
(a) Compability;
(b) Users;
(c) Playback system; and
(d) UsersÊ control.
The following section further explains the four factors mentioned above.
9.5.1 Compatibility
The use of audio has indeed been proven in the sense that it increases the
effectiveness of most multimedia applications. In some applications, audio is
compulsory. For example, an education system that teaches foreign languages.
However, the compatibility of the usage is very important. Some system
developers use too much audio or include sound effects that are rather
whimsical. This situation not only will distract the usersÊ attention, but also cause
the users to feel angry and disorientated.
9.5.2 Users
When using audio you should also take into account your target audience. This is
one of the factors that should not be taken lightly. Audio has indeed been proven
to assist some people in understanding certain concepts easily, however, before
using audio, some prior research should be conducted regarding the usersÊ
response when using audio.
feel bored and frustrated having to wait for the sound clip to end, particularly
when the sound has been heard many times before.
Control of sound or audio includes the usersÊ rights to start the audio, switch on
or off the audio, control the volume according to desire, or provide an alternative
such as using text display to replace sound. Figure 9.8 shows an icon normally
used to control the volume.
3. List four factors that must be taken into account when using audio
in multimedia applications.
Sound cards can improve the sound quality played on a computer. Sound
Blaster from Creative Labs was so phenomenally popular that the name
Sound Blaster became synonymous with the sound card.
Using special converters (ADC dan DAC), you can convert audio files from
analogue to digital and vice versa.
In this topic, you will be introduced to some types of audio file formats normally
found in multimedia such as WAV, MP3, AIFF and MIDI, and their special
features. You will also identify the audio file sources and copyright issues.
Now, the QuickTimeÊs movie (.mov) standard is often used to store audio files as
this type of file can be used in most computer platforms including PC computers
and Macintosh computers.
As for the use of audio on the Internet, Real Audio, Real Media and MP3 can be
used in view of the fact that, their file sizes are smaller compared to other audio
In the future, it is highly possible that more new audio formats will emerge,
where you will be able to listen to audio with not only small file sizes but are also
of high quality. The following are explanations of the common types of digital
audio formats (please see Figure 10.1).
10.1.1 AIFF
The Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF) is one of the common formats used to
store and send sound samples. This format was first developed by Apple
computers and is the standard format for Macintosh computers. Now, it can also
be used by computers with Windows operating system.
The AIFF format is usually not able to do data compression; therefore, AIFF files
are usually bigger than other formats. Nevertheless, there is another format that
can support data compression and that is the AlF-compressed (AlFF-CorAIFC)
The AIFF format is widely used in professional audio recording systems and
digital multimedia applications that use Macromedia Director and Adobe
Premiere softwares. Both softwares allow the importing and exporting of the
AIFF files. One thing that you need to know is that an AIFF audio file is of high
quality when it uses high resolution. However, this causes its file size to become
very big. For example, a 30 second long 16 bit stereo will have a file size as big as
10.1.2 MP3
This audio format is extremely popular now and it is often used to record a large
number of songs and music onto compact discs. MP3 means MPEG audio layer
III and it was created by a German company, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, in 1989.
One of the main reasons why MP3 is so popular and favoured by music lovers is
its extraordinary compression ratio of 10:1 for audio files such as WAV. The ratio
of 10:1 means that if the WAV file is converted to MP3 format, its new size is only
10% of the original WAV file size, but its audio quality remains the same. Besides
that, MP3 format also allows various sampling rates and bit rates, whereby it
gives users more authority to control the file size and quality.
For MP3, the ordinary sampling rate is 44.1 kHz and its bit rate is 128 kbps. It is
difficult to distinguish the MP3 music quality from the quality of the music that
has not undergone the compression process. You can play MP3 songs or music
by using a Winamp player which was created by Nullsoft. One of the main
advantages of MP3 is that it is capable of storing additional textual information
such as the subject, artistÊs name and comments. All of these can be shown on the
Winamp player.
10.1.3 AU
The AU audio format was specially created to be used on the Sun Microsystems
workstation. It is a 16 bit audio format that is compressed and used for
distribution via the Internet. The AU audio format is less popular compared to
the WAV format.
You can download a free Winamp player from the Internet. Use the
browser to obtain this software. List the address. What is your opinion
about this music player? Does it give you the effect as mentioned earlier?
10.1.4 MIDI
The Musical Instruments Digital Interface (MIDI) format was introduced in 1980
as an effective method of music representation that could be used in various
applications. In fact, MIDI is not an audio format. It is more of an interface to
produce audio. The audio produced would then be kept in MIDI format.
A sequence of MIDI that has been compressed makes it very useful for
applications where space is an issue. For example, songs for video games, music
for websites and background music are applications of good MIDI formats. MIDI
has many advantages compared to other digital audio. One of the advantages is
MIDI tracks require less bandwidth and processing power compared to MP3
files. For example, when you download an MP3 track using a modem, you may
be disappointed because you need half an hour just to download a single music
On the other hand, if you download a MIDI file, you can obtain the file in less
than a minute even though you use a slow speed modem. MIDI sequence or
tracks are much smaller than any digital audio files. One MP3 track normally
uses only 1MB of disk space for a minute of music, but a MIDI track only
requires 40KB of disk space which is 95% smaller than a MP3 and its quality is
not compromised!
10.1.5 WAV
A WAV file is the main and popular audio format in the Microsoft Windows
operating system environment. It is unlike MPEG or compressed format. It store
samples without the need of pre-processing. The format of this file is similar to
the AIFF format.
A WAV files is usually huge. Its file size is dependent on the length of the audio
being recorded and the sampling rate used for recording. It is later replayed at a
compatible rate. You can record and replay a WAV file with the Sound Recorder
that is inbuilt in the Microsoft Windows environment.
The following passage explains the differences between MIDI files and digital
A MIDI file is a list of time stamped commands that are recordings of musical
actions (the pressing down of a piano key or a sustain pedal, for example, or the
movement of a control wheel or slider) that, when sent to a MIDI playback
device, results in sound. A concise MIDI message can cause a complex sound or
sequence of sounds to play on an instrument or synthesiser; so MIDI files tend to
be significantly smaller (per second of sound delivered to the user) than
equivalent digitised waveform files.
MIDI data is to digital audio data what vector or drawn graphics are to
bitmapped graphics. That is, MIDI data is device dependent; digital data is
not. Just as the appearance of vector graphics differs depending on the printer
device or display screen, the sounds produced by MIDI music files depend on
the particular MIDI device used for playback. Similarly, a roll of perforated
player piano score played on a concert grand would sound different than if
played on a honky tonk piano. Digital data, on the other hand, produces
sounds that are more or less identical regardless of the playback system. The
MIDI standard is like PostScript, letting instruments communicate in a well
understood language.
Vaughn (2001)
After reading the earlier excerpt, can you state two advantages and two
disadvantages of MIDI compared to digital audio?
Visit its website at http://www.musitek.com to see the scanner software that can
read notes or musical scores and convert them into MIDI files.
If you are observant, you will notice that when you open or close an application
on a Windows operating system, your action is accompanied with a sound. This
sound can be changed according to an individualÊs preference at any time.
Sounds such as this are stored in a file and its source can be obtained from pre-
packages, purchases or borrowings, and from your own invention.
10.2.1 Pre-package
Some sound files can be obtained from the computerÊs operating system or from
programs that already exist in your computer. Figure 10.2 shows the sound file
that is in Microsoft Office. These sound files can produce special effects such as
the sound of doors opening; car braking and others.
These file resources can be very useful for background sounds, sound with
special effects and also for historical events, such as speeches or conversations of
the Prime Minister.
On the other hand, if you aim to produce a high quality commercial, you should
consider using a recording studio equipped with instruments such as DAT
(Digital Audio Tape) that can record digital sound. Additionally, sound files can
also be generated by using equipment such as an audio synthesiser connected to
the computer so that the sound can be recorded in MIDI (Musical Instrument
Digital Interface) format.
Before we proceed to the next topic, make sure that when obtaining these sources
of audio files, you did not infringe or violate the CopyrightÊs Act, which is a
critical issue concerning music. To be safe, always make sure that the music you
use is royalty free.
There are several new products such as ACID from Sonic Foundry that allows
users to produce sound which is not only professional, but also unique. Visit its
website at www.sonicfoundry.com.
As a multimedia developer, you should make sure that the work you
produce will not be copied by other people. The CopyrightÊs Act
(Amendment) 1997 was created to solve this problem. Give a brief
explanation about this Act.
Just like video, audio requires specific software for recording purposes or for the
audio production. The Microsoft Windows operating system provides audio
recording facility through its software called Sound Recorder (please refer to
Figure 10.3).
For the purpose of producing better audio with attractive special effects,
sophisticated audio software are required such as Sound Forge and SoundEdit
16. The following are discussions on major audio software.
(a) Has internal support to record video and CD. It can store a lot of video and
audio file formats that include WAV, AVI and MP3;
(b) Has excellent editing features such as cut, mute, reverse, trim, normalise
and others;
(c) Has amazing effects. This includes 20 types of DirectX audio plug-ins that
can be used for microphone modelling. Other effects include chorus and
(d) Supports many file formats such as WAV, RealAudio and MP3; and
(e) It is easy to use. It uses the drag and drop operation in a user-friendly
10.3.2 SoundEdit 16
This software has features that are almost similar to Sound Forge. It can do
editing for more than 10 audio formats. Besides that, it also has Mixer, CD Audio
Capture and others. However, it only operates under the MacOs (Macintosh)
operating system.
SoundEdit 16 has many advantages. Firstly, it can import and export AU file
formats from the Internet. SoundEdit 16 also supports compression such as
algorithm compression 4:1 for a 16-bit voice. Other than that, users can also
import CD tracks directly into SoundEdit 16; then, edit, process and give it the
desired effect.
With these features, audio recording and editing has become a process that can
be done by both the professionals and laymen.
The common types of audio file formats include AIFF, MP3, AU, MIDI and
You can obtain audio files from the following sources ă pre-package, buying
and borrowing and own invention.
AIFF Mixing
Audio file format Sound Forge
Audio software SoundEdit 16
Compressing WAV
By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
1. Differentiate between analogue and digital video;
2. Discuss the basic components of video production;
3. Apply the methods and techniques of video compression; and
4. List several roles of video in multimedia.
This topic describes the video component in multimedia. Due to the
shortcomings of analogue video, digital video technology emerged. Nowadays,
digital video is increasingly finding its place in the development of multimedia
software. Including video elements in a multimedia presentation is an effective
way to present information that cannot be delivered by any other media. Most
videos are capable of bringing elements that resemble actual situations, attracting
the usersÊ attention and emotions.
11.1 VIDEO
Video is one of the important elements in the development of multimedia
because it can convey meaning and information in a relatively short period of
time. Video has been in existence for more than 50 years, and it started with the
black and white television.
According to Agnew and Kellerman (1997), video is a digital media that shows
the arrangement or sequence of static pictures that give an illusion as though we
are looking at moving pictures. This illusion depends on two physiological
phenomena called, „persistence of vision and flicker fusion.‰
Movies played on VCR or laser disks are examples of analogue video. This is
because television is an analogue device and not a digital device. On the other
hand, videos played on computers are digital videos. If you wish to import an
analogue video into a computer, a video capture card is required. It is used to
sample the analogue video at regular intervals in order to produce a digital
We can find analog videos on television broadcasts. Where can we find digital
videos? In your opinion, between analogue video and digital video, which is
easier to handle? Why?
Currently, digital video has become a hot issue in the computer industry and
receives tremendous response especially from computer games and multimedia
software and hardware developers. Digital videos are often found on websites
and are usually in the form of video clips. They are used on websites to present
new products, news, games and entertainment.
The video production process requires several basic components that will be
discussed in the following sections. These components form part of the process of
converting analogue format to digital format (please refer to Figure 11.3).
On the other hand, if a low quality computer is used; many frames will be
eliminated during the video production process. The resulting video produced
will be wobbly and not smooth. In addition, you are not encouraged to multi task
while the video is being recorded on the computer.
captured and displayed will be of a low quality or worse. If you have good and
clear video source, the chances of obtaining a high quality digital video are
Besides a large storage space, the hard disk must also be fast. A fast hard disk is
capable of storing video sequence more effectively and reduces the loss of data
during the production process. Fast hard drive has an access time of eight
milliseconds. Access time refers to the amount of time taken by the computer to
search for data on the hard disk. In this case however, access time is the time
taken by the hard disk to search for an empty space to record the data. Therefore,
the lower the time, the faster the hard drive is.
All video capture cards include software to capture video sequence. This
software enables you to do your own configurations to the video screen, the
number of frames per second, the colour and the type of codec that you want to
use for video compression. Among the popular video capture cards are, Intel
Indeo, Radius Cinepak and Crucial Radeon 9800 Pro (please refer to Figure 11.4).
Video cards that do not digitise the audio video data would be supplied with
software that synchronises the audio video data automatically.
The price of a video capture card varies depending on its quality. The higher the
digitised quality, the higher its price. Companies that produce video capture card
are Creative Labs, Avid Targa, Intel and ATI.
There are digitising software that allows you to view video sequence during the
digitising process. If you do not have such software, you can connect the
television to the video card to view the process that is going on.
The main disadvantage of digital video is that it needs large storage equipment
to store the large video file. A one-second, high quality digital video with a full
screen size, may have a file size of more than 27MB before the compression
Digital videos also experience the problem of piracy. It is very easy for digital
videos to be duplicated, and even the quality of the video copied is almost equal
to the original video quality. This causes the problem of widespread piracy.
Figure 11.7: Factors that determine the digital video file size
If there is insufficient processing power or memory, then the image on the screen
will not be clear. In the end, the video will not be able to be viewed well.
Normally, digital video is suitably displayed at ôth the size of the screen, which is
320 240 pixels. The video size of 240 180 is also often used in multimedia
The higher the frame rate of the digital video, the smoother the movement of the
video and the larger the file size or the storage required for the video.
11.7.3 Colours
Most video clips today are colour video clips. Colours make your video more
attractive and realistic. However, colours will increase the file size. In fact, digital
videos are built from several series of graphics or images arranged and played
quickly. Thus, the quality is also dependent on the quality or the total number of
colours used for every image.
The colours that you see on television comprises of three primary colours that
are, Red, Green and Blue (RGB). When these colours are used on the computer,
each colour will take-up space which is equivalent to 8 bits per pixel. Therefore,
in order to generate a realistic digital video, each pixel in the computer will
comprise of 24 bits of colour or colour depth. This is also known as true colour.
Black and white clips will take-up less storage space compared to a colour clip.
11.7.4 Duration
The duration of a digital video clip will add or reduce the file size. The longer the
duration, the bigger the file size.
If you want to digitise a video clip in the form of 24-bit colour and have
decided to use the following perimeters:
Size: 1/4 screen (320 240 pixels)
15 frames per second
Duration: 30 second
Can you calculate the answer? If not, refer to the following steps to obtain the
Calculation steps:
Step 2: Colour
76,800 3 bit (for RGB colours) = 230, 400 bits
Step 4: Duration
3,456,000 30 seconds = 103,680,000 bits
You will find that to play a coloured video clip for only 30 seconds, with a speed
of 15 frames per second on a 1/4 video screen display, you will need a storage
space of 103MB! You must remember that this number excludes the total amount
of sound data in the digital video clip. If quality CD sound is added for a 30
second duration, you will be forced to add 5.25MB to the size of the data file.
From the explanation above, it is clear that there should be a method to control
this large digital video size. This method is known as video compression and will
be discussed in the following topics.
2. Give TWO factors that determine the file size of a digital video.
text images. Text need to appear in its original state before and after file
Most codec processes only involve software and it is popular for videos with
small frame rates and size. However when you want to aim for a more
sophisticated level of technology, you should invest in codecs that are supported
by hardware (hardware assisted codec).
Hardware support usually comprises of a video board that you can plug in into
the computer. This board has a chip that processes the digital video file in codec
such as MPEG or JPEG. In future, video processing chips will become standard in
most computers.
For example, while surfing web sites on the Internet, a window suddenly
appears with a brief video displaying a new-product of a company. Our attention
will immediately be redirected to this advertisement and generally this window
would have a „click here for further information‰ button to carry us to further
linkage of this advertisement.
The quotation below explains the use of audio and video in the website.
That said, there are Web sites that need to use audio and video. These
include sites in the music and music video industries, sports and radio
industries and the movie entertainment industry. Some examples of the
entertainment industry using technology to display audio and video are
the MTV site (http://www.mtc.com) which features live reports from the
music industry and the Oscar site (http://www.oscar.com) which has
video clips of the winnersÊ acceptance speeches. News and sports sites
include the ESPNet Sportszone site (http://espnet.sportszone.com)
which features video clips of some of the key moments in sports and the
National Public Radio (NPR) site (http://www.npr.org) which allows
cyber surfers to listen to their shows and even download interviews.
Depending on the type of industry that is featured on the Web, using
audio and video can be a great attraction.
Digital video consists of images with discrete values (binary digit 0 and 1).
A video capture card will digitise your video and compress it for hard-disk
storage. Once stored in digital form, you can edit your video in future.
There are pros and cons to using digital video. On one hand, the user has the
freedom to edit and modify video sequences using digital video. On the
other hand, digital videos are easily copied, leading to rampant piracy.
In the previous topics, you have learned about video components in multimedia.
In this topic, we will focus on some of the video formats and standards that are
regularly used. You would also be given explanation regarding the types of
codec formats and video file formats that are currently available in the market.
The four main formats and standards for broadcasting and video are NTSC, PAL,
SECAM and HDTV. These standards may be converted or interpreted among
each other but, usually, the conversion process causes the quality to drop, and
there are some processes that require specific hardware. Therefore, it is important
to understand each of these standards, and identify where your multimedia
project will be played or presented.
The following are brief discussions on the video formats and standards that are
currently available:
(a) NTSC
The NTSC or National Television Standards Committee is a standard based
on specifications fixed by the National Television Standards Committee,
established in 1952. It is used in the United States and Japan. These
standards define a method for encoding information into the electric signal
that ultimately creates a television picture. According to NTSC standards, a
video frame consists of 525 horizontal scan lines that are produced every
1/30 of a second.
(b) PAL
PAL or Phase Alternate Line is a standard that is used in the UK and other
European countries as well as most of the countries in Asia. According to
Vaughan (2001), PAL is an integration method that adds colours to black
and white television signals. It produces 625 lines at a frame rate of 25
frames rate per second (fps); each line requires 1/50 per second to be
produced (50 Hz).
SECAM or sequential couleur avec memoire is a standard that is used in
France, Russia and a few other countries. Although it is almost the same as
PAL and NTSC, the broadcasting technology and method of SECAM
distinguishes it from the other standards. To tackle this problem, the
majority of television sets sold in European nations have components that
can accept both the PAL and SECAM systems.
(d) HDTV
HDTV or High Definition TV is a new standard of television technology.
HDTV provides clear and quality sounds and pictures just like 35mm
movies. The main difference between the old television standard and
HDTV is its high resolution. HDTV consists of 1080 active lines compared
to the current television pictures standard of only 486 active lines.
12.2.1 CinePak
The CinePak format was formerly known as Compact Video. It is the most
popular codec for the Quick Time file. CinePak is a lossy compression format. If
you use the CinePak format, you must ensure that the original video source that
has yet to be compressed is of high quality.
12.2.2 Indeo/DVI
Besides CinePak, Indeo (also known as DVI) is a codec format developed by
Intel. Generally, Indeo can be in lossy or lossless compression forms and can
support frame differencing. However, it is less asymmetrical compared to
Indeo requires more processing time for decompression. This causes the video
produced to be less smooth compared to CinePak. Indeo is a special codec format
for the VfW (Video for Windows) file, but Quick Time 2.0 can also support this
format. Therefore, it has become the second most popular codec format for
digital video.
12.2.3 JPEG
When you view a JPEG format, you may think that it is one of the file formats for
graphics or images. In fact, it is the same as the JPEG graphics format.
Sometimes, it is dubbed JPEG motion. You must remember that video comprises
a set of frames, where each image in a frame can be compressed using JPEG
compression. JPEG assumes each of these video frames as static images. This
produces a rather large file size and a sizeable drop in terms of quality with a
corresponding large compression ratio.
Choosing a suitable codec is not an easy task. Figure 12.1 gives a comparison of
codec formats to help you make the right decision.
12.3.1 QuickTime
QuickTime is among the best video file formats and is developed by Apple
Computer. Both the Macintosh and Windows support this file format
extensively. Most of the Windows' 95/98 systems can play the QuickTime video,
but it may require a device installation software if the version of QuickTime
needed to play the video is later than the version supported by the computer
Although, you may be forced to equip your computer with the required
QuickTime installation software, QuickTime is still the main choice for cross
platform multimedia development.
QuickTime does not require a high cost as the files required to replay video clips
in QuickTime format are circulated free of charge by Apple.
operating system. Therefore, you do not require any additional software to play
AVI files in the WindowsÊ system environment. For systems that are not in the
WindowsÊ environment such as the Macintosh computer that does not support
the AVI format, you need special software that can be obtained from Microsoft to
view the video clips.
The Microsoft's Video for Windows program is based on the .AVI (Audio Video
Interleave) file format where the audio and video are "interleaved." This enables
audio and video to be played simultaneously.
12.3.3 MPEG
MPEG (Motion Picture Expert Group) is gaining popularity in tandem with the
increase in computer systems. MPEG-1 encodes video-clips on 352 240, 320
240, 176 112 and 160 112 screen sizes only, but it can be played on full screen
at 30 fps with neat frame rate and satisfactory image quality.
There are many MPEG versions in the market such as MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and
MPEG-4. MPEG-1 is the original format designed for quality VHS pictures at CD-
ROM data rate. It is a cross platform format supported by both Macintosh and
Windows. MPEG's main problem is that its compression method is asymmetrical
and, thus, needs expensive software to encode this format.
MPEG-2 was introduced in the middle of the 1990s and has better quality
compared to the MPEG-1 format. It enables data to be transferred at a speed of
5MB per second for quality multimedia broadcasting, and up to 10MB per second
for studio quality. MPEG-2Ês standard also enables basic video modes to be used
such as fast forward, reverse play and slow motion.
Now, a new format has emerged, which is the MPEG-4 that promises good
quality at a low data rate and the capacity to encode playback at a different data
rate. Adobe Premiere supports the coding format of MPEG-4.
Before using MPEG, make sure that the system you are using can support
MPEG's version. Just like AVI and QuickTime formats, you probably need an
installation device. Besides that, for some versions of MPEG such as MPEG-2,
users may need to install encoder hardware to the computer system.
The explanation above about MPEG may be limited. Visit its website at http://
www.mpeg.org to obtain more information. The website at http://www.
digitalvideosolutions.com/index.htm contains many interesting topics on digital
video including Codec, formats and video standards.
The advantage of streaming is that there is usually no (or very little) waiting time
from the time the mouse is clicked until the the sound starts playing. The same
approach can be used to stream video files across the Web. According to recent
reports published, the streaming technology industry is the fastest growing
industry on the Internet and this trend is expected to continue and grow. The key
providers, as far as streaming technology is concerned, are Real Networks, Apple
and Microsoft.
(a) Stereo 8KHz sampling rate for 28.8 kbs connections (-2.5 KB/sec.); and
(b) Stereo 16KHz sampling rate for 56+ kbs connections (~5 KB/sec).)
Another emerging technology in creating audio content for the Web is the use of
compression techniques, namely, MP3. In order to create streaming audio or
video files, the multimedia designer firstly needs to create the digital audio or
video file format (acceptable file formats are .Wav, .aif, avi, .rnov, .mpg); then,
using a RealAudio producer or similar software, the digital file format is broken
into streams ready for broadcasting over the Internet.
According to Tannenbaum (2001), there are three basic levels in the use of
moving images in the interactive multimedia applications such as capturing,
editing and presenting. There are various software that can help you to
implement these basic functions. Depending on the difficulty levels of the
equipment and the functions offered, these software are probably expensive.
Professional video clips require a studio, cameras and professional sound
engineers. In fact, in large multimedia project cases, contracts are usually given
to professional film studios to produce videos.
Most of the video capture cards also provide several basic software that can
capture and store digital videos. Videos for Windows and AppleÊs QuickTime
are among the earliest videos that are available in Macintosh and Windows. For
more professional results, Adobe Premiere provides more choices and functions.
Other than Adobe Premiere, you can also try other video software such as Video
Fusion and UleadÊs Media Studio Pro. Although these video software are
expensive, each has its own advantages and uses in producing high quality
digital videos.
Have you watched a computer using support software such as MPEG or viewed
a short video clip on websites such as CNN? If you have never viewed video
clips on websites, visit CNN's website at: cnn.com.
Besides Adobe Premiere software, Lumiere and UleadÊs Media Studio are also
popular video editing software. Visit UleadÊs Media StudioÊs website at
www.ulead.com to obtain more information.
Now, we will discuss one of the popular video software that is available in the
market, which is the Adobe Premiere.
Copyright © Open University Malaysia (OUM)
With Adobe Premiere, users can edit long or short video formats, online or
offline more productively and effectively for the purposes of broadcasting,
film production, storyboards or preparation of Web-based videos.
2. Which of the following video file formats utilise the least storage
space: AVI, QuickTime or MPEG?
There are several codec formats available in the market, such as CinePak,
Indeo/DVI and JPEG.
Video software are now widely used because of increasing demands from
video users, the emergence of sophisticated video hardware, and the ease by
which video may easily be integrated into multimedia systems.
Adobe Premiere allows the user to capture videos, add clips to timelines,
insert transitions and many more. Use your imagination to experiment and
explore various functions of the software.
Blake, B. (2001). Adobe Premiere virtual classroom. Berkeley, CA: Osborne/
Chapman, N., & Chapman, J. (2002). Digital media tools. Chichester, England:
Gross, P., Elley, F., & Tucker, K. (1999). Director 7 and Lingo authorized.
Berkeley, CA: Macromedia Press.
Hofstetter, F. T. (2001). Multimedia literacy (3rd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-
Hill Higher Education.
Iskandar Ab Rashid & Zaitun Ismail. (2001). Grafik menggunakan Jasc PaintShop
Pro. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Venton Publishing.
Neo, K. T. K., & Neo, M. (1999a). The multimedia sourcebook: Volume 1 creating
multimedia content. Subang Jaya, Malaysia: Meway Computec.
Neo, M., & Neo, K. T. K. (1997). The Multimedia Mosaic: Multimedia on the PC.
Shah Alam, Malaysia: Federal Publications.
Neo, M., & Neo, K. T. K. (1998). The multimedia pavilion: Trends and
technologies. Subang Jaya, Malaysia: Meway Computec.
Petrik, P., & Dubrovsky, B. (1997). Creating and designing multimedia with
Director. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Pfaffenberger, B. (2002). Computers in your future (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Prentice Hall.
Thank you.