Casa Gorordo
Casa Gorordo
Casa Gorordo
standing beside the gate. Theres no one assigned to be the tour guide during that time (in my case since we arrived there at 6:00 in the evening). I found it very interesting for the reason that it represents regarding the lifestyle of the Filipino people during the period from 1860s toward 1920s. There were old furniture and paintings displayed and other stuffs that can be seen in a house. It enables us to perceive the home of Juan Gorordo, the first Filipino Bishop of Cebu. It makes possible for us to be able to understand the tradition of the Filipino culture.
EASE OF MOVEMENT: The flow of the students inside the museum was continuous. MESSAGE: I feel like to go there again at another time and be able to experience that there will be a tour guide who will provide assistance and would give us information regarding the things there. Theres an understandable way out where the students can go if t hey wish to leave in the museum.
RECOMMEND TO A FRIEND: Yes JOIN THE ASSOCIATION: Yes DONATE MONEY: Yes OTHER COMMENTS: As what I had experienced, I can say the one in-charge for checking the tickets was not fair because he allowed (I guess his friends) to enter immediately the museum even though they did not fall in line (since we fell in line in order to enter inside).
CATHEDRAL MUSEUM ENTRY: The way in was wide that made me convenient to come in the said museum. RECEPTION: I got a very warm welcome when I finally arrived there. APPEAL: It was extremely likable for the reason that there was a staircase on the right side of the lobby which leads to the galleries upstairs where many religious things can be seen. RELEVANCE: I have been able to see the graphic exhibit of Christianity in the Philippines by means of the photographs there. I was also able to learn the images of saints from different parishes. EASE OF MOVEMENT: The flow of the students inside the museum was continuous. MESSAGE: It would be better that students or people must go in this museum in such that it allows us to see the different religious things and be able to understand and we can surely appreciate it. CLOSURE: They gave us a delightful goodbye and told us that we need to get ready our tickets to be presented for the next museum. GIFT: Yes RECOMMEND TO A FRIEND: Yes JOIN THE ASSOCIATION: Yes DONATE MONEY: Yes OTHER COMMENTS: As what I had experienced, they provide good assistance to the students. They gave relevant information regarding the things that were displayed in the museum.