The Vietnamese Poem
The Vietnamese Poem
The Vietnamese Poem
personal thoughts and feelings. In this poem, it was spoken in the first person that is evidenced by using
personal pronouns “I” and “am”. We can feel the speaker’s strong emotion and desperation to get
married but to respect her mother; she let her to decide asking what the plan is.
During the late century, in a patriarchal society, Vietnamese woman had limited rights and took a
secondary place in the family. Women were brought up according to a strict discipline and have been
traditionally less educated than men. They usually do not enter the job market outside the home. “Girls
from birth were at a disadvantage”. Daughter is not considered necessary in heritage. According to Lam,
Vietnamese traditional viewpoint was “If you have a son, you can say you have a descendent. But you
cannot say so even if you have ten daughters”.
While in this poem, we can say that the mother cherished her daughter so much to the point that her
daughter didn’t get married. She’s setting the bridal price too high which her daughter’s suitor can’t
afford. From its title “The Cherished Daughter”, we can conclude that the mother really treasure her
daughter but it seems to be ironic that made it different from the real positive meaning of being cherished.
I think, some parents especially today, wants their children to have a good life and sometimes meddle
about marriage. They are concern with what kind of person their children marrying and the life they’ll be
facing or have. They even set some challenges and some kind of dowry. Maybe the mother from the
poem had a bad experience during her married life so she wants her daughter not to experience it. There
are also some situations that parents until today are afraid of being part with their children that they do not
want them to get married.
I believe that we know, at some level, that each of us is precious and should be cherished. In the poem,
we saw that the daughter is letting her mother decide because I think she’s afraid to be rejected by her
mother. The pain of being rejected by our mother is one of those unparalleled anguishes that can barely be
described. But from my perspective, cherishing someone is not by controlling or making decision for that
person, it doesn’t mean that we do not cherished someone just because we let them do they want. I, as a
daughter of my parents, I want to be cherished but also I want to do what I want and experience life. I
want to grow and know who I am, and learn from my mistakes but of course I’ll still ask guidance from
my parent at some point. A parent is there to provide “structure” for children. They give direction, impose
rules, use discipline, set limits, establish and follow through with consequences, hold children
accountable for their behavior, and teach values. And as a child we need to respect and cherished our
parents even we become older.