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STEAM INC Handbook

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STEAM Approaches Handbook

STEAM Approaches Handbook / October 2021

Contributors 02

Kathryn Burns; Tom Cahill-Jones; Claudia Carter; Charmaine Stint; Laura Veart
Birmingham City University

The Editors would like to thank all participants of the STEAM INC. project partnership for their contributions:

Heather Barnett Eva Durall Teemu Leinonen André Nusselder

Central Saint Martins Aalto University Aalto University University of Amsterdam
Jo Berry Robert Fischer Daniel Lordick Jacobijn Sandberg
Birmingham City University TU Dresden TU Dresden University of Amsterdam
Natasa Brouwer-Zupancic Henriette Greulich Frank Nack Jean O’Shea
University of Amsterdam TU Dresden University of Amsterdam Science Gallery at
Nathan Cohen Adrian Holme Annette Naudin Trinity College Dublin
Central Saint Martins Central Saint Martins Birmingham City University Shaun Ussher
Alessandro Columbano Mairead Hurley Andrew Newman Science Gallery at
Birmingham City University Science Gallery at Ars Electronica Trinity College Dublin

Jaana Brinck Trinity College Dublin Lisa Nickolaus

Aalto University TU Dresden

Project Number 2019-1-UK01-KA203-062032 ISBN number: 978-1-904839-96-5

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Contents 03

> Our Key .............................................................................................p4

> Introduction ......................................................................................p5
> Benefits of STEAM ............................................................................p7
> Partners ............................................................................................p8
> Methodology .....................................................................................p9
> Definition of a STEAM approach in Higher Education ..................... p11
> Approaches ..................................................................................... p12
> Overview of the approaches ............................................................ p13
> Summaries of the partnership STEAM approaches ....................... p14
> Implementing a STEAM approach ..................................................p29
> Focus on projects ...........................................................................p30
> Behaviour ........................................................................................ p31
> Cultures .......................................................................................... p32
> Engagement ...................................................................................p33
> Space ..............................................................................................p34
> Tensions and ambiguities ...............................................................p35

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

The colours, shapes and ethos that symbolise our STEAM approaches 04


the way that an individual the collective values, beliefs processes which promote the places from which
or group acts, particularly and modes of operation open involvement and STEAM activity is
in relation to collaboration. which are advocated by stimulate wide interest. delivered.
STEAM practitioners.
Introduction 05

Welcome to the STEAM Approaches but also more contemporary topics such as social 1. Identify points of intersection across
Handbook. This is the first of three main and environmental sciences. Overall, among other current European Higher Education
benefits, STEAM is increasingly viewed as a means STEAM approaches and develop a
outputs of the STEAM Innovation and of equipping the workers of the future with an collaborative definition of Higher
Curriculum project (STEAM.INC) which interdisciplinary understanding that embraces a Education STEAM.
is funded through Erasmus+. creative approach and innovative skills.
The STEAM.INC project runs from October 2019 2. Produce methodologies for the
For those unfamiliar with the term, STEAM is an
to January 2023 and involves seven partners from implementation of STEAM thinking in
acronym for Sciences, Technology, Engineering,
across Europe, all of whom have developed STEAM Higher Education, policy and engagement.
Arts and Mathematics. For the STEAM.INC project,
Arts encompasses artistic, cultural and creative endeavours to varying degrees. The project has
practices, including design. Also the Sciences three objectives: 3. Create an evaluation framework
includes, not only the traditional natural sciences, for measuring the effectiveness of
STEAM processes in Higher Education
Institutions and Higher Education partner

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Introduction 06

This handbook addresses the first objective with The handbook shows some of the many different This is the first comprehensive attempt to
an emphasis on how STEAM applies in Higher expressions of STEAM from individual, institutional collect and codify European approaches to
Education. For the project partnership, STEAM in and national perspectives. It aims to provide a STEAM in Higher Education and, as such, the
Higher Education includes the customary teaching shared understanding of what might be achieved work is exploratory and should not be considered
and curriculum as well as academic research. It by STEAM in Higher Education through identifying exhaustive. The handbook is intended to
also incorporates internal Higher Education policies foundational competencies and perspectives as well stimulate dialogue about the perceived nature
and governance as well as external engagement as establishing a baseline of STEAM knowledge. of STEAM, its principles and parameters while
with stakeholders and the public. These often providing inspiration for those looking to develop
The project draws a distinction between a ‘STEAM
become mutually supportive. For example, a and introduce STEAM approaches of their own.
approach’ and a ‘STEAM method’. In general, the
university that embraces STEAM, is likely to embed
former can be considered the wider expression,
the concept in its curriculum, support STEAM
covering strategies, programmes, fields, and
research and innovation and adjust its policies
philosophies, whereas the latter more clearly
and facilities accordingly.
relates to specific techniques. Therefore, this
As a response to objective 1, this publication handbook’s perspective is that STEAM methods
presents a collection of STEAM approaches as sit within STEAM approaches.
well as the themes and intersections that link them.

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Benefits of STEAM 07

With its foundations in transdisciplinary working, STEAM provides

students with the knowledge and understanding needed for the jobs
of the future. STEAM is seen to increase intellectual curiosity and
creativity. Its collaborative approach and focus on group working allows
individuals to learn socially as well as broadening their perspectives
and knowledge. Further, the critical thinking and radical openness
elements open routes to innovation.

Depending on the setting of the STEAM activity this innovation can

lead to a strengthening of the economy. However, STEAM can also
take place outside of the market economy and formal jobs, with softer
benefits relating to a wider framing of challenges and the generation
of novel solutions. In some contexts, STEAM can make STEM subjects
more attractive. STEAM thinking and practices have been used to
address complex challenges as well nurturing techniques such as data
visualisation to promote understanding of tricky and difficult subjects.

Image: Order from Chaos - Maxime Causeret. Photo: Martin Hieslmair / Ars Electronica

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Partners 08

The STEAM INC partnership consists of six higher education institutions

and one cultural organisation, all currently pioneering STEAM approaches.
They bring a wealth of experience and foresight in developing and adopting
processes that link different disciplines and practices.

> Aalto University, Espoo, Finland

> University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
> Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria
> Birmingham City University, United Kingdom (lead partner)
> Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London, United Kingdom
> TU Dresden, Germany
> Science Gallery at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

More details are included on the project website


STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Methodology 09

Stage 1: Creating a STEAM approach definition

Before our work could begin in earnest, it was essential to build a common
partnership definition of STEAM. This was the focus of the first project
meeting, held in Amsterdam in December 2019. Prior to the meeting, each
partner supplied individual or team definitions of STEAM, including essential
characteristics and context as appropriate. These were presented and
discussed in an effort to discern the key elements of a STEAM approach.
Participants then chose the characteristics that they felt were crucial to
STEAM. Working in groups, they used a ‘Diamond Nine’ technique to establish
the characteristics from most to least important. Throughout the meeting,
there were tensions due to the plurality of STEAM perspectives, the diversity
in ways of working and associated preferred collaborative/discursive methods
and approaches.
However, the outcomes of the Diamond Nine method provided the key words
needed for a definition that would encapsulate the broad, emerging collective
understanding of a STEAM approach. This definition is provided below.

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Methodology 10

Stage 2: Collecting and reviewing approaches

Based on the working definition, project partners then identified

approaches from within their institutions that contained dimensions
of STEAM. These were presented in an online event (due to the Covid
pandemic) in March 2020, with each partner supplying two approaches,
which resulted in the 14 summaries presented below.
These approaches, the ensuing discussions and reflections form the
basis of the practical advice presented towards the end of this handbook.
In particular, we identified four intersections that now form the basis
of a typology for these approaches. These are: Behaviour, Cultures,
Engagement and Spaces. They are further defined below.

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Definition of a STEAM approach in Higher Education 11

The following is the definition that arose during the project meeting described in Stage 1 of the methodology described above.

A Higher Education approach to STEAM potentially involves: a culture (or cultures) that puts the Arts
and Sciences on an equal footing

> a paradigm that is process-driven, student- Within this definition, particular terms were By its very definition STEAM is a vast field
centred, holistic and provides permission to identified as being most prevalent in STEAM incorporating Sciences, Technology, Engineering,
fail alongside being comfortable with uncertain approaches. This created a set of recurring Arts, and Maths as well as their numerous
end-results characteristics as that fostered a common combinations. In addition, the definition was formed
understanding for STEAM practitioners. at a very early stage in the collective workings of
> a pre-requisite of being collaborative, diverse
the partnership and so is reflective of the thinking
and delivered through safe spaces These are: at that time. It was agreed that it should not be
> establishing a mindset of radical openness, > Collaboration considered absolute but rather recognised as
flexibility, reflection, experimentation and a working definition that could be revisited as
> Critical thinking
knowledge and perspectives evolve. Nevertheless,
> Curiosity this definition provides insight into what was
> generating qualities that promote learning,
cooperation and multi-modality
> Process and process-driven collectively determined as relevant within the
> Radical openness framework of STEAM.
> supporting practices that are transdisciplinary
and emphasise prototyping and making while
Of these, critical thinking was identified most
considering modes of assessment
frequently. While this might highlight critical
> developing competencies of critical thinking, thinking as the core characteristic of STEAM, it
creativity and communication while should be kept in mind that a successful STEAM
investigating how these can be applied to approach relies on a combination of all the
generate solutions characteristics indicated above.

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Approaches 12
This section presents the STEAM approaches gathered in the second stage of the methodology described above.
They are grouped according to the four identified intersections: Behaviour; Cultures; Engagement and Space.


To work well, STEAM requires A healthy STEAM culture accepts, A major characteristic of our STEAM The final intersection of the STEAM
behaviours and attitudes that bring celebrates and thrives on approaches is engagement with approaches is space. Important
value and make a constructive differences as well as seeking external organisations, communities features are an area dedicated to
contribution to group working. diversity and advancing inclusivity. and partners. Indeed, it is often STEAM activities that is visible to
Participants must be prepared to Differences can be discipline, age, regarded as imperative that encourage engagement as well as
behave collaboratively, adopting experience, ethnicity, job roles and STEAM not only involves different being safe to allow behaviour and
an open mind-set and ready to organisational position. This positive disciplines, but people, beyond STEAM cultures to be nurtured and
embrace radical openness. Key culture fosters peer-led support the organising institution, with flourish. Preferably this is a physical
behaviours include an acceptance with an open outlook to learning different backgrounds, agendas meeting space, but virtual meeting
that ideas are not necessarily right something new. Further, a culture and understandings. This requires spaces can also be highly suitable
or wrong and that trying things out of unlearning, or giving up an acceptance of ideas in a non- for knowledge sharing particularly
can have as much value as finding a established knowledge and judgemental way, where nothing for national and international
solution. It is also important to have practices, is a beneficial aspect is deemed incorrect or weak. collaborations.
reflective and flexible practitioners of a STEAM approach. Important aspects of STEAM
who are ready to share experiences engagement include sharing
and express ideas. Everyone should principles and perceptions with
let others have their turn as well as communities and establishing
being content to go with the flow a common and understandable
and not stick to a set path. language.

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Overview of the approaches 13


the way that an the collective values, processes which promote the places from
individual or group beliefs and modes of open involvement and which STEAM
acts, particularly operation which are stimulate wide interest activity is
in relation to advocated by STEAM delivered
collaboration practitioners


Tackling complexity in Information Studies University of Amsterdam Behaviour Engagement

Playful explorations between art and science Birmingham City University Behaviour Cultures
Interdisciplinary dialogues in research and learning TU Dresden Behaviour Cultures
Interdisciplinary collaborations through design challenges TU Dresden Behaviour Engagement
Arts as a route for knowledge building Aalto University Cultures Behaviour
A cross-disciplinary programme on humans, science and technology University of Amsterdam Cultures Behaviour
A catalyst for dynamic exchanges between art and science Central Saint Martins Cultures Space
An undergraduate module addressing societal challenges Science Gallery at Trinity College Dublin Cultures Engagement
Fostering research collaborations across art, technology and society Ars Electronica Engagement Behaviour
Engaging the public with and through steam Ars Electronica Engagement Space
Building relations for transdisciplinary interactions Central Saint Martins Engagement Cultures
A biology lab in an arts school Aalto University Space Engagement
Innovation through STEAMcollaborations Birmingham City University Space Behaviour
An encounter between science and art Science Gallery at Trinity College Dublin Space Cultures

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Summaries of 08
the partnership
STEAM approaches

The following provides summaries of the 14 approaches

presented during the online project event held in March 2020.
Longer descriptions are provided on the project website

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Approaches 15

University of Amsterdam
Tackling complexity in Information Studies

Main theme: BEHAVIOUR Supplementary theme: ENGAGEMENT

This approach covers two degree programmes STEAM is in evidence through the commitment to
taught at the University of Amsterdam: the combining the different domains of technology,
BSc Information Studies (three years) and the society/culture and organisational theory (business-
MSc Information Studies (one year) which are focused and institutional), which creates a reflective
both located in the Computing Department. system that allows understanding of the complexity
Both programmes provide students with room of each individually as well as in relation to each
for exploration of the subject through shared other. The courses within the programmes foster
activities mainly focused on project work. The personal development and creativity within a
aim is to share technological, human and societal scientific environment by providing space for
insights – including theories, models and system independent work through active learning. The Arts
implementations – so that students can comprehend element of STEAM helps to broaden the students’
and place themselves within a transdisciplinary view of technology, specifically that it can provide
productive space. The programmes are aimed at solutions which help to improve industrial,
students from a mixture of subject backgrounds but organisational and social work systems, but that this
all sharing the desire to solve complex problems, technology needs to be adjusted to human needs.
using ICT and digital media.

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Approaches 16

Birmingham City University

Playful explorations between art and science

Main theme: BEHAVIOUR Supplementary theme: CULTURES

The School of Visual Communication, Birmingham From a science perspective letting Arts into The approach investigates Art’s value, purpose and
City University, is the home of this approach, the working space poses particular challenges interpretational authority, placing it as an equal to
which was instigated by Jo Berry, PhD researcher which are essential to consider, such as: how to Science, and employing play as an essential part
and lecturer in illustration. Stemming from an obtain access to research labs; the importance of the creative process in generating new methods
interest in biomedical scientific imagery, the aim of observing the scientific process in its entirety; for, and insights into, using scientific data. Through
is to demystify Art and Science through the use of similarities and differences between investigative this, the relationships between science, creativity,
playful creative methodologies. The result is art methodologies; and the value of certain decision- culture and aesthetics are explored. The initial
works, exhibitions and publications, notably those making processes which can result in refined research was funded by a Wellcome Trust grant
concerned with digital image explorations, such as forms of play and heightened responsiveness. and also supported by the School of Life Sciences
light drawings created through the application of at Nottingham University.
laser technology, computer software and material
analysis. An evolution of the approach has been
an investigation into the creative possibilities of
advanced imaging and microscopy, providing
new perspectives on the connections between
Art and Science.

Image by JoBerry © http://joberry.co.uk

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Approaches 17

TU Dresden
Interdisciplinary dialogues
in research and learning

Main theme: BEHAVIOUR Supplementary theme: CULTURES

FLiK is from the German “Forschen und Lernen During the second semester, individual topics designs for machines, architecture and materials
im interdisziplinären Kontext“: Researching and from the introductory lectures are explored in more science (e.g. lightweight engineering, polymer
learning within an interdisciplinary context. The detail through interdisciplinary project seminars technology, and textiles). In the project seminars
module spans two semesters, starting in the first and the FLiK workshop. These elements of the students experience design strategies, a process-
semester with a series of introductory lectures. FLiK module build upon one another, thus giving driven method, and extensive prototyping as
Unlike a traditional lecture series, this is taught students the opportunity to take an in-depth look crucial to cross disciplinary borders and establish
by several different people – biologists, designers at a particular research topic from a range of a fruitful path into the unknown. Thus, design
and engineers - each referring to the content of different perspectives. forms a sort of bridge between the biological and
previous and upcoming lectures. Similarities, Specifically, the chosen topic biomimetics of FLiK the engineering approaches.
differences and crossover points between the revolves around the central question of how natural Overall, the FLiK module allows students to gain
disciplines are discussed, methodologies are phenomena and their functional properties, as well insights into the knowledge being generated
presented, linked and differentiated. This approach, as their underlying principles, can be analysed in across a range of different domains, e.g. the state
partially with team-teaching elements, is flanked by order to then apply them to project developments of research, methods, terminology, and current
tutorials and research visits, and enables working from engineering, mathematical, biological and thematic developments. They are familiarised
out interdisciplinary relationships intensively. design perspectives. Students become familiar with with the process of practically doing research
The essential task is to trigger a dialogue between the possibilities and limitations of modelling natural and learn step-by-step how to carry out their
different specialisms, which continues to be patterns and their application to technically usable own interdisciplinary investigations.
nurtured throughout the whole module.

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Approaches 18

TU Dresden
Interdisciplinary summer course for students

Main theme: BEHAVIOUR Supplementary theme: ENGAGEMENT

Since 2014, TU Dresden’s Industrial Design Within the frame of STEAM, the multi-faceted In summary, the transdisciplinary design course
Engineering has led a transdisciplinary design approach to teaching is particularly fitting and and summer project provide grounded, professional
course and summer project. It brings together should be noted: insight into the benefits of cross-sectoral
students from industrial and media design with collaboration and design education, outside of
> C reative Teaching – using innovative techniques
those from engineering and technology. Critical to the accredited curriculum and thereby is an
from across different design disciplines.
its success are the external partners from industrial environment where unusual avenues and extensive
> Design Teaching – putting people’s needs at
and cultural institutions, who provide real-life possibilities can be freely explored.
the heart of creative investigations.
problems for the students to tackle, as well as
> Praxis-oriented Teaching – practically exploring
giving valuable, professional feedback. The course
real-world challenges set by partners from
focuses on human-centred design and human-
outside the university.
technology interaction, encompassing all elements
> Transdisciplinary Teaching – working across
of the design process and providing students with
sectors to find holistic approaches and solutions.
hands-on experience of a wide spectrum of tools
and methods, including prototyping and presenting
at trade shows.

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Approaches 19

Aalto University
Arts as a route for knowledge building

Main theme: CULTURES Supplementary theme: BEHAVIOUR

The University-Wide Art Studies (UWAS) programme as a mechanism for inviting external experts to
at Aalto University offers all students, irrespective contribute to university life, alongside supporting
of discipline, the chance to explore and study art the pedagogical development of staff in better
and design-based practices and processes. This is responding to present and future societal challenges
a vehicle for the wider ambition of the institution in tandem with students. In UWAS, collaboration
to encourage the formation of transdisciplinary across disciplines involves both learning and
communities of teachers, students and researchers, unlearning existing frameworks of knowledge in
with a view to tackling global challenges in art, science, and business in order to reach truly
imaginative and meaningful ways. There is an dialogic education.
understanding that art and design should be
considered to have a deeper purpose than simply the The impact of the approach cannot necessarily
aesthetic: creativity can help society to be renewed. be articulated through typical metrics but lifelong
learning and promotion of the need for reflection
The value of the programme is fundamental are of note, bringing renewed perspective in a
and, amongst other benefits, can be understood general, philosophical and historical sense.

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Approaches 20

University of Amsterdam
A cross-disciplinary programme on humans,
science and technology

Main theme: CULTURES Supplementary theme: BEHAVIOUR

Humans, Science, and Technology (HST) is a With an extensive scope, the programme covers
programme from the University of Amsterdam with topics such as Design Thinking, literature searches,
the aim of helping students to address complex and project and process management, listening and
difficult societal issues. It involves three faculties – collaborating, as well as personal ethics.
Humanities, Science and Social Sciences – in
combination with four learning trajectories – The University of Amsterdam values HST in
Change-Making Expertise, Digital Expertise, providing an innovative approach to teaching which
Humanities and Social Science Expertise, and seeks to integrate different disciplines, using
Research Expertise. It is this hybridity, alongside Design Thinking and associated creative methods
the capacity to bring about transformations, which of investigation as the main connectors between
is the most reminiscent of STEAM. Science (seen as academic/cognitive) and the
Arts (seen as experimental/open).
HST aims to develop knowledge, mental agility, and
bridge-building skills, to create reflective leaders.
It adopts an inquiry-based learning methodology,
to develop open, creative, and flexible citizens.

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Approaches 21

Central Saint Martins

A catalyst for dynamic exchanges
between art and science

Main theme: CULTURES Supplementary theme: SPACE

The MA Art and Science (MAAS) is a two-year The first year focuses on interdisciplinary practice The course adopts a hybrid philosophy which
Master’s Degree programme that has been running and working. It involves approaches that help brings together, rather than keeps apart, different
since 2011, recruiting students from different students learn as well as unlearn (e.g. ingrained elements (e.g. classroom teaching and studio
cultures and disciplinary backgrounds in arts, disciplinary habits), encouraging exploratory work; pedagogy of art and science) to create a
sciences and humanities. The course has a core creativity and associative thinking by including non-hierarchical platform for participants, different
teaching team of six, including a Course Leader, elements of randomness, fast working and the types of knowledge, disciplines and methods.
Pathway Leader and four Lecturers, complemented embracing of risk and failure. For example, the Communicating and sharing work with the wider
by guest scientists, artists and lecturers. It has Matter – Method – Material exercise uses a die to community and public is enabled via exhibitions
built a thriving STEAM community, emphasising randomly choose points of focus for each student and activities with external institutions and
both teaching and practice, which are facilitated to develop a response. The second year deepens professionals (e.g. British Library, Royal Society,
through the involvement of past students. Shared the interdisciplinary approach/knowledge(s) by Wellcome Trust, Tate Exchange, and CERN).
studio spaces are both a resource and a setting for continuing to encourage research, making, critical
collaboration and cooperation, providing stimuli as thinking and discourse, as well as group and
well as support for students developing and refining collaborative exercises to bring each student’s
their work. individual main project to fruition.

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Approaches 22

Science Gallery at Trinity College Dublin

An undergraduate module addressing
societal challenges

Main theme: CULTURES Supplementary theme: ENGAGEMENT

The Idea Translation Lab is a transdisciplinary taking on board the diversity of students on the
elective module delivered by Science Gallery Dublin programme and their previous insights and
for undergraduate students in Trinity College understanding.
Dublin. The module demonstrates STEAM learning
by encouraging collaborative work and creative The outcome enables students to work
thinking with the aim of generating solutions to independently, develop skills such as critical and
contemporary societal problems. Every year, a analytical thinking, while encouraging creativity
different thematic focus linked to the Science and imaginative work. The assessment strategy
Gallery Dublin exhibition is proposed. For instance, bridges practice and theory by providing
in the past issues like bias, systems and health have opportunities to draw on research expertise,
been explored by the Idea Translation Lab students. academic content and reflection alongside making,
and improving design and communication skills.
Students engage with a varied curriculum, diverse Students are required to explore the social,
pedagogies and ‘lab’ sessions to experiment, design scientific and cultural environment in which they
and develop prototypes which are presented and are working, supported by an understanding
exhibited as part of their learning. Teaching and of ethics, public policy and the commercial
knowledge acquisition strategies are innovative, significance and potential of their ideas.

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Approaches 23

Ars Electronica
Fostering research collaborations
across art, technology and society
Image: SEER: Simulative Emotional Expression Robot – Takayuki Todo. Photo: Martin Hieslmair / Ars Electronica
Main theme: ENGAGEMENT Supplementary theme: BEHAVIOUR

While not a Higher Education Institution, Ars of STARTS. Investigating the interdependencies go beyond technological mastery and acknowledge
Electronica provides perspective on STEAM practice inherent in fields such as blockchain, open (source) the intellectual value of a creative approach and its
as an organisation that supports a huge range of hardware and experimental publishing. The standing in the wider community.
transdisciplinary researchers across art, technology group received particular note for its research
In essence, when nurturing a collaboration, it is
and society. Of interest is their approach to foster into crypto currencies, which brought to the fore
important that time is given for those involved to
collaborations between artists and engineers, an understanding of how hacker culture can
understand each other on their own terms, before
making available physical and intellectual space be thought of as having an impact beyond the
concrete outputs are requested or expected. The
in which creative and analytical practices can be development of software systems, extending into
value of this approach is in creating the space to
tested and potentially melded. notions of respect for diverse disciplines and
experiment, and thus uncovering the unknown,
valuing new perspectives.
Fundamental to this is the STARTS Prize, which rather than simply finding solutions.
provides a platform for promoting collaborations Such cross-disciplinary collaborations are
between artists and industry that have led to underpinned by a great respect for deep knowledge,
innovations, and for the creative exploration of no matter whether that knowledge sits within
technology. One such example is RIAT – The the frame of a particular disciplinary domain.
Research Institute for Art and Technology – an In this way, for example, successful partnerships
independent research cluster based in Vienna,
which received recognition in the 2017 edition

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Approaches 24

Ars Electronica
Engaging the public with and through STEAM
Image: 30° – Mathias Foot , Franziska Rast, Stephan Schakulat, Janna Nikoleit. Photo: Jürgen Grünwald / Ars Electronica
Main theme: ENGAGEMENT Supplementary theme: SPACE

Ars Electronica organises one of the world’s These three strands are all integral to developing Participants develop an understanding of Artists
leading media art festivals as well as running a connections and each has a defined ambition. Of and Artistic mindsets, and are encouraged
‘Museum of the Future’. Critical to its success is particular note is WE GUIDE YOU, which provides to consider how to create the associations
the relationships it builds with its partners and participants with an opportunity to engage with the through which STEM and the Arts can become
the steps it takes to excite and connect with its thematic focal points of current exhibitions at the fundamentally connected. This, however, is not a
audiences. To this end, alongside a pervading Ars Electronica festival. Each tour is unique, as they quick process and initial steps can be most effective
need to communicate how technology can shape do not follow a fixed path and new aspects open up when focused on encouraging different thinking in
people’s lives, it has established an extensive during personal exchanges with the Infotrainers individuals rather than relying on the immediate
range of ways to engage stakeholders, including: (guides). They are often also led by exhibiting artists creation of functioning cross-disciplinary groups.
or thematic experts, including researchers, so
> W E GUIDE YOU – running tours designed All these activities are underpinned by STEAM,
providing a spectrum of viewpoints.
to make Ars Electronica more navigable having the intersections of Art, Technology and
to the public The aim of the tours is to educate participants, Society at their core. Ars Electronica also uses the
> We Inspire You – developing an ecosystem challenge mind-sets and encourage critical terms STARTS (Science, Technology and the Arts)
of investors, innovators, and policy makers thinking. They are geared towards thinking outside and Art Thinking to describe its approach.
> FUTURE Lab – supporting applied arts and of a solution-focused approach, so emphasising
technology research and collaborations the scope of issues rather than perfect answers.
with industry

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

The Museum of About the Museum

In 2018, the UK science community led the creation of the now
paradigmatic Visions of 2035: a way to a better research culture. Visions of
2035, and the conference that led to its creation, brought together previously

disparate discussions around publishing, recognition and assessment,
research integrity, funding, future career paths and collaboration. It
demonstrated that in order to see the shifts in research culture people
wanted, issues within these areas had to be dealt with holistically.

The Museum was set up in 2035 by the Starmar Foundation to mark the end
point of the roadmap and to reflect back on the changes seen within research
culture that emerged as a result of its creation. Are we where Visions of 2035
posited we would be? Have all of the changes seen as a result of the roadmap
been positive? And have we achieved the supporters’ ambition of a more diverse
research workforce, that recognises and values a range of skills and experiences
Visions of 2035 A Way to a Better Research Culture and openly accepts failure as a fundamental part of the research process.

Approaches 25
In the museum you will find objects that mark watershed moments in the
development of UK research culture over the last 17 years. Many of these
have come to underpin the way scientific research is now conducted in
public institutions, industrial research facilities, community labs and
homes across the country. It is thanks to many of these developments
that UK Science provides a model for research cultures around the world.

This exhibition brings to you a selection of the most iconic objects from the
Museum’s collection. We are very grateful to the Starmar Foundation and the
item donors for making this exhibition possible.

1Visions of 2035: a way to a better research culture

Central Saint Martins

Building relations for
The Museum of Extraordinary Objects is a series of artworks resulting from an
experimental collaboration between The Royal Society and artists studying
on the MA Art and Science at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts
London. Working to a brief to create objects that would stimulate imaginative
thought relating to specific research culture themes, the artists have designed

transdisciplinary interactions
speculative objects to provoke discussion about how a future research culture
could develop. This catalogue is one of the artworks.

(Please note that the artworks and their descriptions do not represent Royal
Society policy or predictions about future events or developments.)


Main theme: ENGAGEMENT Supplementary theme: CULTURES

The Museu
Central Saint Martins (CSM) is a constituent college Projects include the ‘Encounters between Arts CSM has also developed many STEAM projects Objec
of the University of the Arts London, which, as the and Science’ exhibition in 2013, which showed art beyond MAAS, such as: Grow Lab – a biology
Visions of 2035

name suggests, does not have a science faculty. installations in the British Library produced by laboratory for art & design teaching and research;
A Way to a Bet

As part of the process of delivering the MA Art MAAS students and exploring the interface between initiatives with schools in Camden Borough Council;
and Science (MAAS) programme at CSM it has art, science and the British Library’s collections and a Climate Assembly; and MAKE @ Story Garden –
therefore been necessary to build relationships with building. Also, a collaboration in 2017 with the Royal a maker space and community garden.
scientific institutions and professionals with whom Society focused on instigating conversations around
the students can interact. As the course is situated emerging research cultures, creating artworks that
in central London this facilitates collaborations could be used in training sessions for early career
with a number of institutions including the British scientists to encourage discussion and debate
Library, the National Gallery, the Science Museum, relating to the future of scientific knowledge. Other
the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, the Wellcome projects of note include those with Tate Exchange,
Collection and the Crick Institute. Government Office for Science, La Joya and CERN,
resulting in inter- and trans- disciplinary research,
exhibitions and publications.

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Approaches 26

Aalto University
A biology lab in an arts school

Main theme: SPACE Supplementary theme: ENGAGEMENT

Biofilia is a technical facility at Aalto University and ‘manipulation of life’. The resulting complex
for studies in the field of BioArt, a fast-emerging themes are tested at a practical and theoretical
area of interest that provides one of the most level through educational modules and short
fitting expressions of STEAM practice, particularly courses for undergraduate and postgraduate
when considering the potential scope of artistic students, and researchers-in-residence in the
practice. The approach focuses on the creation and Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture.
adoption of transdisciplinary knowledge to explore
Projects reach beyond the usual remit of a physical
intersections between biosciences, engineering and
scientific laboratory, with activities also carried out
the arts, influencing developments across research
in natural environments in outdoor spaces to further
and the curriculum.
enhance knowledge of biological arts as applied
By placing the lab in an arts school, tools and to real ecologies, opening conversations around
processes normally associated with engineering the perceived and demonstrable value of artistic
and biotechnology can be used as mediums for practice when combined with scientific processes.
artistic research, allowing creative investigation
of biological processes, organic matter, and
organisms, employing such methods as biohacking

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Approaches 27

Birmingham City Univeristy

Innovation through STEAM collaborations

Main theme: SPACE Supplementary theme: BEHAVIOUR

STEAMhouse is a centre for innovation, creative Fundamental to the approach is the creation of new STEAMhouse is a partnership between Birmingham
thinking, prototyping and business development, toolkits that help people adopt STEAM perspectives City University and Eastside Projects and is funded
which supports artists, engineers, entrepreneurs, – these focus on five key principles: collaboration, by the European Regional Development Fund, Arts
companies, and public sector organisations to conversation, exploration, newness, and openness. Council England, and the Greater Birmingham and
develop products and services, bringing new This ethos resonates with Birmingham’s civic Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership.
ideas to life. It provides access to technical history, which has a tradition of combining the
expertise and workshops in wood, metal, print and expertise of artists and industry, as shown on
digital technologies in order to advance people’s the city’s coat of arms. Relatedly, the centre
explorations. STEAMhouse prides itself in building has commitment to researching and scheduling
an inclusive community that promotes equality of challenges that speak to pressing social and
voice, including input from academics, creative business needs, and organises interdisciplinary
professionals and policy makers. The overall aim is events to build understanding and identify
to establish and promote new forms of collaboration potential solutions.
that will lead to expanded mindsets and major l
ong-term growth across the West Midlands region
of the UK.

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Approaches 28

Science Gallery at Trinity College Dublin

An encounter between science and art

Main theme: SPACE Supplementary theme: CULTURES

With a mission to ignite creativity and discovery maintaining balanced engagement from diverse
where science and art collide, Science Gallery contributors and audiences is to use a cross-sector
Dublin’s approach is primarily focused on youth ‘common’ language to open up conversations. The
engagement (15-25 year olds) through unique, approach seeks to achieve a balance where Arts
transdisciplinary exhibitions, events and educational and STEM thinking are treated with equality; artists
programmes. It offers a social space to develop and and scientists developing work at the junctions of
explore ideas, using performance and interactive the two disciplines. This supports the notion that
experiences as a key for audience engagement. transdisciplinary approaches to education and
Pioneered by Trinity College Dublin, Science Gallery innovation are fundamental to future-proofing
Dublin is the founding member of the wider Science universities. In each network location, the situated
Gallery Network, with each facility being part of a Science Gallery acts as a porous membrane
leading university. between the university and the city. It supports
co-existence and respect across both cultural
Science Gallery Dublin co-creates work with
and academic spheres, as well as developing
scientists, artists and youth advisors which responds
connections with local community stakeholders.
to global challenges through a combination of art,
science and technology. A key consideration in

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Implementing a STEAM approach 29

Initial considerations
In instigating a STEAM approach in a Higher Also consider:
Education setting there may well be a conflict
> H
 ow the STEAM approach supports institutional > A
 ny other processes that people previously
between the open, non-hierarchical principles
strategies and key performance indicators. undertook to deliver succesful change
of STEAM and the pre-existing structures of an
> T
 he likely return on investment. Will the programmes. Are there any prevailing barriers
Institution. STEAM’s emphasis on process, group
approach generate new funded research that must be overcome before a new approach,
work and transdisciplinarity is likely to challenge
opportunities and/or attract additional students? STEAM or otherwise, will be adopted?
Higher Education Institutions with their obligation
to measure outcomes and assess individual student > T
 he gap in the market that your STEAM > W
 hat existing academic research, projects or
capabilities, potentially in narrow subject silos. approach will address - is this academic, courses in your institution speak to STEAM
external, a combination, or other? Ideally, this principles?
However, our approaches have shown that, in
presenting the right rationale, Higher Education will work should be supported or led by trusted > H
 ow might the approach translate across your
embrace STEAM thinking and gain from its benefits academics from within your own institution. organisation. For example, will toolkits for
outlined earlier. However, be aware of the potential > T
 he authorisation and governance processes course design be produced that might be used
barriers in your Institution that may dilute or even and systems, including the particular by other departments? What additional value
prevent your STEAM approach. individuals, committees and boards who will might your approach bring?
need to provide consent and the timescales for > W
 hat are your objectives – what outcomes are
One fundamental action is to gain support from
decisions (internal and external). you hoping to achieve?
senior management in your institution. You will
need trust and confidence if resources are to be > T
 he curriculum and learning outcomes required > A
 re you creating a full formal course, a module
allocated. Do people in your institution really know by your institution (if applicable). Alternatively, or a project?
what STEAM is and how they might benefit? Arrange the outputs and outcomes required by external > W
 ho do you want to participate in the STEAM
specific training or discussion groups to generate partners or funding streams, as appropriate. activity? Students, academics, members of the
momentum. Help others to act as advocates, talking public, external partners or organisations or a
knowledgably about what STEAM means to them combination of some or all of these?
and its positive outcomes.

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Focus on projects
A STEAM approach is likely to involve a group with different backgrounds working together as a project 30
team to explore a specific task or challenge. Key are the notions of a voyage of discovery and an
investigation into the possibilities of collaborating, fusing ideas and combining knowledge.

Group formation Language Scale

By its very nature, STEAM requires transdisciplinary The group will need to adopt a common language to Linked to topic choice is the notion of project scale.
groups to function. As discussed in the Introduction function. Try to identify words that are not exclusive It is not necessary to solve the biggest challenges
(and highlighted in the Approaches section) not every to particular professions and help to build bridges straight away. It is seductive to imagine that STEAM,
constituent discipline or field encompassed by the between disciplines through clarity of thought and with its infinite possibilities, might immediately
term STEAM needs to be present in every project, expression. Take time to explore and understand uncover a transformative approach. The reality is
but our approaches confirm that there needs to be differences and synergies in the use of terms, that it is fine to start small and build up over time.
an arts and a technical or sciences element. theories, approaches and concepts favoured by Focus on supporting the behaviours that allow
participants. However, do not dwell unnecessarily people to feel rewarded for making meaningful
Projects often involve external partners, creating an on these. Instead, be open to simpler, accessible suggestions, even if they only result in incremental
opportunity to embed different perspectives. Try to language and ways of communicating. change.
involve people from beyond the usual disciplines or
close contacts; for example, include the wider public
and/or connect with decision-makers and potential Topic choice Reflections
users if appropriate. If a topic is to be chosen, it helps to avoid relying Sharing the results and outcomes of STEAM
solely on descriptions that use conventional projects, investigations and discussions is useful for
Be careful not to treat STEAM as a tick-box exercise
disciplinary terms. Try to weave in consideration of aiding reflection on specific strengths, weaknesses,
or put all the success and burden onto the Arts
broader issues and contemporary themes that affect opportunities and barriers. Do not limit your
element. Avoid situations where the inclusion of
society. In addition, what is considered conventional deliberations just to the end of the project, but try to
the Arts is superficial, naïve or tokenistic (such as,
might change from person to person and group to build in points for considering progress and learning
ignoring the critical inquiry elements of the Arts and
group, so there is value in running projects more throughout the project life cycle. In short, a STEAM
only seeing them as producing aesthetically pleasing
than once, with different participants to map out the practitioner can learn how to better deliver STEAM
outputs). Where Arts is the catalyst for a project be
boundaries that a subject area might reveal and the projects from the projects themselves.
careful not to ignore or supress the creative elements
methods that work for particular people in specific
within the other contributing disciplines.

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Behaviour: the way that an individual or group acts,
particularly in relation to collaboration
Keywords: collaboration; Examples: Interdisciplinary dialogues in research
experimentation; group working and learning: TU Dresden
Tackling complexity in Information By promoting transdisciplinary viewpoints, this
Studies: University of Amsterdam example encourages wider definitions of disciplines
> COLLABORATION: make sure that people
This programme employs methods from narration than might ordinarily be the case, laying the
understand that they need to be happy working
and visual arts, discussions about ethics as well foundations for STEAM practitioners to emerge
with others and contributing to the group.
as design thinking so that students understand
 ROUP WORKING: encourage a lack of
> G
that information and data are not only applicable
hierarchy and promote an equality of subject
in business-oriented contexts but can also be Interdisciplinary collaborations through
area. Do not force everyone to behave in the
treated playfully. design challenges: TU Dresden
same way. Foster a setting where different
behaviours can interact. Be prepared to Collaborative behaviours run throughout this
facilitate, support and feedback. approach, from developing external partnerships
Playful explorations between art and to promoting cross-disciplinary investigation. Real-
> EXPERIMENTATION: nurture conditions that
science: Birmingham City University world challenges provide students with insights
persuade participants to try new ways of doing
things, accept that things are not necessarily Through investigating playful and artistic into professional practice and STEAM is embedded
right or wrong and cope with failure or a lack interpretations of scientific data collaborative though valuing different kinds of creativity.
of a clear ending. Ask participants to imagine behaviours and the potential of cross-disciplinary
possibilities beyond those that normally sit perspectives are highlighted.
within their frame of reference. Celebrate when
individuals or groups try something new.

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Cultures: the collective values, beliefs and modes of
operation, which are advocated by STEAM practitioners
 eywords: values; multi-modality; Examples: A catalyst for dynamic exchanges between
positivity; unlearning art and science: Central Saint Martins
Arts as a route for knowledge building: Students go through a process of unlearning before
> VALUES: exhibit your STEAM values clearly
Aalto University producing an output. They are encouraged to break
down preconceptions to acquire new perspectives
so that your community understands how Notable in this approach is the non-hierarchical
and knowledge.
you intend to operate. Be open to discussion. culture which supports the programme. No
Consider how your STEAM values map on to previous knowledge is required nurturing an
those of your institution. environment in which new connections can be
 ULTIMODALITY: encourage different formats
> M
established, creating meeting points for students An undergraduate module addressing
for presenting ideas, information and outcomes,
and staff. societal challenges: Science Gallery at
including writing, graphics, symbols, film as Trinity College Dublin
well as spoken language and narratives.
Through exhibitions, students gain access to a
> POSITIVITY: create a positive culture in STEAM
A cross-disciplinary programme on broader audience for sharing ideas and gaining
projects by fostering peer-led support and an humans, science and technology: constructive feedback. Additionally, students are
open attitude to new ideas and suggestions. University of Amsterdam invited to grapple with important societal issues in
a setting that encourages theoretical examination
> UNLEARNING: focus on forgetting current This far-sighted programme seeks to combine
and critical reflection, in tandem with practical
knowledge and practices and acquiring new understanding of science and technology with
skills including designing and prototyping.
perspectives, breaking down preconceptions the concerns of humans through connecting
and seeking the unknown. Investigate what STEM with the Humanities. It is an emphasis on
could underpin or undermine an idea and change-making that most resonates with STEAM,
develop new baselines. If you know that emphasising what can be achieved through new
participants have tackled a particular challenge combinations and permutations.
in a certain way before, ask them to think of a
different one.

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Engagement: processes which promote
open involvement and stimulate wide interest
Keywords: acceptance; Examples: Building relations for transdisciplinary
communities; partners; technology interactions: Central Saint Martins
Fostering research collaborations across Through this approach a large range of STEAM
> ACCEPTANCE: ensure that people understand art, technology and society: projects and partners are engaged and supported.
that they will not be penalised for moving into Ars Electronica These include work with schools, makers, bio-
areas in which they are less competent or This approach demonstrates the importance of artists, climatologists and a community garden.
confident, so that they partake fully in a establishing a mutual understanding and equal Overall, the approach shows the impact that
STEAM process. footing when building partnerships. Arts and a Higher Education Institution can have when
technology participants experiment and explore committing to transdisciplinary collaboration.
 OMMUNITIES: to develop trust and
> C
understanding, involve your partners and the unknown, allowing innovative ideas to emerge
community before the STEAM process starts, from the collaboration.
so that they feel empowered and actively
engaged from the start.
> PARTNERS: inform partners of STEAM’s Engaging the public with and through
history and principles, possibly through an steam: Ars Electronica
initial workshop or presentation before any
significant work is started. Establish a common By breaking down the barriers often encountered
understanding using techniques such as in curated festivals and exhibitions, a dialogue
feedforward and feedback. Provide people with is opened up between stakeholders, allowing an
a chance to explore and restate their findings. exploration of roles and impacts while encouraging
people to feel more connected to the work on
> TECHNOLOGY: use technology (as with display.
language in the project section above) in an
inclusive way. If necessary provide training so
that any shared platforms allow equal access
and understanding.

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Space: the places where STEAM activity is delivered 34

Keywords: cross-over; visibility; Examples: An encounter between science and art:

connectivity; customisability Science Gallery at Trinity College Dublin
A biology lab in an arts school: This approach offers spaces where young people
Aalto University can engage with science in a creative and divergent
> CROSS-OVER: consider differentiating where
Biofilia treats the Biological Sciences and the way. At the junction of STEM and the Arts, often
discussions take place from where things are
Arts as equals, allowing layered exploration of the provocative installations surprise and engage
made. However, if possible, include an area
natural world. Artists can help present complex visitors, helping them understand the breadth
where crossover between production and
and latent technological ideas through creative and variety of applications connected to scientific
thinking can happen. Allow resources to be
forms, making them accessible and open to concepts and discoveries.
shared, with equal permission for use across
disciplines. further debate in society.

> VISIBILITY: display equipment and activity

openly so that visitors and other interested
partners can see what the space is used for and Innovation through science, technology,
how they can engage with it. engineering, arts and mathematics
> CONNECTIVITY: if possible, connect to the
collaborations: Birmingham City University
public realm (need elaborating?) through a STEAMhouse nurtures the creation of new
civic space to promote wider engagement and products and services for businesses through
provide material for stimulation. STEAM based activities. The open-access space
> CUSTOMISABILITY: add features that help the includes prototyping equipment as well as fostering
community to tailor their environment and behaviours that stimulate collaboration across
promote ownership. For example, movable artists, engineers and designers.
blackboards, sliding walls, customisable
furniture and glazed partitions. Enable a
common ground that is free from hierarchies.

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

Tensions and ambiguities 35

As our approaches show, STEAM can uncover Not unrelated, is the nature of group working. As it ways to experiment. This is shown in the embracing
multiple perspectives as well as identifying or is based on transdisciplinary projects, STEAM relies of failure as an inherent part of experimental
providing bridges, nodes and points of intersection on group work to be successful. Further, projects processes and a positive driver for innovation.
through an investigative process. However, this may involve local communities, collaborating with
exploratory mind-set can engender a number of businesses or other forms of external engagement. Although STEAM activities are largely still extra-
tensions or ambiguities discussed in the following. Here, it may be difficult to distribute marks fairly, curricular, we have started to see a rise in STEAM
It is helpful to be aware of these and associated and recognise the different inputs that participants modules and courses, with research and attention
potential pitfalls when building an approach. have made. to STEAM steadily increasing across Higher
Education. Importantly, STEAM approaches do not
Possibly the biggest tension, for curricular-based An ambiguity is the lack of clarity regarding how only stimulate transdisciplinary working, critical
STEAM activities is the need for educators to much of each of the separate elements of STEAM thinking, creativity and innovation, they also lend
measure the extent to which students have met should be present for an activity to be considered themselves to being inherently inclusive and
intended learning outcomes. Further, research to be STEAM. Debates include if A is being added reflective.
and other external funding streams often demand to STEM, STEM is being added to A, or STEM
quantifiable outcomes and clear indications of embraces or, alternatively, smothers A to result
impact. Clearly STEAM characteristics such as in STEAM.
critical thinking, non-hierarchical working and a
collaborative approach do not immediately lend STEAM thinking and practice have changed over
themselves to conventional forms of measurement time and will continue to do so. This may make it
and assessment. This dilemma will be addressed hard to pin down STEAM but also keeps it exciting
in the third part of the STEAM.INC project. In and relevant. For example, hands-on MakerSpaces
the meantime, a STEAM approach needs careful signify early STEAM action and remain an important
consideration of outcomes and how they will be part but there has also been a trend towards
evaluated. Much can probably be learnt here more discursive, reflective and philosophical labs.
from existing Arts-based assessment experiences Furthermore, a widening of techniques, including
and practice. play, can be observed offering effective and safe

STEAM INC Handbook www.steaminnovation.org

STEAM Approaches Handbook

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