Effects of The Menstrual Cycle On Exercise Performance
Effects of The Menstrual Cycle On Exercise Performance
Effects of The Menstrual Cycle On Exercise Performance
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 833
1. Methodological Considerations in Menstrual Cycle Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834
1.1 Verification of Menstrual Cycle Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834
1.2 Timing of Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 836
1.3 Pulsatile Secretion of Estrogen and Progesterone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 837
1.4 Interaction of Estrogen and Progesterone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 837
2. Skeletal Muscle Contractile Characteristics During the Menstrual Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 837
3. Maximal Oxygen Consumption During the Menstrual Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 839
3.1 Metabolism and Blood Lactate Concentration in Response to Exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 839
3.2 Bodyweight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 840
3.3 Plasma Volume, Haematocrit and Haemoglobin Concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 840
3.4 Heart Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 842
3.5 Ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 842
3.6 Maximal Oxygen Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 843
4. Prolonged Exercise Performance During the Menstrual Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 843
4.1 Temperature Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 843
4.2 Prolonged Exercise Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 845
4.3 Prolonged Exercise Performance in the Heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 845
5. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 846
Abstract This article reviews the potential effects of the female steroid hormone
fluctuations during the menstrual cycle on exercise performance. The measure-
ment of estrogen and progesterone concentration to verify menstrual cycle phase
is a major consideration in this review. However, even when hormone concentra-
tions are measured, the combination of differences in timing of testing, the high
inter- and intra-individual variability in estrogen and progesterone concentration,
the pulsatile nature of their secretion and their interaction, may easily obscure
possible effects of the menstrual cycle on exercise performance. When focusing
on studies using hormone verification and electrical stimulation to ensure maxi-
mal neural activation, the current literature suggests that fluctuations in female
reproductive hormones throughout the menstrual cycle do not affect muscle
contractile characteristics. Most research also reports no changes over the men-
strual cycle for the many determinants of maximal oxygen consumption
(V̇O2max), such as lactate response to exercise, bodyweight, plasma volume,
haemoglobin concentration, heart rate and ventilation. Therefore, it is not surpris-
834 Janse de Jonge
ing that the current literature indicates that V̇O2max is not affected by the
menstrual cycle. These findings suggest that regularly menstruating female ath-
letes, competing in strength-specific sports and intense anaerobic/aerobic sports,
do not need to adjust for menstrual cycle phase to maximise performance.
For prolonged exercise performance, however, the menstrual cycle may have
an effect. Even though most research suggests that oxygen consumption, heart rate
and rating of perceived exertion responses to sub-maximal steady-state exercise
are not affected by the menstrual cycle, several studies report a higher cardio-
vascular strain during moderate exercise in the mid-luteal phase. Nevertheless,
time to exhaustion at sub-maximal exercise intensities shows no change over the
menstrual cycle. The significance of this finding should be questioned due to the
low reproducibility of the time to exhaustion test. During prolonged exercise in
hot conditions, a decrease in exercise time to exhaustion is shown during the
mid-luteal phase, when body temperature is elevated. Thus, the mid-luteal phase
has a potential negative effect on prolonged exercise performance through elevat-
ed body temperature and potentially increased cardiovascular strain. Practical
implications for female endurance athletes may be the adjustment of competition
schedules to their menstrual cycle, especially in hot, humid conditions. The small
scope of the current research and its methodological limitations warrant further
investigation of the effect of the menstrual cycle on prolonged exercise perform-
Throughout ovulatory menstrual cycles, women the current status in the literature and will focus on
are exposed to continuously changing female steroid three important aspects of exercise performance, i.e.
hormone profiles. Estrogen starts to increase half- muscle contractile characteristics, maximal oxygen
way through the follicular phase to reach a peak just consumption (V̇O2max) and prolonged exercise per-
prior to ovulation, while during the middle of the formance. Firstly, the methodological considera-
luteal phase both estrogen and progesterone are ele- tions in menstrual cycle research will be determined
vated. Research investigating large fluctuations in to assist in the review of the literature to follow.
female steroid hormones (such as during pregnancy,
menopause and hormone administration) has shown 1. Methodological Considerations in
that both estrogen and progesterone cause many Menstrual Cycle Research
physiological effects, including changes in the ther-
moregulatory, respiratory and renal system. These 1.1 Verification of Menstrual Cycle Phase
secondary effects of estrogen and progesterone and
To be able to investigate the potential effects of
their interaction may in turn influence exercise per- menstrual cycle phase on exercise performance, it is
formance. of vital importance to accurately verify the menstru-
The research literature is often equivocal con- al cycle phase at the time of testing. Most verifica-
cerning the effects of the smaller menstrual cycle tion methods concentrate on the occurrence of ovu-
hormone fluctuations on exercise performance. lation to enable division of the menstrual cycle into
Lebrun[1] thoroughly reviewed the early literature on follicular and luteal phases. This verification not
the effects of the different phases of the menstrual only ensures that the correct/intended phase is inves-
cycle on athletic performance and reported gaps and tigated, it also avoids inclusion of non-ovulatory and
conflicts in the literature for many aspects of exer- luteal phase deficient (LPD) cycles. Both anovula-
cise performance. The present review will report on tion and LPD are characterised by low progesterone
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Menstrual Cycle and Exercise Performance 835
concentrations during the second half of the cycle. This method, however, does not give information
De Souza et al.[2] showed a high frequency of LPD about actual hormone levels. Moreover, the relation-
(43%) and anovulation (12%) in recreational run- ship between BBT and ovulation may vary consider-
ners and a high level of inconsistency from one ably, with some women not showing an increase in
menstrual cycle to the next. These changes in men- BBT during the luteal phase.[6] Although it is tempt-
strual cycle function are not necessarily reflected in ing to assume that an increase in BBT reflects an
alterations in bleeding pattern.[3] Ovulatory distur- increase in progesterone, a poor correlation between
bances therefore often remain unperceived by ap- BBT and progesterone concentration has been
parently regularly menstruating women, resulting in found.[6-8] Thus although BBT charting may give an
uncertainty about the prevalence of anovulation and indication of whether or not ovulation has occurred,
LPD in the general population. Thus, especially in its reliability and its reflection of progesterone level
active women, even when regular bleeding occurs, should be treated with caution.
one cannot assume a consistent menstrual cycle with Urinary luteinising hormone (LH) concentration
regular hormone concentrations. To avoid inclusion can be determined using ovulation predictor kits,
of non-ovulatory/LPD menstrual cycles and to be consisting of colorimetric enzyme immunoassays of
able to draw valid conclusions about the effects of urinary LH. The time from peak serum LH concen-
menstrual cycle phase on measured variables, it is tration to the urinary LH peak was shown to be 2 ± 2
necessary to accurately verify menstrual cycle hours (mean ± standard error), indicating that urin-
phase. ary LH reflects serum levels relatively quickly.[9]
Early studies investigating the menstrual cycle Once the LH surge has been shown to occur, it can
often relied on counting the days from the onset of be assumed with a confidence level of 95% that
menses. It was assumed that study participants had ovulation will take place within the next 14–26
regular ovulatory menstrual cycles and followed hours.[9]
‘normal’ hormone fluctuations throughout the men- The fourth method for menstrual cycle phase
strual cycle. One problem with this method is that, in verification is the measurement of estrogen and pro-
general, the follicular phase is more variable in gesterone. The hormone concentrations can be mea-
length than the luteal phase. Thus, unless days are
sured in serum and saliva or their metabolites can be
counted backwards, in retrospect, it is difficult to measured in urine. The measurement of estrogen
predict the day of ovulation. The main problem is and progesterone in saliva is non-invasive and con-
the assumption that all women who menstruate reg- venient. The steroid concentrations in saliva reflect
ularly also ovulate regularly. As mentioned, there is the free portion of the serum concentration and are
a high incidence of anovulation and LPD in active much lower than in serum (0.2% for estrogen[10] and
women with regular bleeding.[2] Thus, counting days 1.3% for progesterone[11]). The main problem, there-
from onset of menses does not differentiate ovulato- fore, is that methods with much greater sensitivity
ry from anovulatory cycles and will therefore give need to be developed to enable accurate measure-
misleading information about menstrual cycle ments. The measurement of estrogen and progester-
phase. one metabolite concentrations in urine can also give
A second well established method for menstrual an indication of menstrual cycle phase.[12] A prob-
cycle phase determination is basal body temperature lem with this method is the impracticality of 24-hour
(BBT) charting. Most ovulatory women have an urine collections. If early morning urine is analysed
increase in BBT of approximately 0.3°C after ovula- instead, the adjustment to standardised 24-hour col-
tion, which is sustained throughout the luteal lection may cause additional error in the measure-
phase.[4,5] BBT charting is a useful method for iden- ments. Based on the greater potential for inaccuracy
tifying the approximate day of ovulation, and thus in salivary and urinary measures, it is not surprising
the relative length of follicular and luteal phases. that most recent studies verify menstrual cycle phase
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836 Janse de Jonge
Table I. Menstrual cycle phase terminology with corresponding days of the menstrual cycle, where possible accompanied by an indication
of corresponding hormone concentrations of oestrogen and progesterone
Terminology with corresponding hormone concentrations Terminology including a range of hormone concentrations
menstrual cycle phase (days of estrogen progesterone menstrual cycle phase (days of menstrual cyclea)
menstrual cyclea) concentration concentration
Early-follicular (2–7) Low Low Follicular (1–13)
Pre-ovulatory (1–13)
Mid-follicular (6–9)[15]
Late-follicular (9–13) High Low Mid-cycle (12–18)[16]
Ovulatory (3–5 days around ovulation)[17]
Mid-luteal (18–24) High High Ovulation (14)
Luteal (15–28)
Post-ovulatory (15–28)
a Based on a 28-day cycle with ovulation occurring on day 14.
with the well-established method of serum estrogen is the timing of the testing with respect to the men-
and progesterone concentration measurements. strual cycle. A potential effect of the hormone fluc-
The verification of menstrual cycle phase is tuations during the menstrual cycle on exercise per-
based on an increase in progesterone from the follic- formance is most likely to be found when testing is
ular to the luteal phase to indicate that ovulation has conducted during those phases of the menstrual
occurred. However, the minimum post-ovulatory cycle with significantly different hormone levels.
progesterone concentration required to confidently During the early-follicular phase, both estrogen and
verify ovulation appears undecided. Israel et al.[13] progesterone concentrations are low. Estrogen starts
suggested a minimum of 9.54 nmol/L, while Lan- to increase halfway through the follicular phase to
dgren et al.[14] set the limit at 16 nmol/L. For re- reach a peak in the late-follicular phase and then
search purposes, the higher, more conservative pro- sharply drops just prior to ovulation. After ovula-
gesterone limit of 16 nmol/L increases the chance of tion, both estrogen and progesterone increase until a
detecting changes over the menstrual cycle that are plateau is reached during the mid-luteal phase. In the
related to hormone fluctuations. Estrogen concentra- late luteal phase, estrogen and progesterone de-
tion measurements are important in identifying the crease again.[18] Based on this pattern of estrogen
late-follicular estrogen peak. Measurement of both and progesterone throughout the menstrual cycle,
estrogen and progesterone is the only method that three distinct phases can be identified (see section
can identify between the three distinct phases: (i) 1.1 and table I). As also shown in table I, the
early-follicular phase (low estrogen and progester- terminology used for the different phases of the
one); (ii) late-follicular phase (high estrogen and menstrual cycle often varies between studies. If, for
low progesterone); and (iii) mid-luteal phase (high example, the term ‘follicular phase’ is used, it re-
estrogen and progesterone) [see table I]. As this mains unclear if this term refers to the early-follicu-
article reviews the effects of the female steroid lar phase with its low estrogen and progesterone
hormone fluctuations throughout the menstrual concentrations, the mid-follicular phase with poten-
cycle on exercise performance, the main focus will tially rising estrogen levels, or perhaps to the late-
be on those studies that measured estrogen and follicular phase with high estrogen and low proges-
progesterone to verify menstrual cycle phase. terone concentrations. When reviewing results of
different investigations, it is therefore important to
1.2 Timing of Testing determine the exact days of testing (and if possible
the hormone levels on those days) to ensure that the
A further consideration in research on the influ- same menstrual cycle phases are being compared. In
ence of the menstrual cycle on exercise performance this review, the menstrual cycle phases will be de-
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Menstrual Cycle and Exercise Performance 837
fined as clearly as possible using the terms ‘early-’, Another factor to consider is that exercise is
‘mid-’ and ‘late-follicular’ phase and ‘mid-luteal’ known to increase both estrogen and progesterone
phase. Whenever the general terms ‘follicular’ and concentrations.[24,25] Therefore, hormone verifica-
‘luteal’ phase are used, these terms either refer to the tion measurements should take place at rest.[26] Even
whole menstrual cycle phase or indicate that the when hormone concentrations are measured under
reviewed study did not provide detailed information resting conditions, at a set time of day, it should be
about the timing of testing. noted that rapid fluctuations in the reproductive and
A further problem in menstrual cycle research is pituitary hormones may occur at any time. There-
that different studies often investigate different fore, the pre-test hormone concentration may not
phases of the menstrual cycle. Some may have com- necessarily reflect hormone concentrations during
pared the early-follicular phase with the few days testing.
prior to ovulation,[19] while others compared the
early-follicular phase,[20] or the mid-follicular 1.4 Interaction of Estrogen and Progesterone
phase[15] with the mid-luteal phase. Other studies
Another difficulty in interpreting menstrual cycle
conducted testing every week, then retrospectively
research stems from the interaction between es-
fitted menstrual cycle phase to the test days.[16]
trogen and progesterone. Two women may have the
These different approaches to the timing of testing
same estrogen concentration at a certain point in the
often arise from problems in the prediction of the
menstrual cycle, but may have very different pro-
exact phase of the menstrual cycle and the concur-
gesterone levels.[21] Thus, the effect of the same
rent reproductive hormone concentrations. As the
estrogen concentration may be different in the two
follicular phase is more variable in length than the
women because of the interaction with progester-
luteal phase, it is difficult to predict the day of
one. To emphasise the importance of interactive
ovulation. A further problem is that the length of the
effects, some studies not only report estrogen and
menstrual cycle may vary from cycle to cycle, which
progesterone concentrations, but also the estrogen/
may cause error when information from the previous
progesterone ratio.[21] This ratio may provide infor-
cycle is used to predict the days of testing.
mation about opposing effects of estrogen and pro-
gesterone. In addition, the product of estrogen and
1.3 Pulsatile Secretion of Estrogen progesterone may reveal synergistic effects of es-
and Progesterone trogen and progesterone. This interaction between
estrogen and progesterone needs to be considered in
In menstrual cycle research, large variations in
menstrual cycle research, especially during the mid-
hormone concentration between different phases of
luteal phase, when large concentrations of both hor-
the menstrual cycle are expected. In the same men-
mones are present.
strual cycle phase, there is also a large variability in
hormone concentrations between women.[21] In ad- 2. Skeletal Muscle Contractile
dition, it has been shown that within the same wo- Characteristics During the
man, progesterone levels fluctuate widely during the Menstrual Cycle
mid-luteal phase, with concentration changes of
greater than 64 nmol/L within several hours.[22] This Research investigating the muscle contractile
large variation in hormone levels within each phase characteristic strength throughout the menstrual
is partly due to the pulsatile secretion of these hor- cycle shows conflicting results. Sarwar et al.[16]
mones (ultradian rhythm). In a study of diurnal found that regularly menstruating women were
variation in hormone secretion, it was shown that stronger mid-cycle (defined as day 12–18 of the
progesterone concentrations are highest in the morn- menstrual cycle). Phillips et al.[27] reported an in-
ing,[23] so that the time of day of testing should also crease in adductor pollicis strength during the follic-
be taken into account when comparing studies. ular phase, followed by a rapid decrease in strength
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838 Janse de Jonge
around ovulation. These two studies suggested that verify menstrual cycle phase. Therefore, this study
estrogen may have a strengthening effect on skeletal may have included non-ovulatory/LPD menstrual
muscle. However, Bassey et al.[28] found a negative cycles. Furthermore, mid-cycle was defined as day
association between estrogen concentration and 12–18 of the menstrual cycle and for most women
handgrip strength. In contrast, Greeves et al.[29] re- ovulation would occur during this period. Thus the
ported the greatest strength during the mid-luteal female reproductive hormone concentrations would
phase and suggested that progesterone may be im- be expected to fluctuate significantly during this
plicated in the regulation of strength production. phase. The results of this study should be regarded
Several other studies have found no change in the with these limitations in mind.
muscle contractile characteristic strength over the
Greeves et al.[29] measured maximal isometric
menstrual cycle.[30-35]
strength of the quadriceps with superimposed elec-
These conflicting findings can largely be ex- trical stimulation in nine young women. Measure-
plained by methodological shortcomings. The main ments were conducted at seven time points through-
problem in the measurement of maximal muscle out the menstrual cycle, based on LH peak, and
strength is ensuring that the contraction truly reflects estrogen and progesterone concentrations were mea-
the maximum force-generating capacity of the sured on five occasions. Greeves et al.[29] found the
muscle. Even well-motivated individuals cannot al- lowest strength during the late-follicular phase (with
ways reach full neural activation of their muscles.[36] rising estrogen levels) and the highest strength
The extent of neural activation can be determined by during the mid-luteal phase (with high progesterone
applying a superimposed electrical stimulus to the levels). These authors speculated that progesterone
muscle during the performance of a maximal volun- may be involved in the regulation of strength, which
tary isometric contraction. When comparing was supported by the positive relationship found
strength over a period of time, such as in menstrual between relative force and progesterone (r = 0.330).
cycle research, it is especially important to ensure The r2 value of this relationship indicates that only
maximal neural activation using electrical stimula- 11% of the variability in strength could be explained
tion during each test. by change in progesterone. The actual results for
Of the aforementioned studies, only four used estrogen and progesterone, however, were not re-
superimposed electrical stimulation to ensure full ported. Furthermore, Greeves et al.[29] did not indi-
neural activation of the muscle.[16,29,34,35] Two of cate a progesterone limit for verification of ovula-
these studies reported changes in muscle strength tion.
over the menstrual cycle. Sarwar et al.[16] found an White and Weekes[34] tested muscle contractile
increase in strength at mid-cycle, while Greeves et characteristics of the triceps surae with electrical
al.[29] reported the highest strength during the mid- stimulation at four time points during the menstrual
luteal phase. However, White and Weekes[34] and cycle in six regularly menstruating women. These
Janse de Jonge et al.[35] reported no change in authors measured maximal voluntary isometric
muscle strength over the menstrual cycle. strength, maximally electrically evoked twitch and
Sarwar et al.[16] used superimposed electrical tetanus force and fatigability. The phases of the
stimulation to test the skeletal muscle contractile menstrual cycle were estimated retrospectively, by
characteristics strength, relaxation rate and fatigabil- counting days backwards from the onset of the
ity of the quadriceps in ten young women during the second menses. White and Weekes[34] found no link
menstrual cycle. These authors found that regularly between menstrual cycle phase and voluntary and
menstruating women were stronger, more fatigable electrically evoked contractile characteristics
and had a longer relaxation time at mid-cycle. The (strength and fatigability) of the triceps surae.
major limitation of the study by Sarwar et al.[16] is Again, the major shortcoming was that White and
that hormone concentrations were not measured to Weekes[34] did not measure hormone concentrations
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Menstrual Cycle and Exercise Performance 839
to verify menstrual cycle phase. The study could 3. Maximal Oxygen Consumption
therefore have included non-ovulatory/LPD men- During the Menstrual Cycle
strual cycles and, with only six study participants, Several determinants of V̇O2max may be affected
this may have easily obscured possible effects of by the estrogen and progesterone fluctuations during
menstrual cycle phase on muscle contractile charac- the menstrual cycle. The three main physiological
teristics. factors involved in V̇O2max are fuel availability,
Janse de Jonge et al.[35] investigated skeletal circulation and respiration. Fuel availability is deter-
muscle contractile characteristics using electrical mined by food intake, fuel storage and fuel
stimulation in 15 women. Testing was conducted in mobilisation, which may in turn affect the blood
a way that ensured that the three distinct hormonal lactate concentration in response to exercise. As
V̇O2max is often expressed per kilogram of
profiles of the menstrual cycle were represented (i.e.
bodyweight (ml/kg/min), changes in bodyweight as
low estrogen and progesterone concentrations
a result of potential changes in fluid regulation may
during the early-follicular phase, high estrogen and also affect V̇O2max. Furthermore, fluid regulation
low progesterone during the late-follicular phase, may influence plasma volume and haemoglobin
and high estrogen and progesterone during the mid- concentration, which would affect the oxygen carry-
luteal phase). A strict progesterone limit of 16 nmol/ ing capacity of blood. Possible changes in plasma
L was set for confirmation of ovulation and proges- volume may have an effect on heart rate, which is an
terone was significantly elevated during the mid- important determinant of cardiac output. Finally,
luteal phase. In addition, estrogen concentrations ventilation is needed to supply oxygen to the lungs.
were significantly different for the three phases of The potential effects of the menstrual cycle on these
the menstrual cycle. Janse de Jonge et al.[35] reported determinants of V̇O2max will be reviewed to assist in
no changes over the menstrual cycle for strength and determining the effect of the menstrual cycle on
fatigability of the quadriceps. Furthermore, no cor-
relations were found between the measured muscle 3.1 Metabolism and Blood Lactate
contractile characteristics and the hormone concen- Concentration in Response to Exercise
trations of estrogen and progesterone.[35]
Several studies reported changes in exercise sub-
Isokinetic strength over the menstrual cycle has strate metabolism over the menstrual cycle,[37-39]
been investigated by several studies using hormone suggesting an enhanced lipid metabolism during the
concentration measurements to verify menstrual mid-luteal phase. Other investigations found no dif-
cycle phase.[32,33,35] No changes over the menstrual ference in substrate metabolism between the phases
cycle were found for isokinetic knee flexion and of the menstrual cycle.[40,41] Bonen et al.[42] found a
extension.[32,33,35] Two of these studies also showed change in exercise substrate metabolism over the
no significant difference in fatigability over the menstrual cycle in glucose-loaded women, while
menstrual cycle.[33,35] substrate responses in fasted and control women
were similar. These results suggest that metabolism
In summary, the current literature suggests that
is likely to be affected by an interaction between
the fluctuations in female steroid hormones through-
menstrual cycle phase and nutritional status. For
out the menstrual cycle do not affect muscle strength more detailed information on metabolism during the
and fatigability. A practical implication of these menstrual cycle, the reader is referred to the review
findings would be that regularly menstruating fe- by Ashley et al.[43]
male athletes in strength-specific sports do not need When reviewing the literature on lactate response
menstrual cycle adjustment to maximise their com- to exercise over the menstrual cycle, inconsistencies
petitive ability. were also found. Some studies reported a higher
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840 Janse de Jonge
blood lactate concentration in response to exercise over the menstrual cycle for maximum power out-
during the mid-follicular phase.[15,44,45] They specu- put, measured during an incremental exercise test to
lated that estrogen enhanced lipid oxidation[15] and exhaustion. De Souza et al.[41] also found no signif-
spared glycogen,[44] thus causing a lower lactate icant changes over the menstrual cycle in V̇O2max
response to exercise in the mid-luteal phase of the and time to exhaustion. Thus, even in the unlikely
menstrual cycle. Many other studies, however, event that a certain combination of nutritional status
found no significant changes over the menstrual and menstrual cycle phase were to cause a change in
cycle in lactate response to exercise.[38,40-42,46-48] lactate response to exercise, this seems unlikely to
The lactate response to exercise is likely to be have an effect on V̇O2max.
influenced by substrate metabolism, which, in turn,
3.2 Bodyweight
is affected by nutritional status. The decrease in
lactate response to exercise during the mid-luteal Many women report changes in bodyweight and
phase found by Jurkowski et al.[44] and McCracken a bloated feeling throughout the menstrual cycle,
et al.[15] may have been due to differences in nutri- indicating potential changes in the distribution of
tional status. Furthermore, the mean progesterone body fluids. Most studies have found no significant
level in the study by Jurkowski et al.[44] during the change in bodyweight over the menstrual
mid-luteal phase was lower than in most other stud- cycle.[5,32,41,49] These studies, however, conducted
ies (28.3 ± 7 nmol/L versus >40 nmol/L). Their testing on only two or three occasions throughout
results should therefore be regarded with some cau- the menstrual cycle. In a study with daily
tion due to potential inclusion of non-ovulating/LPD bodyweight measurements, in 28 young women, the
women in this study. This may have also been the highest bodyweight was found in the late luteal
case for Lavoie et al.,[45] who found a decreased phase and the first days of menstruation.[50] This was
lactate response to exercise during the mid-luteal immediately followed by an abrupt weight loss. A
phase. Lavoie et al.[45] reported low mid-luteal phase short peak in bodyweight just after ovulation was
progesterone concentrations in two of their seven also found.[50] The time of ovulation in this study,
study participants and it remains unclear whether or however, was estimated from BBT patterns and was
not these non-ovulating/LPD participants were in- not verified with hormone measurements. Also, for
cluded in the analysis. bodyweight loss during exercise, most studies have
Of all previously mentioned lactate studies, only reported no changes over the menstrual
two exerted strict dietary control (for 2–3 days cycle.[17,20,51,52] These findings may indicate that es-
before testing) and verified menstrual cycle phase. trogen and progesterone changes during the men-
These two studies found no changes in lactate res- strual cycle do not affect fluid regulation. An alter-
ponse to exercise over the menstrual cycle.[40,42] native explanation may be that the menstrual cycle
Over all, it seems most likely that the menstrual affects the distribution of fluid within the body,
cycle does not affect blood lactate concentration in rather than absolute fluid retention or excretion.
response to exercise.
3.3 Plasma Volume, Haematocrit and
When reviewing the effects of menstrual cycle Haemoglobin Concentration
changes in lactate response to exercise on exercise
performance, Jurkowski et al.[44] reported an im- Information about a possible change in fluid dis-
provement in exercise time to exhaustion at 90% of tribution may be detected by investigating changes
V̇O2max during the mid-luteal phase. As mentioned in plasma volume, haematocrit and haemoglobin
earlier, possible inclusion of non-ovulating/LPD concentration over the menstrual cycle. Fortney et
study participants and possible differences in nutri- al.[53] measured the absolute plasma volume and red
tional status should be considered for this study. cell mass of five women and found no difference
Furthermore, Jurkowski et al.[44] showed no change between the follicular and luteal phase. These au-
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Menstrual Cycle and Exercise Performance 841
thors then investigated daily resting plasma volume a large population study on menstrual blood loss, it
changes in eight women, calculated from haemato- was shown that the 80% range for blood loss was
crit and haemoglobin change and the known abso- 10–90mL.[59] This study reported a mean blood loss
lute plasma volume. A peak in plasma volume was of 43mL in 476 women aged between 15 and 50
found within 2 days of the estimated day of ovula- years. However, 11% of the women lost more than
tion, followed by a dip during the early luteal phase 80mL of blood during menstruation. For these
and an increase during the mid- to late-luteal phase women, a significantly lower haemoglobin concen-
of the menstrual cycle.[53] Stephenson and Kolka,[54] tration was found than for the women who lost
however, reported a lower resting plasma volume 1–60mL.[59] Thus, the actual blood loss during men-
during the mid-luteal phase (day 19–22) than the struation may result in a decrease in haemoglobin
early-follicular phase. Support for the plasma vol- concentration at that time for some women.
ume pattern reported by Fortney et al.[53] was found When reviewing the effects of the menstrual
in a large study by Vellar[55] (n = 477; 1270 blood cycle on plasma volume changes during exercise, as
samples). This study showed that the highest haema- calculated from haematocrit and haemoglobin
tocrit and haemoglobin concentration was found changes, conflicting findings are evident. Stephen-
around day 18 of the menstrual cycle (mean of son and Kolka[54] reported a larger fluid shift out of
values from day 15–19), which coincides with the the vasculature during the early-follicular phase,
lowest plasma volume in the study by Fortney et decreasing plasma volume at a faster rate than
al.[53] None of these three studies verified menstrual during the mid-luteal phase. The major limitation of
cycle phase with hormone measurements and their this study was that the menstrual cycle phase of the
results should be interpreted with this limitation in five participants in this study was not verified by
mind. The fact that the studies by both Fortney et hormone measurements. Gaebelein and Senay[57] al-
al.[53] and Vellar[55] reported the same pattern over so found a faster decrease in plasma volume during
the menstrual cycle warrants further investigation of exercise during the early-follicular phase. Although
fluid regulation and haematology at multiple time Gaebelein and Senay[57] measured hormone levels
points during the menstrual cycle. for the five study participants, the reported mean
Several studies with hormone verification have progesterone concentration in the mid-luteal phase
found no change in haematocrit and haemoglobin was very low (14.6 nmol/L). Therefore, the possibil-
concentration over the menstrual cycle.[32,56-58] ity of inclusion of non-ovulatory/LPD cycles should
Dombovy et al.[38] reported a lower haemoglobin be considered. Other studies with larger participant
concentration during the mid-luteal phase. In con- numbers and menstrual cycle phase verification
trast, Jurkowski et al.[44] found a higher resting through hormone measurements, found no change in
haemoglobin during the mid-luteal phase. As men- plasma volume shifts between the phases of the
tioned previously, this result may be questionable menstrual cycle during exercise.[15,41] Based on the
due to possible inclusion of non-ovulatory/LPD cy- number of study participants and proper menstrual
cles in this study. Stachenfeld et al.[20] reported a cycle verification in these latter studies, plasma vol-
higher resting haematocrit during the mid-luteal ume changes during exercise are likely to be unaf-
phase. Observing the limitation that all these studies fected by the menstrual cycle.
conducted testing at only two time points throughout In summary, a study with daily measurements
the menstrual cycle, most evidence suggests that reported a changing pattern in plasma volume over
resting haemoglobin and haematocrit are not affect- the menstrual cycle, which was supported by an-
ed by the menstrual cycle. other study with multiple measurements and a large
An additional factor to consider when investigat- number of study participants. A major limitation
ing haemoglobin concentration over the menstrual was that both these studies did not verify menstrual
cycle is the actual blood loss during menstruation. In cycle phase with hormone measurements. Most
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842 Janse de Jonge
studies with hormone verification showed no studies reported no change in resting and/or exercise
change over the menstrual cycle in haematocrit, heart rate over the menstrual cycle.[32,38,41,44,52,68-70]
haemoglobin concentration and plasma volume
changes during exercise. These studies, however,
3.5 Ventilation
only conducted testing at two time points (early- or
mid-follicular versus mid-luteal phase). During
menstruation, haemoglobin concentration may be Animal research has suggested that progesterone
decreased by the actual blood loss. These findings may increase ventilation (V̇E) through a central ef-
warrant further investigation of fluid regulation and fect in the hypothalamus and that this respiratory
haematology at multiple time points during the men- response to progesterone is modulated by es-
strual cycle. trogen.[71] In addition, V̇E has been shown to be
affected by body temperature.[72-74] Thus, during the
luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, when both pro-
3.4 Heart Rate gesterone and core temperature are elevated, an
increase in V̇E may be expected. Conflicting results
Plasma volume expansion is associated with in- regarding V̇E and arterial carbon dioxide tension
creased stroke volume and decreased heart rate[60] (pCO2) over the menstrual cycle were found in the
due to changes in blood viscosity and central venous literature. Preston et al.[70] reported a lower resting
pressure. Thus, changes in plasma volume over the arterial pCO2 during the luteal phase of the menstru-
menstrual cycle, as suggested in the previous sec- al cycle, while Dombovy et al.[38] found this same
tion,[53,54] may alter heart rate throughout the men- result during exercise. Other studies showed in-
strual cycle. Several studies have found an increased creases in V̇E during the mid-luteal phase both at
heart rate during the mid-luteal phase.[48,51,61-63] Mo- rest[62,69] and during exercise.[44,75] However, with
ran et al.,[63] who measured resting heart rate, sug- exercise at intensities of 70% of V̇O2max and higher,
gested that an estrogen induced change in blood several studies reported no significant changes over
volume may account for the heart rate fluctuation the menstrual cycle in exercise V̇E.[32,41,46,68,69] Since
over the menstrual cycle. the increase in V̇E due to exercise is far greater than
An alternative explanation for this mid-luteal any possible increase caused by progesterone, exer-
phase increase in heart rate may be based on the cise may have masked the progesterone effect on V̇E
increased body temperature at that time. Increased in this situation.
heart rate has been shown to occur with increased In healthy people, changes in V̇E are not expected
body temperature,[64-66] at a rate of 7 beats/min for to limit V̇O2max.[76] This is confirmed for the men-
each 1°C rise in core temperature.[67] During exer- strual cycle by Jurkowski et al.,[44] who found a
cise, there is a competition between blood flow to higher maximum V̇E for the mid-luteal phase and no
the exercising muscle (to support metabolism) and change in maximum power output. Schoene et al.[62]
skin blood flow (to dissipate heat). The increased reported an increased ventilatory equivalent for oxy-
skin blood flow may result in a decrease in central gen (V̇E/oxygen consumption [V̇O2]) during the
venous pressure accompanied by an increase in mid-luteal phase. This was accompanied by a de-
heart rate to maintain cardiac output.[66] In addition, crease in exercise time to exhaustion in non-athletes,
approximately 40% of the increase in heart rate with but no difference in V̇O2max was shown.[62] The
increased body temperature was suggested to be remaining V̇E studies either found no change in V̇E
related to a direct effect of temperature on the sinoa- over the menstrual cycle,[38,41,46,69] or did not mea-
trial node.[64] The potential increase in heart rate sure V̇O2max over the menstrual cycle.[70,75] Thus,
during the luteal phase based on an increase in BBT V̇O2max, measured during incremental exercise,
of 0.3–0.5°C would be small (approximately 3 seems to be unaffected by possible changes in V̇E
beats/min). It is therefore not surprising that most over the menstrual cycle.
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Menstrual Cycle and Exercise Performance 843
As V̇O2max is the main physiological indicator of For over a century it has been known that BBT
aerobic exercise performance, a potential change in changes rhythmically throughout the menstrual
V̇O2max over the menstrual cycle will have large cycle in eumenorrheic women.[4,77-80] BBT increases
practical implications for female athletes. When re- approximately 0.3–0.5°C after ovulation and re-
viewing the determinants of V̇O2max, most studies mains elevated throughout the luteal phase of the
suggest that lactate response to exercise, body- menstrual cycle.[4,5,81] At the onset of menstruation,
weight, haemoglobin concentration and heart rate BBT decreases to its previous level and remains at
are not affected by the menstrual cycle. Although this temperature throughout the follicular phase. Just
V̇E may be increased during the mid-luteal phase, it prior to the following luteal phase elevation in BBT,
is unlikely that this will affect V̇O2max over the a characteristic short temperature dip in the late-
menstrual cycle. Thus, it is speculated that the men- follicular phase is often, but not consistently, report-
strual cycle will not affect V̇O2max. ed.[4,79,80] Davis and Fugo[79] showed this dip in less
This speculation is confirmed by the fact that than 50% of 100 BBT graphs, while Marshall[4]
most studies have found no change in V̇O2max over detected it in only 10% of the 1134 menstrual cycles
the menstrual cycle.[38,41,44,46,69] However, the num- recorded in their study.
ber of study participants in these studies was rela- The elevated BBT during the luteal phase has
tively low (between five and nine individuals). Fur- long been associated with the increased progester-
thermore, in the studies by Jurkowski et al.[44] and one concentration during this phase.[17,61,80,82] This
Bemben et al.[46] a low mean progesterone level was association was based on the early progesterone
reported during mid-luteal phase (28 and 21 nmol/L, administration[82-84] and pregnancy studies,[85] which
respectively) and the possible inclusion of non-ovu- clearly demonstrated an increased BBT concomitant
latory/LPD menstrual cycles cannot be disregarded. with increased progesterone. The most widely ac-
In a thorough investigation of 16 women, Lebrun et cepted explanation for the elevated BBT during the
al.[32] found a lower absolute V̇O2max during the luteal phase is that the thermoregulatory setpoint is
mid-luteal phase than during the early-follicular increased.[17,61,86,87] This would imply that the
phase. However, when expressed as relative thresholds for all thermoregulatory effector re-
V̇O2max, this difference was no longer significant (p sponses are shifted in a similar direction during the
= 0.06). luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Furthermore, the
In summary, most research suggests that the increased luteal phase resting body temperature
menstrual cycle does not affect V̇O2max. These find- would remain elevated throughout exercise and/or
ings indicate that, based on V̇O2max, there is no need heat stress.
for menstrual cycle adjustment for regularly men- The exact mechanism behind this increased ther-
struating female athletes competing in intense ana- moregulatory setpoint is not well understood. In
erobic/aerobic sports. animal research, progesterone administration has
been shown to decrease the activity of warm sensi-
4. Prolonged Exercise Performance tive neurons and increase the activity of cold sensi-
During the Menstrual Cycle tive neurons in the preoptic area.[88] Furthermore, it
was suggested that progesterone implantation in the
It is well established that BBT is increased during preoptic area of rats increased colonic tempera-
the luteal phase in most eumenorrheic women. This ture.[89] These findings indicate a central effect of
elevated temperature, combined with possible progesterone in the preoptic area, resulting in an
changes in fluid regulation, haematology and V̇E, increased setpoint temperature. In contrast, a de-
may affect prolonged exercise performance, partic- crease in BBT has been reported in association with
ularly in a hot environment. estrogen administration.[81-85] Animal research has
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844 Janse de Jonge
shown that estrogen increased the activity of warm by hormone measurements. Most research, how-
sensitive neurons in the pre-optic area.[90] A central ever, found no change in thermosensitivity over the
effect of estrogen, through direct action on preoptic menstrual cycle.[17,49,52,98]
neurons, has been suggested to decrease body tem- To detect possible changes in thermosensitivity
perature.[90] Therefore, several studies have specu- and thermoregulatory thresholds, the responses of
lated that the potentially increased thermoregulatory rectal temperature (Tre) and mean skin temperature
setpoint during the luteal phase is related to the ratio (Tsk) to exercise and/or heat stress may be investi-
between estrogen and progesterone.[7,91,92] gated. When looking at the slope of the temperature
Changes in thermoregulatory setpoint and effec- responses over time, the previously mentioned
tor responses over the menstrual cycle may be inves- changes in thermosensitivity throughout the men-
tigated by imposing exercise and/or heat stress. strual cycle were confirmed. Hessemer and Bruck[48]
Some studies have not found a difference in resting studied the responses to 15 minutes of exercise at
body temperature between menstrual cycle phases at 70% V̇O2max at an ambient temperature of 18°C and
the onset of their stress testing.[93-96] Others have found a steeper slope for Tre during the early-follic-
reported that the difference in resting body tempera- ular phase. These authors speculated that the tem-
ture between the phases of the menstrual cycle dis- perature difference between early-follicular and
appeared during exercise and/or heat stress.[5,97] mid-luteal phases would decrease further during
However, these studies had low numbers of study exercise of longer duration. This would imply that at
participants[5,93,94,97] and, except for Horvath and the end of long duration exercise the temperature
Drinkwater,[5] did not verify menstrual cycle phase difference between the phases of the menstrual cycle
with progesterone measurements. More recent stud- may disappear. Pivarnik et al.,[51] reported opposite
ies with hormonal verification of the menstrual findings during 60 minutes of exercise at 65%
cycle phase have shown that the increased resting V̇O2max at moderate temperature (22°C). These au-
body temperature during the mid-luteal phase re- thors found that Tre continually increased during the
mained elevated throughout exercise and/or heat mid-luteal phase (up to 38.9°C at the end of exer-
stress.[17,48,49,51,52,61,98] Several of these studies also cise). Thus, study participants failed to reach a ther-
reported an increased core temperature threshold for mal equilibrium during the mid-luteal phase. During
thermoregulatory effector responses during the mid- the mid-follicular phase, Pivarnik et al.[51] found that
luteal phase.[48,49,61,98] The findings of these studies Tre reached a plateau at 38.3°C. In contrast to these
and of many others without hormone verifica- two studies, most other studies found no change in
tion[99-103] support the increased thermoregulatory the rate of increase in Tre over the menstrual
setpoint theory. cycle.[17,49,52,98]
The question as to whether the shift in thermoreg- Conflicting findings are also reported for mean
ulatory setpoint is accompanied by a change in Tsk responses to exercise and/or heat stress. Several
thermosensitivity for sweating and skin blood flow studies found that mean Tsk at rest and during exer-
remains a topic of discussion in the current litera- cise did not show any changes over the menstrual
ture. Hessemer and Bruck[61] reported an increased cycle.[49,51,98] Others showed that mean Tsk was
setpoint and a greater thermosensitivity (steeper higher during the mid-luteal phase at rest and during
slope of effector versus temperature graph) for exercise.[17,52]
sweating and cutaneous vasodilation in the mid- In summary, most studies showed that the in-
luteal phase of the menstrual cycle during resting creased BBT during the luteal phase remained ele-
heat exposure, as well as during exercise.[48] Grucza vated throughout exercise and/or heat stress. Many
et al.[100] also found a greater gain in sweating during also reported increased core temperature thresholds
the mid-luteal phase, although the menstrual cycle for thermoregulatory effector responses. These find-
phase of their ten study participants was not verified ings support the theory that the thermoregulatory
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Menstrual Cycle and Exercise Performance 845
setpoint is increased during the luteal phase. Fur- the mid-luteal phase. As previously mentioned,
thermore, most studies found no change in ther- these results may be questioned based on uncertain-
mosensitivity and in mean Tsk responses to exercise ty about the ovulation status of the study partici-
and/or heat stress over the menstrual cycle. pants.
A major limitation of the time to exhaustion test
4.2 Prolonged Exercise Performance at sub-maximal exercise intensities is the poor re-
producibility. Beidleman et al.[69] reported that the
Increased body temperature during the luteal variability in their test of exercise time to exhaustion
phase may result in increased thermoregulatory and at 70% V̇O2max was higher than anticipated, thus
cardiovascular strain. This may, in turn, have a reducing the chance of showing a significant differ-
negative effect on prolonged exercise performance ence. McLellan et al.[104] reported a large variability
during the luteal phase. in exercise time to exhaustion at 80% V̇O2max, while
During sub-maximal aerobic exercise, most stud- Jeukendrup et al.[105] found a very large (26.6%)
ies have found no changes over the menstrual cycle coefficient of variation for the exercise time to ex-
for V̇O2,[38,40,41,44,47,51,58,68,69] heart rate[38,41,44,47,68,69] haustion test at 75% of V̇O2max. Jeukendrup et
and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE).[41,47,58,68,69] al.[105] stated that studies using these exercise time to
William and Krahenbuhl[75] found no difference in exhaustion tests often concluded that “there is no
V̇O2 during exercise at 55% of V̇O2max, but during effect”, when these studies should have concluded
exercise at 80% of V̇O2max a higher V̇O2 was found that “it was not possible to detect an effect”. This
during the mid-luteal phase. Hessemer and Bruck[48] same statement may apply to studies that showed no
reported a similar increased V̇O2 for the mid-luteal effect of the menstrual cycle on performance, mea-
phase during exercise at 70% of V̇O2max, accompa- sured as time to exhaustion at sub-maximal exercise
nied by a higher heart rate. Pivarnik et al.[51] also intensities.
found a higher heart rate for the mid-luteal phase Thus, even though most studies found no change
during exercise at 65% of V̇O2max. These three over the menstrual cycle for V̇O2, heart rate and
thorough studies all found an increase in V̇O2 and/or RPE, some studies suggested an increased cardio-
heart rate during the mid-luteal phase, indicating a vascular strain during the luteal phase. Nevertheless,
higher cardiovascular strain. The higher RPE found exercise performance, measured as time to exhaus-
during the mid-luteal phase in the study by Pivarnik tion at sub-maximal intensities, showed no change
et al.,[51] after 50 minutes of exercise, confirms a over the menstrual cycle. These findings should be
subjective feeling of higher exertion during this questioned due to the poor reproducibility of these
phase. The increased cardiovascular strain, in partic- performance tests.
ular the increased heart rate, during the mid-luteal
phase is likely to be related to the increased body 4.3 Prolonged Exercise Performance in
temperature during this phase. It could therefore be the Heat
speculated that the potentially increased cardio-
vascular strain during the mid-luteal phase may lead As suggested in section 4.2, increased body tem-
to a decrease in prolonged exercise performance. perature during the luteal phase may result in in-
When investigating exercise performance, mea- creased thermoregulatory and cardiovascular strain
sured as time to exhaustion at 70% of V̇O2max, most and a decrease in prolonged exercise performance.
studies have reported no significant changes over This potential negative effect of the luteal phase on
the menstrual cycle.[40,68,69] McCracken et al.[15] and prolonged exercise performance would be expected
Lebrun et al.[32] also found that time to exhaustion at to be even greater when an extra heat stress is
90% V̇O2max was not affected by the menstrual applied.
cycle. Jurkowski et al.,[44] however, reported an in- Many early studies have examined cardio-
creased time to exhaustion at 90% of V̇O2max during vascular and thermoregulatory responses to sub-
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846 Janse de Jonge
maximal exercise in the heat over the menstrual been shown during light intermittent exercise in
cycle. However, only a few studies with hormone uncompensable heat. Since higher exercise intensi-
verification have conducted further investigations in ties in moderate conditions have already been asso-
this area. No changes were found over the menstrual ciated with increased cardiovascular strain during
cycle for cardiovascular responses (heart rate and/or the mid-luteal phase in moderate conditions, it could
V̇O2) to exercise in the heat at 20%,[52] 30%,[5] and be speculated that the mid-luteal phase will have an
60% V̇O2max.[49] Thus, the menstrual cycle does not even greater negative effect on prolonged exercise
seem to affect cardiovascular responses to sub-max- performance at moderate intensity in hot conditions.
imal exercise in the heat. It should be pointed out Further research is warranted to investigate this
that exercise was conducted at relatively low exer- speculation.
cise intensities in these studies, and that in moderate Practical recommendations, particularly for regu-
conditions an increased cardiovascular strain during larly menstruating female endurance athletes, result
the mid-luteal phase was shown at higher intensities from these findings. These athletes may be advised
(70% and 65% of V̇O2max). to adjust the competition schedule to their menstrual
cycle, especially when competition is expected to
The major limiting factor, when investigating
take place in hot, humid conditions. Furthermore,
exercise time to exhaustion in the heat, is expected
the potential negative effects of the luteal phase of
to be the elevated core temperature during the luteal
the menstrual cycle on work performance of women
phase. Findings of several studies have suggested
working for extended periods in hot, humid condi-
that exercise in hot conditions was limited by a
tions will need to be considered. As a result, guide-
critical core temperature[73,106,107] and that a de-
lines for work under heat stress may need to be
creased initial core temperature had a positive effect
adjusted for menstrual cycle phase.
on prolonged exercise performance.[107,108] Only
Tenaglia et al.[52] have examined the effect of poss-
ible thermoregulatory changes over the menstrual 5. Conclusions
cycle on exercise time to exhaustion in the heat.
This literature review focused on the potential
These authors found a longer time to exhaustion in
effects of the menstrual cycle on muscle contractile
the early-follicular phase during light intensity inter-
characteristics, V̇O2max and prolonged exercise per-
mittent exercise. The testing in this study was con-
formance including temperature regulation. Besides
ducted in uncompensable heat, which occurs when
the usual study design considerations, such as test
the maximum cooling capacity of the environment is protocol and number of study participants, several
smaller than the cooling required by the individual. additional factors need to be taken into account
Tenaglia et al.[52] reported the expected higher Tre when reviewing menstrual cycle research. The most
for the mid-luteal phase of the menstrual cycle at the important factor is the method of menstrual cycle
start of exercise. These authors also found that there phase verification. The measurement of estrogen
was no difference over the menstrual cycle for the and progesterone concentration is the gold standard
rate of increase of Tre during exercise and for Tre at in menstrual cycle research. Even when hormone
exhaustion. Because the initial Tre was lower during concentrations are measured, differences in the tim-
the early-follicular phase and increased at the same ing of testing throughout the menstrual cycle, the
rate as in the mid-luteal phase, it took a longer time high inter- and intra-individual variability in es-
to reach the critical Tre at exhaustion. trogen and progesterone concentration and the pul-
Thus, if it is assumed that there is a critical core satile nature of their secretion are likely to cause
temperature limit for exercise performance, then inclusion of a very large range in hormone levels
elevated body temperature during the luteal phase within the same study group (i.e. same menstrual
will be a disadvantage and will limit exercise time to cycle phase). In addition, the interaction between
exhaustion in the heat. However, this has so far only estrogen and progesterone will influence their se-
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Menstrual Cycle and Exercise Performance 847
condary effects, especially during the mid-luteal further investigation into this area. Ideally, further
phase. The combination of these factors may easily research should consist of daily resting measures of
obscure possible effects of female hormone fluctua- estrogen, progesterone, and fluid regulating hor-
tions during the menstrual cycle on exercise per- mones, in particular aldosterone, as well as plasma
formance. volume, haematocrit and haemoglobin concentra-
The literature was found to be inconsistent re- tion and perhaps red cell production or red cell life
garding the effect of the menstrual cycle on muscle span. Once a resting pattern over the menstrual cycle
contractile characteristics, mainly due to method- is established, the best timing for investigation of
ological limitations. Even when these were over- potential effects of fluid regulation on exercise per-
come by using electrical stimulation to ensure maxi- formance can be determined.
mal neural activation, conflicting findings were Several studies found an increase in heart rate
found. Most studies with hormone verification during the mid-luteal phase, which may be related to
found no change in muscle strength and fatigability the increased body temperature at that time. Most
over the menstrual cycle. Thus the current literature studies, however, indicate that heart rate is not af-
suggests that fluctuations in female reproductive fected by the menstrual cycle.
hormones throughout the menstrual cycle do not
affect muscle contractile characteristics. For regu- Also for V̇E, several studies showed an increase
larly menstruating female athletes in strength-spe- during the mid-luteal phase, especially at rest and
cific sports, these findings indicate that there is no during low intensity exercise, potentially related to a
need for menstrual cycle adjustment to maximise central effect of progesterone. Most research, how-
competitive ability. ever, suggests that V̇E during exercise is not affected
by the menstrual cycle.
The menstrual cycle may affect V̇O2max through
possible secondary effects of estrogen and proges- Although inconsistencies in the literature were
terone on fuel availability, the oxygen transport found, most studies indicate that the menstrual cycle
system and V̇E. does not affect lactate response to exercise,
A potential glycogen sparing effect of estrogen bodyweight, haemoglobin concentration, heart rate
may decrease lactate response to exercise during the and V̇E. As these determinants of V̇O2max are un-
mid-luteal phase, as found in some studies. Most likely to change over the menstrual cycle, it is not
research, however, reported no effect of the men- surprising that most studies found that V̇O2max is
strual cycle on lactate response to exercise. not affected by the menstrual cycle. This finding
indicates that regularly menstruating female ath-
Potential secondary effects of estrogen and pro-
letes, competing in intense anaerobic/aerobic sports,
gesterone on fluid regulation may influence deter-
do not need to adjust for menstrual cycle to max-
minants of the oxygen transport system and V̇O2max
imise performance.
via changes in bodyweight, plasma volume, haemo-
globin concentration and heart rate. Most studies It is evident that the menstrual cycle affects tem-
with hormone verification found no significant perature regulation. An increased resting core tem-
change in bodyweight, plasma volume, haemo- perature during the luteal phase is accompanied by
globin concentration and haematocrit over the men- increased core temperature thresholds for thermo-
strual cycle. Some large studies, without hormone regulatory effector responses. The increased luteal
verification but with daily measurements, found a phase temperature at rest therefore remains elevated
peak in fluid retention around ovulation and an throughout exercise and/or heat stress, supporting
increase throughout the second half of the luteal the increased thermoregulatory setpoint theory.
phase. The fact that these studies tested on many With regard to thermosensitivity and the rate of
occasions throughout the menstrual cycle and re- increase in Tre over the menstrual cycle, most re-
ported this same pattern in fluid regulation warrants search reported no change over the menstrual cycle.
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848 Janse de Jonge
Most research suggested that V̇O2, heart rate and the development of safe strategies for maximising
RPE responses to sub-maximal steady state exercise exercise performance. The characterisation of hor-
were not affected by the menstrual cycle. At moder- monal profiles in distinct menstrual cycle phases,
ate exercise intensities, however, several studies their physiological outcomes, and their effects on
found a higher cardiovascular strain in the mid- exercise performance indicators, is of vital impor-
luteal phase. tance to the success of these strategies. The status of
The thermoregulatory and potential cardio- the current research indicates that female athletes do
vascular changes over the menstrual cycle are, in not need to adjust competition schedules to their
turn, likely to affect prolonged exercise perform- menstrual cycle, when muscle contractile character-
ance. Research on exercise time to exhaustion, as a istics and V̇O2max are the main performance deter-
possible indicator of prolonged exercise perform- minants in their sport. For female endurance ath-
ance, showed that in moderate conditions, time to letes, however, it may be advisable to adjust their
exhaustion was not affected by menstrual cycle competition schedule to their menstrual cycle, espe-
phase. The significance of this finding should be cially when competition is expected to take place in
questioned due to the low reproducibility of the time hot, humid conditions. To enable better understand-
to exhaustion test at sub-maximal exercise intensi- ing and as a result more practical advice, further
ties. A more reproducible test of prolonged exercise research on the effect of the menstrual cycle on
performance may reveal a negative effect of the several aspects of, especially prolonged, exercise
mid-luteal phase due to a possible increased cardio- performance is warranted.
vascular strain.
In hot conditions, a decrease in exercise time to Acknowledgements
exhaustion was shown during the mid-luteal phase
No sources of funding were used to assist in the prepara-
at light exercise intensity. It was suggested that, tion of this manuscript. The author has no conflicts of interest
based on a critical temperature limit for exercise that are directly relevant to the content of this manuscript.
performance, the elevated body temperature during
the mid-luteal phase limited prolonged exercise per-
formance. The potential negative effects of the mid- References
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