Aquatic Survival Self Survival Rescue 2017

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Pilot Project Partner

Aquatic Survival
Self-Survival and Rescue Manual


About this manual

The primary aim of the Aquatic Survival Self-Survival and Rescue Manual is to save lives by
giving people important water safety education and where feasible, basic self-survival and
rescue skills.
The programme is focused towards young people living in low-resource areas with limited
or no access to existing drowning prevention initiatives.
It has been developed to help organisations and individuals implement the Aquatic Survival
programme as part of a local or national drowning prevention strategy.
This manual has been designed as a guidance document and can be adapted to suit the
local environment. Where possible this document has incorporated existing best practice
developed by drowning prevention organisations.
This manual will be reviewed after 3 years. Please send any comments and feedback to:

November 2017
Piloted and developed by:

Technical support given by:

 oyal National Lifeboat Institution

West Quay Road
BH15 1HZ

Tel: +44 (0) 1202 663000


Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), a charity registered

in England and Wales (209603) and Scotland (SC037736).
Registered charity number 20003326 in the Republic of Ireland.
This document may be reproduced without the prior consent The content of this manual is for general guidance only.
of the RNLI. The RNLI takes no responsibility for any outcomes It represents good practice as at the date of publication and should
as a result of this manual. not be considered as legal advice. Those using this manual should
seek professional advice as and when necessary. The RNLI does not
Photos: Various contributors for the RNLI, Shutterstock accept responsibility for use, or for any errors in this document.

Introduction 2

Unit 1: Understanding the drowning process 5

1.1 What is drowning? 6
1.2 Why people drown 7
Understanding the problem 8
1.3 People at risk of drowning 8
Common high-risk groups 9

Unit 2: Aquatic Survival programme 11

2.1 The role of the Aquatic Survival programme 12
Water safety education 12
Self-survival and rescue 12
Types of intervention 13
Funding 13

Water safety education 14

Unit 3: Planning and preparation 15
3.1 Methods of delivery 16
3.2 Engaging stakeholders 17
3.3 Resources 17
Skills and qualities of teachers 18
Venue 18

Unit 4: Teaching the messages 19

4.1 Key water safety messages 20
Theme 1: Spot the dangers 20
Theme 2: Keep yourself safe 20
Theme 3: Keep others safe 20
4.2 How to teach the key water safety messages 20
Lesson plan – Key water safety messages 21
Lesson plan – Key water safety messages 22


Self-survival and rescue 49

Unit 5: Planning and preparation 50
5.1 Resources 51
a suitable swimming venue. 51
Time 51
Teachers 51
Teaching equipment 52
5.2 Selecting a safe teaching and swimming area 53
Identifying a safe teaching area 53
Swimming area – suitability checklist 55
Setting up a teaching area 56
Checking the teaching area 57

Unit 6: Lesson preparation 58

6.1 Safety of the teacher 58
Correct clothing 58
Sun safety 59
6.2 Safety of the students 60
Keeping students safe 60
6.3 Organising the class 62
6.4 Grouping students 62
Organisation and safety checklist 63

Unit 7: Class management 64

7.1 Setting rules 64
Code of behaviour 64
Dealing with disruptive students 65
7.2 Setting expectations 65
Routine 65
Motivation 65
7.3 Managing the class 66
Positioning 66
Practice 66
Buddy system 66
7.4 Demonstrations 67


Unit 8: Rescue skills for teachers 68

8.1 Preparing for a rescue 68
Getting help 68
Managing the class in an emergency 69
Types of rescue 69
8.2 Land-based rescues 70
Reach rescue 70
Throw rescue 71
8.3 Water-based rescues 72
Wade rescue 72
Swimming rescues 73

Unit 9. Teaching requirements 76

9.1 Core skills 76
9.2 How to teach the core swimming skills 77
Progression 77
Session schedule 78
9.3 Registration and assessment 79
Registration 79
Assessment 79
Registration and assessment form 80

Unit 10: Lesson plans 81

Session 1-15 81 - 142

Unit 11: Games and activities 143


Many of us use water daily for bathing, cleaning, Swimming is rarely part of formal education,
recreational activities and transportation. and resources containing information on
In high-resource areas, many of these activities how to stay safe in and around water are
are conducted in the safe environment of the generally unavailable.
home, or in supervised and regulated areas. The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI)
In low-resource areas, many people have no and partner organisations have developed
choice but to conduct these essential activities this Aquatic Survival programme, specifically
in open water despite understanding the risks designed for use in low-resource areas.
involved. Water transportation is generally
This manual contains simple but important
unregulated, and boats rarely contain adequate
guidance for organisations who wish to use
safety equipment.
the programme.
Falling into water is a real risk, and the
consequences can be serious – particularly
if a person is unable to swim or be rescued.

Unit 1: Understanding the drowning process

Learning outcomes
1.1 Understand what drowning is.
1.2 Understand why people drown.
1.3 Know who is at risk of drowning.

Unit 1: Understanding the drowning process

1.1 What is drowning?

About 70% of the earth’s surface is covered
by water. Water is used for many everyday
activities such as recreation, bathing, washing,
fishing and transportation.
In high-resource areas, day-to-day contact
with water is generally limited to safe
environments in the home or in supervised
swimming areas. However, in low-resource
areas, many people use open water sources
such as ponds, rivers and the ocean to carry
out the same activities.
Falling into water is a real risk and the
consequences can be serious, particularly
if a person is unable to swim or be rescued.
Drowning occurs when a person is unable to
breathe because their head is submerged
in water.

Unit 1: Understanding the drowning process

1.2 Why people drown Learning how to swim is a key skill to prevent
drowning but it is also important that relevant
The reasons people drown can be shown by safety messages are taught so that people are
the drowning chain. Each link in the chain can aware of the dangers posed by being in and
result in drowning, or can lead to the next link. around water.

1 2 3 4

1. Lack of 2. Uninformed or 3. Lack of 4. Inability to cope

knowledge, unrestricted access supervision or once in difficulty
disregard for, or to the hazard surveillance
of the hazard
• Lack of education • Allowing people • Swimming in areas • Being unable to
in water safety or access to use where there is no swim to safety.

the dangers of the dangerous areas one

local environment. of water – such to provide rescue.
as areas with
strong currents.
• To provide water • To make people • To encourage • To provide
Role of the Aquatic Survival programme

safety education aware of the safe people never to community

to water users. areas to enter enter the water swimming
• Through education water. alone, and provide and rescue
comes recognition close supervision programmes.
and therefore to young children.
of danger.

Simple key water safety messages can help

tackle the first three links in the drowning
chain. In addition, some organisations and
individuals may have the time and resources
to teach swimming and to tackle the final link
in the chain.

Unit 1: Understanding the drowning process

Understanding the problem 1.3 People at risk of drowning

Why and how people drown are influenced by Drowning is a risk for anyone who undertakes
their exposure to water, the risks they take activities in or near water, irrespective of
while they are in and around water, and their their swimming ability. Even strong swimmers
ability to save themselves. Because of this, can drown.
drowning affects different groups of people The risk of drowning is strongly linked with
depending on their daily activities and the exposure to water and swimming ability. Recent
environment they live in. research has shown that people who are unable
In spite of these variations, the core ways of to swim are at much higher risk of drowning.
preventing drowning – being aware of the Groups of people at high risk of drowning
dangers and being able to swim – are key usually consist of people who are regularly
factors in breaking the drowning chain. exposed to water and lack the ability to swim,
When running a programme it is important or are travellers who use poorly maintained boats.
to ensure that the correct audience is targeted. The people within these groups will vary
This will help to ensure your programme prevents depending on local environmental and social
the maximum number of drowning incidents factors. For example, in some communities it may
at the lowest cost. be mainly women who take a daily ferry to trade
at the local market, while in other communities
When designing a programme, it is important it may be men who use boats to get to work.
for an organisation to identify who they are
going to target and how. This will largely To understand who should be targeted, it is
be dependent on the resources available, vital to engage with local community leaders
the time-frame, and whether drowning and community members to identify regular
incidents are known to occur within a specific water users. Generally, they can be placed into
group of people or the wider community. five broad categories:
The Aquatic Survival programme is split into 1. children aged under 5 years old
two parts: Water safety education and 2. children aged 5–14 years old
self-survival and rescue. This allows
organisations to select and adapt sections of 3. adolescent and adult women
the programme to suit their environment and 4. fishermen
resources. 5. travellers.

Unit 1: Understanding the drowning process

Common high-risk groups 2. Children aged 5–14 years old

1. Children aged under 5 years old At this age children start to undertake bathing
alone and also enjoy recreational water activities
Children aged under 5 years old are at high risk with friends. In many communities bathing
of drowning if they are left without adequate activities may be conducted in sheltered open
supervision. water, hidden from adult supervision.
Children of this age often wander away from
their parents’ control and are at high risk of
falling into an unprotected waterbody.
Death by drowning in this age group is likely
to occur when parents are busy undertaking
household chores, such as cooking and cleaning.
It is difficult to teach a child under 5 years old how
to swim. Water safety education and rescue skills
could be taught to parents and supervisors.

3. Adolescent and adult women

As well as the daily activity of bathing, in many
cultures adolescent and adult women use open
water to carry out many of the household chores
such as washing clothes, collecting water or
washing dishes.
Although these activities are usually conducted
in shallow water, an accidental step into deep
water or a strong current may lead to drowning.
In addition, women often enter the water while
fully clothed, making it harder to keep their head
above the water even if they can swim.

Unit 1: Understanding the drowning process

4. Fishermen 5. Travellers
Fishermen are exposed to the dangers of falling For many island and river communities, regular
into water and they also face the additional transportation by boat is necessary for trade.
risk of being far from safety, often in rough Boats are often overcrowded, poorly maintained
water. Despite being on the water daily, and lack lifesaving equipment such as liferafts
many fishermen are unable to swim and and lifejackets.
are reluctant to wear lifejackets. Ferry disasters occur regularly in Africa. People
who use boats for transportation should be
educated in how to use lifesaving equipment
to keep themselves safe if the boat sinks or they
fall into the water.
It is important that boat operators are aware of
their responsibility to keep users safe. Ensuring
ferry users understand the importance of
lifesaving equipment may create demand for
operators to install such equipment in their boats.

Unit 2: Aquatic Survival programme

Learning outcomes
2.1 Understand the role of the Aquatic Survival programme.

Unit 2: Aquatic Survival programme

2.1 The role of the Aquatic Self-survival and rescue

Survival programme Most deaths by drowning occur when people
with poor swimming skills accidently step
The role of the Aquatic Survival programme
or fall into water too deep to stand up in.
is to prevent drowning by:
Self-survival and rescue teaches self-survival
• providing water safety education
and gives people taking part the necessary
• teaching people how to save themselves skills to swim to safety or to float in the water
in the water and wait for help to arrive.
• teaching people how to save someone else Entering the water to rescue other people can
in the water. be very dangerous. Many people drown while
trying to rescue other people in difficulty.
Water safety education People taking part in the rescue section will
Many drowning deaths can be prevented by learn how to rescue a person safely without
learning how to stay safe in and around the getting into the water.
water, and how to keep others safe. Self-survival and rescue requires access to a
Water safety education consists of 10 key body of water suitable for teaching swimming.
simple key water safety messages and skills To reduce the opportunity for increased risk-
that can be taught without the need to taking behaviour, all participants must have a
enter water. good understanding of the key water
This can be taught on its own, or as part of a safety messages.
continued learning pathway prior to learning
self-survival and rescue.

Unit 2: Aquatic Survival programme

Types of intervention Community donations

Two types of intervention are possible using A drowning death will have an impact on a
the Aquatic Survival programme: whole community. Individuals, organisations
and businesses should be encouraged to
1. Community intervention support the implementation of the Aquatic
Simple key water safety messages are provided Survival programme. Support may be given
that can be passed on to large groups of people in a variety of ways, such as a financial
quickly and easily. donation or the donation of resources
(including the use of a building).
Lessons can be taught in schools, village
meetings or community groups. In addition, Training fees
the messages may be promoted in newspapers, In some areas, the people receiving the training
on television or on the radio. may be able to afford to pay for an organisation
Messages can be taught in a short period to deliver the training. In others, the fees may
of time with few resources, and don’t require be paid by a local organisation (for example
a swimming venue. a school or scout group), or by individuals who
receive the training.
2. Targeted intervention
If drowning is known to be an issue within
a particular sector of the community, then
a more targeted and comprehensive
programme may be more cost effective.

Those at high risk of drowning are usually
from poorer backgrounds so it is important
to ensure that poorer people are not excluded
from the programme.
Funding may be required to pay for equipment
and staff and could be obtained by:
Funding may be available from grant-giving
organisations or the government. Grants are
usually given to target specific issues.
Although the primary aim of the Aquatic
Survival programme is to address drowning
as a health issue, it may also be possible
to apply for funding to target social issues,
such as community leadership, and sport.

Water safety education

The aim of water safety education is to provide students with the knowledge they need to
stay safe while in and around water.
The key water safety messages contained within this section have been developed
to be simple and easy to understand, so that they can be passed on to large groups
of people quickly and easily.

Unit 3: Planning and preparation

Learning outcomes
3.1 Understand different methods for delivering the key water safety messages.
3.2 Understand why stakeholder meetings are important.
3.3 Understand the resources needed to teach the key water safety messages.
Know the skills and qualities needed to become a community awareness teacher.
Know the types of venues that can be used to teach the key water safety messages.

Unit 3: Planning and preparation

3.1 Methods of delivery The key water safety messages are

accompanied by pictures and can be taught to
Drowning is a leading cause of death. The large or small groups of people. They can be
majority of drownings can be prevented by taught in a short period of time with very few
taking simple precautions. resources and do not require a swimming venue.
Key water safety messages can be used to Lessons can be given in schools, village meetings
educate people in how to stay safe in and or community groups. In addition, the messages
around water. can be promoted in newspapers, on television or
The key water safety messages are designed on the radio.
to be: An easy way to reach large numbers of people
• suitable for anyone living or working is to use existing networks and infrastructure.
in or around water Training on how to deliver the messages could
• simple and easy to communicate to people be provided to people who already interact with
of all ages your target audience.
• adapted to suit the local environment These people may include:
• taught with limited resources and in areas • school teachers
where learning how to swim is not possible • community outreach workers
due to waterborne disease or lack of a suitable
swimming venue. • scout leaders
• community elders.

Unit 3: Planning and preparation

3.2 Engaging stakeholders 3.3 Resources

Before starting your programme, hold a Water safety education has been designed so
stakeholder meeting. that it can be taught with a minimum amount
Stakeholders are people who have an of resources. It does not require the use of a
understanding of the problem or are able to swimming venue.
help implement the programme. Make a list The only things you need are:
of all the stakeholders and invite them to a • the teaching resources contained
workshop to discuss your intentions. in this manual
Stakeholder meetings help to: • demonstration equipment (lifejackets,
• identify problems before you start sticks and floating objects, if available)
• know who is able to help with • people to teach
the programme • teachers
• make sure everyone knows and • a suitable venue.
understands your intentions.
A stakeholder meeting is also a great way
to spread awareness of the programme,
and engage people in drowning prevention.
Always keep stakeholders up to date with
developments. This could be achieved using
a newsletter or a website.

Unit 3: Planning and preparation

Skills and qualities of teachers Venue

Identifying suitable Community Awareness Almost any venue can be used to teach the key
teachers is key to a successful programme. water safety messages, as long as the students
Good teachers lead to better learning outcomes can hear and see the teacher.
– students are able to learn faster and retain The messages could be taught:
the knowledge for longer periods of time.
Teachers should be enthusiastic about saving • in a classroom
lives and keen to share their knowledge about
water safety.
There is no recommended minimum age
requirement for being a Community Awareness
teacher. However, all teachers should have the
following qualities:

• Trustworthy – be trusted to plan

lessons appropriately.
• Reliable – arrive at lessons on time.
• Motivated – deliver lessons to the • in a community hall
best of their ability.
• Understand local water hazards –
be able to adapt the programme
to the local environment.

All new teachers should be given appropriate

mentoring so that they understand each of the
key water safety messages.

• on the beach.

Unit 4: Teaching the messages

Learning outcomes
4.1 Know the key water safety messages.
4.2 Understand the structure of an effective lesson.
Be able to teach an effective lesson.

Unit 4: Teaching the messages

4.1 Key water Each of the 10 key water safety messages is

accompanied by:
safety messages
There are 10 key water safety messages, split
into three themes.

Theme 1: Spot the dangers

These messages teach how to identify dangers
in the water: 1
1. Know the water and weather conditions
before getting in the water.
2. Test the water for depth and underwater 2
hazards before entering. 3

3. Be aware of animals.

Theme 2: Keep yourself safe
These messages teach how to keep yourself
safe in or near water: 1. An illustration of the message.
4. Never enter the water alone. 2. An explanation as to why the message
is important.
5. Obey all safety signs and warning flags.
3. At least one action point for the
6. Know how and when to use a lifejacket. students to carry out.
7. Always tell someone when and where you 4. At least one teaching point for the
are going near water. teacher to engage with the students.

Theme 3: Keep others safe

4.2 How to teach the key
These messages teach how to keep other
people safe in or near water: water safety messages
8. Learn safe ways of helping others The messages may be taught using any method
without putting yourself in danger. appropriate for the students and the environment.
They may be introduced into an existing
9 . Constantly supervise children curriculum or taught as part of a separate lesson.
in or near water.
A simple lesson plan has been included in this
10. Keep your home safe. manual to assist new teachers in teaching the
messages. The lesson follows a simple format:
• Teach each of the messages by engaging
with the students using the illustrations
and teaching prompts.
• Encourage students to recall the messages
using a creative exercise such as a poster,
song or drama.
If the lesson is taught as a single lesson, this
process should take approximately 1 hour.

Lesson plan – Key water safety messages
Aims Resources Total time
By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • Flash cards (x10).
• identify what each of the 10 flash cards mean • A suitable teaching area.
• apply this knowledge in order to help them stay safe • Paper and pens (not essential). 1 hour
in and around the water.

1. Introduction Time
• Tell the students your name (and tell them the name of the organisation you work for if they don’t know you).
• Explain that they are going to be having a fun lesson on how to stay safe in and around the water.
5 min

2. Warm-up exercise Time

• Explain that we use water for lots of different activities. Give the students an example.
• Ask the students to talk with the person sitting next to them for 5 minutes about what they use water for.
• Go around the group and ask each pair to give you an answer. 5 min
• Explain that water can be very dangerous if you fall in or the condition of the water changes while you are in it.

Lesson plan – Key water safety messages
3. Flash cards Time
Use the flash cards (following this page) to explain that there are some
simple things you can do to stay safe in and around water, and to keep
other people safe in and around water.
25 min
Each flash card contains a key water safety message, an explanation
of the message, an action, and a teaching prompt. They are separated
into three themes:
1. Spot the dangers.
2. Keep yourself safe.
3. Keep others safe. Demonstrations
For each flash card: Where possible, use real-life objects
1. Introduce the theme. such as long sticks, containers
and lifejackets to help engage
2. Show the picture on each flash card to the group.
with the class.
3. Read out the key water safety message.
4. Read out the explanation about why it is a key water safety message.
5. Explain the learning action for the students to take home.
6. If appropriate, use the teaching prompt to engage with the group.
4. Creative exercise Time
1. Split the class into small groups.
2. Give each group one of the messages to focus on.
3. Ask the students to create either a song, drama, story or poster of the key water safety message. 25 min
Allow 15 minutes to complete this part of the exercise.

4. Ask each group to share their work with the rest of the class.
Theme: Spot the dangers

Learn how to spot dangers in the water.

Spot the dangers:
1. Know the water and weather conditions before getting in the water

Spot the dangers:
1. Know the water and weather conditions before getting in the water

Water conditions can change very quickly.

• Always ask a local person if the water and weather conditions
are okay for you to enter the water.
• Stay alert for changes while you are in the water.
• Stay out of the water if the water source is flooded,
or if you hear thunder or see lightning.
• Stay out of the water if there are strong currents.

Teaching prompt
Ask the pupils who they would ask about the water and weather conditions.

Spot the dangers:
2. Test the water for depth and underwater hazards before entering

Spot the dangers:
2. Test the water for depth and underwater hazards before entering

If you cannot see the bottom it is difficult to know if there are any underwater hazards.
You may step out of your depth, or hurt yourself on a dangerous object such as broken glass
or a sharp rock. You may even get caught in the weeds.

• Ask a local person how deep the water is and if there are any steep banks
or sudden change in depth.
• Where possible, enter the water slowly and use a stick to test the depth
of water in front of you and feel for underwater objects.

Teaching prompt
Ask the students what kind of dangers they might find underwater.

Spot the dangers:
3. Be aware of animals

Spot the dangers:
3. Be aware of animals

Some waterbodies contain animals that can be dangerous to humans.
They may bite or sting you if you get too close.

• Ask a local person if there are any dangerous animals in the water.
• Stay alert and look out for animals in the water.
• If you see a dangerous animal then get out of the water immediately.

Teaching prompt
Ask the students what kind of dangerous animals they might find in the water.

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Theme: Keep yourself safe

Learn how to keep yourself safe
when you are in or near water.

Keep yourself safe:
4. Never enter the water alone

Keep yourself safe:
4. Never enter the water alone

If you enter the water with a friend they may be able to help you if you get into difficulty
or they may find help.

• Always enter the water with a friend or an adult who can swim.

Teaching prompt
Ask the students who they would enter the water with.

Keep yourself safe:
5. Obey all safety signs and warning flags

Keep yourself safe:
5. Obey all safety signs and warning flags

Some areas of water have signs or flags to warn you if it is dangerous to enter the water.
There may be dangerous objects under the water or strong currents.

• Always ask a local person what the signs and flags mean, and obey the warnings.

Teaching prompt
Ask the students if there are any warning signs or flags next to water in the local area.
What do they mean?

Keep yourself safe:
6. Know how and when to use a lifejacket

Keep yourself safe:
6. Know how and when to use a lifejacket

Lifejackets keep you afloat if you fall into the water. They are brightly coloured
and have a whistle that you can blow to attract the attention of rescuers.
They keep your head above the water if you are injured, tired or unconscious.

Before you travel on a boat make sure lifejackets are available.
• In an emergency, place the lifejacket over your head and secure it tightly around your waist.
• If no lifejackets are available, hold onto a floating object such as a water container.

If possible, demonstrate to the class how to put on a lifejacket.

Teaching prompt
Ask the students if they have ever worn or seen a lifejacket. Where did they see it?

Ask the students what kinds of floating objects they could hold onto if no lifejacket is available.
Keep yourself safe:
7. Always tell someone when and where you are going near water

Keep yourself safe:
7. Always tell someone when and where you are going near water

If you get into difficulty then someone will know where you are, and they can come
and help you if needed.

• Make sure that you tell someone exactly where you are going, when you will return
and the route that you will take there and back so they know where to find you.

Teaching prompt
Ask the students who they would tell if they were going near or entering the water.

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Theme: Keep others safe

Learn how to keep other people safe
when they are in or near water.

Keep others safe:
8. Learn safe ways of helping others without putting yourself in danger

Keep yourself safe:
8. Learn safe ways of helping others without putting yourself in danger

Rescuing a person from the water by swimming to them can be very dangerous.
Many people drown while trying to rescue other people.

• If you see someone in difficulty in the water, use a long object such as a stick to reach them,
or throw them a floating object such as a water container.
• If you cannot find a stick or floating object, go and get help.

Teaching prompt
Ask students what floating objects they could use to throw to someone to help rescue them.

Keep others safe:
9. Constantly supervise children in or near water

Keep others safe:
9. Constantly supervise children in or near water

A child can easily walk out of sight and fall into water.

• Never leave a child alone when they are in or near the water.
• If you have to do another activity at the same time, ask someone else to supervise the child.

Teaching prompt
Ask students what kind of things could distract them when supervising a child.

Keep others safe:
10. Keep your home safe

Keep others safe:
10. Keep your home safe

Children may fall into unprotected water in or around the home.

• Remember to cover buckets, toilets and water storage tanks.
• Always close doors and gates to stop small children from wandering outside alone.

Teaching prompt
Ask the students what kind of waterbodies they have in and around the home.
What could they do to protect them?

Share the messages

Self-survival and rescue

The aim of self-survival and rescue is to provide students with the practical skills they need to
save themselves if they get into difficulty in the water, and to rescue others in difficulty.

Unit 5: Planning and preparation

Learning outcomes
5.1 Know the length of time needed to run self-survival and rescue.
Know the skills and qualities needed to become a swimming teacher.
Know the equipment needed to run self-survival and rescue.
5.2 Understand how to identify a safe teaching area.
Be able to set up a safe teaching area.
Be able to check a teaching area for dangers.

Unit 5: Planning and preparation

5.1 Resources Teachers

Training in self-survival and rescue requires: A key component of self-survival and rescue is
• students to teach that students also need to given water safety
education. Teachers therefore also need to be
• time to deliver all the sessions proficient in delivering Water Safety Education.
• competent teachers Teachers have a responsibility for the welfare
• the teaching resources suggested in this manual of the students. They must ensure that safety
is maintained throughout the lesson.
• teaching equipment
In addition to the skills and qualities
a suitable swimming venue.
recommended for becoming a Community
Time Awareness teacher (see page 18), it is
recommended that self-survival and rescue
The length of time it will take students teachers are:
to learn all the skills in self-survival
and rescue will vary depending • at least 16 years old
on many factors. However, most students • of good standing within the local community
will be able to complete the course over
• competent swimmers able to swim at least
a period of 15–20 hours.
twice the length of their teaching area
Getting students to a suitable teaching
• competent in conducting a rescue
location may be difficult so the course
is broken down into 15 sessions, each with • competent in delivering first aid
a specific learning outcome. when necessary.
Each session has been designed to be taught
over a period of approximately 90 minutes.
It is recommended that at least one rest break
takes place during this period.
As teachers and organisations become more
experienced in their teaching and management
of the sessions, they may wish to adjust the
session plans as required.

Unit 5: Planning and preparation

Teaching equipment Examples of suitable floating objects include:

Using suitable teaching equipment will greatly Swimming float
assist teaching water survival skills to beginners. A swimming float is specifically designed for
Floating object teaching swimming. They are usually made of
foam and can be found in many sports shops.
A floating object is an important piece of They may be rectangular in shape, or long,
equipment that can be used to provide support round and thin.
to a student while they are gaining confidence
in the water.
In some countries, specialist floating objects
have been developed that are specifically
designed for teaching swimming. However,
in areas where specialist equipment is not
available or too expensive, alternative locally
sourced equipment may be used.

Easy to hold.
A floating object must be: Relatively expensive and not available
in many areas.
• easy to hold on to
• easy to move through the water Water container
An empty water container (at least 5 litres)
• capable of keeping the student afloat
can easily hold the weight of a child or adult.
in the water.
Most containers have a handle that a student
All students will require a floating object for can hold onto in the water. The container
self-survival and rescue. should be cleaned
well before use.

Cheap and available
in most areas.
Not as easy to
hold onto as a
swimming float.

Unit 5: Planning and preparation

5.2 Selecting a safe teaching How to protect: The depth of water suitable

for teaching swimming will vary depending
and swimming area on the standard of the students. Beginners
should be taught in chest-deep water but,
Identifying a safe teaching area as their ability and confidence increase, the
The type of waterbody used to teach in will vary water depth can be increased.
depending on the season and the geography of
the local environment. Some organisations may Water speed
have access to a purpose-built swimming pool, Why: If the water speed is too fast then
but many will have to use a river, lake, pond or students will struggle to undertake the
the ocean. activities, and the teacher will be unable
If the water is on private property, it is important to watch the class effectively.
that permission is gained from the site owner prior How to protect: Try to find an area where
to the training taking place. the water speed is as slow as possible, ideally
The safety and suitability of the area will be
influenced by a number of factors:
Weather and tide
Why: Natural waterbodies can change
dramatically depending on the weather and,
in some cases, the tide. An area may be safe
when it is sunny but dangerous after rain.

less than half the walking speed of the people

you are teaching. Check by throwing a floating
object into the water.
Why: A strainer is an object that allows water to
pass through it. Strainers are extremely dangerous
because they can hold people against them.
How to protect: Ask a local person how the The example of a strainer illustrated shows the
conditions of the waterbody change with the branches of a fallen tree.
weather and the tide.
Water depth
Why: Students may step or fall into deep
water beyond their capability.

How to protect: Swimming lessons and

activities should never be taught upstream
of a strainer.

Unit 5: Planning and preparation

Slope Wild animals

Why: If the slope is too steep the students Why: Dangerous animals may cause injury
may accidently move into water beyond their to students or teachers during a lesson. These
depth. With a steep slope it is also difficult to animals may be found in the water or in the
gradually increase depth to build confidence. teaching area around the water. Examples
include crocodiles, sharks and ants.

How to protect: A teaching area with a shallow

slope should be used. Carefully walk around the How to protect: Speak to local people to find
teaching area to make sure there are no holes or out if there are any known dangerous animals
steep slopes that students could fall on. in the area.
Underwater objects Waterborne disease
Why: Students may injure themselves on large Why: Many diseases are contracted through
or sharp objects, or get tangled in rope or plants. contact with infected water.
Common dangers include weeds, large rocks and How to protect: Avoid teaching in water
broken glass. known to contain disease. If you are unsure
then contact your local public health authority.
Why: Swimming in polluted water can cause
serious illness.
How to protect: Avoid teaching in water
close to sewage, agricultural drainage outlets,

How to protect: Carefully walk around the

teaching area to make sure it is clear from
dangerous underwater objects.

industrial areas or ports. If in doubt, contact

your local public health authority.

Unit 5: Planning and preparation

Swimming area – suitability In addition to the checklist, thorough

consultation should be undertaken with
checklist local people to ensure the area contains
Use the checklist below to identify an area no additional hazards.
that is suitable for teaching swimming.
If you answer no to any of the questions
then the area is not suitable for teaching
and another area should be found.

Consideration Yes No Unknown

Do people regularly enter Ask local people

the water? for advice.

Is the water flow less than Check by throwing

half walking speed? a stick into the water.

Is the area downstream Walk downstream of the

clear of strainers? area looking for debris.

Is the area free from sudden Check by walking

changes in water depth? through the teaching area.

Is there a shallow slope? Check by walking

through the teaching area.

Is the teaching area Check by walking

free from dangerous through the teaching area.
underwater objects?

Is the teaching area free Ask local people

from dangerous animals? for advice.

Is the water free from Ask local people or

waterborne disease? public health authorities
for advice.

Is the water free Ask local people or

from pollution? public health authorities
for advice.

Unit 5: Planning and preparation

Setting up a teaching area To mark out the teaching area:

After selecting a safe area to teach swimming it • Place a sinking object in each corner.
is important that the area is clearly marked out. • Place a floating object on the surface
A clearly marked teaching area: in each corner and anchor it to the
sinking object using rope.
• reduces the chances of students walking
or swimming into dangerous water • Connect the floating objects using rope.

• allows you to keep students together, • Attach more floating objects to the rope
making it easier to watch students when to keep it afloat.
they are practising swimming
• allows the teacher and students to see
progress because they can see how far
they have to swim.
The teaching area should be large enough
to run lessons safely. Students should have
enough room to practise their skills, and the
teacher should be able to reach the students
quickly if they get into difficulty.
To mark out the teaching area you will need:

Brightly coloured rope that floats

If in a tidal area, check the depth

of the water every 10 minutes and
adjust the area if necessary.

Sinking objects Floating objects

(such as water (such as empty
containers full water containers)
of sand)

Unit 5: Planning and preparation

Checking the teaching area If more people are available, line up shoulder
to shoulder in a straight line along the edge
The easiest way to check for submerged of the teaching area. Move forward together,
dangers is to walk slowly and carefully around checking for submerged objects until you reach
the teaching area, feeling for underwater the other side.
dangers in front of you using a stick.
Never check the area alone in case you get
into difficulty.

Starting in a corner, zigzag slowly through the

teaching area while using a stick to check under
the water. Continue this process ensuring that you
cover all the teaching area.

Unit 6: Lesson preparation

Learning outcomes
6.1 Explain the importance of wearing correct clothing.
Understand the importance of sun safety.
6.2 Know how the teacher can keep the students safe.
6.3 Know how to organise and prepare a class.
Understand the things to consider when organising class sizes.
6.4 Understand how to group students into classes.

6.1 Safety of the teacher conducting a demonstration in the water

or rescuing a student in difficulty.
Swimming teachers will spend many hours
in or near water and may be exposed to Having clean and
many natural hazards. These hazards may professional-looking
be minimised by being aware of the dangers clothing increases the
and taking simple precautions. perceived authority
of the teacher and
Correct clothing will make it easier
Suitable clothing allows a teacher to be visible and for the teacher
easily identified by students and other teachers. to interact with
It also makes the teacher look professional. students and parents.
Clothing used while teaching should protect Teachers should
the teacher from the sun and be comfortable cover their skin
to work in. It should allow the teacher to with clothing
perform all necessary duties, including wherever possible.

Unit 6: Lesson preparation

Sun safety
The sun radiates light to the earth, and part of
that light consists of invisible ultraviolet (UV)
rays. When these rays reach the skin, they
cause tanning, burning and other skin damage.
Exposure to the sun can result in the development
of skin cancer and eye diseases. Without
adequate protection, teachers are at risk of
being exposed to too much sun. Sensitivity
to the sun will depend on skin type but teachers
should be aware of the precautions to take to
reduce the risks:
Shade Cover up
Whenever When
possible try teaching, if
to teach in a possible wear
shaded area. a T-shirt,
a hat with
a peak and
with UV

Sunscreen Water
In some Drink water
countries regularly
sunscreen to avoid
is available dehydration.
to reduce
exposure to
UV rays.

Unit 6: Lesson preparation

6.2 Safety of the students

Keeping students safe
It is the responsibility of the teacher to keep
students safe before, during and after the lesson.
To achieve this the teacher must:
• have a clear understanding • have rescue skills
of the programme The teacher must be able to provide
The teacher must have a good understanding immediate assistance to a student who is in
of the course content and know how to difficulty on land and in the water.
adapt it to the skill level of the students. • be able to organise the class
• have a good understanding The teacher should be able to organise the
of the teaching environment class to ensure that the size of the class is
The teacher must be aware of the dangers of appropriate and students are of similar ability.
the teaching environment and be aware of • be able to manage the class
changing water and weather conditions. The class should be under the control
of the teacher at all times.

Unit 6: Lesson preparation

Hazards Medical conditions

The teaching area should always be checked The teacher should be aware of any
for hazards before use (see page 53). medical conditions that the students have,
While using the teaching area: and understand how this may impact their
ability to carry out the activities in the water.
• Tidy up all equipment before and after use –
items left lying around may be tripped over. If you are unsure, seek medical advice if possible.

• Look out for dangerous animals. Generally, students with the following
conditions should be excluded from lessons
• Be aware of the strength of the sun – ensure until they have fully recovered:
students are not exposed to the sun for long
periods without regular breaks. Use the sun • open wounds
safety guidelines (see page 59). • coughs and colds
• Be aware of changing weather – the weather • sore eyes
can change quickly, influencing water flow • ear infections.
and teaching conditions.
Appropriate clothing
All teachers should be able to assist a student
Some materials absorb a lot of water and can if they get into difficulty during the lesson.
be heavy when wet. It is difficult to learn how A student may need rescuing when in difficulty
to swim in wet clothing. or if they are injured.
However, due to cultural or religious
circumstances, in many countries it is
important that the body is covered. Teachers
should encourage students to wear clothing
that does not absorb a lot of water and does
not restrict movement of the arms.

Unit 6: Lesson preparation

6.3 Organising the class 6.4 Grouping students

Class size Students will progress at different speeds as
a result of many different factors. However,
It is important to make sure that class sizes
the best progress occurs when students work
are suitable so that:
with others of similar abilities.
• students are able to hear and see the teacher
Ability may be self-assessed by asking the
• students are able to progress at the students how far they can swim, or it could
correct pace be formally assessed by the teacher at the start
• students have enough room to practise of the course.

• it is possible to ensure the safety of Once the students have been assessed there
the students. are two ways to group the students:

The size of a swimming class will depend on: Group between classes
• the skill level of the students A large number of students may be grouped
Beginners will need more input from into separate classes according to their ability.
the teacher.
• the learning pace of the students Large group
People learn at different speeds. Slower
learners will need more attention from Mixed ability
the teacher.
• the experience of the teacher Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4
An experienced teacher may be able to
manage a larger number of students. Ability 1 Ability 2 Ability 3 Ability 4
• the size of the teaching area
Students should have enough room to Group within a class
practise comfortably the skills they learn A small number of students may be grouped
during the lesson. into separate abilities within the same class.
• the safety of the environment The teacher should set different goals for
The safety of the students is the most different abilities and, for safety reasons,
important factor when determining the size always make sure that students of the lowest
of a class. For students to be safe during the ability are placed closest to the teacher.
lesson the teacher must be able to maintain
regular contact with all students and assist
them in an emergency.
While organisations will determine their own
limits on the number of students that a teacher Lower Higher
can teach, it is recommended that: ability ability

• inexperienced teachers teach a maximum

of 6 students at a time
• experienced teachers teach a
maximum of 10 students at a time.

Unit 6: Lesson preparation

Organisation and safety checklist

To check the safety of students during the lesson,
regularly assess the checklist below:

Consideration Yes No

Are the students of similar ability?

Is the class size suitable for the ability of the teacher?

Can the teacher see all of the students?

Can the teacher hear all of the students?

Can the students see the teacher?

Can the students hear the teacher?

Can the teacher comfortably interact with all of the students?

Can the teacher get to all of the students within 5 seconds?

Has the teaching area been checked for hazards?

Is the teaching area large enough for the number of students?

Are the students wearing appropriate clothing?

Do any of the students have medical conditions that might

affect their swimming ability?

Unit 7: Class management

Learning outcomes
7.1 Be able to set rules and expectations.
7.2 Be able to keep students motivated.
7.3 Be able to manage a class in the water.
7.4 Be able to give a good demonstration.

Teaching survival skills can be a motivating

and satisfying job. As with all types of teaching,
7.1 Setting rules
doing it well requires patience, practice and It is important that all students act safely
enthusiasm. It also requires students to during the lesson. The teacher must be in full
understand what is expected of them, and control of the students in their class and be
what they should expect from the teacher. able to clear students from the water quickly
in an emergency. During the first lesson, set
Each session is first delivered by the new a code of behaviour for discipline and safety.
teachers to each other, with support from the Repeat the code at the start of each lesson.
Aquatic Survival instructor to ensure that the
teachers are comfortable with; Code of behaviour
• The learning outcomes for each session • Always listen to the teacher – students
• The technical content each session should only do what the teacher tells
them to do.
• The teaching points
• Always walk in the teaching area, don’t run.
• The timing for each session
• Remove jewellery and tie back long hair.
After delivering the session to each other, the
new teacher then teaches the session to a • Stand well back from the side before you are
group of children, under close supervision from told to enter the water.
the Aquatic Survival instructor.

Unit 7: Class management

Walk, Motivation
don’t run. Students are more likely to turn up to lessons
and progress through the skills they are
learning if they are motivated.
Motivation can be achieved by:
Remove • setting short-term achievable goals at the
jewellery. start of the lesson
• setting longer-term goals to be achieved
by the end of the course
• providing positive feedback when the student
does something well
• building up skills in stages – only advance
Dealing with disruptive students when you know the previous skill has been
If a student regularly breaks the rules, remove done well.
them from the water and sit them in a safe
Goals should be set according to the ability
location away from the water. Explain why
of the student. Encouraging a student to
they have been removed from the class and
attempt something that is not achievable
that they can only return to the class if they
is demotivating for the student and may
agree to follow the rules. If the student agrees
be unsafe.
then return them to the class.
Give praise to students who do well.

7.2 Setting expectations

Students will only turn up to a lesson if they
are sure the teacher will be there. Keep to a
regular routine:
• Start and finish at a regular time.
• L et students know where they should wait
before and after the lesson.

Unit 7: Class management

Students who are not practising should stand

7.3 Managing the class still in a line with their head above the water
Positioning and wait for their turn.
It is important that the teacher is positioned
so that they can always see the students and
be able to react quickly to an emergency in
the water.
The teacher should never have their back to the
students and should never allow the students
to enter or exit the water unsupervised.
Always get students to swim into shallow
water (usually towards the shore) or parallel
to the beach to avoid children stepping into
deep water.

Buddy system
A buddy system is where one swimmer pairs
up with another swimmer of similar ability.
Each buddy is responsible for looking after
the other. If their buddy is having a problem,
they can alert the teacher. For older children,
Practice a buddy system may also be used to help
With larger groups of children it may be practise swimming techniques. A buddy of
difficult to observe the students’ skills, similar strength may be able to support their
maintain adequate supervision and ensure buddy in the water, with supervision from the
that students have enough space to practise. teacher. This means more students can practise
an activity at one time.
To reduce the class into smaller more
manageable groups, line up the students The buddy system should be introduced at the
and alternately give each student a number, start of every lesson.
1 or 2, or a group name.
The student can only start practising when the
teacher shouts their number or group name.

Unit 7: Class management

7.4 Demonstrations
Students learn faster through imitation.
A demonstration is worth a thousand words and
is an excellent way of passing on information to
students. If a student sees you doing something,
they will believe it is correct.

When giving a demonstration you should:

• keep the demonstration simple and only
demonstrate the point you are trying
to make
• make sure the students can see
the demonstration
• make sure the students are out of the water
if the demonstration is done in the water
• make sure all the students can see and hear
you if the demonstration is being done out
of the water
• carry out the demonstration in the same
direction you want the students to swim in.

Unit 8: Rescue skills for teachers

Learning outcomes
8.1 Know how to get help.
Know how to manage the class in an emergency.
Understand the types of rescue.
8.2 Be able to do a reach rescue.
Be able to do a throw rescue.
8.3 Be able to do a wade rescue.
Be able to do a swim rescue with a floating object.
Be able to do a swim rescue without a floating object.

8.1 Preparing for a rescue To signal that you are taking emergency action,
shout for help and blow on your whistle 3 times:
Although effective lesson preparation will
reduce the risk of most accidents, it will not
stop all accidents from occurring. A swimming
teacher must be prepared to take emergency
action to provide assistance to students in the
water and on the shore.

Getting help
It is important that other teachers and students
are aware that a rescue is taking place. They may
be able to provide assistance with the rescue
or go for further help if necessary.

Unit 8: Rescue skills for teachers

Managing the class in an Types of rescue

emergency Rescuing a person is dangerous, and many
people drown each year while trying to help
Move students to a safe area
someone else in the water.
While conducting the rescue, other students
A number of different rescue options may be
may still be in the water. It is important that
available to a teacher, and it is important that
they move into a position where they are safe.
the teacher is competent in all of them.
Use voice and hand signals to encourage
students to swim to the side or to a safe area Land-based rescues Water-based rescues
where they can stand and wait for further
• Reach rescue. • Wade rescue.
instructions from the teacher.
• Throw rescue. • 
Swim rescue with
floating object.
Swim rescue with
no floating object.

Establish voice contact

During the rescue it is important to establish
and maintain voice contact to calm the student
and provide instructions on how they can
assist themselves.
In some cases, providing instructions – such as
‘put your feet on the bottom and stand up’
– may be enough to get a person out of
difficulty without having to conduct a rescue.

Put your feet on

the bottom.

Stay calm. Keep your head

I’m going to help you. above the water.

Unit 8: Rescue skills for teachers

8.2 Land-based rescues

Conducting a rescue from land or very shallow
water is the safest type of rescue for a teacher
as it does not require entry into dangerous
water or direct contact with a drowning person.
If the teacher is teaching from land and notices
a student in difficulty they should always
attempt to conduct a land-based rescue
before entering the water to undertake
a swimming rescue.
Reach rescue

When? When the person in trouble is close to shore.

Why? It is the safest type of rescue.

How? Follow steps 1, 2 and 3 below.

Step 1 Step 2
• Reach the person using a long rigid object, • Stay low on the ground so that the person
such as a stick or pole. cannot pull you into the water.

Step 3
• Pull the person into the side.

Unit 8: Rescue skills for teachers

Throw rescue

If the person in trouble is close to shore but too far away from the shore
When? to conduct a reach rescue.

Why? Reduces the risk to the rescuer – no need to swim.

How? Follow steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 below.

Step 1 Step 2
• Attract the attention of the person • Throw a floating object, such as a rope
in trouble. or water container, to the person.

Step 3 Step 4
• Tell the person to kick their legs • Help the person out of the water.
and swim in to the side.

Unit 8: Rescue skills for teachers

8.3 Water-based rescues

Wade rescue

If the person is close to shore and in shallow water.

When? The person may have stepped into a ‘hole’.
Reduces risk to rescuer – no need to swim.
Why? Does not require a floating object.

How? Follow steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 below.

Step 1 Step 2
• Attract the attention of the person. • Enter the water carefully, taking a stick/pole
with you if possible to test the water depth
and for the person to hold onto.

Step 3 Step 4
• Pass one end of a stick/pole to the person. • Help the person out of the water.

Unit 8: Rescue skills for teachers

Swimming rescues 1. Entering the water

In many cases the teacher will be in the water Find the location of the person in trouble
when a student gets into difficulty, or the before entering the water.
student will be beyond the reach of a land-based
rescue. Rescues that require the teacher to
swim are more dangerous than rescues from
the land because:
• of the dangers of the water
• those being rescued may panic
and grab the teacher.
A swimming rescue should only be attempted
if there is no option of a land-based rescue.
Where possible, floating rescue equipment If the depth of water is unknown – or there
should be used to help with the rescue may be submerged objects – then run or wade
of a conscious person. However, if rescue up to chest depth before starting to swim.
equipment is not available – or the person
is unconscious – then the teacher must be
able to pull the person back to shore.

2. Swimming to a person in trouble

When swimming to a person in difficulty, the
swimming teacher should swim on their front
and bring their head out of the water regularly
to look at the casualty.
The teacher should shout to the person so that
they know help is coming.

Unit 8: Rescue skills for teachers

3. Approaching a person in trouble 4. Returning a person to shore

A distressed person may try to grab the teacher Sidestroke
if they get too close. The teacher should keep
a safe distance away (3 metres) so they can try When towing a casualty back to shore, the
and calm the person down by talking to them. teacher only has one arm close to the surface.

If the teacher has a rescue aid that will float Normal swimming techniques will not work so
then this should be thrown to the person while the teacher must learn a swimming stroke that
maintaining a safe distance. allows them to swim while towing a casualty.
The most effective way is for the teacher
to swim using a sidestroke – on their side
with their hip facing the sky. The legs are kept
slightly bent and kicked in a scissor action.
The lower hand reaches out in front of the
teacher and is used to pull water down to
the hips.
Safe distance
Pulling with a floating object
When a floating object has been used for the
rescue, the teacher can hold the object rather
than directly holding onto the person.

If the teacher has no rescue aid then they must The teacher should hold the object with one
get into a position where they can avoid the hand and pull the person back to the side.
grasp of the person, pull them into a horizontal
position and prepare to pull them back to shore.
This is best achieved by the teacher moving
behind the person.

Unit 8: Rescue skills for teachers

Pulling with no floating object Close-chin

Where no floating object has been used for The close-chin tow is used to give extra support
the rescue then the teacher must have direct to the person in trouble. It allows the teacher
contact with the person to pull them back. to talk to and monitor the person while
There are a number of different ways to hold bringing them to shore. This gives a greater
a person in trouble. sense of security to the person and greater
Cross-chest control to the teacher.
The cross-chest tow allows the teacher to have
good control over the person and is best suited
for helping a panicking person. This helps the
person feel more secure as their head is out
of the water, and they stay in close physical
contact with the teacher.

• Leaning backwards, the teacher reaches over

the shoulder of the person and cups the
person’s chin in the palm of their hand.
• The teacher places the other hand under
the person’s armpit moving the person into
• The teacher reaches over the shoulder and a horizontal position.
across the chest, and grasps the person just • The teacher then releases this hand and swims
below the armpit. with their free arm and legs.
• The teacher tucks the person’s shoulder • The teacher moves the head of the person
securely into their own armpit. onto their shoulder and pulls the person
• The teacher turns onto their side so that their to shore.
hip is directly beneath the lower section of
the person’s back.

Unit 9. Teaching requirements

Learning outcomes
9.1 Know the core swimming skills.
9.2 Understand the progression through the core skills.
9.3 Understand why you should take a register.
Be able to complete the registration and assessment form.

9.1 Core skills Stroke

There are nine core skills that a student must 4. Floating – the student is able to float
develop to achieve competency in self-survival in the water on their front and back.
and rescue. These core skills can be categorised 5. Push and glide – the student is confident
into three sections: in gliding through the water.
Section 1: Orientation 6. Kicking – the student is confident kicking
Section 2: Stroke their legs on their front and back.
Section 3: Help 7. Arms and legs – the student is confident
using their arms to move through
Orientation the water.
1. Entry/exit – the student is able to enter Help
and exit the water safely.
8. Self-rescue – the student is able to
2. Movement – the student is confident self-rescue.
moving through the water.
9. Rescuing others – the student is able
3. Breathing – the student is able to control to perform a land-based rescue.
their breathing.

Unit 9: Teaching requirements

9.2 How to teach the Progression

core swimming skills There are 15 sessions, placed into three stages,
along with an assessment.
Self-survival and rescue has been broken down
into 15 sessions, each with specific outcomes. Within each stage (apart from the Assessment),
It is important that all outcomes are achieved each session has the three core skills – Orientation,
before moving onto the next session. Stroke and Help.
Each session should take approximately All of the sessions in each stage must be
90 minutes and should contain a break after completed before moving onto the next stage.
approximately 45 minutes. The sessions may
be taught over a short period, or over a longer
timescale. It is the responsibility of the teacher
to ensure that students are competent in all the
skills necessary to pass the final assessment.

Stage Session Description

1. Beginner 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 The students are taught with one-to-one physical support
from a teacher or friend.
2. Intermediate 6, 7, 8, 9 The students practise with the support of a floating object.

3. Advanced 10, 11, 12, The students practise with no support.

13, 14
Assessment 15 The students have time to practise their skills and complete
a formal assessment.

Beginner Intermediate Advanced
Session 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Entry/ Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate
exit safe entry safe entry safe entry safe entry safe entry safe entry safe entry safe entry safe entry
and exit. and exit. and exit. and exit. and exit. and exit. and exit. and exit. and exit.

Movement Hold onto Hold onto Hold onto Hold onto On your own, On your own,
buddy, walk buddy, jump floating object, floating object, walk and run jump and hop
and run and hop walk and run jump and hop through through
through through through through chest-deep chest-deep
chest-deep chest-deep chest-deep chest-deep water. water.
water. water. water. water.
Session schedule

Breathing Wash face and Blow bubbles Blow a floating Submerge face Touch the Sit on the
hair in water. in the water. object across underwater bottom bottom
the surface of several times several times several times
the water. and blow while blowing while blowing
bubbles. bubbles. bubbles.

Floating Float on front Float on back Hold onto a Hold onto a On your own, On your own,
with support with support floating object, floating object, float on front float on back,
from the from the float on front, float on back, and then then put feet
teacher, then teacher, then then put feet then put feet put feet on on bottom.
put feet on put feet on on bottom. on bottom. bottom.
bottom. bottom.
Unit 9: Teaching requirements

Push and glide Push and glide Push and glide Hold onto Hold onto On your own, On your own,
on front with on back with floating object, floating object, push and glide push and glide
support from support from push and glide push and glide on front. on back.
the teacher. the teacher. on front. on back.

Practice session
Practice session
Practice session
Practice session
Practice session
Assessment session

Kicking With forearms Kick legs on Kick legs on Hold onto Hold onto On your own, On your own,

on bottom, front with back with floating object, floating object, kick legs on kick legs on
kick legs on support from support from kick legs on kick legs on front. back.
back. the teacher. the teacher. front. back.

Arms/ Paddle arm Hold onto Arms and legs: Arms and legs: On your own, Arms and legs: Arms and legs:
Arms and while standing floating object, hold onto hold onto arm paddle on your own, on your own,
legs still in the paddle arm floating object, floating object, while walking. combine legs combine legs
water. while walking, arm paddle arm paddle and arms to and arms to
with face in while kicking, while kicking, swim. swim.
the water. with face in with face in
the water. the water.

Self-rescue Roll from front Hold onto Hold onto On your On your own
to back with floating object, floating object, own practise roll from front
support from practise roll from front treading to back.
the teacher. treading water to back. water.
using legs

Rescuing Shout and Reach rescue. Throw rescue. Wade rescue.
others signal rescue.
Unit 9: Teaching requirements

9.3 Registration and

It is important to take a register at the start
of every session. This is to ensure that you:
• know how many students are in each session
• know if a student misses a session
• have a record of the total number
of students you have taught.

Students should be continuously assessed
throughout the course to ensure that they
achieve the learning outcomes of each session.
At the end of the course a formal assessment
should take place to ensure that the students
are capable of:
• swimming continuously
• floating on their back
• kicking their legs on their back
• treading water
• demonstrating a land-based rescue rolling
from front to back
• demonstrating a land-based rescue rolling
from back to front.

Start date: Attendance at sessions Assessment (Date: .........................)
Beginner Intermediate Advanced 15

First Last Contact 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Swim Float Roll Tread Rescue
name name details water




Unit 9: Teaching requirements

Registration and assessment form






Unit 10: Lesson plans

Session 1
Learning outcomes Resources
• Understand the key water safety messages. • Key water
• Demonstrate a safe entry and exit with support. safety messages.
• Be able to walk and run through chest-deep water with support. • Flash cards.
• Be able to take a deep breath and release air slowly. • Long sticks.
• Be able to splash face and hair with water.
• Be able to kick in shallow water.

Key water safety messages Time: 35 minutes

Aim: Students have a good understanding of the key water safety messages.
Before students enter the water, teach the 10 key water safety messages
(see pages 21–48):
Spot the dangers
1. Know the water and weather conditions before getting in the water.
2. Test the water for depth and underwater hazards before entering.
3. Be aware of animals.
Keep yourself safe
4. Never enter the water alone.
5. Obey all safety signs and warning flags.
6. Know how and when to use a lifejacket.
7. Always tell someone when and where you are going near water.
Keep others safe
8. Learn safe ways of helping others without putting yourself in danger.
9. Constantly supervise children in or near water.
10. Keep your home safe.

Set the rules Time: 5 minutes

Set a code of behaviour:
• Always listen to the teacher.
• Don’t run.
• No fighting.
• Always do what you are told to do – don’t do anything unless you are told to do it.

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 1 – Orientation

Entry/exit Time: 10 minutes

Steep-side entry: used to enter the water from a steep side

Step 1 Step 2
• From a seated position, place both hands • Roll around onto stomach.
on one side of your body. • Slowly lower your body into the water
feet first and stand or hold onto the side.

Slope entry: used to enter the water from a slope

Step 1 Step 2
• Find a long stick. • Walk forward slowly, continuing
• Use the stick to poke the bottom, to check for deep areas.
looking for any deep areas in front of you.

Steep-side exit: used to get out of the water up a steep side

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

• Place hands, shoulder-width • Place stomach on the side. • Rotate into a seated position.
apart and jump up so your
weight is on your hands.

Session 1 – Orientation Unit 10: Lesson plans

Movement Time: 10 minutes

Walk and run through the water Water depth: waist–chest level

Aim: Be able to walk and run through chest-deep water with support.
Support: Students use other students for support.

• Line the students up parallel to the bank at waist depth.

• Walk students parallel to the bank.

Step 1 Step 2
• Pair up. • Make a line and move slowly forward,
• Place both hands on the shoulders following the person in front of you.
of the person next to you.

• As students become more confident, increase speed and water depth.

• Instruct the student at the front to change direction.

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 1 – Orientation

Breathing Time: 15 minutes

Taking a deep breath Water depth: out of water

Aim: Practise taking and holding deep breaths.

Support: Activity undertaken out of the water.

Step 1 Step 2
• Take a deep breath. • Slowly let the air out of your mouth and nose.

• Repeat breath-holding until the student is comfortable taking deep breaths

and releasing the air slowly.

Wash face and hair in the water Water depth: waist level

Aim: Be able to splash face and hair with water.

Support: Students to stand in a circle holding each other’s hands for support.

Step 1 Step 2
• Stand in a circle. • Wash your face and hair in the water.
• Hold the hand of the person next to you. • Make sure you cover your whole face
with water!

• Slowly increase the time the students continue to hold hands when their face is lifted out of
the water. This encourages students not to wipe the water off their face every time they put
their face in the water.

Session 1 – Stroke Unit 10: Lesson plans

Kicking Time: 15 minutes

Kicking on front Water depth: knee level

Aim: Be able to kick their legs

on their front in shallow water.
Support: Students to support themselves
on their forearms in shallow water.

Step 1 Step 2
• Crouch down in shallow water and put • Kick your legs alternately.
your elbows on the bottom. • Kick from your hips.
• Lean forward in the water. • Keep your legs long and loose.
• Straighten your legs and bring your • Keep your knees under the water.
feet up off the bottom.

• Engage the students by encouraging them to make as much splash as possible.

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 2 – Orientation

Session 2
Learning outcomes Resources
• Be able to demonstrate a safe entry and exit with support. • Long sticks.
• Be able to jump and hop through chest-deep water with support.
• Be able to blow bubbles in the water.
• Be able to float on their front for 10 seconds and regain standing
position with support.
• Be able to push and glide on their front with support.
• Be able to kick their legs on their front for 10 seconds with support.
• Be able to demonstrate an arm paddle while standing still in the water.
Understand the basic principles of a shout and signal rescue.

Set the rules Time: 2 minutes

Set a code of behaviour.

Entry/exit Time: 3 minutes

Steep-side entry: Steep-side exit:

used to enter the water from a steep side used to get out of the water up a steep side

Slope entry:
used to enter the water from a slope

Session 2 – Orientation Unit 10: Lesson plans

Movement Time: 10 minutes

Jump in the water Water depth: waist–chest level

Aim: Be able to jump and hop through chest-deep water with support.
Support: Pair the students up and ask them to hold onto the hands of their buddy for support.

Step 1 Step 2
• Pair up and hold both your buddy’s hands. • Push off the bottom with both feet
• Crouch down into a sitting position. so that both feet leave the bottom.
• Try and put both feet back on the
bottom at the same time.

Hop in the water Water depth: waist–chest level

Step 1 Step 2
• Pair up and hold your buddy’s hand. • Try and jump on the spot using
one foot.
• Bring one foot off the bottom and
balance on one leg.

• As students become more confident, gradually increase the depth of the water
from waist depth to chest depth.
• Repeat the exercise by moving forwards, backwards and sideways in the water.

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 2 – Orientation

Breathing Time: 10 minutes

Blow bubbles in the water Water depth: chest level

Aim: Be able to blow bubbles

in the water.
Support: Students to stand in a circle
holding each other’s hands
for support.

Step 1 Step 2
• Put your chin in the water. • Put your mouth in the water and
• Take a big breath. blow bubbles.

• Repeat this process until the student is comfortable putting their mouth
in the water repeatedly.

Have fun!
• Encourage the students to make a noise like a boat engine.
• Encourage the students to see how many bubbles they can blow!

Session 2 – Stroke Unit 10: Lesson plan

Floating Time: 10 minutes

Floating on front Water depth: chest level

Aim: Be able to float on their front for

10 seconds and regain a standing
position with support.
Support: Students to hold the outstretched
forearms of the teacher or buddy.
Teacher or buddy should be
crouched at shoulder depth.

Step 1 Step 2
• Stretch your arms out in front. • Put your face in the water.
• Take a big breath. • Stretch your legs out.
• Blow bubbles.
Step 3
• When you have run out of breath bring your
knees up to your chest, lift your head, push
down on the teacher’s hands and put your
feet on the bottom.

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 2 – Stroke

Push and glide Time: 15 minutes

Push and glide on front Water depth: waist–chest level

Aim: Be able to push and glide on their

front with support.
Support: Teacher or buddy to stand in front
of the student. Student should push
forward and glide into the arms of
the teacher/buddy.

Step 1 Step 2
• Stretch your arms above your head. • Lean forward and push hard on your toes so
• Take a big breath. that your body moves through the water and
your feet float to the surface.
• Bend forward at the waist.
• Blow bubbles as you move through the water.
• Put your face in the water.
• Hold the position until your body stops
moving forwards or you run out of breath.
Step 3
• When you have stopped moving or run out
of breath bring your knees up to your chest
and put your feet on the bottom.

Session 2 – Stroke Unit 10: Lesson plans

Kicking Time: 15 minutes

Kicking on front Water depth: chest level

Aim: Be able to kick their legs on their

front for 10 seconds with support.
Support: Students to hold the outstretched
forearms of the teacher or buddy.
Teacher or buddy should be
crouched at shoulder depth.

• Students should be encouraged to blow bubbles when their face goes in the water,
and to lift their mouth clear of the water to take a breath.

Step 1 Step 2
• Stretch your arms out in front. • Kick your legs alternately.
• Push your legs up off the floor. • Kick from your hips.
• Take a big breath. • Keep your legs long and loose.
• Put your face in the water. • Blow bubbles as you kick your legs.

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 2 – Stroke

Arms Time: 10 minutes

Arm paddle while standing still Water depth: waist level

Aim: Be able to demonstrate an arm paddle while standing still in the water.
Support: Students should undertake the activity with support from the teacher if needed.

Step 1 Step 2
• Stand/crouch in the water with your • Pull your hand towards your chest.
chin on the surface. • Alternate between hands.
• Keep your fingers together.
• Stretch out your arm and reach forward
as far as you can with your hand.

Have fun!
• Ask the students to pretend they are scooping food into a mouth at the top of their chest!

Session 2 – Help Unit 10: Lesson plans

Rescuing others Time: 15 minutes

Shout and signal
Water depth: waist level
If a person is panicking in the water then
shouting clear instructions to them may
be enough to encourage them to the side.

Aim: Understand the basic principles of a shout and signal rescue.

Support: Students to undertake the activity with no support.

• Pair the students up, with one standing in waist-deep water acting as a person
in trouble and the other standing on the side.
• Clear communication is important in all rescues. Tell the students to practise
using both their voice and hand signals to encourage the person to the side.

Keep your head Put your feet

above the water. on the bottom!

Swim to the side! Kick your legs!

Step 1 Step 2
• Shout for help. • Use your voice and hand signals to encourage
If possible get the attention of an adult. the person to swim to the side.
• Get the attention of the person in the water.

Have fun!
• Have a competition to see who can shout for help the loudest!

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 3 – Orientation

Session 3
Learning outcomes Resources
• Be able to demonstrate a safe entry and exit with support. • Long sticks.
• Be able to place their chin in the water and blow a floating object • A floating object
across the surface of the water. for each student.
• Be able to float on their back for 10 seconds and regain standing
position with support.
• Be able to push and glide on their back with support.
• Be able to kick their legs on their back for 10 seconds with support.
• Be able to roll from their front to their back with support.

Set the rules Time: 2 minutes

Set a code of behaviour.

Entry/exit Time: 3 minutes

Steep-side entry: Steep-side exit:

used to enter the water from a steep side used to get out of the water up a steep side

Slope entry:
used to enter the water from a slope

Session 3 – Orientation Unit 10: Lesson plans

Breathing Time: 10 minutes

Blow a floating object across
Water depth: chest level
the surface of the water

Aim: Be able to place their chin in the water and blow
a floating object across the surface of the water.
Support: Students to hold a buddy’s hand for support if necessary.

Step 1 Step 2
• Put your chin in the water. • Practise blowing a floating object
• Take a big breath. across the surface of the water.

Have fun!
• Set up a start and finish line in the water.
• Get the students to place a floating object on the starting line
and blow it as fast as they can towards the finish line.
• The first one across the finish line is the winner!

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 3 – Stroke

Floating Time: 15 minutes

Floating on back Water depth: waist level

Aim: Be able to float on their back for

10 seconds and regain standing
position with support.
Support: Teacher or buddy should provide
support under the shoulder blades,
standing behind and to the side of
the student.
Teacher or buddy should be
crouched down at shoulder depth.
Gradually reduce the amount of
support given.

Step 1 Step 2
• Lie back in the water. • Push your stomach up to the surface
• Put your head back so that you of the water.
can see your teacher’s face. • Stretch your legs and point your toes.
• Make sure your ears are under the water. • Stretch your arms out to the side.
• Relax and keep still in the water.

Have fun!
• Encourage the students to tilt their head back in the water by getting them
to look for birds in the sky!

Session 3 – Stroke Unit 10: Lesson plans

Push and glide Time: 15 minutes

Push and glide on back Water depth: waist level

Aim: Be able to push and glide on their

back with support.
Support: Teacher or buddy to stand behind
and to the side of the student
and provide support under the
shoulders. If necessary place one
hand underneath their back.

Step 1 Step 2
• Stand in waist-deep water. • Lean back in the water and push hard
• Put your arms by your side. on your toes so that your body moves
through the water and your feet float
to the surface.
• Straighten your legs.
• Hold the position until your body
stops moving backwards.

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 3 – Stroke

Kicking Time: 15 minutes

Kicking on back Water depth: chest level

Aim: Be able to kick their legs on their

back for 10 seconds with support.
Support: Teacher or buddy to provide
support under the shoulders,
standing behind and to the
side of the student. Teacher
or buddy should be crouched
down at shoulder depth.

Step 1 Step 2
• Push your legs up off the floor. • Kick your legs alternately.
• Push your stomach up. • Kick from your hips.
• Tilt your head back so your ears • Keep your legs long and loose.
are in the water. • Keep your knees under the water.

Session 3 – Help Unit 10: Lesson plans

Self-rescue Time: 15 minutes

Roll from front to back
Water depth: chest level
Being able to roll from the front to their back
allows the student to rest on their back if they
become tired while swimming.

Aim: Be able to roll from their front

to their back with support.
Support: Teacher or buddy to stand behind
and to the side of the student.

Step 1 Step 2
• Float on your front in the water. • Use your arms to roll your whole body in the
• Turn your head to one side. direction that you have turned your head.
• Keep rolling until you are on your back.
Step 3
• Relax your body in the water.
• Float on your back.
• Breathe slowly and steadily.

Review and practice Time: 15 minutes

• Review session 3.
• Students spend time practising the sections they need to.

Unit 10: Lesson plans Sessions 4 and 5 – Practice

Sessions 4 and 5 – Practice Time: 90 minutes each session

Set the rules
Set a code of behaviour.
Students should be able to demonstrate a safe entry/exit with support.
Students should be able to move through the water with the support of others.
Students should be able to place their face in the water and blow bubbles.

Students should be able to float on their front and back for 10 seconds with support.
Push and glide
Students should be able to push and glide on their front and back with support.
Students should be able to kick on their front and back for 10 seconds with support.
Students should be able to demonstrate an arm paddle while standing still.

Students should be able to roll from their front to their back with support.
Rescuing others
Students should understand the basic principles of a shout and signal rescue.

Session 6 – Orientation Unit 10: Lesson plans

Session 6
Learning outcomes Resources
• Be able to demonstrate a safe entry and exit without support. • Long sticks.
• Be able to walk and run through chest-deep water with • Floating objects.
a floating object. • Rope.
• Be able to continuously jump and then submerge underwater
while blowing bubbles.
• Be able to demonstrate an arm paddle in the water
while walking with a floating object.
• Be able to demonstrate treading water using legs only
while holding onto a floating object.
• Understand the basic principles of a reach rescue.

Set the rules Time: 2 minutes

Set a code of behaviour.

Entry/exit Time: 3 minutes

Steep-side entry: Steep-side exit:

used to enter the water from a steep side used to get out of the water up a steep side

Slope entry:
used to enter the water from a slope

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 6 – Orientation

Movement Time: 10 minutes

Walk and run through water Water depth: chest level

Aim: Be able to walk and run through chest-deep water with a floating object.
Support: Students to hold float with two hands, then reduce to one hand.

• Line the students up parallel to the bank at chest depth.

• Walk students parallel to the bank.

Step 1 Step 2
• Hold onto a floating object with two hands. • Make a line and move forward slowly,
following the person in front of you.

• As students become more confident, increase speed and water depth.

• Instruct the student at the front to change direction.

Session 6 – Orientation Unit 10: Lesson plans

Breathing Time: 10 minutes

Submerge face underwater several times Water depth: chest level

Aim: Be able to submerge face underwater while blowing bubbles. Then repeat.
Support: Students to stand in a circle holding each other’s hands for support, or with a buddy.

Step 1 Step 2
• Take a big breath. • Put your head under the water.
• Blow bubbles until all the air is out.

Step 3 Step 4
• When you run out of breath, bring your head • Put your head under the water.
out of the water and take a big breath. • Blow bubbles until you run out of breath.
• Repeat these steps several times.

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 6 – Stroke

Arms Time: 15 minutes

Arm paddle while walking Water depth: chest level

Aim: Be able to demonstrate an arm

paddle in the water while walking
with a floating object, with face in
the water.
Support: Students to hold float in one hand,
with their arm outstretched.

• Line the students up parallel to the bank at chest depth.

Step 1 Step 2
• Take a big breath. • Pull your hand back towards your body.
• Put your face in the water. • Push the water behind you.
• Walk through the water. • Bring your arm back over the top
• Keep your fingers together. of the water and repeat.

• Stretch out your free arm and reach forward • Lift your head up when you need to breathe.
as far as you can with your hand.

• If students struggle to bring their arms over the surface of the water then they can practise
with their arms below the surface, bringing their head up in front of them to breathe.
• Once students are confident, place float in the other hand.
• As students become more confident, increase speed and change direction.
• Encourage the students to breathe by turning their head to the side.

Session 6 – Help Unit 10: Lesson plans

Self-rescue Time: 20 minutes

Treading water using legs only
Water depth: above chest level
Treading water is a technique that can be
used by a person in trouble in the water
to keep vertical with their head out of the
water. This allows them to rest, and shout
and wave for help.

Aim: Be able to demonstrate treading

water using legs only while holding
onto a floating object.
Support: Students to hold on to a floating
object with two hands, and bring
both feet off the bottom.

Step 1 Step 2
• Keep your head up out of the water. • Let go of the float with one hand and
• Stay in a vertical position. wave your free hand out of the water.

• Move your legs forwards and backwards like • Shout for help!
you are riding a bicycle in the water.

Have fun!
• Get the students to hold onto a floating object in the water.
• Encourage the students to kick their legs hard and try to get
the floating object out of the water.
• Ask the students to try turning around in the water.

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 6 – Help

Rescuing others Time: 15 minutes

Reach rescue
Water depth: chest level
A reach rescue is used if the person in trouble
is near to land. It is safe because the rescuer
does not have to enter the water.

Aim: Understand the basic principles of a reach rescue.

Support: Students to undertake the activity with no support.

Step 1 Step 2
• Shout for help! • If possible, hold onto something
• Talk to the person in trouble while finding to stop you being pulled in.
a suitable aid, such as a stick or long piece • Reach out with the rescue aid,
of clothing. placing it in front of the person.
• Lie flat, looking out at the person. • Tell the person to hold the rescue aid,
and pull them back to the side.

Review and practice Time: 15 minutes

• Review session 6.
• Students spend time practising the sections they need to.

Session 7 – Orientation Unit 10: Lesson plans

Session 7
Learning outcomes Resources
• Be able to demonstrate a safe entry and exit without support. • Long sticks.
• Be able to jump and hop through chest-deep water with a floating object. • Floating objects.
• Be able to continuously jump and then touch the bottom while • Rope.
blowing bubbles.
• Be able to float on their front for 10 seconds and regain standing
position with floating object.
• Be able to push and glide on their front with floating object.
• Be able to kick their legs on their front for 10 seconds with floating object.
• Be able to paddle in the water with the arms and kick legs for
20 seconds while holding onto a floating object.
• Understand the basic principles of a throw rescue.

Set the rules Time: 2 minutes

Set a code of behaviour.

Entry/exit Time: 3 minutes

Steep-side entry: Steep-side exit:

used to enter the water from a steep side used to get out of the water up a steep side

Slope entry:
used to enter the water from a slope

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 7 – Orientation

Movement Time: 5 minutes

Jump in the water Water depth: chest level

Aim: Be able to jump and hop through chest-deep water with a floating object.
Support: Students to hold onto a float with two hands. When comfortable use one hand.

Step 1 Step 2
• Hold onto a float with two hands. • Push off the bottom with both feet
• Crouch down into a sitting position. so that both feet leave the bottom.
• Try and put both feet back on the
bottom at the same time.

Hop in the water Water depth: waist–chest level

Step 1 Step 2
• Bring one foot off the bottom • Try and jump on the spot using one foot.
and balance on one leg.

• As students become more confident, gradually increase the depth of the water
from waist depth to chest depth.
• Encourage the students to move through the water in different directions.

Session 7 – Orientation Unit 10: Lesson plans

Breathing Time: 5 minutes

Submerge body underwater and Water depth: chest level
touch the bottom several times

Aim: Be able to continuously jump and then submerge underwater and touch
the bottom while blowing bubbles.
Support: Students to stand in a circle holding each other’s hands for support or with a buddy.

Step 1 Step 2
• Take a big breath. • Put your head and body under the water.
• Try and touch the bottom.
• Blow bubbles until all the air is out.

Step 3 Step 4
• When all the air is out, lift your head out of • Put your head and body under the water.
the water and take a breath. • Try and touch the bottom.
• Blow bubbles until all the air is out.
• Repeat these steps several times.

Unit 10 Lesson plans Session 7 – Stroke

Floating Time: 15 minutes

Floating on front with float Water depth: waist level

Aim: Be able to float on their front for

10 seconds and regain standing
position with floating object.
Support: Students to hold a floating object
with two hands.

Step 1 Step 2
• Put the floating object on the surface • Put your face in the water.
in front of you. • Stretch your legs out behind you
• Stretch out your arms. and float in the water.
• Take a big breath.
Step 3
• When you have run out of breath bring your
knees up to your chest, lift your head, push
down with your hands and put your feet on
the bottom.

• Encourage the students to blow small bubbles while their face is in the water.

Session 7 – Stroke Unit 10: Lesson plans

Push and glide Time: 15 minutes

Push and glide on front with float Water depth: waist level

Aim: Be comfortable to push and glide

on their front with floating object.
Support: Students to hold a floating object
with two hands.

Step 1 Step 2
• Stand in waist-deep water and bend • Lean forward and push on your toes
forward at the waist. until your feet leave the bottom and
• Put the floating object on the surface float to the surface.
in front of you. • Hold the position until your body stops
• Stretch your arms straight out in front. moving forwards or you run out of breath.

• Take a big breath.

• Lower your head until your face is fully
in the water.

• Encourage the students to blow small bubbles while their face is in the water.

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 7 – Stroke

Kicking Time: 15 minutes

Kicking on front with float Water depth: waist level

Aim: Be able to kick their legs on

their front for 10 seconds with
floating object.
Support: Students to hold a floating object
with two hands.

Step 1 Step 2
• Stand in waist-deep water and bend • Kick your legs alternately.
forward at the waist. • Kick from your hips.
• Stretch your arms straight out in front. • Keep your legs long and loose.
• Lower your head until your face is fully
in the water.

• Encourage the students to blow small bubbles while their face is in the water.

Session 7 – Stroke Unit 10: Lesson plans

Arms and legs Time: 15 minutes

Arms and legs with float Water depth: chest level

Aim: Be able to paddle in the water

with the arms and kick legs for
20 seconds while holding onto
a float.
Support: Students to hold float in one hand,
with their arm outstretched.

Step 1 Step 2
• Put your face in the water. • Stretch out your free arm and reach forward
as far as you can with your hand.

Step 3 Step 4
• Pull your hand back towards your body. • Kick your legs at the same time.
• Lift your head to breathe.
• Once you are confident carrying this out,
place the float in the other hand and repeat.

• Encourage the students to blow small bubbles while their face is in the water.
• Encourage the students to breathe by turning their head to the side.
• If students struggle to bring their arms over the surface of the water then they can practise
with their arms below the surface, bringing their head up in front of them to breathe.

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 7 – Help

Rescuing others Time: 15 minutes

Throw rescue
Water depth: chest level
Most drownings happen close to the side. A throw rescue
is used when a person is too far away to conduct a reach
rescue, but near enough to throw something to them.

Aim: Understand the basic principles of a throw rescue.

Support: Students to undertake the activity with no support.

Pair the students up, with one standing in chest-deep water acting as the person in trouble
and the other person on the side.

With a floating object

Step 1 Step 2
• Call for help! • Throw a floating object to the person.
• Talk to the person in trouble – tell them you • Tell them to hold the floating object and
are going to throw them something to hold. kick their legs to bring them to the side.

With a rope

Step 1 Step 2
• Call for help! • Throw the rope so that it lands over the person.
• Coil a rope in one hand, making sure the • Kneel on one knee so that the person cannot
loops are of equal length and not tangled. pull you in. Bring the person to the side by
• Make sure the end of the rope is held tightly pulling the rope in smoothly and steadily.
in the non-throwing hand. • Keep away from the water’s edge while pulling in.

Have fun!
• Do target practice by getting the students to stand on the bank and throw their floating object
or rope at a target in the water. See who can get the closest!
• Have a race to see who can rescue their buddy the fastest. (See Section 11: Games and activities.)

Session 8 – Orientation Unit 10: Lesson plans

Session 8
Learning outcomes Resources
• Be able to demonstrate a safe entry and exit with support. • Long sticks.
• Be able to jump up and then submerge underwater and • Floating objects.
sit on the bottom while blowing bubbles. Repeat several times. • Rope.
• Be able to float on their back for 10 seconds with a floating object
and regain standing position.
• Be able to push and glide on their back with a floating object.
• Be able to kick their legs on their back for 10 seconds
with a floating object.
• Be able to move through the water using arms and legs
with a floating object.
• Be able to roll from their front to their back with a floating object.

Set the rules Time: 2 minutes

Set a code of behaviour.

Entry/exit Time: 3 minutes

Steep-side entry: Steep-side exit:

used to enter the water from a steep side used to get out of the water up a steep side

Slope entry:
used to enter the water from a slope

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 8 – Orientation

Breathing Time: 10 minutes

Submerge underwater and sit on the bottom Water depth: chest level

Aim: Be able to continuously jump and then submerge underwater and sit on the bottom
while blowing bubbles.
Support: Students to stand in a circle holding each other’s hands for support or with a buddy.

Step 1 Step 2
• Take a big breath. • Put your head and body under
the water and sit on the bottom.
• Blow bubbles until all the air is out.

Step 3 Step 4
• When all the air is out, lift your head out • Put your head and body under the water
of the water and take a breath. and sit on the bottom.
• Blow bubbles until all the air is out.
• Repeat these steps several times.

Session 8 – Stroke Unit 10: Lesson plans

Floating Time: 10 minutes

Floating on back with float Water depth: chest level

Aim: Be able to float on their back for

10 seconds with a floating object
and regain standing position.
Support: Students to hold floating object
close to their chest.

Step 1 Step 2
• Lie back in the water. • Push your stomach up to the surface
• Tilt your head back and look up. of the water.

• Make sure your ears are under • Stretch your legs out.
the water. • After 10 seconds, bend your knees and
put your feet on the bottom to regain
your standing position.

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 8 – Stroke

Push and glide Time: 15 minutes

Push and glide on back with float Water depth: waist level

Aim: Be able to push and glide on

their back with floating object.
Support: Students to hold a floating object
close to chest with two hands.

Step 1 Step 2
• Stand in waist-deep water. • Lean back in the water and push hard on
• Crouch down so your shoulders your toes so that your body moves through
are in the water. the water and your feet float to the surface.

Step 3
• Straighten your legs.
• Hold the position until your
body stops moving.

Session 8 – Stroke Unit 10: Lesson plans

Kicking Time: 15 minutes

Kicking on back with float Water depth: chest level

Aim: Be able to kick their legs on

their back for 10 seconds
with floating object.
Support: Students to hold a floating
object close to chest with
two hands.

Step 1 Step 2
• Lean back. • Kick your legs alternately.
• Push your legs up off the floor. • Kick from your hips.
• Push your stomach up. • Keep your legs long and loose.
• Tilt head back so your ears are in the water. • Keep your knees under the water.

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 8 – Stroke

Arms and legs Time: 20 minutes

Arms and legs with float Water depth: chest level

Aim: Be able to paddle in the water

with the arms and kick legs for
20 seconds while holding onto
a float.
Support: Students to hold float in one hand,
with their arm outstretched.

Step 1 Step 2
• Put your face in the water. • Stretch out your free arm and reach
forward as far as you can with your hand.

Step 3 Step 4
• Pull your hand back towards your body. • Kick your legs at the same time.
• Once you are confident in carrying
this out, place float in the other hand
and repeat the steps.
• Encourage the students to blow small bubbles while their face is in the water.
• Encourage the students to breathe by turning their head to the side.
• If students struggle to bring their arms over the surface of the water then they can practise
with their arms below the surface, bringing their head up in front of them to breathe.

Session 8 – Help Unit 10: Lesson plans

Self-rescue Time: 15 minutes

Roll from front to back Water depth: chest level
Being able to roll from their front to their back
allows the student to rest on their back if they
become tired while swimming.

Aim: Be able to roll from their front to

their back with floating object.
Support: Students to hold onto a floating
object with one hand.

Step 1 Step 2
• Float on your front in the water. • Use your arms to roll your whole body in the
• Turn your head to one side. direction that you have turned your head.
• Keep rolling until you are on your back.
Step 3
• Relax your body in the water.
• Float on your back.
• Breathe slowly and steadily.

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 9 – Practice

Session 9 – Practice Time: 90 minutes

Set the rules
Set a code of behaviour.
Students should be able to demonstrate a safe entry/exit.
Students should be able to move with the support of floating objects.
Students should be able to repeatedly submerge underwater, blowing out air,
surfacing and taking a breath.

Students should be able to float on their front and back for 10 seconds with a floating object.
Push and glide
Students should be able to push and glide on their front and back with a floating object.
Students should be able to kick on their front and back for 10 seconds with a floating object.
Students should be able to demonstrate an arm paddle while kicking their legs with
a floating object.

Students should be able to demonstrate treading water using legs only while holding
onto a floating object.
Students should be able to roll from their front to their back with a floating object.
Rescuing others
Students should understand the basic principles of reach and throw rescues.

Session 10 – Orientation Unit 10: Lesson plans

Session 10
Learning outcomes Resources
• Be able to demonstrate a safe entry and exit without support. • Long sticks.
• Be able to walk and run through chest-deep water with no support. • Floating objects.
• Be able to demonstrate an arm paddle in the water with no support.
• Be able to demonstrate treading water using legs and arms,
and with no support.
• Understand the basic principles of a wade rescue.

Set the rules Time: 2 minutes

Set a code of behaviour.

Entry/exit Time: 3 minutes

Steep-side entry: Steep-side exit:

used to enter the water from a steep side used to get out of the water up a steep side

Slope entry:
used to enter the water from a slope

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 10 – Orientation

Movement Time: 10 minutes

Walk and run through water Water depth: chest level

Aim: Be able to walk and run through chest-deep water with no support.
Support: Students to undertake the activity with no support.

• Line the students up parallel to the bank at chest depth.

• Walk students parallel to the bank.

Step 1
• Make a line and move forward slowly,
following the person in front of you.

• As students become more confident, increase speed and water depth.

• Instruct the student at the front to change direction.

Session 10 – Stroke Unit 10: Lesson plans

Arms Time: 15 minutes

Arm paddle while walking Water depth: chest level

Aim: Be able to demonstrate an arm paddle in the water with no support.

Support: Students to undertake the activity with no support.

Step 1 Step 2
• Take a big breath. • Pull your hand back towards your body.
• Put your face in the water. • Push the water behind you.
• Walk through the water. • Bring your hand back over the top
• Keep your fingers together. of the water.

• Stretch out and reach forward • As your hand is travelling back over the top
as far as you can with one hand. of the water, start pulling back with your
other hand.
• Repeat.
• Lift your head up to the side when you need
to breathe.

• Encourage the students to blow small bubbles while their face is in the water.
• Encourage the students to breathe by turning their head to the side.
• If students struggle to bring their arms over the surface of the water then they can practise
with their arms below the surface, bringing their head up in front of them to breathe.

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 10 – Help

Self-rescue Time: 20 minutes

Treading water Water depth: above chest level
Treading water is a way of swimming that
allows a person to keep their head above
the water and shout for help. The person
stays in the same position in the water.

Aim: Be able to demonstrate treading water with both legs and arms.
Support: Students to undertake the activity with no support. Students who have no previous
swimming experience may struggle to complete this task with no support. If they do
struggle, use a floating object for support.

Step 1 Step 2
• Keep your head up. • Stay in a vertical position.
• Stretch your arms out horizontally • Move your legs forwards and backwards like
in the water. you are riding a bicycle in the water.
• Move your hands backwards and
forwards in the water.

Have fun!
• Get the students to try and raise one hand out of the water. Wave and shout for help!

Session 10 – Help Unit 10: Lesson plans

Rescuing others Time: 20 minutes

Wade rescue Water depth: chest level
A wade rescue is used to get close to the
person in trouble, while keeping your feet on
the bottom. It should only be done when water
conditions do not place the rescuer at risk.

Aim: Understand the basic principles of a wade rescue.

Support: Students to undertake the activity with no support.

Step 1 Step 2
• Attract the attention of the person. • Enter the water carefully, taking a stick/pole
with you if possible to test the water depth
and for the person to hold onto.

Step 3 Step 4
• Pass one end of a stick/pole to the person. • Help the person out of the water.

Review and practice Time: 20 minutes

• Review session 10.
• Students spend time practising the sections they need to.

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 11 – Orientation

Session 11
Learning outcomes Resources
• Be able to demonstrate a safe entry and exit without support. • Long sticks.
• Be able to jump and hop in chest-deep water with no support.
• Be able to float on their front for 10 seconds with no support.
• Be able to perform a push and glide on their front with no support.
• Be able to kick their legs on their front for 10 seconds with no support.
• Be able to swim 10 metres using arms and legs and with no support,
breathing to the side.

Set the rules Time: 2 minutes

Set a code of behaviour.

Entry/exit Time: 3 minutes

Steep-side entry: Steep-side exit:

used to enter the water from a steep side used to get out of the water up a steep side

Slope entry:
used to enter the water from a slope

Session 11 – Orientation Unit 10: Lesson plans

Movement Time: 20 minutes

Jump in the water Water depth: chest level

Aim: Be able to jump and hop in chest-deep water with no support.

Support: Students to undertake the activities with no support.

Step 1 Step 2
• Crouch down into a sitting position. • Push off the bottom with both feet
so that both feet leave the bottom.
• Try and put both feet back on the
bottom at the same time.

Hop in the water Water depth: waist–chest level

Step 1 Step 2
• Bring one foot off the bottom • Try and hop on the spot using one foot.
and balance on one leg.

• As students become more confident, gradually increase the depth of the water
from waist depth to chest depth.
• Repeat the exercise by moving forwards, backwards and sideways in the water.

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 11 – Stroke

Floating Time: 15 minutes

Floating on front Water depth: chest level

Aim: Be able to float on their front for 10 seconds with no support.

Support: Students to use teacher or buddy for assistance if required.

Step 1 Step 2
• Stretch arms out to the side • Put your face in the water.
and rest them on the surface. • Stretch your legs behind.
• Hold your breath.

Step 3
• When you have run out of air bring your head
up, push down with your hands, bring your
knees up to your chest and put your feet on
the bottom.

Session 11 – Stroke Unit 10: Lesson plans

Push and glide Time: 15 minutes

Push and glide on front Water depth: waist level

Aim: Be able to perform a push and glide on their front with no support.
Support: Students to use teacher or buddy for assistance if required.

Step 1 Step 2
• Stand in waist-deep water and bend forward • Lean forward and push hard on your toes
at the waist. so that your body moves through the water
• Stretch your arms straight out in front. and your feet float to the surface.

• Take a big breath. • Straighten your legs.

• Hold the position until your body stops
moving forwards or you run out of breath.

Step 3
• When you have run out of air bring your
knees up to your chest, lift your head, push
down with your hands and put your feet on
the bottom.

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 11 – Stroke

Kicking Time: 15 minutes

Kicking on front Water depth: waist–chest level

Aim: Be able to kick their legs on their front for 10 seconds with no support.
Support: If necessary the teacher may give light support under the shoulders.

Step 1 Step 2
• Stand in waist-deep water and bend forward • Kick your legs alternately.
at the waist. • Kick from the hips.
• Stretch your arms straight out in front. • Keep your legs long and loose.
• Take a big breath.
• Put your face in the water.
• Push your toes up off the floor.

Session 11 – Stroke Unit 10: Lesson plans

Arms and legs Time: 30 minutes

Arms and legs on front Water depth: chest level

Aim: Attempt to swim using arms and legs.

Support: Students to undertake the activity with no support.

Step 1 Step 2
• Put your face in the water. • Stretch out your arm and reach forward
as far as you can with your hand.

Step 3 Step 4
• Pull your hand back towards your body. • Kick your legs at the same time.
• Push the water behind you.
• Bring your hand out of the water at your hip.

• The students may only manage a small distance before putting their feet down.
• Encourage them to practise and gradually increase the distance.
• Encourage the students to breathe by turning their head to the side.
• If students struggle to bring their arms over the surface of the water then they can practise
with their arms below the surface, bringing their head up in front of them to breathe.

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 12

Session 12
Learning outcomes Resources
• Be able to demonstrate a safe entry and exit with no support. • None.
• Be able to float on their back for 30 seconds with no support.
• Be able to perform a push and glide on their back with no support.
• Be able to kick on their back for 10 seconds with no support.
• Swim for 25 metres or 45 seconds using arms and legs, with no support.
• Be able to roll from their front to their back with no support.

Set the rules Time: 2 minutes

Set a code of behaviour.

Session 12 – Orientation Unit 10: Lesson plans

Entry/exit Time: 3 minutes

Straddle entry Water depth: height of the person plus 50cm
Used to quickly enter water that is known
to be deep with no underwater objects.

NOTE: Only teach a straddle entry if your teaching area contains deep water with no
underwater objects. If no deep water is available then teach a slope or steep-side entry.

Step 1 Step 2
• From standing position, legs slightly apart, • Bend your front leg and stretch your
take a big step outwards over the water. arms to the side at shoulder height.

Step 3 Step 4
• Lean slightly forward. • Bring your arms down when your
arms hit the water.
• Bring your legs together and keep
your head above the water.

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 12 – Stroke

Floating Time: 15 minutes

Floating on back Water depth: chest level

Aim: Be able to float on their back for 30 seconds with no support.
Support: Students take it in turns to practise the skill. If necessary, the teacher
may give light support under the shoulders.

Step 1 Step 2
• Stretch your arms out to the side. • Push your stomach up to the
• Lie back in the water. surface of the water.

• Tilt your head back so your ears • Stretch your legs out.
are in the water.

Session 12 – Stroke Unit 10: Lesson plans

Push and glide Time: 15 minutes

Push and glide on back Water depth: waist level

Aim: Be able to perform a push and glide on their back with no support.
Support: Students take it in turns to practise the skill. If necessary, the teacher
may give light support under the shoulders.

Step 1 Step 2
• Stand in waist-deep water. • Lean back and push hard with your toes
• Place your arms by your side. so that your body moves through the water
and your feet float to the surface.
• Straighten your legs.
• Hold the position until your body stops
moving backwards.

If students are comfortable doing the

push and glide with their arms by their
side, try again with the arms stretched
above the head.

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 12 – Stroke

Kicking Time: 15 minutes

Kicking on back Water depth: chest level

Aim: Be able to kick on their back for 10 seconds with no support.
Support: Students take it in turns to practise the skill. If necessary, the teacher
may give light support under the shoulders.

Step 1 Step 2
• Push your legs up off the floor. • Kick your legs alternately.
• Push your stomach up. • Kick from your hips.
• Put your arms by your side. • Keep your legs long and loose.
• Tilt your head back so your ears • Try and keep your knees under the water.
are in the water.

Arms on the back:

• If the student is comfortable kicking their
legs on their back, encourage them to use
their arms to move themselves through
the water.
• Make anticlockwise circular movements
with both arms, pushing the water down
the side of the body.

Session 12 – Stroke Unit 10: Lesson plans

Arms and legs Time: 20 minutes

Arms and legs on the front Water depth: chest level

Aim: Attempt to swim using arms and legs, with no support.

Support: Students to undertake the activity with no support.

Step 1 Step 2
• Put your face in the water. • Stretch out your arm and reach forward
• Bring your elbow high out of the water. as far as you can with your hand.

Step 3 Step 4
• Pull your hand back towards your body. • Kick your legs at the same time.
• Bring your hand out of the water at your hip.

• The students may only manage a small distance before putting their feet down.
• Encourage them to practise and gradually increase the distance.

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 12 – Help

Arms and legs Time: 20 minutes

Roll from front to back Water depth: chest level
Being able to roll from their front to their back
allows the student to rest on their back if they
become tired while swimming.

Aim: Be able to roll from their front to their back with no support.
Support: Students take it in turns to practise the skill. If necessary, the teacher
may give light support under the shoulders.

Step 1 Step 2
• Float on your front in the water. • Roll your whole body towards the arm
Push down on the water with one arm. that is pushing down on the water.
• Keep rolling until you are on your back.

Step 3
• Relax your body in the water.
• Float on your back.
• Breathe slowly and steadily.

Sessions 13 and 14 – Practice Unit 10: Lesson plans

Sessions 13 and 14 – Practice Time: 90 minutes each session

Set the rules
Set a code of behaviour.
Students should be able to demonstrate a safe entry/exit.
Students should be comfortable moving through the water with no support.

Students should be able to float on their front for 10 seconds and their back for 30 seconds
with no support.
Push and glide
Students should be able to push and glide on their front and back with no support.
Students should be able to kick on their front and back for at least 10 seconds with no support.
Arms and legs
Students should be able to combine their arms and legs and swim 25 metres with no support.

Students should be able to demonstrate treading water with no support.
Students should be able to roll from their front to their back with no support.
Rescuing others
Students should understand the basic principles of a wade rescue.

Unit 10: Lesson plans Session 15 – Assessment

Session 15
Learning outcomes Resources
• All students to complete an assessment. • Registration and
assessment form.
• Rescue equipment.

Set the rules

Set a code of behaviour.

For the first half of the session, practise any skills as necessary to complete
the final assessment criteria.

• Each student should be assessed individually.
• Students who are not being assessed should wait in a safe location out of the water.
• To successfully complete the session, each student must:
-- swim continuously on their front or back for 15 metres
-- float on their back for 30 seconds
-- tread water with a floating object
-- demonstrate any land-based rescue.
• Record a ‘pass’ by ticking the relevant box on the Registration and assessment form.

Unit 11: Games and activities

Games and activities

Games and activities can be used to
practise the skills taught in this manual
and can be introduced in any of the sessions.
They are particularly useful when teaching
young learners.
Games should be fun and enjoyable but it is
important that the teacher remains in control
of the activities at all times.
These games and activities may be adapted
for use in the local environment. If you invent
a new game, remember to write it down
so you don’t forget it!

Blindfolded obstacle hunting

Resources Material to blindfold students.

Small obstacles such as plastic bottles.
Long sticks.
Aim To practise finding dangerous objects with a stick.

Description 1. Mark out a teaching area in the sand.

2. Pair the students together.
3. Line students up along the edge of the teaching area.
4. Blindfold one of the students in the pair.
5. Place objects throughout the teaching area.
6. The blindfolded student has to find as many objects as possible
using their stick and getting directions from their buddy.
7. Swap around!
Skills Use a stick to find dangerous objects in the water and understand the
importance of this.
Progression Not applicable.

Unit 11: Games and activities

Stuck in the sand
Resources None.
Aim To increase confidence in moving through the water.
Description 1. Set out a teaching area in shallow water.
2. Nominate two students to act as catchers.
3. Tell students to run around. If they get caught by the catchers
they have to stand still with their legs apart.
4. The students can only move again if another student crawls
between their legs.
5. The game is finished when all students are standing still.
6. Swap catchers and play again!
Skills Run and crawl through water.
Progression Beginner: ankle-deep water.
Intermediate: knee-deep water.
Advanced: chest-deep water.

Jumping and hopping races

Resources Floating objects (if necessary).
Aim To increase confidence in moving through the water.
Description 1. Mark out a start and finish line.
2. Line students up on the start line.
3. Tell students to jump or hop as fast as they can to the finish line.
Skills Balance in water.
Move through chest-deep water.
Progression Beginner: knee-deep water.
Intermediate: chest-deep water with a floating object.
Advanced: chest-deep water with no floating object.

Longest jump
Resources Floating objects (if necessary).
Aim To increase confidence in moving through the water.
Description 1. Mark out a start line in the water.
2. Tell students to jump as far as they can into the water.
3. See who can jump the furthest!
Skills Balance in water.
Move through the water.
Progression Beginner: knee-deep water.
Intermediate: waist-deep water with a floating object.
Advanced: waist-deep water with no floating object.

Unit 11: Games and activities

Say your name underwater
Resources None.
Aim To increase confidence in putting their mouth in the water
and blowing out bubbles underwater.
Description 1. Pair the students together.
2. Take it in turns to put their face in the water and say their name.
3. Ask waiting students to put their ears in the water and see if they
can hear their buddy say their name.

Skills Blow out bubbles underwater.

Put face and ears underwater.
Progression Beginner: put only their mouth/face in the water.
Intermediate: put their whole head under the water.
Advanced: put their whole head under the water and sit on the bottom.

Plastic bottle race

Resources Plastic bottles.

Aim To increase confidence in putting their chin/mouth in the water
and blowing out bubbles.
Description 1. Mark out a start and finish line in the water.
2. Get each student to find a plastic bottle.
3. Get the students to float their plastic bottle on the start line
and blow it to the finish line.
Skills Blow out bubbles into the water.
Progression Not applicable.

Push and glide under a stick

Resources Long stick.

Aim To increase confidence with push and glide.
Description 1. Hold a long stick out in front of the students.
2. Ask the students to push off the bottom and glide under the stick.
Skills Push and glide practice.
Progression For advanced swimmers only!

Unit 11: Games and activities

Throwing rescue relay
Resources Throwing aid such as a container or rope.
Aim To practise a throw rescue.
Description 1. Place the students into teams.
2. Position the first team member on the bank and the rest of the team
in a line in the water facing the team member on the bank.
3. The first team member throws the aid to the second team member
who then kicks to the side of the bank with it.
4. The second team member then throws the aid to the third team member
in the same way until all of the team has been ‘rescued’.
5. The first team member can also join the back of the line in the water after
performing their rescue so that they also have the chance to be rescued.
Skills Throw rescue.
Swim with an aid.
Safe exit.
Progression Increase the distance between the team in the water and the rescuer.
Use different throwing aids.

Produced by RNLI Learning Resources

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