Q1W3L1 DLL-G7 Arada
Q1W3L1 DLL-G7 Arada
Q1W3L1 DLL-G7 Arada
Content Elements and Compounds Elements and Compounds Elements and Compounds Elements and Compounds
I. Learning Resources
A. References
Teacher's Guide Pages Teacher's Guide Pages
Teacher's Guide Pages (Science Teacher's Guide Pages (Science
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages (Science Grade 7 learners (Science Grade 7 learners
Grade 7 learners module) Grade 7 learners module)
module) module)
Learner's Materials Pages Learner's Materials Pages Learner's Materials Pages Learner's Materials Pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages (Science Grade 7 LM pictures/ (Science Grade 7 LM pictures/ (Science Grade 7 LM pictures/ (Science Grade 7 LM
video clips) video clips) video clips) pictures/ video clips)
3. Textbook Pages
Additional Materials from Additional Materials from Additional Materials from Additional Materials from
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR) Portal
Learning Resource (LR) portal Learning Resource (LR) portal Learning Resource (LR) portal Learning Resource (LR) portal
(Pictures/ video clips (Pictures/ video clips (Pictures/ video clips (Pictures/ video clips
B. Other Learning . Learning Resources , . Learning Resources ,
. Learning Resources , video . Learning Resources , video
Resources video video
II. Procedures
A. Review Previous Identify dependent and Identify dependent and Identify dependent and Identify dependent and
Lessons or presenting the independent variables in the independent variables in the independent variables in the independent variables in the
new lesson following pictures. following pictures. following pictures. following pictures.
Name the picture of the given Name the picture of the given Name the picture of the given Name the picture of the
B. Establishing purpose for
element element element given element
the Lesson
Let the students answer the Let the students answer the Let the students answer the Let the students answer the
C. Presenting examples activity on elements and activity on elements and activity on elements and activity on elements and
/instances of the new compounds compounds compounds compounds
lessons Give and clarify instructions Give and clarify instructions for Give and clarify instructions for Give and clarify instructions
for each activity. each activity. each activity. for each activity.
Let the students answer the Let the students answer the Let the students answer the Let the students answer the
activity on properties of metal activity on properties of metal activity on properties of metal activity on properties of
D. Discussing new
and non metals and non metals and non metals metal and non metals
concepts and practicing
Give and clarify instructions Give and clarify instructions for Give and clarify instructions for Give and clarify instructions
new skills #1.
for each activity. each activity. each activity. for each activity.
After performing the activity, After performing the activity, After performing the activity, After performing the
E. Discussing new concepts the learners will present their the learners will present their Perform asynchronous the learners will present their activity, the learners will
& practicing new skills #2 output output activity about scientific output present their output
method. (see attached LAS)
F. Developing Mastery Checking the class Checking the class Checking the class Checking the class
(Leads to Formative presentation presentation presentation presentation
Assessment 3)
G. Finding Practical Identify common elements Identify common elements Identify common elements Identify common elements
Applications of concepts and found at home found at home found at home found at home
skills in daily living
H. Making Generalizations & Complete the concept map Complete the concept map Complete the concept map Complete the concept map
Abstractions about the about pure substance about pure substance about pure substance about pure substance
Give short quiz to measure Give short quiz to measure
Give short quiz to measure Give short quiz to measure
I. Evaluating Learning students mastery of the students mastery of the
students mastery of the lesson. students mastery of the lesson.
lesson. lesson.
Answer worksheet Answer worksheet Answer worksheet Answer worksheet
J. Additional activities for
WRITTEN TASK ( see WRITTEN TASK ( see attached WRITTEN TASK ( see attached WRITTEN TASK ( see attached
application or remediation
attached activity) activity) activity) activity)
IV. Reflection
A. No.of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No.of learners who requires
additional acts.for remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No.of learners who caught up with
the lessons
D. No.of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. (What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal/supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized
materials did I used/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
Teacher I Teacher Master Teacher II Head Teacher III