2.2. Parameters That Characterize Solar Cell
2.2. Parameters That Characterize Solar Cell
2.2. Parameters That Characterize Solar Cell
I (diffu.)
Figure : J-V characteristics of a p-n junction in the dark and under illumination.
Figure J-V characteristics of a p-n junction in the dark and under illumination
Characteristics of solar cell
❖ What is I-V characteristic of solar cells?
– The I-V characteristic is one of the most important methods of
determining and studying the parameters of solar cells
❖Since, the open circuit voltage dependence on the irradiance E is:
Note that the first term also contains a diode ideality factor n ,this
factor reflects to which extent the behavior of an ideal diode can
describe the JV curve for the moment we have assumed that the
recombination occurs through defect traps in the band gap, the so-
called Shockley-Read-Hall recombination and that the recombination is
limited by the minority charge carrier, in that case, the ideality factor is
equal to 1.
However, if the recombination occurs for instance at interfaces or is
limited by both charge carrier or is determined by Auger recombination,
this factor (ideality factor) differs from 1.
Auger recombination depend on the semiconductor itself, SRH
recombination is proportional to the density of traps or impurities in the
Vm Voc
If the power density on the skill is negative it means that the solar cell is
generating power whereas if the power density is positive it means that
the solar cell is consuming or dissipating power
If the solar cell is an open circuit voltage, the power density is equal to
zero. If the solar cell is a short circuit, the power density is equal to zero
as well
❖If the voltage is smaller than zero volt which we call reverse bias the
illuminated solar cell does not generate power but consumes power
❖if the voltage is larger than the open circuit voltage the illuminated
solar cell is dissipating power as well and the solar cell will heat up as
❖The shaded area under the maximum power point in a JV plot
represents the power density generated
Fill Factor (FF)
❖ The fill factor (FF) is the ratio between the maximum power (Pmax =
ImVm = Pmax = JmpVmp) generated by a solar cell and the maximum
power from a ideal solar cell, The FF is the parameter for evaluating
the performance of a cell. Vm I m Pmax Vmp J mp
FF = or FF = =
❖It is defined as the squareness of the I-V curve
❖FF represent losses in PV cell so it is impossible for solar cell to have
a FF equal to one
Assuming that the solar cell behaves as an ideal diode the fill factor
can be expressed as a function of open circuit voltage Voc
is a normalised voltage
Conversion Efficiency: η
❖The conversion efficiency is calculated as the ratio between the
maximal generated power from the solar cell and the incident power
from the sun.
❖The conversion efficiency of solar cells
The fill factor of the cell can be calculated by using the following
Vmp Voc
RCH = =
I mp I sc
The characteristic resistance of a solar cell is the inverse of the slope of the line
Effect of Rs and FF
An equation for the FF as a function of series resistance can be
determined by noting that for moderate values of series
resistance, the maximum power may be approximated as the
power in the absence of series resistance minus the power lost in
the series resistance. The equation for the maximum power from a
solar cell then becomes:
we can define a normalized series resistance as; rs =
The following equation gives an approximated effect of series
resistance on the output power of a solar cell
Effect of Rs and FF
Assuming that the open-circuit voltage and short-circuit
current are not affected by the series resistance allows the
impact of series resistance on FF to be determined;
In the above equation FF, the fill factor which is not affected by shunt
resistance is denoted by FF0 and FF' is called FFSH. The equation then becomes;
Impact of Both Series and Shunt Resistance
In the presence of both series and shunt resistances, the IV curve of the
solar cell is given by;
Current (A)
• Pmax: Maximum Power Delivered 0.0015