DLD Lab 01
DLD Lab 01
DLD Lab 01
Lab No: 01
Digital Proto-Board
Connect the PB-505 line cord to the AC power supply and turn
on the power switch.
Connect the LOGIC INDICATORS (lamp monitor) (1, 2,...., 8)
to +5 volts. The lamp monitors should light when connected +5
volts and this “ON” lamp condition will represent a “l” logic
level in your experiments.
Now connect the lamp monitors to the ground. They should all
be off at this time. This “OFF”: lamp condition will represent a
“0” logic level in your experiments.
Connect one side of a resistor (20 ohms, to 100 K) to ground
and the other side to DIP switch S1-1 and switch the 5 V/GND
switch to 5 volts position (These steps are already done for you).
Connect S1-1 to LED-1. Now, when the S1-1 is pushed up to
the closed position LED-1 will light, and when the S1-1 is
brought back to the open position the LED will be off. Repeat
these steps for S1- 2 through S1-8 and observe the resultant
condition of the lamp monitors.