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Dryad Fen Guard 2018

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Fen Guard

Deep within the cursed marshes lays the remains of the Untainted – Though they live their “lives” in the cursed
everglade, a former extension of Athel Loren, long since marshes the Fen Guard have kept clean of the taint of
abandoned by the Elves and corrupted by the evil of the chaos through strict rules of eradication. Anytime a
marshes. Patches of the glade still exist uncorrupted but member of the warband receives an actual mutation (see
these as small and far between. Within these patches lay the below) they must roll on the serious injury table (ignoring
Fen Guard, silent protectors of the Glade, performing their Captured and Sold to the Pits) as the rest of the warband
duties centuries after their realm has fallen. Frequent cut the taint from the warrior. remove the mutation from
encusions by beast men and Fimir keep the fen guard busy the warrior
for the most part, and few humans venture deep enough
into the marsh to ever witness the glades, and even fewer Variation – Warriors of the Fen Guard may start with a
live to tell the tale. single “Variation” when hired, or when rolling doubles
when levelling up they may choose a new “Variation”.
Variations are chosen from the mutation list in corrupted
Special Rules characters, but do not count as mutations for other game
rules (eg; Holy Water). The following mutations are
Immune to Drugs and Poison – All Fen Guard are available and must be paid for as listed;
immune to Drugs and Poison, but still affected by Disease.
Vine (Tentacle), Branch (Extra Arm) Thick Leaves (Cloud
Fear of Fire – Active fires, torch wielding enemies or any of Flies) Dense Trunk (Hulking Brute), Thorns (Spines),
flame on the battlefield, cause fear in Fen Guard. Spores (Black Blood) and possible Nesting Bird (Beak!)

Hired Swords – Fen Guard are reclusive inhuman

creatures who have little to no way of communicating with Characteristic Increase
the outside world. As such they are only able to use Elf
Hired swords. Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Dryad 5 6 4 4 5 4 5 3 10
Bark Skin – Fen Guard have a 6+ armour save, which can
be stacked with regular Armour. This save cannot be
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
modified beyond 6 due to Strength modifiers (except by
weapons with Cutting Edge Rule) but any result of 'no save' Treekin 6 5 0 5 5 5 2 4 10
on the Critical Hit Charts will negate this 6+ save. Fire
Attacks Ignore this rule. "Die thee, plaguespawn! Rotfinger! Viletouch! Squirm thy last! The
sylvaneth kindled beauty in these lands you have befoul’d,
Hard to Kill - Dryads and Spiteborn are not creatures of and by my scythe, so we shall again."
flesh, their limbs are Branches and their bodies dried trunks. —Branchwych Astylia
They can only be taken out of action on a roll of 6 instead at the Battle of the Oozing Dell
of 5-6 when rolling on the injury chart. Treat a roll of 1-2 as
knocked down, 3-5 as stunned and 6 as out of action. Fire
AttacksIgnorethisrule. Choice of Warriors
Hard to Rattle: all Fen guard count as wearing a helmet, A Glade Warriors Warband must include a minimum of
which gives you a 4+ stun save. Fire Attacks Ignore this rule. three models. You have 500 gold crowns which you can use
to recruit and equip your warband. The maximum
Forest and Swamp Walk – Fenguard can move through number of warriors in the warband is 12.
swamp and forest terrain without penalty
Branchwych: your warband must include a branchwych as
Grown Weapons – when purchasing a weapon for any your leader
Forest Folk the weapon actually grows from within them - Branchnymph; your warband may include up to one
Forest Folk cannot be Disarmed, or if captured, weapons Branchnymph
cannot be taken from them. However you cannot reallocate Spiteborn: your warband may include up to two spiteborn.
weapons between your troops and if you take a weapon Dryads: your warband may include any number of Dryads.
from them it is lost as the branch is snapped off and a new Treekin: your warband my include up to two Treekin.
weapon grown. Any weapons found during the campaign
may only be sold off and cannot be assigned to your
warriors. Starting Experience
A Branchwych starts with 20 experience.
Regrowth – If a Fen Guard ever suffers a serious injury
they can use a future skill advancement to regrow the lost A Branchnymph starts with 14 experience.
limb/wound, striking it from your roster.
A Spiteborn starts with 8 experience.
Natural State – Fen Guard may never wear cloaks, boots
or armour other than that listed on their starting profile. Henchmen start with 2 experience.
They may also never visit any post game location within
Marienburg (or any) City.

Dryad Equipment List
The following list is used by Fen Guard to pick their equipment.

Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons. Armour

Sword…………………………………….…………..10gc Shield…….……………………………………………5gc
Spear…………………………………………………10gc Iron Bark*...………………………………….………10gc
Hammer……………………………………...…..…….3gc Armour of the Willow Wood*…….………………...130gc
Axe……………………………………………………5gc Oaken Armour*…………………………………….150gc
Whip*…………………………………………….…..10gc Miscellaneous Equipment
Greenwood Scythe**……………….…………...……60gc Climbing Vine (rope and hook.) ………………………5gc
Missile Weapons* Horn of the Wild Hunt***…………..………………110gc
Splinters (Throwing Knives) …………………………..15gc Familiar**..…………………………………………....20gc
Vine Tendril (Fish Hook Shot).………………………10gc Magic Acorn……………………………………...…100gc
Healing Herbs………………………………………...10gc

*Heroes only **Branchwych only ***Branchnymph only

Dryad Skill Table

Combat Shooting Strength Academic Speed Special
Branchwych   
Branch Nymph   
Spiteborn   

Dryad Special Skills

Dryads may choose to use the following skill list instead of the standard skill lists.
absorption adaptation
The Hero’s bark is thickened and soft, slowing the velocity
of all missile fire. Assign -1 strength to all attacks against The Hero may immediately choose any skill from the 5
the hero in the shooting phase. main skill lists. This skill may only be taken once by each

harvester of souls gladeborn

(Branchwych only) when hiring a new hero, the The hero may enter the battle via any Forest or swamp
Branchwych may “Transfer” D3 Stats or Skills (any terrain feature in any turn after the first.
combination) of another Fen Guard Hero who has died in
a previous game, with an additional cost of half the dead
Hero’s XP value in GC. The newly seeded Hero must miss transform
the first game in which they return to the roster, as they The Hero is able to transform their body into a semblance
are still regrowing. Branwych must posses a Greenwood of an Elf long enough to enter marienburg. The Hero may
sycthe to preform this skill. now visit Post game locations within the city.

take root poison sap

The Hero may increase their toughness by +3 but may not
move again for the rest of the game. Instead of trading, the hero may produce D3-1 batches of
Black lotus post game, this poison may be distributed
amongst your warband but may not be sold.

Dryad Special Equipment
This equipment is available to the Fen Guard and no other warband may purchase it.

greenwood scythe horn of the hunt

60 gold crowns 120 gold crowns
Availability: Rare 10 (Branchwych only) Availability: Rare 12 (Branch Nymph only)
Both deal and life is dealt with the Greenwood Scythe. After Before each battle the Branch Nymph may take a
slaying their enemies the Branchwyches use their scytches to leadership test to blow the horn. If they are successful roll
harvest the Lamentari or souls of their brethren to prepare on the table below. These Animals will fight for the
them for rebirth. warband and leave once the battle has finished. These
Range: Close Combat; Strength As user +1 animals do not count to your rout test or warband max.
Special Rules: Two handed, Treescuttle Venom. D6 Result
SPECIAL RULES 1 Nothing answers the call
Treescuttle Venom - +1 to injury rolls. 2 D3+1 Hunting Hounds appear
3 a Tiger joins the battle
4 a Bear joins the battle
iron bark 5 a Great Stag joins the battle
10 gold crowns 6 a Great Eagle joins.
Availability: Rare 5 (Fen Guard only)
Blessed bark from the Sacred Oak. Gives the Owner +2 to
their armour save, but is broken the first time the user fails
their save.

1 Branchwych 1 Branchnymph
125 gold crowns to hire 90 gold crowns to hire
Branchwyches are druidic figures, practitioners of life Branchnymphs are spiteful creatures with hearts akin to
magic and protectors of their clans’ soulpod glades. The shards of ice. In the soul of a Dryad, there is neither room
Branchwyches also bear the sombre responsibility of nor regard for compassion or mercy, merely an
harvesting the fallen lamentiri of their Noble Spirits after a uncompromising dedication to Athel Loren that makes
battle has ended. These they gather with swings of their even the most heartfelt vows of Elf or Man seem trivial by
scythes, bearing them back to the soulpod groves so that comparison. To harm the forest is to invoke a deadly and
they may be planted anew in sacred soil. This is a vital part unyielding vengeance that ends only when the
of the sylvaneth life cycle, and a duty that the transgressor’s body has been ruined and broken. Only a
Branchwyches will go to any lengths to see done fool deliberately offers insult to a Branchnymph, but alas,
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld these spirit-maids are so utterly different to mortal
5 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 9 creatures that offence is often taken whether it was
intended or not..
Weapons /Armour: A Branchwych may equip herself Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
with weapons and armour chosen from the Dryad 5 4 3 3 4 2 3 1 8
equipment list. Weapons /Armour: A Branchnymph may equip
themselves with weapons and armour chosen from the
Special Rules: Leader, Immune to Pyschology. Dryad equipment list.
Wizard: a Branchwych is a powerful wizard and starts with Instinctual - Branch Nymphs live for one reason, to
two spells from the Utterances of the Oak spell list. battle in defence of their home – they are immune to
psychology, Cause Fear and are too focused on battle to ever
Eternal: A Branchwych can choose to ignore any result on become the leader. Note Fear of Fire still applies.
the hero's Serious Injury chart except Killed by taking a
permanent -1 on their starting Wound profile. Obviously, a
Branchwych with 1 Wound remaining on their starting
profile does not have this option. A Branchwych that gets a
Killed result instead takes a permanent –D3 Wounds on
their starting profile. If this takes their starting Wound total
to 0 or less, the Branchwych is Killed as normal.

Feed Upon Magic: A Branchwych can perform spells that,

with the consumption of D3 Treasures, can give the
Branchwych a permanent +1 Wound on their starting
profile. This can only be used in between battles and cannot
be used if the Branchwych searches for rare items or was
put out of action in the previous battle. If the warband does
not have enough Treasures to complete the spell, then the
Treasures are consumed anyway and the Branchwych does
not gain the Wound. 0-2 Spiteborn
45 gold crowns to hire
Advancement: If a Branchwych gets an advance roll of +1 Spites, spirits of the forest, fuse with the living woods to
Wound, they may instead pick a new skill from their form dryads, but in their first years of fusion they are in
available lists. flux, feeling emotions; anger, regret and fury for the first
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
5 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 6
Weapons /Armour: A Spiteborn may equip themselves
with weapons and armour chosen from the Dryad
equipment list.

Dryads 0-2 Treekin
180 gold crowns to hire.
60 gold crowns to hire
Tree Kin are spirits that inhabit dead wood and trees,
Dryads are mysterious and spiteful creatures which have no
shaping it to their will. They are able to remain motionless
comprehension of compassion or mercy. They are utterly
for years, and are completely indistinguishable from normal
dedicated to their forest home and to harm the woods is to
lifeless trees from which they are formed, they however
incur the wrath of these deadly forest-spirits.
remain fully aware and are capable of ambushing an
intruder with vicious speed, smiting him dead in less than a
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld second
5 3 0 3 4 1 2 1 8 Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Weapons /Armour: Dryads may equip themselves with
6 3 0 4 4 3 1 2 10
weapons and armour chosen from the Dryad equipment
Weapons/Armour: Treekin cannot use weapons and fight
unarmed without penalty.
Immune to Psychology: Treekin know no emotion and are
Fear: Dryads are a fearsome sight causing fear in their
immune to psychology
Fear: Treekin are terrifying and cause fear.
Root walk: Dryads may only run in swamp, dirt or forest
May Not Run: Treekin may not run, but may charge as
terrain, on any city terrain dryad may only walk or charge.
Tanglevine: For each Dryad a warrior is in
combat with after the first, they lose 1 attack to a Large: Treekin are strike an imposing figure towering
minimum of 1. above normal men, any warrior may choose to target them,
even if they are not the closed model
Redwood: a Treekin’s Bark save is increased to 4+ Slow
Growing: Treekin earn experience at half the rate of a
normal warrior.

Animals of the Hunt
The following animals may be called by the Horn of the Hunt

Hunting Hounds Great Eagle

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
6 4 0 4 3 1 4 1 10 Great Eagle 4 4 0 4 4 3 2 2 6
Weapons/Armour: Jaws and brutality! War hounds Flying Charge: A Great Eagle may fly up to 16".
never use or need weapons and armour. Any model a Great Eagle comes into contact with while
SPECIAL RULES flying is considered charged. Models that are stunned or
Animals: War hounds are animals and thus do not gain knocked down cannot be charged as it is too difficult for
experience. the Great Eagle to fly that close to the ground.
Aerial Escape: Great Eagles circle their prey before
swooping in and remain in the air while harrying a
Bear foe. This makes them harder to hit. Only a warrior
with sharp enough reflexes or a long pointy weapon
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld stands a chance of pinning a Great Eagle down! If the
Bear 6 3 0 5 5 2 2 2 6 charged model strikes first then resolve combat as
Special Rules: Trained, Fear, Bear Hug, normal. Otherwise after the Great Eagle attacks it retreats
Fiercely Loyal, Woodland Dwelling, Animal immediately to a lofty position within 2D6" before
SPECIAL RULES the charged model reacts. Similarly to escaping from
Bear Hug: If the Bear hits the same enemy warrior combat, the Great Eagle receives an automatic hit from
with both of his attacks in the same round of its opponent (see page 161 of the Mordheim rulebook)
combat, the player may choose to make a single unless it passes a Leadership test.
Bear Hug attack instead of resolving the attacks Drop Attack: If a Great Eagle is successful with both
normally. If this option is chosen, each player must attacks in the first round of combat then the Great Eagle
roll a D6 and add his model's Strength to the roll. If has successfully grabbed on to her enemy and
the Bear’s total is higher or the totals are equal, the swoops back up in the air to drop the model
opposing warrior takes a single automatic wound allowing gravity to do the work instead! The attacks
with no armour save allowed. If the enemy warrior's themselves do not wound but instead roll a D6 and
total is higher, the warrior has broken the Bear's a scatter dice. That is the distance and direction
hold and suffers no damage from the attack. from the place where the attack took place that the
Woodland Dwelling: Bears suffer no movement model was dropped. Roll another D6 to determine a
penalty for moving through wooded areas. height from which the model falls. Falling models
take D3 hits at a Strength equal to the height. If a
model falls into a building than count the fall to
Sabre Toothed Tiger where they land and then determine if the model
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld falls again if it is within 1" of the platform edge. Any
Big Cat 7 4 0 5 4 2 6 3 4 model that is struck by the dropped model suffers a
Special Rules: Fear, Animal. Strength 3 hit. Large targets may only be dropped
D3" due to weight. After dropping a model the
Great Eagle retreats 2D6" to the nest or nearby rooftop.
Talons: Creatures with talons are accustomed to
fighting unarmed.
Grounded: After the combat phase if a Great Eagle has
been unable to flee for any reason the model is assumed
to have landed and may be charged. While on the ground,
a Great Eagle uses its movement characteristic and may
only fly again when able to.

Great Stag
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Stag 8 4 0 4 4 2 6 2 10
Special Rules: Fear, Animal, Forest Walk, Thunderous
Thunderous Charge: A charging Great Stag is a terrifying
sight, the ground itself trembling as the Forest Lord
thunders into the ranks of their foe. On any turn when a
Great Stage charges more than 8", he causes D3 impact
hits at the basic strength of the Stag..

Utterances of the Oak
The winds of magic move through the forests as they do everywhere else. Incorporeal spites grasp at the winds tying
them together and weaving them in new shapes and spells. Spellsingers of the forest hear these woven whispers and
call on them in times of need.

D6 Result
1 Tempest Call Difficulty 10
The Branchwych performs a curious swaying dance, followed by a haunting cry. Dark clouds immediately gather overhead and a torrential rain pours

The weather is immediately changed to Raining, and any Fen Guard on the battlefield may recover 1 wound. This may not take
them above their maximum wounds. This spell has no effect if the weather is already raining.

2 Return from the Wild Difficulty 8

The Branchwych pulls the spirit of her warriors back from the brink of nothingness

Return a Dryad henchmen that was taken Out of Action in the last round to a Woodland terrain feature within 6” of the

3 Awakening the Wood Difficulty 9

The Forest comes to life slashing and grabbing at the enemies of the glade

Any model within 4” of a Woodland terrain feature within 12” of the Branchwych suffers a S4 hit.

4 Traveling the Green Difficulty 8

The Branchwych calls to the green, seemingly disappearing and reappearing at will.

The Branchwych or any member of your warband may travel from one Woodland terrain feature to any other on the battlefield.

5 Entangle Difficulty 7
The Wych extends her tendrils through the ground, holding enemies of the Fen hostage in their grasp.

A single model within 24” of the Branchwych is caught in the vines, the model may not move aslong as the branchwych remains
static and alive. Both the target and Branchwych may shoot and cast spells as normal but fight in Close Combat at -2WS

6 Unleash Spites Difficulty 7

The Branchwych summons a swarm of malicious spites which spiral outwards to attack those who have displeased her.

The Spites have a range of 6” and must target the closest enemy. Roll as many dice as the casting value (if you rolled a 7 to cast,
roll 7 dice, if you rolled a 10, roll 10 dice) for each 6 result you roll the target suffers a wound. Armour saves as normal.

"They are fluid as a stream and just as ever changing. No one shape can contain their
essence for long, so they shift from one form to another, dancing even while they are
standing still. They are the pulse of the forest, wild and fierce by turns, followed by
pensive calm. One moment they are as hard as an Ash, shrugging off blows that could
fell an Ogre, the next they are as supple as a reed, bending around their opponent’s
weapons as they giggle or mock his discomfiture. My fellows and I have often talked
about why they never hold to one form for long. The general consensus is that they
easily grow bored."
—Mylaburr, Athel Loren Scout


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