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Halflings - Militant Mootlanders

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 
Halflings are a small people hailing from a region of The Halfling quarter in Marienburg is home to so
the Empire known as Grand County of the Mootland. many residents it's known as 'Little Moot'. Most of
The Moot as it is known by 'Big Folk' is a mostly them live down on the eastern fringe of the ward.
peaceful land. Most of its inhabitants are peaceable Living next to the Dead Canal slum district doesn’t
personalities, preferring quiet routines of farming, seem to bother them too much. Compared to the
baking and brewing over martial pursuits involving neighbours they might have in the Empire even a
military endeavours. Despite this organic way of life notorious ghetto is considered an improvement!
Halflings are tougher than they appear, remarkably Most of the buildings are normal sized ones, left
courageous and will often stand their ground to over from earlier occupants, although newer
fight resolutely while larger creatures might flee. structures which crowd every vacant or semi-vacant
space in true Marienburg fashion have waist-high
It’s not easy being a Halfling outside of the Moot.
doorways perfectly sized for the Halfling physique.
In Marienburg, the city watch rarely responds to
Having less need for space than their human
emergencies reported in the Halfling ghettos.
neighbours many of the locals have erected homes
The Merchant Council neglect to maintain roads
or businesses in the middle of wider thoroughfares,
and sewers in the streets of Little Moot.
narrowing them to choke points barely wide
Halfling guilds and militia bodies are excluded from
enough for a party of watchmen to slip through in
contracts for no good reason and housing
single file. The district is narrow enough to make
permissions are drowned in bureaucracy for years.
Marienburgers heartily sick of small, curly-haired
In the face of this, many Halflings spit in the
heads barging past at a pace and height to make
collective soup of Men. Wherever there are Humans
every officer of the watch in uniform more grateful
there are Halflings, yet opportunities remain scarce.
than usual for wearing his armoured codpiece.
Militant groups have organised impromptu revolts
by establishing rogue syndicates to support the
common interests of Mootlanders abroad. 
Generals may rule the Empire but it's the 'Little Folk' Marienburg's Halfling district contains the
who decide which leaders get the trots on the headquarters of the Bakers' Guild and is located on
battlefield. At the centre of these shady dealings is the island at the easternmost end of the
an organisation such as the Quinsberry Lodge. Craftsmarket district. While most Marienburgers
would believe the unassuming building is no more
 than a repository for recipe books, kitchenware and
baking supplies its true nature is far more sinister!
Not every despicable act can be attributed to the It's unclear what type of illicit business is operating
Lodge. There is rising number of coteries secretly out of the guild-house. The current Guild-master
operating as body-snatchers, poisoners, kidnappers, Rudolf Ingo Pickles keeps a low profile. Whatever
grave-robbers, blackmailers and masked guerrillas. shady deals the Guild has been cooking up, Pickles
The longest standing, wealthiest and most has disguised them well through gourmet baking.
successful organisation with branches in every
major city is the Quinsberry Lodge.
While organised crime is not the exclusive purpose
of the society, most associates from the Lodge's Woodland Striders: Halflings can move through
inner circle are involved in one or more illegal any woodland terrain without penalty.
enterprise it endorses. Halflings are not dishonest Short Shanks: Halflings are too short to ride horses
by nature. For the most part they become guilty of with any success. To represent this, Halflings riding
one crime or another through their community draft horses, warhorses or anything larger than a
affiliations. The Lodge and similar guilds create mule or mountain goat, moves 2" less than normal.
opportunities for struggling members to make ends
meet. If these prospects happen to be violation of Smooth Customers: Widely tolerated by vendors
the laws set by humans then so be it. though never entirely welcomed as customers,
Halfling Heroes gain +1 when rolling to find Rare
Penalties for going against edicts set down by the items that are not exclusively available to Halflings.
Lodge are steep. Strict enough that all except young
daredevils or maverick elders comply. Those who Spry: Halfling Rogues are used to climbing in and
defy the will of an influential clique find themselves out of portholes, as well as running along rooftops
shunned or expelled from society. Living life in exile with catlike stealth. To reflect this, any Halfling
is the worst punishment imaginable to a Halfling. Rogue may run or charge while climbing.
Outcasts in solitude seek employment among Hired Swords: Halfling warbands may only hire
humans as servants for the Merchant Families or Ogres as bouncers and other Halflings as Hired
rookie officers in a law enforcement constabulary. Swords, to abide with Guild policy.
A recipe baked for disaster on how hateful Halfling anarchists can cause havoc at waist height
by playwright, street performer and suspected werecreature Stuart Cresswell.

 
A Halfling Rogues warband must include a A Burgermeister starts with 20 experience.
minimum of three models. You have 500 gold
A Quartermaster starts with 8 experience.
crowns which you can use to recruit and equip your
warband. The maximum number of warriors in the A Chef starts with 8 experience.
warband is 20. Raconteurs start with 0 experience.
Burgermeister: Each Halfling Rogues warband Henchmen start with 0 experience.
must include a Burgermeister as the leader.
Quartermaster: Your warband may include a single
Characteristics for warriors may not be increased
Chef: Your warband may include a single Chef.
beyond the maximum limits shown on the
Raconteurs: Your warband may include up to three following profile.
Thieves: Your warband may include up to three Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Thieves. Halfling 4 5 7 3 3 3 9 4 10
Cooks: Your warband may include up to two Cooks.
Scouts: Your warband may include any number of

The following lists are used by Halfling warbands to pick their equipment.
HEROES EQUIPMENT LIST Miscellaneous Equipment
Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons Lock picks ....................................................... 15 gc
Dagger ................................................. 1st free/2 gc Thief 's cloak ................................................... 15 gc
Club/Mace ........................................................ 3 gc Hunting arrows .............................................. 35 gc
Cleaver (counts as axe) .................................. 10 gc Wild mountain goat........................................ 85 gc
Short sword .................................................... 10 gc Magic Acorn .................................................. 100 gc
Spear .............................................................. 10 gc
Pitchfork (counts as Trident) ......................... 15 gc HENCHMEN EQUIPMENT LIST
Missile Weapons Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Pistol/brace ............................................ 15 gc/30 gc Dagger ................................................. 1st free/2 gc
Sling ................................................................. 2 gc Club/Mace......................................................... 3 gc
Short bow ......................................................... 5 gc Cleaver (counts as axe) .................................. 10 gc
Bow ................................................................ 10 gc Short sword .................................................... 10 gc
Kitchenware (counts as throwing stars) ........ 15 gc Spear............................................................... 10 gc

Armour Missile Weapons

Toughened leathers ......................................... 5 gc Short bow ......................................................... 5 gc
Light armour .................................................. 20 gc Armour
Steel cloth ...................................................... 35 gc Light armour .................................................. 20 gc
Shield ............................................................... 5 gc Shield................................................................ 5 gc
Buckler ............................................................. 5 gc Buckler ............................................................. 5 gc
Cooking pot/Helmet ...................................... 10 gc Cooking pot/Helmet....................................... 10 gc

Combat Shooting Academic Strength Speed Special

Burgermeister √ √ √ √
Quartermaster √ √ √
Chef √ √ √
Raconteurs √ √ √ √
 
Halflings may choose to use the following skill list instead of the standard skill lists.

 
Halflings will eat anything spicy. Consequences are Halflings are generally considered civilized and it is
to be expected from those inconsiderate enough to proven they are prone to absorb foreign customs
consume a rich meal before battle. A Hero with this when travelling the world. Some eventually learn
'condition' may unleash his thunderous fumes on all strange new skills before returning home to their
enemies engaged in close combat. Those that do communities. This Halfling may immediately learn
not pass a Leadership test suffer a –1 'to hit' one skill from the Combat or Strength skill lists.
modifier for the turn. The Halfling must wait until a This skill may be taken only once.
new enemy engages him in combat before he
relieves himself again.
The Hero is an expert in finding valuables on a
 victim before moving on. If the Hero takes any
The Halfling can hide even after running, and can warriors of the enemy warband out of action (and
run while within 8" of enemy models if he starts and he was not taken out of action himself), the Hero's
ends his move hidden. warband receives one additional Treasure. This
does not affect the opposing warband's number
of Treasures.
Halflings are most adept at picking pockets!
The Hero may attempt to steal one item during the
post battle sequence. Choose any item, if it is a After years of baiting persecutors into drunken
common item the Halfling successfully steals it on a brawls, this Halfling has learned some of the vilest
2+ on a D6. Rare items are successfully stolen by insults in the Empire. During the Shooting phase,
rolling higher than the availability number on 2D6. the Halfling may choose to taunt one enemy instead
of shooting with a missile weapon. The Hero must
Any items stolen may be used in exactly the same be able to see the enemy and taunting requires a
way as one that was bought. If the Hero fails to steal line of sight as it would for shooting. The player
the item roll a D6. On a score of 1-5 the Halfling is should insult the enemy warrior whenever possible
chased out of the trading post and escapes. On the (perhaps his hat looks like a strangled parrot or his
score of a 6 the Hero is caught by whatever mother was a Bretonnian!) and the enemy then
authorities there may be and is hung. Remove him takes a Leadership test. If he passes, nothing
from the warband roster. happens but if he fails he must spend his next
movement phase trying to get into close combat
with the Halfling who taunted him.

This equipment is only available to Halflings, and no other warband may purchase it.

Ride Mountain Goat: Any Halfling hero who learns

 the appropriate Animal Handling skill can use the
Speed skill 'Scale Sheer Surfaces' if he has it,
85 gold crowns to climb while riding, equal to twice the normal
Availability: Rare 12 Movement of his mount.
When in the company of dwarfs, someone suffering
from 'Krut' has a disease contracted from mountain
goats. 'Kruti' is a goatherd, an insult in Khazalid! 
Herders suffer worse in truth when surveying an
expedition south-east to the Black Mountains, to 250 gold crowns
drive wild goats from their habitat. Among countless Availability: Rare 15
dangers, the ancient race of Eagles also live among An arcane enchantment of premonition has been
the highest mountain peaks, preying (for the most woven into this golden acorn by the Spellsingers of
part) on wild mountain goats or an unlucky herder! Laurelorn Forest. With the sparkling acorn tucked
Goats driven back to the Moot are rehomed in the snugly in his breast pocket the carrier is imbued
highest upland farms of Greenleafs where they are with great fortune in a fight.
feared as well as respected by the farmers.
In the first round of every close combat the Hero
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld automatically hits with a single attack that was
Wild Goat 7 2 0 2 3 1 4 1 5 rolled as a miss.
 
60 gold crowns to hire 10 gold crowns to hire
Respected civilian dignitaries hold positions of Diminutive revolutionists are tall storytellers. After
authority in guilds. Elected leaders of borough causing a public nuisance with scandalous speeches
districts from noble families have their fingers in a in the Craftsmarket, tiny windbags pursue their
lot pies. Criminals in other words! Even more fortune in gambling dens – Swindling opponents for
rotund than his pot-bellied kin, a Burgermeister can the thrills of Daemon's Eyes or Cripple My Pig.
always avoid getting his hands dirty by delegating
salubrious tasks to any number of the gangsters they Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
associate with on a regular basis. Raconteur 4 2 4 2 2 1 4 1 7
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Equipment: Raconteurs may be equipped with
weapons and armour chosen from the Halfling
Burgermeister 4 4 5 3 3 1 5 2 8 Hero equipment list.
Equipment: The Burgermeister may be equipped
with weapons and armour chosen from the Halfling
Hero equipment list. 
SPECIAL RULES 50 gold crowns to hire
Leader: Any warrior within 6" of the Burgermeister A distinctive cooking style quickly earns Halfling
may use his Leadership value instead of his own chefs a reputation among the nobility. It also draws
when taking Leadership tests. attention from members of the Bakers' Guild, from
where it is rumoured criminal enterprises operate.

 Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Master Chef 4 2 4 3 2 1 4 1 8
40 gold crowns to hire
Ex-pirates for the most part find work quickly on the Equipment: A Master Chef brings kitchen supplies
Marienburg docks. A slippery river-rat to boss the and may be equipped with weapons and armour
local gang of thieves. Educating thieves in the chosen from the Halfling Hero equipment list.
subtlest techniques of smuggling, directing targets
marked by the Burgermeister, and enjoying a nice SPECIAL RULES
cut of the proceeds. There are still times when a Hot Pot: Before each battle the Chef knocks up a
freebooter sneaks out to savour the taste of freshly spicy pot of stew to fend off fatigue. On a successful
baked fish-pie procured at full discount and test the Leadership test the hot pot contains enough stew to
heft of a coin purse in the hand for himself! heal a number of Wounds equal to the difference
rolled +1. Any friendly model supping stew
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld recovers a number of Wounds up to their maximum.
Quartermaster 4 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 e.g. On a roll of 7 the stew heals up to 2 Wounds.
Equipment: The Quartermaster may be equipped
with weapons and armour chosen from the Halfling
Hero equipment list.

Long Shot: Quartermasters are excellent natural
shots with all thrown weapons and slings. The
Quartermaster may add 2" range to the length of
any thrown weapons and 4" to the range of a sling.

A group of crazed killers, led by Piecrust
"Crustie" Buckblister, terrorise the streets of
Marienburg. After his parents died trying to
keep up with human merchants, Piecrust
decided Humans should be cut down to
size, literally. He and his gang kidnap
Humans and saw their legs off with a rusty
bonesaw. The Watch is investigating, but as
yet do not suspect jolly Halflings of such
terrible crimes.
 
20 gold crowns to hire 15 gold crowns to hire
Halflings are well known for their nimble feet and Halflings daring to establish residence within human
even nimbler fingers. They never take anything too cities encounter daily distrust. Toothsome types rise
valuable (except by accident). Nonetheless, it is above the frequent jibes and taunts while intolerant
surprising the number of things that go missing when cockerels fight back by confronting blunt bigotry head
a Halfling is about. The poor fellows don't know on. Organisations like the Bakers' Guild handpick
they’re doing it half the time! They just seem to rotten apples to be reassigned as they best see fit;
acquire rings, tinderboxes and small pets as they go bakers as poisoners to drug harbourmasters, valets as
about their business. finks to spy on Merchant Princes, gardeners as
grave-robbers to dig up trophies in the Garden of Morr
Thieves excel at making themselves inconspicuous.
and gamekeepers as poachers to restock Guild larders!
With their small stature, unassuming manner and
predilection for walking barefooted, a Halfling Thief is
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
the master of sneakiness, sticky-fingers, and feigned
innocence. Having one around is always a dicey Scout 4 2 4 2 2 1 4 1 8
situation at best as you're always certain that the other
warriors are going to come up a few crowns light by Equipment: Scouts may be equipped with weapons
the end of an adventure. and armour chosen from the Halfling Henchmen
equipment list.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Thief 4 2 4 2 2 1 4 1 7
Equipment: Thieves may be equipped with weapons 40 gold crowns to hire
and armour chosen from the Halfling Henchmen Halflings are renowned for heroics in the kitchen. The
equipment list. hallmark of chefs is attributed to procuring the best
bounty of produce. Cooks are expert foragers valued
by master chefs as baggage guards because they will
Uneasy Allies: At the end of each battle (whether or
fight tenaciously to prevent the provisions falling into
not any Halfling Thieves actually took part), roll a D6
enemy hands!
and consult the following chart.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
D6 Result
Cook 4 2 4 3 2 1 4 1 8
1 Stop Thief! Unimpressed with his
employment, a Thief has absconded with Equipment: Cooks may be equipped with weapons
all the warband's valuables! Remove one and armour chosen from the Halfling Henchmen
Thief from your roster, along with any equipment list.
Treasures in your stash from previous
games. Do not add additional Treasures if SPECIAL RULES
any Thieves remain in your warband. Feast: A warband with Cooks will resource one batch
2-5 Tax Time. The Thieves seems satisfied of provisions before each battle. If the battle was lost
thus far, and just charge their regular fees the warband loses its appetite. The warband can only
paid through selling Treasures as normal. choose to feast if the battle is won! If the warband sells
6 Ignorance is Bliss. Satisfied with the take Treasures, the warband is considered to be one size
so far, the Thieves forgo any charges. lower (so a warband with 10-12 members is
Your warband ignores any Thieves for the considered to be comprised of 7-9 members instead)
purpose of warband size when selling for each batch of provisions consumed at the feast.
Treasures. Whatever else they pocketed
this time will remain a mystery… A warband may consume as many batches of
provisions as they wish, but note that the warband size
Infiltration: A Halfling Thief can infiltrate. See the cannot be considered lower than 1-3 models.
Skaven special skill of the same name.
Pick Locks: A Thief knows how to open doors that
others find impossible. When testing to open a locked
door, the Thief just needs to make an Initiative test in Marienburg boasts one of the largest
order to be successful. communities for Halflings outside of the
Cutpurse: A Thief makes his profession by finding Moot. The world's greatest port city offers
items others have lost. At the end of the game when employment opportunities for Halflings
the warband rolls to find Treasures, they receive one through adventures played out on the
additional Treasure for each Thief who was in the tabletop in a series of maritime scenarios.
battle, and wasn't taken out of action. Mutiny in Marienburg is an epic new
campaign setting for fans of Mordheim.
Read the 'Liber Malefic' to discover more!

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