Note On The Dissertation - YLP Award 2024

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Young Logistics Professionals Award


Sponsored by the TT Club and FIATA

Annex 1: Note about the Dissertation

FIATA International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations

Rue Kléberg 6 | 1201 Geneva | Switzerland
T +41 22 715 45 45 | |
1. Aim of the Dissertation
1.1. The Dissertation is an opportunity for the candidate to demonstrate a range of skills and
qualities that are needed to pursue a successful career in international forwarding and supply
chain logistics, as well as enhancing their competences and expertise. The Dissertation may
be constructed as follows:

1.1.1. Identifying a problem or business opportunity.

1.1.2. Gathering relevant information on a specific situation.

1.1.3. Identifying possible changes or enhancements for the benefit of the forwarder or the

1.1.4. Evaluating the information and drawing one’s own conclusions.

1.1.5. Deciding what action should be taken.

1.1.6. Making reasoned and costed recommendations.

1.2. Important abilities and qualities to be demonstrated should include innovation and initiative.

2. The Dissertation topic

2.1. The Dissertation should include two multimodal freight forwarding cases: one key import
commodity/cargo from the candidate’s home economy, and one key export
commodity/cargo to the candidate’s home economy.

2.2. Candidates are expected to show initiative over the logistic supply chain of these cargoes.

3. Assessment criteria of the Dissertation

3.1. Complexity of issues related to the cargo matter (e.g., bulk cargo, over-sized/overweight
project cargo, time sensitive cargo, reefer and/or perishable goods, hazardous goods, but also
including factors such as terms of sale, etc.).

3.2. Complexity of issues relating to multimodal moves. Unimodal cargoes are not accepted.

3.3. Difficulties to be overcome relating to cross-border issues, such as customs/bio security/

quarantine compliance, safety and security, regulatory guarantees, highway ordinances, etc.

3.4. Complexity of specific regulatory issues faced during the logistic movement, including but not
limited to security provision, pollution, and environmental issues.

3.5. Risk management/insurance requirements for example, pilferage of cargo, declaration of

General Average, leakage/spillage of cargo.

3.6. Structure and reference (including the sources of your information).

FIATA International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations

Rue Kléberg 6 | 1201 Geneva | Switzerland
T +41 22 715 45 45 | |
3.7. Approach to problem solving and methodology employed to overcome identifies issues.

3.8. Quality of the conclusion.

3.9. Overall presentation and construction.
3.10. Additional marks will be awarded for the complexity of the problems overcome during this
logistic move.
3.11. The work should be original and produced by the candidate. The originality of the work
maybe verified with anti-plagiarism software.

4. Format
4.1. Written in simple and concise business English, in the first person (e.g., “I reviewed the

4.2. Between 4,000 and 6,000 words maximum. Abstract, Table of Contents, List of Abbreviations,
List of Figures, References, and Appendices excluded of the word count. Submissions
containing more than 6,000 words will be marked down.

4.3. Typed, double spaced, Arial font type size 12.

4.4. Submitted as a single unlocked Word document file – ensuring that any attachments are part
of this single Word document file.

4.5. Using a referencing system (such as Harvard, APA, or Chicago referencing system) when
relying on material created by others, as to give proper credit, avoid plagiarism, and
demonstrate appropriate awareness of existing knowledge.

4.6. The Dissertation may include graphs, photographs, examples, etc.

4.7. The candidate’s name must not appear anywhere in the Dissertation.

4.8. Page numbers must be included at the bottom of the pages.

5. Dissertation structure and content

5.1. Title page comprising of the title of the Dissertation, the name and year of the competition,
as well as FIATA and TT Club logos. The Award Administrator will provide the template to the

5.2. Abstract – a short paragraph summarizing the Dissertation, between 250-500 words.

5.3. Acknowledgements of the people and organizations who have provided support and/or
information to complete the Dissertation.

5.4. Table of Contents, listing of all headings, subheadings, and appendices, including page

FIATA International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations

Rue Kléberg 6 | 1201 Geneva | Switzerland
T +41 22 715 45 45 | |
5.5. List of Tables and Figures (if applicable).

5.6. List of Abbreviations used in the Dissertation.

5.7. Introduction – a short outline to inform the reader of the topic and setting out what the
Dissertation seeks to address and what it achieves by bringing out the key features. It must
be informative and understandable to a person who has not read the dissertation.

5.8. Body of the Dissertation:

5.8.1. Description and evaluation of the situation, discussion of problems, opportunities,

faults, relevant issues, benefits, costs, etc.

5.8.2. The Dissertation should demonstrate that the topic has been properly assessed and
clearly understood. Candidates should use their knowledge of operations, people,
finance and any other skills to bring together different kinds of information.
Understanding of the practical consequences of making changes and overcoming
implementation difficulties should also be shown in the Dissertation.

5.8.3. Photographs or other scanned matter should not be included into the body of the
Dissertation and should be put in Appendices.

5.9. Conclusion:

5.9.1. Summary of the situation, findings and the drawing together of the main opportunities
which have been examined in order to reach a probable solution to the problem.

5.9.2. This element should flow logically from the analysis and evaluation in the main text
and should take into account of any likely effects.

5.10. References – all work (books, articles, papers, legislations, etc.) used in the Dissertation
should be listed in the references.

5.10.1. The format to be used should be fully consistent and includes all necessary information
(Author(s), year, title, publisher, place of publication).

5.10.2. Example: Cook, Thomas A. (2011). Compliance in today's global supply chain. Boca
Raton, FL: CRC Press.

5.10.3. There are various electronic research tools to export citations according to the
selected referencing system, such as WorldCat or Zotero, which may be used by

5.11. Appendices:

5.11.1. Copies of supporting documents, questionnaires, data, photographs, etc. should,

wherever possible, be inserted as JPEG (or some other small electronic file) to the
electronic Word file.

5.11.2. Appendices must not exceed 15 pages.

FIATA International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations
Rue Kléberg 6 | 1201 Geneva | Switzerland
T +41 22 715 45 45 | |

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