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Regular Press Conference

Xinhua News Agency: It is reported that Premier Li Keqiang recently attended
the World Economic Forum Special Virtual Dialogue with Global Business
Leaders. Can you brief us on the meeting and its outcomes?

赵立坚:11 月 16 日晚,李克强总理出席世界经济论坛全球企业家视频特别对话

来自 40 多个国家的近 400 位企业家出席。
Zhao Lijian: On the evening of November 16, Premier Li Keqiang attended the
World Economic Forum Special Virtual Dialogue with Global Business Leaders,
delivered remarks and had interactions and exchanges with business leaders.
Chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Klaus Schwab chaired the

dialogue, and nearly 400 entrepreneurs from more than 40 countries attended
the event.

In his remarks, Premier Li stressed that the world is still seeing the flare-ups of
the pandemic, weak global economic recovery and increasing uncertainties and

destabilizing factors. China stands ready to work with all parties to fight
COVID-19, promote economic recovery and keep industrial and supply chains
stable and unimpeded. We will firmly uphold the basic norms governing
international relations based on the UN Charter, safeguard the WTO-centered
multilateral trading system, and enhance trade and investment liberalization
and facilitation. We should strengthen macro policy coordination, maintain
global financial stability and promote steady recovery of the world economy.

Premier Li Keqiang talked about China's current economic situation, pointing
out that China is advancing epidemic control and economic and social
development in a coordinated way, and the economy overall has continued to
recover. In the meantime, we do face some new downward pressure, but the
fundamentals of China's long-term economic growth have not changed.
Following the requirement of basing ourselves on the new development stage,
applying the new development philosophy, fostering a new development
paradigm and pursuing high-quality development, we will strengthen
cross-cyclical adjustments to ensure that the economy operates within proper
range and stays on a steady course. We will unswervingly open wider to the
world, promote international cooperation in various fields and at various levels,

foster a world-class, market-oriented business environment governed by a
sound legal framework, treat all market entities as equals, and protect
intellectual property rights in accordance with the law.


Premier Li Keqiang commended foreign enterprises' support for China's reform
and opening-up as well as modernization, stressing that as long as we enhance
confidence, face up to difficulties, and uphold openness, inclusiveness,
solidarity and cooperation, we will create a bright future for world economic

Premier Li also answered questions from business representatives of various
countries on energy supply, green development, medical and health care,

urbanization and other issues.

MASTV: German Chancellor Angela Merkel now acting in a caretaker capacity
said it would be wrong to completely decouple from China and that it would hurt
Germany and Europe. She advised the new government and the European Union
to continue to work with China. Do you have any response? Separately,
according to a Bloomberg report, China is accelerating plans to replace
American and foreign technology, quietly empowering the Information
Technology Application Innovation Working Committee to vet and approve local
suppliers in sensitive areas from cloud to semiconductors, so as to draw up a
white-list. The Committee has now been entrusted by the Chinese government
to help set industry standards and train personnel to operate trusted software.
Do you have any comment?

赵立坚:关于你提到的第一个问题,默克尔总理重视发展对华关系,任内曾 12

Zhao Lijian: On your first question, Chancellor Merkel attaches importance to
developing relations with China. She visited China for 12 times during her term,
and helped to deepen and substantiate practical cooperation and friendly
interactions in various areas with China, which has brought tangible benefits to

the two countries and the two peoples. China highly appreciates this. In the
meantime, China always believes that mutual respect, equal treatment,
exchanges and mutual learning, and win-win cooperation should be the
mainstream in a globalized world.
On your second question, the Bloomberg article is pure disinformation. China is
not formulating any plan to replace American and foreign technology or
authorizing the Information Technology Application Innovation Working

Committee to vet local suppliers to draw up a white-list.

China is committed to opening up to the world. We welcome more foreign
companies to provide technology, products and services that meet China's
requirements. Our consistent position of supporting economic globalization and
fostering an open world economy has not changed and will never change.
总台央视记者:据报道,17 日,中国援助柬埔寨的第七批新冠疫苗运抵柬埔寨。
CCTV: According to reports, the seventh batch of COVID-19 vaccine
assistance provided by China to Cambodia arrived on November 17. Cambodian
Prime Minister Hun Sen and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National
Defense Tea Banh received the vaccines at the airport. Could you share more
information on China-Cambodia vaccine cooperation?


Zhao Lijian: China and Cambodia are close neighbors and iron-clad friends.
Since COVID-19 started, the two sides have been working together to overcome
the difficulties with mutual assistance. After its self-developed vaccine was
given conditional approval for general public use, China provided doses first to
Cambodia and overcame difficulties to guarantee supply, demonstrating the
strength of our community with a shared future.

We are glad to see that under Prime Minister Hun Sen's strong leadership,
Cambodia has completed its phase-one vaccine rollout ahead of schedule,
brought the epidemic under effective control at home, and resumed
socioeconomic development in an orderly fashion. China stands ready to
continue providing vaccine support and anti-epidemic supplies assistance to
Cambodia based on its needs.

总台央广记者:我们注意到,纪念美国飞虎队来华抗战 80 周年视频会日前在北
京举行。在当前形势下,纪念飞虎队来华抗战 80 周年有何重要意义?
CNR: We noticed that a video conference commemorating the 80th anniversary
of the arrival of Flying Tigers in China for the war of resistance was held in
Beijing the other day. Can you talk about the relevance of the commemoration
under current circumstances?

赵立坚:11 月 16 日,由中国人民对外友好协会主办的纪念美国飞虎队来华抗战
80 周年视频会在北京举行。十三届全国政协副主席郑建邦出席并发表主旨演讲。
美华友好协会等组织负责人在视频会上分别致辞。中美各界约 200 人线上出席会
Zhao Lijian: On November 16, the Chinese People's Association for Friendship
with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) hosted a video conference in Beijing
commemorating the 80th anniversary of the arrival of Flying Tigers in China for
the war of resistance. Zheng Jianbang, Vice Chairman of the Chinese People's
Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee attended the
event and delivered a keynote speech. Qin Gang, Chinese Ambassador to the US,
delivered remarks via video link. CPAFFC President Lin Songtian, family
members of General Claire Lee Chennault, representatives of Flying Tigers
veterans, and heads of organizations including the Sino-American Aviation
Heritage Foundation, the Flying Tiger Historical Organization and the US Sino
Friendship Association all delivered remarks at the event. Around 200 people

from various sectors in China and the US attended the conference online.

深厚友谊。80 年来,“飞虎队”的佳话在中美两国代代相传,历久弥新。中美

The story of the Flying Tigers carries with it the deep bond of friendship forged
with the ultimate sacrifice by the Chinese and American people. Over the past
eight decades, the story has been passed down from generation to generation
and remains as relevant today as ever. Our two countries should carry forward
this bond of friendship, enhance mutual understanding and pursue peaceful
co-existence and win-win cooperation on the basis of mutual respect. Just as
President Xi said during the virtual meeting with President Biden, as the

world's two largest economies and permanent members of the UN Security

Council, China and the US need to increase communication and cooperation,
each run their domestic affairs well and, at the same time, shoulder their share
of international responsibilities, and work together to advance the noble cause
of world peace and development. China and the US need to work together with
the rest of the international community to jointly address global challenges,
promote global development, and safeguard a fair and equitable international
order. That encapsulates the relevance of our commemoration and inheritance
of the Flying Tigers spirit today.
The Chinese side stands ready to work with the US to implement the spirit of
our two heads of state's virtual meeting, maintain dialogue and communication,
strengthen exchange and cooperation, and advance exchanges at various levels
and across all sectors to inject more positive energy into bilateral ties and
promote the sound and steady development of our relations.

Bloomberg: The Philippines' Foreign Affairs Secretary said that three Chinese
coast guard vessels blocked and water cannoned two Philippine boats en route

to supply food to soldiers in a military outpost in the South China Sea. Could
the foreign ministry comment on that?

赵立坚:11 月 16 日晚,菲律宾 2 艘补给船未经中方同意,擅自闯入中国南沙群


Zhao Lijian: On the evening of November 16, two Philippine supply boats
trespassed into waters near Ren'ai Jiao of China's Nansha Qundao without
China's consent. Chinese coast guard vessels performed official duties in
accordance with law and upheld China's territorial sovereignty and maritime
order. At present, the sea area of Ren'ai Jiao is generally tranquil. China and
the Philippines are in communication on this.

澎湃新闻记者:我们注意到,昨天新疆维吾尔自治区人民政府在京举行第 60 场
The Paper: Yesterday the People's Government of the Xinjiang Uyghur

Autonomous Region held the 60th press conference on Xinjiang-related issues

in Beijing and shared the region's experience in counter-terrorism and
deradicalization. Do you have any comment?

Zhao Lijian: At this press conference on Xinjiang-related issues, the
spokesperson of the regional government shared seven key takeaways from
Xinjiang's counter-terrorism and deradicalization experience. First, follow
international principles on counter-terrorism. Second, uphold rule of law in
theory and practice. Third, protect human rights in fighting terrorism. Fourth,
avoid associating counter-terrorism and deradicalization efforts with any
particular region, ethnicity or religion. Fifth, uphold justice through severity
tempered with clemency and bring back those who have gone astray by
preventive education. Sixth, sustain and improve people's livelihood. Seventh,
take part in practical international counter-terrorism cooperation. The seven
takeaways crystallize the hard work and wisdom of the officials and people of all

ethnic groups in Xinjiang in fighting violent terrorist crimes and protecting
people's safety and property. They also underpin Xinjiang's stability,
flourishing economy and improving living standards. At the press conference,
some victims of violent terrorist attacks in Xinjiang and their families shared
their stories, saying they abhor the threat posed by terrorism and the crimes
carried out by terrorists and hope what happened to them would never be

行之有效的反恐去极端化措施,已经连续 5 年未再发生暴力恐怖案件。当前,新
I want to stress that Xinjiang-related issues are in essence about countering
violent terrorism, radicalization and separatism, not about human rights or

religion. In the face of the grave and complex counter-terrorism situation,

Xinjiang has taken a host of decisive, robust and effective deradicalization
measures. As a result, Xinjiang has seen no violent terrorist case for five years
in a row. The region now enjoys social stability and harmony, as well as
economic development and prosperity. The local people are living a safe, happy
and fulfilling life. These facts can best reflect the human rights situation in
Xinjiang as it is and speak volumes about the effectiveness of China's Xinjiang
policy. They are the most powerful response to all sorts of lies and
disinformation on Xinjiang. With the concerted efforts of people of all ethnic
groups in Xinjiang, we believe that the region will embrace an even brighter
湖北广电记者:据报道,11 月 12 日,美国财政部发表声明,称其根据拜登总统
9 月 17 日签署的行政令对包括厄立特里亚国防军、执政党“厄人阵”、总统经
济顾问哈格斯等在内的 4 个实体和 2 名个人进行制裁。中方对此有何评论?
Hubei Media Group: On November 12, the US Department of the Treasury
designated four entities and two individuals including the Eritrean Defense
Force, the People's Front for Democracy and Justice, and Hagos Ghebrehiwet W
Kidan, who is economic advisor to the Eritrean President, pursuant to an
Executive Order President Biden signed on September 17. Does the Chinese
side have any comment?


Zhao Lijian: China consistently holds that international law and basic norms
governing international relations should be complied with as countries interact
with each other. We oppose interference in other countries' domestic affairs

with the use or threat of unilateral sanctions. Past experience has shown that
the unilateral sanctions imposed by certain countries failed to produce any
constructive effect on regional peace and stability. On the contrary, they often
had a devastating impact on the economy and livelihood of the affected
countries and were unanimously rejected by the international community. China
hopes that the parties concerned will prudently handle relevant issues and play
a constructive role in maintaining peace and stability in the Horn of Africa.

总统国家安全事务副助理纽伯格 17 日称,根据美国现行的“与台湾关系法”,

China Review News: Anne Neuberger, Deputy Assistant to the US President and
Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber and Emerging Technology on the
National Security Council, who is in Japan for a visit, said on November 17 that
"under the Taiwan Relations Act, we ensure that Taiwan can maintain sufficient
self-defense, including in cyber". She also expressed concerns over the cyber
attack launched by China's mainland and others that may undermine
cross-Strait relations. Do you have any comment?
Zhao Lijian: The so-called "Taiwan Relations Act" cited by the US side gravely
violates the one-China principle and the three China-US Joint Communiqués
and essentially places domestic law above international obligations. It is illegal,
null and void. On the Taiwan question, the US should abide by the one-China
principle and the three China-US Joint Communiqués, rather than something

it unilaterally concocted. What truly undermines cross-Strait relations is
"Taiwan independence" separatist activities and external interference. China
consistently opposes and cracks down on all forms of cyber attacks. As is
well-known, the US is the notorious "empire of hacking". The US should stop
playing the trick of the thief crying "stop the thief", and stop instigating

cross-Strait confrontation, to avoid severely harming China-US relations and
peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

Bloomberg: A report from the US-China Economic and Security Review
Commission said that the US should bolster its ability to deter a Chinese attack
against Taiwan and strengthen oversight of Chinese companies. Does the foreign
ministry have any comment on the report? In addition, White House officials
said the US is seeking ways to discuss issues of strategic stability with China as

concerns in Washington mount over Beijing's growing nuclear arsenal. Does the
foreign ministry have any comment on that?

Zhao Lijian: On your first question, this commission you mentioned concocts
the so-called report on China year after year, which interferes in China's
domestic affairs and undermines China-US relations. The report, awash with
disinformation and malicious slander, mirrors the commission's persistent
ignorance and entrenched bias against China.
The relevant US institution should reject the Cold-War zero-sum mentality and
ideological bias, follow the trend of the times and the aspiration of people of the
world, plant more flowers and fewer thorns, do more things conducive to
promoting mutual trust and cooperation between our two countries instead of
the opposite.

On your second question, I noted the clarification made by the US side on this.


Associated Press of Pakistan: As per reports, an Indonesian diplomat based in
Pakistan has recently said that ASEAN can connect with global networks like
the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and the Belt and Road Initiative. What
is your response?

Zhao Lijian: We appreciate the remarks made by the Indonesian official. China
is ready to work with other parties to continue to advance high-quality BRI
cooperation and form synergy between regional development plans so as to
inject impetus into economic recovery and sustainable development in the
region and beyond.

日本广播协会记者:台湾今天上午举行 F-16V 战机接装典礼,由蔡英文主持。


NHK: Taiwan held a ceremony this morning to commission the first squadron of
F-16V fighters. The ceremony was chaired by Tsai Ing-wen and attended by
the Director of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT). Do you have any

Zhao Lijian: China's position on the Taiwan question and US-Taiwan relations
is consistent and clear-cut. China opposes any official contact between the US
and Taiwan. We hope that the US side will earnestly abide by the one-China
principle and the stipulations of three China-US Joint Communiqués, speak
and act with prudence on the Taiwan question and refrain from sending any
wrong signal to the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces. The crux of the
tensions across the Taiwan Strait is that the "Taiwan independence" separatist
forces spare no effort to split the motherland and collude with external forces.
What they do is just like an egg knocking itself against a stone and an ant trying
to shake a huge tree, which is doomed to fail.

了新的贸易壁垒。据报道,中国海信集团正在考虑斥资 10 亿美元收购西门子部

Bloomberg: The US and Japan announced the formation of a new trade
partnership to strengthen their alliance and coordinate on third country
concerns. And the second question is China's ambassador to the EU has said
some businesses see the EU creating new trade barriers through discriminatory
practices. It is reported today that China's Hisense Group is reported to be

considering a $1 billion bid for a unit of Siemens. What does China want to see
if Hisense does indeed make a bid?

Zhao Lijian: On your first question, how the US and Japan grow their economic
and trade ties is their own affairs. The most basic principle to follow when
countries conduct cooperation is that they should not target or undermine the
interests of any third party.

On your second question, the Chinese Ambassador to the EU already expounded
on China's position. Relevant measures of the European side violate the spirit
of the WTO and the market principle of fairness and justice. They have added
to the uncertainties that are experienced by foreign businesses, including
Chinese companies, in their operation in Europe. Such measures have increased
the difficulties and burden of enterprises. They are not conducive at all to
maintaining the stability of global supply and industrial chains or promoting
economic recovery in the post-COVID era. The European side should earnestly
abide by basic principles of the WTO, remove the disturbances of protectionism,
and advance trade and investment liberalization and facilitation.

With regard to the specific situation about the cooperation, I would like to refer
you to competent authorities in China and relevant companies.

《中国日报》记者:美国国务卿布林肯 17 日发表声明,将俄罗斯、中国及其他
8 个国家列为宗教自由“特别关切”对象。中方对此有何回应?
China Daily: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued a statement on
November 17, designating Russia, China and other eight countries as Countries
of Particular Concern for violating religious freedom. Do you have any


护公民的宗教信仰自由。中国有各类信教群众近 2 亿人,宗教教职人员 38 万余
人,宗教团体约 5500 个,依法登记的宗教活动场所 14 万多处。中国各族人民享

Zhao Lijian: China firmly opposes the groundless accusation and smearing
against China's religious freedom by the US side. The Chinese government
protects citizens' freedom of religious belief in accordance with law. In China,
there are nearly 200 million religious believers, over 380,000 clerical
personnel, about 5,500 religious groups and over 140,000 places of worship
registered for religious activities. People of all ethnic groups in China fully
enjoys the freedom of religious belief.


Facts speak louder than words, and a lie repeated a thousand times does not
become truth. The spread of Islamophobia and other extremist ideologies in the
US has caused a lot of tragedies. Instead of reflecting on itself, the US has
frequently used religious issues to interfere in other countries' internal affairs
in disregard of facts. The US side should face up to its own problems, manage
its own affairs well, respect facts, set aside prejudice and stop using religious
issues to interfere and smear other countries.

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