Ijet July 2023
Ijet July 2023
Ijet July 2023
India holds the Presidency of the G20 from 1 December 2022 to 30 November
2023. The theme of India’s G20 Presidency - “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” or
“One Earth · One Family · One Future” - is drawn from the ancient Sanskrit text
of the Maha Upanishad. Essentially, the theme affirms the value of all life –
human, animal, plant, and microorganisms – and their interconnectedness on
the planet Earth and in the wider universe.
Indian Journal of Educational Technology
Volume 5, Issue 2, July 2023
About the Journal
CIET, NCERT has been a premier institution for development and dissemination
of resources and techniques related to Educational Technology (ET) for better
understanding of teaching-learning at school level. With renewed thrust on
educational technology using digital platforms, the need for a quality journal
on educational technology in India is felt more than ever. Keeping this in
regard, Indian Journal of Educational Technology will be a medium for scholarly
presentation and exchange of information between researchers, professionals
and practitioners of technology related fields of education. The journal aims at
covering disciplinary areas of educational technology (ET) for school education and
teacher education. The specific objectives of this journal are: i) to provide an open
access journal for sharing updated and peer reviewed research on Educational
Technology for easy access and ii) to promote research on the integration of
technology in school and teacher education, promote innovative practice, and
inform policy debates on educational technology. This bi-annual open access
online peer reviewed journal will be a platform for exchange of ideas and would
also become a basis for further innovation in ET in school and teachers’ education.
Notes to Contributors
Indian Journal of Educational Technology is a UGC listed (UGC CARE list, List-1) peer
reviewed bi-annual journal especially designed for scholarly discourse of use of
various forms of technology in education. Some of the themes encompassed under
its broad purview are: Education Technology (ET), Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) in education, Distance education and technology, Technological
integration into pedagogy and content, Open Educational Repositories (OER)
and FOSS, Innovation in educational system, Computer-based learning, Audio-
video and multimedia in education and issues thereof, Technology cognition
and curriculum, Impact of technology in education, Nature of technology and
learning, Mobile learning, Learning through social media, Technology assisted
evaluation systems, Technology support for differently abled population,
Flipped classroom, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, robotics
and education, Impact of technology on learning, Social media and children,
Economics of technology and its impact on education system, Educational planning
administration and technology and Online courses for school education and
teacher education. We look forward to your contributions in the coming issues.
Your feedback and suggestions are also welcome on the following address:
Email: ijet@ciet.nic.in
Editorial Team
Editor in-chief: Associate Editors:
Published by:
Prof. Amarendra P. Behera, Joint Director, CIET, NCERT on behalf of Central Institute
of Educational Technology (CIET), NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi-110016,
E mail: amarendra.behera@ciet.nic.in
Tarkeshwar Gupta
Graphic Design Consultant
© 2023. Copyright of the articles published in the Journal will vest with the NCERT
and no matter may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the
List of Contents
Massive Open Online Courses: Awareness, Zahra Kazmi and 100 - 114
Readiness and Preferences of Pre-service Syedah Fawzia Nadeem
Digital Competence among School Yangermenla Jamir and 133 - 142
Teachers in Nagaland State: Differences M. Rajendra Nath Babu
with reference to Type of Management,
Work Experience, and Subject Taught
Gendered Digital Divide among Secondary Sudeshna Nath, Tajbina 163 - 174
Students: The Aftereffects of COVID 19 Yasin and Fariza Saidin
Pandemic on Offline Education in Greater
Guwahati Area
Sociological Impact of Mass Media on Iqra Nahvi and Humaira 175 -192
Youth with special focus on Internet in Showkat
Technology Enabled Capacity Building for Ananthi G Pillai and 226 - 236
Teachers in Inclusive Evaluation: UDL Best K. Sambathrani
Review Article
Communication article
Book Review
Glocal Policy and Strategies for Blockchain: Yash Paul Sharma 278 - 281
Building Ecosystems and Sustainability
As we publish the July issue of the Journal in 2023, the fourth and final meeting of
Education Working Group (EdWG) of G20 under India's presidency got over in Pune
on 20-21 June, 2023. The outcomes of this meeting and three previous meetings
of EdWG, which were held in Chennai (from 31st January to 2nd February, 2023),
Amritsar (from 15th March to 17th March, 2023) and Bhubaneswar (from 26th April
to 29th April, 2023) were presented, discussed and finalized in the Meeting of the
Education Ministers of the member countries on 22 June, 2023 in Pune. The EdWG
has shared the best practices of the member countries in the realm of technology
enabled learning, research, collaboration, future of work and Foundational Literary
and Numeracy (FLN). The final report of this EdWG and those of other working &
engagement groups of various tracks on various themes will be released in form
of declaration later in the month of September in Leaders' Summit in New Delhi.
Group of Twenty Presidency, the Government of India has prioritized four key
areas under the G20 Education Working Group (EdWG) which are a) FLN and
lifelong learning, b) leveraging digital resources and technologies for accelerating
educational progress, c) the impact of future of work on education systems, and
d) greater synchronicity and collaboration between higher education, research
and development and societies within and across boundaries. In case of digital
technology, EdWG has highlighted the contextuality of the digital transformation of
education across the member countries as each G20 member is at a different stage
in its journey of the development of sustainable, inclusive and equitable access to
tech-enabled learning. The tech-enabled learning in different countries has taken
a different route but there have been some commonalities in the initiatives by the
G20 actors. The member countries fair differently as the Republic of China has
reached 100% internet access for all types of schools at all levels, while Argentina
is focusing on equitable distribution of technological materials under its Conectar
Igualdad policy and Italy is working on National Plan for Digital Schools to help
digitalize their learning process and methodologies.
The three major areas of intervention across the countries have been the
development of digital platforms, ensuring infrastructure and equitable access to
it, and eContent creation. At the level of infrastructure some countries are focusing
on the level of material infrastructure like equipment and others are focusing on
providing better connectivity. Digital platforms are being used not only for school
education but also for higher education and VET and hence serving a plethora
of educational and learning needs. Quality eContent creation is the natural next
step with the focus being on the digitization of learning material. Therefore,
G20 countries are concentrating on creating econtent, for instance, UAE created
bilingual content, and Turkey and India created content for CWSN.
The year 2023 has been a momentous year for India’s diplomacy. India is presiding
over the G20 forum, a forum where countries meet, debate and discuss the
common concerns of sustainable development. When the Asian Financial Crisis of
1997-99 struck, the finance ministers of the Group of Seven (G7) and the leaders
of Group of 8 created a new body-G20 (Kirton, 2013, p.ix). Initially, it was a forum
for Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of the 19 countries and the
European Union to focus on global economics and financial issues and in 2008,
it was elevated to the level of leaders’ summit. G20 represents 85% of the global
GDP and about two-thirds of the world population. It discusses issues ranging from
economics to those of socio-politics including education. This year’s presidency lies
with India with the logo of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” (One Earth - One Family -
One Future). The three-member management group consists of the past, present
and future chair/precedency together referred to as Troika. The preparations for
the G20 Summit are conducted through the established Sherpa Track and Financial
Track which are responsible to prepare and follow up on issues and resolutions
adopted at the Summits. Financial Track, led by Finance Ministers and Central Bank
Governors, focuses on the economic and financial issues of the member countries
while Sherpa track focuses on socio-political issues like education, agriculture
etc. Sherpa represents the leader of the country. Apart from the two tracks,
Engagement Groups also form part of the structure of the G20, which consists of
participants from non-government entities like businesses, labour, youth, women
and researchers of the member countries who can make policy recommendations
to G20 leaders. Over the years, different Presidencies have led to the constitution
of different Engagement Groups like Supreme Audit Institutions 20 (SAI20) was
introduced under the Indonesian Presidency and India under its Presidency has
created the Startup20 engagement group. A lot needs to be done in incorporating
extended technologies (AR, VR and MR) and AI in creating digital learning resources.
Multilateral cooperation is the key to the success of these initiatives.
The July 2023 issue has twenty two manuscripts in total. There are nineteen research
articles, one review article, one communication article, and one book review. These
articles deal with mobile augmented reality, inclusive enrollment policy, ICT and
disintegrating teaching-learning process, massive open online courses, open
educational resources, web-enabled student support services (WESSS) in open and
distance learning (ODL) system, and artificial intelligence. I would like to thank all
the authors and reviewers for contributing to taking out the 2nd issue of the 5th
volume of the Indian Journal of Educational Technology.
Research Article
The concept of the ODL system focuses on open access to education and training to
make the learners free from the constraints of time and place, and offering flexible
learning, curriculum or other elements of structure opportunities to individuals and
groups of learners. IGNOU is serving its best in developing the attitude and aptitude
among the learners for education for those who cannot afford to go far. Effective Student
Support Services are a vital means of enabling students to cope with the academic and
personal pressures of distance education. This research explored the implementation
of Web Enabled student support services by IGNOU Regional Centre Karnal, in order
to obtain feedback from the learners amidst COVID 19 pandemic. Keeping in view of
the probability of responding to the questionnaire, a random sample was drawn from
the 3400 learners of PG, UG, Diploma and Certificates Programmes, admitted for July
2019 (Fresh) under Regional Centre Karnal. An online questionnaire was used for the
collection of the primary data that contained 12 Items based on the Likert Scale in
addition to 16 open-ended questions. The Likert Scale items ranged (5 Point scale) from
(1) strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neither agree nor disagree (4) Agree (5) strongly
agree. The other 16 items pertaining to the learner profile and using resources were
also included in the questionnaire. The findings indicate a positive attitude among the
IGNOU ODL learners towards learning through Web-enabled mode/online mode.
As evident from the result (Figure 4), per cent online submission of assign-
48.33 per cent of learners are interest- ments, and 11.33 per cent for Online
ed to study in offline mode with the ODL counselling session. On the other hand,
system, some of the learners (36.67 more than half recommended these
per cent) showed their interest in Web online support services i.e. GV/GD/IRC
Counselling Video sessions, while very session (63.33 per cent), Fb live sessions
less number showed interest to study (55.33 per cent), Twitter (63.33 per cent),
through Web Counselling Audio (4.33 e-Gyankosh (65.33 per cent) and e-Con-
per cent) and Facebook live session tent (65.33 per cent) online submission
(10.67 per cent). The response of the of assignments (50 per cent) and online
learners was obtained to evaluate their counselling session (70 per cent). While
satisfaction level with IGNOU towards less than 2 per cent showed unwilling-
Web Enabled Student Support Services ness 7.67 per cent online submission of
amidst COVID-19. From the data, it is assignments and less than 20 per cent
evident that 7 per cent learners strong- neither agree nor disagree and less
ly appreciated GV/GD/IRC Session of than 10 per cent disagree except for Fb
IGNOU, 10 per cent Facebook live ses- Live sessions (12.33 per cent) and online
sions, 18.67 per cent Twitter, 14.67 per submission of assignments (13.33 per
cent e-Gyankosh and e-Content, 17.33 cent) (Figure 5).
Figure-4: Preferred Mode of Study
Similarly, more than half learners cent strongly agreed and strongly
(51.67 per cent) agreed to study disagreed (Figure 6). However, it is
online mode. Results on the ba- observed from the respondent that
sis of respondents show that the overall more than half (63.61) of
open education system is provid- learners agreed with online support
ing qualitative education (69.33 per services, less than fifteen per cent
cent) and they are getting related neither agree nor disagree (14.39),
valuable information through web- strongly agree (10.95 per cent), dis-
linked support services (61.67 per agree (9.17), and negligible were
cent). The majority of the learners strongly disagreed (1.89 per cent)
(73.33 per cent) relied on online with web linked services (Figure 7).
support services for smooth study. Thus, a positive attitude was seen
Though, use of the online support among the learners towards ODL
services is a financial challenge re- learning through various aspects of
corded (agreed) by 74.67 per cent online mode amidst COVID-19.
of learners, while less than 10 per
Figure-6: Various sides of Online Student Support Services (OSSs)
Fraser, W. & Killen, R. (2005). The Perceptions of Students and Lecturers of Some Factors
Influencing Academic Performance at two South African Universities. Perspectives in
Education, 23(1): 25–39.
Krishnan, C. (2012). Student Support Services in Distance Higher Education in India: A Critical
Appraisal. International Journal of Research in Economics & Social Sciences, 2(2): 459-472.
Pulist, S.K. (2001). Student Support Services in Correspondence Distance Education in India:
A Historical Perspective. Journal of Distance Education, 8(1): 66-82.
Simpson, O. (2003). The future of Distance Education – Will we keep on failing our students?
Presentation at a conference: The Future of Distance Education. Cambridge, UK.
Sonepat, Haryana
This research explores the effect of NCERT-based Augmented Reality (AR) applications
and conventional teaching on academic achievement in Science subjects in online
classes. The sample consisted of 28 students from class IX of a government girl’s senior
secondary school in Sonepat, Haryana, India, during the academic session 2021-2022.
The sample was selected based on academic scores attained by students in the previous
VIII class in the science subject. Due to the experimental nature of the study, the students
were equally and randomly segregated into the control and experimental group. A Self-
constructed Science achievement test was implemented before and after the experiment.
The control group was taught with traditional teaching, and the experimental group was
taught by NCERT-based AR application on the theme “The Fundamental unit of life” in
Science subject, and the application was shown to the students through Zoom online
learning programme. The intervention programme was administered for four weeks.
The data obtained were analyzed by applying the ‘t’-test. The research findings revealed
that students’ achievement in Science courses increased significantly with the use of
NCERT-based AR applications. Moreover, the students keenly observed and showed
interest in the 3-dimensional images. So, it is supportive and considerate in enhancing
students’ academic success. The research study has applications for in-service or pre-
service teachers, policymakers of the curriculum framework, and secondary school
Sample Tools
Based on difficulty value, too difficult and retained for the final science
and too easy items were deleted. The achievement test.
calculated difficulty value ranges from
+0.20 to +0.80, and items below +0.20 The split-half and Cronbach’s alpha
and above +0.80 were rejected. methods were used to calculate the
science achievement test’s reliability
b. Similarly, discriminating power and validity, and the results showed
value is employed to discriminate that they were, respectively, 0.69 and
between above average and below 0.82 and were found reliable. The
average learners and calculated by validity of the achievement test was
formula; determined by establishing content and
face validity. Subject experts reassessed
Discriminating Power=NU -NL / N items selected for achievement test
construction, the specialized teacher
NU and NL =Number of students who
in science teaching was involved in
answered the items correctly in the
assessment and evaluation, and the
upper and lower group
language expert edited test items.
N=Number of students who answered The ambiguous items were adapted,
the items correctly in each group modified, and reworded in simple
sentences and lucid language.
The calculated discriminative power
value ranges between +0.20 (lowest Experimental Process of the Research
value) to +0.50 (highest value). Items
The experimental research process
below +0.20 and above +0.50 were
comprises four phases: preliminary/
rejected. Therefore, the final science
preparatory phase, course designing
achievement test includes questions
phase, implementation phase
with acceptable discriminative power
(application of NCERT-based e-pathshala
indexes (+0.20 to +0.50) and item
AR application), and evaluation phase,
difficulty value indexes (+0.20 to +0.80).
as shown in Figure 4.
Eventually, 16 items were selected
Some glimpses of the use of NCERT-based applications are shown below in Figure
Figure-5: Glimpses of the use of NCERT-based applications
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E- Resources:
This study presents a comprehensive examination of the teaching and learning benefits of
digital storytelling in the 21st-century classroom, as well as the prevailing theoretical and
methodological trends in digital storytelling research in school education. A systematic
literature review encompassed 59 articles published between 2000 and 2021, sourced
from databases such as Google Scholar, ERIC, EBSCO, Web of Science, and Social Science
Index. Digital storytelling has a significant positive impact on the 21st-century classroom.
The literature highlights that digital storytelling is an invaluable instructional tool for
teachers to develop the essential 21st-century skills and competencies required to meet
the demands of the global economy. The active involvement of learners in the creation
and presentation of their own digital stories has been found to foster the development
of these skills. The review also identifies the prevailing theoretical and methodological
perspectives observed in digital storytelling research over the past two decades, which
predominantly revolve around the theoretical framework of social constructivism and
the use of interviews as a data collection method. Furthermore, more than 50 per cent
of the studies focused on the second-grade level, indicating a concentration of research
in this educational context. The findings of the literature review highlight essential areas
for future research in digital storytelling. This study contributes to the existing literature
by providing a comprehensive overview of the teaching and learning benefits of digital
storytelling in the 21st-century classroom. It also identifies research gaps and areas
for further exploration, facilitating the advancement of knowledge in this field and
informing future research endeavors.
Full text articles assessed for eligibility =678 Records excluded =379
Theme Reference
[3][12 [15][18][22]][27][35][37][46][47][49]
Integration of technology
Learning [9][12][27][35][47][49][56]
Theme References
Constructionism [41]
Table-3: Methodology
Theme Reference
Quasi-Experimental [7][19][23][27][28][38][47][51][52][53][54][57]
Experimental [1][35][42]
Ethnography [4]
Theme Reference
Grades 9- 12 [8][11][18][19][28][34][45][47][49][51[[57][58]
Theme Reference
Interview and focus [1] [3][4][9][11][16][17][22][25][28][31][33][35][40][41]
group discussion [42][44][45][46] [48][49][50][52][55][58] [59]
Questionnaire and [7][9][16][19][23][27][28][38][44][46][47] [51][52][53]
survey [54][57]
[3][15][18][25][40][41] [11][33][35][42] [9][44][46] [17]
Field notes
Observations [1][3][4][9][22][25][28][33][35][42][44][48][52][55][58]
Video and audio [1][3][4][9][16][17][22][25][28][31][33][40][44][48][55]
records [58][59]
Data analysis and interpretation analysis delved into the social and
cultural contexts of digital storytelling
The data analysis and interpretation practices, while interaction and
in the digital storytelling studies dialogical discourse analysis focused on
encompassed a range of approaches and communication and dialogue within the
techniques. Thematic coding/analysis storytelling process. Textual narrative
was commonly employed, allowing and analytic memo techniques were
researchers to identify and categorize used to explore the narrative elements
recurring themes and patterns within and reflective insights present in the
the data. The descriptive analysis data. These diverse approaches enabled
provided a comprehensive overview and researchers to analyze and interpret
summary of the collected data, while the data from multiple perspectives,
artifacts and content analysis examined enriching the understanding of the
the digital stories themselves for deeper impact and benefits of digital storytelling
insights. Ethnography and protocol in education.
Theme Reference
Inferential analysis
Themes Sub-themes
Phenomenological studies
Research Comparative studies ( subject, grade, and country)
methodology to be
changed Experimental studies
Follow-up studies
Context need to be
Multilingual and multicultural context
Slumps, migrants and wide digital gap
Suggested How to
instructional use digital Benefits/outcome
of learners
strategies storytelling
Meaning full Learners’
integration of creation of
technology into digital stories
Tech intelligence Deeper
instructional as classroom
and creativity understanding
methods, classroom activities/
activities and assignment and
assignment. as group work
content from
Gives an active a range of
Multimedia activity/ task/ resources Higher order
lovers assignment to and create an thinking
complete entirely new
story based on
the content.
World exploration
Vast variety
of resources,
information and
Encourage students Created stories content
Interest in to contribute helpful upload to the Communication
internet content content blogs, and blog, youtube, and collaboration
creation websites and create and other Shared reflections
YouTube videos mediums. Global pedagogical
Social interaction
(William &et.
Organize their
Just-in-time teaching, own ideas-ask
inquiry-based questions-
Inductive Experimental data
instruction and express
discovery interpretation
hypothetical case opinions-
studies. construct
Allow learners to use to create their Complex real-world
their techniques and own stories problem-solving
strategies to solve through the Critical thinking
Hit or miss/ trial problems and allow learning of what ability
and error them to analyze their worked and
own failure and take why? Or what Research and
complete control of didn’t work and experiment
their learning why? Alternative learning
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Today, the Internet is a rich source of study materials, and Google Scholar offers free
access to a large number of scientific articles. There are excellent research publications
available in many more databases. Students have the option of easily copying the
material. Reusing, paraphrasing, patchwriting, and ghostwriting without citing the
original documents are plagiarism. Plagiarism is increasing in academics, particularly
in research. This study aims to study the awareness of plagiarism and to analyze the
reasons for plagiarism. The study samples are the student teachers in India. For this
study, we used a survey method, and the author prepared a questionnaire to collect data
from the student teachers. Study respondents are the student teachers of the Regional
Institute of Education Mysore; Purposive sampling was used to select samples. The total
number of study respondents is 207. The findings of the study revealed that over 70
per cent of respondents mentioned reasons for plagiarism as lack of relevant literature
studying, lack of preparation and time, difficulty checking every piece of work, do not
know the manual citation style, lack of knowledge about bibliographic management
software and also they stated that getting easily available materials on the internet is
also a reason for plagiarism. The study recommends that teachers teach or conduct
awareness programs on plagiarism, avoiding plagiarism, citation style, and software.
Variables Responses
Frequency Percentage
Female 156 75.4
Male 51 24.6
Hindi 15 7.2
Kannada 42 20.3
Malayalam 50 24.2
Mother Tongue
Tamil 29 14
Telugu 54 26.1
Others 17 8.2
English 195 94.2
Hindi 0 0
Kannada 5 2.4
Medium of instruction in
Malayalam 2 1
higher secondary level
Tamil 1 0.5
Telugu 3 1.4
Odia 1 0.5
Rural 89 43
Urban 118 57
17-23 143 69.1
23-27 50 24.1
27-35 8 3.9
35-50 6 2.9
BA B.Ed 47 22.7
BSc B.Ed 68 32.9
Course MSc.Ed 46 22.2
B.Ed 29 14
M.Ed 17 8.2
Total 207 100
Do you think the internet is a reason for plagiarism? 147 (71%) 60 (29%)
Do you think vast resources are reasons for 105 (50.7%) 102 (49.3%)
Do you have the experience of copying entire text 85 (41.1%) 122 (58.9%)
from online without modifying anything?
If one cannot write well in a foreign language (e.g., 95 (45.9%) 112 (54.1%)
English), it is justified to copy parts of a similar paper
already published in the language.
I could not write a scientific paper without plagiarism 76 (36.7%) 131 (63.3%)
Lack of interest and enthusiasm for publishing quality 135 (65.2%) 72 (34.8%)
research works
Difficult to check every piece of work 152 (73.4%) 55 (26.6%)
Table 3 identifies reasons for plagia- thinks vast resources are reasons for
rism: 63.8 per cent lack knowledge of plagiarism, 65.2 per cent lack of interest
citation manual styles (e.g., APA, MLA, and enthusiasm for publishing quality
Chicago, etc.,). Likewise, 71.5 per cent research works and 73.4 per cent chal-
lack familiarity with using reference lenging to check every piece of work.
management software (E.g., Mendeley,
Zotero, etc.,); 67.6 per cent lack knowl- Who can control plagiarism?
edge of academic writing, 73.4 per cent
lack preparation and time, 77.8 per cent Next, the authors studied how to control
lack relevant literature reading, 71 per the occurrence of plagiarism. They
cent of respondents thinks the internet wanted to study who is responsible for
is a reason for plagiarism, 50.7 per cent controlling plagiarism.
From Table 4, which explains who can respondents tell plagiarism software,
control plagiarism, 40.1 per cent of and 35.8 per cent tell self-control.
Table-5: How can we control plagiarism?
Table 6 reveals that most student teach- per cent) are stress-free, and 19 (9.2 per
ers feel stress due to plagiarism. 116 cent) do not know.
(56 per cent) feel stress, but 72 (34.8
Table-7: Are you expecting a plagiarism-free tool?
Table 8 shows that the students cent to 71 per cent of student teachers
expect the plagiarism tool available in are aware of it. Many of them pointed
universities 91 (44 per cent) followed out that the lack of preparation time
by the Government agencies71 (34.3 and related literature is the primary
per cent), library 68 (3.9 per cent), Open reason for plagiarism. The respondents
source software online platforms 54 viewed that only authors can hold the
(26.1 per cent), and do not now 42 (20.3 responsibility and collecting fines from
per cent) the authors will control plagiarism.
Many of them expect plagiarism-free
Discussion tools from the government that may be
available in libraries.
From the present study, it is evident that
plagiarism must be avoided as it affects Conclusion
the reputation of academic writings and
research works. Most of the participants Plagiarism will give stress to both
in this survey are female, and their authors as well as publishers. It affects
medium of instruction at the school the reputation of any academic work.
level is English. They are well-versed Many plagiarism detection tools are
in English. The medium of instruction now available. The Department of
of their present teacher education Higher Education at the state and
program is also English. As a foreign central levels should take the initiative
language, it has its limitations. Most of to detect plagiarism in the works of
them hail from urban areas, and most academic writers, researchers, teachers,
belong to the 18-23 age group. They and students. People preparing their
have studied various teacher education assignments and research works are
programs such as B.Ed., B.Sc., B.Ed., visiting libraries for reference, literature
B.Sc.,Ed., M.Ed, and M.Sc.,Ed. Out of review, and collection of materials for
207 participants, the majority (181) the conceptual framework. So high-
know about plagiarism, but only a few quality plagiarism checkers should be
(50) have used plagiarism checkers. made available in libraries. Awareness
Understanding citation manual style of plagiarism is essential for student
and reference management software is teachers as they will guide future
necessary for student teachers. 63 per generations.
Awasthi, S. (2019). Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct A Systematic Review. DESIDOC
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Bautista, R. M., & Pentang, J. T. (2022). Ctrl C + Ctrl V: Plagiarism and Knowledge on Referencing
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Clarke R. (2006). Plagiarism by Academics: More Complex Than It Seems. Journal of the
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Dey, S. K., & Sobhan, M. A. (2006). Impact of Unethical Practices of Plagiarism on Learning,
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Farahian, M., Avarzamani, F., & Rezaee, M. (2021). Plagiarism in higher education across
nations: A case of language students. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 14(1),
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Hasanah, U., & Dewantara, A. H. (2022). The Faculty Awareness on Plagiarism Issue.
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38–42. https://doi.org/10.2991/assehr.k.220402.009
Helgesson, G., & Eriksson, S. (2015). Plagiarism in research. Medicine, Health Care and
Philosophy, 18(1), 91–101. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11019-014-9583-8
Javaid, S. T., Sultan, S., & Ehrich, J. F. (2020). Contrasting first and final year undergraduate
students’ plagiarism perceptions to investigate anti-plagiarism measures. Journal of Applied
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2. To implement the developed MOOC The study population was all the
in research methodology on M.Ed. students enrolled in two years M.Ed.
students. program in India. A convenient sampling
technique was used to select the sample.
3. To study the effectiveness of the All the 40 M.Ed. students studying
developed MOOC in terms of the in the Department of Education,
reaction of M.Ed. students on the Faculty of Education and Psychology,
components i.e.: The Maharaja Sayajirao University of
Baroda, Vadodara in the first year of
• Overall effectiveness
batch 2021-2023 were selected.
• Course structure and planning
Research Tool
• Video lessons
To study the effectiveness of the massive
• Discussion forums open online course in terms of the
reaction of M.Ed. students a reaction
• Assessment scale was implemented consisting of
35 statements. The reaction scale was a
• Additional resources 5-point Likert type of scale.
• Challenges faced Developed and Implementation of
the MOOC
• Instructor support
The researchers developed a MOOC
using the WordPress platform. The
Research Design developed MOOC was divided into three
specializations courses on the selected
The present study was experimental topic of research methodology i.e.
research. The design adopted was a introduction to research methodology,
single group post-test only design. type of research methods, and sampling
Here, the researcher implemented the techniques. The students were provided
designed MOOC on the M.Ed. students’ a manual and also given orientation on
and then immediately after the MOOC how the MOOC works. Students then
ended, the researcher measured registered in MOOC and started learning
students’ reactions toward it. As the on the MOOC with fixed start and end
development and designing of a MOOC dates. After the implementation, a
is an exorbitant and time-consuming reaction scale was implemented on the
process, trying it out on a small sample M.Ed. students.
Statements II
No (F,%) (F,%) (F,%) (F,%) (F,%)
Learning Research Methodology
32 08
1 through a Massive open online 0 0 0 4.80
80.0 20.0
course (MOOC) was interesting.
The MOOC was well structured 31 08 01
2 0 0 4.72
and planned. 77.5 20.0 2.5
The instructions provided in 27 10 1 2 0
3 4.55
every lesson were elaborate. 67.5 25.0 2.5 5.0
The MOOC helped me to
25 15
4 achieve the given course 0 0 0 4.62
62.5 37.5
Time duration of the course was 23 12 03 02
5 0 4.40
appropriate. 57.5 30.0 7.5 5.0
MOOC promotes self-paced 30 9 01
6 0 0 4.72
learning 75.0 22.5 2.5
I would like to learn other
24 13 01 01 01
7 topics of research methodology 4.45
60.0 32.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
through MOOCs
The MOOCs were flexible to 26 14
8 0 0 0 4.65
learn at my own preferred time. 65.0 35.0
25 14
9 The MOOCs were user-friendly. 0 0 01 4.55
62.5 35.0
This course has increased my 29 9 01 01
10 0 4.65
interest in online learning. 72.5 22.5 2.5 2.5
I would highly recommend this 30 08 02
11 0 0 4.70
course to other students 75.0 20.0 5.0
Average I 4.62
Sr Items SA A UD D SD
no (F,%) (F,%) (F,%) (F,%) (F,%)
1 The course was delivered as 25 14 0 0 1 4.55
outlined in the syllabus. 62.5 35.0 2.5
For statement 1, 62.5 per cent and 35.0 67.5 per cent and 22.5 per cent of
per cent of students reacted strongly students reacted strongly agree and
agree and agree respectively. The agree respectively to the statement
intensity index of 4.55 for the statement 4. The intensity index of 4.57 for the
showed that most of the students statement showed that most of the
found the course was delivered as per students found badges motivating. For
the outline. 75.0 per cent, 20 per cent, statement 5, 67.5 per cent and 30.0 per
and 5.0 per cent of students reacted cent of students reacted strongly agree
strongly agree, agree, and undecided and agree respectively. The intensity
respectively to the statement 2. The index of 4.65 for the statement showed
intensity index of 4.70 for the statement that most of the students found the
showed that most of the students found platform well-designed.
instruction clear and lucid.
iii. Video Lesson
For statement 3, 67.5 per cent and 25.0
per cent of students reacted strongly 3 statements focused on the reaction
agree and agree respectively. The of M.Ed. Students towards the video
intensity index of 4.55 for the statement lessons in MOOC. The intensity of each
showed that most of the students statement along with percentage and
found the manual easy to understand. frequency is given below:
Table-1.2: Frequency wise (F), Percentage wise (%), and Intensity Index wise
(II) reaction (Strongly Agree-SA, Agree-A, Undecided-UD, Disagree-D, and
Strongly Disagree- SD) of M.Ed. students towards video lessons in MOOC
Sr Items SA A UD D SD
no (F,%) (F,%) (F,%) (F,%) (F,%)
1 Examples used in the videos 34 5 1 0 0 4.82
were relevant to the topics. 85.0 12.5 2.5
2 The length of the videos used in 20 18 1 1 0 4.42
this MOOC was appropriate. 50.0 45.0 2.5 2.5
3 Interactive videos used in all 20 18 2 0 0 4.45
courses were fun and made the 50.0 45.0 5.0
content engaging.
For statement 1, 85 per cent and 12.5 intensity index of 4.45 for the statement
per cent of students reacted strongly showed that most of the students found
agree and agree respectively. The interactive videos engaging. 75 per
intensity index of 4.82 for the statement cent, 25 per cent, and students reacted
showed that most of the students found strongly agree and agree respectively
examples in videos relevant. 50 per to the statement 4. The intensity index
cent, 45 per cent, and students reacted of 4.75 for the statement showed that
strongly agree and agree respectively most of the students found the language
to the statement 2. The intensity index used in videos easy.
of 4.42 for the statement showed that
most students found the length of iv. Additional resources
videos appropriate.
Two statements focused on the reaction
For statement 3, 50 per cent and 45 of M.Ed. Students towards the additional
per cent of students reacted strongly resources in MOOC. The intensity of
agree and agree respectively. The each statement along with percentage
and frequency is given below:
Table-1.3: Frequency wise (F), Percentage wise (%), and Intensity Index wise (II)
reaction (Strongly Agree-SA, Agree-A, Undecided-UD, Disagree-D, and Strongly
Disagree- SD) of M.Ed. students towards additional resources in MOOC
Sr Items SA A UD D SD
no (F,%) (F,%) (F,%) (F,%) (F,%)
1 The course was supported by 22 16 1 1 0 4.47
adequate additional E-resources in 55.0 40.0 2.5 2.5
form of YouTube, PDF documents,
and articles.
2 All additional resources provided 26 14 0 0 0 4.65
in the course were relevant to the 65.0 35.0
Average IV 4.56
For statement 1, 55 per cent and 40 statement showed that resources were
per cent of students reacted strongly relevant to the course topic.
agree and agree respectively. The
intensity index of 4.47 for the statement v. Discussion forums
showed that most of the students
There was 1 statement that focussed on
found adequate additional resources
the reaction of M.Ed. Students towards
in the course. 65 per cent, and 35 per
the discussion forums in MOOC. The
cent of students reacted strongly agree
intensity of each statement along with
and agree respectively to the statement
percentage and frequency is given
2. The intensity index of 4.65 for the
Sr Items SA A UD D SD
no (F,%) (F,%) (F,%) (F,%) (F,%)
1 The discussion forum used in 14 18 6 1 1 4.07
MOOC helped me in collaborating 35.0 45.0 15.0 2.5 2.5
with my peers.
Average V 4.07
Sr Items SA A UD D SD
no (F,%) (F,%) (F,%) (F,%) (F,%)
1 Practice multiple-choice questions 24 15 1 0 0 4.57
in each of the courses helped me 60.0 37.5 2.5
in revising the content.
2 There were adequate quizzes in 24 12 2 2 0 4.45
each course. 60.0 30.0 5.0 5.0
3 Lessons in the form of activities 29 11 0 0 0 4.72
made the course engaging 72.5 27.5
Average VI 4.58
For statement 1, 60 per cent and 37 per cent of students reacted strongly agree
cent of students reacted strongly agree and agree respectively. The intensity
and agree respectively. The intensity index of 4.72 for the statement showed
index of 4.57 for the statement showed that most of the students found that
that most of the students found MCQ activities made the course.
beneficial to revising the content. 60
per cent and 30 per cent of students vii. Instructors’ Support
reacted strongly agree and agree
There were 5 statements that focused
respectively to the statement 2. The
on the reaction of M.Ed. Students
intensity index of 4.45 for the statement
towards the instructor’s support in the
showed that most of the students found
implementation of MOOC. The intensity
quizzes adequate in the course. For
of each statement along with percentage
statement 3, 72.5 per cent and 27.5 per
and frequency is given below:
Sr Items SA A UD D SD
no (F,%) (F,%) (F,%) (F,%) (F,%)
1 As the instructor was always 35 5 0 0 0 4.87
available to help students, I never 87.5 12.5
felt lost in the course
2 The daily progress report shared 39 1 0 0 0 4.97
by the instructor on WhatsApp 97.5 2.5
made me complete the course on
3 Enrolment deadlines and course 34 5 1 0 0 4.82
deadlines (start and end date) 85.0 12.5 2.5
were informed in advance.
4 Feedback was given by the 18 17 5 0 0 4.32
instructor on the final graded 45.0 42.5 12.5
5 All my queries were answered 27 12 1 0 0 4.65
through WhatsApp by the 67.5 30.0 2.5
Average VII 4.72
For statement 1, 67.5 per cent and 12.5 per cent of students reacted strongly
per cent of students reacted strongly agree and agree respectively. The
agree and agree respectively. The intensity index of 4.32 for the statement
intensity index of 4.87 for the statement showed that most of the students got
showed that most of the students found feedback on final graded assignments.
the instructor always available to help For statement 5, 67.5 per cent and 30
students. 97.2 per cent, 2.5 per cent per cent of students reacted strongly
of students reacted strongly agree and agree and agree respectively. The
agree respectively to the statement intensity index of 4.65 for the statement
2. The intensity index of 4.97 for the shows that all of the queries of students
statement showed that most of the were answered through WhatsApp.
students found daily progress reports
help to them complete the course. For viii. Challenges encountered
statement 3, 85 per cent and 12.5 per
Four statements focused on the
cent of students reacted strongly agree
reaction of M.Ed. Students towards
and agree respectively. The intensity
the challenges encountered during the
index of 4.78 for the statement showed
implementation of MOOC. The intensity
that most of the students viewed that
of each statement along with percentage
deadlines were conveyed in advance.
and frequency is given below:
For statement 4, 45 per cent and 42.5
Sr Items SA A UD D SD
no (F,%) (F,%) (F,%) (F,%) (F,%)
1 The final graded assignments 2 2 2 21 13 4.02
were long and took a lot of my 5.0 5.0 5.0 52.5 32.5
study time.
2 There were lots of disturbances 0 0 2 22 16 4.35
in the audio used in the content 5.0 55.0 40.0
video of the MOOC.
3 Too much workload was given 2 2 5 5 26 4.27
during each week. 5.0 5.0 12.5 12.5 65.0
4 I did not face any major technical 20 18 0 1 1 4.37
difficulties while navigating 50.0 45.0 2.5 2.5
through MOOCs.
Average VIII 4.25
For statement 1, 52.5 per cent and only found the course interesting but
32.5 per cent of students reacted it increased their bend towards online
strongly disagree and strongly disagree learning.
respectively. The intensity index of 4.02
for the statement showed that most of Discussion and Conclusion
the students did not find assignments
Majority of the M.Ed. students in the
too long. 40 per cent and 55 per cent of
present study had favorable reactions
students reacted disagreed and strongly
toward the use of MOOCs. Even Lathe
agree respectively with the statement
(2019) concluded in an empirical study
2. The intensity index of 4.35 for the
that post-graduation students are
statement showed that most of the
more inclined toward MOOCs. The
students did not find any disturbances.
study has proved that students are
For statement 3, 65 per cent and 12.5 per
interested in learning through MOOCs
cent of students reacted as disagreeing
which promotes self-paced and flexible
and strongly disagree respectively. The
learning among them. Kilgore, (2018),
intensity index of 4.27 for the statement
Israel, (2015), Andone & Mihaescu (
showed that most of the students did
2018) also emphasised that MOOC is a
not find too much workload in the
novel method that promotes self-paced
course. For statement 4, 50 per cent and
learning. The majority of students
45 per cent of students reacted strongly
found relevant examples in the content
agree and agree respectively. The
video which is in line with the finding of
intensity index of 4.37 for the statement
Oakley et al. (2016) listing the factors
showed the majority of students faced
that create a highly liked MOOC which
no technical difficulties.
included easy materials, convenient
Findings time, and practical examples in the
course, and many more. Aljaraideh
The developed MOOC was found to be (2019) concluded that teachers
effective regarding the reaction of M.Ed. perceive MOOCs to provide better
students towards it. M.Ed. students not learning opportunities to students
Ahmed, S. S., Khan, E., Faisal, M., & Khan, S. (2017). The potential and challenges of MOOCs in
Pakistan: a perspective of students and faculty. Asian Association of Open Universities Journal.
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Study,” 2018 Learning With MOOCS (LWMOOCS), 2018, pp. 134-136. https://doi: 10.1109/
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Usefulness of MAR in
Low useful Reasonably useful More useful
Teaching Science
N (=135) 24 93 18
% 17.78 68.89 13.33
Mean (M)= 63.68 &
Standard Deviation
(SD) = 5.12
According to the data in table 2, the 17.78 per cent felt that it was low useful
sample’s mean and standard deviation for teaching science subjects.
on the teacher perception scale are
68.68 and 5.12, respectively. Further, Utility of MAR: Strength and weakness
it is found that 13.33 per cent of the
The following table examines the
science teachers believed that MAR was
strengths and weaknesses components
more useful to them for their classroom
of MAR in teaching and learning science
instructional purposes, 68.89 per cent
contents at upper primary level classes.
felt that it was used reasonably, and
By comparing the sample’s mean scores such as ability, interest, and involvement
for each component to the overall mean of students in learning (Huang, Chen, &
of the component mean scores for the Chou, 2016). The study results of Erbas
research instrument, the usability of & Demirer (2019) found that using the
mobile augmented reality in teaching augmented reality technique had no
science was assessed. The assumption impact on the science achievement
is that the MAR is strongly supporting of ninth-grade students, contrary to
the teacher to teach the subject in the research report of Lindgren, et al.
classroom practices if the mean of any (2016) which found that students at
component is more than the grand the middle school level displayed high
mean of mean scores of components; levels of interest in learning science.
otherwise, it is regarded to be a weak Furthermore, Billinghurst (2021) noted
one. According to the information in in his research study that many teachers
Table 3 above, teachers who teach encountered technical difficulties when
science in upper primary schools said utilising AR.
that MAR was very helpful for motivating
students and teaching science content, Analysis of teacher perception scores
but not so much helped them for on MAR: Variable wise
boosting student learning and in terms
The following table provides a
of technical aspects.
comparison of the mean scores of
Various research studies reported that teachers on the teacher perception scale
the accomplishment of any technology- concerning various teacher variables.
based instruction depends on factors,
Table-4: Variable wise comparison of mean scores of sample
Variable wise
Teacher Perception Male Female Total
Locality Mean N SD Mean N SD Mean N SD
in Years
10 years
77.11 19 4.70 79.97 30 4.25 78.86 49 4.60
and above
Rural Less than
78.92 13 4.59 80.44 16 5.07 79.76 29 4.84
10 years
Total 77.84 32 4.67 80.13 46 4.50 79.19 78 4.68
In accordance with the results of a Additionally, teachers with less than ten
study by Dirin et al. (2019), stated that, years of teaching experience scored well
female participants’ perception of using than those with ten or more years of
AR technology was better than male experience. The experienced teachers,
participants, the mean scores of the due to their age and health conditions,
teachers given in the above table show may found hard and less comfortable
that the mean score of female teachers to use of the latest technologies in the
is better than that of male teachers. classroom practices than the young
Additionally, teachers in urban areas teachers.
score well than those in rural areas. In addition to the aforementioned,
This finding may be attributable to an ANOVA test was carried out to
the technical resources offered in determine whether there was a
schools, and it is corroborated by the difference in significance between the
findings of a study by Putiorn et al. mean scores of teachers according to
(2018), who noted that teachers in rural the variables of gender, locality, and
schools found it challenging, in terms teaching experience of the teacher
of technical aspects, to implement sample. The results are provided in the
augmented reality (AR) technology. following table.
Table-5: Three-way ANOVA test teacher perception scores
Sum of Mean
Source df F-value p-value
Squares Square
Gender (A) 311.66 1 311.66 9.97 0.00
Locality (B) 2.67 1 2.67 0.09 0.77
Experience (C) 88.17 1 88.17 2.82 0.10
AxB 30.32 1 30.32 0.97 0.33
AxC 19.78 1 19.78 0.63 0.43
BxC 9.22 1 9.22 0.30 0.59
AxBxC 0.50 1 0.50 0.02 0.90
Within 3969.66 127 31.26
Total 4444.93 134
The results from the table above perceptions on the usefulness of MAR
indicate that gender affected teachers’ in teaching science at the upper primary
and Policy,
Central University of South Bihar (Gaya), Bihar
ICSSR Doctoral Fellow, Department of Development Studies, School of Social Science
The Covid-19 pandemic has transformed Indian education into a new phase with
technology coming upfront. All educational institutions from primary to universities
have adopted technology-mediated education. It has opened up new directions in the
education arena and online education becomes the ‘new normal. Many EdTech Startups
have also boomed in this period to capitalize on the market for online education. It is
in this context that this study analyses the impact of online education on Indian higher
education during this pandemic through a case study of the learning experience of a
Central University in India. The study was limited to the discipline of social science. Out
of the 182 students of the School of Social Sciences and Policy of the Central University
of South, Bihar contacted through Google Form, 100 forms have been rated in proper
order. So these 100 students constituted the sample for this study. Being a new platform
for education, the students have faced some difficulties in coping with it. However, it
was found that despite the challenges and limitations, the students experienced online
education as an alternative to conventional education.
Only 23.8 per cent of Indian families, 1. What is the role of online education
as reported in the Key Indicators of in the aftermath of Covid-19?
Household Social Consumption on
2. What are Socio-economic features
Education in India report based on the
of online learners?
2017–18 National Sample Survey, have
access to the internet (NSSO, 2018). 3. What is the online education
Furthermore, only 4.4 per cent of rural endeavor in India?
homes have computers, compared to
23.4 per cent of urban households. Only 4. What are Learners’ Perceptions of
33 per cent of women have internet Problems of Online Classes?
connectivity, according to IAMAI’s
(Internet and Mobile Association 5. What is the experience of learners
of India) 2019 India Internet report about online education?
Bolliger, D. U., & Halupa, C. (2018). This
Objectives of the Study
ratio is even more alarming when one
realises that 67 per cent of men in the The general objective of the study is to
same nation have internet access. in examine the trend and experience of
rural areas, only 28 per cent of women online education in the country. The
and 72 per cent of men have access to specific objectives of the paper are:
the internet, respectively.
Table-3: Monthly expenditure for the Internet before and after online
Bolliger, D. U., & Halupa, C. (2018). Online student perceptions of engagement, transactional
distance, and outcomes. Distance Education, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1080/01587919.2018.1
Brown, G., & Wack, M. (1999). The Difference Frenzy and Matching Buckshot with Buckshot.
The Technology Source Archives at the University of North Carolina. https://pdxscholar.library.
Dash, S. K., & Sidharth, R. (2022, July 19). The five-day work week might be fading away. The
Hindu. https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/the-five-day-work-week-might-be-fading-
Hara, N., & Kling, R. (2000). Students Distress with a Web-based Distance Education Course:
An Ethnographic Study of Participants’ Experiences. Information, Communication & Society,
3(4), 557–579.https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/handle/2022/1092/wp00-01B.
Internet and Mobile Association of India, & NIELSEN. (2019). India Internet-2019.
Matthews, D. (1996). The origins of distance education and its use in the United States. The
Journal, 27(2), 54–66.
National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration, & Bhushan, S. (2020, July).
COVID 19 and Higher Education in India. National Institute of Educational Planning and
Administration. http://www.niepa.ac.in/download/Final_14th%20July%20COVID%2019%20
Naylor, R. (2020). Key factors influencing psychological distress in university students: the
effects of tertiary entrance scores. Studies in Higher Education, 8, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.10
Sun, L., Tang, Y., & Zuo, W. (2020). Coronavirus pushes education online. Nature Materials
Www.Nature.Com/Naturematerials. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41563-020-0678-8
Technopak – SimpliLearn, Saxena, A., Singh, P., Jain, R., & Ahuja, D. (2016, August). Whitepaper
on Digital Learning Market in India. www.technopak.com. https://smartnet.niua.org/sites/
UNESCO Report. (2020). Online Education implemented during COVID-19 are not inclusive.
UNESCO. https://www.duupdates.in/unesco-report-2020-online-educationimplemented-
Vaccani, J.-P., Javidnia, H., & Humphrey-Murto, S. H.-M. (2014). The effectiveness of webcast
compared to live lectures as a teaching tool in medical school. Medical Teacher, 1–5. https://
Zheng, B., Hsi Lin B, C., & Kwon, J. B. (2020). The impact of learner-, instructor-, and course-
level factors on online learning. Computers & Education, 150, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
The study includes in-depth qualitative was sought from all participants and
interviews with all 20 student participants interviews were conducted at their
and semi-structured interviews with the convenience in the local, Urdu, Hindi,
rest of the participants. The interviews or English language. Each interview
were conducted from September ranged from 30 to 50 minutes in length.
15, 2020, to November 15, 2020, a The sequence of the questions, which
period, predominantly influenced by was kept simple and clear of technical
the Covid-19 pandemic, and teaching- terminology, was frequently changed
learning was mainly based on ICT. as the conversation progressed. All
However, it was ensured that the the interviews were taped with the
participants were part of the university participants’ agreement, and later
teaching-learning process before the responses were transcribed before
Covid-19 pandemic as well. Permission being translated into English for analysis.
Indian Journal of Educational Technology 91
Volume 5, Issue 2, July 2023
Names of participants highlighted in the Assessment & Accreditation Council
research are pseudonyms and some (NAAC) of India. This is recognition
significant details have been changed and reflection of the high quality
to ensure that their identities are standard in teaching and research
protected. at the University of Kashmir.’
Two main themes evolved after the data ‘The University promotes a
was analyzed. The first theme highlights diverse and inclusive campus
the facilities the institution offers to the environment that fosters creativity
students. The second theme brings out and innovation. The University
the experiences of the students coming fundamentally affirms and
from the reserved categories with the embraces the multiple identities,
ICT enabled teaching-learning process. values, belief systems, and cultural
practices of its stakeholders. Thus,
University of Kashmir the philosophy of diversity and
inclusiveness is integrated into the
The main campus of the University of
work and lives of every member of
Kashmir is situated in the Hazratbal
the University community.’
area of Srinagar city (in Jammu and
Kashmir Union Territory of India). Over a The University of Kashmir attracts
while, it has expanded its infrastructure students and scholars from the multi-
significantly and has come up with ethnic, multi-religious, and multi-
Satellite Campuses at Anantnag (South lingual areas of Jammu, Kashmir, and
Campus), Baramulla (North Campus), Ladakh (Jahangir, 2015). Every year
and Kupwara to make education more the university accommodates more
accessible to the people living in far- than four thousand students in varied
off places of Kashmir. The University courses both at undergraduate and
has also set up an office in the Jammu postgraduate levels. However, the
division to facilitate the students living students admitted to the university do
outside Kashmir enrolled with the not belong to a specific homogenous
University. The official website of the background. The students admitted
university reads as follows: to the university are, in fact, of diverse
socioeconomic, religious, cultural, and
‘The University is committed
ethnic backgrounds. The diversity of the
to providing an intellectually
students is reflected in examining the
stimulating environment for
admission policy of the university which
productive learning to enhance the
is inclusive and ensures that students
educational, economic, scientific,
from all walks of life get an opportunity
business, and cultural environment
to study there.
of the region. It has constantly
been introducing innovative/new The admission policy of the University
programmes to cater to the needs of Kashmir
and demands of the students and
society. The selection of a candidate to study at
the University of Kashmir is purely based
Over the years, the University on her/his performance in the entrance
has marked excellence in its test conducted every year for admission
programmes and activities. It has to various courses. However, to make
been re-accredited as Grade-A+ the selection process more inclusive,
University by the National the University of Kashmir has adopted
S. No Category Quota
(in Percentage)
1 Open Merit 67
2 Schedule Caste (SC) 5
3 Scheduled Tribe (ST) 3
4 Children of Gujjar and Bakerwal (CGB) 2
5 Residents of Backward Areas (RBA) 10
6 Line of Actual Control (LAC) 1
7 Scouts/Guides/Rovers and Rangers 1
8 Weak & Under Privileged Classes (Social Caste) (WUP) 2
9 Children of Permanent Resident of Defence Personnel 2
10 Candidates possessing outstanding proficiency in 2
11 Candidates possessing outstanding proficiency in NCC 2
12 Differently-abled (PH) 3
Agasisti, Tommaso and Gil-Izquierdo, María and Han, Seong Won. (2017). ICT use at home
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communication technologies in improving teaching and learning processes in primary and
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development, University World News, available at https://www.universityworldnews.com/
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increase the voice and influence of women and girls: A rapid review of evidence. London:
Shaping Policy for Development, ODI.
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Jahangir, M. S. (2015). Heterogeneous classroom of University of Kashmir and the role of ICT:
Is culture of trust facing a new threat?’ In Perzycka Elzbieta Ed. Contexts of Trust in ICT-Aided
Educational Interactions. Szczecin: University of Szczecin Pp.181-194
Jha, N. and Shenoy, V. (2016). “Digitization of Indian Education Process: A Hope or Hype”,
IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 18(10):131-139
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the list, Business Standard available at: https://www.business-standard.com/article/pti-
Reuben, Lembani, Ashley Gunter, Markus Breines & Mwazvita Tapiwa Beatrice Dalu.
(2020). The same course, different access: the digital divide between urban and rural distance
education students in South Africa, Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 44(1): 70-
84, DOI: 10.1080/03098265.2019.1694876
Tamim R. M., Bernard, R. M., Borokhovski, E., Abrami, P. C. and Schmid, R. F. (2011) What
Forty Years of Research Says About the Impact of Technology on Learning: A Second-
Order Meta-Analysis and Validation Study. Review of Educational Research. 2011; 81(1):4-28.
Teague, Leah Jackson. (2015). Higher Education Plays Critical Role in Society: More Women
Leaders Can Make a Difference, Forum on Public Policy 2015(2) available at https://files.eric.
A MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is an online course that can be accessed by
an unlimited number of participants dispersed geographically. Although MOOCs are
in trend for the past few years, a lot of concerns are being raised because of the high
enrolment rate, but low completion rate. One of the major reasons for this difference
in enrolment and completion rates can be the lack of readiness of participants in using
MOOCs. This study attempts to explore the pre-service teachers’ readiness in using
MOOCs. An online questionnaire was used to collect data from 159 pre-service teachers
of Delhi/NCR universities. The collected data was analysed through MS Excel. Descriptive
statistics were used to analyse the data for final interpretation. The results revealed
that although many pre-service teachers are aware of MOOCs, only a few of them have
used them yet. Most of the pre-service teachers are found to have the technological
accessibility required for using MOOCs but some of them still lack computer peripherals
like headphones or microphones, which may be required during the course. The findings
also reveal that pre-service teachers’ competence level was higher than their motivation
level. In addition, it was also found that those who are ready for MOOCs still prefer face-
to-face more over online or remote involvement.
MOOCs readiness is defined as the In the past few years, many researches
minimum requirement of what learners have been conducted on the use of
should know and do to maximize the MOOCs in different disciplines but
benefits of using MOOCs (Subramaniam in teacher education, there are very
et al., 2020). Readiness for learning is limited studies available, in India and
a holistic way of assessing learners’ abroad. Therefore, this study focuses
learning preparedness. Readiness on exploring pre-service teachers’
embraces the interrelationships perceptions regarding MOOCs. The
between skills and behaviours across following are the research objectives of
domains of development and learning this study:
(UNICEF, 2012). These can be seen as
minimum standards of what the learner 1. To identify the extent of awareness
should know and be able to do to be about MOOCs among B.Ed. students
successful in his learning. Measuring of Delhi/NCR universities
MOOC readiness can be likened to
2. To understand the perception
identifying the prerequisites to the
of pre-service teachers towards
MOOC’s enrolment, which is based
their readiness in using MOOCs
on required competencies that would
concerning Technology Access,
enable a student to pursue a course and
Competence, and Motivation
Table 4 indicates that 70.4 per cent tion constituted 18.2 per cent (n=29)
(n=112) of the pre-service teachers’ me- of the sample whereas, 11.3 per cent
dium of instruction was English, those (n=18) pre-service teachers were from
having Hindi as their medium of instruc- Urdu medium.
Table-4: Medium of Instruction of Pre-service Teachers
In the next section of the questionnaire, are not aware of MOOCs at all also
the pre-service teachers were asked constituted about 20 per cent of the
about their MOOCs awareness and their sample. The findings also reveal that
readiness in using MOOCs with respect only a few of them (11.3 per cent) were
to Technology Access, Competence and not only aware of MOOCs but they have
Motivation. used them as well i.e., participated in
one or more MOOCs.
MOOCs Awareness
Although MOOCs are in trend for the
Findings shown in Table 5 indicate that past few years, it was found that it is still
almost half of the pre-service teachers unknown to some students. However,
(49 per cent) were aware of MOOCs but being a future-teacher they need to be
they have not used them yet. Around aware of such platforms, and therefore,
20 per cent of the pre-service teachers knowledge about MOOCs needs to be
reported that they do not know about provided at both levels i.e., Pre-service
MOOCs but they have heard people Teacher Education as well as In-service
talking about them and those who Teacher Education.
Table-5: MOOC Awareness
S. Statement SA A UD D SD Mean
1 I have the basic 82 61 10 5 1 4.37
skills to operate (51.6%) (38.4%) (6.3) (3.1%) (0.6)
a computer (e.g.
saving files, creating
folders, etc)
2 I have the basic skills 67 67 13 12 0 4.18
for finding my way (42.1%) (42.1%) (8.2%) (7.5%)
around the internet
(e.g. using search
engines like Firefox,
Safari, Internet
Explorer, etc)
3 I think that I would 39 66 38 14 2 3.79
be comfortable (24.5%) (41.5%) (23.9%) (8.8%) (1.3%)
using a computer
several hours per
week to participate
in course
S. Statement SA A UD D SD Mean
1 In case my query 24 78 40 15 2 3.67
is not answered I (15.1%) (49.1%) (25.2%) (9.4%) (1.3%)
think I would remain
2 I think that I would be 39 81 23 15 1 3.89
able to complete my (24.5%) (50.9%) (14.5%) (9.4%) (0.6%)
work even when there
are online distractions
(e.g. friends sending
messages on
social media, game
notifications, etc)
3 I think that I would be 30 68 34 27 0 3.63
able to complete my (18.9%) (42.8%) (21.4%) (17%)
work even when there
are distractions in my
home (e.g. television,
children, etc)
4 I would describe myself 46 87 24 2 0 4.11
as self-motivated (28.9%) (54.7%) (15.1%) (1.3%)
Many pre-service teachers reported that even when there are online distractions
they would remain motivated, in case like, friends sending messages on
their query is not answered (M=3.67) but social media, game notifications, etc.
a relatively low mean on this statement (Strongly agree: 24.5 per cent; Agree:
indicates that if participants’ queries 50.9 per cent) whereas, the number of
are not resolved on the priority they pre-service teachers who disagree with
may lose their motivation to participate this statement is quite less (Disagree:
actively and continue with the course till 9.4 per cent; Strongly Disagree: 0.6 per
its completion. cent). Some of the pre-service teachers
reported that they are not sure about
Since the participants are not in a this (Undecided: 14.5 per cent).
formal set-up (brick and mortar setting),
the chances of getting distracted Many pre-service teachers agreed that
while learning online could become a they would be able to complete their
hindrance and they may find themselves work even when there are distractions
a little less motivated to continue working in their home like television, children,
at the same pace. The majority of the etc. (Strongly agree: 18.9 per cent,
pre-service teachers agreed that they Agree: 42.8 per cent). Those pre-service
would be able to complete their work teachers who either disagree (Disagree:
Findings revealed that more than half also reported that they would prefer 50
of the pre-service teachers (54 per cent) per cent of their course to be conducted
indicated that if their university plans to in face-to-face mode and 50 per cent
implement MOOCs, they would prefer through online mode.
more than 50 per cent of their courses
to be conducted in face-to-face mode. The pre-service teachers were asked
However, only 20 per cent of them to indicate their preferences for the
indicated that they would prefer more teaching content format to be made
than 50 per cent of their course to be available online if their university plans
conducted online. Some of the pre- to implement MOOCs. The findings are
service teachers (around 12 per cent) shown in Table 14 given below.
Q. What are the challenges you face while using Frequency Percentage
MOOCs or what are the barriers that restrict (n) (%)
you to take up MOOCs?
(You may choose more than one option)
1. Lack of infrastructure 35 22%
2. Lack of technological skills 34 21.3%
3. Short attention span 29 18.2%
4. Problems with website 52 32.7%
5. Lack of interaction 31 19.4%
6. Lack of instant feedback 36 22.6%
7. Lack of instructor presence 20 12.5%
8. Lack of support 11 6.9%
9. Lack of motivation 21 13.2%
10. Time constraints 33 20.7
11. Technological problems 69 43.3%
12. Medium of instruction 13 8.1%
13. Too much strain on eyes 1 0.6%
14. Instructor’s lack of certain skills and 1 0.6%
15. Sometimes the cost of the certificate is too high 1 0.6%
and to remain motivated one would need a
certificate that would help in future also
The findings revealed that most of the skills” (21.3 per cent), “time constraints”
pre-service teachers (43.3 per cent) face (20.7 per cent), “lack of interaction” (19.4
“technological problems”. Some of the per cent), “short attention span” (18.2
major issues they face, as reported by per cent), “lack of motivation” (13.2
them, are: “problems with the website” per cent), “lack of instructor presence”
(32.7 per cent), “lack of instant feedback” (12.5 per cent), “medium of instruction”
(22.6 per cent), “lack of infrastructure” (8.1 per cent) and “lack of support” (6.9
(22 per cent), “lack of technological per cent). Other issues that the pre-
Carey, K. (2012). Into the future with MOOCs. Chronicle of Higher Education, 59(2), 29.
Chan, Y. F., Alias, N. F., Narasuman, S., & Abd Razak, A. (2019). Technology Access and Support
System for MOOCs in the Higher Education: A Case Study. International Journal of Education,
Psychology and Counseling, 4(30), 139–153.
Embi, M. A. (2014). MOOC Readiness Questionnaire. National Higher Education Strategic Plan
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Kpolovie, P. J. & Iderima, E. C. (2016). Learners’ readiness for xMOOCs: Inequity in Nigeria.
Academic Planning, Research and Control Unit; Vice- Chancellor’s Office, University of Port
Harcourt; Nigeria. 4(3), 16–46.
Fadzil, M., Latif, L. A., Kassim, Z. A., & Subramaniam, T. T. (2016). MOOCs Readiness among
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directed: Perceptions of motivation, success, and completion. Online Learning Journal, 21(2).
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Nath, S. (2019). MOOC in Indian School Education Scenario : A Study towards Understanding
the Preparedness In Terms Of Awareness among Teachers of Indian Schools. International
Journal of Innovative Studies in Sociology and Humanities (IJISSH), 75-80.
Shah, D. (2020). SWAYAM + NPTEL Courses Full List. Class-Central. Retrieved from https://
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International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning MOOCs Readiness The
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Thakur, R. K. (2018). A Review on Indian Scenario for MOOCs , Open Online Courses &
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The following are the main objectives of 8. What is the pre-service teachers’
the study. familiarity with different augmented
reality applications?
1. To find out the pre-service teachers’
level of perception towards 9. What is the pre-service teachers’
augmented reality applications in opinion of the purpose of using
science learning. augmented reality applications in
science learning?
2. To assess the familiarity of
augmented reality applications in 10. What are the pre-service teachers’
science learning among pre-service opinions on the effective use of
teachers. augmented reality applications in
science learning?
Purpose and Research Questions
11. What are the pre-service teachers’
This study intends to determine the perceptions of augmented reality
pre-service teachers’ level of perception applications in science learning?
towards augmented reality applications
in science learning. The following 12. What is the pre-service teachers’
research questions were developed level of perception towards
based on fulfilling the needs of the augmented reality applications in
objective of the study. science learning?
The study intended to determine the In the present study, the investigator
pre-service teachers’ level of perception employed Cronbach’s Alpha and split-
of augmented reality applications half method to establish the reliability
in science learning. Therefore, the of the tools. The Cronbach’s alpha value
present study was conducted using the obtained is 0.977, which indicates a
normative survey method. high level of internal consistency of
the tool. Therefore, the tool is reliable.
Population of the Study The investigator employed a split-
half method to establish the ‘γ’ value
In this study, the target population will
of the tools. Then the reliability of the
be the pre-service teachers who are
tools was estimated by the Spearman-
studying the science stream irrespective
Brown formula. The Spearman-Brown
of the nature of management and
Coefficient value of the tool is 0.948.
universities but located in the Alappuzha
Thus, the reliability of the tools was
and Kasaragod districts, Kerala. For this
study, 181 samples were collected using
a random sampling technique. Validity of the Tool
Tool for the Study The content validity is established by
consulting the experts and construct
The investigator developed a rating
validity through factor analysis.
scale for finding the pre-service
teachers’ perception of augmented Statistical Techniques Used
reality applications in science learning.
The tool was prepared after referring The investigator used frequency and
to so many reviews of related studies. percentage analysis to describe the
The researcher discussed fixing her data. SPSS Statistics Version 25 was
final tool with the supervisor, senior used for analyzing the collected data.
students, and Ph.D. scholars. Format
and language, the wording of items Analysis of Data
used by the researcher were simple,
Reporting of the findings is organized
and the respondent could easily follow
according to the research questions.
these items. The investigator used a
self-made tool entitled “Perception Research Question 1
of Augmented Reality Applications in
Science Learning Rating Scale (PARA- What is the level of pre-service teachers’
SLRS)”. The researcher standardized the computer skills?
tool with the help of the supervisor.
Table-1: Analysis of the sample in terms of rating the level of skills with
The above table (Table 3) presents the augmented reality applications in sci-
sample distribution regarding their ence learning. It may result from a lack
familiarity with augmented reality ap- of proper training for the pre-service
plications in science learning. As seen teachers in augmented reality applica-
from the table, 49.2 per cent of the tions in science learning.
samples are familiar with augmented
reality applications in science learning, Research Question 4
and 50.8 per cent responded that they
What is pre-service teachers’ exposure
are not familiar with augmented real-
level towards augmented reality
ity applications in science learning. It
applications in the classroom through
is clear from the table that half of the
their teachers’ usage?
study samples are not familiar with
The above table (Table 4.) presents not made familiar with augmented
the sample distribution regarding the reality applications by their teachers. It
teacher’s use of AR applications in the may be due to teacher educators’ lack
classroom. As seen from the table, 24.9 of awareness about augmented reality
per cent of the sample responded that applications.
their teachers use augmented reality
applications in their class, and 75.1 per Research Question 5
cent responded that their teachers do
What is the experience level of using
not use augmented reality applications
augmented reality applications in
in their class. The majority [75.1 per
science learning during internship
cent] of the pre-service teachers are
among the pre-service teachers?
The above table (Table 5.) presents a augmented reality applications, only
distribution sample regarding their 18.8 per cent use AR in their internship,
experience using augmented reality indicating they are not confident in
applications in science learning during using it. It may result from not properly
their internship. As seen from the training pre-service teachers about the
table, 18.8 per cent of the sample effective integration of AR applications
used augmented reality applications in in science lesson plans.
science learning during their internship,
and the majority of the samples, 81.2 Research Question 6
per cent, have not used augmented
What is the level of the pre-service
reality applications in their internship.
teachers in terms of their familiarity
Even though 49.2 per cent [Table 3] of
with AR textbooks?
pre-service teachers are familiar with
Table-6: Analysis of the sample regarding rating the level of their familiarity
of AR textbooks
No 159 87.8
Table-7: Analysis of the sample regarding rating the level of their familiarity
of AR tools
The above table (Table 7) presents the teachers are familiar with augmented
sample distribution in terms of their reality applications, they are unaware of
familiarity with AR tools. As seen from various other aspects of AR applications
the table, 15.5 per cent are familiar with in science learning due to a lack of
head-mounted displays, 12.7 per cent proper training given to pre-service
are familiar with handheld displays, teachers about augmented reality
11.6 per cent are familiar with spatial applications.
displays, 2.8 per cent is familiar with
pinch gloves, 14.4 per cent are familiar Research Question 8
with other AR tools, and remaining 59.1
What is the pre-service teachers’
per cent are not familiar with any of
familiarity with different augmented
these AR tools. It specifies that although
reality applications?
49.2 per cent [Table 3] of pre-service
Table-8: Analysis of the sample regarding the level of their familiarity of
different AR Apps
The above table (Table 8) presents the and only 2.8 per cent have advanced
sample distribution regarding their knowledge. It is seen from the table
familiarity with different augmented that the majority of the pre-service
reality applications. As seen from teachers are not familiar with specific
the table, 89 per cent have not augmented reality apps in science
used ARLOOPA, 8.8 per cent have learning. It indicates that pre-service
intermediate familiarity, and only 2.2 teachers’ knowledge about augmented
per cent have advanced knowledge. In reality applications in science learning is
the case of Assemblr EDU, 90.1 have not limited.
used it, 9.4 per cent have intermediate
familiarity, and only 0.6 per cent have Research Question 9
advanced knowledge. 70.7 per cent
What is the pre-service teachers’ opinion
have not used google expeditions, 26.0
of the purpose of using augmented
per cent have intermediate familiarity,
reality applications in science learning?
and only 3.3 per cent have advanced
knowledge. In the Autumn visualizer, The sample was asked to rate their
87.8 per cent have not been used, 11.0 opinion about the purpose of using
per cent had intermediate familiarity, augmented reality applications in
and only 1.1 per cent have advanced science learning. They were given the
knowledge. 86.2 per cent have not used following four statements and asked
AR VR molecules, 12.7 per cent have to rate them; multiple responses were
intermediate familiarity, and only 1.1 per allowed.
cent has advanced knowledge. 81.2 per
cent have not used Anatomy 4D, 13.8 1. Helps in understanding abstract
per cent have intermediate familiarity, concepts
and only 5.0 per cent have advanced
knowledge. In the case of Science AR, 2. In depth understanding of scientific
78.5 per cent have not used it, 16 per concepts
cent have intermediate familiarity,
3. Provides multi-sensory learning
and only 5.5 per cent have advanced
knowledge. In the case of Elements
4D, 82.3 per cent have not used it, 14.9 4. Promotes active learning
per cent have intermediate familiarity,
Table-9: Analysis of the sample regarding their opinion of purpose of using
AR Apps
The above table (Table 10) presents majority, 66.9 per cent, think that
the sample distribution in terms of using augmented reality applications
rating the level of their opinion about in science learning is effective because
the effective use of augmented reality interactive AR applications ensure
applications in science learning. 48.1 active student participation. It indicates
per cent of pre-service teachers believe that the pre-service teachers have
that the effective use of augmented strong opinions about using augmented
reality applications in science learning applications effectively in science
is because of selecting the appropriate learning.
AR applications. 62.4 per cent thinks
that the effective use of augmented Research Question 11
reality applications in science learning
What are the pre-service teachers’
is because of the successful integration
perceptions of augmented reality
of AR applications in the lesson. The
applications in science learning?
Statements SD DA N A SA
F (%) F (%) F (%) F (%) F (%)
I feel augmented reality 09(5.5) 13(7.2) 25(13.8) 49(27.1) 85(47.0)
applications make the science
class more interesting.
I feel AR applications help 04(2.2) 23(12.7) 15(8.3) 85(47) 54(29.8)
learners to understand abstract
science concepts better.
AR applications help in-depth 6(3.3) 11(6.1) 35(19.3) 73(40.3) 56(30.9)
understanding of scientific
I believe that the practical 10(5.5) 16(8.8) 19(10.5) 78(43.1) 58(32)
use of AR applications can
significantly change the science
learning process.
AR applications create a 9(5) 12(6.6) 23(12.7) 73(40.3) 64(35.4)
joyful learning experience for
I think AR applications bring 2(1.1) 23(12.7) 25(13.8) 79(43.6) 52(28.7)
significant change to science
I feel AR applications promote 3(1.7) 10(5.5) 49(27.1) 78(43.1) 41(22.7)
learner-centred learning
AR applications inculcate 7(3.9) 22(12.2) 29(16) 88(48.6) 35(19.3)
various science process skills.
I will use AR applications in the 11(6.1) 12(6.6) 29(16) 84(46.4) 45(24.9)
future of my science teaching
and learning
I believe AR application 9(5) 23(12.7) 41(22.7) 73(40.3) 35(19.3)
usage results in a high level
of achievement in science
I feel AR application usage 11(6.1) 12(6.6) 32(17.7) 84(46.4) 42(23.2)
creates a positive attitude
toward science learning.
I think AR applications reduce 17(9.4) 29(16) 42(23.2) 63(34.8) 30(16.6)
the scientific anxiety of
I believe AR applications can 13(7.2) 23(12.7) 58(32) 59(32.6) 28(15.5)
replace paper-based textbooks,
physical models, posters, and
printed manuals in future.
The above table (Table 11) presents the Among 181 pre-service teachers,
sample analysis regarding perception 43.1 per cent agreed, and 32 per cent
towards augmented reality applications strongly agreed that they believe that
in science learning. the effective usage of AR applications
AR 1: I feel augmented reality can make significant changes in the
applications make the science class science learning process. 8.8 per cent
disagree, and 5.5 per cent strongly
more interesting.
disagree with this statement.10.5 per
Among 181 pre-service teachers, 27.1 cent gave neutral responses.
per cent agreed, and 47 per cent strongly AR 5: AR applications create a joyful
agreed that they feel augmented reality learning experience for learners.
applications make the science class
more interesting. 7.2 per cent disagree, Among 181 pre-service teachers, 40.3
and 5 per cent strongly disagree with per cent agreed, and 35.4 per cent
this statement.13.8 per cent gave strongly agreed that they feel that AR
neutral responses. applications create a joyful learning
experience for the learners. 6.6 per
AR 2: I feel AR applications help learners
cent disagree, and 5.0 per cent strongly
to understand abstract science concepts
disagree with this statement.12.7 per
cent gave neutral responses.
Among 181 pre-service teachers, 47 per AR 6: I think AR applications bring
cent agreed, and 29.8 per cent strongly significant change to science learning.
agreed that they feel AR applications
help learners to understand abstract Among 181 pre-service teachers, 43.6
science concepts better. 12.7 per cent per cent agreed, and 28.7 per cent
disagree, and 2.2 per cent strongly strongly agreed that they feel that AR
disagree with this statement.8.3 per applications bring significant change to
cent gave neutral responses. science learning. 12.7 per cent disagree,
and 1.1 per cent strongly disagree
AR 3: AR applications help an in-depth
with this statement.13.8 per cent gave
understanding of scientific concepts.
neutral responses.
Among 181 pre-service teachers, 40.3 per AR 7: I feel AR applications promote
cent agreed, and 30.9 per cent strongly learner-centred learning
agreed that they feel AR applications
help an in-depth understanding Among 181 pre-service teachers, 43.1
of scientific concepts. 6.1 per cent per cent agreed, and 22.7 per cent
disagree, and 3.3 per cent strongly strongly agreed that they think that AR
disagree with this statement.19.3 per applications promote learner-centred
cent gave neutral responses. learning. 5.5 per cent disagree and 1.1
per cent strongly disagree with this
AR 4: I believe that the effective usage
statement.27.1 per cent gave neutral
of AR applications can make significant
changes in the science learning process
Among 181 pre-service teachers, 50.3 Among 181 pre-service teachers, 42 per
per cent agreed, and 17.7 per cent cent agreed, and 27.6 per cent strongly
strongly agreed that AR technology agreed that they feel AR applications
might help to teach students with provide a multi-sensory learning
different learning styles. 6.1 per cent experience.7.2 per cent disagree, and
disagree, and 3.9 per cent strongly 5.5 per cent strongly disagree with this
disagree with this statement. 22.1 per statement. 17.7 per cent gave neutral
cent gave neutral responses. responses.
AR 23: I feel AR applications increase
AR 19: I feel AR applications facilitate students’ attention span compared to
the integration of theory and practice. traditional methods.
Among 181 pre-service teachers, 53 per Among 181 pre-service teachers,
cent agreed and 16 per cent strongly 46.4 per cent agreed, and 20.4 per
agree that AR applications facilitate cent strongly agreed that they feel
the integration of theory and practice. AR applications increase students’
8.8 per cent disagree, and 3.9 per cent attention span compared to traditional
strongly disagree with this statement. methods .11.6 per cent disagree, and
18.2 per cent gave neutral responses 3.9 per cent strongly disagree with this
AR 20: AR applications help evaluate statement. 17.7 per cent gave neutral
the various aspects of the students, like responses.
creativity, critical thinking, etc. AR 24: AR applications increase student
engagement in the classroom.
Among 181 pre-service teachers, 42
per cent agreed, and 15.5 per cent Among 181 pre-service teachers,
strongly agreed that AR applications 35.9 per cent agreed, and 26.5 per
help evaluate the various aspects of cent strongly agreed that they feel
the students, like creativity, critical AR applications increase student
thinking, etc. 11 per cent disagree and engagement in the classroom. 9.4 per
3.9 per cent strongly disagree with this cent disagree, and 4.4 per cent strongly
statement. 27.6 per cent gave neutral disagree with this statement. 23.8 per
responses. cent gave neutral responses.
AR 21: AR applications help to identify AR 25: I believe AR applications increase
the effectiveness of class in the context long-term memory retention of scientific
of students’ perception, engagement, concepts.
This study gained more insights into pre-service teachers have a high level of
pre-service teachers’ perceptions of perception towards augmented reality
augmented reality applications in applications in science learning due
science learning. More than half of the to the availability of smartphones and
sample (58.6 per cent) has moderate reliable internet service.
level perception, but there are, however,
still 34.3 per cent of Pre-service teachers Recommendations for Future
who have a low level of perception. This Research
can be due to several factors; even
though AR applications have been • Future research must focus on pre-
popular worldwide for the last couple service and in-service teachers in
of years, it has not been popular in special education, as augmented
India. It may also be because students reality applications would
do not have access to smartphones and enormously help in the teaching-
reliable internet services. learning process of special children.
The teachers should know how to
In the beginning, operating AR integrate various augmented reality
applications required additional applications successfully according
equipment like various AR tools. In India, to the needs of the children.
even though smart classrooms are
gaining popularity, the availability of AR • In the future, the perception of
tools is negligible. Furthermore, the lack teacher educators to augmented
of awareness among teacher educators reality applications in science
also adds to the low perception among learning can be studied.
the pre-service teachers. 7.2 per cent of
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The purpose of this study is to examine the Digital Competence among the school
teachers in Nagaland State with reference to the type of management, work experience,
and subject taught. A total of 400 teachers participated in the study. The sampling
method of study is Multi-Stage Random Sampling Method. The Digital Competence Scale
for Teachers (DCST) was used as a data collection tool in the study. The study revealed
that private school teachers have higher digital competence. The study also revealed
a significant difference among the school teachers about work experience, the school
teachers having less than 2 years were found to have higher Digital Competence than
those teachers having more years of work experience. With regard to the results of the
subject taught, it is evident that there seems to be no significant difference among the
school teachers teaching different subjects.
From Table-1 overall data shows the private school teachers towards digital
mean score of digital competence of competence scores” is not accepted.
government teachers is 187.98 and Thus the result revealed that the private
the mean score of private teachers is school teachers have higher digital
204.92. This indicates the difference of competence than the school teachers
mean score of 16.94 which is in favour working in government schools. The
of private school teachers and shows probable reason may be that in private
that private school teachers have higher schools the teachers performance is
digital competence than private school being monitored as a result private
teachers. school teachers are updated with
modern teaching methods which is
Again a result from the above table lacking in government schools.
shows the observed t-value is 6.256 is
higher than the table value (1.96) with Digital Competence and Work
398 df at 0.05 level of significance. Experience:
It indicates that there is a significant
difference in digital competence with The Secondary School teachers were
respect to government and private classified as having Work Experience,
school teachers. The stated null Less than 2 Years, 2 Years to 5 Years, 6
hypothesis, “there is no significant Years to 10 Years, 11 Years and above,
difference between government and and the results are given in table- 2.
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Shankaraghatta, Karnataka
Email- avisheksuman23@gmail.com
Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Kuvempu University,
Shankaraghatta, Karnataka
The film is a medium that has the ability to bring change to society. Films, especially
regional films, influence the audience since they connect more with the local content.
The advancement in film production technology has not only improved the film-viewing
experience but also provided an opportunity to filmmakers to offer a variety of content.
This puts the filmmakers in a privileged position as they decide what the viewers will
consume although films may or may not represent reality. This study analyses the first
animation film of Meghalaya, U Syiem (2013) with representation theory as a framework
to understand the portrayal of male and female characters in the film. The study also
includes an interview with the film’s director to understand the process of developing
and creating characters in the film. The study aims to provide new perspectives to
viewers and learners in understanding various aspects of men’s and women’s roles in a
matrilineal society through the nuances of animation technology.
The two female characters not only The characters in the film can be seen
get less on-screen representation time wearing traditional and non-traditional
but also their roles are not central to dresses. The Khasi traditional dress
the story. The two female characters for women is Jainsem and for men
in the film play the roles of a mother is a dhoti with a turban and a jacket.
and Tirot Singh’s childhood friend. The Keeping in mind it is a period drama,
mother is portrayed stereotypically as the decision to go with the traditional
caring, self-sacrificing and dependent. dress is suitable for the film. However,
When Tirot Singh is young, his mother the difference is in their representation.
sends him away from her to learn, get The male lead character, his mother,
trained, and acquire skills to become a and his uncle can be seen wearing the
king so he can protect the people of the traditional dress which reflects the Khasi
village. Though the mother is very close culture and tradition. The traditional
to Tirot Singh, it is his uncle who makes dress worn by U Syiem signifies him as
decisions along with Tirot Singh. After the leader of the village and a king who
the return of Tirot Singh, there are very represents the Khasi tribe and stands
few scenes with the mother and when for his people. But, the childhood
she is present in the scene she is seen friend of U Syiem, wears Jainkyrshah
just as a spectator and not as a speaking throughout the film. Jainkyrshah is also
character. She has no role in the film to a traditional attire of the Khasi tribe. It
drive the plot or the story forward. The is one side shoulder drape cloth, more
other female character, Tirot’s friend like an apron, worn by Khasi women
is also portrayed as dependent and while doing chores at home or in public.
submissive. The film has two major Jainkyrshah symbolizes modesty and
scenes with her and in both scenes, respect and Khasi women wear it to
she is portrayed as dependent and protect themselves from the stains of
submissive. In both scenes, she can be cooking or other chores. In the film,
seen running away from danger in fear the childhood friend of U Syiem wears
and getting help from the male character Jainkyrshah which signifies two things.
to rescue herself from the situation. First, it means she is involved only in
The female characters are portrayed as domestic work at home which can be
dependent, submissive, caring, and self- seen in the first scene where she is
sacrificing. On the other hand, the male carrying a basket of fruits and heading
characters are portrayed as strong, to her home. Second, as Jainkyrshah is
independent, responsible, and brave. worn by women to protect themselves
For instance, when Tirot Singh leaves from stains, in the film it acts as a
the village for training, the mother tells symbolic tool that she wears to protect
him, “You have to promise me to be herself from the people around her.
strong, responsibility is in your hands In both scenes, she wears Jainkyrshah
now”. And when Tirot Singh returns, and runs away from danger to protect
the voice-over says “After a decade-long herself.
wait, he returned to his people, a man,
his stature strong, muscular, and bold Character design
ready to bear the burden bestowed
The main character in the film is U Syiem,
upon him. A brave leader to watch
his mother, uncle, childhood friend, and
over the welfare of his kingdom and
a British officer. As mentioned earlier in
his people. Such stereotyped images of
this paper, an interview was conducted
male and female characters can be seen
with the film’s director to understand
throughout the film.
the character design. The character
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The total respondents are 54 and 26 teaching experience, and only 7.4 per
are male, and 28 are female teachers of cent and 5.6 per cent of teachers are
different DIET from Himachal Pradesh. under the category of 11-20 and above
The maximum per cent (87 per cent) 21 years of experience, respectively.
of teachers have less than 10 years of
Table-3: Awareness Level of OER
From the table 4 above, It is evident the fact that there is no significant
that 37 per cent of instructors had low variation in the percentage.
awareness of IPR, compared to 29.6 per
cent who have moderate awareness Null hypothesis-1 “DIET teacher
and 33.3 who have high awareness. educators’ awareness of OER does not
The knowledge level of IPR among DIET differ significantly in relation to gender
instructors is, therefore, poor, despite and teaching experience.”
The above table:5 explored the ‘F’ Value teaching experience as follows:
and significant level related to OER
awareness among teacher Educators The Gender of respondents with respect
in relation to their Gender and teaching to OER awareness among teacher
experience. The above analysis shows educators related ‘F’ value is 0.00 with a
the value of significance between OER significant probability is .997. “The null
awareness among the Gender and hypothesis is accepted since it indicates
Awareness Awareness
of OER of IPR
Awareness of OER Pearson correlation 1 .157
Sig. (2-tailed) .257
N 54 54
Awareness of IPR Pearson correlation .157 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .257
N 54 54
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Education can be divided into several contexts: gender being the major one. The present
research study has been conducted against the backdrop of the Covid19 pandemic,
keeping in mind the intention to study the digital and educational divide on a gender
basis and also to find out the aftereffects of gender inequality in both teaching-learning
perspectives after returning to traditional classes. The sample consists of 400 students
and 40 teachers from the greater Guwahati area to attain their relevant information
by the use of a socio-demographic data sheet, a self-constructed questionnaire for
students, and an information schedule for teachers. The results revealed inequality
among the genders (among males and females) in the case of socio-demographic
background. Though in the initial days, slow speed was perceived among males and
females but males seemed to outperform females in matters of classroom instruction.
A less inquisitive attitude towards online learning among female students is assumed to
be the factor for such disparity.
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Participant Demographics Questionnaire
Instructions 7. Sources of income
• Only mother
Complete the following demographic
information. Please note that all • Only father
personal information will be kept • Both the parents
completely confidential, and none
• Other sources
of the responses you provide will be
connected to your name, email address, Student Questionnaire on Recent
or other identifying information. Trends in Online Learning
Socio-Demographic Datasheet
1. Gender
Thank you for participating in this
• Male questionnaire. Your valuable opinions
• Female and insights will contribute to our
understanding of the recent trends
2. Category in online learning. Please take a few
• General or Unreserved category minutes to answer the following
questions. All responses will remain
• OBC confidential and will be used for
• SC research purposes only.
• ST 1. How was your online experience
in learning during the covid-19
3. Domicile
• Urban
• Favourable
• Semi-urban
• Unfavourable
• Rural
• No opinion
4. Family type
2. How would you rate your
• Joint participation in the different online
• Nuclear platforms like Zoom, Google Meet,
Teachmint, etc?
5. Siblings • Favourable
• Yes • Unfavourable
• No • No opinion
6. Approximate monthly income 3. What was the status of the
• Above Rs. 50,000 accessibility standards (electricity,
internet facilities, geographical
• Rs. 25,000 – 50,000 concerns) during online classes?
• Rs. 15,000 – 25,000 • Favourable
• Below Rs. 15,000 • Unfavourable
“Mass media” refers to the forms of communication that reach a large audience.
Newspapers, radio, magazines, books, movies, advertisements, television, and the
Internet are examples of mass media. In today’s era of information age, the internet
stands out as an extraordinary technological innovation. This expansive global network
of interconnected computers, predominantly relying on wireless communication
systems, provides ubiquitous access to diverse forms of interactive communication,
overcoming the constraints of physical distance. It has improved every aspect of human
life, including how people work, communicate, conduct business, trade, study, teach,
and research. The study aims to explore how media is used and how the Internet affects
young people. Purposive sampling was used for the current study. The area of study
was Srinagar City, and most participants were students from various educational
institutions. The interview schedule method was used for the data collection. The study’s
participants comprised 100 respondents between the age group of 15 - 35. The results
demonstrate that the Internet has a positive impact, and young people frequently utilize
it for academic and educational purposes.
Findings and Discussion an hour and two hours, and 2 per cent
tune in for more than three hours.
The current study aims to explore and Additionally, this study shows that 42
analyze how the mass media, especially per cent of the female respondents
the internet, has affected young people listen to the radio. Out of these, 26
in Srinagar sociologically. The study per cent of respondents listen for less
shows that 84 per cent of males and 76 than an hour, 12 per cent listen for
per cent of females read newspapers. between one and two hours, and 4 per
Newspapers are readily available and cent listen for longer than three hours.
practical, according to the respondents. According to the respondents, radio
It provides news and information about is still a reliable medium for accessing
current affairs while allowing one to local music and news. According to the
appear more knowledgeable at social study, 60 per cent of females and 66
gatherings. According to the study, 58 per cent of males watch television for
per cent of female and 52 per cent of between one and four hours per day.
male respondents do not listen to radio. According to the respondents, television
Respondents mentioned the absence of is currently the best medium with the
radio sets at home as a factor for not greatest audience reach for advertisers,
listening to the radio. While 48 per cent introducing new products, and creating
of the male respondents listen to the new entertainment material. 100 per
radio, they connect their headphones, cent of males and females access the
which operate as an antenna, to their Internet. Respondents stated that they
mobile phones to access the radio. use the Internet extensively daily and
From the overall sample, 24 per cent of thus frequently utilize it for educational
the male respondents were classed as and academic purposes. According to the
radio listeners who tune in for less than study, 68 per cent of male respondents
an hour, 22 per cent tune in for between
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Email : gautamkumar.edu11@gmail.com
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, Teerthanker Mahaveer University,
Professor & Principal, Faculty of Education, Teerthanker Mahaveer University,
This study’s major goal was to conduct a meta-analysis of previous research on how well
the blended learning strategy affected students’ academic success. The samples for this
analysis were chosen by the researcher using the purposive sampling method. Keeping in
mind that Google search was used to get every study from 2015 to 2021. The researcher
chose 20 of these articles to examine how well a blended learning method affected the
student’s academic successes. The average effect size was established after quantitative
data was gathered from particular research publications and transformed into an
industry-standard scale, i.e., effect size, using Meta Essentials software. The average
impact size across all studies was determined to be 1.46. (large effect size). These results
allow us to conclude that blended learning approaches significantly improve students’
academic performance.
It is evident from looking at the effect by the lowest row (summary row) of
size forest plot that the scale of the ef- the Forest plot. Two gaps are present
fect size is marked on the x-axis at the around a midway in this Meta-analyti-
top of the plot. The Forest plot’s mid- cal result of Meta-essentials (line 21 in
point, except the bottom row, indicates graph 1). With a value of 1.46, this mid-
the effect size of a single research with point denotes the average impact size,
a fidelity interval of 95 per cent. The also known as the combined effect size
outcome of the meta-analysis is shown or the weighted average effect size.
Z-value 5.62
One-tailed p-value 0.000
Two-tailed p-value 0.000
It is clear from Table 4 that the two- they need to explore the subject at
tailed significant value of 0.000 at the their own speed. Kids are inherently
0.05 significance level and the z-value active, and when learning through
of the mean impact size are both blended learning, the child stays active
zero. This number is significant at the and employs the majority of his or her
0.05 significance level because it is senses, which facilitates learning. One
less than 0.05. This makes it possible of the reasons for this analytical volume
to reject the null hypothesis that the is also due to the involvement of young
blended learning approach has no people. Additionally, the blended
discernible effect on students’ academic learning approach’s concept, which
achievement. Therefore, it may be considers both the role of the student
argued that the blended learning and the teacher as a helper, is used in
strategy significantly affects students’ the classroom to construct learner-
academic advancement. centered learning systems and learning
efficiently in learning ecosystems where
Research Conclusion and the learner is in the lead role. The
Interpretation outcomes of this analysis may even be
attributable to this in a substantial way.
The purpose of the current study
was to undertake a meta-analytical Educational Implications
investigation of previous research
on the impact of blended learning The following are the educational
on students’ academic progress. consequences of this analysis work:
The investigator discovered, after
examining the quantitative data, that For policymakers
the learners’ educational success is
According to the study’s findings,
significantly impacted by the blended
students improve their tutorial
learning technique. In their many meta-
performance by demonstrating
analytical studies, these researchers
information-supported curiosity, self-
also discovered that innovative and
discipline, and individual variety in a
student-centered teaching strategies
highly stimulating learning environment
have a positive and pregnant influence
produced in their classrooms with the
on students’ academic achievement at
use of a blended learning strategy. In
various levels and that these strategies’
light of those findings, this study can
effects are also very large. The main
provide a platform for increasing the
factor influencing the scope of the
knowledge of academic policymakers
current investigation is the organized
and disciplines, enabling them to
and uncomplicated way in which the
create curricula that are supported by
subject matter selected for instruction
integrating learning principles while
using a mixed learning strategy was
creating curricula for diverse courses.
presented while taking into account
the learners’ age, interest, attitude, and For lecturers
individual differences. Every learner
is provided the opportunity and space The findings of the present study
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Meghalaya (USTM)
The use of ICT in Secondary schools is a recent dimension. The utilization of ICT has
changed the total scenario of the education system. The attitude of teachers plays a
vital role in the utilization of ICT in schools and the teaching process as a whole. The
present study tries to investigate the attitude of teachers towards the utilization of ICT
in secondary schools of Kamrup district Assam. This study is designed to find out the
attitude of secondary school teachers in relation to their ages, gender and working area,
i/e. urban or rural. A descriptive survey method has been adopted by the researcher for
the study. In order to collect the primary data about the attitude of teachers, an attitude
scale was developed by the researcher using Likert 5-point scale and it was standardized
by following proper standard procedure. The population of the study was comprised of
3329 secondary school teachers teaching in govt provincialized secondary schools, and
the sample of the study was 400 teachers, which is above 10 per cent. The study found
various attitude levels among male/female, rural/urban, and junior/senior teachers
towards the utilization of ICT in teaching in secondary schools of Kamrup district of
c. 82.2 per cent of teachers are found The locational information about the
to be Graduates, 32.9 per cent are teacher is given in Table 2.
Rural Urban
Range of Z Attitudinal
Scores Level No. of No. of
% %
Respondents Respondents
Most 2 1.0
+2. 68 & above 5 2.5
+1.38 to +2.67 Favourable 80 40.0 111 55.5
Somewhat 79 39.5
-0.05 to +1.37 101 50.5
-1.37 to -0.06 Unfavourable 12 6.0 7 3.5
Most 1 0.5
-1.38 & below 2 1.0
200 200
It is found that only 2.5 per cent favourable attitudes (shown in Table 4).
teachers from rural area and 1 per cent Only 3.5 per cent from rural areas and
of the teachers from urban area have 9.5 per cent of the teachers from urban
most favourable attitude towards the areas have unfavourable attitudes, and
utilization of ICT. 38.5 per cent from rural 0.5 per cent from rural areas and 1 per
areas and 55.5 per cent of the teachers cent of the teachers from urban areas
from urban areas have favourable have the most unfavourable attitudes
attitudes, and 48.5 per cent from rural towards the utilization of ICT. The table
areas and 39.5 per cent of the teachers depicts the attitudinal Level of rural and
from urban areas have somewhat urban teachers shown in Fig. 1.
Female Male
Range of Z Attitudinal
Scores Level No. of No. of
% %
Respondents Respondents
Most 3 1.48
+2. 68 & above 4 2.03
+1.38 to +2.67 Favourable 139 70.55 70 34.48
Somewhat 106 52.21
-0.05 to +1.37 49 24.87
-1.37 to -0.06 Unfavourable 4 2.03 22 10.83
Most 2 0.98
-1.38 & below 1 0.51
197 203
In the present study the teachers who teachers and around 53.2 per cent of
fall in between 20 to 39 years are the junior teachers have somewhat
considered as junior and in between favourable attitude. Nearly 8 per cent
40 to 60 years is senior teacher. more of the senior teachers and around 6
than 2 per cent of the senior teachers per cent of the junior teachers have an
and around 1.5 per cent of the junior unfavourable attitude, and 0.6 per cent
teachers have the most favourable of the senior teachers and around 0.9
attitude towards the utilization of ICT; per cent of the junior teachers have
near about 30.5 per cent of the senior most unfavourable attitude towards the
teachers and around 39.6 per cent of utilization of ICT. Graphically it is shown
the junior teachers have a favourable in Fig 3.
attitude; and 58.6 per cent of the senior
Figure-3: Attitudinal Level of Senior and junior teachers
The calculated value of 0.501 is less than attitude of male and female teachers
the tabulated value of 1.96 at 0.05 level, towards the utilization of ICT in
the null hypothesis is accepted. Thus, secondary schools of Kamrup district.
it follows that there exists no significant
difference between the attitude of In order to justify this hypothesis,
urban and rural teachers towards the collected data are subjected to statistical
utilization of ICT in secondary schools. analysis to test the significance.
‘t-test is conducted with the available
Hypothesis (ii): H02: There is no information put forward in Table 8.
significant difference between the
Table-8: Attitude of male and female teachers towards the utilization of ICT
As the calculated value of 7.966 is greater the attitude of senior and junior
than the tabulated value of 2.58 at 0.01 teachers towards the utilization of
level, the null hypothesis is rejected. ICT in secondary schools of Kamrup
Thus, it follows that there is a significant district.
difference between the attitude of
male and female teachers towards the In order to justify this hypothesis,
utilization of ICT in secondary schools of collected data are subjected to statistical
Kamrup district. analysis to test the significance.
‘t-test is conducted with the available
Hypothesis (iii): H03: There is no information put forward in Table 9.
significant difference between
Table-9: Attitude of senior and junior teachers towards the utilization of ICT
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(This is for information only to the reviewer. Not a part of the paper)
Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women
Email- ananthigowrimuthupillai@gmail.com
Professor & Head, Department of Special Education
Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women
Coimbatore, TamilNadu
As we all know, Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an approach to teaching and
learning that gives all students an equal opportunity to succeed. The present study is
an experimental attempt to examine the significance of Universal Design for Learning
(UDL) principles in inclusive evaluation. To strengthen the difficulties faced by the
teachers in inclusive evaluation, the investigator adopted the purposive sampling
method in the study entitled “Technology Enabled Capacity Building for Teachers in
Inclusive Evaluation: UDL Best Practice.” This sampling technique can be effective in
exploring anthropological situations where the discovery of meaning can benefit from
an intuitive approach. Thirty-two participants of the research were chosen from Noida,
U.P government, and non-government schools. Out of these, 15 were male teachers
and 17 were female teachers who were made into two groups; the same participants
were divided by qualification; 15 teachers were qualified with undergraduate, and the
remaining 17 were post-graduate teachers. 16 teachers were employed in government
schools, and the other half of teachers (16) were working in non-government schools.
The independent variables of the study were teachers’ gender, qualification and school
of employment. A quasi-experimental design was adopted for the research; there was
no control group. The main aim of the study is to analyze the challenges of teachers
in the technology-incorporated evaluation process and build digital capacity with the
help of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles to create an equitable, inclusive
learning environment.
Table No: 4 portrays the mean score and non-government school teachers.
SD with t and p values of the teachers This shows that government school
scored in the pre-test and post-test by teachers have more opportunities
UDL-DE Tool. The government school for refresher and in-service training,
teachers’ pre-test score is 19.44 for non- whereas the opportunities are minimal
government school teachers 17.25 with for non-governmental school teachers.
3.73 SD. The post-test scores are 23.69 UDL-DET has a higher impact on
for government school teachers with government school teachers. Hence,
-3.46 t-value 21.62 for non-government the null hypothesis stated, “there is
school teachers with -3.32 t-value. Both no significance difference among
the t-values were significant at 0.05 the teacher’s capacity on inclusive
level. In both the pre-test and post-test evaluation in pre-test and post-test
phases, government school teachers according to school,” is rejected.
performed high while compared to
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The role of a teacher is regarded as one of the most demanding professions across
the globe. Providing appropriate training to the teacher workforce is imperative to
their physical, emotional, and mental well-being (UNESCO ICT Framework for Teachers,
2011). The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 recognizes the need for Continuous
Professional Development (CPD) of teachers on innovative pedagogies and digital
technologies, due to which there are several efforts taken up at the national and
international levels. During the pandemic, a sudden pressure on teachers and educators
to use technology for teaching-learning provided ample opportunity and enhanced the
scope of online training. There were a large number of online training planned and
executed by various organizations and individuals to build the digital competency of
teachers and educators. Several researchers have shown online training as an effective
strategy for creating awareness. In the context of India, where there is a dearth of digital
infrastructure and digital competencies among teachers and educators, it is essential to
study the impact of online training as a strategy for capacity building of stakeholders in
the use and integration of Educational Technology (ET) and Information Communication
Technology (ICT) for teaching and learning. This research article aims to address this
need by exploring the efficacy of online training as an alternative strategy for capacity
building in the use of ET and ICT in educational settings. Hence a series of online
training programs were conducted, and the response to such training was studied.
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on their interest and motivation, the number of enrolment in these training programs
reveals that there is a demand for online training for upscaling their competencies.
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some training was encouraging. The data also indicates that participants from only
50 per cent of the states/ UTs participated consistently. Also, the data shows that the
modality of communication and advocacy was found to play a crucial role in enhancing
participation. Results revealed that nearly 60 per cent of the participants were found to
achieve the expected performance in the post-training assessment. It may be interpreted
that the online training program is an effective strategy for large-scale capacity building
and enhances the overall scope for self-learning modalities. To reach out to a large
number of beneficiaries in a very short period without much financial or physical
constraint, online training of teachers and educators was found as a better strategy for
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Artificial Intelligence is shaping the world at a speed much faster than anticipated.
Machine learning models are extensively used in banking, e-commerce, healthcare,
weather forecasting, etc. ChatGPT is the latest entry in the bloc but the most engaging one
so far. The world is abuzz with concerns about AI/ML rendering people jobless. The who’s
who in the world of technology is warning of potential danger in the exponential growth
in learning capabilities of intelligent systems and the concerns related to privacy, ethics,
safety, and security. Educationists should also be equipped with the basic know-how of
AI and its related fields to have a considered opinion while adopting teaching-learning-
assessment. This article discusses the concept of Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED)
and introduces the branches of AI, such as Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks,
and Deep Learning, as well as their working with examples that educators can relate
with. The article also highlights some of the ethical concerns associated with AI.
In the real world, most data collected the input data are labelled while the
are unlabelled, meaning the output is others are not. The model is trained
unknown a priori. It is costly to manually with this small labelled data and then
level such data as it is time-consuming applied to unlabelled data. This process
and needs domain expertise. As the is repeated, and the model starts
name suggests, only a tiny portion of improving its output.
This functioning of the biological neural a major subfield called Artificial Neural
network has been inspiring computer Networks (ANN). The basic element
science researchers since the 1940s of ANN is also called a neuron or unit.
(Yadav & Kumar, 2015; Pitts, 1943). An artificial neural network is created
Attempts to write algorithms that by arranging the neurons and their
mimic the interconnected structure interconnections into layers called a)
of neurons in computer-based data the input layer, b) the output layer, and
processing have led to the creation of c) one or more hidden layers.
All neural networks must be trained Humans communicate with each other
with large datasets as they learn during in many ways - speaking, listening,
training and ultimately become capable writing (text, image, graphics), making
of producing near-accurate results. gestures, and using sign language.
Deep learning adds multiple hidden Communication between people
layers in the artificial neural network reading or writing in different languages
(LeCun & Hinton, 2015). These additional (natural languages) is difficult as one
layers in deep learning models make it may not know the other’s language.
possible for them to generate results The vast knowledge base available
with more accuracy than single-layer in the electronic or print format is
neural networks. But deep learning often created in the languages that
models require to be trained with large are most spoken. These are often not
datasets for hundreds of hours. Earlier, accessible to people who do not know
getting access to very large datasets those languages. It is a tedious and
and their storage took a lot of effort. expensive task to translate between
The processing of large datasets with languages manually. Digital computers
traditional computer processors wasn’t are binary machines that do not readily
easy either. However, with so many process natural languages. There
people using social media, doing online have been efforts to use computers to
shopping, and creating and sharing process natural languages. However,
content through the Internet means understanding natural language is not
the easy creation of enormous datasets easy for computers. This is because
quickly. This is one of the reasons why human languages are ambiguous and
deep learning is gaining popularity and have imprecise characteristics, such as:
• The meaning of a word can vary
The training phase of any deep learning depending on the context of use.
model is very resource intensive and • Use of different alphabets at
time-consuming in the case of massive different positions of a word to
datasets. The multiple layers in deep signify plurality.
learning models mean they require
more computing power. The availability • Pronunciation of two or more words
of cloud computing resources (compute can be the same, yet their spelling
and storage) and the emergence can be different.
of a new set of processors called • Slang words and other culture-
Graphics Processing Units (GPU) has specific words can have different
made it possible to develop and train meanings.
deep learning models. Compared to
The branch of AI that deals with
traditional CPUs, GPUs are cheaper,
communication between humans
faster, and capable of real parallel
and computers in natural languages
is called Natural Language Processing
Deep learning-based models are (NLP) (Eisenstein, 2018). NLP uses
extensively used in speech recognition AI techniques such as machine
(Siri, Alexa, Google Voice, etc.), computer learning and deep learning (called
vision (face detection, autonomous cars, Neural Machine Translation) to read,
robots), Natural language processing, understand, and make sense of human
fraud detection, image processing, etc. languages. Popular applications of NLP
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S.No. Reviewers
1 Prof. D.R. Goel
Retd. Professor, CIET, NCERT and MSU Baroda
2 Prof. Satish Kumar Yadav
Retd. Professor, Department of Teacher Education
National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi
3 Prof. Madhulika Patel
Retd. Professor, Department of Teacher Education
National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi
4 Prof. Hemant Lata Sharma
Retd. Head & Dean, Faculty of Education, Department of Education
M.D. University, Haryana
5 Dr. Chitra Sohani
Retd. Associate Professor, SNDT college of education, Pune
6 Prof. K. Srinivas
Head ICT & Project Management Unit, NIEPA , Sri Aurobindo Marg
New Delhi
7 Prof. Brinda Bazeley
Professor, Department of Education, North Eastern Hill University,
Shillong, Meghalaya
8 Prof. Nirod Kumar Dash
Professor, School of Education, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi
9 Prof. Manoj K. Saxena
Head & Dean (Education), Campus Director
Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamshala (HP)
10 Prof. Kaushal Kishore
Professor, Department of Educational Studies, Jamia Milia Islamia
New Delhi
11 Prof. Harjeet Kaur Bhatia
Professor, Department of Educational Studies, Faculty of Education,
Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
12 Prof. Asheesh Srivastava
Professor, Head & Dean
Department of Educational Studies, School of Education,
Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Motihari, East Champaran, Bihar
13 Prof. Ramesh Babu,
Regional Institute of Education, National Council of Educational
Research and Training, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
14 Prof. Laxmidhar Behera
Professor, Department of Education
Regional Institute of Education, National Council of Educational
Research and Training, Bhubaneswar, Odisha