Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Mauritian Water Bodies
Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Mauritian Water Bodies
Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Mauritian Water Bodies
Mechanical and Production Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mauritius, Reduit 80837,
Carbon steel is a commonly used metal in water applications in Mauritius. However, the corrosion resistance
of steels and effectiveness of corrosion prevention methods in Mauritian water bodies are unknown. This
study is performed to investigate the corrosion behavior of S235 carbon steel in the local tropical waters
using various corrosion monitoring techniques. Specimens of the metal are subjected to a simple laboratory
immersion test under ambient conditions according to ASTM G31. The coupons are immersed in three
distinctively different waters. Upon removal after specific time intervals over a 3-month period, the mass
loss, thickness loss and surface roughness are duly evaluated. Mass loss and thickness loss variation with
time of immersion are obtained in the form of the power law function. Regarding the surface roughness
parameters measured, it is observed that they change logarithmically with corrosion loss due to increasing
thickness of the rust layer. A general deterministic model in terms of Rp and Rq is successfully stemmed
using Genetic Programming to forecast the corrosion rate.
Keywords: Carbon steel; Marine Corrosion; Weight loss; Surface Roughness; Genetic Programming.
Corrosion has deleterious effects on metal structures in contact with water bodies, such as ships, submerged
pipelines, and steel pilings amongst others. The unchecked effects of this type of corrosion can come swiftly,
leading to severe and costly consequences of failure [1]. Effects of marine concentrated corrosion is causing
major difficulties in protection of steel piles in various ports [2, 3]. Another major concern regarding marine
corrosion phenomena is the degradation of metallic components in marine devices used to capture renewable
energy in the form of offshore wind and ocean wave energies [4]. In fact, it is estimated that the total cost of
marine corrosion worldwide is between USD 50 - 80 billion every year [5]. Marine corrosion studies have
been carried out extensively along the African coast, in the Mediterranean and in Bermuda, situated in the
North Atlantic Ocean [6, 7]. However, any research on marine corrosion for tropical regions, especially near
the Tropic of Capricorn, is scarce.
Mauritius is a small island in the Indian Ocean, having 1865 km2 land area, with 330 km of coastline.
The climatic conditions are characteristic of a typical tropical island. Previous research on corrosion in
Mauritius has been primarily focused on atmospheric corrosion and little or almost no attempt has been made
to investigate how steel corrodes in the local seawater and river water. In fact, this is not to be ignored given
that the island is gearing towards another economic sector – the Ocean Economy. The expansion of the port,
which is turning into a regional maritime hub, is one amongst the myriad of examples. Such projects require
sound use of metals, especially steel.
Relying on data from other countries may lead to overdesign or even under-design of steel structures,
due to improper allowances being applied, leading to serious failures. Mauritius, with its tropical climate,
may prove to exacerbate the marine corrosion problem. Additionally, it has been identified that
Proteobacteria are the predominant bacterial microorganisms found in the Mauritian seawater [8]. All
seawater environments have unique characteristics based on several parameters specific to the properties of
the water [9]. The latter can vary in terms of its chemical composition, oxygen content, temperature, salinity,
pH and biological activity. Bhandari et al. [10] reported that the pH of seawater or fresh water is due to the
carbon dioxide equilibrium with the atmosphere and the presence of ions such as hydrocarbonates,
Corresponding Author: Yashwantraj Seechurn Received on: 22/02/2020 Accepted on: 14/02/2022
SEECHURN, Y., LUV CHUTTOO. L.S. revista Matéria, v. 27, n.2, 2022.
carbonates and undissolved carbonic acid. All these parameters have an impact on the corrosion rate and
corrosion mechanism. Hence, corrosion behaviour of steel varies significantly based on location and given
that steel is heavily used in water applications in Mauritius, an understanding of its corrosion behaviour in the
Mauritian water bodies is imperative.
Although there is no formal categorization of the Mauritian coast, the adjoining sea zones can be broadly
classified, based on the inherent activities, as marine-touristic, marine-fishing/agricultural and marine-
industrial. Development of new industrial zones around the capital, Port Louis, and the mushrooming of
hotels along the coastline, have increased the risk of water contamination [11-13]. Given that metal traces
such as chromium, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium, lead have been identified in the industrial zone catchment
area, and nitrates and phosphates in the touristic/agricultural zone, their consequent impact on corrosion rate
is not to be ignored.
During the initial phase of seawater corrosion, immediately after the metal is first exposed, its surface
is populated by bacterial colonies, forming a biofilm in which anaerobic niches may form. This leads to the
formation of γ – FeOOH, which is a thin, flaky and poorly adherent rust layer [14]. As the time of immersion
progresses, a thicker layer, Fe3O4 starts to develop. This consequently reduces the rate of oxygen diffusion
from the water to the metal interface in a second stage of the corrosion process. The combination of these two
stages leads to an almost linear model. However, owing to reduced oxygen diffusion to the inner cathodic
sites in the Fe matrix, a reduced corrosion rate is eventually expected. The power function (Equation 1), also
known as the bi-logarithmic law, is widely used to predict the corrosion behavior in various metallic
materials even after long exposure times [15].
Where P is the mass loss, t is the time of exposure, A and n are constants
The value of n does not majorly affect first year corrosion but rather corrosion in successive years
where its contribution becomes increasingly essential. In fact, the value of n serves as a diagnostic tool to
indicate the nature of the relationship: linear (n = 1 or approaching 1), parabolic (n = 0.5), cubic (n = 0.33)
and so on. As a rule, n should always be less than 1. Values of n > 1 occur practically as exceptions, due to
outliers in weight loss determination [15]. Equation 1 is a mass-balance equation demonstrating that the
diffusion process is rate determining, and this rate varies according to the diffusive properties of the layer
separating the reactants [16].
The characteristics of the corrosion products on the surface of the metal would also have a direct
effect on the surface roughness of the metal. Surface topography offers vital information on the corrosion
behavior of materials in corrosive environments and can be explained by a myriad of parameters such as the
amplitude, motif, spacing and hybrid parameters. The amplitude parameters such as Ra (arithmetic average
height), Rq (root mean square roughness), Rz (ten-point height) and Rv (maximum depth of valleys), are
commonly used to gauge the extent of corrosion as a function of surface roughness [17]. Analysis of the
surface roughness of the corroded metal would consequently enable the quantification of corrosion rate. Very
few studies have been conducted where the surface roughness parameters are utilized as a tool to assess the
corrosion rate.
To model the amount of corrosion through variation in surface roughness, symbolic regression could
be used. The latter is a type of regression analysis that utilizes Evolutionary Algorithm to explore
mathematical expressions to find the model that best fits a given data set, both in terms of accuracy and
simplicity [18]. The process to solve complex problems by symbolic regression was developed by Koza [19],
who used Genetic Algorithm in so-called Genetic Programming. The latter has been meekly used in
corrosion studies. A notable study is that of Marref et al. [20], in which a preliminary universal atmospheric
corrosion model for steel was developed in MATLAB and later refined using the Eureqa Artificial
Intelligence software. Such a corrosivity model can enormously facilitate the task of selecting material,
protections systems and maintenance intervals.
In this study, a simple immersion test was used, which provide the finest, quickest and most cost-
effective method of screening, for providing accurate results which mimics natural surroundings. To forecast
the corrosion rate values for carbon steel structures submerged in any type of water body in Mauritius, the
changing surface roughness of the base metal was also studied.
SEECHURN, Y., LUV CHUTTOO. L.S. revista Matéria, v. 27, n.2, 2022.
km 0 5 10
Figure 1: Map of Mauritius showing the Seawater and River water sites.
S235 carbon structural steel plates, with composition shown in Table 1, were prepared according to
ASTM G1-03, ISO 8407, ASM Metals Handbooks and a methodology established by the National Institute
of Chemistry of New Zealand [22-25]. The coupons of size 90 x 40 x 1.8 mm were all sheared from the same
carbon steel sheet. The metal specimens were first cleaned with 10% w/v of sodium hydroxide for five
minutes to remove all inorganic and hydrophilic substances from the surface. The deposits were then
loosened through rinsing with distilled water before the metals were acid pickled for 60 minutes in 10% w/v
of hydrochloric acid. After rinsing the metals again in distilled water, the coupons were re-passivated in 10%
w/v sodium hydroxide. Finally, the metal coupons were hot-air dried.
By placing the metal coupons on a custom-made wooden mount, one side of the metal was wet-
polished manually and progressively using Silicon Carbide paper of grit sizes 320, 600, 800, 1200, 1500 and
2000. The metal coupons were then fine polished using diamond paste of 6 and 1 microns respectively, until
a mirror finish was obtained. After degreasing using acetone, the metals were stored in a desiccator prior to
A Simple Immersion Open Beaker test, as per ISO 11130, ASTM G31-72 and the works of Chuka et
al. [21, 26, 27], was devised as the coupons were fully immersed in triplicate batches in the waters from
Mont Choisy, Port Louis and Vacoas for a duration of almost three months. Chemically inert High Density
Polyethylene containers, having adequate water to satisfy the ―solution to specimen area ratio‖, were used.
SEECHURN, Y., LUV CHUTTOO. L.S. revista Matéria, v. 27, n.2, 2022.
The water was refreshed every 168 hours, and each successive set of specimens were removed after
consecutive 15, 30, 45, 55 and 83 days of exposure. All the containers were set up in a room at ambient
temperature, with no forced ventilation.
After each removal, the coupons were cleaned according to ASTM G1-03 [22]. The bulky corrosion
products were scraped off using a soft bristle brush around which lint-free cloth was tightly wrapped. The
coupons were then placed in a solution of hydrochloric acid (sp 1.19) and hexamethylenetetramine for 15 to
25 mins. Post cleaning, the specimens were cooled air dried prior to application of the various corrosion
assessment techniques. The specimens were weighed to three decimal places. A blank correction was equally
accounted for, and the corrosion rate and thickness loss were calculated using Equations 2 and 3.
( ) (3)
Where, CR is the Corrosion rate in mm yr-1, k is 8.76 x 104 (constant), ΔW is the weight loss in grams,
A is the exposed surface area in mm2, t is the time of exposure in years (yr) and ρ is the density in g mm-3.
Post surface preparation of the metal coupons and prior to immersion, measurements of specific
surface roughness parameters (Ra, Rq, Rp and Rv) were taken over 1 mm interval, covering the entire metal
surface. The Taylor Hobson Talysurf instrument, set in the positive X direction for a Run-Up length of 0.3
mm at a measurement speed of 0.5 mm/s, was used for this purpose. The same procedure was carried out
after each removal over the 83-day period.
Results from the mass loss technique and the surface roughness data were then Genetically
programmed on the Eureqa Pro beta version .84 Artificial Intelligence software to obtain a general corrosion
model, in simple parameters for the Mauritian water bodies. It incorporates the advanced island model for
parallelization and the Age-Fitness Pareto for selection as improvements to Genetic programming. The island
genetic algorithm model prevents premature convergence towards an equation.
Figure 2: Polished side of metal coupons immersed in Mont Choisy seawater (1 st Removal to 5th Removal from left to
SEECHURN, Y., LUV CHUTTOO. L.S. revista Matéria, v. 27, n.2, 2022.
Figure 3: Polished side of metal coupons immersed in Port-Louis seawater (1st Removal to 5th Removal from left to
Figure 4: Polished side of metal coupons immersed in Vacoas River water (1st Removal to 5th Removal from left to
Figure 5: Graph representing the average mass loss in grams of the immersed coupons over an 83-day period for the
three selected locations.
SEECHURN, Y., LUV CHUTTOO. L.S. revista Matéria, v. 27, n.2, 2022.
Figure 6: Graph representing thickness loss in µm of the immersed coupons over an 83-day period for the three selected
Figure 7: Graph representing corrosion rate in mm/yr. of the immersed against over an 83-day period for the three select-
ed locations.
Figure 8: Graph of Ra vs. Corrosion loss, representing change in surface topography, with Ra measured at 10 mm inter-
vals along the length and breadth of the metal coupon.
Figure 9: Graph of Rq vs. Corrosion loss, representing change in surface topography, with Rq measured at 10 mm inter-
vals along the length and breadth of the metal coupon.
As the time of immersion progresses, the surface becomes bumpier. Upon comparing the individual
logarithmic equations for Rp and Rv (Figure 10 and Figure 11), it was found that for the seawater sites (Mont
Choisy and Port Louis), the equations for Rv have significantly higher constants than the equations involving
Rp. This implies that more valleys than peaks are being formed.
SEECHURN, Y., LUV CHUTTOO. L.S. revista Matéria, v. 27, n.2, 2022.
Figure 10: Graph of Rp vs. Corrosion loss, representing change in surface topography, with Rp measured at 10 mm
intervals along the length and breadth of the metal coupon.
Figure 11: Graph of Rv vs. Corrosion loss, representing change in surface topography, with Rv measured at 10 mm
intervals along the length and breadth of the metal coupon.
( ) (4)
SEECHURN, Y., LUV CHUTTOO. L.S. revista Matéria, v. 27, n.2, 2022.
( )
A low salinity of 1.5 ppt could explain why the metal coupons immersed in the river water from Vacoas were
being consumed the most readily. Phull and Abdullahi [28] reported that DO content follows an inverse
relationship with salinity. A low salinity implies a high concentration of DO, which has a good correlation
with corrosion rate [27]. Hence, despite the waters of Port Louis and Mont Choisy being more concentrated
in chloride ions (Cl-), the mass loss and corrosion rate were lower because of their inferior DO content in
comparison to the river water. It should be noted that factors such as pH, presence of other electro active
species, the material of the electrode, etc. are also used to evaluate the corrosivity of a certain medium. In this
study of carbon steel, DO is the key factor. Moreover, the river water could be having a low Methyl Orange
(MO) alkalinity than usual, which infers towards a shallow concentration of carbonate ions in the water. This
could have inhibited the formation of a protective passivating calcium carbonate layer, subsequently fostering
the build-up of corrosion products. The river water was sourced from an industrial-agrarian region, which
indicate the presence of corrosion enhancing ions especially nitrates from agricultural leach off [29]. Nitrate
ions are thermodynamically strong oxidizers and have been documented to augment uniform corrosion rate
Unusually, the coupons immersed in the Port Louis seawater, which has a higher salinity and lower
DO content, recorded the second highest corrosion loss instead of those submerged in the Mont Choisy
seawater. This phenomenon could be explained by the presence of suspect ions in the Port Louis water. The
seawater sample was collected at 25 m from the harbor, which is also the discharge point of a canal
containing polluted water from all the neighboring regions. In contrast, sample of the Mont-Choisy seawater
was taken only a few meters from a sandy shore very far from pollution sources. Consequently, presence of
ions such as nitrates, bromides, or iodides in sufficiently high concentration in the Port-Louis water could
have increased the electron mobility and thus the rate of rusting of the metal plates immersed in the Port
Louis seawater.
A hypothesis set to find out whether the corrosion rate values of the coupons from the three sites
correspond to the known values of 0.17-1.06 mm/year for seawater, and 1.00 mm/year for freshwater [31-
33], proved that all lie within the accepted range at a P-value of less than 0.05 for a confidence interval of
95%. Furthermore, a two-tail two sample t-test at 95% confidence interval was used to compare the corrosion
rate values of the three sites. Statistical significance was obtained for the corrosion rate values between Mont
Choisy and Port Louis, and Mont Choisy and Vacoas. However, there was no statistical significance
between the values for coupons immersed in Port-Louis seawater and Vacoas river water. This could be
attributed to the regions from where the water was collected. The Port Louis seawater is replete with effluents
from the adjoining regions. The same could be said about Rivière du Rempart river with numerous rivulets
containing effluents and industrial wastes flowing through numerous residential and industrial regions.
Hence, similar ions from the various industrial wastes could be present in the seawater and river water,
contributing towards their almost similar corrosion rate.
The Ra and Rq values are highest for the coupons immersed in the river water. The elevated concentration of
DO content in the freshwater caused the immersed specimens to be corroded (and thus roughened) the most,
tailed by those dunked in the Mont Choisy seawater and eventually those in the Port Louis seawater. Given
that Ra is the arithmetic mean deviation of the assessed profile, this implies that the coupons submerged in
the Mont Choisy seawater had more prominent peaks or valleys than those from Port Louis. As corrosion
progresses, the surface becomes rougher with time of immersion and upon comparing the individual loga-
rithmic equations for Rp and Rv (Figures 10 and 11), it was found that Mont Choisy seawater produced the
deepest valleys, followed by that from Port Louis and eventually that from Vacoas. Carbon steel is also sub-
jected to pitting corrosion when immersed in seawater and this occurs instantly due to the absence of a pas-
sive film. The valleys could be associated to pits, which grow significantly deeper with higher pH level [29,
30, 34]. The latter causes oxygen to be adsorbed more readily at the anodic sites of the steel, subsequently
enhancing pit development [29]. Any pit formation on the plates immersed in the Vacoas water would there-
fore be less prominent due to its low pH. Additionally, both the seawaters have significantly higher chloride
concentration than the river water, which further compounds pitting formation and propagation. The Fe2+
matrix attracts Cl- ions present in the water causing the corrosion attack to proceed through the available
pores in the rust layer, thereby producing pits of increasing depth. However, the subsequent slow increase in
SEECHURN, Y., LUV CHUTTOO. L.S. revista Matéria, v. 27, n.2, 2022.
the various Rp and Rv values could be justified in terms of the slow pit growth owing to the ―competition‖
for cathode space within the Fe2+ matrix.
Eventually, Equation 5 was experimentally validated by immersing S235 carbon steel plates of the
same dimensions in seawater collected from another region (Pointe aux Biches). Water from this region is
characteristic of the typical seawater surrounding Mauritius and is known to have pH 8.14 and a salinity of
33.9 ppt [8]. The maximum difference between mass loss obtained from the model and the measured mass
loss was 3.6% with a standard deviation of 0.5810. This reinforces the validity of Equation 5 as a general
model to predict corrosion rate of carbon steel in all Mauritian water bodies.
Uniform corrosion was observed on all carbon steel specimens subjected to a three-month simple immersion
test in water sampled from three different sites in Mauritius (Mont-Choisy and Port-Louis seawaters and
Vacoas river water). The mass loss and thickness loss graphs follow the bi-logarithmic law with n
approaching 1. Low salinity and correspondingly high DO content accounted for the higher corrosion rate of
the plates immersed in the river water. All the surface roughness parameters (Ra, Rq, Rp and Rv) also follow
a logarithmic trend as time of immersion progresses. The thickness and porosity of the rust layer, which later
impact on the oxygen diffusion rate, could be attributed for this phenomenon. Genetic programming was
successfully applied using the Eureqa Artificial Intelligence software to obtain a generalized corrosion rate
model in terms of Rp and Rq for the entire Mauritian water bodies, which was then successfully validated
using seawater from another location. Thus, by simply using a portable roughness analyzer, a corrosion rate
can be obtained for any submerged carbon steel structure in Mauritius.
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SEECHURN, Y., LUV CHUTTOO. L.S. revista Matéria, v. 27, n.2, 2022.
Yashwantraj Seechurn
Luv Sharma Chuttoo