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User Manual Oracle Banking Digital Experience SMS Banking

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SMS and Missed Call Banking User Manual

Oracle Banking Digital Experience


Part No. F40800-01

May 2021
SMS and Missed Call Banking User Manual
May 2021

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Table of Contents

1. Preface .............................................................................................................................................. 1–1

1.1 Intended Audience ...................................................................................................................... 1–1

1.2 Documentation Accessibility ....................................................................................................... 1–1

1.3 Access to Oracle Support ........................................................................................................... 1–1

1.4 Structure ..................................................................................................................................... 1–1

1.5 Related Information Sources ...................................................................................................... 1–1

2. Transaction Host Integration Matrix .............................................................................................. 2–1

3. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 3–1

4. SMS Banking .................................................................................................................................... 4–1

4.1 SMS Banking Registration .......................................................................................................... 4–1

4.2 Account Balance Inquiry ............................................................................................................. 4–2

4.3 Account Statement Request ....................................................................................................... 4–3

4.4 Inquiry of last 5 transactions ....................................................................................................... 4–4

4.5 Request Cheque Book ............................................................................................................... 4–5

4.6 Stop Cheque Request ................................................................................................................ 4–6

4.7 Cheque Status Inquiry ................................................................................................................ 4–7

4.8 Deposit Inquiry ............................................................................................................................ 4–8

4.9 Help............................................................................................................................................. 4–9

4.10 Primary Account Inquiry ........................................................................................................... 4–10

4.11 Primary Account Update ........................................................................................................... 4–11

5. Missed Call Banking ........................................................................................................................ 5–1

5.1 Account Balance Inquiry ............................................................................................................. 5–2

5.2 Inquiry of Last 5 Transactions .................................................................................................... 5–3

5.3 Account Statement Request ....................................................................................................... 5–4

5.4 Primary Account Inquiry ............................................................................................................. 5–5


1. Preface
1.1 Intended Audience
This document is intended for the following audience:
 Customers
 Partners

1.2 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program
website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc .

1.3 Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information,
http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit
http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.

1.4 Structure
This manual is organized into the following categories:
Preface gives information on the intended audience. It also describes the overall structure of the
User Manual.
Introduction provides brief information on the overall functionality covered in the User Manual.
The subsequent chapters provide information on transactions covered in the User Manual.
Each transaction is explained in the following manner:
 Introduction to the transaction
 Screenshots of the transaction
 The images of screens used in this user manual are for illustrative purpose only, to provide
improved understanding of the functionality; actual screens that appear in the application may
vary based on selected browser, theme, and mobile devices.
 Procedure containing steps to complete the transaction- The mandatory and conditional fields
of the transaction are explained in the procedure. If a transaction contains multiple
procedures, each procedure is explained. If some functionality is present in many
transactions, this functionality is explained separately.

1.5 Related Information Sources

For more information on Oracle Banking Digital Experience Release, refer to the
following documents:
 Oracle Banking Digital Experience Licensing Guide
 Oracle Banking Digital Experience Installation Manuals

Transaction Host Integration Matrix

2. Transaction Host Integration Matrix


NH No Host Interface Required.

 Pre integrated Host interface available.

 Pre integrated Host interface not available.

Sr Transaction / Function Name Oracle FLEXCUBE Oracle FLEXCUBE

No Core Banking Universal Banking

1 SMS Banking Registration NH NH

2 Account Balance Inquiry  

3 Account Statement Request  

4 Last 5 Transactions Inquiry  

5 Request Cheque Book  

6 Stop Cheque Request  

7 Cheque Status Inquiry  

8 Deposit Inquiry  

9 Disable Account Access NH NH

10 Help NH NH

11 Primary Account Number Update NH NH

12 Primary Account Number Inquiry NH NH



3. Introduction
SMS and Missed call banking gives the account holder the control to manage his/her account.

The account holder has to register his mobile number with the bank to subscribe for SMS and
Missed Call Banking. SMS banking allows the account holder to perform non-financial transactions
and inquiries. Banks will define the syntax containing short code i.e. keywords and data attribute(s)
(if required) for each of the identified transactions for SMS banking support.

For Missed call banking, banks will define the contact numbers unique to transaction/events.
Through SMS banking, the customer can perform inquiries as well as non-financial transactions.

The following transactions are supported through SMS Banking

 SMS Banking Registration
 Account Balance Inquiry
 Account Statement Request
 Inquiry of last 5 transactions
 Request Cheque Book
 Stop Cheque Request
 Cheque Status Inquiry
 Deposit Inquiry
 Help to get list of supported banking requests
 Definition/Modification of Primary Account Number
 Inquiry of Primary Account Number

The following transactions are supported through Missed Call Banking:

 Account Balance Inquiry
 Account Statement Request
 Inquiry of last 5 transactions
 Primary Account Inquiry


SMS Banking

4. SMS Banking
4.1 SMS Banking Registration
You should be able register yourself for SMS Banking facility by sending a SMS in the specified
format as defined by the bank. If there is a PIN mandatorily required for registration, then it needs
to be defined as part of the message.

The response will contain the success message for SMS banking registration.

Note: You can also register for SMS Banking by logging into Internet Banking and defining the PIN

Sample Message Format


Sample Message Request

BNKREGN 5678 001210

SMS Banking

4.2 Account Balance Inquiry

You can inquire balance in the account by sending a SMS to the bank in a specified format for a
specific account. You can know the balance of accounts that are mapped to you.

The balance that is received as a response is the available balance in the specified account.

In case if the keyword specified by the customer or account details are not correct, an appropriate
error message will be sent as a response.

Sample Message Format

MBAL <PIN> <AccNumber>

Sample Message Request

MBAL 1234 AT30012100012

SMS Banking

4.3 Account Statement Request

You can raise a request for an Account Statement for CASA Account through SMS Banking. You
will need to specify the period i.e. From month and year and To month and year. The response will
contain the confirmation of request for Account Statement for CASA Account

In case if the keyword specified by the customer or account details are not correct, an appropriate
error message will be sent as a response.

Sample Message Format


Sample Message Request

BANKACST 5678 AT30012100012 2018-01 2018-04

SMS Banking

4.4 Inquiry of last 5 transactions

You can inquire the last five transactions in the account by sending a SMS to the bank in a specified
format for a specific account.

You can inquire the transactions only for those accounts that are mapped to the user. The
transactions received as a response will be the last five transactions in a specified account.

Sample Message Format

BNKTXNS <PIN> <AccNumber>

Sample Message Request

BNKTXNS 5678 AT30012100012

SMS Banking

4.5 Request Cheque Book

You can initiate a request for a new cheque book by sending a SMS to the bank in a specified
format for a specific account. A request will be taken by the bank to dispatch the cheque book.
Cheque book type along with no. of leaves will be defined as a configuration in the system and
basis that the cheque book will be dispatched

Sample Message Format


Sample Message Request

BNKCHRQ 5678 AT30012100012

SMS Banking

4.6 Stop Cheque Request

You can initiate a request to stop the cheque by sending the SMS to the bank in a specified format
for a specific account.

Sample Message Format


Sample Message Request

BNKSTCHRQ 5678 AT30012100012 00017

SMS Banking

4.7 Cheque Status Inquiry

You can inquire for status of the cheque issued by sending the SMS to the bank in a specified
format for a specific account & cheque number.

Sample Message Format


Sample Message Request

BNKCHINQ 5678 AT30012100012 000018

SMS Banking

4.8 Deposit Inquiry

You can inquire the deposit details by sending a SMS to the bank in a specified format for a specific
term deposit account.

The response will contain the Term Deposit Account Number, Deposit Amount, Current Balance,
Maturity Date.

Sample Message Format

BNKDPINQ <PIN> <AcctNumber>

Sample Message Request

BNKDPINQ 5678 AT30012100012

SMS Banking

4.9 Help
You can view keywords for supported functions by sending a Help text message. Response will
contain the formats for SMS Banking and the keywords for the transactions.

Sample Message Format


Sample Message Request


SMS Banking

4.10 Primary Account Inquiry

You can inquire for the defined primary account number by sending the SMS to the bank in a
specified format.

Sample Message Format


Sample Message Request


SMS Banking

4.11 Primary Account Update

You can define/modify the primary account number by sending a SMS to the bank in a defined
format. The response will contain the success message about modification of primary account

Sample Message Format

BNKPRACUP <PIN> <AcctNumber>

Sample Message Request

BNKPRACUP 5678 AT30012100012


Missed Call Banking

5. Missed Call Banking

Missed call banking allows the account holder to perform inquiries as well as request statement by
giving a missed call on a specified number. For Missed call banking, banks will define the contact
numbers unique to transaction or events.
Mobile number is unique to the user i.e. the same mobile number is not associated to multiple

Supported Transactions
 Account Balance Inquiry
 Inquiry of Last Five Transactions
 Account Statement Request
 Primary Account Inquiry

Missed Call Banking

5.1 Account Balance Inquiry

You can inquire balance in the account by giving a missed call to the bank on a specified mobile
phone number depending on the language in which you wish to receive information. You can know
the balance of accounts that are mapped to you.

The balance that is received as a response is the available balance in the specified account.


Missed Call Banking

5.2 Inquiry of Last 5 Transactions

You can inquire the last five transactions in the account by giving a missed call to the bank on a
specified mobile number depending on the language in which you wish to receive information.

The transactions received as a response will be the last five successful transactions in a specified


Missed Call Banking

5.3 Account Statement Request

You can raise a request for an Account Statement for CASA Account by giving a missed call on a
specified contact number. The response will contain the confirmation of request for Account
Statement for CASA Account.

Missed Call Banking

5.4 Primary Account Inquiry

You can inquire for the defined primary account number by giving a missed call to the bank on a
specified contact number.


Missed Call Banking


1. How do I register for SMS Banking?

You can send a SMS with the required keywords and data attributes defined by the bank to a
specified contact number. You need to send the SMS from your registered mobile number with
the bank. Alternatively you can login to Internet Banking and register for SMS Banking

2. Is it mandatory to have PIN in each of the request for SMS Banking?

It will depend on the template defined for event and locale combination. If PIN is required, then
user needs to define the PIN as part of registration process and subsequently send that as part
of the request.

3. Do I need to specify an account number as part of the request while sending SMS?

If you do not specify the account number, system will return response for the primary account
number if defined.

4. For which account does system return the response in case of Missed Call Banking?

System will always return the response for the primary account number (if defined) on receipt of
request through missed call banking

5. Am unable to receive information and getting an error, how do I find the correct

You might be getting an error due to keyword and/or account number not being valid or the
required data attributes not present. You can find the keywords by sending a help message
and system will return the set of business functions supported through SMS Banking along with
keywords for each of the transactions.

6. Should the user be on-boarded on channel platform for him/her to access SMS

Yes, the user needs to be on-boarded on OBDX with SMS Banking as a touch point enabled
to access SMS Banking.

7. The same mobile number is associated to multiple parties, which user/party will the
system provide information on receipt of SMS in case of SMS Banking?

For implementations, wherein same mobile number is associated to multiple users then as part
of template definition, the administrator should ensure that customer/party ID is included in the
input syntax so that the user can be resolved based on the customer ID and mobile number.

If customer ID is not defined in the input syntax as part of template or if the customer does not
send as part of the SMS, system will not return any response since there will be more than one
user having the same mobile number.

Missed Call Banking

8. Can I block channel access through SMS even if I have not registered for SMS

Yes, you can block channel access by sending a SMS from your registered mobile number
even without having registered for SMS Banking.



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