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Oracle Transportation

and Global Trade

Management Cloud
Geing Started Guide

Release 20A
Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud
Geing Started Guide

Release 20A

Part No. F25172-01

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Documentation Accessibility
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Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud
Geing Started Guide


Preface .................................................................................................................................. i

1 Geing Started 1
Seing Up Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud .......................................................................... 1
Access Requirements ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1
System Requirements .................................................................................................................................................................... 2

2 User Management 3
Application Administrator ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
User Roles ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
User Access ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Provisioning New Users ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Single Sign-On (SSO) .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Domains ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Account Policies .............................................................................................................................................................................. 6

3 Advanced Conguration 7
Conguration ................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud
Geing Started Guide
Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud Preface
Geing Started Guide

Oracle® Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud Geing Started Guide , Release 20A

Part No. F25172-01

The purpose of this document is to help you get started with implementing and using the Transportation and Global
Trade Management Cloud Services. More detailed documentation on particular topics is available in the form of
online help and documents. For more details on conguring/integrating with the Transportation and Global Trade
Management cloud service and other complementary services, please refer to the Transportation and Global Trade
Management Cloud Administration Guide.

Change History

Date Document Revision Summary of Changes

12/2019 -01 Initial release. Converted to HTML. Added nal

chapter to call aention to the content moved
to the Cloud Administration Guide.

Using Applications
Additional Resources
• Community: Use Oracle Cloud Customer Connect to get information from experts at Oracle, the partner
community, and other users.
• Guides and Videos: Go to the Oracle Help Center to nd guides and videos.
• Training: Take courses on Oracle Cloud from Oracle University.

The following table explains the text conventions used in this guide.

Convention Meaning

boldface Boldface type indicates user interface elements, navigation paths, or values you enter or select.

monospace Monospace type indicates le, folder, and directory names, code examples, commands, and URLs.

> Greater than symbol separates elements in a navigation path.


Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud Preface
Geing Started Guide

Contacting Oracle
Access to Oracle Support
Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For
information, visit My Oracle Support or visit Accessible Oracle Support if you are hearing impaired.

Comments and Suggestions

Please give us feedback about our help and guides! You can send an email to: otm-doc_us@oracle.com.

Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud Chapter 1
Geing Started Guide Geing Started

1 Geing Started

Seing Up Oracle Transportation and Global Trade

Management Cloud
This guide does not include all of the tasks that are required for a full implementation of the Oracle Transportation and
Global Trade Management Cloud oering. The guide describes how to perform the initial setup required for creating or
importing items.

To set up all of the options in the Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud oering and take
advantage of additional product management features, you will need to perform additional setup tasks that are not
covered in this guide. Information about additional setup is available from Oracle Transportation and Global Trade
Management Cloud help and in the guides. Help and guides are found at the Transportation and Global Trade Cloud
Library. Additional documents and help are found on My Oracle Support in Doc ID 796594.1.

Access Requirements
To get started with Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud implementation, you need access to the
Oracle Identity Manager (OIM) and the Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud application.

Before you begin, make sure you have the following information:

• URLs for Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud application and OIM. For example, the
URL for the Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud application is https://<servicename>-
<identity-domain-name>.otm. <data-center>.oraclecloud.com, where <servicename> and <identity-domain-name>
are the values that were specied during provisioning. If you do not know the URLs, contact the person who
installed the systems at your company. When the Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud
provisioning process completes, these URLs are shown on the summary page.
• The user name and password of the Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud super user.
For Oracle cloud application services, you specify the default user name of the Oracle Transportation and
Global Trade Management Cloud super user. For all other implementations, the default user name of the Oracle
Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud super user is DBA.ADMIN.

Note: HTTPS is required. If needed the port for SSL is 443 and it is not congurable.

Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud Chapter 1
Geing Started Guide Geing Started

System Requirements
Please refer to the System Requirements for Oracle Applications Cloud for the latest information on system
requirements, including web browser support.

Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud Chapter 2
Geing Started Guide User Management

2 User Management

Application Administrator
All Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud Services automatically provision one user referred to
as the Application Administrator. The Application Administrator has the responsibility of creating any additional users.
By default, the Application Administrator is associated with the “DBA.ADMIN” user within Transportation and Global
Trade Management Cloud. Certain application functions are restricted to users such as the Application Administrator,
which have the User Role “DBA.ADMIN”. It is strongly advised that you create at least one additional user that has the
“DBA.ADMIN” User Role in the event that the Application Administrator is not available.

It is important to note that the “DBA.ADMIN” user is a reserved user. This means that editing of this user, other than
changing the password, is prohibited. However, it is possible to change what user is associated with “DBA.ADMIN”.
When logged into Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud as the Application Administrator, you can edit
the “DBA.ADMIN” user and change the Username to a dierent email address. Note: This user must already exist in the
SSO (see Single Sign-On for more details). If you are unable to login as the Application Administrator, you will need to
open a Service Request to have the password reset or to change the Application Administrator.

If you do change the Application Administrator, it is important to note that you may also want to change the email
address associated with the following Properties.

• glog.workow.notify.advisor.email: Denes the sender for all emails from the system and the recipient of
workow notications.
• glog.odi.email.to.address: Denes recipient of TI/GTI data extraction errors.
• glog.properties.log.email.recipients: Denes recipients of Property Set changes.
See the “Property Set” section for more details on changing Properties or on-line Help for more details on these
properties. Also see Chapter 2 of the Cloud Administration Guide in the Notications Seings section for more details
about restrictions on what sender email addresses you can use in OTM/GTM.

User Roles
Every user must have a default user role. The user role controls data visibility via a virtual private database (VPD) and
functional security (Level) for that user.

After a user role is added to the system, you can assign it directly to a user or assign it to another role. If you assign
multiple roles, a user can switch between each role without logging out and logging back into the system. For example,
you may congure many user roles that provide domain level visibility into dierent sets of data for dierent companies.
Then, you can assign one or more of these roles to a user and the user could switch between the roles as needed
without logging in and out. You can also assign multiple roles to a master role and then assign the master role to a user
thereby providing that user with visibility in multiple domains of select data.

This page is accessed via Conguration and Administration > User Management > User Role. For more details see,
the “User Role” help topic.

Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud Chapter 2
Geing Started Guide User Management

User Access
With a web application, it is important to understand that menu options are NOT a form of security. Users can access
particular web pages by directly changing the URL, not just by clicking on the menu. Therefore, in order to truly restrict
access it is necessary to dene user access.

This page is accessed via Conguration and Administration > User Conguration > User Access. For more details
see the “User Access” help topic.

Provisioning New Users

Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud user accounts are provisioned from within the application.
When provisioning users, it is necessary to specify the domain created previously. By default, users created in one
domain will only have access to PUBLIC data and data dened in that domain. Usernames should not contain the word
“ADMIN” since these users are blocked from login.

The User manager is accessed via Conguration and Administration > User Management > User Manager. For more
details see the “Manage User” help topic.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

All Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud services are provisioned with Single Sign-On enabled.
The Single Sign-On capability is provided by the Oracle Public Cloud Identity Management service. In order to log
in to a service with Single Sign-On enabled, the user must exist in the Identity Management service and the Oracle
Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud service. Currently there is no automatic synchronization of user
between these systems. Users need to be provisioned manually in both services. The Identity Management service
provides a batch import capability. For more information on this topic, use the Help link provided on the User Creation
screen in the Identity Management service.

Provisioning a User in the Identity Management Service

The following instructions provide the steps needed to provision a new user in the Identity Management Service. For
details on provisioning the Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud user accounts, refer to the
“Provisioning New Users” section of this document.
1. Log into the Oracle Public Cloud My Services application using the URL, Identity Domain, and User Credentials
provided in your Welcome email.
2. Click the Users menu tab
3. Click the Add buon
4. Enter First Name, Last Name, and email address for the new user. Note: the email address must match the Nick
Name eld on the corresponding Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud User account.
5. Click the Add buon. (If you want this user to also have Cloud Portal and Identity Management Administration
rights, Click Advanced Role Selection and add all Available Roles to the Assigned Roles.) The new user will

Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud Chapter 2
Geing Started Guide User Management

receive an email containing their default password. They will be prompted to change the password on rst
When creating users in the SSO, it is not necessary to add any roles to the user. The only exception is Service
Administrators. Service Administrators should be granted roles in the SSO for Service Administration and Identity

It is important to note that Inbound Integration, Oracle Business Intelligence, and BIPublisher Reporting are not
currently congured to use Single Sign-On. These capabilities require the user to login with the password dened in
the Logistics User Manager. A user that is only used for Integration does not need to exist in the Identity Management

Users will be prompted via email to change their passwords in the SSO every 120 days. Failure to change the password
will cause the account to be locked. The Password Policy for Oracle Cloud SSO is subject to change, but the current rules
are as follows:

• Password must be at least 8 character(s) long.

• Password must contain at least 1 lowercase leer(s).
• Password must contain at least 1 numeric character(s).
• Password must contain at least 1 uppercase leer(s).
For more details on Oracle Public Cloud Identity Management, please refer to the following documentation:
Understanding Identity Concepts.

Federated Single Sign-On

The Oracle Public Cloud Identity Management service now supports Federated Single Sign-On (SSO). Federated SSO
provides the ability to propagate user authentication to an SSO system outside of the Oracle Public Cloud. For more
details on this topic, please refer to the following document in the Oracle Public Cloud Documentation.

• Congure Single Sign-On

• Administering Oracle Cloud Identity Management
• Tutorials

One of the rst steps is to create a domain. Domains allow you to keep databases separate and secure in a shared, web-
based environment. The Domain manager enables administrators to organize and manage the domain structure of
their installations.

There is considerable exibility in the domain structure; you can congure the application to the particular needs of
many types of organizations. Top-level domains and sub-domains, with a variety of access grants, are created and

You can use domains for dierent purposes, e.g. modeling business units within a company. At a minimum, a single
domain must be created to contain all customer specic data. Data should not be created in the PUBLIC domain unless
explicitly instructed to do so by Oracle product documentation.

Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud Chapter 2
Geing Started Guide User Management

Domains are created via Conguration and Administration > Domain Management > Add Domain. For more details,
see the “Add Domain” help topic.

All installations of Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud include several domains which are
intended to facilitate implementation. Each of these domains includes a Domain Administrator user. In the Oracle
Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud Service these users are disabled from interactive login. These
users include: E1.ADMIN, EBS.ADMIN, GUEST.ADMIN, SERVPROV.ADMIN. Every new domain created also creates a
Domain ADMIN user which is disabled from login. These users should not be removed from the system.

Account Policies
For proper security, users should be dened with an account policy. Account policies allow you to control user login and
password security aributes such as:

• User Password Expiration

• Lockout Aempts and Duration for Entering Incorrect Passwords
• Dormant Account Locking

Note: With Oracle Single Sign-on, most users do not need an Account Policy since the password in
Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud is not used for authentication. The exception to this
is Integration users and users that need to create/modify Reports or Analytic Dashboards. Integration and
the OBIEE/BIPublisher console applications still use Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud

Account policies are accessed via Conguration and Administration > User Management > Account Policy. For more
details, see the “Account Policy” help topic.

Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud Chapter 3
Geing Started Guide Advanced Conguration

3 Advanced Conguration

For more details on conguring/integrating with the Transportation and Global Trade Management cloud service and
other complementary services, please refer to the Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud Administration
Guide. Topics in the Cloud Administration Guide include, but are not limited to:

• Conguring the application

◦ Seing properties
◦ Using diagnostic tools

• Conguring Business Intelligence

• Complimentary products
• Integrating with Other Systems
• Data management

Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud Chapter 3
Geing Started Guide Advanced Conguration

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