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ISBN: 978-021-352-8
Vice-Chancellor’s Message
The Distance Learning Centre is building on a solid tradition of over two decades of service
in the provision of External Studies Programme and now Distance Learning Education in
Nigeria and beyond. The Distance Learning mode to which we are committed is providing
access to many deserving Nigerians in having access to higher education especially those who
by the nature of their engagement do not have the luxury of full time education. Recently, it is
contributing in no small measure to providing places for teeming Nigerian youths who for one
reason or the other could not get admission into the conventional universities.
These course materials have been written by writers specially trained in ODL course delivery.
The writers have made great efforts to provide up to date information, knowledge and skills in
the different disciplines and ensure that the materials are user-friendly.
In addition to provision of course materials in print and e-format, a lot of Information
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However, for you to take advantage of these formats, you will need to improve on your I.T.
skills and develop requisite distance learning Culture. It is well known that, for efficient and
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course materials is a sine qua non. So also, is the availability of multiple plat form for the
convenience of our students. It is in fulfilment of this, that series of course materials are being
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It is our hope that you will put these course materials to the best use.
In view of the above, we are vigorously pursuing as a matter of priority, the provision of
credible, learner-friendly and interactive course materials for all our courses. We
commissioned the authoring of, and review of course materials to teams of experts and their
outputs were subjected to rigorous peer review to ensure standard. The approach not only
emphasizes cognitive knowledge, but also skills and humane values which are at the core of
education, even in an ICT age.
The development of the materials which is on-going also had input from experienced editors
and illustrators who have ensured that they are accurate, current and learner-friendly. They are
specially written with distance learners in mind. This is very important because, distance
learning involves non-residential students who can often feel isolated from the community of
It is important to note that, for a distance learner to excel there is the need to source and read
relevant materials apart from this course material. Therefore, adequate supplementary reading
materials as well as other information sources are suggested in the course materials.
Apart from the responsibility for you to read this course material with others, you are also
advised to seek assistance from your course facilitators especially academic advisors during
your study even before the interactive session which is by design for revision. Your academic
advisors will assist you using convenient technology including Google Hang Out, You Tube,
Talk Fusion, etc. but you have to take advantage of these. It is also going to be of immense
advantage if you complete assignments as at when due so as to have necessary feedbacks as a
The implication of the above is that, a distance learner has a responsibility to develop
requisite distance learning culture which includes diligent and disciplined self-study, seeking
available administrative and academic support and acquisition of basic information
technology skills. This is why you are encouraged to develop your computer skills by availing
yourself the opportunity of training that the Centre’s provide and put these into use.
Contents iv
In conclusion, it is envisaged that the course materials would also be useful for the regular
students of tertiary institutions in Nigeria who are faced with a dearth of high quality
textbooks. We are therefore, delighted to present these titles to both our distance learning
students and the university’s regular students. We are confident that the materials will be an
invaluable resource to all.
We would like to thank all our authors, reviewers and production staff for the high quality of
Best wishes.
About this course manual 1
How this course manual is structured .................................................................................................................... 1
CourseOverview 3
Welcome to Mechanics and Properties of MatterPHY105: Is this Course for you ............................... 3
Study Session 1 5
Essential Mathematics I ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Terminology .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Essential Mathematics Functions ......................................................................................................... 5
1.1.1 TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................. 6
The sine function f(x) = sinx ................................................................................................. 6
The cosine function f(x) = cosx............................................................................................ 6
The tangent function f(x) = tanx ......................................................................................... 6
TRIGONOMETRIC TABLE ...................................................................................................... 7
1.1.2 LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................... 7
1.1.3 DERIVATIVES FUNCTIONS ..................................................................................................... 8
Study Session Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 10
Assessment ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Bibliography .................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Study Session 2 11
Essential Mathematics II ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Terminology ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Effects of Forces and their Reactions ......................................................................................... 11
2.1.1 Torque and Angular Momentum ...................................................................................... 11
2.1.2 Conservation of Angular Momentum .............................................................................. 13
Rolling Motion .......................................................................................................................... 13
2.1.3 Kinetic Energy of Rolling Object ....................................................................................... 14
2.1.4 Torque .......................................................................................................................................... 20
2.1.5Angular Momentum................................................................................................................. 21
2.1.6 Angular Momentum of Rotating Rigid Bodies............................................................. 25
2.1.7 Conservation of Angular Momentum .............................................................................. 26
Study Session Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 29
Assessment ...................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Bibliography .................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Study Session 3 30
Scalars and Vectors in Dimension.......................................................................................................................... 30
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 30
Terminology ....................................................................................................................................................... 30
3.1 Mathematical Quantities used in Physics....................................................................................... 30
3.1.1 Scalar Quantity ......................................................................................................................... 31
3.1.2Vector Quantity ......................................................................................................................... 31
3.1.3 Vector Addition ........................................................................................................................ 34
3.1.4Multiplication of Vectors ....................................................................................................... 35
Dot Product ................................................................................................................................ 35
Vector Product ......................................................................................................................... 35
3.1.5 Unit Vector.................................................................................................................................. 36
Study Session Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 39
Assessment ...................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Bibliography .................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Study Session 4 40
Kinematics ....................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 40
Terminology ....................................................................................................................................................... 40
4.1 Motion in a Straight Line ....................................................................................................................... 40
4.1.1 Displacement ............................................................................................................................. 40
4.1.2 Speed............................................................................................................................................. 41
4.1.3 Velocity ........................................................................................................................................ 41
4.1.4 Acceleration ............................................................................................................................... 42
4.1.5 The Equations of Motion ...................................................................................................... 42
4.2 Projectile ...................................................................................................................................................... 45
4.3 Uniform Circular Motion ....................................................................................................................... 49
4.3.1 Definition of Terms ................................................................................................................. 49
Study Session Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 51
Assessment ...................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Bibliography .................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Study Session 5 52
Newton’s Law of Motion ............................................................................................................................................ 52
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 52
Terminology ....................................................................................................................................................... 52
5.1 Newton’s Laws of Motion...................................................................................................................... 52
5.1.1 Force and Motion..................................................................................................................... 53
5.1.2 Atwood’s Machine ................................................................................................................... 53
5.2 Force and its Types .................................................................................................................................. 57
5.2.1 Types of Forces ......................................................................................................................... 58
5.2.2 Conical Pendulum.................................................................................................................... 58
Contents viii
Study Session 6 61
Gravitational Force of Attraction ........................................................................................................................... 61
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 61
Terminology ....................................................................................................................................................... 61
6.1 Gravitational Force of Attraction ....................................................................................................... 61
6.1.1 Acceleration Due to Gravity ................................................................................................ 61
6.1.2 Orbit Round the Earth ........................................................................................................... 63
Satellites ...................................................................................................................................... 63
Parking of Orbits ..................................................................................................................... 63
6.1.3 Earth Gravitational Potential.............................................................................................. 64
Study Session Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 65
Assessment ...................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Bibliography .................................................................................................................................................................... 66
Study Session 7 67
Energy and Work .......................................................................................................................................................... 67
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 67
Terminology ....................................................................................................................................................... 67
7.1 Kinetic Energy and Work ...................................................................................................................... 67
7.2 Potential Energy (P.E.) and Conservation of Energy ................................................................. 70
7.2.1 Conservative Force ................................................................................................................. 73
Properties of Conservative Force: ................................................................................... 73
Study Session Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 74
Assessment ...................................................................................................................................................................... 74
Bibliography .................................................................................................................................................................... 74
Study Session 8 76
Linear Momentum and Collision ............................................................................................................................ 76
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 76
Terminology ....................................................................................................................................................... 76
8.1 Linear Momentum and Collisions ..................................................................................................... 76
8.1.1 The Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum ............................................... 77
8.1.2 Collisions ..................................................................................................................................... 77
Features of Collision .............................................................................................................. 77
Types of Collisions .................................................................................................................. 79
Study Session Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 81
Assessment ...................................................................................................................................................................... 81
Bibliography .................................................................................................................................................................... 82
Study Session 9 83
Equilibrium and Elasticity......................................................................................................................................... 83
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 83
Terminology ....................................................................................................................................................... 83
9.1 Equilibrium and Elasticity .................................................................................................................... 83
9.1Requirements for Equilibrium ............................................................................................... 84
9.1.2 Equilibrium and the Force of Gravity ............................................................................. 85
9.1.3 Stacking Blocks ......................................................................................................................... 89
9.1.4 Rigid Body................................................................................................................................... 91
9.1.5 Defining Elasticity ................................................................................................................... 92
9.1.5 Hooke’s Law of Elasticity ..................................................................................................... 93
Study Session Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 94
Assessment ...................................................................................................................................................................... 94
Bibliography .................................................................................................................................................................... 94
Study Session 10 95
Fluids .................................................................................................................................................................................. 95
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 95
Terminology ....................................................................................................................................................... 95
10.1 What are Fluids? .................................................................................................................................... 95
10.1.1 Properties of Fluids.............................................................................................................. 96
10.1.2 Characteristics of Fluids..................................................................................................... 96
10.1.3 Laminar (Uniform) and Turbulence (Disorder) Flow of Fluids ........................ 97
10.2Defining Viscosity ................................................................................................................................... 97
10.2.1 Factors Affecting the Viscosity of a Fluid.................................................................... 98
Study Session Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 99
Assessment ...................................................................................................................................................................... 99
Bibliography .................................................................................................................................................................... 99
References 105
About this course manual
Your comments
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Course Overview
Course Overview
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Margin icons
While working through this course manual you will notice the frequent
use of margin icons. These icons serve to “signpost” a particular piece of
text, a new task or change in activity; they have been included to help you
to find your way around this course manual.
A complete icon set is shown below. We suggest that you familiarize
yourself with the icons and their meaning before starting your study.
Study Session 1Essential Mathematics I
Study Session 1
Essential Mathematics I
In this study session, we will examine trigonometric, logarithm and
derivatives functions. We will also attempt examples to explain each of
Learning Outcomes
When you have studied this session, you should be able to:
1.1 Explain the following functions with an example each:
Trigonometric functions
Derivatives functions
Logarithm function
Trigonometry a branch of mathematics that studies relationships
involving lengths and angles of triangles
i. Trigonometric functions
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Study Session 1Essential Mathematics I
Figure 1.1
Tanx 0 1 * -1 0 1 * -1 0
Example 1:
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Example 2:
Solve (x - 2) + (x + 1) = 2.
(x - 2)(x + 1) = ,
or - x - 6 = 0.
What are logarithmic functions bases ‘e’ and base ‘10’ called and how
can they be represented?
Logarithmic function base ‘e’ is called the natural logarithm function
and is denoted by ln( x).
Logarithmic function base 10 is called the common logarithm function
and is denoted as well by log(x)
Study Session 1Essential Mathematics I
(x) = = =ẏ
(x) = 1
(Sin x) = Cos x
(Cos x) = - Sin x
(Tan x) = x
( )=
In(x) =
What were the two essential mathematical functions discussed in this
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
The two essential mathematics functions discussed are:
i. Trigonometric functions
ii. Logarithmic functions
SAQ 1.1 (tests Learning Outcome 1.1)
Fill the table below with their correct values
Assessment X
tanx 0 * -1 0 1 -1 0
Study Session 2Essential Mathematics II
Study Session 2
Essential Mathematics II
There are many examples in practice where two forces, acting together,
exert a moment or turning-effect on some object. In this study session, we
will explain cases like two strings be tied to a wheel and two equal
opposite forces applying tangentially to the wheel, we will observe what
will happen if the wheel is pivoted at its centre.
Learning Outcomes
When you have studied this session, you should be able to
2.1 explain the following terms:
torque and angular momentum
Outcomes conservation of angular momentum
kinetic energy of a rolling object
angular momentum of rotating rigid bodies
Angular the quantity of rotation of a body, which is the product of
momentum its moment of inertia and its angular velocity
Torque has a unit of Nm and this unit is not equivalent to Joule, the unit
of Energy since, since Torque is not an energy
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
The work done by a constant torque Γ when the body is turned through an
angular displacement θ is given by;
where m is the mass of the particle, r is the radial distance and w is the
angular velocity.
where I is the moment of inertia of the body about the axis of rotation.
Recall that:
If Torque in rotational motion is analogous to force in linear motion and
moments of inertia I, is analogous to mass m. How can you represent the
relationship between torque Γ and moments of inertia?
Study Session 2Essential Mathematics II
A wheel rolling over a surface has both a linear and a rotational velocity.
Suppose the angular velocity of the wheel is [omega]. The corresponding
linear velocity of any point on the rim of the wheel is given by
Where R is the radius of the wheel (see Figure 2.1). When the wheel is in
contact with the ground, its bottom part is at rest with respect to the
ground. This implies that besides a rotational motion the wheel
experiences a linear motion with a velocity equal to + vcm (see Figure
2.2). We conclude that the top of the wheel moves twice as fast as the
centre and the bottom of the wheel does not move at all.
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
State the principle of Conservation of Angular Momentum
The principle of Conservation of Angular Momentum states that the
angular momentum about an axis of rotation for a system is constant if
no unbalanced external Torque acts on it
Study Session 2Essential Mathematics II
where IP is the rotational inertia around the axis through P, and [omega] is
the rotational velocity of the wheel. The rotational inertia around an axis
through P, IP, is related to the rotational inertia around an axis through the
centre of mass, Icm
where the first term is the kinetic energy associated with the rotation of
the wheel about an axis through its center of mass and the second term is
associated with the translational motion of the wheel.
When the disk reaches the bottom of the plane, all of its potential energy
is converted into kinetic energy. The kinetic energy of the disk will
consist out of rotational and translational kinetic energy:
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
where R is the radius of the disk. The kinetic energy of the disk can now
be rewritten as
Consider now two different disks with identical mass M but different
moments of inertia. In this case, the final kinetic energy can be written as
Study Session 2Essential Mathematics II
We conclude that in this case, the disk with the smallest moment of
inertia has the largest final velocity.
A small solid marble of mass m and radius r rolls without slipping along
a loop-the-loop track shown in Figure 2.5, having been released from rest
somewhere along the straight section of the track. From what minimum
height above the bottom of the track must the marble be released in order
not to leave the track at the top of the loop?
The marble will not leave the track at the top of the loop if the centripetal
force exceeds the gravitational force at that point:
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
The kinetic energy of the marble at the top consists out of rotational and
translational energy
where we assumed that the marble is rolling over the track (no slipping).
The moment of inertia of the marble is given by
The total mechanical energy of the marble at the top of the loop-the-loop
is equal to
The initial energy of the marble is just its potential energy at a height h
Study Session 2Essential Mathematics II
We can now write down the following equations for the tension T
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Thus, the yo-yo rolls down the string with a constant acceleration. The
acceleration can be made smaller by increasing the rotational inertia and
by decreasing the radius of the axle.
2.1.4 Torque
A particle with mass m moves in the x-y plane (see Figure 2.7). A single
force F acts on the particle and the angle between the force and the
position vector is [phi]. Per definition, the torque exerted by this force on
the mass, with respect to the origin of our coordinate system, is given by
where r[invtee] is called the arm of the force F with respect to the origin.
According to the definition of the vector product, the vector [tau] lies
parallel to the z-axis, and its direction (either up or down) can be
Study Session 2Essential Mathematics II
determined using the right-hand rule. Torque defined in this way has
meaning only with respect to a specified origin. The direction of the
torque is always at right angles to the plane formed by the vectors r and
F. The torque is zero if r = 0 m, F = 0 N or r is parallel or anti-parallel to
2.1.5Angular Momentum
The angular momentum L of particle P in Figure 6.7, with respect to the
origin, is defined as
This definition implies that if the particle is moving directly away from
the origin, or directly towards it, the angular momentum associated with
this motion is zero. A particle will have a different angular momentum if
the origin is chosen at a different location. A particle moving in a circle
will have an angular momentum (with respect to the centre of the circle)
equal to
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
We conclude that
This equation shows that if the net torque acting on the particle is zero
and its angular momentum will be constant
Figure 2.9 shows object P in free fall. The object starts from rest at the
position indicated in Figure 2.9. What is its angular momentum, with
respect to the origin, as function of time?
which is equal to the torque of the gravitational force with respect to the
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Some of the torques are internal, some are external. The internal torques
come in pairs, and the vector sum of these is zero. This is illustrated in
Figure 2.10. Figure 2.10 shows the particles A and B which interact via a
central force. Newton's third law states that forces come in pairs: if B
exerts a force FAB on A, than A will exert a force FBA on B. FAB and FBA
are related as follows
The torque exerted by each of these forces, with respect to the origin, can
be easily calculated
Study Session 2Essential Mathematics II
The net torque for each action-reaction pair, with respect to the origin, is
equal to zero.
We conclude that
The z-component of the total angular momentum L of the rigid body can
be obtained by summing over all mass elements in the body
From the definition of the rotational inertia of the rigid body we can
conclude that
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
This is the projection of the total angular momentum onto the rotation
axis. The rotational inertia I in this equation must also be calculated with
respect to the same rotation axis.
Only if the rotation axis is a symmetry axis of the rigid body will the
total angular momentum vector coincide with the rotation axis
No external forces act on the system, and the total angular momentum is
Study Session 2Essential Mathematics II
Assume that the lazy Susan is located in the x-y plane (see Figure 2.11).
The linear momentum of the cockroach is m . v. The angular momentum
of the cockroach, with respect to the origin, is given by
The direction of the angular momentum can be found using the right-
hand rule. The direction of the z-axis is chosen such that the angular
momentum of the cockroach coincides with the positive z-axis. The lazy
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Susan is moving clockwise (see Figure 2.11) and its angular momentum
is pointing along the negative z-axis. Its angular momentum is given by
where I is the rotational inertia of the dish. Note that since the rotation is
clockwise, is less than zero. The total angular momentum of the
system is given by
Since the external torque acting on the system is zero, the total angular
momentum is conserved. The rotational velocity of the system after the
cockroach stops is given by
Essential Mathematics II
SAQ 2.1 (tests Learning Outcome 2.1)
Torque is the effect of a force about an axis. The torque is equal to the
moments of the force F about the axis of rotation. How can this
Assessment expression be represented mathematically?
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Study Session 3
Learning Outcomes
When you have studied this session, you should be able to:
3.1 define and give three (3) examples each of scalar and vector
Scalar Quantity a quantity that can be completely described by a
magnitude, that is, by a number and a unit
Study Session 3Scalars and Vectors in Dimension
for describing the motion of objects. In physics, we use these words and
many more. We will be expanding upon this vocabulary list with words
such as distance, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration and we
will soon see that these words are associated with mathematical quantities
that have strict definitions. The mathematical quantities that are used to
describe the motion of objects can be divided into two categories. The
quantity is either a vector or a scalar. These two categories can be
distinguished from one another by their distinct definitions
m = m1 + m2 = 3 kg + 4 kg = 7 kg
3.1.2Vector Quantity
A vector quantity, on the other hand, is a quantity that is described by
both magnitude and direction. Some examples of vector quantities are
force, displacement, velocity, and acceleration. The velocity of a car
moving at 50 km per hour (km/hr) due east can be represented by a
vector. Velocity is a vector because it has a magnitude, 50 km/hr, and a
direction, due east. A vector quantity can be represented by an arrow
drawn to scale.
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Study Session 3Scalars and Vectors in Dimension
Ax = A cos
Ay = A Sin
A = Axî + Ayĵ
A= …………………….. 3.1
A = Ax î + Ay ĵ + Az ……………………… 3.3
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
R = A + B …………………………………….3.4
B = Bxî + Byĵ
Study Session 3Scalars and Vectors in Dimension
Note that in this sum we do not mean scalar addition. The resultant vector
is the vector sum of the individual vectors A and B.
3.1.4Multiplication of Vectors
Dot Product
The multiplication of two vectors yielding a scalar quantity is called a
scalar or dot product. The dot product of A and B is given by
A . B= /A / / B / Cos θ
Where θ is the angle between A and B, in terms of the resolved
component of A and B, the dot product is
A . B = AxBx + AyBy + AzBz
Vector Product
The vector product of A and B equals another vector C which is
perpendicular to the plane of A and B in symbol;
C = A˄ B = /A/ /B/ sin
Where θ is the angle between A and Band r is unit vector in the direction
A˄ B - B ˄ A 0
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Î ĵ K
C= Ax Ay Az
Bx By Bz
C=î Ay Az -ĵ Ax Az +k Ax Ay
By Bz Bx Bz Bx By
A = /A
z x
The defining three unit vectors î, ĵ, ĸ are parallel to the x-, y- and z
Hence, we write r as
r =
Study Session 3Scalars and Vectors in Dimension
î ˄ ĵ = -ĵ ˄ î = k
ĵ ˄ î = -k ˄ ĵ = î
k ˄ î = -î ˄ k = ĵ
î˄ î =ĵ ˄ ĵ =k ˄k=0
A = -î + ĵ + 2K and
B = 2î + 3ĵ –K
Recall that;
A . B = /A / / B / Cos θ and
= -2 +3-2
= -1
/A / = = 2.45 units
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
/B / = = 3.74 units
Cos θ =
θ = (-1/9.17) = (-1.09)
θ = 96.3 degrees.
A˄ B = î ĵ k î 3 -1 -ĵ 2 -1 K 2 3
2 3 -1 = 1 2 -1 1 -1 1
-1 1 2
= 7î - 3ĵ + 5K
The following are examples of scalar quantity except--------
(a) mass
(b) length
(c) power
(d) temperature
The correct answer is power because a scalar quantity is a quantity that
can be completely described by a magnitude, that is, by a number and a
Study Session 3Scalars and Vectors in Dimension
SAQ 3.1 (tests Learning Outcome 3.1)
Find the resultant of the following vectors:
A1 = -3î + 2 ĵ
A2 = 2î - 6 ĵ
A3 = 7î - 8 ĵ
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Study Session 4
It is a fact of everyday experience that objects in the real world appear to
be in a continual state of relative motion because motion is defined as a
change of position of a body, depending on time. In this study session, we
will describe motion in a straight line with four parameters. We will also
discuss projectile and give examples. Finally, we will examine the term
uniform circular motion.
Learning Outcomes
When you have studied this session, you should be able to:
4.1 describe motion in a straight line
4.2 discuss projectile and give examples
Outcomes 4.3 examine the term uniform circular motion
Kinematics the branch of mechanics concerned with the motion of
objects without reference to the forces that cause the
4.1.1 Displacement
This is defined as the distance travelled in a specified direction (s). It is
an example of vector quantity because it has both size and direction. E.g.
Study Session 4Kinematics
4.1.2 Speed
This is the rate of change of distance with time (v).
Uniform Speed
V = = a constant
4.1.3 Velocity
This is defined as the rate of change of distance with time in a given
direction or is a speed measured in a given direction. It is therefore a
vector quantity. The SI unit is m/s.
Instantaneous Velocity
This is the rate of change of displacement with time during a very short
interval of time around that instant. If the short time interval is a
change of displacement take place. Then, the instantaneous velocity is
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
V = Lim =
The following parameters are used to describe motion in a straight line
(a) distance or displacement (s)
(b) Newton (n)
(c) acceleration (a)
(d) time (t)
The correct answer is (b), Newton, n.
4.1.4 Acceleration
This is defined as the rate of change of velocity with time. It is also a
vector quantity, the SI unit of acceleration is .
a= =
Uniform Acceleration
a = = constant.
Study Session 4Kinematics
v = velocity at time t,
Then, at = v-u
V = u + at …………………… (i)
The distance s, travelled by the body during the time interval is average
velocity × time i.e.
S= t ………………… (ii)
S= t
S = ut + ……………………….. (iii)
2as = -
Example 1
From rest, u = 0, a =2 , s = 9m
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Recall, = + 2as
= 36
Example 2
A train has a uniform velocity of 108 km/h. how far does it travel in ½
S =vt
V = 30 m/s
Example 3
= + 2as,
= + (2×-10×s)
Study Session 4Kinematics
S = 105 m
4.2 Projectile
This is a two-dimensional motion of an object launched into space
without any motive power of its own; therefore, it travels freely under the
action of gravity and air resistance alone. A projectile is an object whose
curved motion in space is affected or influenced by gravity alone.
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
0= Sin θ – gt
gt = Sin θ
t= …………….. (1)
The time of flight, (T) of a projectile is the time required for the projectile
to return to the level from which it was projected.
T = 2t = ………………. (2)
Y= Sin θt - ½g
H= Sin θ × - ½g
H= ……………….. (3)
The range, (R), of a projectile is the horizontal distance from the point of
projection to the point where the projectile hits the projectile plane.
X=( Cos θ) T
X=( Cos θ) ×
Study Session 4Kinematics
R= …………………… (4)
-------- is an object whose curved motion in space is affected or
influenced by gravity alone
(a) force
(b) projectile
(c) acceleration
(d) distance
The Correct answer is (b) that is to mean that a projectile is an object
whose curved motion in space is affected or influenced by gravity alone
Example 1
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
By substitution
Sin θ = = 0.5
= 2s
= 34.6 m.
Study Session 4Kinematics
Examples are:
Angular Speed: This can be define as the change of the angle per second
Period: T =
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Speed = s/t =
Hence, v = r
Acceleration in a circle =
Since v = r ,
a= =r
F = ma =
Worked Examples
= 2 × 2 = 4 rad/s
Study Session 4Kinematics
……..can be defined as the change of the angle per second
(a) Uniform circular motion
(b) Angular speed
(c) Acceleration/deceleration
(d) Centripetal force
Angular speed can be defined as the change of the angle per second. The
correct answer is (b)
SAQ 4.1 (tests Learning Outcome 4.1)
What are the four types of motion?
SAQ 4.2 (tests Learning Outcome 4.2)
Assessment What are the two forms of motion of a projectile? Give two examples of
a motion
SAQ 4.3 (tests Learning Outcome 4.3)
A car travels from rest with an acceleration of 2 . Calculate its
velocity after travelling 4m.
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Study Session 5
Learning Outcomes
When you have studied this session, you should be able to:
4.1 define the three Newton’s law of motion
4.2 list and explain various types of force
Inertial force a force that resists a change in velocity of an object. It is
equal to—and in the opposite direction of—an applied
force, as well as a resistive force
Centrifugal force a force that acts on a body moving in a circular path and is
directed towards the center around which the body is
Study Session 5Newton’s Law of Motion
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
T − wA − T + wB = −mAa − mBa
wB − wA = −(mA + mB)a
Solving for a, we obtain
A man stands on a scale in an elevator. If the scale reads 600N when the
elevator is stationary, what will it read when the elevator is
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Or N = W, the man feels his own weight which is equal to the reaction
Therefore, N – W = 0
W = N = ma
But a = g,
W – N = mg
and N = W – mg = mg – mg = 0
The man feels weightless.
Isaac Newton’s ----------law of motion states that the change of
momentum per second is proportional to the applied force and that the
momentum change takes place in the direction of the force.
(a) First
(b) Second
The correct answer is (b). Second law of motion states that the change of
momentum per second is proportional to the applied force and the
momentum change takes place in the direction of the force.
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
= =
From F = ma
F= =
Study Session 5Newton’s Law of Motion
T Sin θ = ……………………………………. 1
Since the mass does not move vertically, its weight mg must be
counterbalance by the vertical component T Cos θ of the tension.
T Cos θ = mg ……………………………………2
Dividing equation 1 by 2,
Tan θ = …………………………………………3
Centrifugal Force: This is the reaction force to the centripetal force. The
reaction force does not act on the same body as the centripetal force. That
is, if a string was tied to a rock and the rock was swung in a horizontal
circle at constant speed, the centripetal force would act on the rock while
the centrifugal force would act on the string.
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
The following are types of force except --------
The correct answer is ‘C’, Motion force
SAQ 5.1 (tests Learning Outcome 5.1)
Differentiate between the first and third Newton’s law of motion
Assessment SAQ 5.2 (tests Learning Outcome 5.2)
List and explain three types of force
Study Session 6Gravitational Force of Attraction
Study Session 6
Learning Outcomes
When you have studied this session, you should be able to:
5.1 examine gravitational force and explain acceleration due to gravity
Gravitational a force that attracts any object with mass
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
g is given as g =
V=u t
S = ut
= 2 s
Example 1
U = 30 m/s, V = 0, a = g = -10 m
(i) Recall, V = u t
0 = 30 – 10 × t
10t = 30
(ii) Distance S = ut +
S = (30 × 3) + (-10) ×
= 90 – 45 = 45 m
Study Session 6Gravitational Force of Attraction
Let us assume that the earth is spherical and its radius r, the centripetal
force = the gravitational force.
= = mg
= rg
And v = = =8k
Parking of Orbits
If a satellite of mass m is circling the Earth in a plane of the equator in an
orbit concentric with the earth, and if it moves with velocity v, in the
same direction of rotation as the earth at a distance R from the centre of
the earth, therefore;
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
And v =
= =
= and =
If the period of the satellite in its orbit equals the period of the earth as it
turns about its axis i.e. 24 hours, the satellite will stay at the same place
above as the earth rotates. The orbit is called ‘‘parking orbit’’
Study Session 6Gravitational Force of Attraction
If the earth is spherical, it can be imagined that the whole mass M of the
earth, is concentrated at its centre. The potential at a distance r from the
earth centre is given as V = -
Note that the negative sign is an indication that the potential at infinity
(zero) is higher than the potential close to that of earth.
R= 6.4 × m
Satellites are bodies which move in orbits around the moon or planet.
They can be lunched from surface of the earth to circle the earth.
The correct answer is TRUE
SAQ 6.1 (tests Learning Outcome 6.1)
A ball is thrown vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 90 m/s.
Find (i) the time taken to get to its highest point (ii) the distance
travelled (assume g = 10 m )
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Study Session 7Energy and Work
Study Session 7
Learning Outcomes
When you have studied this session, you should be able to:
7.1 define kinetic energy and relate it with work
7.2 distinguish potential energy from energy conservation
Conservative a force with the property that the work done in moving a
force particle between two points is independent of the taken
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Energy is measured in……?
a. Newton
b. Joules
c. Metre per second
d. Volts
The correct answer is ‘b’ because energy is measured in Joules
Energy takes on many forms. One type is the energy a moving body
possesses by virtue of its motion. Every moving object has the capacity to
do work. By striking another object that is free to move, the moving
object can exert a force and cause the second object to shift its position.
While the object is moving, it has the capacity for doing work. Energy
means the ability to do work, so all moving things have energy by virtue
of their motion. This type of energy is called kinetic energy.
Recall that, kinetic Energy (K.E) is the energy of a body due to its
motion. Suppose an object of mass m is acted upon by a constant force F
and is displaced a distance s in the direction of the force. Work done by
the force F is force applied in direction of displacement. This means that
Study Session 7Energy and Work
If then;
Since where
Work done by the force F is changed into the kinetic energy of the body.
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
= mgh
The energy stored in a stretched spring that obeys Hooke’s law is given
Study Session 7Energy and Work
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
For instance, when a mango fruit of mass m falls out from a mango tree,
after falling through a distance h, its velocity is v.
This implies that the work done by the gravitational force is converted
into the gain in kinetic energy. Furthermore, when an object has potential
to have work done on it, it is said to have potential energy, e.g. a ball in
your hand has more potential energy than a ball on the ground. If you
release the ball, gravity will perform work on the ball and its kinetic
energy will increase. If a spring with a block attached is compressed, the
block has potential energy because if the block is released, the spring will
perform work on the block and give it kinetic energy.
In general,
Study Session 7Energy and Work
The amount of work done in the original change and the reversal
are equal in magnitude but differ by a sign:
The force in the system is known as a conservative force.
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
The work done by a conservative force in moving the object from point 1
to point 2 does not depend on the path between the two points.
The energy of an object due to its motion, position or physical condition
is known as-----------
(a) mechanical energy
(b) electrical energy
(c) chemical energy
The correct answer is (a).Mechanical energy can also either be in the
form of kinetic energy or potential energy.
SAQ 7.1 (tests Learning Outcome 7.1)
What is the mathematical representation for kinetic energy?
Assessment SAQ 7.2 (tests Learning Outcome 7.2)
Differentiate between conservative force and the principle of
conservation of energy
Study Session 7Energy and Work
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Study Session 8
Learning Outcomes
When you have studied this session, you should be able to:
8.1 state the principle of linear momentum
8.2 define collision and list its features
Collision an instance of one moving object or person striking
violently against another
That is,
Study Session 8Linear Momentum and Collision
8.1.2 Collisions
A collision is an event in which two or more bodies exert forces on each
other for a relatively short time. Although the most common colloquial
use of the word "collision" refers to incidents in which two or more
objects collide, the scientific use of the word "collision" implies nothing
about the magnitude of the forces.
Features of Collision
A collision is a phenomenon, which has these features:
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Line of impact – It is the line which is common normal for surfaces are
closest or in contact during impact. This is the line along which internal
force of collision acts during impact and Newton's coefficient of
restitution is defined only along this line.
The colloquial uses of collision include all of the following except one..
a. automobile collision, two cars colliding with each other
b. An insect touches its antenna to the leaf of a plant. The antenna is
said to collide with leaf
c. mid-air collision, two planes colliding with each other
d. ship collision, two ships colliding with each other
The correct answer is (b) that is ‘‘an insect touches its antenna to the leaf
of a plant. The antenna is said to collide with leaf’’.
Study Session 8Linear Momentum and Collision
Types of Collisions
There are two types of collisions between two bodies. They include:
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Collisions in ideal gases are very nearly elastic, and this fact is used in the
development of the expressions for gas pressure in a container.
Suppose that two bodies of masses m1 and m2 are moving with velocities
u1 and u2 respectively before collision. During collision, m1 exerts a force
F1 on m2 and m2 also exerts a force F2 on m1.
Study Session 8Linear Momentum and Collision
So, if
The principle of conservation of linear momentum states that the linear
momentum of a closed system before collision is equal to the linear
momentum after collision.YES/NO
SAQ 8.1 (tests Learning Outcome 8.1)
Define collisions and highlight its features
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Study Session 9Equilibrium and Elasticity
Study Session 9
Learning Outcomes
When you have studied this session, you should be able to:
9.1 explain
Equilibrium and the force of gravity
Outcomes Stacking blocks
Rigid body
Hooke’s law
Young modulus
Bulk modulus
Equilibrium a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced
L = constant
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
P = 0 kg m/s
L = 0 kg m2/s
Study Session 9Equilibrium and Elasticity
and therefore
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
and therefore
Sample Problem
A uniform beam of length L whose mass is m, rest with its ends on two
digital scales (see Figure 4.2). A block whose mass is M rests on the
beam, its centre one-fourth away from the beam's left end. What do the
scales read?
For the system to be in equilibrium, the net force and net torque must be
zero. Figure 9.2 shows that
Study Session 9Equilibrium and Elasticity
Here we have replaced the force acting on the beam with single force
acting on its centre of gravity. The net torque of the system, with respect
to the left scale, is
Sample Problem
A ladder with length L and mass m rests against a wall. Its upper end is a
distance h above the ground (see Figure 4.3). The centre of gravity of the
ladder is one-third of the way up the ladder. A fire-fighter with mass M
climbs halfway up the ladder. Assume that the wall, but not the ground, is
frictionless. What is the force exerted on the ladder by the wall and by the
The wall exerts a horizontal force FW on the ladder (the normal force); it
exerts no vertical force. The ground exerts a force Fg on the ladder with a
horizontal component Fgx and a vertical component Fgy. If these two
components were not present, the system would not be in equilibrium.
The net force in the x and y directions is given by
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
The net torque, with respect to O (which is the contact point between the
ladder and the ground), is given by
Study Session 9Equilibrium and Elasticity
If the coefficient of static friction between the ladder and the ground is us,
than the maximum distance the fire-fighter can climb is reached when
The two forces acting on the top brick are the gravitational force Fg and
the normal force N, exerted by the bottom brick on the top brick. Both
forces are directed along the y-axis. Since the system is in equilibrium,
the net force acting along the y-axis must be zero. We conclude that
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
If the top block is on the verge of falling down, it will rotate around O.
The torque exerted by the two external forces with respect to O can be
easily calculated (see Figure 9.5). The gravitational force Fg acting on the
whole block is replaced by a single force with magnitude mg acting on
the centre of mass of the top block. The normal force N acting on the
whole contact area between the top and the bottom block is replaced by a
single force N acting on a point a distance d away from the rotation axis
O. The torque of the normal force and the gravitational force with respect
to O is given by
If the system is in equilibrium, then the net torque acting on the top brick
with respect to O must be zero. This implies that
Study Session 9Equilibrium and Elasticity
This equation shows that the system can never be in equilibrium if a >
L/2 (since d < 0 in that case). The system will be on the verge of losing
equilibrium if a = L/2. In this case, d = 0. We conclude that the system
cannot be in equilibrium if the centre of mass of the top brick is located to
the right of the edge of the bottom brick. The system will be on the verge
of losing equilibrium if the centre of mass of the top brick is located right
over the edge of the bottom brick. Finally, if the centre of mass of the top
brick is located to the left of the edge of the bottom brick, the system will
be in equilibrium.
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
What will happen if a rigid body under the action of a number of
coplanar forces is in equilibrium?
A rigid body under the action of a number of coplanar forces is in
equilibrium if the resultant forces is zero and the algebraic sum of the
moments of the forces about any axis is zero
Thus, elastic materials (e.g. rubber) are materials that will return to their
original shapes after the deforming force is removed within an elastic
limit while, inelastic materials are materials that do not return to their
original shapes after the deforming force is removed. Examples of
inelastic materials are plasticine, clay and dough.
Most materials are elastic up to a certain limit known as the elastic limit.
Beyond this limit a material will not return to its original dimensions
when the deforming force is removed.
1. A material is said to be ____ if it changes shape when a deforming
force acts on it and returns to its original shape when the deforming
force is removed.
A. elastic
B. inelastic
C. plastic
D. stretchy
E. rigid
A material is said to be elastic if it changes shape when a deforming
force acts on it and returns to its original shape when the deforming
force is removed so the correct answer is A i.e. elastic
Study Session 9Equilibrium and Elasticity
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Hooke's Law relates the
A. distance a spring stretches to the force applied to the spring.
B. distance a spring stretches to the mass of the spring.
C. distance a spring stretches to the density of the spring.
D. density of a spring to the force applied to the spring.
E. density of a spring to the mass of the spring
The correct answer is A i.e. Hooke's Law relates the distance a spring
stretches to the force applied to the spring
SAQ 9.1 (tests Learning Outcome 9.1)
Answer the following questions
Assessment 1. Define elasticity
2. Differentiate between elastic and inelastic
Study Session 10Fluids
Study Session 10
Unlike solid objects, fluids can flow and does not have its shape or form.
In this study session, we will define fluid and highlight both the
properties and characteristics of fluids. Finally, we will describe viscosity
and list the various factors affecting viscosity
Learning Outcomes
When you have studied this session, you should be able to:
9.1 list both the characteristics and properties of fluids
9.2 enumerate the factors affecting viscosity
Fluid a state of matter, such as liquid or gas, in which the
component particles (generally molecules) can move past
one another.
Although the term "fluid" includes both the liquid and gas phases, in
common usage, "fluid" is often used as a synonym for "liquid", with no
implication that gas could also be present. For example, "brake fluid" is
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Study Session 10Fluids
10.2Defining Viscosity
Viscosity is the frictional force in fluids. The use of a liquid as lubricant
depends on its viscosity. The coefficient of viscosity is defined as the
force acting on a fluid per unit area in a region of unit gradient.
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
One of the factors affecting the viscosity of a fluid is that Viscosity
depends on the concentration of the fluid. YES/NO
Study Session 10Fluids
SAQ 10.1 (tests Learning Outcome 10.1)
Answer the following questions. List:
Assessment Characteristics of fluids
Properties of fluids
SAQ 10.2 (tests Learning Outcome 10.2)
Highlight the factors affecting the viscosity of a fluid
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
SAQ 1.1
tanx 0 1 * -1 0 1 * -1 0
SAQ 2.1
Torque is the effect of a force about an axis. The torque is equal to the
moments of the force F about the axis of rotation. Can be expressed thus:
SAQ 3.1
R = A1+ A2+ A3
R = (-3+2+7) î + (2-6-8) ĵ
R = 6 î -12 ĵ
= 13.42 units
There are four types of motion and they are Random, Translational,
Rotational, and Oscillatory motion
Notes on Self-Assessment Questions
From rest, u = 0, a =2 , s = 4m
Recall, = + 2as
= 16
SAQ 5.1
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
From F = ma
Centrifugal Force: This is the reaction force to the centripetal force. The
reaction force does not act on the same body as the centripetal force. That
is, if a string was tied to a rock and the rock was swung in a horizontal
circle at constant speed, the centripetal force would act on the rock while
the centrifugal force would act on the string
SAQ 6.1
U = 90 m/s, V = 0, a = g = -10 m
Recall, V = u t
0 = 90 – 10 × t
10t = 90
(iii)Distance S = ut +
S = (90 × 9) + (-10) ×
= 810– 405 = 405 m
SAQ 7.1
SAQ 7.2
Conservative force can store energy in the system as potential energy and
can retrieve that energy and give it to an object in the system as kinetic
energy. It can also be gravitational and spring forces BUT the Principle of
Conservation of Energy states that in a closed system, energy can neither
be created nor destroyed but, can only be transformed from one form to
Notes on Self-Assessment Questions
SAQ 8.1
SAQ 9.1
Elasticity is that property of a body, which enables the body to regain its
original dimensions (length, breath and height) when the deforming force
acting on the body is removed
Elastic materials (e.g. rubber) are materials that will return to their
original shapes after the deforming force is removed within an elastic
limit while, Inelastic materials are materials that do not return to their
original shapes after the deforming force is removed
SAQ 10.1
SAQ 10.2
PHY102 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
1. Haliday and Resnick. University Physics.
2. Introduction to Physics and Chemistry," (1964). Arthur Beiser
and Konrad Krauskopf, McGraw-Hill Book Company, p.70-
3. Nelkon and Parker (1995). Advanced level Physics, seventh
edition. Heineann. London
4. Tolman, R. C. (1938). The Principles of Statistical Mechanics.
Oxford: Clarendon Press. Reissued (1979) New York: Dover
ISBN 0-486-63896-0.
5. Physics For scientists and Engineers,(1996)." Raymond A.
Serway, SaundersCollege Publishing, p.207-218.
6. University Physics (Also for Polytechnics and Colleges). (2002).
Poh Liong Yong, M. W. Anyakoha, P. N. Okeke. Africana-FEP
Publishers Limited: ISBN 978-175-417-6, p. 58-184.