Online Event Management System

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International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN : 2456-3307 (

doi :

Online Event Management System

Prof. Vaishali Langote, Shreyash Shinde, Piyush Marde, Sakshi Marne, Mayur Pawar
Department of Computer Engineering, MIT Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India


Article Info This project is about Online Event Management System for college-based
Volume 7, Issue 3 students. Conduction of events previously was done at a high level. However, as
Page Number: 502-505 time proceeds further, everyone can arrange events as per their stipulation.
Today multiple different events exist, succeed day-by-day, and to scheduled it in
Publication Issue : a trouble-free way as we have contrivance an online Event Management system.
May-June-2021 Previously it was tough to manage events as it was a challenging task to arrange
all the teammates, events, etc. Therefore, to overcome various apps have been
Article History implemented based on handling events. Thus, we also had implemented a
Accepted : 12 June 2021 website based on managing events on a college level. Here it is helpful to all
Published : 22 June 2021 event organizers as it reduces the works of the organizer and can arrange events
easily. In such a way we have a make-up website at the college extent, as long as
students, it gets hard to go and broadcast their events at all the colleges,
therefore by using our system it will become easier for them to arrange the
events online.
Keywords: Event Management, College Event Management, Full Stack
application, Inter-college event Management system

I. INTRODUCTION by the event organizers in an online mode way.

Despite this, if the organizer wants to edit or change
Broadcasting, conversation, group establishment, the related data/information they can able it to do so
gathering, etc was the most significant approach in that the participants get aware of the change.
past years to establish an event and to make it Also, this college-based website serves the best
complete. As much different application was functionality to the students to properly arranged
invented or inventing day by day, we also had their event without any crises or difficultly.
designed a website for event management.
An Event Management website carries out the Used of This application can be made by anyone,
complexity of conducting events in online-based only he needs to register, choose an event, choose a
mode and as to fix the event frequently and to get the time and publish his/her event. It also gives facilities
attendant accurate information about the event. to the organizer as it gives him/her to edit, change or
The main goal of our project is to give the best supply cancel details of his/her events. As we know not all
to events, to fix up the information about the events can make use of this as some students want to do it

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Technoscience Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under the 502
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
Prof. Vaishali Langote et al Int. J. Sci. Res. Comput. Sci. Eng. Inf. Technol, May-June - 2021, 7 (3) : 502-505

manually as they wanted to get proper communicate execution model for parallel rule firing in the loT
their idea or their event front to front with other environment permit to execute multiple laws in
students hence in presently time each and everyone parallel without any interference.
is making use of it as we are aware of today's Hikester-the event Management Application: The
pandemic situation all the colleges are closed and the main objective of this service is to provide users with
best usage of this website can terminate here. Thus, the possibility to create any event they desire and
the following services provided by this website are 1) invite other users 'hikester " supports the creation
allows an organizer to create his/her event at any and management of events like attendance, etc.
date and can choose time slots as per his/her aspects.
2) though not only the arranger/planner but also the IV. FEATURES
attendees, participants get the accurate knowledge of
their events as to them also it gets easier to decide Login/Register using FB and Local formation of
whether to attend the event as per their view. It is unique IDs for all users on successful registration
easy to use and also free to sign up as just registration (MIT-ID).
is the primary purpose. The event can be organized Admin and Event Manager (EM) accounts with
anywhere at any instance apart the organizer has to special functions
remember the password, which he/she has entered Create events and update operations for EMs
while creating an event. Ability to register for events by users
View participants and export to Excel for Ems
II. DISCUSSION Automatic mailing through Mailgun on registration
Allow Mass mailing to all registered users through
The examination of this topic based on the website Mailgun.
was done to perfection as to don't get any difficulty Facilitate Single registration, team registration.
further while making it. Required Coding Languages
was well studied and Execute properly. Throughout
the study of used SLDC approach model was the V. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE
waterfall model as the procedure was in a linear and
sequential approach. The use of MongoDB means Creator/Participant: Both the creator and participant
(stack) used accurately. And for logic, JS JADE was can create events. Thus there is no need for the
used participant to register him/herself to the system for
just enrolling for the event session.
Sign Up: for creating one or multiple event the new
Event Management System Based on Multiple Data users need to sign up by filling his/her details.
Source: This paper presents the design of the City
Event Management System, which integrates the data Sign In: the existing user also needs to sign in for
from public monitoring facilities, social media, and creating an event.
Online Event Management System: for simultaneous Creator's Menu: After Signing In, users managed to
actions in the Internet of things: this paper extends the creator's menu in which there are some options
the traditional CEP system by developing an

Volume 7, Issue 3, May-June-2021 | 503

Prof. Vaishali Langote et al Int. J. Sci. Res. Comput. Sci. Eng. Inf. Technol, May-June - 2021, 7 (3) : 502-505

such as to create an event, my events, sign out, and

again register for the session.

Creation: block, there is a form activity that creates

an event and stores it under the user's account data in
a database.

Events List: the record of all events, created by the

users is displayed as well as by clicking them the user
can delete the event session at any time.

The front end used languages:

Registration for the event: Creator/Participant blocks
both the creator and participant can register for
✓ Pug is a well-known HTML templating engine.
events and theirs no need to sign up only for
✓ Pug feature -conditions, loops, includes mixin
registration for an event.
which can easily render Html code.
✓ Pug is used for express.
Sign out: the user is signed out of the system if he/she
wants to keep his account safe or he/she wants to
create a new account on the same device. Nodejs
✓ Node.js provides an open-source server
Database: all the data from the event management environment.
system (website) is cache, plus all the processes of the ✓ Node.js uses JavaScript on the server.
system execute on the data available in this database. ✓ Node.js uses asynchronous programming!


✓ Express is a node.js web application framework.
✓ Express is minimal and flexible.
✓ Express provides layers of basic web application

CSS framework

✓ Materialize CSS is developed and designed by

✓ Materialize CSS components help create
attractive, consistent, functional web pages and
web apps while adhering to modern web design
principles such as browser portability, device
independence, and graceful degradation.

Volume 7, Issue 3, May-June-2021 | 504

Prof. Vaishali Langote et al Int. J. Sci. Res. Comput. Sci. Eng. Inf. Technol, May-June - 2021, 7 (3) : 502-505

✓ Materialize CSS- A component library created [2].

with CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. 1Event.pdf.
[3]. Roozbeh Derakhshan, Maria E. Orlowska and
Xue Li, "RFID Data Management: Challenges
Back end used languages:
and Opportunities", IEEE International
Mongo dB
Conference on RFID, 2007
✓ A source-available cross-platform document-
[4]. L. McCathie and K. Michael, "Is it the End of
oriented database program.
Barcodes in Supply Chain Management?",
✓ MongoDB is a NoSQL database program.
Proceedings of the Collaborative
✓ MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with
[5]. Lung-Chung Wang, "Enhancing construction
optional schemas.
quality inspection and management using RFID
✓ MongoDB is a document-oriented database.
technology", Journal Automation in
VIII. CONCLUSION Construction, Elsevier, pp. 468-469, 2008

The conclusion is to implement a college-based

Cite this article as :
online event management system. According to the
study, the idea of the system has been perfectly
Prof. Vaishali Langote, Shreyash Shinde, Piyush
designed without any difficulty. Accordingly
Marde, Sakshi Marne, Mayur Pawar, "Online Event
Provides the organizer to store and publish the event.
Management System", International Journal of
Any student of any college can be able to access the
Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering
system without any problem. Information regarding
and Information Technology (IJSRCSEIT), ISSN :
the website is given accurately in a manner of images.
2456-3307, Volume 7, Issue 3, pp.502-505, May-June-
This application can be used to store event details and
display them on a website to get exact knowledge,
information to the participants.


We are extremely thankful for the best, encouraging,

and expert guidance of Prof. Mrs. Vaishali Langote
for her hard-working over our project and also
thankful to the engineering college of MAREERS'S
MIT Polytechnic.


[1]. AE Organizer app reviewed the literature on

professional associations and explored the
strategic direction of the event management

Volume 7, Issue 3, May-June-2021 | 505

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