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A Detailed Lesson Plan in

Mathematics 6
Prepared by: John Andrei T. Delos Reyes BEED-II

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. define ratio and proportion;
b. recognize the importance of ratio and proportion in real life context; and
c. solve for the missing term of a given proportion.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Ratio and Proportion
B. Reference: Burgos, Jaime, R. ( 2010 ), Mathematics Grade 6. Bureau of Elementary
Education, Department of Education, Culture and Sports 3/F Mabini Bldg., DECS
Complex Meralco Avenue, Pasay City, Philippines. Pages 34-40.
C. Materials: Visual aids, powerpoint presentation, pictures, blackboard, chalk.
D. Value Integration: Respect each other and participate in classroom discussion and
group activities.
III. Procedure
Teacher’s activity Student’s activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1.Greetings and Opening Prayer

Good morning class!

Good morning Sir, we are glad to see you.

Remain standing for the prayer.

( The teacher will call student to lead a

In the name of the father, the son, and the holy


Our father who art in heaven…

Good morning once again class!

Good morning Sir, we are glad to see you.

I am glad to see you to. You may now take

your sit.

2.Checking of Attendance

Who is absent from the class? Class monitor,

is there any absent from the class?

None Sir.

Very good! Let’s give ourselves 3 claps.

All: one, two three.

3. Setting of Class Standards

Before we start our discussion, let’s have an

agreement first. Everybody read.

Class Agreements
1. Sit Properly
2. Raise your hand if you want to answer.
3. Listen to the teacher
4. Participate

Can I assure that you will follow our class

agreement class?

Yes Sir.

Very good!

4. Checking of Assignment

Did I give you an assignment?

None Sir.

Since I didn’t give you an assignment, I want

you to look at here in front because I will
show you some pictures.

B. Developmental Activities


What have you seen about the picture?

I saw a basket and tomatoes.

Very good! How many baskets are there?

There are 4 baskets sir.

How many tomatoes are there?

There are 8 tomatoes.

Exactly! The picture shows that there are 4

baskets and 8 tomatoes.

Now, I want you to compare it’s quantity,

which of the two has the higher quantity?

The tomato Sir.

Very good!

A fraction Sir.
How about this one? What is this?

Very good, this is a fraction.

2. Presentation

Based on the pictures that I’ve shown to you,

what do you think our topic in this morning?
About fraction Sir.


A while ago, we compare the tomatoes and

baskets right? And I asked you which of the
two has the higher quantity you said the
tomatoes, so based on that what is our topic
in this morning?
Is about ratio Sir.

Ratio and ?

Very good! Our topic in this morning is all

about ratio and proportion.

3. Discussion

Based on the first picture that I’ve shown to

you, how do you define ratio?
Is the comparison of two objects.

Yes, ratio is a comparison of two or more


For example:

In this picture what is the ratio of basket to


We have 3 ways in writing a ratio. First is

the word form which is a is to b.
Here, we are going to count first the first
item which is the basket. How many baskets
are there?
4 Sir.

How about the tomatoes? 8 Sir.

Very good! That makes 4 is to 8.

Ratio Word
Form “a
is to b”
basket to
tomatoes 4 is to 8

The second way of writing a ratio is a colon

form. Here instead of writing the word is to, we are
going to replace it by the colon symbol. That makes
4:8 but it’s still read as 4 is to 8.

Ratio Word Colon

Form “a form
is to b” “a:b”
basket to
tomatoes 4 is to 8 4:8

And the last way of writing a ratio is

fraction form where the first quantity serves as the
numerator and the second quantity serves as
denominator, which makes 4/8.

Ratio Word Colon Fraction

Form “ a form form a
is to b” “a:b” b
basket to 4
tomatoes 4 is to 8 4:8 8

This means that for every 4 baskets, we

have 8 tomatoes.

Remember that ratio is a comparison of two

or more quantities, but we can only use fraction
form when are comparing two quantities.

Yes Sir.

Okay, very good!

Like fraction, did you know that ratios can be

simplified into the lowest term as well?
No Sir.

Yes, ratio can also be simplified into its lowest term.

Let me give you an example, 4/8 or 4:8. We can
simplify the ratio into lowest term like how we
simply in fraction by dividing the quantities by its
GCF. Now, what is the GCF of 4/8? 4 Sir.

Very good! Its 4. Now let’s divide 4 by 4 and 8 by 4,

what is the answer? ½ Sir.

Very good! The answer is ½ or 1:2. This means that

for every 1 basket there are 2 tomatoes.

This also means that 4/8 is equivalent to ½ or 4:8 is

equivalent to 1:2. This is an example of equivalent

What is equivalent ratio? Everybody read. Equivalent ratio are ratios that make the same
comparison of numbers.

Okay, equivalent ratio are the ratios that are the

same when we compare them.

Now how do we get the equivalent of the ratio?

Let me give you an example.

I have here 2 burgers and 1 Coca-Cola. What is the

ratio of coca cola to burgers?
1:2 Sir.

Very good! The ratio of coca cola to burgers is 1:2.

We can also write it to it’s fraction form which is ½.

To get the equivalent of the ratio we are just going

to multiply both quantities into any number.

Again how do we get the equivalent of the ratio?

By multiplying both quantities into any number.

Very good!

Let’s say for example let’s multiply ½ by 4. Now,

what’s the answer? 4/8 Sir.

Very good! The answer is 4/8. This means that ½ is

equivalent to 4/8 or 1:2 is equivalent to 4:8.

We can also get the equivalent of the ratio by

dividing both quantities into its GCF.
Again what is the GCF of 4/8?
4 Sir.

Very good!


This means that 4:8 is equivalent to 1:2.

Again these is what we called equivalent ratio and

its also shows proportion. So, what is proportion?
Everybody read.
Proportion is a statement of equality between two
ratios or fractions.

Proportion is an equation in which two ratios or

fractions are set equal to each other. Let me give you
an example. 2:10 = 6:30.

There are two parts in a proportion. The number

inside which are 10 and 6 are called means, and the
number outside which are 2 and 30 are called

We will know if the ratios are proportion to each

other if the product of means and extremes are

Now let’s try. Let’s multiply the means 10 x 6 = ?

Very good!

Now let’s multiply the extremes 2 x 30 = ?


Very good!

We can see that their products are both 60 , this

means that they are?


Very good!

Let’s have another example. 3:9 = 5:12

Now let’s see if they are proportion to each other.

Let’s multiply first the means, 9x5=?

Very good! How about the extremes 3x12=?


Very good!
Now are they proportion to each other?

No Sir.

No, because 45 and 36 are not equal. This means

that 3:9 ≠ 5:12.

Let’s have another example. 3 = 5

9 15

Let’s find out if this fraction forms are proportion to

each other. To determine if they are proportion let’s
use the cross multiplication.

3x15 = ?

9x5 = ? 45 Sir.

45 Sir.

Since their products are both 45 it means they are?

Very good!
Proportion to each other.
How about this one 3 = 8
6 10
To determine if they are proportion let’s use the
cross multiplication. 3x10=?

And 6x8=?


This means that they are proportion to each other.

If a given term in a proportion is missing , it can be

solved by cross multiplication. And to make it more
meaningful let’s relate into real life context.

Let’s say for instance, I can bake1 cake using bowls

of flour.
This gives us a ratio of 2 bowls of flour to the cake
which is 2:1 or 2

Now, my mother said that I need to bake 3 cakes

because we have a visitors. The question is how
many bowls flour do I need to use to make 3 cakes?

The first thing we need to know are the quantities

given. We have the number of flour that I need to
use which is 2 bowls and the number of cake that I
can make which 1.

We know that in every 2 bowls of flour I can make 1


Now let’s set up a proportion. The problem is, what

if I will make 3 cakes, how many bowls of flour do I
need to use.

Since we do not know yet let’s put n. Now , to find

the missing term which is n, let’s us the cross

3x2 equals?

Very good!

And 1xn= 1n, but we are only going to write 1. The

next step is to divide the product. 6÷1 equals?

Very good! This means that in order to bake 3 cakes
I need to use 6 bowls of flour.


Do you have any questions?

None Sir.
Since you don’t have any questions let’s proceed to
our group activity.

C. Concluding Activities

I will divide you into 3 groups. There are

fruits that I placed at the side of your chair,
kindly get it.

( The students will get the fruits )

Who got the Magoes? The Apple? The

( The students will raise their hands)

The group Mango sit here, the group Apple
sit here, and the group orange sit there.
Are you now in your group?

Yes Sir.

Since you have already your task. Before

you start answering, I want you to know that
you will be grade according to the rubrics.


Correctness of
answers 10
Cleanliness 5
Delivery 5

The group who will get highest points will

receive a price. I will give you 5 minutes only to
finish your work.

2. Generalization

Okay, let’s go back to the lesson that we

discussed in this morning.

What is ratio?

Is the comparison of two or more quantities.

Very good! How about proportion?

Proportion is a statement of equality between two

ratios or fractions.
Now, based on what we have discussed, why is it
ratio and proportion is important in our daily life?
Yes Vaneza?

Ratio and proportion is important to our daily life

because we use ratio and proportion everyday.
For example we need to cook 1 pot of rice, in a 4
cups of rice, we need also to put 4 cups of water.
And that shows a ratio which is 1:4:4. And if we
need to cook 2 pots of rice, we are just going to
double the ratio which is 2:8:8, and that shows a
Very good!

Do you have any questions?

If there is none, prepare ¼ sheet of paper for the None Sir.

short quiz.
IV. Evaluation

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a comparison of two or more quantities.

a. Ratio
b. Proportion
c. Means
2. It is a statement of equality between two ratios or fractions.
a. Ratio
b. Proportion
c. Means
3. What are the three ways in writing a ratio/proportion?
a. Decimal form, percentage form, and symbol form
b. Sentence form, paragraph form, shapes form
c. Word form, colon form, and fraction form
4. What is the missing term in a proportion? 2 = 3
n 6
a. 4
b. 8
c. 12
5. What is the missing term in a proportion? n = 4
8 16
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
Answer Key:
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A

V. Assignment
Direction: Find the missing term in a proportion.
1. n=2
10 4

2. 8 = 40
n 60

3. 5=4
15 n

4. n=9
6 18

5. 10 = 5
n 20

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