Mathematics 6
Prepared by: John Andrei T. Delos Reyes BEED-II
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. define ratio and proportion;
b. recognize the importance of ratio and proportion in real life context; and
c. solve for the missing term of a given proportion.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Ratio and Proportion
B. Reference: Burgos, Jaime, R. ( 2010 ), Mathematics Grade 6. Bureau of Elementary
Education, Department of Education, Culture and Sports 3/F Mabini Bldg., DECS
Complex Meralco Avenue, Pasay City, Philippines. Pages 34-40.
C. Materials: Visual aids, powerpoint presentation, pictures, blackboard, chalk.
D. Value Integration: Respect each other and participate in classroom discussion and
group activities.
III. Procedure
Teacher’s activity Student’s activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1.Greetings and Opening Prayer
2.Checking of Attendance
None Sir.
Class Agreements
1. Sit Properly
2. Raise your hand if you want to answer.
3. Listen to the teacher
4. Participate
Yes Sir.
Very good!
4. Checking of Assignment
None Sir.
B. Developmental Activities
Very good!
A fraction Sir.
How about this one? What is this?
2. Presentation
Ratio and ?
3. Discussion
For example:
Ratio Word
Form “a
is to b”
basket to
tomatoes 4 is to 8
Yes Sir.
What is equivalent ratio? Everybody read. Equivalent ratio are ratios that make the same
comparison of numbers.
Very good!
Very good!
Very good!
Very good!
Very good!
Now are they proportion to each other?
No Sir.
3x15 = ?
9x5 = ? 45 Sir.
45 Sir.
Very good!
Proportion to each other.
How about this one 3 = 8
6 10
To determine if they are proportion let’s use the
cross multiplication. 3x10=?
And 6x8=?
3x2 equals?
Very good!
Very good! This means that in order to bake 3 cakes
I need to use 6 bowls of flour.
None Sir.
Since you don’t have any questions let’s proceed to
our group activity.
C. Concluding Activities
Yes Sir.
Correctness of
answers 10
Cleanliness 5
Delivery 5
2. Generalization
What is ratio?
V. Assignment
Direction: Find the missing term in a proportion.
1. n=2
10 4
2. 8 = 40
n 60
3. 5=4
15 n
4. n=9
6 18
5. 10 = 5
n 20