Gravitation Assignment
Gravitation Assignment
Gravitation Assignment
Gravitation as sig nm en t
frnd the amount of work done to
I. On ,a 1~1anet whose siz_e is the same and mass 4 times as that of our earth,
of' g' on the surface of
lift 3 kg mass vertically upward s through 3m distance on the planet. The valµe
2 , . (Ans: 3601)
earth i~ 10 m/s • . •
in~potential energy of an
2. If' g' is the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of earth, find the gain
R of the earth.
object Qfmass 'm' raised from the surface of earth to a height equal to the radius
(Ans:½ mgR)
a radius twice that of earth but
3. The escape speed from the earth's surface is 11 krn/s. A certain planet has
speed from the planet.
its mean density is the same as that of the earth. Find the value of the escape
(Ans: 22 km/s)
13 12 Find the ratio of time periods
4. The d,istances of two planets from the sun are 10 and 10 m respectively.
and speeds of the two planets . (Ans: 10'1°10:l, I : ✓10)
on the surface of mars
5. A bo'dy weighs 900 grm wt on the surface of the earth. How rriuch will it weigh
(Ans: 400 grm-wt )
whose mass is one-nin eth and radius one-ha lf that of earth?
e is F. Now if a ,
-Q/) Gr~vitational f~rce of attraction betwee n point masses m and M separated by a d~stanc
(b) total force on M? (Ans: F, 41-)
/ ..... pomt mass 3m 1s placed tom, what will be the (a) force on M due tom
the value of acceler ation
7. If the radius of the earth shrinks by 2%, mass remaining same, then how would
- (Ans : 4%)
due to gravity change ?
due to the earth at a
8. /..,, body weighs 64N on the surface of earth. What is the gravitational force on it 2
of earth is 10 m/s
height equal to half the radius of earth? Acceleration due to gravity on the surface
(Ans: 28.44N )
height of I 6 km above the surface
9. Find the percent age decreas e in the ·weight of the body when taken to a
(Ans: 0.5%)
of earth. Radius of the earth is 6400km .
e dista:nt 7R from centre of earth
10. An object weighs I ON at North pole of earth. In a geqstationary satellit
(Ans: 0.2N, 0)
of radius R, what will be its (a) true weight, (b) apparent weight?
of its value on the
11. How much below the surface does the acceleration due to gravity bee ome 70%
6 (Ans : 1.92
surface of earth? Radius of eaiih = 6.4 x 10 m.
x· 10 111)
100km deep? (Ans: 50 km)
12. At what height above earth s surface , value of 'g' is .same as in a mine
What i~ the potential energy ~fa body of mas
above its surface, (b) dept h d = R belo w its
s m relative to the surf ace of e~h ~t _a (a)
heig ;t h
'·(Ans~ ½m gR, - ½m gR)
24- A rocket i·s fired with a speed v = 2✓gR near the eart h's surf
ace and dire cted upw ards . Find its spee d
interstellar space. in
- (An s: {2g R)
25. What is the escape velocity of the object,
if the magnitude of the pote ntial ener gy per
unit mas s of the
object at the surface of earth is E?
(An s: ✓2E)