Mohd Ahmad Raza Ansari is a Data Analyst with experience in mental health research and emerging technologies, currently interning at Doodle Health. He has developed projects such as a Movie Recommender System and conducted analyses on Twitter sentiment and COVID-19's impact on students. He holds a Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and has skills in data warehousing, machine learning, and data visualization.
Mohd Ahmad Raza Ansari is a Data Analyst with experience in mental health research and emerging technologies, currently interning at Doodle Health. He has developed projects such as a Movie Recommender System and conducted analyses on Twitter sentiment and COVID-19's impact on students. He holds a Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and has skills in data warehousing, machine learning, and data visualization.
Mohd Ahmad Raza Ansari is a Data Analyst with experience in mental health research and emerging technologies, currently interning at Doodle Health. He has developed projects such as a Movie Recommender System and conducted analyses on Twitter sentiment and COVID-19's impact on students. He holds a Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and has skills in data warehousing, machine learning, and data visualization.
Mohd Ahmad Raza Ansari is a Data Analyst with experience in mental health research and emerging technologies, currently interning at Doodle Health. He has developed projects such as a Movie Recommender System and conducted analyses on Twitter sentiment and COVID-19's impact on students. He holds a Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and has skills in data warehousing, machine learning, and data visualization.
+91 6388623967 WORK EXPERIENCE ______________________________________________________________________ LinkedIn:Ahmad10Raza Github:Ahmad10Raza Doodle Healht, kerla, India Mental Health startup with 20+ employees SKILLS __________________________ Research and Development Internship 10/2023 – Present Soft Skills: Analyzed mental health industry trends, contributing insights that informed the Effective Communication development of Doodle Healht’s platform. Problem Solving Conducted comprehensive research, including competitive analysis and SWOT analysis, Team Work to inform strategic decision-making and enhance platform performance. Emotional Intelligence Stayed current with the latest advancements in Doodle Health’s mental health platform, Hard Skills: contributing to increase in user engagement. Data Warehousing IBM SkillsBuild, Remote Machine Learning Data Modeling Emerging Technologies Internship 12/2022 – 01/2023 Data Structure and Algorithm
Completed a rigorous 2-week internship at IBM SkillsBuild, gaining hands-on Techniques:
experience in emerging technologies such as cybersecurity, AI/ML, big data, and Predictive Analytics blockchain. Google BigQuery Data Visualization PROJECT ______________________________________________________________________________ Tools and Software: Movie Recommender System : Python, R • Developed a Movie Recommender System, utilizing Python and machine learning algorithms to Power BI deliver personalized movie suggestions based on user preferences. SQL • Demonstrated expertise in data preprocessing and collaborative filtering techniques, showcasing a hands-on understanding of data science and algorithmic implementation. Tableau Github Twitter Sentiment Analysis : • Conducted a Twitter Sentiment Analysis project, utilizing natural language processing techniques to discern between hate speech and positive expressions within tweets. Languages: • Implemented machine learning algorithms in Python to analyze and classify sentiments, Hindi showcasing a nuanced understanding of text analysis and contributing to a more informed English understanding of online discourse. Impact of COVID-19 on Students: A Comprehensive Study • Conducted a cross-sectional survey involving 1182 students from diverse educational institutions EDUCATION in Delhi NCR, analyzing the repercussions of the pandemic on education, social life, and mental health. __________________________ • Employed statistical analysis and data visualization techniques to derive meaningful insights, shedding light on the challenges faced by students and contributing valuable findings to the Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam discourse on the broader impact of COVID-19. Technical University San Francisco Crime Analysis : Bachelor of Technology – CSE • Conducted an analysis of San Francisco crime data, utilizing Python and data visualization tools CGPA : 8.0 to identify spatial and temporal patterns, aiding in targeted crime prevention strategies. Ghaziabaad, U.P • Employed statistical methods to extract meaningful insights, supporting data-driven decision- 09/2021 - 06/2025 making for law enforcement and urban planning to enhance public safety measures. Thyroid Disease Detection : • Developed a Thyroid Disease Detection project leveraging machine learning techniques and Certificate Python. Implemented a predictive model trained on patient data, providing accurate and timely ___________________________ identification of thyroid disorders. • Employed feature engineering and classification algorithms to enhance the model's accuracy, Google Data Analytics contributing to early diagnosis and facilitating more effective medical interventions for Data Science Master (PW) individuals at risk of thyroid diseases.