The methodology section describes the sample that was studied and the research techniques employed. It also
how concepts are operationalized and what measurement devices such as scales, choice of variables and controls.
This section is very important because it provides the basis for any future replication efforts, so such section
must be written with sufficient details.
Results and Discussion
This is the heart of the report and will consist of tables, figures and text, depending on the nature of the
Tables, charts and other figures should illustrate and illuminate the text. The text should be written after the
results are prepared and should not duplicate the information in the tables, but should highlight significant
aspects of the findings.
You should ensure that all relevant facts are presented in a way that draws the reader’s attention to what most
It is often advisable to start this section with a restatement of the problem before discussing hoe the result
affects existing knowledge of the subject.
If your research aimed at certain hypotheses then, this section demonstrates whether they were or were not
supported by the evidence.
Any deficiencies in the research design should be mentioned, with suggestion about different approaches which
might have been more appropriate.
Implications for improvement of practice, if any, should be stated under this section.
The main issues arising from the analysis and discussion should be summarized clearly in this section.
Only conclusion that can be justifiably drawn from findings should be made.
All the materials referred to in the text and only those listed alphabetically in the reference section of the manuscript
should be written.
Some examples are shown below:
Figuerres, N.(2013). Measurement and Evaluation for Education Students. Great Books Publishing Company, Manila,
Web Source:
Madriaga, E.M (2015). The Role of Research in the Development of Society. Retrieved February 28, 2015, from
Matriano, E.A. (2010). think and Do Activity-Based Science for Schools. Journals of the Science Teachers Association, 80,
Bueno, D.C. (2014). Problems Encountered by Students in Secondary Mathematics. Unpublished Thesis, Columban
College, Inc. Olongapo City.
It should include original data, lengthy quotations or description, and other relevant information that are not
readily available to the reader, for examples, request letters, questionnaires, computer printouts, forms and
Each appendix should be identified using an alphabet, for example, Appendix A, Appendix B and so on.
Some things which are typically included in appendices are important and original computer programs, data files
that are too large to be represented simply in the results chapter.
Note: the following materials are appropriate for an appendix.
Verbatim instructions to participants
Original scales or questionnaires
Interview protocols
Sample of informed consent forms
Cover letters sent to appropriate stakeholders
Official letters of permission to conduct research
Curriculum Vitae
This section gives the biographical information of the researcher.
It may include all the necessary information about the researcher/author.
Principles of Report Writing
1. Neatness and Clarity
Your report should be clean and clear. Each sub-problem should be a clear stepping stone in the resolution of
the main problem.
Your page should be easy to read, double-spaced lines and clear crisp letters, placed attractively on the page.
2. Precision
There should be no room for guessing or for ambiguous of foggy terms.
Your document should be clear-cut and present its information plainly.